36: The Next Generation

Summary: No longer suffering from the tabloid disinformation, Michelle and the other teen detectives have to focus on their GCSEs while Michelle’s sister Kate attempts to be a girl detective.

Chelle, Lin and Jenn were in the detectives headquarters revising for their GCSEs. Despite adding a portable heater, the converted caravan was still chilly. They congregated here as other study areas such as the libraries and school were far too crowded or noisy. Their boyfriends decided to study elsewhere or had other activities to tend to. To brave the cold, Chelle and Jenn wore thick jumpers with equally think long-sleeved shirts and still scarfs around their necks along with jeans for the winter. In contrast, besides a long-sleeved blouse and a jumper, Lin wore a below knee-length skirt with dark purple 60 denier tights and boots.

As they all were buried in their books and notes, the sound of the doorbell jolted them. Knowing their long-time nemesis the Cat was still not discovered, Lin slowly got up and checked the CCTV camera she and Reinhard enhanced last December. “Chelle, it’s your sister.”

“What the…Kate how did find this place?” Chelle asked ‎incredulously. Besides a few adversaries and friends, the detectives always kept the location of their headquarters cum science lab a secret.

“It’s nothing difficult. I’ve always noticed you turning towards the same road after school or during the weekend,” her younger sibling answered, unbuttoning her coat to reveal a dress that reached almost reached to her ankles, her legs encased in dark blue 80 denier tights.

“Oh crap. So much for thinking I was discreet,” Chelle felt defeated.

“Do I have to sign some confidentiality document is it you have to kill me before I leave?” Kate laughed.

“What brings you to our humble liar?” Lin asked.

“Well, I just finished meeting up with friends and thought I see how my big sis is coping with her revision,” Chelle gave a weak smile in return. “I’ve got your favourite flourless chocolate cake in the oven and should be ready in an hour to keep you going.” Chelle smiled happily.

“Yum!” The other girls cried as Kate placed her mobile phone on the table. The news report and clip showed that some unidentified figure had been raiding homes in the Baltic States and Poland, stealing bras and sometimes knickers of young girls.

“Kate, we’re studying for our GCSEs and we’re definitely not travelling to Eastern Europe,” her elder sister argued.

“Oh, just to let you all know. Your cake should be ready by the end of the hour, don’t be too late.” Kate waved and exited.

Ten minutes later, the Summers’ sisters took a taxi back home as a bus would not be that warm. Kate was always engrossed with her mobile phone but instead of listening to music or playing games, Chelle noticed Kate scanning through various international news sites covering the bra and knickers thief. Kate continued to be fixated on the news articles as they walked up to their home. While taking the cake, she continued playing a longer video clip of the similar stealings.

“Kate, what’s got you? It’s a case in Eastern Europe.” Chelle asked as she came down, changing her jeans to joggers.

“True, but the modus operandi is so perfect and despite extensive policing, no police force can capture him or her, no victim could describe what this thief looks like.”

“It’s very typical, Kate. Look, this is occurring thousands of kilometres away. Try finding something closer to home.”

Kate didn’t reply and sisters just ate their cake with tea and coffee. With Chelle returning to her studies, Kate still glanced at the news reports then finally changed out of her dress and tights. Despite her sister’s argument to ignore it, the news of the bra and knickers thief stayed much in her mind.

At school, while the Year 11s were naturally given more mock exam papers and revision classes, the Year 9s were started on advanced topics that they might face in their GCSEs. After Kate faced a tough maths class, she bought a bowl of chicken pasta and activated her phone. Several news sites repeated the same old news but English versions of German news sites like Der Welt and Der Spiegel stated that there were stealings of young female teenagers’ underwear, an exact copycat of those in Eastern Europe. Several reporters screamed it was the work of the bra and knickers thief.

“Hey, Kate you listening to your usual music…oh!” Kate turned to face her classmate and close friend Stacey Barker. Stacey pulled Kate’s phone to properly read the news. “Oh, yucks, “she remarked which drew the attention of their other class and level mates. They all read the articles then added their views.

“Eek,” Helen French, another classmate, shook her head. “Definitely a guy, someone with a fetish with girl’s undies,” she argued. “Don’t this thief steal my bra and undies, ” Harriet Stone a fellow choir member stated. “My sisters and cousins gifted me lovely underwear and bikinis last Christmas.” The sole Afghan girl in Year 9, Zahra spoke in her thick accent that her mother’s and sister’s underwear and clothes were stolen as they fled the country. As word spread, all Year 9 girls and some boys agreed the shadowy thief had a fetish while other boys like the act as they had tried viewing girl’s undies during sports.

With these comments flooding her mind, Kate only managed to listen to the other subject teachers. Coming home earlier than Chelle, she finished most of her homework then took out an old notebook. How did he know the residences contained young teen girls or teen underwear? Why could no one identify this thief? How could he move so easily between residences and now countries? Kate surmised there could be assistants aiding him, or multiple thieves performing similar crimes. That however did not explain the ghost-like figure for this fetish lover. Kate heard Chelle return home but decided against discussing these questions with her. She returned to her maths questions and took a longer time to solve them, her mind just filled with what she wrote in her notebook.

After dinner, returned to her room and while she checked her homework she turned to her phone. The Sky News Europe section flashed, “BREAKING NEWS: Underwear thief overpowers a teenaged girl from Berlin, restrained her and stole almost all of her underwear. Our German correspondent is now interviewing her.

“I had just returned home,” the girl, Sofia Hoffman, said through a translator. Suddenly, a leather-covered arm pulled me inside my house. I struggled but he was very strong. Still managed to pull off his glove, scratched his hand, but he didn’t scream much. I was roughly pushed into a chair, taped up all around, gagged with tape. I saw him march upstairs as I struggled to get free. He came down with a thick sack and left. It was only an hour later that my brother helped free me and I discovered most of my bra and panties were stolen!”

The reporter asked if she heard any accent from him and Sofia replied he didn’t speak at all even when she scratched him. The police took swaps of her fingernails, clothes and the tape but the victim just wanted him caught as her parents weren’t wealthy enough to help her replace all stolen underwear.

Poor Sofia. Kate saved the video clip even though she didn’t think there was any peculiar info. There was nothing new the next two days so Kate focused her choir activities. Then news broke that the masked thief struck at Frankfurt, this time blindfolding the fourteen-year-old after she broke free from the chairtie, also stealing all the underwear from her drawers. Hours later, the French newspaper Le Monde broke a story that there was such a case in a town in the Alaace region. “Police are investigating if it is the same person or a copycat.”

“Either this fetish loser is like Superman, flying by himself at top speeds or someone is transporting him in fast private jets,” Stacey guessed as Kate showed her the latest news.

“Or there could be multiple thieves, all performing the same crime in various cities just at different times,” Kate added.

“That would require precision coordination,” As Stacey said that Kate drew a map where the stealings occurred.

“You know Kate you’re so deeply engrossed in this. You’ve certainly caught the girl detective bug from your sister.”

“I thought of getting you involved in this.” Her best friend remarked there were school activities and studies to worry about.

Undeterred, Kate looked at the map she drew during her free time and kept scanning the news online. European police forces such as France’s Police nationale, the National Gendarmerie, Netherlands’ Korps Nationale Politie and Span’s Cuerpo Nacional de Policía were placed on higher alert. Borders and ports of entry saw an increase in checks, casing annoyed travellers. Eurpol was also on alert. Where will he or they strike next? Kate looked at her map then back to her questions several times.

Kate woke up on Saturday to shocking news: the bra and knickers thief struck at Penzance, in Cornwall, UK. Then, just a few hours, there was a similar case in Torquay in Devon. The Devon and Cornwall Police were setting up checkpoints and checking almost every vehicle for anyone hidden. The Minister of State for Crime, Policing and Fire went on major news networks, reassuring thee public that all police forces were aggressively searching for this criminal. Under much questioning, he advised girls to keep their clothing stored and all to watch for any suspicious individuals in their neighbourhood.

Mr. and Mrs. Summers watched the news with their daughters but the parents didn’t register much concern. “Well, he’s definitely here. I really want to investigate,” she told Chelle, in her elder sister’s room.

Chelle knew what sister meant instead said, “What?”

“I want to be a girl detective.”

“Kate, I’m sure the police will tackle this and it’s happening further away…”

“Oh, don’t give me that protective-big-sister nonsense. I’m no longer the little sister you’ve to protect at the park. I’ve faced danger: I was bound and gagged before. That pervert could strike here.”

Ok, I suspected you had really deep interest in this thief long ago. What do you need? Are others joining you?”

Kate replied she was by herself on this and had investigate the actions of the thief. “Well, being solo isn’t a huge challenge. I’d recommend you meet Lin to get equipped with gadgets – they have been so invaluable in many of our cases. If the criminal strikes near us, you might formally introduce to DCI Nikki Heath who will aid you and arrest him.”

Kate indeed met up with Lin who was elated there was another girl detective. Kate was quickly equipped with the fake foundation powder kit, the recording device for her phone cover, the identification device to attach to her clothing, the laser pen, the ink-and-pepper spray pen and the portable net. “Oh, you don’t have earrings,” Lin was about to issue her with the radio earrings.

“I’ve never found the time after mum told me I was too young a few years ago.”

“No worries, I’ve got these,” Lin handed over what looked wireless earbuds. “I made this last year for the boys after they said the devices clipped to their shirt collar failed to work occasionally. They look like your normal ear buds but there’s markings to differentiate them. There are other gadgets but these are the essential ones. Good luck.”

Filled with gadgets, Kate returned to her questions. She decided that given the time interna; of the similar acts across towns and cities, it had to be different individuals stealing young teens bras and knickers. They must be situated in these towns and cities then, someone must be ‘activating’ them, some main controller. But how can I prove it? Kate wondered.

She turned to reading her Modern History textbook. After finishing several chapters, she turned on the Wi-Fi on her phone and clicked on Sky News. She gave a short squeal as the breaking news said the bra and knickers thief was finally caught in East London, after coordination between Met Intelligence and Frontline police officers. “The suspect will be held with much intensive questioning from our detectives,” the Detective Chief Superintendent declared. Kate paused that video, thinking. Great work for the Met, teen girls throughout the UK can relax. Or can they? It appeared far too easy – why couldn’t European police capture him while the Met could?

Kate went out to purchase toiletries for herself and just so happened to bump into DCI Nikki Heath. After introducing herself, she discussing the shadowy thief issue and her theories. “Those are plausible theories, but my superiors required strong evidence-based theories. Luckily, he’s caught so these can put aside.” Kate brought up her opinion that the arrest was quite simple and the real culprit may be lurking. Nikki pondered then said that’s a possibility.

The possibility increased the next morning as the news stated the suspect was not the bra and knickers thief but some low-key criminal attempting to copy the stealing. Girls in the UK were shocked again with many placed their bra and knickers under lock and key and families installing more house alarms. Then the stealing occurred: this time in Birmingham, close to Croonford The thirteen-year-old girl Katy was thoroughly shocked so her parents had to explain. Just getting out of the shower, the masked man tackled her despite her striking him hard twice in the stomach, he managed to twice pin her down, wrap tape all over her legs, bind her wrists behind her back and her cries were cut off as he wrapped tape around her head twice. Katy was sat up and wailed as he dumped all her underwear even the clean pair she was going to wear in a sack a disappeared.

Creep, Kate thought still wondering how he knew which household to strike. How did he successfully enter without making noise? Kate looked and her eyes rested on her Facebook app. Quickly thinking, she used her spare email to set up an alternative Facebook account including pictures of her room, clothes and adding where she lived. Thirty-six hour later, Chelle was out late revising maths with her classmates. Kate’s mother also had to head out to meet old friends. After acknowledging her mum to lock up windows and doors, Kate settled down, spending time watch TV and reading links on her phone. Around ten minutes into reading international news, Kate heard a minute footstep but as she was about to turn, a thick leather hand cupped over her jaw. A ferocious struggle ensued yet Kate managed break free and ran. The intruder was faster and snatched Kate carrying her in a tight hug. “Ok, whoever you are, I give in,” she panted following the plan she devised.

Without a word, Kate was dumped on the nearest chair and quickly restrained her to the chair, her legs opened wide and bound to the chair legs, naturally creating a large upskirt for the intruder to stare at. A large round of tape was stuck around her lower head, trapping her read hair then the intruder silent headed upstairs.

Kate immediately struggled, but while the tape bonds weren’t terribly tight, she couldn’t remove them after several attempts. After some painful twisting, she pulled out the laser pen and with her free hands and fingers, she attempted to the switch. Lin had warned her if the laser was incorrected fired, her burning skin would be painful. The moment she thought she correctly positioned the pen, she heard the thief’s soft footsteps and quickly hid the gadget.

The fully dark-covered thief stood directly in front of her and held up her old white knickers with diamonds patterns and a matching AA cup bra. “Is this all?” The intruder finally spoke, with a Brummie accent.

Those were her oldest set of underwear and she outgrew them. “I’m cleaning up my drawers, so my underwear is stored in storage.” In gap speak that turn out as ‘I’m cleammning up mmmy drammwers, so mmy undemmrwear is storednm im storage.’

“What?’ The thief then tore off part of the tape gag. With the sting of the adhesive, she repeated herself clearly. In response to his ‘where’, she said she couldn’t fully describe the location and had to show him. There was nearly a minute of pause, then he tore away the chair bonds, leaving Kate’s wrists still bound.

“Don’t try to escape,” he growled. Kate silently hoping her plan was in motion, took him upstairs, then past the bedrooms, she brought the thief to a large closet. “Inside, it’s not locked” she announced as she worked the laser pen back into position. He yanked it with his free hand then releasing his grip on Kate, he pulled with both hands. The door swung open and smelly cooking pots fell on him, pushing him down on the ground with a loud cry. At that moment, with the aid of the laser pen, Kate’s wrists bonds snapped free. She stamped one foot on his back and yanked off his full-face balaclava. Pulling out the other pen, she squirted pepper spray and ink at his face. “That’s for stealing girls’ underwear!” She shouted, then kicked his ribs hard. “And that’s for looking up my skirt!” Without, access to her phone, she used the radio ear buds to call her sister to call the police.

Kate’s hunch was correct, there were many of such thieves located across UK and European towns and cities. “After much intensive interviewing of the UK bra and knickers thief, Romanian police raided Brasov, arresting the kingpin controlling all the bra and knickers thief, With him arrested, police forces can identify the remaining dormant thieves,” the Sky News reporter announced.

“Wow my sister took down not just a thief but a former SRR soldier,” Chelle remarked, referring to the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, Britain’s unit where personnel move stealthily. “And helped bring down a whole gang of thieves. Catherine Jo-Anne Summers, you make me extremely proud. Would you like to formally join our detective group?”

“Well, it was trilling, I’ll consider but I do love choir.”

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in ‘All Dressed Up’.