32: Complex Love

Summary: Michelle suspects her history teacher is in trouble and finds herself in a cult that changes women. As Halloween approaches, Reinhard meets an old friend and Lin gets jealous. Meanwhile, Jenn discovers she has much in common with Richard and ponders an actual relationship.

Warning: Adult bondage only on an adult.

“Michelle, that’s a well-argued essay, you just need to re-check the dates of the English Civil War,” Charlotte Hawkins, her Canadian history teacher remarked after handing back Chelle’s essay. Hawkins, who used to teach Geography now switched to History.

“Ok, Miss Hawkins, I’ll work on that,” Chelle replied then noticed her face was quite blank.

“You alright, Miss?”

There was a pause. “Just the strain of mark student essays. Do pick up your class essays later on Friday.” Hawkins turned quickly and Chelle took a metal note on her teacher’s look and reminded herself to pick up those essays; she was the class history rep.

That Friday, Lin finished school early having finished all her science practical really fast. Returning home, the first thing on her mind was: Halloween. There was the annual town festival with scary movies shown and later a competition for the best-dressed couple with costumes on. Lin planned that she and her boyfriend would wear werewolf costumes. She had some of the material for the costume and face paint those still required other items. That meant a shopping trip.

“Lin Ling , please just go to the store and return home immediately. Don’t get into any detective cases or get hidden in another chamber. Your father and I will be away late October and I want you home after school and the weekends,” Pearlyn, her mother stopped her.

“Yes ma. This time I’ve got Reinhard with me.”

“Well,” she knew her daughter’s growing attachment to the half German, half Jamaican boy. “I’m sure he’ a responsible and caring young man. I still don’t want you to fall into trouble, understand?”

“Yes, mama.”

Lin summarized what her mother said when she met her boyfriend. “Well, let’s make sure students don’t keep you hostage and take pictures of you.” He as mentioning the two perpetrators, Stuart Walter and older Year 13 brother Harry. Both students were quickly expelled from the school. Under intensive questioning, neither claimed to actually be the Cat, the detectives’ long-term nemesis or have any association with that person. That left the teen detectives with still another dead end regarding their foe.

As the two scientists headed to a store for costumes and paint, Chelle did of course collect her class history essays from the exterior pigeon holes, shelves that teachers and students would place their assignments for marking and collection. As she did so, Miss Hawkins rushed out of the teacher’s office.

“Miss…” Chelle started.

“If it’s essays or topics, I’ll discuss it later,” She walked raidly then literally moved fast towards the exits. Chelle instinctively rushed after her but could only not the direction her history teacher took and some T-shaped outline under Hawkin’s trousers.

The store which Lin chose was packed with customers since Halloween was coming up. She and Reinhard managed push through instinctively the crowd to find the relevant costume section. As she started browsing the shelves, a cherry voice called out, “Reinhard, bist Du das?”

Lin turned and saw her boyfriend chatting rapidly in German to a girl his height with blonde silky hair reaching her shoulders and light blue eyes. The girl was less muscular than she was and had breasts just a little smaller than as hers. Reinhard and the new girl kept chatting for more than ten minutes despite Lin kept trying to interrupt. Finally, he turned.

“Oh, my manners. Lin , this is my old kindergarten and primary classmate, Karin. Karin’s father is a German diplomat and her family now posted to the UK. She’s up her to find an old friend she met while living in India. Karin this is my schoolmate and…girlfriend, Lin Ling.” He started rattling off in German and explained Karin’s English was not so strong.

“Very nice to meet you,” She greeted in accented English and had trouble pouncing her name.

“Just call me Lin,” She suggested then Karin continued rattling in her mother tongue.

“She says I was always a man of culture because I’m dating a Chinese girl.” Lin just returned to shopping and tried to get Reinhard with her. Karin again started chatting to Reinhard, thus steering him away. Lin therefore did all the shopping though could help see how the two former students were immediately close and to her it appeared more than a rekindling of a friendship.

Chelle had homework and her media club activities to keep her busy during the weekend. Nevertheless, she was still thinking what her history teacher was wearing underneath her trousers. A quick Internet search yield nothing plausible, so she contacted the other detectives. Her boyfriend Mark apologised as he had extended rugby training. Jenn send short reply stating she had debate practice. In the mid-afternoon, Lin answered.

“T-shape, image underneath her trousers?” Lin repeated. “Haven’t any immediate idea. How far away were you?”

“Not that far. She was moving fast.” Chelle also described the pale look on her teacher’s face. “It can’t be just here undies, right?”

“G-string? Nah.” Lin laughed over the phone then updated her classmate on meeting Reinhard’ old classmate. “They seem not only like old schoolmates but like animals immediately mating together.”

“Mating, Lin are you jealous?”

“She’s blonde, blue eyes, his height and they were yapping in their own language…”

“You are jealous Lin, Take it easy. He’s just met her and didn’t say he’s breaking up with you right?”

“Err, no. But… Are you going to the town festival this Halloween?” Lin quickly changed the subject.

“Perhaps. Cath’s got a choir performance around then and my whole family’s going to support her.” Chelle was referring to her younger sister.

Jenn indeed had debate practice on and she was acting as one of the adjudicators. The two opposing teams were the junior debaters and the seniors, with Richard included. There were several practice motions, one in particular was ‘This House believes spanking is harmful for children’s upbringing’. The junior team was supporting while the senior was in opposition. Jenn tried to judge fairly but couldn’t help be amazed by Richard’s speech, his counter-arguments and closing speech. Finally, the junior team won.

“I really have to say those were exceptional arguments,” Jenn admitted, walking up to Richard.

“Why, thanks. I actually don’t believe what I said after being spinked growing up.”

Jenn’s eyes widened. “You were spanked as a child?!” She pulled him aside. “I was spanked by my dad until my early teens.”

“Ouch, ouch, ” Richard replied. “We’ve got much in common, don’t we? We love musicals, we love oldies and we were spanked by our parents.”

Jenn wanted to laugh but instead asked. “What else do you like or hate?”

“I hate Halloween,” the lanky lad pointed at the art work on the wall. They were in a room also used by art students. “Never a fan of ghouls and scary acts. I like the company of people who shared the same tastes as I do.”

“I detest Halloween as well. Are…you asking me out Richard?!” Jenn couldn’t believe where a simple praise led to.

“Let’s go again, shall we? This time a proper date. We could…” Jenn mumbled an excuse and darted for the ladies, locking herself in the nearest stall. Oh gosh, some boy I treated as a rival and now he has much in common with me and is asking me out? Jenn sat there then got out then splashed water on her face.

“You two were discussing more than his debate arguments?” That came from Bethan.

Jenn nodded.

“He told you something about himself, right?”

Jenn couldn’t answer despite usually being able to.

” You found he’s the person you like? He asks you out?”

Jenn nodded then asked how Bethan’s bisexual life was.

“Oh, I’m putting the bi part away, found a neighbour. Jenn, if you do like him, go out.”

Jenn walked back her mind buzzing and nearly collided into Richard.

“How about seeing another musical? This time say London’s West End?”

Jenn agreed really wondering what she got herself into.

Chelle didn’t have history class on Monday but still was wondering what that figure or clothing was underneath Miss Hawkin’s trouser. She took Hattie who was a keen artist aside and described as best as she could what she did not saw not mentioning any names.

“Oooh, mystery,” Hattie remarked, kept quiet aftere that and expertly drew what Chelle described.

“I’ll buy you a…” Before Chelle could complete her sentence, there was a commotion and shouts, “she’s back!” That person was Molly Peacock, once part of the Cat’s group and attempting to seal Jenn underground. Naturally, the first student Molly met with was Jenn.

After their maths class, Chelle caught up with Lin and showed her the drawing. “Well,” Lin examined it. “Still looks like some sort of underwear. Maybe some type of knickers I’ve not seen yet?’ Lin remarked. She was constantly engrossed with fashion and knew many brands and styles. “You said she look pale?”

“Quite white, well I didn’t stay long enough to have a good look. You have any new gadgets for long-range observation, do you?” Chelle asked.

“Meet me in the science club room after school.”

Chelle did and Lin pulled out a cylindrical object from a drawer. “A telescope, well one you can keep under your coat. Original range 200 metres, I managed to increase it to 350 and magnified by three timex,” Lin proudly declared and showed her how to use it.

“Nice, what about the set of parabolic microphones you created earlier?” Chelle wondered

“I haven’t charged that up and plan to create a successor. What do you plan do really?”

“Follow Miss Hakins to her home or where she’s staying. I suspect there’s trouble brewing there. You joining? I’ll rope in Jenn.”

“That’s still a speculation. Course I’ll join when I retrieve my guy from his German bird.”

“If he’s really silently breaking up with you. Tread carefully.”

Chelle’s history class was focused on post World War Two superpower relations and she was doodling on her spare Foolscap paper knowing much on the topic from her father. Her focus was focused more Hawkins’s appearance and behaviour. She again was appeared really pale in her face and arms and was talking more rapidly than before. There were calls from students, “Miss Hawkins, please slow down,” and she did though quickly returned to speaking fast. As Chelle was worried about her history teacher, Lin was similarly wondering what was on Reinhard’s mind. On their chemistry practical – his class joined with hers – she noticed him looking bored after finishing the experiments and kept looking at his watch.

After school, she immediately corned him. “What you up to this afternoon?”

“Meeting Karin for coffee.” Damn! I knew it.

“How long? Where?”

“Shouldn’t be long, an hour. She said she’ll get to me.”

Richard also met up with Jenn and informed her that he did manage to secure West End tickets to Les Misérables.

“Gosh, how did you manage to find them?”

“Actually, my parents had them then last-minute decided not to attend. Don’t worry, I didn’t tell them who I plan to join me.” He handed her ticket.

“Either that happen or you pull other strings.”

“No really. They love…”

“Alright,” Jenn accepted then quickly shivered, “What’s the dress code?”

“I doubt it’s strict or definitely not casual.”

Chelle finished her English class fast then at her locker, she changed out of her uniform into jeans, shirt and her coat then exited the school grounds. Waiting at a shaded corner, it took more than five minutes before Miss Hawkins walked out. Chelle was thankful that Hawkins was not driving or she would have to find another method of shadowing her. Waiting a few seconds, Chelle proceeded to follow her teacher who moved rather fast covering several blocks by two p.m. Hawkins hailed a taxi and Chelle likewise did so and found Hawkins alighting in the outskirts of the next town. As her teacher entered what appeared to be an abandoned building, Chelle pulled out the telescope which also had an in-built camera added.

Lin waited and timed Reinhard. A quarter of an hour passed, then twenty minutes , then thirty minutes, then finally when an hour passed, she sent him a WhatsApp message. No instant reply. She sent another two messages with no response. Gritting her teeth, she dialled his number first receiving an engaged tone then there was an answer and before she could speak, there was laughter and she heard the sound of a cappuccino machine. Knowing where he was, she stormed out of her house.

The building that Miss Hawkins entered appeared without windows but after checking the corners, Chelle spied a single small, dirty window. Extending the telescope to its furthest magnification, she slid back into a side lane and focused on that window. Seconds passed and suddenly the frame of Hawkins appeared, her back turned. Chelle immediately took pictures, spotting her teacher twirl rapidly then started to remove her top, then unclip her bra. ok, Chelle thought, so she into some foreplay or just having adult fun with her lover. Hawkins appeared to have removed all her top clothing and her arms shifted downwards. She’s taking off her lower clothing, wish the rest of the window frame didn’t block my view, Chelle thought. Suddenly, what appeared like thick curtains covered the glass and stay there. Oh well, Chelle thought, at least I’ve some pictures.

Lin practically barged in the coffee shop, spotted her target and as that girl Karin left, Lin dragged Reinhard out of his chair and announced like a school teacher, “you are coming with me.” She literally yanked her surprised now supposed boyfriend for a short taxi ride and taking him up into her bedroom,

“What…how did you find me?”

“Which coffee shop doesn’t have that distinctive cappuccino machine sound? Is that the way you’re breaking up with me?”

“What?!” Reinhard shivered then Lin replayed the sound of him laughing on the phone.

“I can explain…” He was shivering faster now.

“Oh sure. Laughing how you’ll rather date German girl.” Lin replayed his laughter on her phone.

“No, no! You got it wrong! I was laughing at an old joke she told when we were in Primary school! I turned my phone off during our meet up, that’s all!”

“Oh really…” Lin started to describe Karin’s looks, her cherry voice her body language.

“Lin! What! I’m not breaking up with you! Karin is just old school friend!!!”

They stared at each other for over two minutes silently then Lin broke the silence. ” Alright, I believe you. I was having a huge feeling of jealousy. Let’s work on the werewolf costumes.”

Reinhard didn’t move and didn’t say a word. Lin handed him her desk mug and he slowly drank. “I’m sorry as well. Uh…I have to admit? Karin likes to attend the Halloween event. If you dislike, I’ll inform her.” He drew out his phone but Lin stopped him.

“She can come. Now, let’s work on the costumes.”

Two hours later, Lin managed to meet up with Chelle with Reinhard promising her not to meet up with Karin. “Nice,” Lin pointed at the photo of Hawkins unclipping her bra. “Look like the latest Victoria Secret design. Pretty expensive though. Maybe I should have taken history instead,” Lin laughed.

“What are your actual thoughts?” Chelle asked seriously.

“Like you summarised earlier, she’s having fun with her lover, stripping. The curtain closing could they were going to have sex,” Lin responded, never shying away from using the word ‘sex’. “She may have some trouble with her relationship, however, I’m not sure you can connect it to what you saw. Have you told Jenn or Mark?”

“Mark again in busy with rugby practice. Jenn says she’s busy.”

Jenn in fact had been constantly searching the Internet all Saturday for the actual dress code for West End Theatres. After an hour of intensive searching, she found many stating there was no set dress code and no one often came in casual wear. Jenn’s second worry was that it is a date, well not formally declared though not like the outings last time. Opening her closet, she just looked at her range of clothes and finally settled on the same maroon short-sleeved dress she wore last time. As it was an evening event and it wasn’t that cold, Jenn added her only skin-tone 30 denier tights and a matching cardigan. Taking a train and the London Tube, she reached the relevant theatre thirty minutes ahead of opening time.

Before she could look around, Richard’s voice behind her boomed. “Good evening, Jenn, you look beautiful.”

“Really Richard.” She quickly changed her tone and remarked, “Thank you very Richard,” trying to initiate a distasteful start. In truth, besides her clothing, Jenn had only clipped her hair, wore flat-heeled shoes and added lip gloss – she never had a makeup kit. The pair immediate heard calls and shout and saw Londoners dress early in Halloween costumes.

“Let’s get inside,” Richard suggested, lightly touching her back and Jenn didn’t shrug it off. Inside, they chatted a little about their favourite literature poems and debate topics then properly entered the hall. The curtain officially open ten minutes later and Jenn was fixed in with the acting and singing. She did see Les Misérables as a child though it was a short version which she disliked. This cast captivated her with their movement, words and vocals. Part of the way through the song “Who Am I?”, Richard’s arm covered the top of her seat. When the cast sang “Master of the House”, his hand touched hers and despite Jenn noticing, she just didn’t flinch or tell him to withdraw.

At the twenty-minute interval, Jenn felt thirsty and silently Richard asked her was she would like from the drinks stand. In typical fashion, it was filled with soft drinks and sweetened fruit juices. “Bottled water, please.” That was her only statement and after she took a large drink, she rushed to the loo and again locked herself in a stall. Oh gosh, I’m not just focused on a musical I love but allowed a boy to touch my back and touch my hand?! and i this the date I wish? In Year 10 when GCSEs are approaching? Furthermore, the guy used to be my rival.

“Hey you alright?” Jenn just nodded in response to Richard and settled in her seat. She again was focused during the second act and again Richard’s hand touched hers. Finally, the musical ended and the pair noticed it was 10 p.m. “We got to touches run to catch the train.” They did and after a breathless dash, they found their train was delayed. “Food?” The lanky lad asked, pointing to a small Cantonese eating.

Chelle decided that despite the poor evidence, she would follow Ms Hawkins again. That arose on the Halloween weekend when she spotted her teacher exited the school earlier than most staff. Hawkins appeared walk randomly then again hopped into a taxi. Chelle found one and the driver without question followed the other Taxi. After a fifteen-minute drive, her drive announced, “this is as far as I can reach Miss; we don’t cover the next area.” Chelle noted the direction that Hawkin’s taxi took as she paid and after a frantic walk, she finally spotted Hawkins turning the corner and entering a shop with the sign ‘Hardy’s Products’. Chelle tapped a text message then dashed into the store.

It was a store for women’s fashion except that there were few clothes on display and those that were announced pretty revealing. I don’t think even Lin would want to wear them, Chelle thought.

“Hey girl, we’re closing early,” a voice called. Chelle replied saying she won’t be staying long. Where could Miss Hawkins have gone? After moving past the few clothes, Chelle found herself in the fitting rooms. Every cubicle’s door was open except one which was appeared closed. Chelle immediately called and knocked and with no reply, she pushed at the door and found it empty. As she stepped in, the floor creaked under her weight and it opened and Chelle fell in.

“Arhh!!! Woooh!!” The attendees at the town Halloween event shouted eerie calls as they gathered. “Well, we have stiff competition,” Reinhard pointed out as he as adjusting his werewolf costume.

“Oh, we’ll earn a spot,” Lin replied. “So, where’s old classmate?”

“Karin said she’s coming…ah,” he pointed at the approaching figure. The voice of the even emcee drowned out the trio’s greeting and the lights dimmed.

Chelle fell onto some hard ground with the obvious trap closing. Miraculously, she fell herself only with light bruise on her buttocks. After rising, through the dim light, Chelle saw the outline of naked figures, no naked women! Her mind buzzing at the sight, Chelle saw there was only a one small corridor in front of her. She pulled out her pen torchlight to improve illumination thus finding a further narrow corridor with rows of thick doors. Each were padlocked and there was an eerie silence from the first few doors but there was a ghost-like cry from the fifth door. Chelle used her laser pen then after much tugging, that padlock fell away. Opening the door, Chelle gasped.

The Halloween event participants screamed at the clips – the organisers showed just clips to prevent copyright claims, of various Halloween movies and horror shows. Lin was watching the clips and Reinhard’s Karin’s behaviour. Reinhard appeared to focus on the screen then occasionally smiled at his old classmate who returned the smile. Just as they were showing clips of the Scream series, the German girl told Reinhard she was going to find the toilet. That’s great, Lin thought silently, that leaves me with him, three is always a crowd. As the clips shifted to the low-rated Scream 3, Reinhard looked at his watch and muttered he was going to search for his friend. “Oh, forget it, girls always take time in the toilet.” Either he didn’t hear her comment or it was too noisy, he just moved off with Lin chasing after. Reinhard quicky found her within fifteen minutes, where some stranger in a Joker mask was fondling her, who in turn appeared hands bound behind her back and a cloth wedged in her mouth.

Charlotte Hawkins was chained to a wall and slightly raised, arms and legs spread out in a spreadeagle position. Without looking around, Chelle called, “hang on!” and dashed forward. Before she could attempt to free her teacher, arms grabbed her and a thick-gloved hand covered her mouth. Despite intensive struggling and muffled cries, Chelle was secured to chains in the opposite wall. The two strangers with ghost masks conversed rapidly in a language Chelle could not identify. Just as they secured the teen detective, they disappeared, shutting off the lights in that room.

“Are you alright Miss Hawkins?” Chelle called out in the darkness and received a weak affirmative reply. Hawkins said she dated a French Algerian boyfriend Aziz and every date seem fine until it turned into a dominance and submission relationship and she played the submissive person. She had accepted all his gifts, go to meet him in obscure areas and today she was informed to meet him in the store above and quickly she found herself here.

“I think something terrible is…” Before she could continue, the lights snapped back on and the two cloaked and masked individuals returned. One headed over to Hawkins and locked some device over her head. The other stuff a smelly cloth in Chelle’s mouth and wound duct tape around her lower jaw. With the gags in place, the pair disappeared.

Chelle was about to call out through her gag then spotted her teacher – the two figures forgot to switch the lights off – was now partly undressed. Chelle saw Hawkins was gagged with a harness gag, a black ball with a fairly air hole. tube Her magenta bra was clearly exposed, with one strap forced down, exposing part of her C-cup breasts. Her knickers were missing; there was a metallic strap around her hips and another strap was attached passing down her vulva, barely covering part of her labia.

“Whmmt izzit that Miss Hawmmkins?” Chelle asked through her gag.

“Chastity Belt. ” Hawkins could pronounce that term well despite the kinky gag. “You can call me Charlotte.” Charlotte explained that her boyfriend locked her in that device as part of the dominant-submissive act they were in. It also had some dildo which he could activate causing her to wince. Chelle quickly realised that was what she initially saw and what she photographed. No wonder Lin and I couldn’t identify what that was. Then what explained her pale look and her rapid talking? Chelle wondered.

“I …” Just then the two thugs re-entered and released Charlotte from her chains and with her muted cries, she was dragged off and the lights were now turned off. Plunged again in darkness, Chelle twisted her chained arms and wrists willy though couldn’t reach her hidden gadgets. Suddenly, there were cries from another area and the girl detective hasten her attempts. After five tries, she managed to free her wrists fetters and despite with leg irons locked on, she manage to run towards the direction the two thugs took her teacher. She quickly found herself in a makeshift medical operation room. Two strangers were hunch over a semi-naked Charlotte Hawkins, holding medical scalpels. They were focused on her crotch with her legs spread wide in a V- shape formation. Besides the pair, there were other cloak- figures with ghost masks on and chanting some song with lyrics Chelle could not identify.

Just as one of those cloaked figures ran up attempted to push her away, there were cries of “police! You’re surrounded!” Officers swarmed in and within minutes the strange gang was arrested just in time before Charlottle Hawkins faced an unwanted medical surgery.

“Thanks for the message, sorry I couldn’t meet you earlier,” Mark, Chelle’s boyfriend hugged her as the familiar face of DCI Nikki Heath appeared. “Thanks Michelle,” Charlotte Hawkins said in weak voice as officers helped her out.

“Danke,” Karin thanked her old schoolmate and told him she’ll be heading back to London. Reinhard had managed to pry that costumed guy away and release Karin and luckily a police officer was around to arrest that person.

“You could stay for a while. I’ll buy everyone coffee,” he nodded to his girlfriend. He and Lin won fourth place in the costume competition.

“No, you belong here, I don’t,” she waved and disappeared. He stared, hand stretched out until Lin tugged him and said, “I need that cup of coffee.”

“FGM?! Female genital mutilation! That group wanted to disfigure your teacher’s genitals?!” Lin exclaimed days later as she and Chelle shared a pumpkin tart.

“Yeah, some small ultra-radical cult that cuts women’s genitals for their reasons of submission. Charlotte Hawkins was not only was locked in a chastity belt with an in-built dildo but also constantly given a drink laced with drugs that would affect her looks and speech, also turning her more submissive.

“Oh yucks,” Lin responded upon hearing that. “Relationships are not about submission…hey Jenn,” the third girl detective slipped into the next chair.

“I know, I wasn’t free last two weeks.” Jenn gave a quick summary from what she learnt after debate practice, the musical and the brief touch and the close eye contact she had with Richard during their meal before their train ride. “I…I now have a boyfriend,” she finally announced before finishing the glass of water in front of her.

“Congratulations!” Her fellow detectives hugged her.

“I’m not sure how to continue with it,” Jenn added.

“Relationships aren’t easy Jenn. You have boyfriend who don’t meet up for days, ” Chelle replied.

“You have boyfriends who fantasise about other girls. Love is so complex, ” Lin also added.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in ‘Underneath the Mistletoe’.

28: Scottish Fling


Chelle travels to Scotland for a history class trip but mystery awaits. Meanwhile, Lin helps Reinhard with his medical problem and Jenn has a challenging first date with Richard.

This story has parts taken from A Tale of Two Snoops.

It also uses content from Lisette and the Cyber Geeks Chapter 16 written by the famous Brian Sands.

Adult bondage but only on an adult.

“You slept with Bethan and had an orgasm?!” Lin exclaimed.

“I’m not proud of it,” Jenn remarked with a slightly depressed look.

“Well, there’s nothing really wrong with experimenting with your sexuality. You really don’t like guys? Anyone one from school?” Jenn shook her head.

“What about…” Lin’s statement was cut off as Chelle entered their headquarters panting. “Sorry, did I miss anything?”

“What’s the problem? And isn’t it half term?” Chelle was in her school uniform with an added school jumper on.

“Last-minute school trip to Scotland. I’m going to some 17th Century castle somewhere south of Edinburgh, “She explained.

“Luckily my history trip is to the East Midlands and but during the school week,” Jenn remarked. “At least you’re travelling within the UK and can bring gadgets unlike me in Paris,” Jenn remarked.

“Oh yeah, any new gadgets?” Chelle asked her East Asian classmate.

“Here,” Lin produced a pair of spectacles. “Press the sides near the hinges and you get light shining out. ”

“Like the pen torchlight?”

“Yes, but the unique part is that others in front won’t spot the light if they are 100 metres or more,” Lin added. “Just don’t leave it on for long.”

“Ok, that’s great,” Chelle checked her watch. “Got to go, meet up when I return.”

“Jenn, why don’t you go out with Richard?” Lin re-continued.

“Richard?! He’s my debate rival.”

“Well, you share that in common. He rescued you in Paris and he seemed the part.” Lin’s phone buzzed. “I’ve got to meet my guy. Think about it.”

Chelle was quite tired not from the rush to meet up with her class but as she was on the first day of her period. The class took a long train to Edinburgh then a charted bus ride to the castle.

“Wow, it doesn’t look like a normal castle,” one classmate remarked. The castle had a triangular top and towers were not visible, the walls looked like they had a new coat of paint.

“It certainly is not your generic castle, ” a red-haired bearded man who introduced Alastair Murray their guide for the castle. He led the class into a side entrance and Chelle despite her lethargy, noticed a van with darkened windows and a pair of men carrying a long crate out.

Reinhard and Lin discussed the latter’s captivity last time. He noted she forgot to apply the facial cream she invented that would loosen tape gags. Lin noted, remarking that she was too busy focused on shopping with Natalie. Just as he was about to change subject, a text message appeared on his phone.

“Damn, the results of my blood and urine tests; I went to check as I lost some weight. I’ve got diabetes and have to head to collect medicine from the specialist.”

“I’ll accompany you,” Lin responded. Forty minutes later, the couple emerged with Reinhard carrying a small bag. “Diamicron,” he read the packet. “Take two a day before a meal.” The other items were a pocket-sized blood glucose meter, a lancet and a pack of strips. The doctor’s order was him to use the lancet to prick any of his fingers, attach a strip to the meter and place it against the blood oozing out. He was to send daily readings to the endocrinologist.

“I can’t believe I’ve got diabetes at mid-teen,” He complained. “I guess it’s because I’ve been eating too many sweet snacks and drinking too much Coca-Cola.”

“Hey it’s Type 2 diabetes right? I’ll help you get cured,” Lin squeezed his arm.

Jenn was wondering if Lin’s suggestion was ridiculous. Go out on a date with Richard?! She only brought him in to the detective group due to his Eidetic memory not for her liking him. He and his debate team have defeated mine many times. Why should I… Jenn reached for her phone and sent him a WhatsApp message not asking for a date. She instantly received his reply with several suggestions where to head to.

Chelle’s history class had a long tour of the Castle’s interior and immediate outside then received a serious of questions and an essay set by their history teacher. Despite still feeling tired, she completed the assignments and rested in the assigned guest room. There was water to drink but no hot drinks. Sighing, she headed back out but the Castle interior was a maze. “Hey,” she spotted the guide Alastair. “Where’s the hot water here?” He gave her a detailed set of directions. Chelle took the first few steps, however the steps she took brought her to the end of a dark corridor. Wait, he said to take a left turn but there no turning. She retraced her steps but only found a narrow corridor leading to the right. Taking a few steps, her foot suddenly caught a loose floor panel.

Lin’s plan to cure Reinhard of diabetes was rigorous but, in his view, strict. It involved exercising twice, not once, a week and absolute abstaining from sugary food and high carbohydrates. After a swim with her covering more laps than he was used to, they ate at a Cantonese outlet. “No, you can’t eat those, ” she stopped him from taking the Char Siew Bao. “There too much starch in the rice flour. Here, take more of the meaty dim sum.” I really wish I could eat that, he thought. For dessert, Lin had mango pudding while he received just oranges that weren’t too sweet. “Fruits are good for you,” she remarked. He was a fan of mango pudding and wish he was struck with this condition.

“Hey Jenn,” Richard greeted her with smile. He was dressed in all blue from jacket to jeans. “Glad you choose the bookstores option; I love to immerse myself in old books.” Jenn only nodded wondering if she made the right decision. Jenn did find the three bookstores helpful and purchased books for her GCSE Literature and some for her own pleasure. Grudgingly, she accepted a lunch with him and it was worse that she had to sit side-by-side as the lunch crowd was packed.

As Richard finished most of his fish and chips, he turned to her and asked, “Jenn, why do your always wear jeans and never skirts?”

Jenn threw down the rest of her sandwich and turned annoyed. “Why you think girls must always must wear skirts?”

Richard calm, replied, “No, I’ve just always seen you outside your school uniform wearing skirts. Remember the debate on feminism your team won? Your speech showed mentioned how skirts are a symbol of female power.”

“That was debate; I hardly believe in what I argue in debate.” With that, the pair launched a heated argument.

As Jenn and Richard were arguing, Chelle stopped after feeling the loose panel. Her thoughts of getting hot water were quickly replaced by her inquisitive detective mind. Chelle kicked the panel twice and there was a soft creaking sound after the second kick, revealing a fairly dark entrance to a passageway. She recalled the tour guide never saying there were any secret tunnels here. And he was the one who gave me directions to nowhere. She stepped inside, finding a not-so-dark passageway. She activated the pen torchlight which gave her enough light. The first part of this unknown area was wide enough to walk through but soon it narrowed and her school skirt caught a protruding part from the sides. It took her several minutes to dislodge it however part of the skirt was torn. Oh, how I wish I had changed to practical; the teacher won’t like this.

As Chelle walked through the narrower passageway, part of her mind told her mission was to find hot water while another told her this area was really exploring. As she paused to debate, she heard a soft sound from the wall to her left.

“I can’t lift that!” Reinhard protested. He and Lin were in a local gym. They were the dumbbell section. She wanted him to lift weights 10kgs more than he had before.

“I’m sure you can. Larger weights are great; can help you regain you weight.”

Reinhard tried but couldn’t lift and wanted to give up, however, she told him to try again and gritting his teeth, he managed to. “Good work, continue to your usual number.” He did, but stop five less, finding it stramineous. He shifted to the leg press which he loved.

“Try the barbells,” Lin suggested.

“I’ve never used that. How do you…”

“I’ll show you,” she told him to lie down on the bench press and fitted a not-so-heavy set of weight press. She showed him how to position his arms and she’ll lower the barbell when needed.

“You’ve done this before? “He starred up at her, loving the shape from her sports bra.

“Yup, now lift.” The first tries were difficult but he was fine with the rest. Ending at eighty lifts, he was grateful that was it. They both ended on the treadmill and he declared he was famished, though knowing it would be a sugar-less meal.

“This meeting is over!” Jenn declared, throwing down her sandwich. Glaring at Richard, she said a curt ‘thank you for the meal’ storming off. How dare he suggest I wear skirts and dresses more often. Women and girls today aren’t fixed on stereotypical clothing. How dare…Jenn repeated those angry thoughts as she made her way to the train station. Jenn was going to wait at the platform when she thought. That was still a little unfair on my part. I should have just argued normally not show my temper. Jenn ran back and spotted Richard in a music store at the oldies section.

“Returning to vent your view on jeans?” Richard’s tone was calm.

“I shouldn’t have thrown my temper,” Jenn replied.

“I shouldn’t have forced my views on skirts and dresses on you. You can wear what you like.”

The two debaters looked each other then Jenn broke the ice. “You like oldies?!”

Richard gave an embarrassed grin. “Yes, well my parents loved them and always played it since I was born. I’ve caught the love for the music. Not the exact music you would expect a teen to like and I get teased for that.”

“Oh, my mum music’s taste made me love oldies. Which artist is your favourite?”

He showed his selection of Beatles albums including With the Beatles. Jenn scanned the shelves and picked Spirits Having Flown, an early Bee Gees Studio album which her family did not have. The pair discussed other bands and singer-song-writers until Richard glanced at his watch. “It’s getting late. A pretty nice outing don’t you think?” He extended

Despite our heated argument over how I dress she thought. “Yes, it was nice.” She shook his hand and they parted.

The sound stopped for two seconds then Chelle heard it again. She pressed her ear against that section of the wall yet the sound was faint. It came and the pattern identified that it was human-made. “Hello? Is someone there?” She repeated the call yet no voice responded. Chelle moved further inside the mysterious tunnel but she quickly found a wall blocking her directly. Chelle shook her head. It’s so cliche, Chelle thought stopping detectives with literal dead ends. She exactly the wall made of cement though some parts appeared to be wooden. Chelle struck and kicked the wall at various parts but it did not move and she ended up slightly hurting her hands and feet.

I’ve got to return to my room, Chelle sighed and turned back. As she walked back, a thought struck her. If she accidentally found the loose panel to open up this hidden area surely there must be another panel or something to struck. She dashed back near the wall and searched around. She finally spotted a minute stick protruding out from the left side wall. Gently pulling it, the wall creaked then lifted up. Elated, Chelle moved in but found herself in a pitch-black area. As she fumbled for the pen torchlight, the floor beneath her opened and she fell.

Chelle had fallen down small holes in children’s indoor parks before, but this hole was many times large and she hardly managed to break her fall when she struck the ground. Ow… Chelle cried out. She did manage to get up and rubbed her bum. As Chelle started to move, a same creaking sound emitted and she surmised that the wall she got open now closed. Great, alone deep inside some hidden chamber. You a teen detective another voice told her. Investigate. The problem was the pen torchlight she used was damaged. Lin’s not going to like it, she thought twisting a James Bond phrase. Pulling out the spec’s her fellow detective just made, it gave her enough light to proceed. There was only one place to head: the open archway in front of her. As she entered, she found herself on a narrow walkway with an evident chasm below. Carefully walking – it was far not easy with her school skirt – yet she managed to reach almost the end until she heard the sound again. It was now much louder and Chelle didn’t take long to identify that it the sound from someone gagged.

Ahead of her, the ‘bridge’ parted into two: one longer route and the other, a smaller route. She tried the longer route and the muffled sounds grew closer. There was one larger door ahead but the lock was rusty and easily broken. As she entered, she gasped.

Reinhard gasped as the reading on the blood glucose meter reading was high. endocrinologist just told him to get it down. After complaining to his girlfriend that he didn’t eat any with sugar or starchy, she suggested he should take the sample a little later. “Your body needs time to absorb food.”

“Since when did you know all this stuff?”

“I previously read up. Would you like meet for a run this afternoon? The weather seems nice.”

“Err, how about a swim?’ She agreed. He secretly was interested in seeing her in her swimsuit as even her one-piece was really sexy on her body.

Dress code: formal. Jenn read the last part of Richard’s text message over and over again. He had invited her to see The Phantom of the Opera at a high-class theatre in Birmingham. Jenn had seen this musical before only once when she was six and it was one of her favourites – did he know that? One voice told her she should reject the offer and stay home. Another told her it wasn’t anything wrong and he shared the love of oldies music with her. Jenn silently weighed her choices then opened her closet. She had few dresses that matched the dress code. She finally selected the maroon short-sleeved one. Jenn couldn’t recall the last time she wore this dress but it wasn’t dirty. Along with it she added her only pair of nude 40 denier tights for the weather not for looks.

Chelle’s gasp was due to the woman she found. The woman was hooded with her orange hair sticking out underneath. Her wrists were bound to rings screwed to the wall with cable ties. Her ankles were likewise secured to rings on the floor. “Hang on,” Chelle rushed over, untying the hood. It revealed a tired as well frightened face, the lower half covered with a thick black duct tape all around her head.

Chelle worked of that but even her nimble fingers took time to peel the tape away. The woman half spat and Chelle grimaced as she pulled out a saliva-soaked stocking.

“Thank you,” the woman croaked in a slight Scottish accent. “They sent a school girl to rescue me? Oh, you’re one of the Croonford teen detectives?”

Chelle nodded as she started work on the bindings. Those came off faster with the aid of her laser pen and Chelle help the woman up. After introducing herself, the woman replied, “Elspeth MacGregor, the owner of Castle Macgregor.”

“Let’s get out of here, Elspeth.” Chelle wondered if they had to walk back through the narrow path.

“Follow me,” Elspeth noticed Chelle’s look. “I grew up exploring this hidden area.” She proceeded to the opposite wall, pushed a brick and a door opened. As they entered, Elspeth explained King Duncan I built this underground network and the hidden doors so his troops and family could hide here during any intensive conflict. Chelle quickly changed topic asking Elspeth how she came to be captured. “This morning, two men surprised me as I got out of my residence. They gagged me as you saw, hooded me, restrained me and I felt myself in some vehicle. Shortly after, I was carried out and restrained as you found me.” Chelle immediately knew that was what she spotted earlier.

As Elspeth pointed to another passageway, Chelle continued asking if she knew who was behind her capture.

Elspeth pulled up her broken dress and cleared her throat. “Oh, I definitely know one of them is Fred, my head gardener. He’s the only employee who knows the layout of the underground besides me. The other could be his assistant Blair or another employee.”

Chelle followed her up and around another passageway. A gardener may have some beef against her employer yet there to be a main goon. Catching up with Elspeth, she asked if anyone held a serious grudge against her.

“Oh, you are really a detective. This Castle is worth millions. Others have tried to buy it. Others have fake birth certificates claiming they are MacGregor. The worse is my younger twin sister Edine who has been trying to claim rights to the castle. She doesn’t.”

Jenn didn’t feel right as she entered the theatre. “Oh, evening Jenn, beautiful dress,” Richard greeted. He was in a dark blue suit with an equally blue tie with yellow stripes.

“You don’t have to flatter me,” Jenn tried to reply in a neutral tone. “Exactly how did get tickets for this expensive theatre?”

“My dad got tickets for them and I was to join him. This morning he fell sick so one ticket is available. I’m paying him back.”

“So, you’re treating me.” He nodded.

“Alright. It must be a coincidence Phantom is my favourite musical.”

“I love several of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals like Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Cats. Shall we?”

They walked to door and Jenn expected him to reach for her hand but he didn’t. Some people were chased away as they were casually dressed. I wearing this damn dress to meet the dress code, not to show off to Richard. The pair watched silently but Jenn couldn’t help but mouth the words to Music of the Night. She was engrossed and silently felt this outing was fruitful after all.

“Do you fancy another beer, Rich?” The bearded man asked.

“Nah, how much can you drink Fred?” These were the men who had captured Elspeth. Rich was the Castle’s chief repairman.

“Och, what’s the harm. We did what the real boss wanted us to do. Can’t wait to check my bank account.” Just then, his mobile buzzed.

“The boss lady is coming over. Wants to see our ‘work’ we did the girl.”

“Does she think we literally rough her up?”

“Don’t think crude.” Just then, a woman in dressed in all black looking exactly like Elspeth but with a scar on her forehead appeared. She curtly demanded to see her sister. Fred led the way down, taking a different route that Chelle initially did also a different one that she and Elspeth were escaping from.

Just as they stepped into the chamber, all they saw was the hood, the soaked stocking, pieces of tape and broken cable ties.

“What? B-but that’s impossible! She was right here I swear we saw head drop down like falling asleep,” Fred shouted.

“Well, she’s bloody missing,” the woman or Elspeth’s sister Edine shot back with an angry look. “Find her!”

“The two henchmen though strong nearly dropped at her roar. They scrambled around, looking for clues where Elspeth escaped to. Edine picked up the broken cable ties and curtly asked “Did you not search her?”

“Er she was just in a dress. We dumped her handbag outside her quarters.”

“Well, these are burnt marks,” she held up one cable tie, “Either she has some high-device on her or…someone came to free her.”

“Hey boss, there’s a hidden door here. She must have escaped via it,” Rich pointed.

“Oh, this mysterious complex. Chase after her, no I recall there’s should be another passageway,” Edine pressed the various walls and found a second door. “If I recall, this should lead you to the surface. That’s where she would have gone. Go!”

“Like Act One?” Richard asked as the exited during the intermission.

“Oh, it was lovely! They may have changes actors but the version of The Music of the Night and All I ask of You was perfect!”

Jenn really has changed, Richard thought. We’ve found common in old music and in musicals. She may not be keen on dresses or skirts but that’s not a matter. Are these just outings or are they dates?

Fred and Rich hurried up the stairs of the hidden passageway less than incur more of the wrath from Edine.

“You sure this leads us up to the surface?” Rich wondered.

“Aye, I know remember this layout,” Fred insisted. “It isn’t a long route. The route she’s taking is longer and we’ll catch her.”

“Ya sure?”

“Why the doubt? The bitch Elspeth taught me this place when I was a junior gardener. I want to see her suffer,” Fred pulled his companion aside and held his finger to his mouth. “They are near.”

Chelle and Elspeth spotted a hatched that was locked. “Usually there’s a key. Hand me the laser item you used to cut my bonds.” As Elspeth worked on the lock, Chelle was thankful they were almost free; she needed a good drink of water and a change of clothes, especially her underwear. The sun shone through the open hatch and just as Elspeth attempted to climb up, strong hands grabbed and yanked her up. Chelle tried to snuck back but a second set of hands also pulled her up.

“Fred! I knew it was you!” Elspeth exclaimed as she struggled in Fred’s tight grip. Twisting her head, she shouted. “And you Rich! How could do this!”

“We ain’t working for you anymore,” Fred snarled, holding a crowbar in his hands. As if on cue, Edine appeared.

“Well, well looks like sis can’t escape. Remember how you failed to escape in all those games, from childhood to university orientation?”

“Why are you doing this?!”

“I’m claiming what rightful mine. You aren’t the castle owner anymore.” Edine gave a signal and Rich gagged Elspeth with a cloth and a long piece of duct tape. Her wrists were secured behind her back with a cable tie.

“Now who do we have here?” Edine looked at Chelle who had failed to run off. “So, you were the one who played heroine and tried to rescue my horrible sister?”

Before Chelle could answer, both hench men bound and gagged her except without a mouth stuffing. “Nice work. Wait,” Edine frisked Chelle who yelped but couldn’t find the laser gadget on her. “Let’s take them below and secure them separately.”

Rich was ordered to secure Chelle in a smaller room next to the one where Elspeth was found. Elspeth was half-marched, half-dragged to another room. By now, after being gagged and re-gagged, breathing was a continual difficulty for her. Her wrists, retied, were sore as the cable ties bit further into her wrists. As Elspeth wondered, she decided to fake choking.

“She’s in spasm! Get all that gag off her. We don’t want her dying on us, Sometimes I think you then overdo things.” Edine ordered.

“Jawohl,” Fred who was half-German replied and roughly tore away the tape and yanked out the stocking. Edine felt a little relief but Fred made her kneel down on stone floor.

“Now, now Fred, I give the orders here and we don’t overly abuse people,” Edine waved her finger.

“Th- Thank you,” she said softly, “I- I see a different side to your character,” Although Elspeth didn’t mean what she said.

“Ha, your thanks mean nothing sis.”

“Why don’t you leave that girl Michelle out of this? She’s just a student, a teen. It’s between”

“You don’t order me around sis ever,” Edine eyes narrowed.

“How can you…”

“She ought to be gagged keep her trap shut!” Fred snapped.

Edine ignored his advice and ordered her bound sister to get up. Elspeth struggled to her feet, the skirt of her dress to flutter down over her legs but with one strap broke free of the tie, her black bra was exposed.

“Good. Over here. Don’t think you can overpower me, by the way.”

Elspeth had little strength anyway. She walked unsteadily towards the other wall of the chamber When she drew closer, she saw what had not been visible in the shadows. There were chains on the wall, and metal rings as before. Her captors followed, a large blanket suddenly in Edine’s arms.

“Here,” the woman tossed the blanket down near her sister. “You may wish to lie down, although I doubt whether you will find that comfortable after what I am going to do next.”

It was obvious that Elspeth was going to be tied up again, and anchored to the ring in the wall somehow. She sat on the blanket with her knees drawn up to one side and looked expectantly up at her captors. Edine ordered Fred to remove the cable ties and Elspeth used the freedom to re-tie her dress strap though her modesty was not covered . Her captors guffawed softly but said nothing.

Edine walked to a large cabinet near, opened it, and returned almost immediately with items that were metallic. She squatted down beside her sister.

“Turn around. You should know the drill.”

Lisette turned and put her arms behind her back. She looked over her shoulder, trying to see what her evil sister was holding.

“These are manacles. They’re from the era from just after King Duncan, bet you didn’t know that? but I assure you they’re working fine, actually got newer versions, not rusty.” Elspeth shuddered as she felt cold iron settle around one wrist. “You see,” continued her sister as she inserted a screw and began to tighten the broad ring, “This place used to be a museum of medieval torture. And when the property passed hands, this little dungeon stayed almost as it was left, with the original displays carefully stored away in that cabinet. You are going to learn how it feels to be shackled, like they did to women in ancient times.”

The second band of iron was screwed in place about Elspeth’s other wrist and a short chain of three links now clipped into place to join both wrist bands together.

“There, that will hold you, little Miss Houdini.”

Elspeth moved her hands experimentally and found that she could not budge them. Her sister chuckled, then she squatted near Lisette’s feet.

“Ankle shackles or leg irons. Much better than the cable ties, no?” Fred didn’t react but thought those were good enough restraints.

Elspeth found her voice at last.

“So … You’re going to leave me here?”

“I’m glad to you discovered that at last,” Edine cackled.

“Look, I can give you half of the Castle’s land. I can give you more than half my bank account.”

“Too little. Now time to really shut ya up.”

Edine rose to her feet and held up what looked like a metal helmet. Elspeth shivered apprehensively.

“It doesn’t look appealing does it, dear? That’s because it isn’t. It’s very practical, but it’s also somewhat ugly and, I’m afraid, a very uncomfortable fit.”

“Wh- What is it?” But Lisette already had a very strong suspicion of its nature.

“This, sis, is what they call a scold’s bridle. It’s a particularly inventive metal helmet designed to force the wearer, a woman of course, to hold her tongue. Used to punish women in the 1500s. You never Scottish history?”

“You’re not going to put that thing on me?”

“But of course, I am. I am expecting you to be cooperative. This is iron.” Edine held it up and manipulated some of the links. “If you struggle, you’ll risk chipping a tooth, or having your face cut on parts of the metal. This part, see, goes in your mouth. It’s a particularly nasty but quite effective metal gag, I am most interested in seeing its effect on you.”

Lisette licked her lips nervously. “I guess I don’t have any choice.”

“No, you haven’t. I’ll be as gentle as possible when I put it on. Hmmm.”


“This thing.” She indicated a flat tongue of metal that was folded over at its end to make a bulge. “I’m not out to torture you, just to make you uncomfortable. I think I’ll pad this …”

Edine looked down at her sister’s dress, delved into the pocket of her shirt and came out with a penknife. She grasped Elspeth’s dress by the hem and drove the point of the knife into the side with a ripping sound. Involuntarily Lisette drew her legs up. The cloth strip was now wrapped around the metal tongue , a couple of layers also going over the ends. When she was finished, the contraption had a stump of thick cloth protruding from it.

“All right, sis, open wide.”

Elspeth could scarcely get her mouth around it.

“Keep trying, dear. You’ll gag on it first, but soon you’ll be able to close your mouth a little, when it’s all in.”

Elspeth had to stretch her jaws wide before the thick wad of cloth could slide into her mouth. It penetrated past mid-way, almost to the back of her throat, and stayed there pressing down on her tongue. She heard a faint metallic squeal as her twin turned screws at the back that tightened the helmet around her head and face. The broad metal band with the silk-wrapped gag passed across her lower face to the back of her head, and to it was attached another band that went over her head vertically. It was bifurcated to pass on either side of her nose and, when the screws tightened, drawing those bands together. Her lips were uncomfortably close to the metal, but all that she could feel on her tongue was the soft wedge of silk that filled her mouth.

“There, that wasn’t too bad, was it?”

Elspeth tried to reply, but hardly a sound came out. With those words, the two captors left. The medieval gag felt embedded in her mouth, pressed against her upper palate, pushing down on her tongue, and threatening to choke her. All she could do was to bite on the thick cloth. She tried to move her hands. Nothing happened. She could move her fingers and legs a little, but the cuffs were locked tight and secured to rings on the wall and floor.

The scold’s bridle weighed heavily on her head. Maybe it was more comfortable to lie down. At least the weight would not be so unbearable. Carefully, she lowered herself to her side, falling helplessly the last foot, and tried to arrange herself with her knees curled up and her head on the other end of the blanket. But her weight pressed the bridle against the floor and made the angle of the shaft with the protective cloth shift in her mouth. It brought on a fit of choking and she had to raise her head to relieve the pressure.

The fresh tears streaming down her face almost caused her to miss the dull gleam of metal near her shoulder. She had to lift her head a little further back. And all the time the metal frame pressed down on her head, giving her a headache, making her thoughts disjointed and leading her into despair.

Meanwhile, Rich had cuffed Chelle to fetters secured on a wooden beam. Chelle continued to scream despite a dry throat and kick. “Oh, stop it lass,” he growled. Pulling out the last cable tie he had, her ankles were secured together. Suddenly, he reached under her skirt, yanking down her tights causing Chelle to yelp. Caught by the cable ties, he cut them off. Chelle’s tape gag was temporarily removed and her tights wound around her head before a fresh tape was applied. “Nice legs girl,” Rich remarked and began to touch them.

“Nice musical?” Richard asked as they exited the theatre. Jenn was humming the tune to Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again and recalling the Acts, especially the crashing the of the chandelier.

“Huh, oh yeah lovely!” she snapped back to reality, realising who she was with.

“So, are these meet ups, outings, or dates?” Jenn looked up at him. Her answer came less than a minute later. “They are dates. But I want to think before I say ‘girlfriend’ Richard.” He extended his hand but Jenn, for the first time in her life, hugged him. That embrace was interrupted by her phone buzzing.

“No Mark, I can’t go up to Edinburgh. But Lothian and Borders detectives are handling it. I know they are very capable,” Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nikki Heath informed him. She was referring to DCI Amy Robertson and Detective Sergeant (DS) Bobbi Rainsbury. The pair wasted no time preventing anyone from leaving the castle and interviewed everyone. That excluded Rich the repairman, whom Edine said he was on sick leave.

“Don’t buy that Amy,” Bobbi remarked. “You could see her eyes move, her face twitch. I’m going to search for this repair guy.”

Elspeth started twisting her arms as much as she could. She was aiming for the laser pen Chelle had given her. After four twists, she got it and with her fingers, managed to cut away her wrist manacles, then her ankles and slowly cut off the painful scold’s bridle. Leaving the room, she heard muffled cries and found Chelle, who was still being caressed by Rich. With one large swing, Elspeth knocked out the repairman. With in minutes, Chelle was freed, not before she squirted ink from the special gadget. “Ok, leave him, let’s get out of here.”

The pair found DS Rainsbury who doubted their story but escorted them to her superior.

“So, who are you then?” The two detectives asked Edine, who shout she was the owner. Suddenly, Fred and dirtied Rich appeared and attempted to attack Elspeth. The tussle was short and the detectives arrested Edine and her henchmen.

“More good news,” Reinhard informed Lin over coffee. “My blood sugar levels have dropped to normal. The doctor says it’s incredible how I recovered. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” After finishing, she asked for a kiss but he gave her on both cheeks.

“Lips?” She asked when they were out.

He just stood there.

“You love me?” That broke his stare. Remembering an Ally McBeal scene, Lin twisted the lines. “Kiss me! Put your lips where you mind is!” The shorter boy tiptoed and gave her a mouth-to-mouth kiss, finding her lips tasting like berries, not of the coffee earlier. He held it there for a minute and a half, the most amazing time in his life.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Richard will return in ‘Drama Crisis’.

26: Frenchies and Pansies


Jenn travels to France on a school trip however she gets captured by corrupt French policemen and the others rush to find a way to rescue her.

Note: I don’t speak French. No offence to the Parisian police.

“Wow, that was really amazing!” Lin exclaimed as she and Reinhard entered the detective’s headquarters.

“Yeah, nice Dim Sum. Thanks for introducing me to not-so-common kinds of Dim Sum and helping me sharpen chopstick skills,” he added.

“I’ll make you into a Cantonese and chopstick cuisine expert shortly, ” she smiled. “And you can make me an expert in German and Jamaican cuisine.”

“Yeah, it was pricey though,” he added.

“Still worth it. As I mentioned before, its great therapy after being bound and gagged for a long time. I’ll cover more of the cost next time.” He didn’t like being second to this wealthier girl but didn’t state that.

“Uhm…on that note, what should I call you now? Dear, honey…” They were a couple for over a month and Reinhard was still unsure how to be a boyfriend.

“Just call me by my name and I’ll call you by yours. Something wrong?” The something was how she was dressed. Lin’s maroon dress emphasised her cleavage and he was trying hard to control himself. Lin attempted to kiss him but he said, “Let’s continue working on the missing and damaged gadgets,” quickly changing subject. “And think of new ones.”

Just as the couple were about to get to work, the door opened and the other detective couple, Michelle and Mark entered. “How are you two lovebirds?”

“We’re doing just fine,” Lin quickly answered then the door also opened and the newest male detective, Richard Weaver, entered.

“Thought it was Jenn. Surely, she can’t be late again?” Chelle wondered after they all greeted Richard.

“Oh, she didn’t tell you? She’s preparing for her school…”

All their mobile phones buzzed. Heading to Paris for a trip organised by my French teacher. Back next week. Take care if a case crops up xxx

“Oh well, that leaves us and to bring you up to speed,” Mark remarked.

“There’s training?” Richard asked.

“Oh no, everything is on the job,” Lin answered. “Haven’t finished constructing all the gadgets for you but here are some of the main ones.” Richard was armed with the male version of the hidden penknife – normal penknife hidden in a wallet, radio implanted in a mobile phone cover and the laser pen. He received a quick summary of their work and with no news to investigate, Lin and Reinhard were left to build gadgets.

Jenn had been to Paris before with her parents but that was for holiday and many years before. This time it was all work with her teacher Madame Béatrice Laurent making her class quickly identify famous sights and the history behind them on their notebooks during the Eurostar trip.

“Can I compare my answers with yours?” Her classmate Bethan whispered as they passed through the customs at the Gare du Nord train station.

“I’d think…”

“No cheating!” Madame Laurent shouted in French and the whole class fell silent as they boarded the bus to their hotel.

Back at Croonford, Lin was about to enter the school grounds when Mrs Patricia Homerton, the discipline mistress, called her. “Miss Chan, hold-ups aren’t part of the school uniform. Please return home with tights of correct denier and show me.”


“No ‘buts’.”

Lin groaned, wishing the half-term break would arrive faster. She waited for the discipline mistress to leave before heading to her locker instead where she kept spare tights. Later during break time, Reinhard caught up with her.

“Was that unintentionally or did you flout that rule intentionally?” He asked.

“It’s a silly rule and it’s just me.” she smiled with him wondering if it was her showing off her fashion sense.

“Let me ask you what is this huge contraption you stored in our science club room,” she opened the room. “What is…

Reinhard had part of his mind of his girlfriend’s hosiery but quickly answered.

“You know the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? This is my version of Professor Potts breakfast-making machine.” Indeed, it was almost a replica, except there was a frying pan where the eggs and bacons, not sausages would be cooked on. A frying spatula on a mechanical arm was present obviously to turn the food and there was a small plastic container to spray oil.

“That amazing!” She was about to hug him but refrained to even though they were alone – the school forbid students from showing affection towards each other. “You aren’t going to demonstrate it here, are you?”

“No, I don’t want to trigger to fire alarm. Got permission to use the field behind the Old Cannons pub. Say some afternoon this week?”

Jenn scored well in Madame Laurent first task but that was just the beginning. After breakfast, she set the class to a more challenging assignment. “Go out around Paris and write an essay about a sight of something unusual. Don’t go to the common tourist sights like the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower. You may work in pairs and have until 9:00 PM. Good luck.”

Jenn paired up with Bethan then looking up Paris, they decided on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The OECD isa multilateral consortium to improve international development and its headquarters is there. Both girls were interested in international relationships, but they picked that OECD headquarters not for its role, but because of the history of the building itself. The headquarters occupies a very majestic château, specifically the Château de la Muette, was once a royal hunting lodge of Charles IX, King of France. It was passed as a second château to Louis XV, then Louis XVI then the Montgolfier brothers. It became a third château bought by Baron Henri James de Rothschild as his residence but taken over by the Nazi German Navy during World War II and post war, the headquarters of the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC), then finally the OECD.

The girls found this information online but wanted to ascertain if there was any more history they could find for their essay. They did make a great choice but the problem was getting there. The Metro train near their hotel suffered a fault so their trip to the La Muette Metro, the nearest Metro near the OECD. By the time they exited the Metro gates, it was nearly noon. They finished taking photos from a distance of the surroundings -which were either embassies or upper-class residences then they learnt there would be a short tour of the headquarters organised by a university and they allowed the pair to join in.

“We have over an hour before the tour, want to grab lunch, oh, excusez-moi, ” Bethan felt hr elbow strike someone. The tattooed guy shouted a word back she wasn’t familiar and Jenn quickly pulled her away.

“What did he say? My French isn’t so strong,” Bethan asked.

“He…called you the ‘B’ word. Let’s find lunch.” Jenn shook her head.

After much searching, they found themselves in a nearby new and not-so-expensive Parisian Cafe eating filled baguettes. Just as Jenn was about to finish her meal, she noticed a commotion outside, excused herself and head back out.

That same afternoon back at Croonford, Reinhard had set up his Chitty Chitty Bang Bang-inspired device. His mind was wondering what his girlfriend would be wearing when Lin arrived wearing jeans, red sweater and matching top.

“I bought the eggs and bacon as requested,” she said and he loaded them on the various parts. Checking that the various components were in order, he switched on the device. A train rolled down a set of train tracks, carrying two plates. Simultaneously, eggs were spinning on a miniature Ferris wheel and mechanical arms picked up two slices of bacon and placed them in a frying pan with oil sizzling. The arms automatically turned the bacon in a few minutes then lowered them onto the plates. Next, more arms caught two eggs from the Ferris wheel and cracked them into the fat from the oil and the bacon with the arms turning them and soon enough, the eggs joined the bacon and the rolled down on a ramp onto a table set up.

“How is it? Is it cooked properly?” Reinhard asked.

“It’s great! Although I’d like my eggs a bit runnier,” his girlfriend replied and before he could say he couldn’t figure how to make the arms fry eggs different ways, she hugged him, licked her lips and was about to kiss him when both their phones buzzed with a message from Chelle.

Bethan told me Jenn went missing in Paris.

All the remaining teen detectives quickly congregated at their headquarters with this startling news. Jenn had spotted the same man who Bethan accidentally knocked. He and several other similarly-tattooed men harassing ladies and women nearby and hurling lewd insults at them. Jenn had spotted some Parisian policemen and called them to address the harassment but not of them reacted. Jenn called again and as she turned back, strong arms behind grabbed her. Jenn’s cry was cut off with a large hand over her mouth and simultaneously Jenn felt cold metal locked around her wrists as her arms were yanked behind her back. She was unceremoniously dragged and pushed into a dark police van which took off.

“She was with Bethan who accidentally knocked some French man who cursed Bethan then Jenn left part of the way through their lunch, ” Chelle read out to the others what Bethan told her.

“Surely the police there will be investigating?” her boyfriend Mark wondered.

“Maybe. Would she have any of the gadgets with her?”

“May have or didn’t bring since she had to pass through customs, “Lin answered. “We’ve got to think how to save her.”

Jenn was thrown wildly against the interior of the van as the vehicle jerked wildly. After a few minutes and several light bruises, she managed to sit on one of the benches and twist her arms to her front. Why am I arrested or kidnapped? Who are these people? These thoughts continued until the van suddenly stopped and the back door open, revealing two burly men wearing uniforms with Préfecture de Police stencilled in front.

“Hello? What’s happening? Am I arrested? What fo….” Jenn asked loudly in French until one brandished a baton and the they both shouted “shut up!” Her arms were painfully turn to her back and with the two men locking their arms around hers, she was escorted out. The whole exterior was dark slight disorientating Jenn and she quickly found herself facing a femme or woman whole looked quite muscular. Her handcuffs only then were removed.

“What…” Jenn question was cut off as a bundle of clothes were thrust into her hands.

“Change!” The butch woman barked.

Jenn hesitated as she noticed the two men were standing in eye shot.

“Change!” The woman repeated, advancing towards her now. Sighing, Jenn undressed and was soon just in white bra and knickers. The clothes were brown prison jumpsuit with plastic buttons. She quickly dressed but the humiliation was already done. With her wrists secured again, Jenn was pushed into a cell that stank.

Yet another case where one of the girls go missing, Detective Chief Inspector (DCI Nikki Heath thought. “No, I don’t know any police detective of investigating officer in Paris. No contacts. Sorry.”

Chelle and Lin looked dejected but thank their long-term police and left.

“Can we go to Paris? It’s half-term?” Lin wondered.

“My parents won’t like it. I suspect it’s the same for the boys.”

Lin didn’t reply and hate being helpless.

Jenn’s wrists were now cuffed to a belly chain and her left ankle was attached to a short chain on the floor. Just as she was started to think of a way out, she heard a snoring noise from the next wall and through the dim light, she saw a figure shoulder-length blonde hair rise.

The similarly-dressed and chained girl coughed several times before introducing herself as Sabrina with a thick Parisian accent.

“I was walking back from school then was pushed to a side road, handcuffed and found myself here.” Jenn recounted her story adding the incident where Bethan accidentally knocked that man. “Who are these people?” Jenn asked.

“Well, they can’t be proper police,” Sabrina coughed again. “Real police wouldn’t lock people up like this,” She held up her cuffed wrists and before she could continue, the same pair of men who escorted Jenn burst in and one held her while another pasted two long strips of tape over Jenn’s lips.

“That’s for talking! Don’t you dare take it off! You,” one of the men pointed at Sabrina, “Shut up!”

Back at Croonford, Chelle, Lin, Mark and Reinhard decided if they couldn’t go to Paris, they had to enlist someone’s help. It took Bethan quite a while before she answered the WhatsApp call.

The hotel Wi-Fi here isn’t strong she typed. Oh, you want me to a girl detective?

Chelle typed yes and explained what they’d like her to do.

Sounds exciting and yeah, I don’t think the Préfecture de Police aren’t treating this seriously. Bethan was referring to the police force covering Paris. But I don’t have your magical gadgets. I don’t want to be captured. She silently recalled how she was cable-tied and cleave-gagged in her bra and knickers by a fake drama teacher previously.

We’re not asking you to. Run if you see any danger, Lin typed.

As the conversation ended, Richard entered the headquarters.

“Where were you? We……” Chelle asked.

“I managed to secure a cheap flight to Paris,” Richard answered. “What do you think? Can I bring any of the gadgets with me?”

There was a pause then Lin answered. “Yes, the identification app. Hopefully Jenn is wearing the corresponding chip on her. I’ve boosted the range up to four metres. Hopefully the customs there won’t check your phone,” Lin quickly added the app to his phone before he left.

“I better notify Bethan he’s going,” Chelle added.

Jenn, now silenced, watched Sabrina inch forward as much as the ankle shackles allowed. “Sorry for your state now. Must be my cough,” she said in a softer voice and turned her head as she coughed. Jenn noticed in the dim light that the uniform was quite tight against her body and she wasn’t wearing a bra and there was a damp spot her crotch area.

On cue Sabrina continued. “Yes, I’m a model. I was modelling before they picked me up. Not naked, just topless. I need the money to pay for my studies at Université de Paris; my family’s not wealthy. They didn’t let me use the les toilettes. I don’t suppose you model, do you?”

“Nmmph,” Jenn’s ‘no’ came out as soft as Sabrina’s voice.

“What exactly was a good French-speaking English girl doing in this city?”

Jenn tried to answer but suddenly felt weak and slumped down with Sabrina following suit.

Madame Laurent did not allow any student to leave the hotel after they handed over their essays. Bethan waited for her teacher to be busy then slipped out wearing dark clothes. It took a short time for her to reach the La Muette Metro and just as she got out, a figure in the shadows greeted her, “hello Bethan.”

“Oh, it’s you! The debater who keeps getting first place lately. I was nearly got to hit you,” she replied.

“No hard feelings, I hope. Let’s go find Jenn; I don’t want to miss a feelings, debate with her.”

She led him to the bistro and they combed the surrounding area, with Bethan asking passe-bys if they had seen her friend. Just as the Welsh student though it was a futile chase, she spotted a bag in a rubbish dump.

“Hey, that’s Jenn’s school bag!” she called and Richard lifted it up with his gloved hands. Nearby, he spotted a painting of a small pansy flower. Despite it being just a drawing, he snapped a picture and asked Bethan to direct them to the detective in charge of the case.

Captaine Sophia Toussaint had a heavy workload that afternoon but accepted the teenager’s request. Jenn’s bag was immediately sent to her forensics team and after some questions with Bethan translating for Richard, she was going to dismiss the teens when Richard pulled out his phone and showed the picture he took.

“I spotted it near…” He began and the officer’s eyes narrowed, simply asking for a copy and dismissing the teens.

Jenn awoke with the sound of a van’s engine and the seat beneath her vibrated. Her eyes confirmed that she was in the same van she was when captured. She was still cuffed and gagged with rope wound around her breasts. Across her sat Sabrina who was also chained not gagged. The same two men in Préfecture de Police uniforms were beside her while the butch-like lady was in a corner. All three carried SIG Pro semi-automatic pistols directed at their captives, ensuring their silence.

Just as Jenn considered her options, sirens blared and she heard a series of pricking sounds and was thrown against the side as the vehicle jerked to a stop. Immediately, she heard a voice outside call, “This is the Police nationale. You are surrounded. Exit and release the hostages.”

The butch woman leapt across swiftly grabbing Jenn in one tight arm lock while the other two men locked their arms around Sabrina. As they dragged that girl, one unlocked the door, revealing a horde of police officers with weapons raised.

“Release the girls!” Captaine Toussaint yelled.

In response, Jenn felt a cold metal ring press against her neck. No, I don’t want don’t to die today, she wailed as the French police officers slowly lowered their weapons. Jenn closed her eyes then there were two muted shots, with blood splattering on her face and she tumbling down.

“Subjects down. Incident secured,” Captain Toussaint radioed in her microphone as other French police officers helped the girls up, unlocked their chains and removing Jenn’s gag. As she was escorted, she was surprised to spot her debating rival Richard behind the police cordon.

Jenn had to remain in Paris for further interviews with the police but managed to return to the UK just before half-term ended. She was happy the police found and returned her phone, purse and even school uniform.

“They were going to sell you?!” Lin gasped as Jenn met up with the rest of the detectives the Sunday before the return of school.

“Yeah, some perverted organised crime group. They were going to sell me to some family in exchanged for money to buy weapons. The other girl Sabrina was about to be sold as a model to some North Africa gang. They disguised themselves as police officers and were looking for teen girls in the 16th arrondissement of Paris which is a wealthy area where Bethan and myself were. That tattooed man and the harassment was staged.”

“And the pansy painted on the wall was the gang’ sign. I was lucky to catch sight of it,” Richard added.

“It was a harrowing time with no gadgets, well except the tracking one, on me. Hope I can have some that custom agents won’t suspect the next time.”

“We’ll work on it,” Lin patted Jenn’s hand.

The detectives split up and Jenn stopped Richard.

“I forgot to say ‘thank you’ for coming after me,” she extended her hand.

“You’re welcome. It was interesting using Lin’s gadget,” he held up his phone. Oh, lucky I sewn the identification chip on my bra she thought. No, I’m not going to talk about it.

“Would you like a cup of coffee, tea? My treat.”

“Uhm, next time. Going to Skype with that girl Sabrina.”

Meanwhile, Lin asked Reinhard if he would like to search for Halloween costumes.

“Uhm, I’m not a fan of that hope that’s ok with you,” he replied.

“Ok, we’ll work on your breakfast machine then.” She hugged him.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Richard will return in ‘The Birds and the Bees’.