38: Missing in Action

Summary: The teen detectives long-term Police ally, DCI Nikki Heath, goes missing and they naturally attempt to find her.

Warning: Adult bondage but only on an adult. Also implied nudity on an adult.

“It’s the end of our GCSEs!” One Croonford student yelled.

“We’ve finished Year 11! Woo!” Another student shouted.

Many Year 11 students were also chanting those lines. Only a minority still had GCSE exams to complete and still joined in. After class photographs were taken by an irritating photographer, students gathered in their classrooms for an end-of-year tradition. They were allowed to write messages and draw pictures on each other’s’ shirts and blouses. Student councillors and seniors were present to ensure there were no racist and obscene messages and art and maintain order.

At Chelle’s and Lin’s class, everyone was engrossed with drawing and writing on each other. Heather Smiths, tall, blonde and well endowed, got many ‘pretty gal’, beautiful babe’ and allowed boys to write and sign ‘be my girlfriend’ on her front torso. Julia Humes,  the only black girl in that class got words of praise how she tackled her ethnicity through the years. Art Morton, a former school bully, accepted  words like ‘don’t play tricks on me ever again’. Hattie Coy, the talented art student, received words and basic sketches praising her. In return, she drew realistic pictures on her fellow students.

Chelle received several pictures on her blouse that looked like her and others with her looking down on others. Caption wrote: Girl Detective 1, Criminal 0! After she drew another picture with the caption: ‘Best Girl Detective in Town!’  “What about me?” Lin teased. She received ‘Another great girl detective and best scientist!’ under her picture. At Jenn’s class, most pictures and words stated she was a star student or the best school debater and drama queen. Richard received ‘Guy with unforgettable memory’.  There was no difference over at Reinhard’s and Mark’s class. Mark received dozens ‘Star Rugby Player’ messages. The shorter classmate got ‘Great Science Guy’ and ‘Computer Genius’.

Another rule was finishing Year 11 students could leave wearing their own clothes. That pleased Jenn as she walked out wearing jeans T-Shirt. Chelle wore a jeans skirt while Lin was in a dress with flowery patterns. As the teen detectives walked towards an eatery, they spotted several police officers dragging handcuffed people towards police cars. DS Bluebell Ransom was amongst the police officers and Chelle Lin waved at her. During their meal, while discussing their summer plans and future grammar school life, Richard spoke up.

“Did see DS Ransom’s facial expression? She looked quite stressed out.”

“Police and military personnel are usually like that,” Chelle remarked but the image stayed in Richard’s mind. Several days later, himself, Jenn and Chelle were walking out of school after confirming their subject choices for Sixth Form, they again spotted DS Ransom with another gaggle of police officers. The expression on the police detective’s was initially the same as previously. However, as Chelle waved to her, she only acknowledged with a slight nod and her facial expression changed to a worried look.

“Alright, she’s either stressed and worried out over work or personal problems. I say it’s personal,” Chelle remarked as they quenched their thirst from a roadside stall. “I guess it’s personal.”

“Could also be her workload. We haven’t seen DCI Heath lately,” Richard thought.

“Well, DS Ransom was assigned the last case by Nikki,” Jenn pointed out,

Two days ago, Nikki Heath was cuddling with her latest boyfriend, Max. Nikki, having spent most of her time buried with investigations, hardly had steady dates. Max was unlike the others; he appeared to be funny, muscular and helpful. Their cuddling soon turned to an extremely intimate act where each other’s clothes were removed. Nikki was the first to undress: She yanked of her T-shirt fast, then swiftly unclipped her black bra, exposing her D-cup breasts. Quickly, she reached down and expertly removed her jeans. Max on the other hand, had undressed down flimsy boxers. They resumed kissing now hugging each other then suddenly, Max reached down and yanked at Nikki’s skimpy knickers. Nikki protested she didn’t want to be totally naked or have sex.

The evening  after seeing, DS Random’s worried look, Chelle was shopping at a local, small Tesco for missing items in her toilet. As she headed to the toiletries section, she nearly collided another shopper.

“I’m sorry…oh hi DS Ransom,” Chelle greeted.

“Yes, hi.” The police detective’s short response wasn’t as joyful as usual, so Chelle quickly asked, “Is something bothering you, Detective?”

Ransom looked at her then suggested they finish their shopping then go to a nearby cafe. Their groceries were stored in Ransom’s car then over juice for Chelle and coffee for Ransom, the truth was revealed.

“Nikki didn’t turn up to work  three days ago. We called her work and personal phone many times and there was no answer. After a rushed warrant from a judge, we searched her flat but everything was pristine, even her blanket was folded nicely. Forensics found no traces of a struggle or break in. She can’t have intentionally gone rogue or undercover. Initially, she was declared as a missing person but now a kidnapped individual.”

“We’d like to help, Detective,” Chelle quickly responded.

“You can call me Bell after knowing each other so long. No, I suspect it could be a dangerous case and I don’t want have teens in any trouble.” She saw Chelle’s facial reaction. “Alright, since you helped Nikki and myself fight crime here all this time, I’ll try to provide you updates when I can.” With that, they shook hands.

The next day was a Saturday and Chelle called a meeting of all the teen detectives at her home as their caravan was stifling in the summer heat. She quickly summarised what was told, adding Ransom’s advice to stay away.

“So, that explains her facial expressions. We’re not sitting on the sidelines, are we?” Richard asked.

“Most definitely not! We owe it to Nikki – she’d  helped us all the time and vice versa,” Lin declared.

“Where do we start? The police found no evidence at Nikki’s place,” Mark noted.

Chelle opened her laptop and accessed her Facebook account and within in seconds, showed Nikki Heath’s account. They crowded around and initially saw nothing unusual so Jenn suggested looking at her pictures. The first few were just of scenery while the fifth was of her hugging a muscular and taller guy. This person was not tagged thus Chelle returned to Nikki’s friend’s list.

“Max Smiith, what a generic name,” Jenn read out loud.

Evenings earlier, just as Nikki protested she didn’t want sex, Max moved his arm and jabbed a minute needle into her side. Instantaneously, the senior police detective drooled, then fell unconscious. “Oh, you’ll get an alternative to a screw,” Max growled and turned the unconscious, topless lady face down and wrench her arms behind her back. Her wrist were criss-crossed and her wrists were tightly secured by two sets of cable ties. Her elbows were also bound then  he flung her back face front. Her knees and ankles received similar treatment. Max then retrieved long-length industrial cable ties and used them to bind her arms to her side, pushing her huge boobs further out.

He stepped backed to admire the set of restraints then wiped clean the drool around her lips. Pieces of black duct tape were smeared across her lower jaw then breathable hood was secured over her head. He then sent a text message and minutes later, a dark-skinned and black-haired man entered. Both men wrapped her in a large canvas bag, then placed her in a large box with air holes. They expertly cleaned the whole room, made the bed, checked the coast was clear, then carried the box out.

The teen detectives couldn’t find anything regarding Max Smith; his Facebook profile was incomplete with no pictures. They planned to show it to DS Ransom but phone calls indicated the Detective Sergeant was not in her office. They all went their different ways with Lin and Reinhard heading to the detectives’ headquarters. They repaired and many gadgets then paused to decide what to create.

“What about that social media programme you created long ago?” Reinhard asked.

“Oh, it stopped working after a while,” was her reply. “Don’t think it can be repaired.”

“Well, that person’s profile may be so, we should focus on that single picture, using the good old photoshop.”

While, the science kids were focused on gadgets and the photo, Richard was over at Jenn’s house and he spotted pamphlets for a grammar school. “Well, my parents wish me to transfer to Raddleborn Grammar. It offers a scholar for students taking humanities subjects. Has a range of high-quality teachers…”

“So, are you leaving Croonford School? The detective gang?”

“No, it’s just their view. I haven’t made a final decision, after all, my schoolmates, teachers my life is at Croonford. I’ll miss the drama club, the debate club and..”

“Me,” Richard concluded.

She laughed, then he asked if she’ll like to try an online music quiz before they focus on the new case.

Chelle finally arranged a meeting with DS Ransom and awaited being told off. “Well, boss previously said she never had a steady lover but this is certainly new evidence.” In reply, Bell said the neighbours heard slight footsteps past midnight but no one saw anyone exiting Nikki’s flat. “I’ve also ordered the forensics team to sweep her flat and exterior again.”

“Either she’s lying or that’s all she’s looked into her missing superior,” Mark remarked. “That’s information is very thin.”

“We need to find where Nikki lives. I know it’s searching for a needle in a haystack. Let’s reexamine the picture.”

As the couple focused on the picture, a girl cursed for the first time in many years. “Bloody Hell, how could I forget the Beatles number one single?”

“It happens. I’ll…” Richard began.

“I’m always first in everything! I’m going to be top of the Year 11 cohort!”

The new couple started arguing who I am score the highest in their GCSEs. Meanwhile, in a darkened room, Nikki Heath’s eyes fluttered open. A rush of cold air told her she was still topless. A tug at her wrists and ankles indicated she was restrained in a V-shaped position, with thick leather cuffs. A tough, plastic spherical object held with leather straps told her what she was gagged with.

“Ah, the great Detective Chief Inspector awakes,” Max voice broke the silence. “Or the one who incorrectly got my stepbrother locked up. Bitch!” He spat, the saliva running down her cleavage.” Nikki cried through the gag and struggled – what was his surname? Hastings? No Hamilton? Who is his…

Max stepped into view and a light shown, Nikki quickly shut her eyes. “Now, to punish you.” A camera clicked and he announced that he has a new sub and any followers will suggest what ‘punishment’ she will receive. “Ah, first suggestion.”

Chelle and Mark after much brainstorming, examined the surroundings of that picture. There was some vegetation behind the two individuals and a lane to their left. They started naming lanes in Croonford. Finally, Chelle checked Google Maps’ street view, she found two lanes that closely matched the picture. The first area was quickly dismissed as a park dominated the place. Their eyes raised as they saw a block of flats along Paterson Lane.

“Excuse me, do you know if a Nicola Smith lives here?” Chelle asked an elderly lady exit the block.

“Of course, she’s my neighbour   though haven’t for several days. Then the coppers came, told them that but they placed tape across her door.”

“Could you let us n? We’re friends of hers and want to leave a gift,” Mark half lied. The lady unlocked the gate though warned them the guard would chase them away if found. The couple quickly entered and after checking the letterbox, headed up to the third floor. Nikki’s door was definitely secured with police barrier tape. There were several yellow evidence markers on the floor as well.

“There’s a depression on the floor, as if something or someone very heavy was moved here,” Mark pointed. It took Chelle two minutes before she spotted the small depression then took a picture. They followed its direction which led to the back stairwell and out to the back garden. All of a sudden, the security guard appeared but they managed to exit via a nearby gate.

They found them on a pedestrian path but not far away was a lane for vehicles.

“So,” Chelle panted. “Nikki may have been carried out with no neighbour hearing or noticing, down the back stairwell, out and…”

“…carried to that lane and driven off in a vehicle. Still murky,” Mark completed.

:”OmW” Nikki screamed through the gag as she was spanked by Max. Bound spreadeagled, Max had a clear view of her thinly-covered buttocks. He gave her another spank then saw the new message. “Ah, bare bottom,” he proceeded to cut off the detective’s knickers despite struggling then switched to use a table tennis racket. Minutes later, another message came. Max approached her front and she screamed as he clipped her nipples with clothes pegs.

Reinhard was in a trance like previously and all Lin could give him his favourite Jasmine tea and snacks. Finally, just after an hour, he shifted back and cleaned his spectacles. “Finally got something after downloading half a dozen image enhancing programmes, I found this on his upper arm.” He showed her a minute tattoo in the form dagger on Max’s right ear.

“Ok, so he has a tattoo,” Lin said.

“One I’ve seen before on someone else. He’s a bit of a ruffian so I need support.”

“Well, you have me,” she kissed his head. “Let me get my special coat.” He saw her wearing an unusual coat but she simply said she’ll explain later.

Reinhard brought her to a dilapidated building in Coventry and immediately she smelt cigar and cigarette smoke. Inside, beside a whole range of laptops and LCD screens, were three men, one bearded with tattoos on his arms, the other pair dark-skinned.

“Ah shorty, what a surprise. I already paid my dues when I lost that C&C game. Oh, you brought me a hot chick.”

“She’s out of bounds, Harv and we need to discuss a mater,” Reinhard saw the burly men. “Privately.”

“Boy, this isn’t an online game. You don’t make demands. Teach him!”

The other men attempted to tackle Reinhard but Lin pulled off her coat and threw it on the nearest men. It formed itself around his whole upper body, preventing him from seeing, thus causing him to fall down. The second guy tried to strike Lin, but she easily caught his hands and pressed him against the nearby wall.

“Alright, let them go lass,” Lin glared but. “Step outside Karim, Josh,” The two other men gave Lin a dirty look and left.

“What’s so important to interrupt my poker game?” Reinhard pressed his phone against Harv, who narrowed his eyes.

“Look, I may have that ink,” he rolled up his sleeve, showing them a similar tattoo. “But I’m no longer a criminal., a clean man.”

“Do you know this person?” Lin tapped on the picture of Max but he shook his head. She then asked if he knew anyone who is a kidnapper.

“Yeah,” Harv stubbed his cigar and tapped his phone several times. “He’s Bart, don’t know what’s he’s up to but boy he was in the business taking women to film them in positions I don’t want to describe. I left the criminal world as he threatened to film my girlfriend naked to blackmail me.” Taking a long puff, he pulled up a known location. “Wait, you’re that famous teen detective right?” He jabbed his cigar at Reinhard. “Ya don’t want go near him, especially a pretty gal like ya.” He pointed at Lin.

“You actually played an online game against this ex-criminal?” Lin asked after thanking Harv.

“Once. The prize was a good range of electronic software. I only discovered his history when I claimed the prize at his shop. You turned your coat into a gadget like that in The World Is Not Enough?”

“Close, better than that net device, eh?”

He quickly asked if they were head to that criminal’s possible location, “I don’t want you to end up like Harv mentioned.”

“We’ll be careful.”

Lin’s message nearly made Chelle drop her ice cream. She checked the street map and the location was directly along that lane behind Nikki’s flat. Jenn and Richard who were arguing over GCSEs and music, grabbed their coats with Jenn checking she had gadgets with her. Reinhard and Lin were the first to arrive at the storage facility with only one entrance available.

“Should we wait for the others?” The short boy wondered. Lin just knocked on the entrance and after no reply just pushed and entered the main office. It was a darkened room and they soon enter another larger, very dark but barren room. Just as they were going to draw out their phones, Reinhard was struck on the back of his neck and Lin just fell on the ground.

Jenn was the next to arrive but found the entrance locked but easily opened it after a turn. She immediately found herself facing a dark-skinned man. She apologised, saying she found the wrong location but before she turned, a dart struck her.

Reinhard groaned as he recovered and quickly rubbed his sore neck. Despite the entrance lack of light, he immediately found himself in some small shed surrounded by workman tools and cleaning liquids. As he started looking for a way out, he heard a familiar soft moan. “I’m coming!” he shouted and threw away all the items blocking him. Finally, he found the exit but had to use the skeleton key his girlfriend made. Thankfully, he found all his belongings on him although his phone was dented. The moan came again and after unlocking a storage shed, he found her. Lin, was stripped down to her purple knickers and black bra which was unclipped , strapped to a metal table and tightly tape gagged.

“How many times must I find you restrained like this?” He shook his head as he peeled off her gag. Her reply interrupted as Chelle and Mark appeared.

“Ooops.  What happened? Did you find Nikki yet?”

Reinhard recounted what occurred and suggested they stay together as the guy was armed at least with a dart. Thankfully, Lin’s clothes were found and during the first minute of the search they found Jenn, unconscious but lightly bound and gagged with duct tape, her jeans slightly pulled down.

“I thought Richard was with you?” Lin asked as they freed Jenn.

“We got into an argument so made separate ways here,” she coughed. Resuming their search, they opened the largest storage shed and spotted the police detective and the two thugs, Max splashing water over Nikki while the dark-skinned man  aiming a video camera.

“No shit, now five,” that captor growled, dart gun in his right hand. Lin was faster, throwing her special coat which wrapped all itself over that thug, causing him to misfire and thankfully missing the teen detectives. Mark simultaneously tackled Max but even with Reinhard joining, Max struggled. The three girls pinned the other thug down but he soon managed to get out of the cocoon. A hidden Glock 26 appeared in his hand. “Ha! Now you lot give in!”

“Armed Police! Drop that firearm now!” DS Ransom appeared with her Glock 17 raised along with other authorised firearms officers (AFOs) and Richard behind. “I have to admit, you lot performed much better detective work than myself.”

One and a half weeks later, the six detectives received letters of commendation from Detective Chief Superintendent (DSU) Robert Gates, Nikki’s and Blubell’s superior. Jenn briefly glanced at Richard whom she thought was unworthy of this award. Max’s real name was Roger, whose stepbrother Jeff was imprisoned for paedophilia. Their live filming of Nikki was to an adult site run by an organised crime group which Ransom and National Crime Agency (NCA) officials took down.

“Well, that’s our post-GCSE case completed Chelle remarked.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in ‘Prom Wrecker’.


37: All Dressed Up

Summary: In the midst of their GCSEs, the girl detectives and Richard are invited by Maddie, Jenn’s classmate to her family housewarming. All proceeds fine until the house lights go off.


Jenn looked up from her revision notes and books, seeing Maddie Ranson, her classmate standing next to her.

“Where are the other two girl detectives?” Maddie asked.

Jenn raised her eyebrows – despite being classmates for around four years, Maddie never spoke to her. Nevertheless,  Jenn spotted Chelle and Lin across the school library.

Taking the trio outside, Maddie started. “My father got our home redecorated and it looks like a new residence. I’m inviting all our classmates,” she gestured to Jenn. “Would you two also like to come?” She looked directly at the other girls.

“Maddie we’re in the midst of our…” Jenn countered.

“I know, I know. My parents know. However, it’s only an hour or so and dad has antiques from historical eras we’re studying for our history exam. Interested?”

Jenn gave a reluctant nod and Chelle said ok. Lin was not interested in history but did not want to leave her detective friends out.

“What about Mark? What Reinhard?” The 11B girls mentioned their boyfriends.

“Oh, sorry the guest list is full.” The girls pondered and still agreed on her invitation.

“Great, I’ll text you my home address. Oh, by the way, it’s a formal dress code. Dad has some VVIPs there. Hope you have evening gowns.” Maddie disappeared.

Gown?! Jenn cried silently. I don’t have any gowns. Why must it be an evening gown? Meanwhile, her detective colleagues started talking rapidly. “Oh, I’ve a maroon gown. Just have to ensure it’s not that dusty,” Chelle said.

“I’ve a dark purple strapless gown resting in my closet,” Lin added, “Wait, Jenn, something wrong?”

The shortest girl detective gave the reason. “I only have simple dresses. Even for events like relatives’ weddings, I wear dresses. Can’t I go in them.”

“Well, you will look out of place amongst your classmates. A gown doesn’t hurt. I know a not to expensive dress shop. Want to go shopping with me?”

Lin was the ladies fashion expert. Jenn took a moment then nodded.

As the girls returned to revision, the thoughts of Maddie’s invitation lingered in Jenn’s mind. After so long, Maddie finally talked to her and it was an invitation to her home. Why? She finished up her revision then took her school laptop outside the library. She searched Maddie’s name but only found her classmate’s social media accounts on the first page. Jenn then narrowed down the search to ‘Ranson’, Maddie’s surname. She scanned through the results and on the bottom of the first page she saw a Wikipedia and a House of Lords transparency link. Clicking on the later, her heart leapt, finding Lord Ranson of Eastbury. The text read that this Lord was the Second Earl of Eastbury, but he decided long ago not to publicly use those titles. “Edward Ranson inherited half of his father’s inheritance and he invested in that fortunate constructing museums housing family and collected antiques. Despite being a crossbencher in the House of Lords, he rarely sits and uses his own money  not government expenses to travel to London.” Jenn clicked on the Wikipedia article and saw the same information albeit without a picture. Wow, Jenn thought. Maddie’s father is wealthy then she spotted a pdf document on the search. It was a recent court case between Edward Ranson and his older brother the First Earl, Robert ‘Ranson. Many lines were redacted but the gist was it was a dispute over their father’s will.

At the shop, Jenn and Lin looked up at the gowns on display. “Can we focus on strapped gowns? I don’t want my bra straps to show,” Jenn requested.

“You can always wear a strapless bra or an adhesive bra,” Lin suggested but the answer from her friend’s look said it. There weren’t many gowns with shoulder straps, Jenn concentrated on the thick strap ones and there were only a red gown and a beige gown. The chest area of the red one was a little revealing in Jenn’s view so it was the latter.

“The slit here is rather long, will my pants show?” Jenn wondered meaning her knickers.

“It’s called a high slit. No, not unless you walk improperly or lift it up high,” Lin answered. Jenn thought then chose it. The gown on display naturally wasn’t Jenn’s size but after a hated measurement  of her small frame, another was produced. The sales assistant instructed her how to put it on and she rented it instead of purchasing it still hating the formal dress code.

After shopping, Jenn called all the teen detectives for a meeting They all told their parents they were revising and in their headquarters, Jenn summarised what she had discovered.

“Well,” Chelle remarked after scanning through that pdf document.” We have stumbled across a family dispute. It could turn out to be detective case.”

Jenn didn’t like that; she wanted a simple evening and rush back to revision.

“Are you sure it’s Maddie’s father? There could be other Mr Ranson’s,” Reinhard wondered.

“We’ll find out that evening,” was Chelle’s simple answer.

“It’s time for gadgets then,” Lin said opening a nearby drawer.’

“Wait, you invented gadgets with GCSEs going on?” Mark asked.

“Made last year.” She smiled at her boyfriend. They look like Smartie Tubes? First brown one, ‘The Crackling.’ Throw the ‘Smarties’ on any surface and they will blend with the colour. Anyone stepping on them will created a large crackling noise, notifying you to move if needed. Second black tube, ‘Glow in the Dark’. Throw them again on any surface and they’ll glow in darkened areas. You will need these special glasses to view the glow.” She handed over three transparent glasses to Chelle, Jenn and Richard. “Very useful when you find yourself in low-light or very dark areas. Now just do not eat these fake Smarties. It will cause a person to vomit or give him or her a bad stomach ache instantly.”

Jenn kept them still hoping it wouldn’t turn out into an adventure or case. “Next, could you girls hand your purses, hope you’ll be using these that evening.”

She produced three microchip-like items and attached one to the inside her purse. Pressing on side of the attached device, it emitted a continuous shriek until she pressed that part. “The shriek can be changed to a cry ‘I’m stolen!’ if you press the bottom of the chip or ‘Help me!’ if you press the other side. Great if the purse may be stolen or you’re in danger.”

“Do I get that?” Richard asked.

“Well, I’ve not invented that many of this device.”

Then evening before the housewarming, Jenn finished up her revision then look at the dress lying on her bed. Grudgingly, she put in on and got right the second try, also remembering to wear knickers that won’t sow a visible panty line. She re-watched a YouTube video how to walk properly in a gown and how to lift in when going to the loo. She searched her range of footwear and found a pair that nearly matched the colour of her gown. Her mother told her not to stay too late and Jenn promised not to.

Mark and Reinhard despite not invited decided to watch the guests arriving. They found an eatery opposite Maddie’s place. “Wow, and I thought Lin’s house was large and majestic. This is grandiose, a place fit for a king.”

“You’ll score well in your GCSE English mate,” Mark remarked. “Definitely a symbol of wealth here.”

Reinhard prepared the telescope his girlfriend invented and just as it was set up the first guests arrived. They were all dressed in suits and dresses, giving the image of upper-class individuals. Reinhard now believed the mansion was quite definitely the home of an aristocrat.

“Here comes the students,” Mark noted. Maddie’s classmates were all in suits and gowns like the upper-class guests. As a taxi pulled up, Reinhard peered close through the scope. Chelle was the first to step out in her maroon thin strap gown and one-inch heels. Next came out Lin in her purple strapless gown, hair let down walking in heels half an inch taller than Chelle’s.

“Close your mouth boy,” Mark advised his classmate whose mouth was wide open. “It isn’t prom yet.”

Jenn gingerly came out last, holding the sides of her rented gown and wearing white flats. Inside, they were all greeted by the majordomo. If the exterior was rand, the interior was majestic, with decor from medieval and medieval modern times. Her father is definitely the Second Earl and a member of the House of Lords, Jenn thought. She spotted trays of food and putting those thoughts aside she headed there. As she picked up an open-faced chicken sandwich, Richard’s voice boomed behind her.

“Beautiful gown, Jenn.” He was wearing an all-blue suit with a blue tie that had yellow diagonal stripes.

“Thanks Richard, only if you aren’t wearing it. Want to leave by next hour?”

She’ll never get used to wearing anything but jeans and trousers, he nearly shook his head. “Alright, we’ll share a taxi.”

Just as she picked up a fruit juice, another voice boomed. Jenn spotted a man in a suit and bow tie, exactly like the picture in the House of Lords transparency website.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all, especially students taking their GCSEs,” how kind of him, Jenn thought dryly. “Welcome to the Ranson housewarming. It’s the same residence however, we renovated and redecorated much. As you also can see, there are antiques on display, many my team collected. They will shortly be moved to our various museums. Feel free to look around and ask me or my family members any queries.”

Chelle took a walk to see the various exhibits. Lin, totally uninterested in antiques, started talking to some of her science club members. Jenn finished her drink and sandwich then spied Maddie across the room, wearing a sky-blue strapless gown. “Nice place,” She started then slowly asked if Maddie’s father was an Earl and member of the House of Lords.

“You checked upon me yes to your queries. My may hold those titles, but as you discovered he just calls himself ‘Mister.’ My family is ultra-wealthy, I can’t hide that but I never wanted to be part of it. I work odd jobs, never wish for my father’s inheritance. I…”

“You’ve never talked to me then suddenly I’m invited into your home along with the other girl detectives. Why?”

“Well, I… hey are you interested in that rifle?”

“I may not be a military fanatic but it from the First World War? We studied that in history class.” Jenn asked.

“Yes, it’s my great great grandfather or uncle – not sure which – rifle. Usually, rifles aren’t kept by soldiers but he fought with distinction using so the army let him use it. Amongst the items on display here it is the most expensive.”

“So, I was asking…” Before Jenn could complete her sentence, she felt dizzy, her mind turned blank and the mansion lights turned off.

When she awoke, Jenn only saw a darkness. Slowly, she regained full consciousness. She quickly realised the darkness was not due to any blindness but a blindness dark piece of cloth wrapped around her head. I’m blindfolded! Jenn also felt an adhesive stuck on her lips and her wrists were secured behind her back with ropes. Her wrist bonds were further secured with rope tied around her waist. More ropes were tied around her ankles. Bound, gagged and blindfolded, what a way to spend an evening.

Just as she started to struggle, a human arm touched her. “Jemm, ist thatm um?”

“Maddiemm?” Jenn replied and shifted further. She moved her arms and felt the knots of her classmate’s wrist bonds and started tugging at them. Getting the cue, Maddie also felt and found Jenn’s wrist bonds and tugged at the knots. After a minute they faced each other’s back-to-back, working on the knots. The two teenaged girls worked furiously at their knots. After eight sweaty minutes, Maddie’s knots came free first and Jenn heard a ripping sound.  “Thanks Jenn!” Maddie called then fingers then peeled off Jenn’s tape gag and quickly pulled down her blindfold.

“It’s great to see and talk again. Do work on wrists bonds again, Maddie.” It took around three minutes before Jenn’s hands were free. Both girls picked at the knots on their ankle bonds and quickly they could fully move. “But where are we?” Maddie asked, Jenn noticing there was no blindfold around her neck.

In the mansion, there lots of calls and cries from guests and some staff when the whole place plunged into darkness. As Mr Ranson tried to keep calm, servants scurried to gather flashlights, while the majordomo rushing to check the circuit breakers. After fifteen minutes and three checks, the circuit breakers appeared fine. Just as the majordomo felt really frustrated, the lights return.

“Where’s Madeline?” Mrs Ranson called across the room.

“Where’s Jenn?” Chelle called.

“What happened to some of our antiques?!”

“Bell, could you handle this missing person’s case from the Ranson family? I’ve still have to write up the report on the drug case we solved.” Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nikki Heath called.

“Sure thing Boss,” Detective Sergeant (DS) Bluebell Ransom responded. She preferred to be called this shortened name as opposed to her first name. Police Constables (PC) had already congregated when she arrived. She instructed some PCs to cover all exits, others to cover the grounds and brought in a few with her. Blubell was glad Mr Ranson was wise to prevent anyone from leaving. As DS Ransom announced that everyone would be questioned, there were groans from the students taking their GCSEs.

Jenn and Maddie saw their surroundings were all pitch-black. The girl detective searched around and was glad she found both her purse and Maddie’s. Everything was inside but there was no phone signal and as she checked her phone Maddie tapped her arm.

“I think we’re in an underground bunker dating back to the World Wars. It was an air raid shelter then an ammunition storage facility.”

“Well, whatever. Let’s find a way out of here.”

Jenn shone her phone around, finding that they were in a small chamber and there was only one tunnel to her left. Advising Maddie to dim her phone torchlight, she got on her knees and elbows, leading the way. It initially was wide for them but narrowed quickly, however, Jenn was thankful for her small frame. As she crawled further, she saw a light at the end of the tunnel and quickly whispered to Maddie to halt. Jenn inched closer to discover if it was a way out or if it was danger. There was a large chamber below her with figures huddling around crates. Suddenly, she heard voices then saw dark figures moving items. All of a sudden, a figure rose up, stared at her direction and shouted.

“Back! Go back, Mads!” Maddie crawled back but was not used be on all fours moving back. Her left heel then struck part the tunnel’s wall and the shouts grew louder. Jenn then collided with Maddie and a dark-clothed and masked figure appeared and grabbed Miss Ranson’s ankle.

“Got free eh, birds?”

DS Ransom finished interviewing Mr and Mrs Ranson and the household staff. With the with the assistance of a senior PC, started questioning the quests. She understood the students were sitting for exams, so allowed them to go home after interviewing them and taking their contact details. “I saw Jenn talking to Maddie over that corner near an antique.,” Richard said in his statement recalling from photographic memory. Another few guests also mention feeling sleepy. “Get Forensic scene investigators (FSI) here immediately!” DS Ransom told the PC.

Jenn and Maddie were dragged by masked men through the tunnel then leftwards through another shorter tunnel into a larger chamber than where the girls started. Both girls were forced down and instead of ropes, the girls’ wrists and ankles were secured with cables ties and taped gagged again. As one flipped Jenn over, her gown flared up, exposing her beige knickers and a gagged cry.

“Add more boss?” One thug asked while the girls gave muffled cries.

“Nah, go back and secure the antiques.”

The FSIs after testing the various guests, reported that the guests had inhaled some form of sleeping gas and another trio noted that there were marks on the floor and wall where the rifle antique was and the girls were standing. Acquiring a knife and a crowbar, she and two other PCs pried around that area and finally, traps doors opened, a smaller one in the wall and a larger one where the antique was. DS Ransom ordered her PCs to search the wall tunnel while she entered the floor tunnel.

Jenn wished she had her other gadgets as being bound with cable ties was far harder to get out than ropes. She tried the old trick of twisting her arms from back to her font but with her restrained ankles, she only got aching muscles. Meanwhile, Maddie kicked off her heels and using her hands, she drew out an object from one and used it to cut off her ankle bonds. Managing to draw her restrained hands in front, she reached over and cut off Jenn’s restraints.

“Wow, thanks Maddie,” Jenn remarked as she tore off her gag and removed all restraints from restraints her classmate. “Did you make this gadget?”

“Just an old razor blade I carry for self-protection. Came in useful. Looks like another chamber in this bunker.”

“Let’s find a way out.” Jenn pushed at the ‘panel’ they were brought in and thankfully it wasn’t sealed. She scanned the tunnel for any thugs, then grateful her purse and phone weren’t stolen, gingerly crawled out. As she did, she threw some of the ‘glow in the dark smarties’ on the floor.

Bluebell Ransom discovered a labyrinth of large and small tunnels as she descended. She wasn’t as small as the teenagers so she found difficulty moving through it and after finding two tunnels, she picked the one to her right. Jenn had led the way back to the large chamber she saw earlier. There was a ladder and they discovered there were no more crates as Jenn spotted earlier. “They said ‘antiques’, it’s a good guess that they stole my dad’s antiques,” Maddie remarked.

“Which means there’s some tunnel large enough to carry them. Could you check that section?” Jenn asked.

“There’s so tunnel, but it pretty high up and narrow,” On the other hand, Jenn found an easily-opened tunnel within reach and in her view, wide enough for them or a large to bring up items. Jenn climbed in first, then helped Maddie up. There was a long ladder and even in a gown and heels, the girls could easily climb. It appeared four levels up and the girls managed up to three levels. Meanwhile, DS Ransom found a small chamber with pieces of rope and packing tape on the floor. Moving through another tunnel, she turned to find another small chamber.

“Come on, Maddie, it looks like just on more level,” Jenn called. Jenn saw there was some man hole and unscrewing it appeared with all her might, it opened after three turns and Jenn felt a rush of cold wind as she peered up. No one else looked present so both girls came up. “This looks like my back garden,” Maddie remarked, brushing her gown.

“And these rightfully belong to me,” a loud voice said.

“Uncle Rob?” Maddie exclaimed. As the dark figure moved closer, both girls were grabbed from behind and hand gagged. One henchman snatched Jenn’s purse and emptied one ‘Smartie Tube’.

“Police! Release those girls!” A female voice yelled and a PC appeared shining her flashlight.

“Oh, how you going to stop us? My men are armed.” All the men raised submachine guns and handguns at her and her approaching colleagues. With the PCs unarmed, there was no way they could argue. Suddenly, the thug holding Jenn held his stomach, releasing her and started to vomit. Suddenly, taser shots rang out and the henchmen all collapsed on the ground.

“You’re under arrest for attempted kidnapping and stealing personal property,” DS Ransom announced as she handcuffed the first. Earl of Eastbury.

“Horrible uncle,” Maddie remarked as the girls sat in the open ambulance.

Jenn returned to the question why she, Chelle and Lin were suddenly invited to Maddie’s house.

“You win. I long suspected there were many attempts to steal Dad’s antiques. Besides the court case you read, there have been break-ins recently. I wanted you three girl detectives to spot anything peculiar here.”

“You could have told us that earlier!”

Maddie admitted her mistake and said inviting her class was the cover story. She promised to speak to Jenn and keep no further secrets from her. DS Ransom, noting it was late, told them she would clear the matter after their GCSEs. Jenn gratefully rushed back home, took off the gown and returned to revision.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in ‘Missing in Action’.

35: Framed Part 2

Summary: Lin and Reinhard close in on the source of the doctored pictures. Jenn and Reinhard find lady who claim she was framed at work and thus incorrectly charged.

The prologue is adapted from Frank Knebel’s story The Frame Up Chapter 1.

The fight on the train is inspired by James Bond’s From Russia With Love.


Mr Justice Launer unfolded the sheet of paper had handed to him and read through it twice. His gaze shifted to the jury foreman and cleared his throat.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is this your verdict?”

The jury foreman rose.

“Yes, your honour.”

“The defendant will please rise,” said Launer.

The defence lawyer, Sean Paulson, a tall, bespectacled, fair-haired young man put his hand gently on the arm of Kerri Richardson, and they rose from their seats at the defence table. They presented a stark contrast in physical appearance together. Though not ugly, he was gangly and rather awkward looking, his long limbs seemingly ill at ease at being attached to his body. On the streets, he would have been noticed, if at all, as an egg-headed young man who needed to get more sun and exercise.

On the other hand, Kerri Richardson had perfectly proportioned face, with her dark eyes and hair, pert nose, full lips, and creamy complexion thus would have brought a smile to any men she passed. Even though the plain navy-blue suit she wore in the courtroom had been chosen to de-emphasize any sensuality, it could not hide the trim waist, prominent breasts and shapely legs of its occupant.

“The foreman will read the verdict,” intoned Mr Judge Launer.

“We, the jury, find the defendant, Kerri Richardson, guilty on all charges.”

Kerri Richardson sagged slightly against her barrister and squeezed her hands. As the judge thanked the jury for their time and efforts, there were smiles from some victors in the gallery.

“Your Honour, defence intends to appeal the verdict,” said the tall young barrister.

Mr Judge Launer nodded while writing something a yellow pad.

“So noted, Mr. Paulson. The jury has returned a verdict of guilty in this case. However, I’m troubled by some of the evidence presented here by both sides, so I’m going to delay full sentencing for one week. This will allow some time for further investigation by the police and additional evidence to be developed. The clerk will notify both parties as to a time for a sentencing hearing on…”

The judge flipped a few pages in his calendar book.

“…next Wednesday, the 23rd.”

“Your Honor, because of the defendant’s previous attempts to delay trial and follow her bail conditions, we request that she be held in custody,” The prosecutor argued.

The judge looked down at his notes. He looked thoughtful then nodded.

“Though it is regrettable, I feel that under the circumstances Mr. Hazen’s point is valid. Defendant is remanded in custody. Court is adjourned.”

The clerk called for the room to rise as the judge left the bench through the door to the judges’ chambers.

Kerri looked up at Paulson.

“What does it mean, Sean?”

“It means you’ll be held in jail for now,” he said softly.

Kerri looked horrified.

“But I didn’t do it, Sean! I didn’t!” she protested. “How can they lock me up for something I didn’t do?”

Constable Louisa Cole stepped forward. Except for having blue eyes, Louisa was very similar to Kerri in height, build, and abundant good looks. In her right hand, she held a pair of handcuffs. Kerri gasped when she saw them.

“I’m sorry, Miss Richardson,” Louisa said gently. “Regulations state I have to cuff them behind your back.”

Something had indeed snapped in Kerri Richardson. The hateful taunting in the courtroom and the sea of jealous female faces had convinced her that everyone was against her and even rejoiced in seeing her railroaded. A desperate plan formed up in her mind as the Constable guided her along the quiet corridor to the cells, Kerri slowed and let her head fall forward.

“Are you all right, Miss Richardson?” asked the Constable.

“S…something in my stomach,” Kerri replied dazedly. “It hurts.”

“Come on. The nurse’s office is just down the hall.”

Kerri nodded. She was breathing in short gasps, her eyes almost closed. They walked on a few more steps when she almost doubled over and groaned.

“Just a few more steps!” urged Louisa. “You can make it!”

Kerri groaned again and fell against the Constable. Louisa tried to lift and pull her into the office, calling for the nurse as she struggled on. A pretty, cheerful-faced, sandy-haired woman in her late twenties wearing a white nurse’s uniform appeared at the door. Lorna Leeson was a former dancer who had taken up nursing when a knee injury ended her career.

“What’s wrong?” she asked the Constable.

“I don’t know,” Louisa replied. “She got a pain in the stomach and started to collapse.”

Kerri groaned again and doubled over more. Her knees buckled.

“Let’s get her up on the examination table,” Lorna directed. “You’d better take the cuffs off so we can lift her.”

Constable Cole nodded and stooped to unlock the handcuffs. As she and the nurse tried to lift Kerri, Louisa had the fleeting glimpse of the holster strap that ran over her taser hanging loose. Before she could respond, Kerri doubled over again, slipping out of her grasp. When she and Lorna lifted the prisoner again, Kerri rose up quickly. In her hand was Constable Cole’s service taser. She waved it from side to side, alternately pointing it at both.

“All right, nurse,” she said, breathing hard. “Close the door.”

Lorna Leeson, shocked, obeyed as Louisa Cole raised her hands.

“Now don’t do anything you’ll regret,” Louisa cautioned. “Nobody’s hurt so far and we can all just forget this if you’ll hand me the taser back.”

“I’m not giving you the taser,” said Kerri. “The only thing I regret is to be accused of faking legal documents I never saw and thinking that this trial would clear me. I’m not going to prison for somebody else’s crime.”

“But this won’t do you any good!” said Lorna, her hands also raised now. “You can’t possibly get out of this building like this.”

“You’re right. I can’t. But you can.”

Louisa swallowed hard, realising what the sentenced lady meant.

“Take off your uniforms,” Kerri ordered the two ladies.

Louisa Cole reached for the top button of her uniform shirt. Lorna glanced at the Constable and did the same. As the two women undressed, Kerri pulled Lorna’s desk chair into the centre of the room, then grabbed a first aid kit from the wall. She opened it and removed some rolls of cloth bandages. Finally, she picked up the handcuffs from the examination table. Her two prisoners were now reduced to their knickers and bras.

“That’s enough,” said Kerri. She tossed the cuffs to Lorna. “Cuff the Constable’s hands behind her back.”

The nurse cuffed her wrists and directed by Kerri, tightened them a couple more clicks.

“I’m sorry to have to do this to you, Constable,” Kerri apologized. “You’ve been good and I used that to trick you. And now I have to be sure that those cuffs are tight. Your wrists are dainty and I can’t have you getting away.”

She handed a roll of bandages to Lorna.

“Put those in her mouth, then cover her mouth with the medical tape.”

Lorna had no choice but to obey. When the entire wad would not go in, Kerri allowed her to reduce the size of the roll and cut off the excess. Then Lorna cut several pieces of adhesive tape from roll and sealed the Constable’s mouth. Handing her another roll of bandages, Kerri ordered her to loop the cloth around Louisa’s body and arms just below her breasts and just above her waist.

“Now help her up on the table.”

Lorna helped the bound woman onto the exam table and ordered by Kerri, bound her legs at the knees and ankles with more bandages. Louisa Cole sat helplessly on the table as Kerri turned her attention to the nurse.

“Sit in the chair,” she said pointing with her free hand.

“Don’t you think that…” Lorna began.

“Quiet!” snapped Kerri. “Put your hands around the back of the chair.”

The back of the chair was narrow enough that Lorna’s hands met without straining. Kerri crossed the nurse’s wrists and began looping them with tape.

“If you were going to try to tell me that this plan is crazy, you don’t need to,” said Kerri. “It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But I’m started now, and there’s no turning back. I’m just glad I don’t have to hurt either of you.”

She finished tying Lorna’s hands, laid the taser on the desk, and began binding her ankles with more tape. The young nurse watched her with anxiety, yet more with sympathy.

“What’re you going to do?” she asked.

Kerri kept quiet. Finished with Lorna’s ankles, Kerri unrolled more bandages and used them to tie Lorna to the chair. She did a thorough job, looping the woman’s body at her waist, bottom of her ribs, below and above her breasts, and finally over her lap, around her thighs and the chair seat. She wadded part of one of the bandages.

“Sorry,” she said to Lorna, “but I have to gag you too.”

Before she opened her mouth for the wad, Lorna said softly:

“Good luck. whatever your doing.”

Kerri stuffed the wadding in Lorna’s mouth, sealed the gag with tape, and then used more to cover her eyes. She then rolled Louisa Cole over on her tummy and used one more strip of bandage to connect the Constable’s bound ankles to her handcuffed wrists. She also blindfolded her with tape.

“This is to make sure you stay on the table,” she explained. “Please don’t hurt yourself trying anything heroic.”

Her prisoners secured, Kerri quickly stripped off her own clothes and put on the Constable’s uniform which somewhat fitted. There was a mirror on the closet door and in its Kerri noted that the resemblance between her and Louisa was striking. The only thing wrong was her shoulder length hair. She crossed to the helpless Constable and removed the rubber band that held her hair in a bun. Tying up her hair completed the transformation. A quick search of Lorna’s purse produced a pair of sunglasses, which would help to hide any differences. Kerri replaced the taser in the holster she now wore and went to the door. She turned back to the two bound women.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be found.”

Picking up her own clothes, she glanced into the hallway and it was empty. She slipped out and walked in the opposite direction of the courtroom. At the end of the hallway, she opened the door and went from the building into the sunlight.


Chelle told Lin the restrictions her mother placed on her. “Don’t worry, Richard saw someone we will talk to. Not a likely source but we’ll interview him.” That hardly comforted Chelle, neither did the constant questioning from students.

Lin and Reinhard met up with Richard to tap his photographic memory. After giving them a detailed description of the second person in the tabloid headquarters, he added, “If it’s fine Jenn and I can’t join you.” He explained that Jenn had informed him of a case she wanted to investigate. “Ok, no worries,” Lin replied.

The mystery surrounding Jenn’s case when he met up with his girlfriend after their History mock paper. “You know the law internship I participated in? It ended abruptly due to this.” She played a news video covering how Kerri Richardson’s or trussed up a court guard and nurse, took the officer’s taser and escaped. “Kerri was one of the friendliest solicitors at Barnes & Horton. She was going to teach me intellectual property law. Across the time I was there, she showed no indication in falsifying legal documents, embezzling funds or any of the charges in the news.”

Before Richard could ask, the next bell rang. After school, Lin and Reinhard planned to survey the Daily Mail to catch hold of this unknown person. “I know, you’re going to ask me what we can do that the police and authorities are conducting,” Jenn continued her discussion as she pulled up her coat and held her school skirt down less the wind blew it up.

“They’ll hold a fixed assumption that Kerri is guilty and running to escape fines and imprisonment. We’ll look at it from her perspective.”

“And your first move is?”

“Returning to the firm to hand out thank-you gifts,” Jenn answered.

Lin and Reinhard didn’t spot that specific person for two days and the latter felt they were chasing ghosts. On the third day, the fortunes changed as they spotted him exiting from a side door. Both teen detectives immediately closed in and peppered him with questions.

“Hey, hey stop accosting me. I’m just a normal civilian,” the dark-clothed lad protested. After Lin asked him again, he lowered his tone and said, “I’m just an intern there. The Chief Editor liked me so am in his personal office. Yeah, I know bout the photos; know the exact source.”

“Who is it? Where can we find this person?”

“There’s no name and the source is secretive. You can meet me at the second train station tomorrow at 9:30.” He passed them a business card.

“Good to see you again you again, Jennifer, ah thank you for the chocolates,” the solicitor smiled. Jenn gave out Ferrero Rocher to every lawyer she learnt from during her internship. Finally, she reached Kerri’s empty desk and quickly took pictures of it to compare with what she saw previously.

“Looks the same, the same, hey I recall she always kept a light-blue folder on the right corner standing up.” After eliminating various reasons, she told Richard they had to monitor the staff.

There was just his name, Richard Head and his email address. Both science wizards spent the rest of their Friday afternoon looking up any more information online on Mr Head but found no LinkedIn, no Facebook, no X.com and nothing else. “Are we seriously trusting this Richard? Which intern seriously doesn’t have any online profile?” Reinhard asked in a call.

“Some people like privacy. If we detect nothing, we’ll leave the next station.”

While her friends were investigating, Chelle was still at school re-sitting for her mock English paper. Her early paper scored lower than expected resulting in her English teacher’s shock. This time she focused and really answered questions properly. Afterwards, she headed to the loo and but just as she unlocked the stall door, the toilet lights went off and a masked figure pushed her back down into the stall. A thick cloth was quickly stuffed in her mouth and her wrists were roughly secured with a make cloth handcuff. Despite massive struggling, the assailant was able to pull down her tights partly and just as he reached for the waist band of her exposed knickers, Chelle gave a massive kick striking the assailant who ran off, only with a picture of her undies. Naturally, it was reported and with the school gates closed and school Wi-Fi temporarily down, it took the school disciplinary team nearly an hour to catch the perpetrator.

“This your idea of watching the staff?” Richard asked as Jenn walked up with as long wrapped up package slung over her shoulder.

“We’ve done worse as previously,” Jenn replied, assembling the telescope Chelle previously used. Its magnification was now increased to 5X and Lin had added a cheap night vision device to it. As Jenn focused the telescope, Richard poured out a cup of organic hot chocolate. They first watched the staff leave through the exits. Jenn turned the telescope upwards and over ten minutes all lights went off. Five minutes later, just as Richard wished to leave, he called Jenn. “There’s a light on and a figure, definitely male figure on the extreme left corner.”

Jenn looked through the telescope for the next minute, switching off the night vision system. “That figure is Marcus Horton, one of the senior fellows. But staff don’t usually work so late in this office.” She looked through the telescope again but only the light was on. Ten minutes and drinks of hot chocolate, the building was dark. Almost immediately, a car sped off from the garage and the detectives knew who to look into.

Exactly at half past nine on Saturday, Lin and Reinhard met up with Richard Head. Before they wanted to know what train tickets they should purchase, they were surprised to be handed train tickets.

“We’ll be taking a sleeper train, no the destination isn’t far off, Mr Head saw Reinhard’s mouth open. “Just somewhere near Brum, this sleeper train does stop there.” Five minutes later, they found themselves in a cabin with two bunk beds and a third opposite with a drawable partition, definitely for Lin. He said it’s just near Birmingham so hopefully won’t have to use the beds, the detectives silently thought.

As that train moved away, Jenn and Richard were at a breakfast and brunch eatery. Officially, they were there revising for their GCSEs – they told their parents that. Unofficially, they, especially Jenn, were looking into Marcus Horton.

“Right, his work profile is super perfect; rose from Oxbridge law, no legal internships, excellent record as a solicitor, called to the barrister’s Inn of Court earlier than his counterparts. Successfully argued many banking law cases. I call it Richard’s law of impossibility,” Richard drank his coffee after that.

“Right. He started the firm first before William Barnes joined. Now I recall, there was a heated argument on the second day I was there and before they took it to a private room, it was about getting a third partner and the solicitors outside were discussing which amongst them will be chosen.”

“Fine, still doesn’t say how that is connected to Kerri’s charges and her running away. What’s your thoughts?”

“We go to Mr Horton’s residence and talk to him. He listed his road names on his LinkedIn’s profile, there shouldn’t .”

It was nearly ten when Reinhard announced he was hungry. “Let’s go to the dining car shall we?” Richard Head suggested.

“You two go; I’m fine,” Lin remarked. As the boys went her eyes turned to the single bag Head carried. The main zip was locked with small combination lock and opening the side pockets, there was nothing. She felt the whole bag yet couldn’t identify its contents. There’s something strange and I can’t figure it out.

Twenty minutes later, the boys return but Reinhard suddenly declared he felt sleepy and immediately dozed off on one of the bunks. Lin immediately rushed over and his pulse felt fine. She was about to check his eyes when she heard, “Get up girl.” Lin turned to see Head pointing a taser at her.

Jenn was correct, there weren’t many residences along the road where Mr Horton stated he lived. Coincidentally, the court nurse Lorna Leeson who was also bound and gagged by Kerri appeared out the first house. In a short chat with the teen detectives which heard of, she reiterated her belief Kerry was not up to anything evil and told them what Kerri wore originally. “Marc Horton lives at number fourteen.”

As they approached that particular house, the gate and door were wide open and before Richard could call, “take caution”, Jenn darted inside. Kerri was there, dressed back in her clothes sans tights loudly shouting and pointing the stolen X26 taser at Marcus Horton.

“Jennifer, you shouldn’t be here,” Kerri shouted. However, the high-flying school debater lunched into a calm debate on why Kerri should not threat the firm’ co-partner though he did falsify her files. This took just under ten minutes just as Kerri dropped the taser but found herself back in police handcuffs.

“What did you do to my boyfriend?!” Lin shouted at the taser-wielding guy.

“Oh, just making him sleep. Now, go lie down close to him, undo your top and unzip his jeans. You two would make a front-page picture for the Mail, perhaps even better than your shorter girl friend, he cackled.

“So, this is it, humiliating our detective group. If you know us, we also have gadgets. Why don’t you search me first?” Lin said. Head initially didn’t respond initially, but nodded and approached Lin, keeping the taser pointed at her. He reached into her trousers’ right pocket and found a small purse, disregarding it. He reached into the left pocket and the fake wallet clamped down on his fingers causing him to scream.

Lin immediately kicked the taser from his other hand but she received a hard kick in her lower torso. This spiralled into an enormous fight with Lin using her Taekwondo skills versus Head’s skills which she quickly realised were karate and general fighting. Within two minutes, Lin thought she had the upper hand, he – left hand free of the ‘mouse trap gadget – slammed her hard against the wall. Despite the pain in her back, Lin rose and pushed him against the opposite wall. It had turned now from a martial arts fight into a tight tackle. Suddenly, Head hand grabbed the kicked taser and growled, “Got you now, bitch.”

Lin responded with a ferocious kick to his crotch which not gave him sharp pain but threw him with enormous force against the ladder of the bunk beds. Dashing over, she found knocked out cold. “No one calls me girl or bitch,” she spat at him. Then, feeling his pulse, she glad she didn’t kill him; she needed to gain information from him. She found a wallet thick with large pound notes but suddenly there was a knock on the cabin door.

“Is everything fine? I heard sort of a commotion coming from here,” the train manager asked.

“It’s alright, ” Lin answered quickly. “Just that boy slamming the walls. Say, I know it’s against the schedule and regulations, but could you stop the train at the next stop? My boyfriend needs to tend to family crisis.” The manager shook his head but Lin dangled £100 in her sore hand, “we can slow the train to the lowest speed, “he consulted his map. “twenty minutes time.”

After thanking him, Lin rushed over to her boyfriend. She called his name three times before his eyes fluttered open and he mumbled, “nice sandwiches”, “nice coca cola”

“Reinhard, are you feeling ok? We have to move in less than twenty minutes.” She received a ‘yes’, gave him a drink of bottled water then turned to the unconscious assailant. Holding the fallen taser, she slapped Head’s face until he feeling, regained consciousness.

“You injured my balls,” he croaked.

“Ok, Rich Head,” Lin nearly wanted to call him ‘Dick’ but that would sound crude. “Who really are you? Did you take and photoshop the pictures of Michelle are Mark?”

He fell silent and in response, Lin jammed the taser into his chest. “Ok, ok yes I took the pictures at long range, phtoshopped them and wrote the article very fast. Was hired by someone took take them.”


“I don’t know, I kept receiving messages from several phones numbers. One was threatening my folks if I didn’t do it. It’s the truth.”

Lin slapped him again, found his hankie, stuffed it in his mouth and wound his scarf around his hands. Five minutes later, these came off and all three managed to jump across to the train station. Lin handed the taser to the now-fully awake Reinhard as she bought tickets for a train head back the other direction. At that stop, she thankfully found a taxi whose driver silently was amused she had arm around one boy’s shoulder and a hand near another.

“Where to, lass?”

“Croonford, police station.”


“My name is Louis Gabriels and I took of Michelle Summers and Mark Cavendish, photoshopped them and wrote that frontline Mail article. I would sincerely like to apologise for the emotional distress placed on them, their family and disinformation it caused….” The broadcast was closed and the news presenter turned to world news.

“Well, that is much closure,” Chelle remarked as she pulled out her earplugs. The student who tried to take pictures of her private parts was immediately expelled and charged for molestation by a youth court. They verbal harassment against Chelle and Mark had stopped although there were random cases of bullying.

“So much for faking his name as Richard Head. Should have suspected he was related to the chief editor,” Lin added. Louis Gabriels was charged with illegal possession of a firearm and depending on Chelle and her parents, he might be charged with invasion of personal privacy. “I hear based on out town’s disgust, there’s an investigation into the Croonford Mail’s journalist practices and the parliamentary CMS committee is calling them for an inquiry.” Lin meant the Culture, Media and Sport Committee.

“I hear you solved your case Jenn,” Chelle called. Jenn explained that Kerri Richardson was charged for attempted assaulting of a court police officer and nurse. There was a serious charge of steal an officer’s firearm and impersonating one. However, with Jenn’s and Kerri’s statements regarding Marcus Horton, there were warrant-based raids on his residence and work office, with the recovery of devices to alter bank accounts and evidence explicitly showing he doctored Kerri’s documents. With him arrested, Kerri’s legal team got her a large fine, week-long community service and original charges dismissed.

“Everything is resolved but we still…” Chelle’s statement was interrupted her phone buzzing. “Mum wants me back home,” she explained.

Chelle noticed a red Nissan parked near her residence. In her living room, tea and cakes were out and there was a man looking younger than her father seated. Before she could ask, she smelt a familiar odour and from a corner came her mother, another woman and to her shock, Mark.

“I meet up with Maria weekly for our women’s’ charity,” her mother explained. “I only got to know she had a son Mark, your boyfriend. Now, I get to meet him. It’s a small world.”

Chelle rose and greeted Maria and her husband Gavin. Then, noticing, her boyfriend, she raced over and they hugged with the parents applauding.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in a story, title not yet determined.

32: Complex Love

Summary: Michelle suspects her history teacher is in trouble and finds herself in a cult that changes women. As Halloween approaches, Reinhard meets an old friend and Lin gets jealous. Meanwhile, Jenn discovers she has much in common with Richard and ponders an actual relationship.

Warning: Adult bondage only on an adult.

“Michelle, that’s a well-argued essay, you just need to re-check the dates of the English Civil War,” Charlotte Hawkins, her Canadian history teacher remarked after handing back Chelle’s essay. Hawkins, who used to teach Geography now switched to History.

“Ok, Miss Hawkins, I’ll work on that,” Chelle replied then noticed her face was quite blank.

“You alright, Miss?”

There was a pause. “Just the strain of mark student essays. Do pick up your class essays later on Friday.” Hawkins turned quickly and Chelle took a metal note on her teacher’s look and reminded herself to pick up those essays; she was the class history rep.

That Friday, Lin finished school early having finished all her science practical really fast. Returning home, the first thing on her mind was: Halloween. There was the annual town festival with scary movies shown and later a competition for the best-dressed couple with costumes on. Lin planned that she and her boyfriend would wear werewolf costumes. She had some of the material for the costume and face paint those still required other items. That meant a shopping trip.

“Lin Ling , please just go to the store and return home immediately. Don’t get into any detective cases or get hidden in another chamber. Your father and I will be away late October and I want you home after school and the weekends,” Pearlyn, her mother stopped her.

“Yes ma. This time I’ve got Reinhard with me.”

“Well,” she knew her daughter’s growing attachment to the half German, half Jamaican boy. “I’m sure he’ a responsible and caring young man. I still don’t want you to fall into trouble, understand?”

“Yes, mama.”

Lin summarized what her mother said when she met her boyfriend. “Well, let’s make sure students don’t keep you hostage and take pictures of you.” He as mentioning the two perpetrators, Stuart Walter and older Year 13 brother Harry. Both students were quickly expelled from the school. Under intensive questioning, neither claimed to actually be the Cat, the detectives’ long-term nemesis or have any association with that person. That left the teen detectives with still another dead end regarding their foe.

As the two scientists headed to a store for costumes and paint, Chelle did of course collect her class history essays from the exterior pigeon holes, shelves that teachers and students would place their assignments for marking and collection. As she did so, Miss Hawkins rushed out of the teacher’s office.

“Miss…” Chelle started.

“If it’s essays or topics, I’ll discuss it later,” She walked raidly then literally moved fast towards the exits. Chelle instinctively rushed after her but could only not the direction her history teacher took and some T-shaped outline under Hawkin’s trousers.

The store which Lin chose was packed with customers since Halloween was coming up. She and Reinhard managed push through instinctively the crowd to find the relevant costume section. As she started browsing the shelves, a cherry voice called out, “Reinhard, bist Du das?”

Lin turned and saw her boyfriend chatting rapidly in German to a girl his height with blonde silky hair reaching her shoulders and light blue eyes. The girl was less muscular than she was and had breasts just a little smaller than as hers. Reinhard and the new girl kept chatting for more than ten minutes despite Lin kept trying to interrupt. Finally, he turned.

“Oh, my manners. Lin , this is my old kindergarten and primary classmate, Karin. Karin’s father is a German diplomat and her family now posted to the UK. She’s up her to find an old friend she met while living in India. Karin this is my schoolmate and…girlfriend, Lin Ling.” He started rattling off in German and explained Karin’s English was not so strong.

“Very nice to meet you,” She greeted in accented English and had trouble pouncing her name.

“Just call me Lin,” She suggested then Karin continued rattling in her mother tongue.

“She says I was always a man of culture because I’m dating a Chinese girl.” Lin just returned to shopping and tried to get Reinhard with her. Karin again started chatting to Reinhard, thus steering him away. Lin therefore did all the shopping though could help see how the two former students were immediately close and to her it appeared more than a rekindling of a friendship.

Chelle had homework and her media club activities to keep her busy during the weekend. Nevertheless, she was still thinking what her history teacher was wearing underneath her trousers. A quick Internet search yield nothing plausible, so she contacted the other detectives. Her boyfriend Mark apologised as he had extended rugby training. Jenn send short reply stating she had debate practice. In the mid-afternoon, Lin answered.

“T-shape, image underneath her trousers?” Lin repeated. “Haven’t any immediate idea. How far away were you?”

“Not that far. She was moving fast.” Chelle also described the pale look on her teacher’s face. “It can’t be just here undies, right?”

“G-string? Nah.” Lin laughed over the phone then updated her classmate on meeting Reinhard’ old classmate. “They seem not only like old schoolmates but like animals immediately mating together.”

“Mating, Lin are you jealous?”

“She’s blonde, blue eyes, his height and they were yapping in their own language…”

“You are jealous Lin, Take it easy. He’s just met her and didn’t say he’s breaking up with you right?”

“Err, no. But… Are you going to the town festival this Halloween?” Lin quickly changed the subject.

“Perhaps. Cath’s got a choir performance around then and my whole family’s going to support her.” Chelle was referring to her younger sister.

Jenn indeed had debate practice on and she was acting as one of the adjudicators. The two opposing teams were the junior debaters and the seniors, with Richard included. There were several practice motions, one in particular was ‘This House believes spanking is harmful for children’s upbringing’. The junior team was supporting while the senior was in opposition. Jenn tried to judge fairly but couldn’t help be amazed by Richard’s speech, his counter-arguments and closing speech. Finally, the junior team won.

“I really have to say those were exceptional arguments,” Jenn admitted, walking up to Richard.

“Why, thanks. I actually don’t believe what I said after being spinked growing up.”

Jenn’s eyes widened. “You were spanked as a child?!” She pulled him aside. “I was spanked by my dad until my early teens.”

“Ouch, ouch, ” Richard replied. “We’ve got much in common, don’t we? We love musicals, we love oldies and we were spanked by our parents.”

Jenn wanted to laugh but instead asked. “What else do you like or hate?”

“I hate Halloween,” the lanky lad pointed at the art work on the wall. They were in a room also used by art students. “Never a fan of ghouls and scary acts. I like the company of people who shared the same tastes as I do.”

“I detest Halloween as well. Are…you asking me out Richard?!” Jenn couldn’t believe where a simple praise led to.

“Let’s go again, shall we? This time a proper date. We could…” Jenn mumbled an excuse and darted for the ladies, locking herself in the nearest stall. Oh gosh, some boy I treated as a rival and now he has much in common with me and is asking me out? Jenn sat there then got out then splashed water on her face.

“You two were discussing more than his debate arguments?” That came from Bethan.

Jenn nodded.

“He told you something about himself, right?”

Jenn couldn’t answer despite usually being able to.

” You found he’s the person you like? He asks you out?”

Jenn nodded then asked how Bethan’s bisexual life was.

“Oh, I’m putting the bi part away, found a neighbour. Jenn, if you do like him, go out.”

Jenn walked back her mind buzzing and nearly collided into Richard.

“How about seeing another musical? This time say London’s West End?”

Jenn agreed really wondering what she got herself into.

Chelle didn’t have history class on Monday but still was wondering what that figure or clothing was underneath Miss Hawkin’s trouser. She took Hattie who was a keen artist aside and described as best as she could what she did not saw not mentioning any names.

“Oooh, mystery,” Hattie remarked, kept quiet aftere that and expertly drew what Chelle described.

“I’ll buy you a…” Before Chelle could complete her sentence, there was a commotion and shouts, “she’s back!” That person was Molly Peacock, once part of the Cat’s group and attempting to seal Jenn underground. Naturally, the first student Molly met with was Jenn.

After their maths class, Chelle caught up with Lin and showed her the drawing. “Well,” Lin examined it. “Still looks like some sort of underwear. Maybe some type of knickers I’ve not seen yet?’ Lin remarked. She was constantly engrossed with fashion and knew many brands and styles. “You said she look pale?”

“Quite white, well I didn’t stay long enough to have a good look. You have any new gadgets for long-range observation, do you?” Chelle asked.

“Meet me in the science club room after school.”

Chelle did and Lin pulled out a cylindrical object from a drawer. “A telescope, well one you can keep under your coat. Original range 200 metres, I managed to increase it to 350 and magnified by three timex,” Lin proudly declared and showed her how to use it.

“Nice, what about the set of parabolic microphones you created earlier?” Chelle wondered

“I haven’t charged that up and plan to create a successor. What do you plan do really?”

“Follow Miss Hakins to her home or where she’s staying. I suspect there’s trouble brewing there. You joining? I’ll rope in Jenn.”

“That’s still a speculation. Course I’ll join when I retrieve my guy from his German bird.”

“If he’s really silently breaking up with you. Tread carefully.”

Chelle’s history class was focused on post World War Two superpower relations and she was doodling on her spare Foolscap paper knowing much on the topic from her father. Her focus was focused more Hawkins’s appearance and behaviour. She again was appeared really pale in her face and arms and was talking more rapidly than before. There were calls from students, “Miss Hawkins, please slow down,” and she did though quickly returned to speaking fast. As Chelle was worried about her history teacher, Lin was similarly wondering what was on Reinhard’s mind. On their chemistry practical – his class joined with hers – she noticed him looking bored after finishing the experiments and kept looking at his watch.

After school, she immediately corned him. “What you up to this afternoon?”

“Meeting Karin for coffee.” Damn! I knew it.

“How long? Where?”

“Shouldn’t be long, an hour. She said she’ll get to me.”

Richard also met up with Jenn and informed her that he did manage to secure West End tickets to Les Misérables.

“Gosh, how did you manage to find them?”

“Actually, my parents had them then last-minute decided not to attend. Don’t worry, I didn’t tell them who I plan to join me.” He handed her ticket.

“Either that happen or you pull other strings.”

“No really. They love…”

“Alright,” Jenn accepted then quickly shivered, “What’s the dress code?”

“I doubt it’s strict or definitely not casual.”

Chelle finished her English class fast then at her locker, she changed out of her uniform into jeans, shirt and her coat then exited the school grounds. Waiting at a shaded corner, it took more than five minutes before Miss Hawkins walked out. Chelle was thankful that Hawkins was not driving or she would have to find another method of shadowing her. Waiting a few seconds, Chelle proceeded to follow her teacher who moved rather fast covering several blocks by two p.m. Hawkins hailed a taxi and Chelle likewise did so and found Hawkins alighting in the outskirts of the next town. As her teacher entered what appeared to be an abandoned building, Chelle pulled out the telescope which also had an in-built camera added.

Lin waited and timed Reinhard. A quarter of an hour passed, then twenty minutes , then thirty minutes, then finally when an hour passed, she sent him a WhatsApp message. No instant reply. She sent another two messages with no response. Gritting her teeth, she dialled his number first receiving an engaged tone then there was an answer and before she could speak, there was laughter and she heard the sound of a cappuccino machine. Knowing where he was, she stormed out of her house.

The building that Miss Hawkins entered appeared without windows but after checking the corners, Chelle spied a single small, dirty window. Extending the telescope to its furthest magnification, she slid back into a side lane and focused on that window. Seconds passed and suddenly the frame of Hawkins appeared, her back turned. Chelle immediately took pictures, spotting her teacher twirl rapidly then started to remove her top, then unclip her bra. ok, Chelle thought, so she into some foreplay or just having adult fun with her lover. Hawkins appeared to have removed all her top clothing and her arms shifted downwards. She’s taking off her lower clothing, wish the rest of the window frame didn’t block my view, Chelle thought. Suddenly, what appeared like thick curtains covered the glass and stay there. Oh well, Chelle thought, at least I’ve some pictures.

Lin practically barged in the coffee shop, spotted her target and as that girl Karin left, Lin dragged Reinhard out of his chair and announced like a school teacher, “you are coming with me.” She literally yanked her surprised now supposed boyfriend for a short taxi ride and taking him up into her bedroom,

“What…how did you find me?”

“Which coffee shop doesn’t have that distinctive cappuccino machine sound? Is that the way you’re breaking up with me?”

“What?!” Reinhard shivered then Lin replayed the sound of him laughing on the phone.

“I can explain…” He was shivering faster now.

“Oh sure. Laughing how you’ll rather date German girl.” Lin replayed his laughter on her phone.

“No, no! You got it wrong! I was laughing at an old joke she told when we were in Primary school! I turned my phone off during our meet up, that’s all!”

“Oh really…” Lin started to describe Karin’s looks, her cherry voice her body language.

“Lin! What! I’m not breaking up with you! Karin is just old school friend!!!”

They stared at each other for over two minutes silently then Lin broke the silence. ” Alright, I believe you. I was having a huge feeling of jealousy. Let’s work on the werewolf costumes.”

Reinhard didn’t move and didn’t say a word. Lin handed him her desk mug and he slowly drank. “I’m sorry as well. Uh…I have to admit? Karin likes to attend the Halloween event. If you dislike, I’ll inform her.” He drew out his phone but Lin stopped him.

“She can come. Now, let’s work on the costumes.”

Two hours later, Lin managed to meet up with Chelle with Reinhard promising her not to meet up with Karin. “Nice,” Lin pointed at the photo of Hawkins unclipping her bra. “Look like the latest Victoria Secret design. Pretty expensive though. Maybe I should have taken history instead,” Lin laughed.

“What are your actual thoughts?” Chelle asked seriously.

“Like you summarised earlier, she’s having fun with her lover, stripping. The curtain closing could they were going to have sex,” Lin responded, never shying away from using the word ‘sex’. “She may have some trouble with her relationship, however, I’m not sure you can connect it to what you saw. Have you told Jenn or Mark?”

“Mark again in busy with rugby practice. Jenn says she’s busy.”

Jenn in fact had been constantly searching the Internet all Saturday for the actual dress code for West End Theatres. After an hour of intensive searching, she found many stating there was no set dress code and no one often came in casual wear. Jenn’s second worry was that it is a date, well not formally declared though not like the outings last time. Opening her closet, she just looked at her range of clothes and finally settled on the same maroon short-sleeved dress she wore last time. As it was an evening event and it wasn’t that cold, Jenn added her only skin-tone 30 denier tights and a matching cardigan. Taking a train and the London Tube, she reached the relevant theatre thirty minutes ahead of opening time.

Before she could look around, Richard’s voice behind her boomed. “Good evening, Jenn, you look beautiful.”

“Really Richard.” She quickly changed her tone and remarked, “Thank you very Richard,” trying to initiate a distasteful start. In truth, besides her clothing, Jenn had only clipped her hair, wore flat-heeled shoes and added lip gloss – she never had a makeup kit. The pair immediate heard calls and shout and saw Londoners dress early in Halloween costumes.

“Let’s get inside,” Richard suggested, lightly touching her back and Jenn didn’t shrug it off. Inside, they chatted a little about their favourite literature poems and debate topics then properly entered the hall. The curtain officially open ten minutes later and Jenn was fixed in with the acting and singing. She did see Les Misérables as a child though it was a short version which she disliked. This cast captivated her with their movement, words and vocals. Part of the way through the song “Who Am I?”, Richard’s arm covered the top of her seat. When the cast sang “Master of the House”, his hand touched hers and despite Jenn noticing, she just didn’t flinch or tell him to withdraw.

At the twenty-minute interval, Jenn felt thirsty and silently Richard asked her was she would like from the drinks stand. In typical fashion, it was filled with soft drinks and sweetened fruit juices. “Bottled water, please.” That was her only statement and after she took a large drink, she rushed to the loo and again locked herself in a stall. Oh gosh, I’m not just focused on a musical I love but allowed a boy to touch my back and touch my hand?! and i this the date I wish? In Year 10 when GCSEs are approaching? Furthermore, the guy used to be my rival.

“Hey you alright?” Jenn just nodded in response to Richard and settled in her seat. She again was focused during the second act and again Richard’s hand touched hers. Finally, the musical ended and the pair noticed it was 10 p.m. “We got to touches run to catch the train.” They did and after a breathless dash, they found their train was delayed. “Food?” The lanky lad asked, pointing to a small Cantonese eating.

Chelle decided that despite the poor evidence, she would follow Ms Hawkins again. That arose on the Halloween weekend when she spotted her teacher exited the school earlier than most staff. Hawkins appeared walk randomly then again hopped into a taxi. Chelle found one and the driver without question followed the other Taxi. After a fifteen-minute drive, her drive announced, “this is as far as I can reach Miss; we don’t cover the next area.” Chelle noted the direction that Hawkin’s taxi took as she paid and after a frantic walk, she finally spotted Hawkins turning the corner and entering a shop with the sign ‘Hardy’s Products’. Chelle tapped a text message then dashed into the store.

It was a store for women’s fashion except that there were few clothes on display and those that were announced pretty revealing. I don’t think even Lin would want to wear them, Chelle thought.

“Hey girl, we’re closing early,” a voice called. Chelle replied saying she won’t be staying long. Where could Miss Hawkins have gone? After moving past the few clothes, Chelle found herself in the fitting rooms. Every cubicle’s door was open except one which was appeared closed. Chelle immediately called and knocked and with no reply, she pushed at the door and found it empty. As she stepped in, the floor creaked under her weight and it opened and Chelle fell in.

“Arhh!!! Woooh!!” The attendees at the town Halloween event shouted eerie calls as they gathered. “Well, we have stiff competition,” Reinhard pointed out as he as adjusting his werewolf costume.

“Oh, we’ll earn a spot,” Lin replied. “So, where’s old classmate?”

“Karin said she’s coming…ah,” he pointed at the approaching figure. The voice of the even emcee drowned out the trio’s greeting and the lights dimmed.

Chelle fell onto some hard ground with the obvious trap closing. Miraculously, she fell herself only with light bruise on her buttocks. After rising, through the dim light, Chelle saw the outline of naked figures, no naked women! Her mind buzzing at the sight, Chelle saw there was only a one small corridor in front of her. She pulled out her pen torchlight to improve illumination thus finding a further narrow corridor with rows of thick doors. Each were padlocked and there was an eerie silence from the first few doors but there was a ghost-like cry from the fifth door. Chelle used her laser pen then after much tugging, that padlock fell away. Opening the door, Chelle gasped.

The Halloween event participants screamed at the clips – the organisers showed just clips to prevent copyright claims, of various Halloween movies and horror shows. Lin was watching the clips and Reinhard’s Karin’s behaviour. Reinhard appeared to focus on the screen then occasionally smiled at his old classmate who returned the smile. Just as they were showing clips of the Scream series, the German girl told Reinhard she was going to find the toilet. That’s great, Lin thought silently, that leaves me with him, three is always a crowd. As the clips shifted to the low-rated Scream 3, Reinhard looked at his watch and muttered he was going to search for his friend. “Oh, forget it, girls always take time in the toilet.” Either he didn’t hear her comment or it was too noisy, he just moved off with Lin chasing after. Reinhard quicky found her within fifteen minutes, where some stranger in a Joker mask was fondling her, who in turn appeared hands bound behind her back and a cloth wedged in her mouth.

Charlotte Hawkins was chained to a wall and slightly raised, arms and legs spread out in a spreadeagle position. Without looking around, Chelle called, “hang on!” and dashed forward. Before she could attempt to free her teacher, arms grabbed her and a thick-gloved hand covered her mouth. Despite intensive struggling and muffled cries, Chelle was secured to chains in the opposite wall. The two strangers with ghost masks conversed rapidly in a language Chelle could not identify. Just as they secured the teen detective, they disappeared, shutting off the lights in that room.

“Are you alright Miss Hawkins?” Chelle called out in the darkness and received a weak affirmative reply. Hawkins said she dated a French Algerian boyfriend Aziz and every date seem fine until it turned into a dominance and submission relationship and she played the submissive person. She had accepted all his gifts, go to meet him in obscure areas and today she was informed to meet him in the store above and quickly she found herself here.

“I think something terrible is…” Before she could continue, the lights snapped back on and the two cloaked and masked individuals returned. One headed over to Hawkins and locked some device over her head. The other stuff a smelly cloth in Chelle’s mouth and wound duct tape around her lower jaw. With the gags in place, the pair disappeared.

Chelle was about to call out through her gag then spotted her teacher – the two figures forgot to switch the lights off – was now partly undressed. Chelle saw Hawkins was gagged with a harness gag, a black ball with a fairly air hole. tube Her magenta bra was clearly exposed, with one strap forced down, exposing part of her C-cup breasts. Her knickers were missing; there was a metallic strap around her hips and another strap was attached passing down her vulva, barely covering part of her labia.

“Whmmt izzit that Miss Hawmmkins?” Chelle asked through her gag.

“Chastity Belt. ” Hawkins could pronounce that term well despite the kinky gag. “You can call me Charlotte.” Charlotte explained that her boyfriend locked her in that device as part of the dominant-submissive act they were in. It also had some dildo which he could activate causing her to wince. Chelle quickly realised that was what she initially saw and what she photographed. No wonder Lin and I couldn’t identify what that was. Then what explained her pale look and her rapid talking? Chelle wondered.

“I …” Just then the two thugs re-entered and released Charlotte from her chains and with her muted cries, she was dragged off and the lights were now turned off. Plunged again in darkness, Chelle twisted her chained arms and wrists willy though couldn’t reach her hidden gadgets. Suddenly, there were cries from another area and the girl detective hasten her attempts. After five tries, she managed to free her wrists fetters and despite with leg irons locked on, she manage to run towards the direction the two thugs took her teacher. She quickly found herself in a makeshift medical operation room. Two strangers were hunch over a semi-naked Charlotte Hawkins, holding medical scalpels. They were focused on her crotch with her legs spread wide in a V- shape formation. Besides the pair, there were other cloak- figures with ghost masks on and chanting some song with lyrics Chelle could not identify.

Just as one of those cloaked figures ran up attempted to push her away, there were cries of “police! You’re surrounded!” Officers swarmed in and within minutes the strange gang was arrested just in time before Charlottle Hawkins faced an unwanted medical surgery.

“Thanks for the message, sorry I couldn’t meet you earlier,” Mark, Chelle’s boyfriend hugged her as the familiar face of DCI Nikki Heath appeared. “Thanks Michelle,” Charlotte Hawkins said in weak voice as officers helped her out.

“Danke,” Karin thanked her old schoolmate and told him she’ll be heading back to London. Reinhard had managed to pry that costumed guy away and release Karin and luckily a police officer was around to arrest that person.

“You could stay for a while. I’ll buy everyone coffee,” he nodded to his girlfriend. He and Lin won fourth place in the costume competition.

“No, you belong here, I don’t,” she waved and disappeared. He stared, hand stretched out until Lin tugged him and said, “I need that cup of coffee.”

“FGM?! Female genital mutilation! That group wanted to disfigure your teacher’s genitals?!” Lin exclaimed days later as she and Chelle shared a pumpkin tart.

“Yeah, some small ultra-radical cult that cuts women’s genitals for their reasons of submission. Charlotte Hawkins was not only was locked in a chastity belt with an in-built dildo but also constantly given a drink laced with drugs that would affect her looks and speech, also turning her more submissive.

“Oh yucks,” Lin responded upon hearing that. “Relationships are not about submission…hey Jenn,” the third girl detective slipped into the next chair.

“I know, I wasn’t free last two weeks.” Jenn gave a quick summary from what she learnt after debate practice, the musical and the brief touch and the close eye contact she had with Richard during their meal before their train ride. “I…I now have a boyfriend,” she finally announced before finishing the glass of water in front of her.

“Congratulations!” Her fellow detectives hugged her.

“I’m not sure how to continue with it,” Jenn added.

“Relationships aren’t easy Jenn. You have boyfriend who don’t meet up for days, ” Chelle replied.

“You have boyfriends who fantasise about other girls. Love is so complex, ” Lin also added.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in ‘Underneath the Mistletoe’.

26: Frenchies and Pansies


Jenn travels to France on a school trip however she gets captured by corrupt French policemen and the others rush to find a way to rescue her.

Note: I don’t speak French. No offence to the Parisian police.

“Wow, that was really amazing!” Lin exclaimed as she and Reinhard entered the detective’s headquarters.

“Yeah, nice Dim Sum. Thanks for introducing me to not-so-common kinds of Dim Sum and helping me sharpen chopstick skills,” he added.

“I’ll make you into a Cantonese and chopstick cuisine expert shortly, ” she smiled. “And you can make me an expert in German and Jamaican cuisine.”

“Yeah, it was pricey though,” he added.

“Still worth it. As I mentioned before, its great therapy after being bound and gagged for a long time. I’ll cover more of the cost next time.” He didn’t like being second to this wealthier girl but didn’t state that.

“Uhm…on that note, what should I call you now? Dear, honey…” They were a couple for over a month and Reinhard was still unsure how to be a boyfriend.

“Just call me by my name and I’ll call you by yours. Something wrong?” The something was how she was dressed. Lin’s maroon dress emphasised her cleavage and he was trying hard to control himself. Lin attempted to kiss him but he said, “Let’s continue working on the missing and damaged gadgets,” quickly changing subject. “And think of new ones.”

Just as the couple were about to get to work, the door opened and the other detective couple, Michelle and Mark entered. “How are you two lovebirds?”

“We’re doing just fine,” Lin quickly answered then the door also opened and the newest male detective, Richard Weaver, entered.

“Thought it was Jenn. Surely, she can’t be late again?” Chelle wondered after they all greeted Richard.

“Oh, she didn’t tell you? She’s preparing for her school…”

All their mobile phones buzzed. Heading to Paris for a trip organised by my French teacher. Back next week. Take care if a case crops up xxx

“Oh well, that leaves us and to bring you up to speed,” Mark remarked.

“There’s training?” Richard asked.

“Oh no, everything is on the job,” Lin answered. “Haven’t finished constructing all the gadgets for you but here are some of the main ones.” Richard was armed with the male version of the hidden penknife – normal penknife hidden in a wallet, radio implanted in a mobile phone cover and the laser pen. He received a quick summary of their work and with no news to investigate, Lin and Reinhard were left to build gadgets.

Jenn had been to Paris before with her parents but that was for holiday and many years before. This time it was all work with her teacher Madame Béatrice Laurent making her class quickly identify famous sights and the history behind them on their notebooks during the Eurostar trip.

“Can I compare my answers with yours?” Her classmate Bethan whispered as they passed through the customs at the Gare du Nord train station.

“I’d think…”

“No cheating!” Madame Laurent shouted in French and the whole class fell silent as they boarded the bus to their hotel.

Back at Croonford, Lin was about to enter the school grounds when Mrs Patricia Homerton, the discipline mistress, called her. “Miss Chan, hold-ups aren’t part of the school uniform. Please return home with tights of correct denier and show me.”


“No ‘buts’.”

Lin groaned, wishing the half-term break would arrive faster. She waited for the discipline mistress to leave before heading to her locker instead where she kept spare tights. Later during break time, Reinhard caught up with her.

“Was that unintentionally or did you flout that rule intentionally?” He asked.

“It’s a silly rule and it’s just me.” she smiled with him wondering if it was her showing off her fashion sense.

“Let me ask you what is this huge contraption you stored in our science club room,” she opened the room. “What is…

Reinhard had part of his mind of his girlfriend’s hosiery but quickly answered.

“You know the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? This is my version of Professor Potts breakfast-making machine.” Indeed, it was almost a replica, except there was a frying pan where the eggs and bacons, not sausages would be cooked on. A frying spatula on a mechanical arm was present obviously to turn the food and there was a small plastic container to spray oil.

“That amazing!” She was about to hug him but refrained to even though they were alone – the school forbid students from showing affection towards each other. “You aren’t going to demonstrate it here, are you?”

“No, I don’t want to trigger to fire alarm. Got permission to use the field behind the Old Cannons pub. Say some afternoon this week?”

Jenn scored well in Madame Laurent first task but that was just the beginning. After breakfast, she set the class to a more challenging assignment. “Go out around Paris and write an essay about a sight of something unusual. Don’t go to the common tourist sights like the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower. You may work in pairs and have until 9:00 PM. Good luck.”

Jenn paired up with Bethan then looking up Paris, they decided on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The OECD isa multilateral consortium to improve international development and its headquarters is there. Both girls were interested in international relationships, but they picked that OECD headquarters not for its role, but because of the history of the building itself. The headquarters occupies a very majestic château, specifically the Château de la Muette, was once a royal hunting lodge of Charles IX, King of France. It was passed as a second château to Louis XV, then Louis XVI then the Montgolfier brothers. It became a third château bought by Baron Henri James de Rothschild as his residence but taken over by the Nazi German Navy during World War II and post war, the headquarters of the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC), then finally the OECD.

The girls found this information online but wanted to ascertain if there was any more history they could find for their essay. They did make a great choice but the problem was getting there. The Metro train near their hotel suffered a fault so their trip to the La Muette Metro, the nearest Metro near the OECD. By the time they exited the Metro gates, it was nearly noon. They finished taking photos from a distance of the surroundings -which were either embassies or upper-class residences then they learnt there would be a short tour of the headquarters organised by a university and they allowed the pair to join in.

“We have over an hour before the tour, want to grab lunch, oh, excusez-moi, ” Bethan felt hr elbow strike someone. The tattooed guy shouted a word back she wasn’t familiar and Jenn quickly pulled her away.

“What did he say? My French isn’t so strong,” Bethan asked.

“He…called you the ‘B’ word. Let’s find lunch.” Jenn shook her head.

After much searching, they found themselves in a nearby new and not-so-expensive Parisian Cafe eating filled baguettes. Just as Jenn was about to finish her meal, she noticed a commotion outside, excused herself and head back out.

That same afternoon back at Croonford, Reinhard had set up his Chitty Chitty Bang Bang-inspired device. His mind was wondering what his girlfriend would be wearing when Lin arrived wearing jeans, red sweater and matching top.

“I bought the eggs and bacon as requested,” she said and he loaded them on the various parts. Checking that the various components were in order, he switched on the device. A train rolled down a set of train tracks, carrying two plates. Simultaneously, eggs were spinning on a miniature Ferris wheel and mechanical arms picked up two slices of bacon and placed them in a frying pan with oil sizzling. The arms automatically turned the bacon in a few minutes then lowered them onto the plates. Next, more arms caught two eggs from the Ferris wheel and cracked them into the fat from the oil and the bacon with the arms turning them and soon enough, the eggs joined the bacon and the rolled down on a ramp onto a table set up.

“How is it? Is it cooked properly?” Reinhard asked.

“It’s great! Although I’d like my eggs a bit runnier,” his girlfriend replied and before he could say he couldn’t figure how to make the arms fry eggs different ways, she hugged him, licked her lips and was about to kiss him when both their phones buzzed with a message from Chelle.

Bethan told me Jenn went missing in Paris.

All the remaining teen detectives quickly congregated at their headquarters with this startling news. Jenn had spotted the same man who Bethan accidentally knocked. He and several other similarly-tattooed men harassing ladies and women nearby and hurling lewd insults at them. Jenn had spotted some Parisian policemen and called them to address the harassment but not of them reacted. Jenn called again and as she turned back, strong arms behind grabbed her. Jenn’s cry was cut off with a large hand over her mouth and simultaneously Jenn felt cold metal locked around her wrists as her arms were yanked behind her back. She was unceremoniously dragged and pushed into a dark police van which took off.

“She was with Bethan who accidentally knocked some French man who cursed Bethan then Jenn left part of the way through their lunch, ” Chelle read out to the others what Bethan told her.

“Surely the police there will be investigating?” her boyfriend Mark wondered.

“Maybe. Would she have any of the gadgets with her?”

“May have or didn’t bring since she had to pass through customs, “Lin answered. “We’ve got to think how to save her.”

Jenn was thrown wildly against the interior of the van as the vehicle jerked wildly. After a few minutes and several light bruises, she managed to sit on one of the benches and twist her arms to her front. Why am I arrested or kidnapped? Who are these people? These thoughts continued until the van suddenly stopped and the back door open, revealing two burly men wearing uniforms with Préfecture de Police stencilled in front.

“Hello? What’s happening? Am I arrested? What fo….” Jenn asked loudly in French until one brandished a baton and the they both shouted “shut up!” Her arms were painfully turn to her back and with the two men locking their arms around hers, she was escorted out. The whole exterior was dark slight disorientating Jenn and she quickly found herself facing a femme or woman whole looked quite muscular. Her handcuffs only then were removed.

“What…” Jenn question was cut off as a bundle of clothes were thrust into her hands.

“Change!” The butch woman barked.

Jenn hesitated as she noticed the two men were standing in eye shot.

“Change!” The woman repeated, advancing towards her now. Sighing, Jenn undressed and was soon just in white bra and knickers. The clothes were brown prison jumpsuit with plastic buttons. She quickly dressed but the humiliation was already done. With her wrists secured again, Jenn was pushed into a cell that stank.

Yet another case where one of the girls go missing, Detective Chief Inspector (DCI Nikki Heath thought. “No, I don’t know any police detective of investigating officer in Paris. No contacts. Sorry.”

Chelle and Lin looked dejected but thank their long-term police and left.

“Can we go to Paris? It’s half-term?” Lin wondered.

“My parents won’t like it. I suspect it’s the same for the boys.”

Lin didn’t reply and hate being helpless.

Jenn’s wrists were now cuffed to a belly chain and her left ankle was attached to a short chain on the floor. Just as she was started to think of a way out, she heard a snoring noise from the next wall and through the dim light, she saw a figure shoulder-length blonde hair rise.

The similarly-dressed and chained girl coughed several times before introducing herself as Sabrina with a thick Parisian accent.

“I was walking back from school then was pushed to a side road, handcuffed and found myself here.” Jenn recounted her story adding the incident where Bethan accidentally knocked that man. “Who are these people?” Jenn asked.

“Well, they can’t be proper police,” Sabrina coughed again. “Real police wouldn’t lock people up like this,” She held up her cuffed wrists and before she could continue, the same pair of men who escorted Jenn burst in and one held her while another pasted two long strips of tape over Jenn’s lips.

“That’s for talking! Don’t you dare take it off! You,” one of the men pointed at Sabrina, “Shut up!”

Back at Croonford, Chelle, Lin, Mark and Reinhard decided if they couldn’t go to Paris, they had to enlist someone’s help. It took Bethan quite a while before she answered the WhatsApp call.

The hotel Wi-Fi here isn’t strong she typed. Oh, you want me to a girl detective?

Chelle typed yes and explained what they’d like her to do.

Sounds exciting and yeah, I don’t think the Préfecture de Police aren’t treating this seriously. Bethan was referring to the police force covering Paris. But I don’t have your magical gadgets. I don’t want to be captured. She silently recalled how she was cable-tied and cleave-gagged in her bra and knickers by a fake drama teacher previously.

We’re not asking you to. Run if you see any danger, Lin typed.

As the conversation ended, Richard entered the headquarters.

“Where were you? We……” Chelle asked.

“I managed to secure a cheap flight to Paris,” Richard answered. “What do you think? Can I bring any of the gadgets with me?”

There was a pause then Lin answered. “Yes, the identification app. Hopefully Jenn is wearing the corresponding chip on her. I’ve boosted the range up to four metres. Hopefully the customs there won’t check your phone,” Lin quickly added the app to his phone before he left.

“I better notify Bethan he’s going,” Chelle added.

Jenn, now silenced, watched Sabrina inch forward as much as the ankle shackles allowed. “Sorry for your state now. Must be my cough,” she said in a softer voice and turned her head as she coughed. Jenn noticed in the dim light that the uniform was quite tight against her body and she wasn’t wearing a bra and there was a damp spot her crotch area.

On cue Sabrina continued. “Yes, I’m a model. I was modelling before they picked me up. Not naked, just topless. I need the money to pay for my studies at Université de Paris; my family’s not wealthy. They didn’t let me use the les toilettes. I don’t suppose you model, do you?”

“Nmmph,” Jenn’s ‘no’ came out as soft as Sabrina’s voice.

“What exactly was a good French-speaking English girl doing in this city?”

Jenn tried to answer but suddenly felt weak and slumped down with Sabrina following suit.

Madame Laurent did not allow any student to leave the hotel after they handed over their essays. Bethan waited for her teacher to be busy then slipped out wearing dark clothes. It took a short time for her to reach the La Muette Metro and just as she got out, a figure in the shadows greeted her, “hello Bethan.”

“Oh, it’s you! The debater who keeps getting first place lately. I was nearly got to hit you,” she replied.

“No hard feelings, I hope. Let’s go find Jenn; I don’t want to miss a feelings, debate with her.”

She led him to the bistro and they combed the surrounding area, with Bethan asking passe-bys if they had seen her friend. Just as the Welsh student though it was a futile chase, she spotted a bag in a rubbish dump.

“Hey, that’s Jenn’s school bag!” she called and Richard lifted it up with his gloved hands. Nearby, he spotted a painting of a small pansy flower. Despite it being just a drawing, he snapped a picture and asked Bethan to direct them to the detective in charge of the case.

Captaine Sophia Toussaint had a heavy workload that afternoon but accepted the teenager’s request. Jenn’s bag was immediately sent to her forensics team and after some questions with Bethan translating for Richard, she was going to dismiss the teens when Richard pulled out his phone and showed the picture he took.

“I spotted it near…” He began and the officer’s eyes narrowed, simply asking for a copy and dismissing the teens.

Jenn awoke with the sound of a van’s engine and the seat beneath her vibrated. Her eyes confirmed that she was in the same van she was when captured. She was still cuffed and gagged with rope wound around her breasts. Across her sat Sabrina who was also chained not gagged. The same two men in Préfecture de Police uniforms were beside her while the butch-like lady was in a corner. All three carried SIG Pro semi-automatic pistols directed at their captives, ensuring their silence.

Just as Jenn considered her options, sirens blared and she heard a series of pricking sounds and was thrown against the side as the vehicle jerked to a stop. Immediately, she heard a voice outside call, “This is the Police nationale. You are surrounded. Exit and release the hostages.”

The butch woman leapt across swiftly grabbing Jenn in one tight arm lock while the other two men locked their arms around Sabrina. As they dragged that girl, one unlocked the door, revealing a horde of police officers with weapons raised.

“Release the girls!” Captaine Toussaint yelled.

In response, Jenn felt a cold metal ring press against her neck. No, I don’t want don’t to die today, she wailed as the French police officers slowly lowered their weapons. Jenn closed her eyes then there were two muted shots, with blood splattering on her face and she tumbling down.

“Subjects down. Incident secured,” Captain Toussaint radioed in her microphone as other French police officers helped the girls up, unlocked their chains and removing Jenn’s gag. As she was escorted, she was surprised to spot her debating rival Richard behind the police cordon.

Jenn had to remain in Paris for further interviews with the police but managed to return to the UK just before half-term ended. She was happy the police found and returned her phone, purse and even school uniform.

“They were going to sell you?!” Lin gasped as Jenn met up with the rest of the detectives the Sunday before the return of school.

“Yeah, some perverted organised crime group. They were going to sell me to some family in exchanged for money to buy weapons. The other girl Sabrina was about to be sold as a model to some North Africa gang. They disguised themselves as police officers and were looking for teen girls in the 16th arrondissement of Paris which is a wealthy area where Bethan and myself were. That tattooed man and the harassment was staged.”

“And the pansy painted on the wall was the gang’ sign. I was lucky to catch sight of it,” Richard added.

“It was a harrowing time with no gadgets, well except the tracking one, on me. Hope I can have some that custom agents won’t suspect the next time.”

“We’ll work on it,” Lin patted Jenn’s hand.

The detectives split up and Jenn stopped Richard.

“I forgot to say ‘thank you’ for coming after me,” she extended her hand.

“You’re welcome. It was interesting using Lin’s gadget,” he held up his phone. Oh, lucky I sewn the identification chip on my bra she thought. No, I’m not going to talk about it.

“Would you like a cup of coffee, tea? My treat.”

“Uhm, next time. Going to Skype with that girl Sabrina.”

Meanwhile, Lin asked Reinhard if he would like to search for Halloween costumes.

“Uhm, I’m not a fan of that hope that’s ok with you,” he replied.

“Ok, we’ll work on your breakfast machine then.” She hugged him.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Richard will return in ‘The Birds and the Bees’.

24: To Paradise


Staff and students are taken hostage by an Islamic militant group that threatens its destruction unless certain Muslim prisoners are freed. But only one of the team can tell where the bomb is.

“Morning Lin,” Reinhard greeted the taller teen detective and fellow school mate.

Although it was summer break throughout the UK, their school in Croonford requested all students from Year 8 onwards to return for classes to ensure the school’s academic rating would remain stellar. Students of course complained but there was no clear opposition. Reinhard looked at Lin Ling and despite having seen her in her summer uniform many times, it now appeared to enhance her beauty. Her school blouse although wasn’t tight against her torso, seemed to push out her C-Cup breasts. Her skirt conformed to school regulations but her bare legs were firm with the skin slightly shining.

“About the last time…” He began.

“Thanks again for freeing me last time. For once, I thought I would suffer from that gag and boiling room,” She interrupted.

“Uh yes, I meant the dinner you cooked.” “Want another round?” “Well, perhaps somewhere else,” Reinhard could think where. He wasn’t a great cook and his own home was messy compared to her majestic place. He admitted the first part to her, mentioned they could go to some German or Jamaican eatery but couldn’t think of any.

“We’ll find…” Lin’s answer was interrupted when Michelle Summers appeared. “What were interrupted you two discussing?”

“Oh, nothing much,” Lin quickly replied then as Mark, Chelle’s boyfriend joined them, Chelle updated them on the last case. Those eco-terrorists were definitely also racists, affirming what Lin heard from one them just after they left. They authorities were still trying to find other hideouts with other kidnapped victims and other technologies they group may own. “Racists,” Lin remarked as the group reached the school gates.

“Hey, it’s the same repair van again. I thought the lighting in the hall was already fixed. Spotting the school’s longest serving security guard, she asked him. “Oh, yes, Miss Chan, they suddenly said want to check the wiring again.” Ted Wiggins was friendly to the East Asian student but was friendly still trying to figure out how to pronounce her name. While Lin partly accepted that answer, Chelle was wondering where the other girl detective, Jennifer Thompson was.

“Probably of finding adventure like you,” came one answer.

“She’s in the ladies, probably a bad breakfast,” came another.

That was partly true, Jenn had locked herself in a toilet cubicle. She didn’t have any food poisoning or relieving herself there but again just reading the regional and national debating results. The morning bell interrupted her reading and sighing, she got out but just she was about to pull open the door, she heard what she was the sound of fireworks. That’s strange, she thought as it was too early in the year. The crackling noise occurred again, then there were shouts and an explosion which almost caused her to fall down. After a sound like a small explosion was heard, Jenn slowly inched the door open and gasped. Students, teachers and staff were marched in lines with their hands over their heads. Men wearing uniforms that identified them as electricians were wearing balaclavas and armed with rifles shouting at students and staff in a foreign language also prodding random staff or students randomly with rifles she could not immediately identify.

She gently closed the door not before whipping out her mobile phone before snapping several pictures. Damn, damn, damn, Jenn thought. The school’s been taken over by armed men but why? Jenn knew guesses would wait as she had to call the police fast. Retreating back in the same stall, Jenn was about to do so until she found she had no signal on her phone. Shaking it, she still found a dead signal. Oh crap.

Meanwhile, the armed men separated the staff and students in different rooms. Staff were held in one corner of their own staff room while male students were held in the school hall while female students were kept in various classrooms with everyone still forced to keep their hands on their heads. Just after every one was separated the PA system crackled.

“Everyone, your attention. You should note the armed men surrounding all of you. Any silly heroes will be shot on sight. You may be freed only if we get what we want.” Jenn heard it and deduced it was either a North African or Middle Eastern accent. What do they want? Jenn was thinking extremely fast until she heard footsteps. She darted out of the stall, quickly closing the door and rushed into the cleaner’s closet. There was no internal lock so she quickly pushed the nearby hoover against the door. The room naturally stank so she held her breath and waited. The sounds of someone opening and closing the toilet stalls was heard then the footsteps were much louder. Jenn tensed up, ready to be captured or…suddenly the footsteps retreated, then a sound indicating the main toilet door was open and closed made her heave a sigh of relief.

Jenn suddenly knew she had to head to her locker where she kept the bulk of her gadgets. The two main gadgets she had was the identification device she sown onto her bra and the radio earrings. The main worry was that the girl’s locker room was one long corridor away from this girl’s loo she was in. Jenn waited for a minute and half, placing her left ear against the door. Hoping there was no hostage takers — they had to be, she deduced — she slowly pulled the door open and stepped out, grateful that no one was immediately in sight.

Jenn decided she would take an alternative route to the locker room which meant she travel one floor up, cross another shorter corridor, down another flight of stairs and across yet another corridor. Half tiptoeing and slowly walking she made it up the first flight of stairs then spotted a locked window that showed the outside street. I can signal someone if only…Jenn shook her head and reached the top only to quickly spot another armed masked man walking towards the stairwell. Quickly, she rushed back down, albeit halfway, pressing herself against the wall and waited for the dreadful grab. Once again, luck was with Jenn as the sound of footsteps faded. She confirmed this by peeking and noticing the guard heading the other way.

The first room on this new level was an empty Year 8 classroom. Jenn immediately spied and grabbed some permanent markers from the art table then headed back down to the window. Jenn tested a marker on the window and nothing much came out the suddenly a police officer in sight. Dropping the markers in her skirt pocket, she rapidly waved at the officer also tapping the glass. Initially, the officer did not look up and was about to move away then spotted Jenn. She wasn’t proficient in Morse Code but recalling learning it from a camp, she used her hands to signal twice ‘SCHOOL TAKEN OVER BY ARMED MEN, NEED URGENT HELP, JENNIFER THOMPSON.’ The officer stood still as Jenn sent the signal then walked off away in sight.

Did he get my signal? Did he send for further help? Jenn could only guess but still aimed to reach her locker. Kneeling on a stair, she noticed the armed man still patrol that corridor. She waited until he turned around then rushed into the classroom, drawing the door almost closed and peering out. The armed man turned around again, following a pattern. Jenn seized the chance to head into the second classroom then following the pattern, she moved into the other classrooms when the guard always turned his back and finally she reached the other stairwell, rushed down and enter the girls’ locker room.

While Jenn had successfully reached the locker room, the other teen detectives were trying to figure out how to harass the despite trio of armed guards guarding them and other students. Mark and Reinhard were thinking hard about that while Chelle and Lin glanced at each other to communicate silently with their eyes.

Jenn retrieve gadgets including the foundation kit which held a penknife, the pen torchlight – just in case the lights went out and exchanged her watch with the watch that had an in-built laser and finally the pen loaded with pepper spray. The other gadgets she had stashed back in the detective’s headquarters but decided these were sufficient. She further changed to her PE shorts and shirt definitely more practical and comfortable in this situation. Jenn found there was still no mobile phone signal on hr phone but activating the tracking app Lin invented. The signals from the other four detectives were active somewhere north east of her position but were all grouped together. A minute or so passed, and none of the signals moved with Jenn surmising it wasn’t where the others were – their phones were likely taken away.

Jenn pressed her left ear and spoke. “Hey gang,” she radioed in a soft voice and explained where she was for the past hour. “Don’t reply. I managed to signal a police officer and help should be on the way.” Jenn really wondered if that was true. Just as she decided to move, her shoe touched some object and she discovered it was a portable Wi-Fi router.

The police constable (PC) in fact did read Jenn’s broken morse code and thought it was a joke at first. He was off duty yet still after seeing her he headed to the school’s main gate attempting to enter. However, just as he was pressing the button for ‘Guest Entry’, a shot came from the school window striking him in his right chest. “Officer 732, status zero, Croonford road, outside the school gates.” He radioed.

That set off a huge chain of events. An Ambulance pulled up but as paramedics rushed up to him, more shot were fired, hitting a paramedic in his right arm. With cries of ‘fall back’ they all managed to move into the safety of the ambulance and the injured were in the local hospital in no time. Less than an hour, another police officer arrived, Detective Sergeant (DS) Bluebell Ransom. Ransom still had an open drug case but a shooting was even more serious. As she asked the injured officer to repeated the last part of the morse code, her eyes widened and turned to dial a number.

Jenn had only seen her father once with a portable Wi-Fi router but she was smart enough to figure out how to operate the device she found. She smiled once her phone caught the Wi-Fi signal and quickly sent a WhatsApp message to Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nikki Heath, the teen detective’s key police ally.

Nikki, armed men have taken over the school and held staff and students hostage. Please send help quickly.

Doubles ticks appeared then came the reply.

A PC saw a female student signalling this message in morse code signed off with your named and was shot at the school gates. Was that u who sent the signal?

Jenn typed ‘yes’.

Are u safe? What about the others?

Don’t know. Believe all their phones were taken. Think am safe. In the girl’s locker room.

Don’t try anything brave. Stay where you are. Help should arrive.

That last did not happen instantly. With the report of the shot police office and paramedic along with DCI Heath dubious report the decide came 11:50am to send it the region’s Counter Terrorism Special Firearms (CTSFO) team.

The bulk of UK police officers, except those in Northern Ireland. don’t carry firearms unlike most police forces globally so as not to act a threatening force to the community. Certain officers are trained and authorised to carry and discharge firearms ranging from pistols to sniper rifles. These fall generally under three classes: Authorised Firearms Officer, officers who carry firearms for escort duties, force protection and other related tasks. The next level is Specialist Firearms Officer, trained not just with firearms but building entry, hostage rescue and the like. The highest level is the Counter Terrorism Special Firearms Officer, naturally able to tackle terrorists.

The regional CTSFO team approached the school stealthily no sirens. Despites this, more shot rang out and several officers shouted into their personal radios. “Pull back!” The leader, Police Sergeant Anna Bulford ordered and checked on her team. After repeated replies ‘No Harm’, Bulford ordered her team to pull further back but still surround the school. “Julie, go find blueprints for this building fast.” PC Julie Hawkins, Bulford’s deputy and close friend – explaining the first name – acknowledged.

More police vehicles arrived and out of the first came a 180cm tall male officer, came to confer with Bulford. After hearing the update, Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Marcus Rayson, the head of the region’s CTSFO command and Bulford’s higher superior first remark was, “You’ve got a lot of girls here.” Besides PS Bulford and PC Hawkins, there was Ellie Lindsay, a black PC born in the East Midlands, PC Grace Alexander and a former PS now PC Alison Mason who had left hen re-joined the police and trained as a CTSFO. There were a couple of other female PCs but and an almost equivalent of male CTSFO PCs.

“Is that problem sir?” Anna retorted.

“Oh, no,” he quickly replied. ACC Rayson wasn’t a misogynistic but still was of the kind that preferred male officers. Anna was an exception; he saw her as an excellent officer. Next to him was another black female PS, who introduced herself as the hostage and crisis negotiator. “Negotiator,” ACC Rayson muttered under his breath indicating his dislike but didn’t stop Jane Smyth from trying several of the school phone numbers but got engaged tones.

While the negotiator was trying to get contact, Jenn was still in the locker room, a little elated from Nikki’s last words. She was about to rest against a locker when she heard the automatic doors open. Immediately, Jenn got flat down on the floor and as she started to squirm, she heard a voice call out in some unknown language and instead got on her knees and crawled as fast as she could to the end of row between the sets of lockers. With her heart beating fast and the dreaded thought of being caught, she still raised and turned her head. She spotted legs encased in black jumpsuit and boots and rapidly weighed her options. The automatic doors to the room were now at the far end. The various set of lockers created four different rows all leading to the doors. Jenn was on the third row – the sets of lockers were arranged by surname. To head to the doors meant traversing back down the row she crawled and giving herself up. Or… there was the soft sound of air rushing in. Jenn then realised in was the sole window in the locker room, usually closed but partly open due to the scorching weather. That particular window was at the back of the first row.

As the legs started moving towards her, Jenn quickly crawled through the narrow gap, reaching the fourth row. Not daring to look back, Jenn crawled again then spotted the thug in full, waking down the second row. As he turned walked back and headed to the third row, Jenn had managed to reach the front of the first and pressed herself against the metal locker. Suddenly, she tip-toed, and finally reached the window. It was only partially opened and Jenn quickly tugged at the handle. In other situation, she might have extracted her gadgets, but she was now frantic. Come on, come on, the gap finally widened and Jenn held the sill with her hands, trying to ignore the pain and lifted herself over. Ow, ow, her torso now ached but she was now in on a shaded path. Peering over the sill, she spotted the armed man turning to exit and she managed to snape a picture of him before he left.

Jane Smyth was about to try one of the school numbers again when her phone – they had commandeered a shophouse – rang. “Hello,” Jane introduced herself as other officers listened in on deadlines. There was immediate silence on the other end, then a snigger and a dark voice spoke not in English.

“What’s that?” PS Bulford asked with Smyth holding up her hand and answering in the same language. The answer came back in the same harsh voice replied then the line closed.

With a no emotion on her face, Jane explained. “They want Palestinian prisoners in UK custody freed by 3:00pm this afternoon. If they aren’t, they’ll blow the whole school.” She then added she took a course in Farsi, a language from the Middle East.

Jenn re-entered the school then ensuring there wasn’t any armed thugs in the vicinity, she sent another message to DCI Heath.

You did what?! Nikki nearly typed back both shocked and admiring the teen’s escape. After seeing the images,

Jenn, stay where you are now, Nikki typed then rushed to her car.

“Hey, mister, hey I need to use the toilet,” Harriet Coy, one of Chelle and Lin’s classmates called. The trio of thugs didn’t respond.

“Hey, I need to go to the toilet. Toilet? Do you understand? Toilet?” Hattie called again. One turned at her then turn back.

“Hey, my friend needs go to escape. After the toilet, ” Lin added waving her hands. Suddenly one of the thugs growled and his hand gestures indicated all should keep their hands on their heads. Lin’s response was to glare at him which cause him to step over the other girls and yank the East Asian teen out. Lin’s struggle and Chelle’s attempt to assist was futile as a shot was fired, making all girls fall silent. Lin was march out hand gagged with a pistol trained at her back while another thug gestured for Hattie to get up.

“Shots fired, short fired inside,” one of the PCs radioed.

Shit, Anna Bulford swore. “Someone get me the fibre-optic robot now; I need eyes inside now!”

Jenn also heard the gunfire which jolted her. Did they just kill someone?! Staff or student? She knew the outline of the school extremely well and the shot came from just around the corner. She knew Nikki told her to stay put but curiosity got the better of her and headed off. Suddenly, she heard pretty loud footsteps and quickly shrunk back. Peering over, she spotted Lin hand gagged, held at gunpoint and being marched away while another terrorist was leading a rather distraught Hattie back down the corridor.

Jane Smyth was the calmest of the officers in response to the shot. She immediately tried the line again while the CTSO team was busy preparing their robot. As she found the line engaged again, the robot already reached one corner but before it could fully extend its arms, a couple of shots were fired at it instantly destroying it. Before the chorus of curses started, the phone rang.

“Salām,” she greeted but the response, despite the sharp accent was clear: You will pay!

Suddenly, a bruised Ted Wiggins walked out of the entrance and again just before he reached bullet strike his right leg.

Nothing, no one approaches us anymore! Get my people free! The voice screamed and the call stopped.

“We’ve got no eyes no ears inside, I’m not sending in my team blind,” PS Bulford whined, tapping the blueprint of the school. Just as she was about to repeat her rant, DCI Heath rushed in, declaring, “I’ve got something.”

“Hmm, ShAK-12,” PC Hawkins point at the first picture.

“AK-100,” Hawkins nodded at the second which was the terrorist checking out the girl’s locker room. “These won’t stop our armour and our MCXs and my team,” Bulford meant the SIG MCX carbine, which her team just acquired. She had also augmented her team with additional CTSFO officers. “It doesn’t tell me where the whole lot of terrorists are.”

“Well, these came from the only person who’s free inside,” Nikki added then wishing she didn’t say that.

“You mean asking a kid to help us get an idea of who’s inside?! I’ve heard about how close you are with those detective girls,” ACC Rayson remarked. The offices’ debated and finally PS Bulford activated the police’s WhatsApp signal.

Jennifer, my name’s Sergeant Anna Bulford. Are you still there?


We need a clearer picture of the hostage takers inside. Can you move freely?

Jenn’s affirmative answer took time to arrive.

We’re not asking you to risk your life but your help would be much appreciated. Anna then typed a general summary what she required.

While Jenn now knew the risk for her had trembled, Lin was practically tight spot. She was thrown into a cleaner’s closet, electrical tape wrapped around her jaw many times, taped to the chair’s arms, and her legs similarly taped to the chair’s legs and spread out. One of the terrorists muttered to his colleague and Lin was left alone with the other. “Mmmph! Mmmph!” She cried through her gag as the terrorist started stroking her bare legs.

Find where the terrorists are patrolling, Jenn read the message over and over again. That’s harder than those games when you can’t solve the mysteries. Taking a sip from the nearby water cooler, she walked as silently as she could and down the stairs, she spotted two more terrorists. Quickly retreating, she updated the police. Jenn moved up another stairwell, finding another terrorist who walked away, back facing her and disappearing. This level was where another smaller hall was and Jenn surmised that guy had entered that hall. Muffled chatter arose and Jenn approached and knowing the hall outline extremely well, she eased open a side door. Inside four men were huddled over a device with wires sticking out. There was a fifth man huddled in one corner staring at some paper mounted on an easel. No, it a map, Jenn thought. Pulling out out her phone, took one picture of the four terrorists then tried to angle her phone to snap another picture. As she was typing….

Four men huddling over a device, one in a corner looking…

Jennifer, Jenn, you there? Anna typed then a only a single grey tick appeared.

“We’ve lost her,” she remarked after a second try. “Sorry,” she said to DCI Heath who only blinked hoping the teen wasn’t injured or worse, killed.

“Device,” PC Hawkins pointed. “It must be where the device is located. Can you trace where the last signal came from?” The track expert did and the team finalised their plans to assault the school.

Damn, damn, damn, Jenn shook her head as she saw her phone battery fall flat. I guess that the end of my spying for the police. As she tried to move, the front of her shoe was stuck to the door sill. She tugged wildly and it came free with the door slamming shut. Oh drats…

The perverted terrorist was still caressing Lin’s leg and was about to part her skirt and expose her knickers when another masked colleague called for his help in Farsi. Lin thought she it was a chance to struggle free but instead another but shorter thug facing her.

Jenn darted down another flight of stairs only to spot two more terrorists charging up at her and she heard shouts behind her. Making a wild choice, she raced down the stairs and slammed through both men, then rush as far as she could finding herself into the drama room. Now this my territory, she thought. Heading to the stage, she fixed the curtain and waited. The same duo she struck entered and just as they approached the stage, Jenn pulled a rope, causing the wooden pole and curtain to strike them. Two down, she thought spraying the pepper spray on one but as she wished to hide back stage, one of them stirred and Jenn was dragged off like a captured animal.

“The Home Secretary said no deals. Assault green light, critical shot authorised.” PS Bulford acknowledged the order. Critical shot meant the CTSFO officers would shoot at the head to ensure the targets would be killed. They only item that was prohibited was tear gas as it would cause adverse effects on both terrorists and hostage alike. After studying the blueprints and examining the whole building, they spotted a likely blind spot. One group would use grappling hooks and scale the wall, reaching the roof and enter via the skylight. Another would break down the wall – it had a weak structure – and enter simultaneously. Interference would be previously by activating the fire alarm for a short while – the CTSFOs decided so as they need to disorientate but needed clear communications. The fire sprinkler sprinklers would be also activated.

Negotiator Jane Smyth didn’t like her part in the plan. Just as the interference started, the call came shouting over the alarm and spray of water. Jane lied she knew nothing about that and the demands were trying to be met. Immediately, the grappling extended with Anna Bulford leading the climb. Simultaneously, Julie Hawkins and other CTSFOs used enhanced sledgehammers to break down the wall. The first shots from the rooftop section struck a pair of terrorists near the Year 13 classroom while the lower team moved and killed two more near the art rooms. Methodically, the CTSFOs together shot four more before the lower team first reached the staff room, first using a portable fibre-optic camera to determine if there were any hostage takers inside being entering.

“School staff found unharmed,” Hawkins radioed.

“Received. Get to that hall!” Bulford replied. Her group faced more resistance around the science labs. Throwing several stun grenades, she surprised two more and before they could get up, two shots each ensured they were dead. Hawkins found team found the male students by throwing smoke grenades inside before killing the terrorists with pin point accuracy. Two terrorists suddenly appeared shooting PC Alison Mason, but her Kevlar vest prevent any severe injury and PC Alexander shot them in response with her Glock 17. Turning the corner, the team freed the female students also using smoke grenades first before killing the guards.

Anna’s Bulford’s team only just reached that smaller hall when a masked terrorist stepped out, an arm locked around Jenn’s neck. He screamed in an unintelligible language and the threat was clear. “Weapons down,” Bulford ordered, but a second later two shots were fired and the terrorist dropped dead.

“Sorry I was late,” Julie Hawkins remarked, holstering her Glock. “The others are evacuating everyone now.”

It was mayhem with younger female students crying as they were escorted out and staff double-checked in case terrorists were masquerading as them. “Where’s Lin?!” Chelle cried amongst the shouting. Reinhard immediately heard that and rushed back inside, ignoring the cries of policeman. Judging from where he was held, he ran there, calling out his fellow detective’s name. Thankfully, he found the closet with the East Asian teen lying on the ground, struggling against the tape and her uniform soaked. With no knife or gadget, it took a while before he got her bonds free, “tha…nks!” she coughed, removing the gag.

The whole assault took twelve minutes following which a lone officer in a bomb suit entered. “I don’t it’s the actual device,” Jenn remarked. She was in a debrief with the CSFO officers and Jane Smyth. A screen showed the last pictures she took before her phone battery died. “The guy holding me captive was chatting on the phone and pointing at that map,” she pointed at the screen. In response, the officers didn’t think much about it and were about to dismiss her when Helen Barkson, the ‘Expo’ or Explosives Officer walked in.

“It’s a phony, I’ve seen worse fake IEDs in the toy stores,” Helen remarked. “Hey that’s the London Victoria Line,” she traced her finger across a faded line on the map.

Jane suddenly stood up. “And that says, in Farsi, ‘To Paradise’.

“I’ll warn SCO19,” Anna added.

The call came just in time. A SCO19 – Special Firearms Unit – of London’s team was patrolling Euston tube station where they spotted a hooded figure standing near one of the exits motionless. Just as officer called ‘armed..’ the figure turned around evident with explosives wrapped under his jacket, two shots were fired, killing him.


The students and some staff were offered medical assistance and counselling from the whole ordeal. Ted Wiggins was hospitalised for many days but was making a recovery fast for his age. The real electricians were found murdered in a nearby rubbish heap and scores of counter-terrorism police were investigating how this unknown gang acquired their weapons and why Croonford school was chosen.

Reinhard made good on his offer, taking Lin to Jamaya, a Jamaican place in Birmingham’s City Centre. “Oh, this is sure therapy from being bound and gagged for hours,” she declared, eating a piece jerk chicken. Meanwhile, Jenn was awarded a police commendation plague, the citation reading, “for utmost bravery in a hostage situation and assisting the police selflessly’.

“Congratulations young lady,” the Deputy Chief Constable said. All I did was taking photographs and running like a hyena, she thought. And facing armed men. I don’t think I’ll dare it ever again.

“The doors open, come in,” Anna Bulford called and Julie Hawkins slowly entered.

“Gosh, it took me whole afternoon to avoid detection and find your place,” Julie said.

“Oh, it’s nothing to fuss about. Come here,” She brought her deputy into her bedroom.

“You sure about this? We could be separated on different teams or kicked out of the force.”

“Oh Julie, that would mean firing many others. Come on.”

“But…my boyfriend….”

“Forget him. Get out of your clothes.” Minutes later, with both officers down to their underwear and cuddling each other, Julie did.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in’Racist Rabbles’.

22: State Property


Michelle has always believed that her father was just some sort of official in the FCDO. When an old nemesis appears, she’s given clues to discover the truth.

Author’s note: I do want to complete rhe mystery over Chelle’s ‘alien abduction’, but with current world events in Ukraine, this story if very appropriate.

This story is entirely fictional.

“Dad, you’ll be missing my choral and dance act yet again,” Catherine Summers complained at breakfast time.

“So sorry, sweetie, I often have to work late and today I might have to travel abroad. I’ll get you another present from my trip.” Kate wanted to say she was reaching the age where dolls or feminine toys weren’t her interest anymore but stop complaining.

Michelle Summers, by now a veteran teen detective, quickly picked up. “Dad, what exactly do you do at work?”

“Just boring government stuff,” came the hurried answer.

“But dad…”

“Focus on your studies Michelle and try to avoid weird encounters.” Chelle’s parents no longer barred from her detective activities yet they were still not exactly happy with what she and her colleagues got into, especially since the last alien-like encounter was not resolved. Mr. Arthur Summers drank the remainder of his coffee, hugged each of his girls and left.

“Mum, what exactly does dad do at work?” Chelle repeated her question.

“Just government work. Finish up or you’ll be late for school.” Chelle didn’t accept that answer but obeyed and walked out with her younger sister. The late spring weather was warm enough for both girls to wear socks instead of tights. Chelle made a quick decision and told her sister she’ll walk to school — Chell paid a monthly fare for the school bus, it was the last day of school anyway. As she turned the first block, she met up with her fellow girl detectives Lin Ling and Jennifer who also were taking advantage from the warmer weather. Despite that their school skirts were long enough — one centimetre above their knees, Jenn always feared she might produce an unwanted upskirt and always wished the school would produce trousers for girls.

Chelle interrupted Jenn’s thoughts, repeating the breakfast conversation at her house. “Maybe your dad is just some civil servant at the Foreign Office or…he’s a spy,” remarked Lin.

Lin’s comment was close to accurate as Arthur Summers didn’t head to King Charles Street where the funnily named Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) was located but instead to St George Wharf Car Park. Heading to the second floor, he pulled opened a cleaner’s door which actually revealed a metal panel with a keypad and retinal scanner. That unlocked the whole panel, revealing a darken narrow corridor. An equally dark-clothed man armed with a HK416 and Glock 17 approached him, examined his identification card, face and scanned his fingerprints before escorting him to an electric car. The car sped through three armoured doors before stopping in an open area. Arthur had to enter another combination lock and pull open an electric-secured handle that was monitored by staff inside before entering the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS).

The SIS, more commonly and actually inaccurately known as MI6, is one of the UK’s key intelligence organisations. Made famous by the James Bond movies and other British spy films, British intelligence officers, not agents, don’t act at all like Mr. Bond. In a short summary, SIS officers gather intelligence data along with the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the Security Service or better known as MI5 and Defence Intelligence – Military Intelligence and pass it on to the  Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) which is supported by the Joint Intelligence Organisation (JIO), where the data is assessed.

“Chelle, you could double check the gov dot uk site to check if your dad is just working in some civil servant department,” Jenn suggested as they entered the school grounds.

“I have and searched the archives and couldn’t find any mention of his name or initials.”

“Chelle, as I guess he’s working in intelligence, there won’t be any mention of him or his work, ” Lin added. “But working in such an organisation is not a crime.”

The SIS, unlike its larger American counterpart, has not provide its organisational structure on its bland website or public sources for unknown reasons. This has created both misunderstandings and constant for calls for transparency from the media, think tanks and campaigners. It also allowed the SIS to almost freely conduct its work, with some oversight freely and form even more secretive cells within its own organisation. This was where Arthur Summers came in – he was the Director of Exploitative Operations in Eastern Europe. Arthur was viewing files some current operations when he was called into the Director General’s private office.

School ended for May break with the usual announcements and homework distributed. Chelle tried to get the gang together but due to the last two cases, the others had to give their statements again to the police, especially Lin along with Julia Humes as Detective Sergeant (DS) Bluebell Ransom was liaising with her American counterparts regarding the online harassment. Chelle found herself trapped with her literature and media club activities. Louisa Grant, her senior, wanted her to head down to some East London school to help build up its media club. Chelle initially wanted to refuse then accept as a London trip might help reveal her father’s work.

Arthur had already suspected the reason he was call for before he entered the electronically-controlled office. A cup of coffee was already poured. “Arthur,” the moustached Director General, George Healey “Our American friends aren’t pleased with the death of their officer Claire Stirrup.” Arthur countered the operation for Stirrup was to survey from a wide distance and knew the risk as a CIA officer. “The Malaysian authorities still stopped a nuclear IED thanks to all the intelligence. He knew his elder daughter and her friends helped stop the IED and nearly got radiation sickness but didn’t bring it up.

Healey took a large puff of his cigar then continued. “Well, they’re still grumbling about it and you have Operation Monitor to complete, especially with all the ruckus going in Ukraine. If the communications don’t work well here, there’s a flight out of Northolt after noon.” He meant RAF Northolt, a RAF base which conduct military and civilian flights, the latter comprising of British intelligence flights to overseas stations.

Chelle was quite tired, not just from the delayed train journey and her period, yet managed to given a substantial presentation to the London school’s media club. After using the toilet, she was about to turn to the exit, she heard voice call out her name and encountered five girls advanced towards her. “Hey, you’re the great detective from Cromford, right?” one who introduced herself as Amber.


“We need you for our fundraising. For your looks and fame,” Amber explained Chelle just had to sit down while students donate money due to her looks. The teen detective initially wanted to refuse, then learnt the money would help the homeless.

“That was long but at least tucked away, “Reinhard remarked as he and Lin exited the police station, having given additional statements to Detective Sergeant (DS) Bluebell Ransom. Lin noticing how bright the weather was, suddenly asked him if he played any sport. When she heard swimming, Lin suggested the small river behind the town library. “See you there in an hour,” she waved.

Chelle was actually surprised her looks and her fame actually gather £100 from the rest of the school population within fifteenth minutes. She got up thinking it was over but some of the other girls pushed her back down. A black cloth was securely tied around her eyes, causing her to yelp but a hand covered her jaw with a voice telling her to stop struggling and be quiet.

“So, this is the girl the boss lady wants?” Chelle heard another girl ask.

“That’s her,” Chelle heard Amber reply. “Her name’s Michelle and she thinks she’s some real detective. I mean look at her, does she look like Nancy Drew to you?”

“Don’t know,” another girl replied. “I was more into the Famous Five myself. Come on, let’s get her ready I want the money.”

Chelle immediately heard plastic snapping and a sweet aroma pervaded her senses.

“The lady invented them,” she heard Amber explain, “Stun phials, you crack them open, hold them under the target’s nose and boom!'”

“So, she’s now unconscious?” She heard the first voice ask.

No Chelle thought silently I can hear every word you say. But I can’t move my muscles at all! I can’t speak! Wait, I’ve been through this before!

“Not fully. As I understand, it she’ll only be able to hear us. The drug paralyses every muscle, then sleep comes a little later. We can shortly safely to move her.”

Sure enough, Chelle saw, not felt the girls easily lift her up and took her out with no teacher in sight just before her eyes closed. She woke up quickly, finding the blindfold removed and her limbs moveable but felt extremely weak. Chelle scanned around and assumed she was no longer in the school. Naturally she tried to move, however a figure approached and she gasped immediately recognising. “Madame Priscilla Redmond! You nearly killed me and Lin with an IED last time!”

“I make my sincere apologies. Your father…” Chelle, despite her weakness started protesting until the fake teacher managed to calm her down. “Michelle your father is in danger. Yes, he has been working for British intelligence, no not for normal SIS operations; he’s in charge of deep covert operations in Eastern Europe and is currently personally gathering information that will aid the Ukrainians. However, the Black Shirts, a group that I used to be with, is targeting him for revenge.” She held up her hand and threw a piece of paper near Chelle. “You’ll get your strength back in a few minutes and oh, you might need this,” she tossed a sanitary towel down as well, then disappeared in the shadows.

Arthur Summers in fact was in Przemyśl, a Polish town near the Ukrainian border. Operation Monitor was centred on using a local asset codenamed Rainbow monitoring if there was pro-Russian Ukrainians or activity in Western Ukraine and to counter any misinformation with a special device named Zeus. The communications were of course far better here than in SIS HQ yet were choppy at rare times. Arthur was intensely focused on liaising with Rainbow, the communication link suddenly faded. He tapped the set furiously and then called the SIS technician twice but received no answer. Frowning, he turned, only to hear a loud explosion.

“That was actually wonderful, “Reinhard remarked as he got out of the town river. “And thanks for helping me improve my backstroke.”

“No problem,” Lin replied. She chose to wear a normal one-piece black swimsuit as opposed to her usual bikinis as she recalled last time she wore reveal clothing near him. With a towel wrapped around her head, she retrieved their mobile phones from the buried box which was her latest gadget — if you enter the wrong combination code the first time, a foul stench would emit. What surprised them was a photograph of the paper Priscilla Redmond left at Chelle’s feet.

“It’s German,” the shorter teenager muttered, typing a translation. “It’s directions to some carpark in some area in North London, but I can’t translate the next paragraph, not sure what language that is.”

“And there’s some faded symbol at the side. Let’s get changed out and gather the others,” Lin suggested, hoping Chelle was heading to that location alone.

Chelle did in fact head to that location since it was along the train route back home. The car park was partly shaded and there weren’t many parked. She quickly walked past each vehicle until she saw two vans, one white with black stripes, the other in a cream colour. As she approached the striped van, she was felt like she was pushed and fell into the other van. It was either the day’s events or some odourless gas that made the girl detective sleep.

Lin thought the language was Romanian, Jenn thought Polish or some language from the Baltic region. Reinhard and Mark neither had success enhancing and enlarging Finally Jenn wildly mentioned that they should show it to Chelle’s mum; it was way beyond their abilities and wasn’t a police-centred case.

Chelle awoke to the sound of engines; they weren’t jet engines but propeller-driven ones. She felt the vehicle jerk not from its engine and soon realised the van inside some transport plane that was descending down. Soon enough, she heard wheel touch the ground and the plane shift around finally breaking to a halt and the sound of an aircraft ramp lowered. The van she was in, started reversing and despite the blacked windows, she could surmise that it had drove into a hangar. The vehicle stopped and the back door popped open.

By luck, Mrs Margaret Summers was at home. As usual, he faced turn to a worried look when learn from Lin and Jenn her elder daughter wasn’t contactable. Upon seeing the faded symbol on the paper, her face turned ashen and asked for a copy.

“What does that mean?” Lin asked but Maggie Summers just thanked them, went to her bedroom and dialled a private number.

The open door of then van reveal pitch darkness and hardly any smell. Chelle waited for nearly a minute before getting out slowly. There was hardly any objects as far as she could make out or any way out. Just as she was trying to guess which country she was now in or what move to make, there was an electronic buzzing sound.

“Hello, Michelle Summers, great teenaged detective, daughter of Arthur Jason Summers,” Chelle tried not to flinch upon hearing her father’s full name. “I know you want to see daddy right?” Chelle kept silent.

“I take as a ‘yes’. What we want is full cooperation. We’ll let you see daddy, then we’ll let you go too. That’s a guarantee,” the muffled voice continued. Small beans of light shone, revealing rifles pointing at her.

Chelle did not really like her chances. She wished she had contacted the authorities or the others were here.

“What do you want me actually to do?”

“Walk to the light that I’ll shine and you find a small table. There’ll be a roll of cloth, duct tape and a pair of handcuffs. You’re to stuff the cloth into your mouth, gag yourself and cuff yourself with your hands behind your back, make sure it is behind your back. Wait there. We’ll then pick you up and you’ll see daddy dearest. After that there’ll be some small talk then we’ll let you go. Any silly moves at all and daddy will see your dead body. Nod in agreement.”

Chelle nodded and tried not to be frightened. But having heard her father’s name easily meant he was captured by this group. With the light shone, she walked, quite confidently and found the items as mentioned. She grimaced with distaste at the tight roll of cloth. It was thick, a torn piece of bed sheet, with some marks on it. Sighing internally, she didn’t stuff the cloth completely in her mouth an tore a short piece of the silvery tape. The handcuffs were small steel circlets connected by a single link of chain. Chelle slipped her right wrist into one circlet and clicked it shut. Then, taking a deep breath, she placed her arms behind her back and found the other cuff with her left hand. Carefully, she slipped her wrist into the metal ring, braced herself, then clicked it into place. The single link of chain definitely allowed very little freedom of movement.

Michelle looked up and before she could turn around, another vehicle drove up next to her. Arms pulled her inside and no seat belt was clipped on, nearly throwing her against the front seat. She was suddenly grabbed and felt the handcuffs were tightened. Another. set of hands had locked handcuffs over her socks. The vehicle sped out of the hangar and Chelle’s attention was on her gag. The cloth penetrated deep into her mouth against her tongue, causing a gagging reflex that she had to fight for the first few minutes. The tightness of the tape created more difficulty for her to breathe and thus she slumped slightly seat. No I’ve have to focus, she reminded herself and sat up between the two armed men, she assumed they were men sitting next to her. Like the van previously, this car’s windows were shaded but there was enough light and Chelle saw truck with another person holding one to some small box. She tried to raise her head, but one thug next to her pushed her down and muttering in a language she did not comprehend, a black hood was thrown over her head, keeping her in pure darkness.

The car ride wasn’t long and Chelle soon felt herself being carried. The two men carried her, one at her shoulders and the other holding her bare legs. She now guessed that she was being carried into a factory or a building that smelt of old machines and some odour she couldn’t identify. She was lowered with unsurprising roughness onto what felt like a stone surface. One of the men rolled her onto her face, less gently now. Her legs were folded behind her so that her trainers rested against her buttocks, possibly creating and upskirt.

Despite all the lethargy, Chelle raised her head and breathed as best as the hood and tape stretched taut across her face allowed. That was She felt dizzy and nauseous. She felt a bit sick but dare not vomit because of the gag. The dead air of the cellar still was a little refreshing if only the hood could be removed. She breathed a sigh of relief when the sounds of the men’s shoes receded and footfalls and a heavy door closed. Chelle started rubbing the hood and trying to yank her arms from her back to her front when she heard the footsteps return. Arms held her extremely tight as she felt her blazer cut away, then her blouse, and her skirt, Chelle struggled as best as she could but her trainers were pulled away and the leg cuffs were temporarily removed to allow her socks pulled off. Bound and gagged in my undies, and hooded, what a way to spend the holidays.

As Chelle was unceremoniously undressed, there was a discussion between Director General Healey, the Chief of the SIS and the Chair of the JIC in a secure room in the Cabinet Office. The Head of Station in Poland had sent and urgent report when discovering the destruction of their secret base in Przemyśl and deaths of its personnel. A quick examination of the bodies informed SIS who was behind the attack. “Only Summers is not amongst the bodies, the asset Rainbow is out of contact and the special Zeus device is missing. Summers’ wife also confirmed he’s an a ‘in danger’ message sent,” Healey summarised.

“How big of a mess is this?” Asked the SIS head, waving away his deputy’s cigar.

The answer was huge, both from the device data and ability and how much Arthur Summer’s knew about the UK’s intelligence operations. The JIC Chairman remarked, “We can launch an op to find the device, but for one man? I don’t want to explain to the PM how we start an international incident. Or get the ISC breathing down our necks.” The ISC was of course the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament, made famous to the world from the Bond movie Skyfall. The three men debated and the decision finally was made to contact the DSF, the unnamed Director of Special Forces.

Chelle was suddenly pulled to sit up and as she heard the sound or a door opening, the hood was removed. “DmmmD!” She cried, recognising the figure guarded by a hooded thug. Her father’s hands were cuffed in front of him.

“Piotr!” Arthur yelled, shouting the actual name of the asset code named Rainbow. “You traitor!”

“Your country, was the traitor, leaving my parents tortured by the Soviets! And still is! And you’re in no place to lecture me while I hold you darling daughter!” Chelle cried again through her gag as she felt her hair yanked. She was naturally embarrassed to encounter her dad undressed down to her bra and knickers. At least her period was over…

“Oh really? I have your special device which will sell extremely to any state or non-state actors. And given me the list of current British intelligence operations, first in Europe then in East Asia…”

There was a short pause then the floro next to Chelle opened up, revealing a large pool of water. “Or your girl gets dunk in a pool of piranhas!” All the thugs laughed.

“Leave her alone!”

“Names please,” Chelle looked up to see the former SIS asset holding a notepad. Facing her father she cried once again through her gag, trying to tell him not to give in, although another part of her did not wish to suffer a gruesome death or bite There was a pause then Chelle found herself pushed into the pool.

“No!!!” Arthur Summers yelled in response but just before than push, Chelle had managed to cut off the handcuff’s chain with the only gadget she had, Lin’s special watch cutter. Flying down, luck was with her as a pipe was within reach and she quickly grabbed it. The water was still extremely close to her bare feet and she could see the outline of the deadly fishes.

“Hemmlp! Hemmlp! Hemmlp!” Chelle cried and heard multiple shots. Was Dad dead?! No!!! Suddenly three thugs fell into the water and Chelle saw blood in their heads. The shots came from eight men of the UK Special Forces most elite and clandestine unit, E Squadron, which had a strong history operating with the SIS. Within less than three minutes, all the thugs were killed and the Troop leader, lowered his LWRC International Ultra Compact Individual Weapon (UCIW) and radioed a report, “All enemies present KIA,” meaning killed in action. “Rainbow not in sight, device not present.”

“Hey! Help my daughter up,” Arthur called and Chelle was really grateful as she was hauled up. As her removed her gag, she recalled want the SAS leader radioed and after taking a large drip of water, she recalled what she saw from the car.

“Thanks, stay with them,” the leader told one of his men while the others exited and father and daughter shared a large hug.

The E squadron team had managed to find and kill Piotr just before he could drive across the border and sell the special device. Being clandestine in nature, the unit whisked father, daughter and themselves back to UK soil as shadowy as they arrived and the SIS leaders were glad it was kept that way. The shadowy lady, Priscilla Redmond was picked up by UK customs officers but was making a deal, revealing the Black Shirts’ activities and her own.

Back in the Summers home, the whole family was sitting quietly for a small meal, Chelle rubbing much ointment over the cuts on her wrists and moisturiser on her face. Arthur was the first the break the ice.

“Today, I lied once again to my girls, and nearly got my wonderful detective daughter eaten up,”

“Dad…” Chelle started but Arthur held up his hands.

“I know, SIS rules are very strict in telling family members what their staff really do. My wife knows.” The symbol on the paper was Arthur’s danger message. Maggie Summers was once an executive assistant at MI5 and met her husband at a function. They had moved the girls up to Croonford in case SIS adversaries would find the family. How Priscilla Redmond discovered the symbol was still under investigation.

“No more secrets, no more. Thank you, Michelle, thank you Maggie and I’ll attend your choral act Kate. I’m changing jobs.” he hugged each girl, kissing Chelle on her forehead before returning to his room.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in ‘The Truth Revealed?’

21: Multiple Cases


Barely surviving her ‘alien abduction’, Michelle’s parents place a stop on her detective activities while the others and the authorities clamber to find the truth. Meanwhile, the rest find mysteries of their own. Jenn finds it strange that one of her debate and drama club members is not performing as she should. Lin solves the reason why her classmate is harrassed online while Reinhard helps a junior science club member.

Bethan’s capture scene is based on Aimee-Ffion Edward’s scene in the horror TV series Inside No 9 episode The Harrowing.

The scene where the other captive is found is based on this classic from Lifetime’s Web Cam Girls.

Adult Bondage scene but performed on an adult.

Author’s note: Rest in peace Kenneth Tsang the inspiration for Lin’s father.

Lin Ling finished her breakfast, cleared the dishes and headed out, waiting for the school bus. She raised her eyes as her classmate, close friend and fellow detective Michelle Summers still wasn’t taking the regular school bus again. After rescuing her from that eerie unknown location, Chelle had to undergo constant medical test by doctors and police forensic personnel. They had checked her blood many times, her nervous system, menstrual cycle, urine samples all checks came out with the same conclusion – a healthy teenaged girl. Lin was also extensively question about the shady men who suddenly picked her up, gave her the unknown location where Chelle was held and the unknown vaccine. In the haste in rescuing Chelle, she had left the note with the geographical locations of that chamber behind as well as the syringe and canister filled with the vaccine. None of the test could detect the mysterious virus and authorities said they were looking into the explosions to gather more evidence. Lin found that as a cover up.

“Hey, you got special escort again,” Lin noted the plain-clothed authorised firearms officer (AFO) following her behind she entered the school grounds. “Yeah, Nikki’s idea. At least my mum agrees,” Chelle waved at the officer. She was referring to Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nicola Heath, their long-term ally at the local police. “So far everything’s been calm. No UFOs, no little green men.” She laughed. Lin, having taken a scientific view over the last mystery but having saw those weird creatures emerging from the crypods, she was now a bit towards Chelle’s view.

“And your parents are still formally stopping you from any detective work?” Chelle nodded glumly. As they talked, Jenn joined them and Chelle wondered about the smart student’s look. “Bethan was late for drama planning and practice three times in a row. No, she’s usual always punctual and always arriving on time and occasionally earlier than myself. I think…”

Lin excused herself as she spied Reinhard Tomas, the newest member of their team. Ask she headed towards, he smiled broadly, no longer shocked by her beauty. “Hey, ready for the new science club members?” After his ‘yup’, she added, “We do need to present fresh ideas for the club if we really wish to be co-Presidents in the senior years.”

“You have the brightest ideas,” he replied.

“We both do,” she responded as the morning bell rang. “Beter button up or you’ll be cold and the discipline mistress will catch you.” She smiled in return although he didn’t know if that was the right line to say.

The gang plus Mark the rugby player with the weird surname Cadvish came together as usual during their lunch break. “So, you’re worried over Bethan’s sudden lack punctuality?” Lin started.

“She didn’t give a specific answer; just said she had some personal issues to deal with. It may or may not be worth investigating.” The five of them debated but no conclusion was made. Chelle was disappointed more from the fact her parents had halted her detective work. With lunch break over, Lin was about to head to the library first until she heard a cry and spotted Julia Humes, her classmate shaking her personal laptop.

“Julia? Something bothering you?”

“Oh, hey Lin. It’s…” the bell rang. “Explain about it later,” Julia replied, but her facial features indicate she was worried.

After their French class, Jenn pulled Bethan aside and questioned her again for her late attendance.

“It’s my personal activities,” Came the short answer. When asked to explain further, Bethan simply replied that it was something like Jenn’s detective gang and she’ll reveal it soon. Jenn still had doubts about Bethan’s new activities but did not press the matter at that time.

“It’s Fandom,” Julia started explaining to Lin as she exited her extra physics class. She refilled her tumbler from the nearby water cooler then continued. “I’m being harassed on the Michael Crichton novel Fandom. Users named WaterKong1, Third_Indominus and Spinosaurus Magnis Wutanis claim that I’m posting inaccurate information.” She drew Lin to a side table and showed the comments she received. “Good gosh,” Lin exclaimed. “I’m glad I’ve I didn’t edit Fandom when I created my account and similarly with my Wikipedia account.” Turning serious she continued, “What do the local administrators say?”

Julia scrolled down to show her classmate. “They gave rather bland response and blocked them only for a day and the…”

Lin’s phone buzzed and noting the message and said she’ll catch up later. The science club meeting she and Reinhard chaired later turned out to be rather short yet fulfilling as many Year 7 and Year 8 students were recruited after seeing the science demonstrations that Reinhard and Lin presented. The senior club presidents thus unanimously agreed to make the pair club presidents when they moved to Year 10. Just as the meeting ended however, Lin exclaimed she had a family emergency and ran off with Reinhard unable to form any words of comfort. As he headed out, he spotted one new Year 7 girl crying. Asking her what was the problem was and didn’t get a reply first. Still moving away, he heard a German accent stating her science project went missing. Reinhard greeted her in fluent German and learnt that she, Karin, couldn’t find the project — she remembered keeping in her locker but it was missing and now her teacher was not taking that as an excuse. “I’ll help you find your project,” Reinhard concluded though was not sure he could.

The team, minus Chelle planned to meet together at their meeting place but only Mark, Reinhard, Lin and Jenn appeared. A flurry of WhatsApp messages between the other teenaged detectives and the Malaysian-Hongkonger revealed that her dad was in A&E due heart problems. She messaged that he was stable now and it wasn’t life-threatening. Reinhard finally managed to form words and wished her and her family well. Thanks, you’re a nice friend, she wrote back, causing his heart to beat rapidly.

The group shared what they faced and only Jenn’s case a detective-centred one. “Well, being harassed online and a missing school project may still count,” she responded. “Got any new gadgets for us?”

“Uhm, haven’t thought any,” the newest member replied, though he wished Lin was here because she had the ideas when asked.

“Oh well, they usual ones will still work.” The group turned to their homework but as Jenn solved some advanced algebra questions, her thoughts wandered what exactly her drama and debate club friend was up to.

“Hey, is your dad alright? I heard the news,” Julia asked Lin as they exited their English class.

“Yeah, still in hospital but the doctors say after some checks, they’ll release him tomorrow or the following day,” came the reply. “You still getting that harassment on Fandom?”


“Actually, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you get the surname Humes? I thought…”

“It’s ok to ask. My dad changed his last name when he came over here to escape any conflict. The original surname is…well he never told me.” Lin accepted that and looking at Julia’s laptop, shaking her head. “The admins basically support those three abusive accounts deleting my polite messages regarding what I received. They’ve either deleted my messages, blaming the server and worse now look,” Lin saw the phrase ‘mentally ill’ and nearly shouted. “Those twits, did you bring this up with the main Fandom staff?” Julia nodded but didn’t have high hopes they would be more helpful. The Fandom staffer named with a simple profile name AnnaW replied. Her act was to globally block WaterKong1 for a week and sent warnings to the Michael Crichton novel Fandom admins and other to users.

“One week? That’s like just a slap of the wrist,” Julia commented with a slight groan.

“Let’s see what happens after.”

The next day, before the start of school, Reinhard spotted Karin, the Year 7 student and immediately learnt she searched everywhere and still couldn’t find her project. “Could I perhaps take a look at your locker room?” That was a complex question as first each year had their lockers separated from each other and student from different years were not permitted to enter other Year’s locker area and all locker areas were monitored by CCTV. After convincing her that he had no ill intentions, he followed, spotting a blind spot and entered it. This precaution was further necessary as lockers were separated also by gender for privacy reasons. “Here’s mine,” she pointed and he focused on the sides. “There are some scratches on the sides, no it’s not paint peeling or rust.” He used his hankie and tried to move the combination lock, finding slightly loose. It’s not secure. Did you tell anyone about where you kept your project?”

She shook her head and he replied they should report it. As they exited, he noticed a male student with a hoodie on – in violation of school rules inside – heading back to the ladies’ side of the Year 7 locker. Reinhard immediately stayed back and sure enough, the hooded student pulled out a small penknife and jabbed around the edge of a random locker, then around the combination lock. The door was forced open and the figure ruffled through the contents, pulling out a school workbook.

“Hey, you just broken into a locker and…” Reinhard’s words were cut off as a blazer was flung at him and the figure darted off. The newest teen detective gave chase until both of them slipped on a just-mopped floor.

“You two, you both should know the school corridors are not for playing around,” scolded Mr. James Henderson, the discipline master.

“And what exactly where you,” Mrs. Janic Hughes the discipline mistress appeared pointing at Reinhard, “doing in another Year’s locker area, especially the opposite gender?”

I’m a dead guy, Reinhard thought. Then he rattled off what he spotted. “Really, and what excuse do you have?” The other student angrily shouted that it was Reinhard who was stealing stuff.

Both boys were escorted into the CCTV room and the tapes were played back, showing Reinhard and Karin in that locker section. Just as Mrs. Hughes was about to call that student when she burst into the room and corroborate Reinhard’s story. The tapes were playing until Hughes spied the other student damaging the locker. “Hoodie off,” that had to repeated twice and the penknife fell out.

“Alright Mr. Tomas, you are cleared and back to your class. You,” Mr. Hughes pointed his finger at the culprit, “Return the young lady’s project and you’re in serious trouble.”

“That was an excellent case solved,” Lin patted her fellow detective’s back at break time. The school had now rearranged the CCTV cameras so that would-be vandals or thieves could be easily spotted and ordered stronger locker doors. The thief and vandal, Lucas, was expelled from school and Reinhard received a thank you letter from Karin’s mother.

“It wasn’t much; just helping a junior student.”

“Anything counts. People will take credit and awards from you, never remove it from yourself.”

In another corner, Jenn thanked Bethan that her drama act was much better although she did miss one small line. “Ready for our debate competition this afternoon? We’ve got to take that Weaver guy and his team down.” Bethan said yes but Jenn still suspected her friend’s mind was somewhere else.

“The Fandom staff idiots unblocked that asshole WaterKong1before the seven-day block was over and won’t tell me why. Now the Kong guy is mocking me on his profile and undoing my edits on the Andromeda Strain article and others,” Julia reported ton Lin.

“I’ve not read The Andromeda Strain, Lin admitted. “What idiots indeed. Let me try activating my own account and I’ll write a response to other Fandom staff on your behalf.”

The debate competition was over and the judges declared the Michael Vincent school team the winner. Jenn was incensed, even though she was awarded best speaker. “Bethan, you totally screwed up your speech and rebuttal! What’s wrong…”

A ginger-haired student came by and started congratulating Jenn for her award. She was still angry at her team’s loss yet paused at the newcomer. “How do you manage to debate throughout without looking at a single note?”


Jenn excused herself abruptly, noticing Bethan was exiting fast. “Bethan!”

“Jenn, alright I own up. It’s a drama training school that I discovered. The teacher, Mr. Jason Layton has an extensive CV and I hope to gain experience from him. Oh gosh, I’ll be late, tell you more about it later. Sorry for the poor debating.” One part of Jenn made her accept this explanation while another told her it sounded murky. Grabbing her bag, she aimed to follow her friend except that Bethan had already entered a taxi that drove off. Jenn could have classically hailed another taxi to follow but instead entered a bus that was on the same route as the taxi.

“Hey, look, another Fandom staff with username ReverieGuy overruled the decision and globally banned the WaterKong1 user, the others who harassed you and the local administrators were removed. He asks if you like take control of the Crichton Fandom?”

“Oh, yes I do! Thanks so much for all your help, Lin!” Julia shook her classmate’s hand and typed her reply. In any other situation, she would have hugged, however, the school now forbade any such acts or signs of affections. It was a silly rule but the majority of students obeyed.

Jenn had change buses in order to follow the Taxi Bethan took. The latter had alighted and entered some house with vines all over the wall. She was greeted by the Mr. Layton and told to wait and the only other occupant was a taller girl named Sierra who just moved to the UK with her divorced mother. “This place sounds exciting,” she remarked with an American accent, though Bethan now didn’t think so, given the weird artwork on the walls.

After school, Lin headed, home to change clothes then to the local library with the aim of finding a copy of The Andromeda Strain. Just as she was about to enter, she had a thought, drew out her phone and scanned Wikipedia. I guessed right, that Waterkong1 person also has a Wikipedia account. No wait, the other Fandom accounts who harassed Julia also have Wikipedia accounts! Nothing much on their edits then she clicked on Waterkong1’s talk page.

Oh, I’m so going to get that loser who knows nothing about Crichton’s work, Waterkong1 wrote.

Yeah, get her bro, you’re in the UK, right? Third_Indominus wrote. Rough her up.

Yeah, Croonford right? Find the other who persuaded the staffer to get ya globally blocked, Spinosaurus Magnis Wutanis wrote.

The B&B location was identified in initials and thus easily guessed so and after sending messages to her friends and the police ally DCI Nikki Heath, Lin hailed the nearest taxi.

The drama instructor called Sierra further into the house, leaving Bethan still wondering about the paintings which now scared her. Outside, Jenn wondered if she should return home and her friend was really was in a drama school when there was an audible noise from one of the windows then suddenly shutters were close for all the buildings windows. That’s quite strange for the now spring weather. She rang the doorbell but no one answered and there was no eyepiece at all. That was murky enough for her and also contacted the other detectives.

Lin couldn’t convince her way into the B&B despite her reasoning and plea. Dejected, she didn’t return until she spotted a nearby empty factory with lights on. It could be something to look at except there didn’t seem to any entrance and….

Jenn managed to use the skeleton key and laser pen to unlock the backdoor, finding her in an extremely dark interior. Diming the special torchlight Lin made for all the detectives, she still wondered if she made the right move breaking into someone’s building until she heard a loud muffled cry. There were two staircases nearby and she wildly chose the left, arriving in a narrow corridor. There were at least three doors on the right and the muffled sounds came from the second door. Again, she used her laser pen and skeleton key but the battery ran out. She turned on the special watch which also has a laser cutter and even with its lower power, the doorknob came loose and Jenn pushed with all her might, nearly slamming the door against the wall.

The room was freezing cold and quite dark. Bethan was sitting on an ornate and antique chair, just in her white bra and knickers. There was an IV drip, thankfully not connected to her nearby, with clear liquid in the bag. Her arms bent like the chair’s arms, her secured with white cable ties, one end not cut away. Her ankles were bound together with yellow cable ties, also secured to a bar between the two front legs. A crepe bandage was formed as a rather strong cleave gag and she naturally yelped in delight seeing Jenn, then directed her cries to another part of the room.

Further away, Lin awoke with sore neck, immediately scolding herself not to watch out for assailants. A quick look saw that her coat and jumper were both removed, leaving her in her maroon tank top and skirt. She was bound to a wooden pole, wrists secured with coarse rope, and similar lengths of rope wrapped below her breasts. A simple wounded piece of cloth was forced between her lips and tied behind her head to form a weak cleave gag.

Jenn held her finger to her lips to tell Bethan to calm down while she advanced towards the other noise. It initially appeared as an old frail man in a bed but on close look, it was just a mannequin with a tape recorder playing wheezing and ghostly sounds. With that switched off, she used the special penknife hidden along the waistline of her skirt to cut away her friend’s bonds. “Oh, Jenn, Jenn…”she lowered her voice as Jenn again placed her finger to her lips. “There’s another girl, Sierra, he’s got to hold her hostage here.”

Lin was naturally tugging at her bonds when a guy in white singlet and black trousers appeared, smoking a cigarette. “Ah, you must be user ScienceWhizz? Well, I’ll a show you a science test.” He moved behind her and blew a puff of smoke then prepared to jam the cigarette in any part of her bare skin. Lin anticipated this and was about to strike back when she heard a familiar voice cry, “No!”

“I don’t know; she was called ahead and I was left waiting,” Bethan informed Jenn as she rubbed her sore wrists and bare skin from the chill. Jenn passed over her coat and pondered her choices. Checking her phone, the signal was somehow blocked. Should she get Bethan out or find the other girl? “Stay close to me,” she advised, wishing the others were around. The two quickly heard more muffled sounds at another end of the corridor. The skeleton key easily opened the door and Bethan gasped. Sierra was still clothed but her ankles were bound with cable ties and in return secured to the railing of the bed she was on. Her hoodie was forced down and held down by a longer length of zip tie. Her arms were therefore held behind her and worse, there was a black ball in between her mouth held by black leather straps that around her head. “Don’t worry, we’re here to rescue you,” Jenn waved, thinking the restraints and gag reminded her of the netballers held hostage during a previous Halloween. She started working on the bonds — Sierra’s hands were also bound behind her back with cable ties but with the moaning Jenn worked her fingers and took time to unbuckle the gag.

Reinhard aimed the portable net and it wrapped around the smoking captor. It wasn’t large enough to cover the man’s height but it did knock the cigarette away and the guy fell. Lin by this time managed to loosen her wrist bonds and her fellow detective help her loose. She kicked the fallen captor then asked if the police were coming.

“DS Ransom,” Reinhard learnt not to mention her first name, “didn’t exactly get your question but patrols should be sent. What n…” The captor struggled out of the net and brandish a knife.

Jenn had just managed to unbuckle the straps and as Sierra coughed, the door opened and blinding light shone along with a snarl. “Well nosey little girl breaks into my place. Good addition to my…”

Despite the glaring light, Jenn fired another gadget she had – the pen with the pepper spray. “Girls, run!” They did so but the whole building was a maze and the darkness further hindered their moves. Jenn and Bethan managed down but the front door couldn’t open. “There’s no way out girls,” The evil man called and Jenn saw him holding Sierra by her neck and she was gagged again. With a pistol pointed at them, Jenn knew she had to surrender when there was a commotion and the front door broken open.

“Police!” The familiar cry of DCI Nikki Heath came.

“Oh, back away or her brains get blow away,” Layton snarled, as Sierra whimpered.

The thug swung, nearly striking Reinhard’s feet. “Let’s get out!” Lin cried, yanking his hand. Unlike earlier, she spotted a door and thankfully it was unlocked. They were far from safe as two more men dressed similarly approached them from different corners. The pair managed to dodge them but quickly found themselves in a set of leafless trees.

“Unusual for spring,” Reinhard muttered.

“What other gadgets did you bring?” Lin pulled him down and scanned the area. They were trapped. He only had the male version of the penknife and the pen with the pepper spray and ink. “It’s good enough, we can fight our way out.” Just then, there were shouts and a whistles and grunts. “Ok, kids, you’re safe.” Kids?! Lin raised her head to see a PC waving at them. Ignoring the insult, the pair got up and saw a familiar face. “Didn’t understand your message, ” Detective Sergeant (DS) Bluebell Ransom remarked, “but knife crime sure is a chargeable offence.”

“Where’s Nikki?” Lin wondered.

In the dark building, Jenn and Bethan were now shielded far behind a female PC and watched Nikki Heath negotiating with the hostage taker. All his demands were for the police to get out and for the girls to return. Nikki would agree to that but signalled for her accompanying officers to withdraw. As Jenn reluctantly followed the PCs out, there was a soft thud, causing Layton to momentarily turn around. This finally allowed Nikki to draw out her Taser X26 CEW, activating the flashlight and fired. “Subject is down!” She declared, advancing quickly, grabbing Sierra and removing her gag. “That was a risky act, Mark,” she spotted the rugby player and knew it was him who caused the noise. “But thanks.”

As per normal, the group, minus Chelle gathered in their headquarters. “Using an adult gag on a minor?!” Mark exclaimed.

“That girl Sierra is actually 18 going to 19-years of age,” Jenn corrected. “But yes, using that sort of gag is horrible.” Jenn also recounted that Nikki had to face much questioning from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) regarding her use of the taser and other recent activities, however, was cleared from her actions.

“Sorry, just went to check on Papa,” Lin announced as she entered and told them he was fine. “Also learnt that it was the B&B owner who called the police to aid us,” she explained to Reinhard.

“Well, that’s two cases solved,” the other science whizz declared.

“Three, don’t ignore what you did,” she reminded him. “We should update Chelle.”

Chelle in fact was in her bedroom, wondering if the truth of her weird abduction would ever be revealed.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in State Property’.

20: The Truth Is Out There


Cattle at a nearby farm sudden show mutated parts. The group doesn’t consider it a real case until a quarantine is placed on the farming area. However, Michelle might have crossed the edge this time.

Author’s note: While Chelle might appear in just a gown in the later parts, there is no scene where she’s fully naked.

“In this morning’s breaking news, we ring you reports of new missile, artillery and gunfire attacks against Ukrainian forces and citizens… in local news, a farmer has reported that suddenly some of his cows have extremely small udders for their age and the bulls aren’t growing up to their proper size…”

Michelle Summers raised her eyes wide at the second news report as she pulled up her 70 denier tights — the school temporarily allowed girls to wear thicker tights due to the colder weather — over her legs. She immediately judged it was something worth investigating. At the breakfast table, she replayed the video for her family and quickly stated her view. Her father instead talked about the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and bringing up the history of that region. Her younger sister Catherine ignored the news and just slurped up her cereal, silently humming a song for her music project. As usual, her mother told her to focus on her schoolwork and tuned down her ‘detective games.’

Chelle naturally replayed the news video for her fellow detective Chan Lin Ling, with both girls listening using earphones less the other students complain. She did comment on the fact that her East Asian classmate was only wearing 50 denier tights. Instead, Lin wrote back on an old school foolscap paper, ‘insect bites?’ ‘Undeclared vitamins?’ ‘Just incorrect news?’ Finally, at the school grounds, they met up with Jennifer Thompson and passed on the news.

“May be infect cattle, ingesting unauthorised foodstuff or as Lin wrote, vitamins,” Jenn remarked, adding it could be like that evil dentist she faced last time. “Sure, we can look into it, but studies beckon. I’ve just switched to history for one of my GCSEs; geography feels very boring.”

“But, you’re the really smart one. Now, where are the…” Her boyfriend, Mark, with the weird surname Cadvish, quickly sauntered over. He agreed to meet up but had to call Reinhard Tomas, his German-Jamaican class and newest male detective over. The shorter boy just nodded and shifted away too fast to hear Lin call him. She repeated her call but he was far away.

“Darn, he’s been avoiding me for days, no weeks since last time,” she remarked causing Chelle to query what occurred. “Nothing,” Lin head to class, ignoring the smile of racist guy Arthur Morton.

As usual, the detectives managed to meet up during break time. Mark decided on a location where other students wouldn’t be nearby since he was getting much teasing from his classmates and rugby players over his dating. Chelle, Lin and Jenn looked at the various new sites and only the local Croonford news reported it.

“Maybe it’s just something that will be easily stopped. Cattle grazing? Isn’t it too cold for cattle to be grazing?” Lin asked.

“The video stated they were in an indoors area,” Chelle pointed. “Do you know much about the growth of cattle? Reinhard?” The latter just shook his head once and returned to a book. The girls and Mark agreed to head to this certain farm. Reinhard again dashed off as Lin called him.

“What’s going on with him? Was it because…” Lin had to admit what she exactly wore when she was creating gadgets with the newest member.

“That’s so you,” Chelle patted her classmate. “Maybe he doesn’t agree with your dress sense, no…”

“May he feels guilty about he saw, I mean how you exactly dress and…” Lin nodded at Mark’s comment. She asked him to get his classmate to give her time to explain.

All students were very busy with the various studies but Lin, excelling in her various science subjects breezed though. At chemistry practical, both her classmates and Reinhard’s who took the subject shared the practical. She was the first student to finish the assignment first then tried to get his attention. All she got was a blink of his eyes before he re-focused on the test tubes. A second time, her class had finished physical education (PE) and she spotted him and waved but only got a quick nod in return before he followed his class into the sports hall.

It was only Chelle and Lin who managed to head to the certain farm the next week. Mark had a last-minute indoor rugby training but promised to meet up. Jenn had a debate competition on but also hoped to conclude it fast. Reinhard stated that he had to help his dad which Lin thought was another excuse to avoid her. With Mark advising them to be careful, the pair, carrying some of Lin’s gadgets found their way to the farm. As expected, they weren’t greeted warmly until one assistant recalled seeing their face in previous new reports.

“Oh, ok, welcome,” The owner Mr. Richard Stewart gestured. “Yes, we had the Environment Agency and AHDB official come but they all can’t figure what wrong with my cattle.” He was referring to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, a statutory board for farmers to aid them to in a changing business world. “Alright,” he heard their request,” you can see the affected cattle,” Chelle noted he used the word ‘affected’, not thinking it was a disease. Even so, both girl detectives were handed N95 respirators. Passing through several gates, the girls finally spotted first the deformed cows then bulls. They were as the news report described: bulls grown up yet look too small and cows with small udders. “Don’t get closer,” Stewart held up his hand. “Yes, this just happened recently. when the weather became colder and I brought all of them indoors.”

“What have they been eating?” Chelle wondered.

‘Normal grass. No, no genetically modified grass or vegetation at all.” He answered Lin’s additional question.

“Any new pests lately?”

The answer was negative; the farmer and his staff used natural ways like chickens or ducks to eat away bugs and the farm was well-fenced from outside prey or human intruders.

“Have you fed the cattle any additional foodstuffs? Or vitamins?” Lin recalled what she wrote.

“No, no, no, everything they eat is from the land. My whole cattle have always been organic, well now mutated. I’ve lost business – the cows supply fresh milk to supermarkets here and on the continent and the bulls were highly-valued veal and steak sources through Europe.” He paused then remarked that they had one more question as he had business and personal business to take care of.

“Has there been any unusual incidents or phenomena around their grazing area?” Chelle asked with Lin wondering how she came up with such a question.

Stewart was about to give a negative reply when the assistant who recognised the girls spoke up.

“There was a bright light shining in the afternoon, daily then two spherical objects moved around in a criss-cross pattern then the objects disappear. It…”

“That wasn’t unusual. I have to go. Please show the girls out.” The farm concluded and left. As the girls followed the assistant out, Chelle asked him to show them where that phenomenon could be seen. Lin was about to interrupt but her classmate was moving fast. They passed through several gates and got their stained by mud until they reached a far corner. “It happens…”

They was a bright flash and as mentioned, two circular objects flew randomly until they vanished in sight.

“Spectacular, isn’t it? Usually happens at this time,” he pointed to his watch showing four o’clock in the afternoon or random late afternoon times. It…” His phone buzzed, and mention he had other matters to tend to, the detectives were escorted out.

“What do you think those objects were?” Chelle.asked.

“Searchlights or some weather phenomena.”

“Weather phenomena? There’s nothing I recall that can form such a bright light and such circles. Searchlights? It’s still winter and there no carnival or property immediately beyond.”

“Ok, aircraft or such…what’s on your mind.”

“Well, UFOs…”

Lin shook her head. “Look, that’s far-fetched. You’ve been reading too many science fiction…”

Jenn and Mark appeared both carrying umbrellas with the former still in her formal school uniform, one hand holding down her skirt less she get an unwanted upskirt due to the wind.

“Chelle was…”

“It has happened before; it’s called cattle mutilation,” Chelle continued. “There have been multiple news reports of animals deformed suddenly with no clear explanation. In September 1967, an Agnes King and her son found their three-year-old horse dead. It’s head and neck had been skinned and defleshed, and the body displayed cuts that appeared very precise lacerations. The dead animal also emitted a strong medicinal-like odour.”

“Oh that,” Lin recalled, “There was a formal report which stated there was no evidence to support the assertion that the horse’s death was associated in any way to abnormal causes.”

“Well in 1973, sexual organs were reported removed from cattle in the US states Kansas and Nebraska and there were around 38 deaths…”

“Those reports were cleared as cattle dying from blackleg, a bacterial disease,” Lin countered.

“Well, those cattle till might be infected by unknown means. Look, a year later, there were further reports in Lancaster County, Nebraska. Coincidentally, there were helicopters of unknown origin flying around and they continued despite federal warnings. Those objects could…”

Lin shook her head and stated there would always be a rational human-centred reason, “Can we adjourn to a warmer non-windy place?” Jenn added, really clutching her skirt. They retreated to the nearby train station and Lin continued, “You really think UFOs and aliens infected those cattle?”

“Well, what scientific theories can you offer?” Chelle politely countered with Lin suggesting they, not just she, would find many. The group made their ways, with Lin reminding Mark to talk to Reinhard why the latter was avoiding her.

Despite their heavy school work and school activities, Chelle managed to conduct research on cattle mutilation and sightings of unidentified flying objects across the local area. Lin on the other hand focused on producing scientific-centred arguments. “Goodness,” the East Asian student shook her head seeing the news articles and books her fellow detective collected. “Unknown flights over Croonford and its wider region? Excited aircraft observers have increased gatherings spotting new objects in the sky?” Lin shifted the folder and shook her head again. “It’s a tabloid.” She turned to the books, noting the titles, Stalking the Herd: Unravelling the Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Enter The Valley: UFO’s, Religious Miracles, Cattle Mutilation, and Other Unexplained Phenomena and An Alien Harvest.

“Good gosh, you really have UFO and alien crazy, she remarked.

Chelle, trying not to feel insulted, replied, “So what do you have Miss Scientist?”

Lin’s arguments were neatly laid out: There were all scientific answers, stating that deformed animals all were examined thoroughly by government agencies such as the FBI. Natural causes such as dehydration or small scavengers and burrowing parasites. Other unusual changes could be due to feeding insects and these were tested in labs. She also presented her own scientific and mathematic models of how the cows and bulls were deformed.” But none of what you presented can be countered with what I found.” The duo kept arguing, trying not disturb any nearby students. Neither could win their own arguments when Lin remarked if Chelle really believed the cattle was infected by unknown sources like the government, she suggested her friend contact her father. “My dad works on foreign relations,” Chelle replied but still sent him a WhatsApp message, leaving out the words ‘UFO’ and ‘alien’. As Jenn joined them, Lin asked if she could talk to her cousin in the RAF about any new aircraft flying above that farm. “We did save him after all.”

The answers came back after school: Chelle’s father knew nothing about deformed cattle and mentioned that he was extremely busy. Jenn’s cousin took long to reply saying he could not reveal anything being a military officer bound by the Official Secrets Act. “He recommends asking via the Freedom of Information Act,” Jenn remarked then added replies to any query take at least 20 days and Chelle noted some government departments would never disclose their activities. “Ok, Lin, you have your science-centred theories I have my controversial ones. Let’s return to see that weird aerial display and to the farm.”

While the pair decided when to venture there, Mark sprang out of one corner and literally pulled Reinhard aside, holding a finger to his classmate’s lips.


“What’s with you and Lin? You’ve been ignoring her since the last case regarding that evil dentist.”

The shorter boy tried to walk away but the rugby player’s figure blocked all his way.

“Come on, what’s going on?”

Reinhard stared up at Mark and just blurted. “None of your business.”

“Oh, come on, as classmates and fellow detectives, I know something’s up.”

“I’m…you’re too intrusive. Let me…” Mark gently pulled him aside as other students passed by.

“We’re all in the same boat, no group. So, ignoring Lin doesn’t help. Speak to her.”

“Ok, fine, I’ll will some time.”

“No, as soon as possible.”

Chelle and Lin returned to edge of the farm where the assistant informed them where they could spot the unidentified objects. They were late so they decided to head to that area first then check out the cattle later. Jenn once again had a debate competition. Lin started to look bored as the seconds and the sky looked normal. All of a suddenly, the bright light shone intensely, a few seconds longer than previously. The two spherical objects appeared and randomly moved. Chelle excitedly pulled out her camera phone and ran next to the fence snapping pictures wildly. Several minutes later, the two objects vanished.

“We lost ten minutes!” Chelle cried, pointing at her watch with Lin raising her eyes.

“I looked at my watch just before the objects disappeared and it was four-thirty-five. Suddenly, my watch and phone turned four-forty-five!”

“It’ can’t be,” Lin started as Chelle showed the time stamps on the pictures she took.

You can’t lose time; time is a universal variant!”

“It has happened to alien abductees or people who witness UFO sightings…ooh, take a look, oh crap,” Chelle moaned and she showed Lin the blurry pictures.

“You need to max zoom and stay still and you took an empty picture of the sky,” the taller girl tapped the last shot which showed an empty sky.

“Hey there were there; they must have been used some cloaking shield.”

“Oh gosh, that’s so Star Wars-geek like,” Lin shook her head when she saw her friend staring at her watch and phone again. They were next joined by Jenn who remarked her team lost a debate match against an unknown school and some student named Richard Weaver was named best debater in her place. Chelle was about to lead them to the farm entrance when Jenn showed a news video on her phone.

“Authorities has placed a quarantine at 4:50pm on Stewart farm where cattle’s organs and other body parts have been much deformed. The owner Richard Stewart and his staff have been taken in for question and supermarkets and small retailers and advised not to sell milk or meat from that particular farm – government authorities will be in touch. Citizens are advised not to approach the farm for any particular reasons.” Figures in biohazard suits nearby further confirmed the report.

“Let’s head back,” Jenn naturally suggested and Lin found her watch was at the same time as Jenn’s. Before she could further chat with Chelle, she received a message from Mark.

Reinhard has agreed to meet and talk to you. But only at a place without many others especially people especially schoolmates.

Lin was partly relieved and typed a reply. Chelle was silently dejected that they could not further stay around the farm or check out the animals. The news that there was a quarantine placed by government agencies or departments furthered her theories that there was really something sinister happened. She decided not to argue with Lin as she silently decided what to next to do.

The quarantine news involved every group as possible and it took Chelle ages to get into contact with their long-term police Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nikki Heath. “We’re looking into whether the farmer or any of his staff have devious motives in infecting the cattle. No, we’re not investigating in any aerial objects. No, can’t brief you on more details. Really advise you and the group to stay well away from the area.”

Lin had chosen a cafe titled New Items which actually sold snacks and drinks that were made globally and there was not one British-made item there. She knew proprietor and he arranged a two-seat table in a corner far away from the usual clientele without question. Instead of her usual sexy clothing she chose a dark blue jeans skirt that reach around four centimetres below her knees with her legs clad in 70 denier black, something she could bear with. Her jumper was dark red over a beige long-sleeve shirt. She toyed her handless cup of Chinese Jasmine tea when Reinhard dressed in black jeans and a brown jumper entered. He nodded at her rising from her seat but returned the handshake for only two seconds. “Go ahead, get your own drink,” she pointed to the counter. As he returned with a less sweet Turkish coffee, she smiled while he tried to not to shiver or worse, spill his drink.

“Something is bothering you.” She started, not with a question.

Chelle was definitely bothered. There were so many questions that no one would or could answer. The news droned on about the quarantine droned on as were her mother’s reminder to avoid the area. Deciding otherwise, she dressed in simple jeans and jumper telling her mother that she was conducting field research for an article for the school’s literature and media club. “I’ll return to tuition Catherine, mum and help you prepare dinner.” Repeating that twice, her mum again told her to avoid the farm and Chelle was off. At a toilet in a nearby pub, she changed out of those clothes into an all-black slack and jumper that was quite skin-hugging.

Reinhard felt like he was an ice cube slowly melting away upon hearing Lin’s opening statement. He just wanted to run away or find a table to sit alone. “Please, tell me. Take a sip of your coffee and explain.”

Reinhard finally drank nearly a quarter of his cup, wiped his lips then blurted out, “It’s you! It’s how you dress!”

After taking a different train journey, the black-clad Chelle position herself on a hillock that was directly opposite the area where the unidentified objected appeared. She checked her watch and her phone – they both stated the same time. She withdrew a cheaper watch and let it run. Noting the time again, she rolled downwards closer to the farm’s fence, double-check her own watch, phone and drew out a cheap binoculars that she bought beforehand.

Lin already guessed what was troubling the short boy so did shout back but just told him to continue. “It was what you wore! No what you wear, what you dress in! You…” Reinhard stopped, banged the table and lowered his head down. It was amazing that both their drinks didn’t spill. Her hand lightly tounched his forehead and he lifted his head up. “You said ‘yes’ when I askd if you like what I wore.”

Reinhard lifted his head and slightly nodded.

“Do I scare you?”

He shook his head.

“So, it was what I wore? I better cover up now, ” She was about to put on her coat when he stopped her.

I should have worn a thick coat, Chelle thought as the afternoon weather grew chiller. A part of her started to say that Lin may be correct; there was a scientific explanation for all of this. Yet her curiosity pushed that away – there wasn’t a clear explanation for the sudden deformation of the cattle. Nor was there a distinct reason for the quarantine or even the random burst of light and the random moving aerial objects. Her thoughts were interrupted as her watch then the time on her mobile phone jumped by five minutes. Rushing back up the hillock, the watch she left showed no changed in time. What…\

“Well…when I was looking you, your chest — I shouldn’t have — I had this feeling between my legs, I don’t know how to explain it,” he didn’t state the ‘E’ word out loud mostly because he was not taught it. “Or just looking at you, even in your school uniform, I get…that muscular feeling…” He turned his head away but she gestured him to look at her. Lin easily understood that he was getting aroused and constant erections due to her looks.

“Reinhard, I am what I want to be; I’m sure that true for yourself.” She told him how she was the first girl in primary school to start puberty, how she was bullied for having breasts – he didn’t react when she used that term — and teased for being taller than the boys. Her primary school wasn’t friendly for girls with their periods. “Other girls also wear sexy clothes, dress to beautify themselves. Harriet, Bethan, Heather and some girls in your class looks pretty and dress to beautify. Does that affect you?”

He shook his head.

Meanwhile, Chelle witnessed the sudden bright light although this time it was much brighter than before. For precautions, she had donned sunglasses but the pair or unidentified spherical objects appeared much faster than before. They moved around less randomly this time as she looked through the binoculars. In some way in was very enchanting.

“We’re both teenagers Reinhard, we’re both having feelings due to puberty, there are those sex education classes, ok not well-designed. The point is, it’s natural. Take another drink, feel calm. Now look, what do you see?”

Chelle saw the two objects continue their ‘dancing’ in the sky. She had already drawn out her phone and took dozens of pictures. The first five were blurry while the others showed an empty or slightly cloudy sky. Shaking her head, she tried to send the blurry ones to her detective colleagues but each time she got a blocked signal. Someone is really causing this disruption and I’ll…

“I..I see a student. A girl…a scientist,” He still was unsure but wasn’t shaking anymore. “I feel so stupid now.”

“Don’t ever be. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Want a snack?” Lin was about to order one when there was message from Chelle. It was gibberish, “#$$$###^^@@@&.(”

She dialled Chelle’s number direct. “Chelle? Chelle? Are you there?”

Chelle in fact saw the two objects suddenly grew closer and a gigantic force pulled her off the hillock. She was not blinded as her eyes just saw the whole area turn black then a stark white. What on earth could…Chelle couldn’t think straight, hear anything, feel anything, all her senses suddenly disappeared.

Lin kept on dialling, texting, sending WhatsApp messages to Chelle and found no replies and received, ‘The number you have called is unavailable, please try again later.” Throwing some money to pay for the drinks, she yelled, “Chelle’s in trouble.” That set off a ‘chain reaction’, with her and Reinhard reporting it to the police. DCI Heath, despite manging the mutilated cattle case, took it, asked questions neither student could answer and she logged it. Mrs Summers nearly fainted upon hearing the news, repeatedly scolding herself for not stopping her eldest daughter. By late evening, Michelle Summers was declared a ‘missing person’.

The whole town was now shifting talk form the quarantined farm to Michelle’s disappearance, even though it was not the first time. DCI Heath, along with her trusted partner Detective Sergeant (DS) Bluebell Ransom pulled all-nighters but after intensively interviewing the farmer, his staff and other locals, there were no leads. At school, students could not stop talking about Michelle, many setting up groups wishing for her safe return, some thinking she was playing a fool.

Chelle awoke, or part of her was. She could see, somewhat since there was a gigantic light above no around her. Was she still where she was? What was this light? She tried to move but couldn’t. Bound once again, but she couldn’t identify what it was. Was sitting, standing or lying on the ground? She tried to open her mouth but her lips couldn’t move. There was nothing coming from her vocal cords. How was she gagged? How was she silenced. Figures, no just white heads appeared. or so she could barely make out.

Chelle’s disappearance affected every other teenage member. Reinhard couldn’t think properly during hi English classes, Jenn made simple errors in her Shakespeare studies, Mark was scolded by his rugby colleagues and coach. Lin was the most affected, not just her studies but also personally since she mostly blamed herself for not helping Chelle to see more rational explanations regarding and judging her rash action.

Chelle now could judge those ‘heads’ were humanoid-like. Who were they – alien? Humans in gowns? She couldn’t think properly. Her eyesight was slightly better now and she wasn’t shocked to see herself undressed down to her white bra and knickers. She could not move, talk and failed to comprehend her plight.

Lin woke up in the early morning, still blaming herself for her friend’s disappearance and all the news about it. She knew her parents had formally stopped her from any after-school activities but despite their bedroom being near, she managed to quietly dress and slipped out of her room window, managing to close it without much noise. It was naturally cold but the chill wasn’t on her worries. After a quick stroll she found herself walking past a closed shop when a limousine sped past, nearly knocking her down. Before she could get up and shake her fist at that reckless driver, the vehicle reversed back, pushing her into an alley.

“Miss Chan, please join me inside,” one door just sprang open and a deep non-British broke the silence of the morning.

“Who the…”

“I have the means to save Michelle’s live.”

“What the hell did you….” She stopped one window partially lowered and a taser or gun was pointed at her. “We don’t want further trouble, so please…” Lin weighed her options and cautiously entered. A pouch was dropped on her lap. Opening it, she found a syringe, a small medical bottle and several neatly hand-written lines on a crumpled paper.

“A vaccine against what your friend is infect with. It must be administered within six hours. That leaves you little time to reach the area.” He pointed to the note then the time on the car clock.

“A virus?! You infect Chelle with a virus?! What about the cattle?! What about…”

“I ask you lower your voice young lady. The person in front has fingers that won’t hold that weapon properly. The animals were part of the means the create a cure for farmers working very close with livestock. It’s a long story but it became a virus that has mutated and intensive tests on humans were required.”

“Why Chelle? Why did you pick her!” The limo’s interior lights were dimmed but she noted the man’s face was deeply scarred.

“I have even my limits in the full scale of the project. Those objects in the sky may have a relationship with the project. The vaccine is the main area I know about.”

“Who exactly are you? How can I trust you?” Suddenly the limo turned sharply three times, throwing both of them out of their seats. There was a loud explosion but as Lin recovered, the gunman in the front had shot himself, then two more shots came, killing the driver and then the gunman.

“Even friends I know can never be trusted,” the unknown figured continued without a change in tone while Lin was slightly shocked. “Now, it’s best you go to save your friend. The questions you have may be answer at the location.” The door on Lin’s side clicked open. She pondered then stepped out. There was a more muted ‘move away’ from him and as she crawled away, the vehicle somehow jerked then exploded, the shrapnel nearly striking her.

An hour or so later, Lin somehow managed to reach the area written in the note. It was an open field, with no other structure sight and it was formed from Satnav coordinates in the note. She previously took pictures of the note and sent it to her detective friends and the police. Ok, what next? She scanned the area but it was just an open field. Nowhere near than farm, where exactly was Croonford now? She moved randomly and just as she thought it would be better to walk back when she fell. It wasn’t a long fall then suddenly she found herself standing on a narrow edge. Spreading her arms, she managed to balance herself until she spied a wider area. As she reached that part, she suddenly stared down. Right below her was a gigantic hole that showed rows of walkways all leading to further areas. As she looked down, one particular walkway showed steam rising from it. That could be…suddenly she fell again, her hands finally catching some railing. With much strength, she pulled herself up, and felt a blast of chill.

In front of her was a large bolted door, akin to those in banks or ICBM bunkers. There was a small keypad with no numbers on it but she pulled out the now-dirty note and imagining how a numerical key pad would look like, she punched 5982. The door clicked open but slammed shut as she entered. Inside was a medical examination table but no other equipment around it. On the left were at least ten vertical crypods and when Lin touched the first, it was icy cold. Wiping her coat against it, she gasped as she saw a male inside, waist covered with a tube running inside his mouth. Lin quickly wiped the second, third and fourth crypods yet all contained semi-naked men. As she rubbed away the ice around the fifth tube, she gasped seeing Chelle wearing a gown with that same tube stuck inside her mouth.

“Chelle! Hang on!” She looked around wildly but there was no lid or lock to open the crypod. Spying the table, she unlocked the wheels and hoping for the best, she rammed in as hard as she could against the particular crypod. There was a creaking sound and the structure shattered, gooey liquid sliding down the floor, dirtying her trainers. “Chelle!” Lin cried as she caught her sat her friend down on a clean surface. “Can you…” Lin pulled out the syringe and trying the remember how doctors and nurses filled it, she managed to wheels and filling it with the unknown vaccine and slowly injected it in Chelle’s bare arm. Suddenly, the organic-like tube in her mouth shrunk then slid away with Lin pulling it off.

“Chelle, can you hear me? Michelle?” She heard a loud cough then barely head the word cold. Taking off her coat, Lin wrapped it around her friend and again look around for an exit. Before she could finish looking in detail, the first crypod exploded, with more goo spilling out. “Shit!” Lin cried, not at the substance, but as the semi-naked man inside slowly walked out hunched. Another explosion blew the second crypod, and Lin dragged herself and Chelle away as the next man got out. Suddenly, the wall she leaned against clicked open and turning, she saw a ladder slide out.

“Chelle, hold onto to me!” She called as felt the cold still slightly sticky feeling of her half-unconscious friend on her back. Despite the weight, Lin managed to climb as she heard more explosions beneath her and found and open hatch above. The last thing she heard was a tremendous explosion as she pulled herself and Chelle out, not before seeing the two same objects dancing in the sky.

In the early morning aft, Lin, held an ice pack against her bruised cheek and was joined with the four others in the visitor’s area of the town’s hospital. Dr. Gordon Holdon, the A&E doctor, finally exited and held out hands to stop their excited questions.

“Yes, she’s conscious. Ok, I’ll allow you all to see her. But only five minutes; she really needs a long rest.”

Inside, Chelle was in a hospital gown an IV drip runnng to her left vein and wires running to a heart monitor. As they gathered aroound, Lin started.

“Who…are you?” Was Chelle’s response.

“Oh, no please!” They all wailed. Chelle’s eyes blinked and she laughed. “Did I miss anything?”

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in ‘Multiple Cases.’

The End

17: To the Orient


The three girls travel to Lin’s aunt’s house in Penang, Malaysia for their summer holiday, with Jenn reluctantly agrees to wear a bikini. However, it is not all sun, sand and sea when a dead body washes up on the nearby beach. A normal murder case leads the girls into discovering a chilling act of astronomical proportions. But can they stop it in time?

Author’s note: My first story where the Croonford girl detectives travel away from the UK. I hope I got the information on Penang, its culture and especially its food correct and no offence to Penangites or Malaysians. No offences as well to the police in Penang, the Royal Malaysian Police and Malaysian intelligence services.

This story is entirely fictional although based on a historical incident.

21 January 1968: Over Greenland

The view below was magnificent, if only the temperature could be higher, Major D’Mario thought. The reason for this was he was seated at least two miles above the earth in a cramped and increasingly hot cabin. His fellow crewmen were also shivering so he made a fatal choice by opening an engine valve. The heat increased but all of a sudden, large flames of fire started to spread. Despite their best attempts, the fire engulfed most of the plane and each member finally bailed out. Jumping from an inferno into an icy cold atmosphere, Major D’Mario remembered that they had left vital items behind…

The Present Day
Croonford UK 1500 GMT
Teen Detectives Headquarters

“Ow!” Michelle Summers cried, as the edge of the portable radiator dial lightly sliced through her finger. For the past half hour, she and Jennifer Thompson were trying in vain to fixed the heating system in their detective hideout. For a place which contained a mini forensics laboratory, the main necessity—the heating system—was down.

“It’s all in the wrist Chelle,” a voice behind her remarked as a hand shot out, adjusting the knob properly. “Gosh! You startled me Lin, at least you could…woah!” Michelle gasped at the youth chief forensic outfit. Despite the chilly weather, Lin Ling was clad in a low-cut purple tube top and a skirt that reached only a few inches above her knees. She clearly was wearing small denier tights with open toe shoes. “Lin! Aren’t you freezing!”

“We’re all warm-blooded creatures Chelle, I just make the most of it. Anyway, since you two are whining about the cold and it’s half-term break, how about heading off to some place where the sun shines?”

“Where? “Jenn replied, her teeth chattering, wondering if it was a European city.

“Penang, Malaysia. One of my aunts has a nice house and she has invited my mother and us for a short holiday and will take us everywhere including beaches. Don’t worry about plane ticket fares; Ma and my aunt will foot the bill. It’ll be sun, sand and sea for at least a week. My mother will clear it with your parents. Whatcha think?

“Well since the plane fares and accommodation are taken care of, why not. Better than this freezer of a town,” Michelle replied, still nursing her finger.

Jenn thought over it for half a minute and gave her thumbs up. “Righto, but first, we need to get something for you Jenn,” Lin replied.


The outskirts of Los Angeles, California
A while ago
0310 hours local

“Thud! Thud! Thud!” The rapping on the old wooden door broke the silence of the night. “Don’t worry dad, I’ll get it,” the woman called, moving down the spiral staircase in her robe, nightie and slippers. The old man smiled and was about to turn his back when a bang ten times louder than the rapping shattered his eardrums. “What the…” he cried and as he just reached his doorway when he was grabbed in a bear hug. Almost strangled, there was a trio of masked men, one which was grabbing his daughter. Her nightie was ripped, slightly exposing her right breast and a wide piece of tape covered her jaw. With her arms bent, it was certain her wrists were bound behind her.

“Move it old man,” the muffled voice behind said. Still startled, both were half-dragged to the main study and forced to kneel. “Ok, old man, what’s the safe’s combination number?” A silence followed as the elderly man sealed his lips. “What is the combination number!” The hooded figure yelled, smacking the old man on the face one more time. His only reply was a spitting on a loose tooth.

“Alright,” the intruder snarled and yanked the young lady from the hands of his accomplice. “First, bullet number one will go in her foot, then bullet number two will go into her knee, then bullet number three….” “OK! OK! Three, Seven, Five, Nine. There’s nothing important in there! Please don’t hurt her!” The man replied, suddenly convinced by the pleading eyes of his daughter. Snatching the pile of papers from the safe, the hooded figure turned and bullets spat from his silenced gun. “Ooops,” was all he said.

Somewhere deep in the Arctic Ocean

“Is that it?” Captain Christine Andersen peered closely at the image on the false aperture sonar. What was at first appeared to be a large blob on the screen slowly changed into a long cylinder nearly a hundred metres across.

“That’s your magic wand that will change the world?”

“Yeah, can your sub hold it?”, the man wearing a pure black diving suit asked.

Christine looked at the dimensions on the screen and nodded. An extractor arm extended and grasped the object. After several attempts, it came off the seabed and minutes later it was secured in the mini sub’s storage bay.

“Ya know, after scrounging around for days, I can’t believe I’m going to get 50K for picking up what may turn out to be an old ship’s funnel or some waste dumped by some unknown ship long ago. For all ya know this may be…”

The babbling research Captain passed away with the tiny prick of her skin. Pushing her to one side, the dark-skinned man simply said, “You’re relieved of duty Captain.”

Teen Headquarters, 1520 GMT

“A bikini. You’re not going to laze around Penang’s best beaches in your ugly blue one-piece swimsuit,” Jenn replied, propping herself on the table.

“No way, you’re not influencing me with girlie antics Miss Chan! I’m happy with my one-piece swimsuit!” Jenn retorted, still warming herself by the heater.

“Yes way. All of us girls have bikinis, right Chelle?” Chelle simply remarked she had a black halter set.

“And all the other school girls have two-pieces. Hattie, Bethan, Heather…”

“Julia doesn’t,” Jenn remembered that Julia told her that.

“Well, the majority own at least one. It’s the in-thing…”

“I’m not influenced by your pressure. It’s just like exposing myself in my undies!” Jenn recalled when she was forced and bound and gagged in just them.

“It is not. Ok, then I’ll take one of the bikini owners and leave you in this chilling chamber.”

“How dare you…” Despite her debating skills, Jenn couldn’t believe that she was getting blackmailed.

“You wouldn’t dare…”

Lin patted her hand on her friend’s back and replied, “You know Jenn, there are three kinds of people. the Wills, the Won’ts, and the Can’ts. The Wills accomplish everything, the Wont’s oppose everything, and the Can’ts won’t try anything. Your definitely both a Won’t and a Can’t”.

“Your quote from The Black Hole won’t change my mind.”

“Why not I take you shopping for a bikini. Just one.”

“Oh, alright you win. But I have a condition I still have until I arrive at a beach before I expose myself.” Deal?”


A coastal village, Sumatra, Indonesia, the same time

“…and finally, after months of setbacks, ASEAN members have decided to sign a security accord that would increase anti-terror operations against a Southeast Asian extremist Islamic group mixed with Jemaah Islamiyah and ISIS members. Due to the latest larger scale attacks in the region, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers have approved to hold the meeting on the cruise liner Emeritus, the point of embarkation and sail route classified for security purposes. In other news…”

The black clothed figure twisted the volume and addressed the similarly dressed man in front of him.

“My son, you have made us proud in the last move.”

“Father, we did not hit all that we intended to strike. Many infidels unfortunately escaped.”

“Patience, son. We have a big plan upcoming. I trust everything is on schedule?”

“Yes, our California team managed to locate the necessary documents. Our greatest minds are working on it and will produce the crude result by next week. Transportation and deception are all taken care of. Father, have we had any lead on where the ship will sail?

“Not yet. Your brother Karim is still searching. Time will come my son. Allah has been good to us.”

“Indeed father. We will give the blow that is needed. Ironically, most of the material are made by the infidels”

Both men clasped each other in a tight embrace and the younger one departed, a devilish smile forming on his lips…

Croonford Shopping Centre, 1610 GMT

Jenn continued to pout as her East Asian friend pulled her to the rows of bikinis. Finally, they stopped at a selection of blue halter top bikinis. “No!” Jenn cried, “I’m not wearing those!”

“Can you please not fuss, this is the best selection for proper ladies swimwear,” Lin replied.

“Not these, can’t I have plain-coloured ones, like normal underwear. Or leave me in my normal suit”, whined Jenn for the umpteenth time.

“Argh, one day you’ll regret not having a boyfriend without some real ladies clothing,” Lin remarked, giving her friend a teasing pat. Not wanting to argue further, both girls continued through that section until Jenn pointed at a white thick strap bikini. Despite Lin’s gesture towards a thinner beige-coloured set, it was the final choice until the nearby shop assistant remarked, “sorry darling, we don’t ‘ave your size on display.”

“Size? What’s your..?” Lin started then stopped after receiving her friend’s look and Jenn whispered to the assistant. The purchase was finally made when both their mobile phones buzzed.

Check this news link. There’s a murder case on the news.

Outside they both played the video Chelle sent them. “A retired professor and his granddaughter were found brutally murdered in a Los Angeles Suburb yesterday. Formerly a professor of biomedical science at Aston University, Professor Ariel Goodman was a leading advisor to the UN on nuclear materiel proliferation. Police have yet to ascertain the cause of the homicide. In other news, ASEAN, foreign ministers will be embarking on the cruise liner Emeritus from Penang for a week-long summit on security in the Asia Pacific…”

The girls were interrupted by Jenn’s mobile ringing. “Hey, did you read the news link?”

“Chelle, that incident is thousands of miles away and isn’t anything. What, do you want to cancel our Penang trip and…” Lin replied

“No, just giving you guys new, nothing, I’ll see you two later,” Michelle replied. On that note, Lin told both of them not to bring any gadgets as Malaysian customs are extremely strict.

“Thank goodness for that; I really thought she was going to create a long-distance case this winter. So let me give you a summary of what Penang is like from the books?” Jenn asked. Lin nodded for her smart friend to go ahead.

“It’s a great Southeast Asian resort island off the coast of Northern Malaysia. If you’re not hitting the beach, you’ll be sampling local delights especially the Peranakan and Nyonya cuisine or exploring the various historical sites,” Jenn began.

“And that is where they filmed the show Anna and the King.” Jenn continued as they boarded the bus, ensuring her two-piece was hidden from sight.

“Uh huh, listen, save the story until we head over there.”

Their parents all granted them to journey to Penang, especially Chelle’s mother who wanted her to be clear of finding detective cases at home. The boy detectives, Mark Cadvish and Reinhard Tomas were left behind to guard the fort. Mark had his usual rugby practice while Reinhard had to take additional classes to improve his English.


The customs check at Penang International Airport was not as strict as Lin mentioned although there was no frisking. Once through, they were met by Lin’s aunt who introduced herself as Patricia Oei.

“How do you pronounce your surname again?” Chelle asked.

“It’s pronounced like ‘we’ and is our maiden name,” came Patricia’s reply, after hugging her sister Pearlyn. “And this is…” she pointed to a 164 cm and 38B cup girl who completed the sentence as “Stacey.” She shook hands with Chelle and Jenn then only nodded curtly at Lin. As they all entered Patricia’s car, Stacey finally commented, “still working on beautifying yourself, Ling?”

“It’s Lin. At least I know how to present myself,” Lin replied, jerking her

“Lin is a surname. And I’m not stuck in a world of science.”


“Girls, stop your arguing or both of you will get detention and Lin Ling you may be sent home earlier,” Pearlyn scolded them. Chelle immediately noted animosity between the two cousins but simply positioned herself between them. As it was early morning and the guests stated they were hungry, Patricia parked her car somewhere along Gurney Drive and the group found themselves at what was described as one of the most well-known hawker areas on the island.

“There’s so much to choose from, go ahead,” Patricia told them. That was easier said than done since Chelle and Jenn couldn’t speak the Hokkien dialect. Noticing that, Stacey rushed to help Jenn. Lin simultaneously rushed up to aid Chelle, although her Hokkien was not as proficient. Chelle picked Chee Cheong Fun with a sauce that she found rather sweet yet strange and a bowl of piping hot hae meen or prawn mee.

“That’s called hae kor,” Stacey informed her, adding it was made of prawn paste to which Chelle said it tasted fine. Jenn was mid-way through her Char Siew Wan Than Mee or Tok-Tok Mee when she queried Lin regarding her dark-brown noodle dish.

“Char Kway Teow, something I really miss when living in the UK.” Came her reply and Jenn asked to try some, finding it really oily but loved the ingredients like the large prawns and fish cake. Meals over, Patricia gave them a whirlwind tour of the wider George Town including Little India, the Khoo Kongsi, a UNESCO World Heritage site and other colonial areas. Finally, at the Oei residence, they met the elderly, yet strong mother of Pearlyn and Patricia, Mei Hua. After greetings, she promised to cook a Nyonya meal for the girls before the end of their visit. Just as they were about to discuss where to head next, Jenn suddenly bolted to the toilet.

Chelle took this opportunity to yank Lin to a side room and questioned her regarding the explicit rivalry with her cousin. It took Lin five second before she said, “That girl, also known as Yan Lian, has been my constant rival since kindergarten, sports and family.” She paused then explained that Stacey constantly accused Lin’s father of constantly harassing Stacey’s dad and thus contributing to his suicide.

“And what do your mother and aunt say? Was there any investigation?”

“There was a vague one and Yan Lian claims constant calls and emails from Pa regarding Uncle Sam’s business. My Ma and Aunt don’t really talk about it and…” they heard a flush and Jenn reappeared.

“Just a bit of stomach ache,” Jenn remarked, popping an Imodium tablet in.

“It’s the food. You want to rest here?” With Jenn’s head shaking, Lin announced they should head to the beach, causing the shortest girl to groan. Lin checked in with her aunt Pat and they decided on Batu Ferringhi beach. Although that was a beach often filled with tourists, Patricia remarked that it wasn’t ‘large tourist’ season and she knew a hotel where the girls could shower and change inside with no trouble. Leaving Pearlyn and Stacey behind, Patricia beat the usual Penang traffic, arriving beach side within an hour.

“Look, there are people on the beach and water in full swimsuits,” Jenn pointed and groaned.

“Oh, Jenn, there are women in bikinis as well,” Lin countered. “Look, there’s a more secluded area there so boys won’t look.” Suddenly, Jenn ran forward.

“What’s she up to, trying to get in the water fully-clothed?” Chelle wondered, removing her shorts. Jenn had in fact stopped near a small rockpile and began to remove the rocks, revealing what she spotted was a human hand, no it was a whole decomposing human body!

“Over here!” As her friends ran and saw the body, Lin called her aunt to notify the police. They arrived promptly and the detective in charge was donned not just with a full uniform but also with a thick moustache with the name tag reading ‘Razak’. He curtly asked Jenn several questions then to the annoying cries of the beach-goers, most of the area was closed. Jenn however had to follow the police for a forensic search.

“It’s quite different from Croonford police forensics department or other UK ones. And that Inspector Razak was more formal than friendly as the trio along with the adults gathered at Ayer Itam, where one of the island’s most famous Assam laksa stalls was located. Everyone except Jenn ordered laksa, she went with a non-Hokkien dish, Hainanese Chicken Rice from a further away stall.

“So, it was a dead body?” Stacey asked as she spooned the rice noodles and broth onto her spoon. After learning what transpired, she remarked that dead people or murder cases on such populated beaches in Penang were rare.

“Still could be a case worth exploring,” Chelle remarked after getting more hae kor to calm down the spiciness of the laksa.

“Girls, you’re here on holiday not to search for dangerous adventures,” Lin’s mother reminded them and they all had to affirm that. With lunch finished, as they walk to the car, Jenn suddenly drew out her phone and showed the girls a picture of a watch lightly strapped to the dead man’s right wrist.

“That’s just a watch….” Lin started until Stacey asked to see it. “I’ve seen it before; it’s sold only in shops in Balik Pulau.” She explained it was a town on the western side of the island, dominated more by Malays and started off as spice plantations and other agriculture. The title translated to ‘the back of the island’ in English.

“Maybe, we should head over there.” Chelle’s suggestion however was cut short with the roar of thunder. The girls were thus trapped inside their guest house as the tropical rainstorm poured down. In the evening, as Chelle was alone in the guest room, she felt that once part of the wall was looser and produced a hollow sound unlike the other areas. Ignoring the risk of defacing the wall, she used a screwdriver and found that section of the wall was in fact a panel! Slowly, she opened it and found a thin diary there. She excitedly read the most recent entry until her phone beeped.

“Hey, look Nikki says she knows that Inspector Razak,” Chelle showed her friends the WhatApp message which mentioned Razak took the same detective cause as their long-term police ally at Croonford CID. ‘Tell him I say hi and who you girls are. But be very careful regarding a murder case.’

They all still agreed to meet Inspector Razak and mention the watch but the rain still was present. Once clear however, the girl detectives found themselves taking the cable car up part of the way along Penang hill then climbing the rest. They tried muruku, an Indian snack, locally roasted corn and condensed milk-flavoured tea before Lin’s aunt agreed with the peculiar request to take them to the police station. Instead of entering. they found the Inspector exiting the station. Initially he rebuffed them, until Chelle showed him the WhatsApp message from now DCI Nikki Heath.

“Nicola, oh yes I remember her, she taught me more than the course did,” he remarked, bringing a plate of dry Mee Siam with additional chilli sambal. The girls all ordered nasi lemak with Jenn initially struggling to de-bone the fried fish. Chelle immediately summarised who the three of them were and the only response were agreements through grunts. Jenn quickly showed him the photo of the watch and how Lin’s cousin identified it from Balik Pulau.

“There are hundreds, no thousands of watch shops across the island and Seberang Perai,” he replied, meaning the mainland which was officially part of the state of Penang and previously as Province Wellesley. The trio couldn’t explain why they thought the origin of the watch was worth looking into.

“Let’s go to Balik Pulau,” Chelle suggested after they thanked him for lunch. Jenn did remind them what Lin’s mother said about avoiding any detective-related cases.

“We are on a holiday, exploring unknown areas,” Lin replied. She was annoyed that Stacey was asked to join but Chelle pointed out that she identified the origin of the watch and as she mentioned, she knew most of the area. Balik Pulau wasn’t as easily accessible as the famous areas of Penang so Patricia again volunteered to drive them there, on condition they all return before early evening. After driving through a winding Jalan Tun Sardon, they reached the town and the girls cycled the remaining length on borrowed bicycles. Stacey pointed to the main landmarks then took them to the nearest watch shop. They explored nine shops and none displayed watches exactly like the dead man wore.

“Where’s the next shop?” Chelle asked.

“It’s close to the fishing village,” Stacey pointed. “But it’s getting late and my ma said to return home.”

“We’ve still got time,” the sleuth replied and she and Lin pedalled towards that direction. Stacey and Jenn called them but they soon disappeared out of sight.

“What the…is this what you girls have been up to? Rushing away into adventure?” Stacey asked.

“We’re girl detectives, always into adventure…and get in trouble,” Jenn replied.

Marseille, France 1630 local

This target is too easy, CIA field agent Claire Stirrup thought to herself for the umpteenth time. He doesn’t move randomly, wears shoes that leave footprints as clear as day and hardly shaves. This is certainly a milk run she thought but was jolted as her target finally got off his seat. Slipping a few Euros under her coffee cup, she straightened her coat and kept her usual distance away from the rather lean-built man.

Claire Stirrup had an amazing life all the time. Born in New Hampshire, she had a fun-filled life, skiing with her parents every winter, excelling in her guides troop, playing hockey and breezing through her school years. She was educated on both sides of the Atlantic in Politics and International Relations but shunning the usual jobs, she applied and was accepted into the Central Intelligence Agency. ‘I want to be a field agent’, was her motto but instead her superiors shifted her from desk job to desk job until the position in France was open. Her first job was to follow a certain Mediterranean-ned skin man around for a few weeks, reporting on his activities. Her long-term expectations of the glamour of a field agent now came to a sudden halt after following, following and nothing but following a guy who appeared to be an innocent civilian.

Her target once more obediently followed the traffic rules, crossing at the lights instead of copying the half a dozen jaywalkers. Suddenly, instead of turning into his usual block of flats, he moved suddenly to the left. Ah, what’s going on, Claire thought. As she reached into her pocket for her miniature camera, she felt a pin prick at the side neck. What the.. Claire’s mind became foggy and she stumbled, swaying side to side and then…

“Silly bitch,” her target friend, or rather simply known as Ibrahim Ahad remarked in heavily-accented English. The unconscious agent was swiftly pulled into a side building by Ibrahim’s assistant who had fired the minute tranquiliser dart. Inside, Ibrahim and his assistant swiftly exchanged clothes and they applied extensive cream to their faces and some additional wig and fake beard on. “Secure her and get her ready for the operation. We don’t have time.”

Complying, his assistant wrapped cable ties over the agent’s wrists and ankles, then brought them together and used another piece to lock her in a strict hog tie. Several pieces of duct tape were stuck across her lips, ensuring that even if she awoke, she would not be able to cry for help.

Balik Pulau
Near a Fishing Village

“No, we sell no such watch,” the store owner grunted and waved away Chelle’s phone. She pressed him again but told her to head back to ‘her country.’ Lin gave him a dirty look and was about to turn around until she noticed the tattoo on his now-exposed arm.

“That’s the same…”

The shop owner bolted back and closed a metal grill and both girls managed to climb over the counter and gave chase. Their chase was cut short fast as loud barking noises and another man, instead wearing a black hood and holding a plastic taser while the store owner pointed a another at them. “Give it up! Unless you want stunned!” the ‘store owner’ yelled.

Before they react, both girls were pushed down and suddenly the floor moved vertically downwards, with the teen detectives quickly finding themselves in an under chamber. With the gun barrels pressed against their back, the girls were pushed further in through some plastic doors, then boots pushed them to the ground. There was constant chatter between both men and Lin tried to figure out the discussion, unsuccessfully. It wasn’t Bahasa Melayu, the Malay lingo, nor was it any Chinese dialect. Were they even Malaysians in the first place? Both girls wondered what this place was and how they would escape.

Basement of some building, Marseille, France

As soon as Ahad left, his assistant carried the trussed-up CIA agent down several staircases into a room much like a medical operating theatre. There another colleague helped to remove her bonds and all her outer clothes with her bra loosened. Claire was then strapped tightly to a waveless waterbed, heated precisely to his skin temperature to help deaden her sense of feeling and sever any sensory input. A flimsy translucent sheet was draped over her to prevent excess moisture from awaking her.

An intravenous drip with a computerised metering device was fixed to her left arm, which quickly alternated a sedative, haloperidol, and phencyclidine hydrochloride or PCP, the powerful hallucinogen also known as ‘angel dust’ in tune with a electroencephalograph. Her gag was removed and a tube had been inserted into Claire’s mouth to deaden her taste buds, to keep her teeth apart and to keep her from swallowing her tongue in case of an induced epileptic episode. Finally, her eyes were covered by a tight blindfold. Small earphones were inserted into her ears and misinformation was fed to her. However, as the same words were repeated the third time, foam came out of her mouth, her muscles twitched and the agent passed away.


Back in the chamber, Lin slowly noticed that they had some peculiar coating on them. It must be lead, she thought and tried to work why there was a need for that anti-radiation shielding. Her thoughts were only interrupted by additional men, two of them who locking their arms around both of them as they picked up.

“Move,” and both girls were prodded towards the a side door. Inside, the sound of a conveyor belt could be heard and so could the humming of machines. There were several men in radiation shield suits suddenly appeared and one spoke with an electronic muffled voice. “We will be decontaminating you for the radiation you may have been exposed too. That means removing all your clothes and passing yourselves through a foam shower. Don’t try anything silly unless you want to suffer from radiation sickness.”

So that’s it, Lin thought. They are building some kind of nuclear device here. “Can,” Chelle began but was silenced by a slap on her cheek. One suited man waved a Geiger counter across the girls and announced, pointing at Michelle, “She’s higher.” The sleuth was prodded towards the running belt and again told to strip. A sharp prod in the back was the response to her hesitation thus Chelle reached behind her back to remove her shirt. One of those suited men whistled as she undid her bra and knickers with Lin giving him a dirty look.

“Go on, get in,”. Gingerly the naked teen covered her breasts and stepped forward, thankful the shower was enclosed then yelped as a blast of creamy foam splattered all over her. “Rub yourself; it’s not poisonous,” came further orders through a speaker. It may be but it’s sure yucky, thought as she was moved further in by the belt. Surprisingly, the foam fell off her body like dust by the time she reached the end. Another suited person was waiting for her with an open bathrobe. What a wonderful clothing, she thought and gingerly accepted the rough robe. He swept another Geiger counter across her and pronounced her free of radiation. Two other suited men quickly restrained her with coarse rope and stuffed a slightly dirty piece of cloth in her mouth, sealing it with a longer piece of cloth.

It was Lin’s turn next and her C-cup breasts brought another hooting from the men as she discarded her black bra. Dressed in the gown, the Geiger counter still read some radiation. “Her fingernails,” the same man announced and forced her hands between some bars. “Ok,” he announced and Lin was trussed and gagged in similar fashion. The two bound and gagged girls were immediately marched off and pushed against two separate plastic poles with their captors tying them to the poles.

The girls naturally start to struggle wildly as the men moved away. There were many times their gadgets were intentionally taken away from them but this time, their stuff was left thousands of kilometres away back home. Both girls thought rope would be easy to get loose but this kind of rope proved them wrong. Lin’s struggles made her rise up and she spotted the men crouching over something. Words from a nearby wooden panel with a date, ‘1/21/1968.’ Wait, that’s…Lin’s mind fluttered back to reading a Cold War history book. The 19868 Thule Air Force Base Crash! But they should have recovered the debris and the bombs. No, it was not fully certain all four bombs were recovered. Was this nuclear material from that crash? Were they going to launch an attack on the whole island? A piece of paper fluttered, reading ‘Emeritus.’

Above ground, Patricia Oei was frantic and screaming. “What do you mean they cycled away?”

Shivering, Jenn explained what happened. “Get back in the car,” Pearlyn ordered the two girls. It was also her own fault; she had stopped for a coffee break therefore did not keep a full eye on all the girls. She drove fast towards the direction Chelle and Lin took but did not find the particular watch shop they visited. After circling around and checking with locals, there was no clue so Patricia frantically called the police.

Inspector Razak took the case, dispatched several units but didn’t think it was a high priority case. Just then, he received another call. Initially, the caller identified himself by unit number and Razak thought it was a prank call.

“You have a dead body found recently…”

“Look, whoever you are….”

“I’m,” the caller identified himself as Officer Azim from the Special Branch, causing Razak to sit up after checking the unit number The Special Branch was the country’s internal intelligence service. “The body is the brother of someone on our watchlist, Bakr. More importantly, we received a tip off from the Americans that there’s an impending terrorist attack near Penang and Bakr is part of the terrorist cell. Get your people on alert! I’m flying over!”

Both Chelle and Lin continued to struggle and the former finally managed to loosen her wrist bonds. However, the captors had long left and Lin cried through her gag as they carried something in a pack out. Just as Lin tugged against the knots, there was a commotion and a squad of Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) officers burst in, with Inspector Razak holding his service Glock 19 up. “It’s a nuclear device! They’re targeting the cruiser liner Emeritus!” Lin yelled as her gag was removed.

“We know,” Razak replied then noted the decontamination equipment around. “Get a HAZMAT team here!”

Hours later, the local newscaster read, “Malaysian RMP officers and their UTK or Special Actions Unit along with Special Branch officers, detained or removed a terrorist group that was aiming to attack a cruise liner filled with ASEAN foreign ministers and their delegations. The RMP have cleared the island and declared Batu Ferringhi beach open. In other news…”

“A nuclear device?” Jenn asked.

“Broken Arrow,” Lin explained the story of the B-52 crash, the nuclear bomb that was missing recovered by the terrorist cell and how it linked to the expert killed in Los Angeles.

“Lin Ling, girls,” Pearlyn reduced the volume of the TV, “you disobeyed me and your aunt. I’ve the very mind to….”

Just then the doorbell rang and it was Inspector Razak out of his uniform. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything. Usually, we at the RMP don’t give out any awards. I did however get my superiors to approve these. I hope I spelt your names correctly.” He handed out certificates to all three teen detectives that acknowledged their contributions to Penang RMP, albeit not mentioning the terrorist cell. “I may be visiting the UK soon, so may stop by to meet you three and Nicola. Selamat Petang.” That meant ‘Good Evening’ in Malay.

“Well, that’s some thanks. I’ll excuse you girls again but you all aren’t totally off the hook. Go help your grandma to prepare dinner, Lin.”

Before Lin could move, Chelle yanked her and Stacey aside and showed both girls the entry she read. It showed that Stacey’s father was unable to manage his own business and was harassed not by Lin’s father but by other colleagues, contributing to his suicide.

“There’s not feud at all. I want you two to make up, now,” Chelle remarked in an authoritative tone.

“I still hate you getting a black belt earlier than me,” Lin said.

“And I dislike that…”

“Shake hands,” Chelle ordered and the two cousins instead hugged each other.

Dinner as Mei Hua promised was a traditional meal. The guests got to try Kuih Tai Tai or Pulot Tartal which Jenn fell in love with. There was Perut Ikan made mostly from pickled fish stomach but the girls found it delicious. Jenn also appreciated the Jiu Hu Char which took hours to prepare and was now comfortable with the sambal belacan.”

“Oh, our flight is delayed till tomorrow evening,” Pearlyn checked.

“Great!” Lin called.

The next morning at the beach, Chelle and Lin were down to their black halter and strapless skimpy purple bikinis. Jenn however, was still unsure.

“Come on Jenn!” Her friends called. That took another call and a check that the beach was populated with females. Finally, Jenn was down to her white bikini and Lin dragged both her detective friends into the ocean, creating sequels from the chill and delight.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in a story, title not yet confirmed.

The End.