19: Going to the Dentist


The local and well-loved dentist dies and another takes her place. Jenn feels there’s nothing wrong with him, unlike the others, especially after a series of hospitalisations by the locals. Does this new member of the community care for just teeth?

Author’s note: There may be medical inaccuracies in this story by my choice.

Croonford School grounds

“Happy belated New Year!” The students across the various years greeted each other with handshakes and hugs. There were more greetings and congratulations for Michelle Summers who nearly got blown up during the Christmas period.

“I forgot to thank you for calling the police,” Chelle thanked her classmate, Heather Smiths.

“No problem, at first I thought it was even having you bound to the flagpole and gagged, ” the taller girl joked. “No Chelle, I couldn’t leave you freezing or getting blown to pieces.” She hugged her with Heather’s 34C pressing against Chelle’s smaller breasts. “Just don’t jump on me and truss and gag me again?”

Chelle agreed although she wasn’t certain if that would be true. After thanking Heather again, she drifted over to Lin Ling who was chatting with others, including Reinhard. Chelle heard them finishing a discussion regarding the school’s science club.

“Planning on creating any new gadgets?” She asked the two ‘science experts’.

“Perhaps, depending on what cases we face,” came the obvious answer from Lin.

“It’s takes time to construct them,” the newest member of the team added.

“I can make them quickly…”

“Hey where’s Jennifer?” Reinhard suddenly asked.

Both Chelle and Lin turned their heads and saw the shortest girl detective was nowhere in sight. Chelle immediately questions Jenn’s classmates but all assumed she was late this day. “Maybe she’s found another case and didn’t warn you two. Typical for her?”

Chelle ignored that remark from Jenn’s male classmate but gave it a thought and send her friend a WhatsApp message. Just then, Jenn rushed pasted the school gates and nearly collided with Chelle and Lin.

“Sorry, the usual and lovely town dentist passed away and his replacement is fully booked out…” Jenn’s explanation was cut short as the morning bell rang. Just as Lin reached her classroom doorway a male foot shot out and she was about to strike back until the foot quickly moved away.

“Trying to make me trip Art? That’s trick I’ll never fall for,” Lin glared at Art Morton, one of the class and school bullies.

“No, I didn’t see you…ladies first,” the ginger-haired boy stammered. Lin decided not to pursuit the issue and Chelle was glad with her friend’s glare in response. All students were kept extremely busy with the subjects they chose for their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). Thus, the three girl detectives only met back during lunchtime.

“So, you dentist passed away and…” Chelle began to summarise.

“That doesn’t why you were so frantic or late today; you’re usually as early as both of us,” Lin finished of the sentence. Jenn picked out a piece of bread with a toothpick before answering.

“Yes, well, Doc Wilkins was not just a wonderful dentist but also a grandfather-like figure to the town folk – you two never visited his practice?” Her friends shook their heads.

“Well now his office has been now taken over by some newbie dentist…” Jenn flipped through her phone then showed her fellow girl detectives a profile that showed a picture of a lean middle-aged man with mostly black hair with streaks of white hair in his fringe.

“Dr. Callum Shatford,” Lin read. “BD, KCL, and DMD, UWA.” That translated to Bachelor of Dental Surgery from King’s College London and a PhD in Dental Medicine from Western Australia.

“So, what’s your worry?” Both Chelle and Lin asked simultaneously.

“Well, nothing first but there’s a growing feeling that he might not be as friendly as Doc Wilkins.”

The others two paused once again and initially thought to dismiss it, then all three agreed to gather all the teen detectives at their headquarters later.

Teen Detectives Headquarters

The first two teen detectives in their headquarters were Lin and Reinhard, the science experts. As they were creating it, the short boy was trying hard not to look at how his fellow science club member was dressed. Lin out of her coat was, despite the averagely warm interior provided by a portable heater, she was in sleeveless light maroon top and dark blue mini skirt that reached just two centimetres above her purple tights-covered legs. It wasn’t the 50 denier tights or the shiny mini skirt that he was interested in. Her top was quite tight fitting therefore revealing the full outline of her bra, pushing her boobs larger. As he turned his eyes towards her, Lin remarked, “sorry, keep working,” and dashed out of the converted caravan. Did she centimetres notice me glancing at her boobs and legs? I’m a dead guy. I thought she’s a great student and science club member and beautiful girl and now I messed it up, shaking his head. Lin returned minutes later, throwing something into the waste bin.

“Sorry for that, let’s continue,” Lin remarked and Reinhard heaved a sigh of relief internally but still wondered why she dashed out. Toilet…no..’female issues’, that was ho his mother would call it and end it. He had to look up the issues of puberty himself….

The door clicked open, interrupting their constructions and his thoughts. Mark Cadvish was hugging his girlfriend until they sat down. “Hi you two love birds, is Jenn behind?” Lin teased and received a negative reply. Chelle thought back to Caddish the last few cases and quickly sent Jenn a WhatsApp message. Instead of a reply, the third girl detective rushed in.

“Something frantic again?”

“No…” Jenn took a large drink of water. “I just came from giving further statements to DCI Heath regarding those kidnapped girls locked in a chamber.” Jenn started. “And I’ve also too travel down to give another statement regarding the so-called plane crash my cousin made.” DCI Heath was of course Detective Chief Inspector Nikki Heath, the teen closest ally in the local police force. She was also referring to the last two cases she was deeply involved in.

“So..this Dr. Shatford requires or rather demands that all patients and would-be patients get a full medical examination before he sees them,” Jenn continued. “Yes, that is normal for most dental practices, however, hr requires a detailed medical examination, which Doc Wilkins never asked for. Now it’s creating a huge queue of would-be patients and current patients steered away.”

“Demanding dentist,” Chelle observed. “Ok, that may be something to look at.” The whole team search but a general web search found nothing incorrect with that requirement. Part of the way in their searching, Jenn received a text message. “Darn, the MOD police want me down in an hour,” Jenn complained.

“Wait, here’s the latest gadget,” Lin remarked as Reinhard passed out three old purses to the girls and two wallets to the boys. Just as Chelle was going to open hers Lin yelled stop. “That’s the incorrect way. If you do that a latch will clamp down on your fingers and cut through them. Like a mouse or animal trap. You must push the small button on the ‘south west’ side,” Lin explained.

“Amazing!” Jenn exclaimed. “Sorry gang, have to go. Meet up some time again?” They did again during the weekend with Jenn only managing to book her medical appointment. “The local clinic now is filing up due to the new dentist’s requirements,” Jenn explained to the others.

“What do the usual patients say about him?” Chelle asked.

“Good idea I know a few, will ask them.”

The others didn’t have any serious questions and still promised to search details regarding this particular dentist. Lin suddenly handed bottles of facial moisturiser to Chelle and Jenn. “Spread this around your lips, your lower jaw and your cheeks near sides of your lips.” The two others raised their eyes but complied.

“Ok, tape our lips,” she passed a roll of grey duct tape.

“What?!” Mark exclaimed.

“Do it; I’ll explain shortly.” Mark complied but hesitated as he taped his girlfriend’s lips. Lin set a timer then shortly the adhesive on the tape weared off and the girls easily peeled them off.

“Two and a half minutes, may make shorter,” the science whizz read from her electronic stop watch. “Yes, it’s a cream that reduces the strength of adhesive tape.”

“Does it work on all sort of tape?” Jenn wondered.

“I haven’t tested on all kinds but it should apply to most.”

“What about us?” Mark and Reinhard chimed simultaneously.

“Well, boys don’t usually use moisturiser on their face…and neither of you have been bound and gagged.”

The boys just grimaced and before either could respond, Chelle remarked, “I guess we’re just girl detectives always bound and gagged.”

Most of the team were kept busy with their school work and activities. Chelle was kept busy by her senior Louisa in the Literature and Media club, Lin and Reinhard were focused on improving the school’ science club and Mark with his rugby practice. Only Jenn had managed to finish her drama club and debate practice fast and she took her free time looking up this suspicious dentist. Nothing on the Internet so she focused on the idea of other patients at the dentist. She knew a certain Mr Nathan Tugendhat whom they chatted with at the old office and she knew him as one of the local librarians.

“Hi Jennifer,” Mrs Paige Tugendhat greeted her. Jenn was comfortable enough to let the couple call her by her full name. “Won’t you come for a cup of tea?’

“I’d love to but is Nathan at home?”

Mrs. Tugendhat’s eyes narrowed. “He suddenly shivered, not because of the cold and headed to the hospital. I’ll be visiting him shortly.”

Jenn responded with her sorrows then rushed to the local hospital noting that she had some visiting spare time. Naturally, without any appointment or relationship with Mr. Tugendhat she was immediately rebuffed by the receptionist. Trying to plead, she suddenly heard a grunt.

“Hi, Jenn haven’t seen you visiting in a while,” Jenn smiled, recognising the familiar face of Dr. Gordon Holdon who treated her for common childhood illness such as chickenpox and now and A&E doctor. “Questions about Nathan Tugendhat? Follow me?” She did with the receptionist bewildered.

Jenn shortly saw the elderly gentleman lying with an oxygen mask, an IV drip running into his right arm and wires connected to a heart monitor. “He was a very healthy and active person then entered A&E shivering constantly. I got the shivering stopped with normal antibiotics but his heart rate is irregular and dropped occasionally. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Jenn asked what he ate or drank recently or who he visited. “Normal foodstuffs and a dental visit to reset one of his dentures.” That sparked a thought in her mind and further questioned. “Of course, I asked him about the visit when he was stable. It was a normal procedure with normal aesthetic, Novocaine. That’s an older aesthetic that takes time unlike like Lidocaine hydrochloride but it still works.”

Jenn wasn’t sure of those names and the doctor concluded that he examined the patient for other marks and sent blood and saliva samples to be further examined. “It will take…” The doctor’s sentence was cut off as a staffer knocked and passed him a folder.

“That’s a fast examination completed,” Dr. Holdon thanked the laboratory assistant. He ran through each line carefully with Jenn trying to comprehend the medical names. “Novocaine dosage. That’s very high, and he mixed it with…oh an experimental antidepressant added?!”

Jenn also gave a yelp and quickly learn the name, Wyomintic, how it was not formally approved by the General Dental Council and most likely contributed to Mr. Tugendhat’s illness.

“Are you going to report it?”

“Jenn, there’s not much medical information on this drug. My duty is to my patient,” was the reply and she asked for a copy of the specific page that covered the controversial antidepressant. “Why…oh you’re part of that girl detective group?”

Jenn nodded, not bothering to correct him and the doctor made a photocopy, reminding her to be careful. Back outside, Jenn quickly her fellow teen detectives and DCI Heath, sending them all soft copies of that page from the lab examination. She waited but no one replied, she still had time so wildly made her to where the town dental practice was.

“Miss Thompson? Your appointment is not due to Friday,” the new nurse with name tag reading ‘J. Watkins.’

“I would like to wildly see Dr. Shatford,” Jenn announced and repeated herself. The nurse tried to bar Jenn but the teen managed to charge through. Shatford was slouching at his desk as Jenn announced what she learnt. He calmly rebutted her, stating Wyomintic was perfectly safe and he knew what to do when fixing Nathan Tugendhat. The argument started to heat up then Jenn felt something bite her right arm and she collapsed, the photocopy falling near the desk.

“I never like arguments,” the dentist stood up, towering over the unconscious teen. “She’ll be a good test subject,” he nodded to the nurse.

Jenn awoke with the familiar feeling of tape sealing her lips. She knew she was also bound but with…she tried to lift herself up but felt her wrists and ankles held her down. She wasn’t on the floor but restrained to the dental chair with leather restraints. She quickly noted her ankle restraints spread her leg out. That’s so out of place for a dental chair, she thought grimly. Jenn had spread the special facial moisturiser around her lips and the sides of her cheeks and already felt the adhesive wearing off. Suddenly…

A bright light shone directly above, nearly blinding her. “Welcome, any high dosage, any you be out for a full day,” the dentist, now in full gear including facial mask and googles. “Trying to talk me down over what I use on my patients? Well, best you stay at school girl.” The evil dentist shifted down and Jenn felt him dig into her jeans pockets then scream as the metal clamps of Lin’s newest device bite into his fingers.

“Twit!” He swore and she naturally heard him wash and bandage his hand. Returning, he growled and torn off her gag, not noticing how loose it was. Before Jenn could utter word, something rubbery was wedged into the back of the set of her teeth, keeping her mouth open.

“Now you’ll get what you mention to me,” he growled again as Jenn screamed ‘ah!’ both from her mouth forced open and the threat of being injected. Just before she saw the syringe full of liquid the door slammed open and Dr. Shatford’s figure was literally pulled away.

“Mark, the net’s not holding him! Tackle him!” Jenn heard the familiar voice of Lin and shortly the mouth prop was quickly removed and Lin used her pen laser to cut away the leather restraints.

“The nurse! The nurse! She’s also involved!” Jenn cried as she got up.

“We have her. Thanks to you junior detectives,” DCI Heath entered and announced that the dentist was under arrest for using unlicensed drugs.

The next day in their headquarters

“Once again, the girl detectives in Croonford have solve a case, finding that Croonford new dentist use controversial drugs and highly unusual methods to treat his patients. Police are also investigating whether Dr. Callum Shatford indirectly caused the death of the town’s former dentist Dr. Jon Wilkins…”

“They never mention us boys,” Mark turned down the video on his phone.

“Patience, you two just join us,” Lin

“Murder?” Mark asked then learnt that Nikki Heath and her team found match evidence that Shatford poisoned Wilkins’ drink.

“Really evil guy. Thanks for rescuing me,” Jenn rubbed her cheek although there wasn’t any more pain. “Those gadgets really worked well.”

As the team exited, Lin stopped Reinhard. “You were staring at me the other day as we were finalising the fake wallet.” He trembled and admitted so.

“Did you like what I wore?”


She smiled and moved away.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in ‘The Truth Is Out There.’

The End.

15: Gone West


A RAF experimental jet crashes nearby and the team attempts to investigate.

Author’s note: I do realise I previously made Michelle fourteen years old in my last story, the maximum age for Year 9 in the British Education system, Key Stage 3. Nevertheless, it is the maximum age or oldest year for a Year 9 student. I haven’t yet stated the exact birthdays of the detectives but for a spoiler, Jennifer is the youngest. Also, this all shows the girls and boys grow up, unlike in the Famous Five and other teenaged detective series.

Author’s further note: This story is entirely fictional. No offence to the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) or Royal Air Force (RAF).

“Any nightmares?” Lin Ling ask Michelle as the boarded the school bus.

“All with gagged sounds. No, I’ve, we’ve, experienced too much to recount them in nightmares.” Chelle laughed but explained her younger sister Kate kept recalling being taped up and gagged and Chelle had to comfort her several nights. All the girls including Chelle’s cousin Stacey gave their statements against the bank guard turned intruder, however his legal defence was really strong. She shook her head to forget what happened, couldn’t then turn to Lin who was engrossed in a science fiction novel, and she recognised it as Michael Crichton’s The Lost World.

“Hey, you’ve to design a new gadget that helps me, no us, to get our wrists removed from any bindings, especially cable ties.”

Lin lowered her book. “Of course. It won’t happen immediately and we have to test it out, with our hands secured behind our backs and where would we hide such a gadget?” Chelle just murmured in response that notice something odd: The other usual like Harriet ‘Hattie’ Coy, Julia Humes, Bethan Morgan and even the girl she had to attack, Heather Smiths weren’t on the bus. Something’s up.

Just as she entered the school yard, she also noticed those students weren’t present as usual. Suddenly the group burst out from various corners with Hattie and Bethan bellowing ‘Happy Belated Birthday’ to prevent violating of copyrights laws. The girls showered Chelle with presents: Hattie with an extremely realistic hand-drawn picture of her, albeit with a cloth gag drawn over her mouth; Julia gave her large discount coupons for an eatery they both liked and promised to treat her there while Heather gave her Amazon vouchers. Other students, female and male, also showered her with belated wishes and presents until she remarked her school bag and later her personal school locker would be overflowing. “Thank you everyone, yes I’m fine after the ordeal. And Hattie,” she turned to her talented classmate, “nice work with the gag, hopefully I won’t get something like that soon.” They laughed.

Chelle again noticed that there was another peculiar missing piece: Jennifer Thompson wasn’t in the peculiar piece vicinity as usual. Dragging Lin, they both found her a bench further away, engrossed in her phone. That was unusual for the most studious member of the team.

“Studying via the Wi-Fi or data?” Lin asked. Jenn looked up and only said she would discuss itwith them later. ‘Saved by the bell,’ the girls made their way to their respective classes. It was Year 9 and the start of choosing their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) subjects. Within the core subjects, Chelle picked English Literature, maths, weighed between Combined Sciences and the individual sciences before picking Biology and Chemistry. For the optional subjects, she easily picked History, Geography, German and after a long decision, chose Philosophy and Ethics. Lin chose English along with the three sciences which included Physics, Geography, Computer Science, easily Mandarin Chinese and finally Business. “Thank you all, remember that proceeding classes will assess your various choices,” their class teacher Mr. Lambeth announced at the end with groans from nearly half the class. “It’s compulsory, see you later.”

Everyone rushed out for break time and Chelle and Lin found Jenn in one corner of one the school gardens, not the canteen. Looking around, Jenn held up her mobile phone and played a news video.

“A Royal Air jet crashed twenty miles roughly west of Croonford. Fortunately, no civilians were injured or killed and the pilot or crew’s details will be released after the next-of-kin have been notified. Property compensation will be reimbursed by the MOD and investigations will definitely be conducted. In…”

“Why are you interested in a military aircraft crash?” Chelle wondered.

Jenn fell silent again then answered. “My distant cousin is a RAF officer. I don’t really constantly keep in touch with him or his family but the last I recalled he was a test pilot, flying new or experimental aircraft.” She did send messages regarding his status; however, no reply came. “Don’t worry until you get the reply,” Lin added then with the bell ringing, they returned to classes. All students were kept busy with studies or other activities so the trio only met afterwards in their converted caravan.

Late Afternoon

“Yeah, my aunt texted, stating my cousin wasn’t replying to her texts and calls,” Jenn told Chelle and Mark. She had also sent him messages via Facebook and also yet to receive any reply.

“You care a lot for him?” Mark asked,

Jenn gave a summary how her cousin Phil stopped other family members and neighbours from bullying her. “That’s as much as I recall, hope he’s fine.” Only then Lin entered, still in her school uniform. “Sorry, was kept in a science club meeting. Met a new student with ideas that rival mine, Reinhard…

“Tomas?” Mark completed the line. “He just joined my class. German accent but nice guy. ” The discussion nevertheless returned to the crash. They quickly found repeated media articles of the crash and no new developments. The MOD and RAF only gave a summary of the crash and have not specified the pilot’s or crew’s names. With all agreeing to pilot’s check on the crash, they ended their meeting. All were however kept extremely busy with assessment tests. Mark had chosen English despite scoring high in his previous literature papers, Physics and Chemistry, Computer Science, Business, Design Technology and naturally Physical Education. Jenn, easily finishing her English Literature and History assessments, was focusing her mind on the crash. She had a deep feeling that her cousin was the victim in the crash, most likely the pilot. “Miss Thompson, you have yet to submit the full list of you GCSE subject choices,” her class teacher reminded her. Trying not to reveal her thoughts, along with the two subjects, she listed all three sciences, Drama, Geography, French and Ethics.

Towards the end of the week, Mark entered their headquarters and gasped. “What on earth are you doing?!”

“Don’t worry lover boy, I’m not interrogating your girl. Try it again.” Chelle was sitting on a new wooden chair, arms behind her back and it was quickly evident her wrists were bound with cable ties. Chelle twisted both her wrists and lover boy fingers, trying to reach a new crown just below the main one. She couldn’t and Lin prompted her to try again and finally she did, with the second crown opening and a needle protruded.

“Successful,” Lin declared, cutting off the bindings. Turning to Mark, she explained. “It’s my latest invention, the watch cutter. Instead of the needle, I going to instal a small laser powered by an additional battery along with that of the watch. Be careful,” she turned to Chelle, “the laser power is probably as powerful as the laser pen I previously made and it would cut our skin.” She handed Mark a duplicate watch and he accepted it, even though he had yet to be bound and gagged.

“Your classmate Reinhard gave me the idea even though I didn’t tell…”

Lin’s comments were cut off as Chelle wondered where Jenn was. Suddenly Lin’s phone rang and the ID indicated the third female teen detective.

“Hey, Jenn…” Lin started to answer but instead they heard aggressive male voices with various British and non-British accents as well as a female voice which sounded French.

“No, you don’t have to g…” The group heard one muted scream, muffled sounds then the line was cut off.

“Crap, she’s in trouble!” Lin yelled, running out.

“Deep trouble,” the couple added.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Operations and considerations.’ where the story will be continued.

The End

03: Brains and Brawns


Brains versus brawns appear when local competitions seem to be skewed, despite checks.

Author’s note: You can tell which kid detectives’ series I like and dislike, or read and never read. I also may get sports timing wrong so apologies.

Timing: I did say there’s the time period follows the date in real life but in this case, I retcon and placed it in the autumn months. No COVID-19 here, luckily.

Continued from previous story

“You want to form a what…teen detective agency?! Like Nancy Drew?” Lin asked.

“I hate Nancy Drew. Never read most of the books. Doesn’t fit me Brit,” Chelle countered.

“Then what? If two of us, female version of Hard Boys?”

“Nothing American, I said. Well ok, maybe the Hardy Boys series weren’t so bad. So, a female version of Frank and Joe Hardy…”

“Or maybe the Famous Five…” Lin mused.

“I’m not getting a dog; my sis Kate is allergic to most of them. Five is too many and I don’t know about roping in guys…”

“So then, just the two of us gals?” Lin pondered.

“Three wouldn’t be a crowd. ”

Summers’ Residence
Later that weekend

“Michelle Summers, you were almost killed twice so far! I don’t want to hear about my daughter’s death in the news!” Margaret Summers cried as she dished out her chicken stew.

“Mum, it was a false device in the first and I escaped from that chamber easily,” Michelle countered, eating the stew.

“Mich, you’re here to study, not to play Wonder Woman. Remember those reporters ‘camping’ at our doorstep?” Her mother never called her ‘Chelle’.

“Louisa got them off,” she argued. “Dad would be more persuaded. Where is he anyway?”

“Yeah, I miss Daddy,” Kate added, stirring the vegetables around in her plate.

“He’s working overseas. Eat your carrots Catherine.”

Chan Household

“Remember bao bei, we’re still new in this area and country,” Lin Ling’s father, Yong Hong Chan, stated as the family tucked into stewed beef brisket and steam coy sum with oyster sauce. Bao bei means ‘precious’ in Mandarin.

“Doesn’t mean I get to be picked on, Pa,” Lin replied, scooping up rice using her chopsticks.

“True, but don’t push it,” Mrs Pearlyn Chan, who despite being in her late fifties, looked twenty years younger and unlike her husband, had no speck of grey hair.

“You mean like,” Lin described the racist words drawn across her school blouse earlier.

“Just don’t push it with those people,” her dad suggested.

“I can beat them academically and physically Papa,” she declared. “I got tons of ideas.”

“Ok, ” her mother sighed. “On that note, can you please clean up those science-y stuff in your room and the next? It’s like a junk pile.”

Croonford School
The next week

“Mum wants me to be safe rather that curious,” Chelle told Lin as they walked into school. “And I don’t think Kate would want to be involved in anything dangerous.”

“My parents reminded me how we’re new to the UK and all the usual stuff,” Lin added. “So, still want to be a teen detective?”

“QuizWhizz coming up! QuizzWhizz! All students must sign up! Prizes of all kinds to be won! Hurry!” The announcement blared over speakers and the girls saw lines of students signing up manually on a whiteboard or electronically on school desktop computers.

“Local annual competition involving series of tests, both academic and physical. Croonford traditionally is pitched against the nearby Moorly School in this competition. Minimum of three students per team,” Michelle read. “Well, how about this? We just need to find another student.”

“Hold on,” Lin interrupted and ran up to the teacher who encountered her and the bullies. They engaged in a short conversation before Lin burst out in anger and threw her bag down. “What’s up?” Michelle asked.

“Remember those rats who drew those racist words on my blouse? Well the guy Jono or what the-heck-is-his-name didn’t get detention or any punishment at all!!! Something about his family having some big political connections or what not. This means war!”

“Hey Chan,” Art Morton popped out of the corner as the two girls entered class later. “You heard it ya?”

“If you first speak proper English your little loser,” Lin retorted not looking at the gang member, “and not get another loser to help you, then I’ll talk to you.”

“Aw, Missy saw she can’t get her revenge. And she won’t in the QuizzWhizz. Ready for it?”

“I’m ready for anything, Arty,” Lin spun around and readied herself in a Taekwondo stance. Art, remembering what happened last time, backed up then laughed. “Ready eh? With who? Miss Emma Watson there? Who’s your third team member? I’m with Callum and Stuart, and we came runner’s up last time. We’ll sure come first this time, beating Moorly and your loser team, if you have a team.” Chelle did look quite a lot like a young Emma Watson. During lunch period, Lin poked at her Ploughman’s Lunch, and tossed the plate away. Draining her fruit juice, she poked Chelle. “We’ve got to find a third member, come on.”

“But almost everyone has picked their old teammates or formed groups of four,” Chelle noted. “Rumour says even the teachers favour certain other groups to take on Moorly.”

“Yeah, and the top classes are the fav,” Heather, a blonde-haired classmate who took the remains of Lin’s plate. “You see that lass over there?” She pointed at a brown-haired girl chatting with some other girls. “That’s Jenn Thompson from 8A, the class for super-duper smart people. Her team was second in the mock and real comp last time.”

“I thought Art said his team came second,” Chelle said, starring at the brunette.

“They came second the boy’s category; Jenn’s group the girl’s.” Heather replied. “Ooops, Got to meet my group.”

Chelle sauntered over the new girl and just before she introduced herself, Jennifer did so. “Oh, you’re the one who nearly go killed by that IED,” she pointed.

Chelle turned slightly red with that remark and asked her about her team.

“Oh I’ve got Molly and Bethan in, we’re the greatest gal team. You’ve form one yet?” Before Chelle could answer, Jenn continued, “oh that Hong Kong girl, right? Ling?”

“Lin,” Chelle corrected. “Would you happen to know of a third….” the bell rang, cutting their conversation off. Later, both she and Lin looked through the quiz details. “Science questions, ” Lin read, “I can handle that.”

“History questions,” Chelle continued, “I can handle that. And current affairs, maybe some of the topics. Now the sports part,” she moved the screen down. “and a 1.5 miles run under 15 minutes from old farm to city centre for each female contestant, like what the hell?! This isn’t the Olympics!”

“Why Chelle, never tried competitive sports? While we search for our third member, let’s practice. Say meet you in sports attire on Sat? We’ll try a short one from the school to the town centre.

“Brr, it’s cold, how the hell can wear a sleeveless shirt?” She pointed to Lin on Saturday, who was wearing a tank top with her black sport bra just visible from underneath.

“Why not? I’ve ran before in colder weather. Shall we warm up?” The girls soon started at a steady pace then Lin accelerated, making Chelle pant while trying to catch up. The girls moved passed the various stores then saw the old and new clock tower. As Lin turned the corner, they saw the preparations for the competition – banners be stapled, route marking placed up, benches being placed up. They reached the train station where a goods train was pulling in and finally after Lin reached the town centre, Chelle caught up just slightly over five minutes later.

“Good work,” Lin patted her friend and passed a spare towel she brought.

“Water?” Chelle panted.

“Better idea. My home’s just over there. I think mum has some snack ready.”

Chelle, still thirsty, followed and greeted Lin Ling’s mother. “Oh dispense, with the Mrs. Chan; I’m Pearyln. There’s water and Chinese tea and I’ve steam some char siu bao ready.”

“Yum, thanks ma,” Lin replied then explained that the snack was something like a pork pie. “Just peel away the paper at the bottom and be careful it’s hot.” Snack over, Pearlyn offered to drive Michelle back home but also remarked, “Lin Ling, I told you to clear your stuff from the room next to yours. It’s taking up so much space.”

That room was indeed cluttered but Lin described it as her hobby. “Well besides looking at the latest fashion,” she added, rummaging the shelves. “Check this one out, radio device. Small enough to fit around your earrings.” With Michelle handing over her stud earrings, Lin careful attached the device to back of both earrings. “Just press the back, now, stand apart and say ‘hello, test, hello'”, Lin instructed.

“Hey, it works!” Chelle exclaimed. “What rang….”

“Chan Lin Ling, I told you to change and clear up.” Pearlyn Chan interrupted. “Michelle, car’s ready.” Dejected, both girls parted but just as Lin boarded the bus, she noticed the school gang members crowding around a seat and jeering. She quickly recognised the seat occupant as one of her classmates, though she hadn’t had the chance to talk to her.

“Hey! Leave the girl alone!” Lin shouted. The boys turned to her and the leader who wrote racist words on her blouse came face to face with her. His face was almost rectangular in shape, and his haircut complement it. “Oh, it’s our Eastern little gal. Want another decoration girlie?”

“I’ll decorate your nose, all your noses if you don’t…” Lin threatened.

“Hey, no fighting here or all of you will be walking to school!” The driver yelled and after sharp glares, Lin sat down next to the girl with Michelle in the seat behind.

“Thanks…thanks…” the brown-haired girl whispered. “Those rats were…oh it’s you two!” she exclaimed, quickly mentioning that she heard about both girls exploits.

“Nah, we’re just normal new students,” Michelle smiled. “Say, you have quiz questions there?” She pointed to the girl’s open bag.

“Previous years. Just printed them off from a site last night. But I need a team. Two from my former group left for a new school and the other girl joined another.”

“Wanna join us and form a team?” Happy that the team for the competition was formed, Chelle turned the focus on the detective team. “I’m not sure if Hatty’s detective material, so our third companion is still missing,” Michelle observed a few days later during another lunch break. Hatty was their classmate and teammate. “Anyone else in mind?”

“Not yet and my ma’s still bugging me to clean up my science pieces. If we want a teen detective group, we need a meeting plac….”

“Hey, Harriet’s in pain!” Heather called. The girls rushed over and found their classmate right arm bend and clutched in pain. There was a collapsed wooden easel nearby. “Damn that easel!” She cried, clutching her arm.

“Move, move away students!” The senior school nurse cried. “She needs medical attention!” As Harriet was tended to and the students scattered, Lin remarked, “poor girl. And poor us; we’re down to two again for the comp.”

The following day, Lin heard an angry slam in the locker room. Bracing herself mentally and physically, she peered over the side. She found Jenn Thompson in a foul mood. “What’s the matter?” She asked.

“Just when it all when all seem right, Molly and Bethan decided to go to party and get food poisoning. Oh it’s not that serious, but I won’t have group that can do the sports part of the competition. Boo!” She flung her blazer against the locker door.

“Well, what a coincidence; Hatty from our team is out as well. We’re down by one, you’re down by two. Want to join us now?” It was over lunch break when Jenn came over to Chelle and Lin. After some deliberation, Jenn extended her hand, agreeing to join them for the team.

“13:30,” Lin called as Jenn finally came to a sweat-stained stop during a training. Just as she passed out mineral water, a car came to a stop next to them. “Hi, DI Heath, I mean, Nikki, this is our friend Jennifer.”

“Hello. Michelle, Lin, I need to trouble you for further statements regarding bust, Walter Munro and his son. Well after you girls complete your training,” she smiled, Michelle and Lin engaged in short conversation before she drove of.

“That regarding your museum case?” Jenn enquired.

“Not exactly a case, more of a mystery,” Michelle replied then paused. “Would you like to er join as a team of detectives?”

“Detectives? You mean teen girls looking out for cases?”

“Well I haven’t reached my thirteen birthday, but yeah short that,” Michelle remarked.

“I’m not sure about adventures. And I just fear getting bound and gagged.”

“Welcome to the annual Croonford-Moorly Competition! I’m Clarence Hobbs, your chief judge. Here are the rules…”

“Chief Judge? He looks more like a scarecrow,” Lin mumbled. Hobbs rattled rules on and Jenn started fidgeting. “Hurry the heck up,” she also whined.

“Don’t worry, I’m bored as well,” Michelle whispered.

“Yeah, but I hate been dressed like this,” she pulled at the thick school suit they were wearing. “I hate formal wear.”

Much later, the trio had entered the final rounds of the quiz part of the competition, and they were facing Art Morton’s team and an all-male team from Moorly. There were two remaining questions, the first which was a live multiple-choice question: Who was the scientist who invented the gas centrifuge for uranium-235 enrichment? A) Robert Oppenheimer B) Gernot Zippe or C) Georgy Flyorov?

“Gernot Zippe!” yelled Jenn, pushing them further into the lead.

“Last question,” the judge called. “Write it down. What deadly gas smells like freshly-cut grass?” All three teams wrote down and submitted their answers almost simultaneously, but with a drum-roll blaring from the speakers, the judge declared Michelle’s team the winner for the quiz round.

“Hey, we got the answer correct!” Yelled one of the boys from Moorly.

“You spelt ‘Phosgene’ with a ‘f’ not with ‘Ph’,” countered Mr Hobbs. “Now get dressed for the sports side of the QuizzWhizz.”

“Ready for it, Lin?” Art Morton taunted as he did his final stretching

“Just a walk in the park, Morton,” Lin Ling replied, in her best Maverick voice.

“Three, two, one, BAM!” The hordes of school children from various team shot off. Lin shot ahead leading far ahead that most of the other girls. Michelle held steady pace slightly behind but as she turned one corner, she heard a slight groan and noticed Jenn was slowing down.

“I think I tripped on some pothole or rock,” She groaned.

“Need to stop?” Chelle asked but Jenn waved off. “Come on, I’ll pace with you.”

Lin came in first place and miraculously, Michelle and Jenn tied a minute and ten seconds behind her. “And the winner, scored first in both the quiz and sports category…” the announcement blared.

“Has to be us,” Lin whispered.

“The reigning team from Moorly, well done to Jack Seager, Tom Richardson and Richard Blampied!”

“Hey that’s not fair!” Lin shouted from her seat. “We came in first for the quiz and based on our running times, we should be first!”

“My decision is final,” thundered Clarence Hobbs, “and the Moorly team scored first in both.” Lin, along with Michelle and Jenn, continued protest, but they were eventually escorted off.

“That game was surely freakin’ rigged,” Lin whined the next day to the girls. “We definitely need to get to the bottom of it.”

“Clarence Charles Vincent Hobbs,” Chelle read out from her laptop, “Former Head Teacher, now head of some private education agency…wait, here’s his Facebook….that’s set to private…”

“Give me that,” Lin said and after attaching a flash drive, she read “loves to hang out at the Gun Barrels pub Friday afternoons. Let’s go and check it out. Oh, that was a programme to enable all social media accounts free to view.”

“That’s so creepy,” Jenn remarked, looking up from her book. “And shadowing someone? I’m not sure about it.”

“I’m in, but have extra Maths class that day, catch you then Lin?”

Lin decided to take a jog that Friday, along with a recording device built within the cover of mobile phone. The Gun Barrels pub apparently lived up to its name, formed in the shape of a rifle barrel and numerous barrels of various firearms surrounding the sign of its doorway. “We ain’t serving your age, Missy,” the shaggy bartender growled to Lin as she approached the counter.

“I’m not buying alcohol, well, fruit juice or water will do,” Lin argued. “And information on a Clarence Hobbs who comes here.”

“You pay for the apple juice. But I aint know no Hobbs girlie.”

“Really, a bartender who does know his customers?” Lin shot back, then unfolded her arms. The bartender paused and studied the teen. In his foreign travels, he had met Eastern girls in seedy clubs but not many of them matched his liking. In front of him was a quite attractive girl even in sports attire…but she’s a teenager.

“Hobbs was here well he headed to the loo,” he finally said. “And…. oh, thanks for the tip,” he called as Lin rushed towards toilets. There’s no way I can enter the men’s, she thought, then noticed how thin the walls were. Entering the ladies, she pressed he ear against the wall and listened. She immediately heard running water, flushing and the scampering of feet. After a pause short conversation came.

“Yeah man, that was … you twisted the scores in the quiz…” She heard and with her heart racing, she activated her recorder.

“And … the pothole… that shorty girl did …trip”

“Best of all, you fixed the town clock and the time recording chip so the …. the scores were skewed towards Moor…” Lin heard the sound of a hand dryer then footsteps. She immediately dashed out of the ladies but the two figures from the other toilet had scuttled out the back.

“Chelle! I overheard a conversation and yes it was rigged…yes I have part of it on recor…” before Lin could complete her call, someone struck her on the back of her neck and she blacked out.

When she came to, Lin immediately groaned, but it was a muted, much muted groan. What the…she tasted some thick cotton between her teeth. She immediately tried to spit it out but it was secured well with further strips of cloth bound securely behind her head. Lin immediately flexed her hands but discovered they were bound behind her back and immediately felt hands securing some more strips of material around her ankles. With her eyes now wide open, she saw it was rounds of cloth – further strips were below and above her breasts, securing her arms together.

“All done?” The masked figure on the floor nodded and Lin saw a another thinner masked figure.

“Little girls shouldn’t go jogging…little girls shouldn’t go to pubs…and little girls shouldn’t overhear conversations from a loo…” that figure remarked then removed his mask, revealing Clarence Hobbs.

Michelle Summers was frantically rushing the school, colliding into students. Suddenly, she spotted Jenn Thompson packing up. “Jenn!” She cried, then yanked her to a side. “Lin’s in trouble…listen,” she played back the conversation she had with Lin.

“Oh my!” Jenn now exclaimed. “We’ve got to find her!”

“So, you found out about our rigged scheme,” Hobbs said, standing over Lin. “Yeah, so your team actually won but so did the one from Moorly,” he smirked. “And such was the case every year. Until your lot came along. No one beats, Moorly,” He stamped his foot on the ground near Lin. “No one! Now,” He turned to the other figure, “watch over her while I prepare a surprise.”

With Hobbs gone, the other masked guy bent down and started stroking Lin. Despite her furious kicking, she was in little position to resist the caressing. Then the hands reached down to her shorts and the figure felt the outline of her phone. “Oh, this must go,” she heard him remarked, but Lin screamed as not just her phone was thrown across the room, but her shorts were pulled down as well!

“Come on, come on!” Michelle tapped the bus stand. “Where’s the freakin’ bus?”

“It says another ten minutes,” Jenn said, looking at her phone. “We could wait or…”

“Let’s walk, no run the last block.”

“So, having too much fun with the girl?” Hobbs said returning to see other guy caressing the help school girl, whose shorts were now down to her ankles. “The coast is clear. Help her up.” Despite Lin’s best struggles, both men carried her out. She spied she was in the back area of rubbish area. She was thrown back facing down in an open bin.

“Good bye Chinese girl,” Hobbes taunted. “With any luck, a refuse truck will come by and bam! you’ll be added to the waste, and crushed with it. So much for running by!” ”

“Mmmpph! Mmmph!” Lin cried but her gagged cries was further cut off as the bin lid was slammed down.

Michelle and Jenn finally reached the Gun Barrels pub. “Hey, we’re closing now and re-opening at 5. Shouldn’t you lasses be shopping or someplace else?” The bartender noted.

“We’re…we’re looking for our friend. Chinese girl…black hair…” Michelle panted.

“Oh, the jogger. She was in the ladies,” he thumbed the direction. “Didn’t even touch her apple juice. Would you…” But Chelle already ran to the loo area, with Jenn trailing behind. “Lin? Lin?” Hearing no one, she dialled Lin’s number.

Meanwhile, Lin was struggled against her bonds and her struggles brought more piles of rubbish on top of her. She tried her best to pick her at her wrist bonds, but simply couldn’t loosen any part. Damnit, why didn’t I think of bringing my foundation penknife. She was literally getting her knickers in a twist…

“Hi, it’s Lin, I’m not here at the moment, leave a message and I’ll get back to you.” Chelle heard the voice mail.

“Maybe she’s in an area with weak reception,” Jenn suggested.

“Not likely,” Michelle countered then remembered. She pressed her earrings and called. “Lin? Lin? It’s me Chelle.”

Lin continued to fight against her bonds. Just then, she felt something crawl up her bare legs. Shit, shit! Ants! She turned and kicked but that brought more of those creepy crawlers up her legs. Shit…

“Lin?” She heard a garbled voice. Wait, that was from…”Chmmmlle!” She cried her best through the cloth gag. “Chmmmlle! Hemmmp!”

Michelle heard the cry through from her earrings. “Lin! Where are you? Lin!”


“Lin?” She tapped her earrings but the reception was cut off.

“Radio?” Jenn asked.

“Yes, yes, I’ll explain later. Did you hear that last part?”

“Rubbish…bins… outside come on!” Both students raced out of the pub but failed to see any bins in sight.

“Lin!” Michelle pressed her earrings and called again. “Can you hear me? Come on, which bin?”

Meanwhile, while fighting to find some loose part in her bindings, Lin heard the sound of a vehicle. Wheels screeched then halted. Suddenly, the bin she was in was lifted up and she screamed into her gag.

“Hmmmmlp! Hmmmmlp!” Michelle was running around when she heard the cries again.

“Lin! Where…” She too heard the sound of a bin being lifted. “Bin lorries!” She exclaimed, then Jenn heard a sound from nearby. “Come on!” They both ran and saw a bin lorry lifting up a large wheelie bin. The contents were emptied and a churning sound began.

“Stop! Stop!” Michelle yelled frantically to the crew. “There’s a girl in that refuse! Stop!” Jenn, catching up behind, picked up a nearby brick and threw it against front of the vehicle. The brick dented the front window and the crew stepped out.

“Ok what the hell…what the hell you girls doin’?” A heavily tattooed operator cried.

“There a girl in the waste in your truck…in that bind you emptied!” Chelle yelled. The lorry crew were heavily sceptically, but finally one of them moved behind and pulled out some bags with his gloved hand. Suddenly, he heard continuous yelps.

“Oh damn!” He cried and after help from his colleagues, Lin was finally lifted out of the lorry. “Damn,” the men cried in unison noting her undressed state.

“Thanks for finding me,” she much later, rubbing her sore wrists.

“It was all in the ears,” Michelle smiled.

“You actually invent these stuffs?!” Jenn asked.

“Yeah, I….darn we’ve got to find my phone! It has all the recording!” After half an hour, the girls discovered Lin’s phone in a room below the pub–it was used and accessible from a door in the male toilet.

“Damn, I thought it was a goner,” Lin said, replaying the recording. “Now to get it to the authorities.”

“But the prize giving is like in… oh in the next hour,” Jenn tapped her watch. “We’re supposed to be there for the runner’s up category.”

“Really? And Hobbs is supposed to give out the prizes. That gives me and idea,” Lin smiled.

“Announcing the winner of the annual QuizWhizz,” The Emcee began. “The team from Moorly.”

“I likely to congratulate the reigning team,” Clarence Hobbs began, “You defended…’

“Best of all, you fixed the town clock and the time recording chip so the …. the scores were skewed towards Moor..” Lin’s recording suddenly blared across the speakers over and over again and the crowd stirred.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Hobbs cried.

“It mean the games over, Mr Hobbs,” DI Nikki Heath said, approaching the stage and cuffing the judge. “Nice try in rigging the whole QuizWhizz. We found CCTV footage of you rigging the clock tower and the stop watches. And nice work using the competition banners to bind Miss Chan up. well , we’ll probably find your DNA on it. Take him away.

Days later

“So he rigged all previous QuizWhizzs in favour of Moorly, not just the one we participated in,” Michelle noted.

“He was a former teacher at that school, and his son Jack was in the team against us and also an accomplice,” Jenn added, reading the news.

“What a pervert,” Lin remarked, remembering what happened to her.

“So, is this what you two have been up to? Finding cases, chasing baddies and getting into trouble?”

“Yeah, you still not keen about this?” Michelle asked.

“I’ve changed my mind. I’ll join the club.”

The End.

Michelle, Lin Ling and Jennifer will return in ‘Flaming Angels’.