31: Charity gone wrong

Summary:  The team participates in an unusual student council-organised charity event where girls are held as damsels-in-distress (DiD) bound and gagged by male captors and audiences pay for the best-looking DiD. Everything runs smoothly until Chelle and Lin go missing.

“Wow, that was tough!” Many Year 10 Croonford students cried as they exited their classes. It was the due to their GCSE English mock paper which puzzled almost all student. Except Jenn Thompson and the newest student, Richard Weaver who both breezed the paper. Richard was Jenn’s problem: He was taking the same GCSEs as her and in each class he either tied with her or score better marks. To make matters worse, Richard also joined the school’s debate club and from once a rival to Jenn, now was on the same team.

“Every little bit – his grades, his debating speeches, irks me,” Jenn complained to Chelle and Lin.

“Well, he has his right to join this school and you can’t undo his intelligence,” Chelle remarked. Jenn couldn’t find any counter-argument to that.

“And you invited him to our detective group,” Lin reminded her. “He’s been really helpful so far.”

Jenn wanted to say that was her mistake when Chelle suggested they grab some food. With Lin eating some close version of a Vietnamese Pho and Chelle and Lin with an almost chilled vegetable soup, they were about to resume their discussion when the student council co-president Cara Owens and Hugh Johnson came up to them.

“Tough paper Year 10s? we got the perfect de-stressing event for you,” Hugh announced while Cara placed three several sheets of A4 paper in front of the girls.

“Raising money for the homeless of the town?” Chelle read the title. “‘Course we’ll take part.”

Cara bending over her breasts nearly contacting with Chelle’s arm told them to read on in her Irish accent. Jenn had barely read the next page then shook head. “Girls to be damsels-in-distress…bound and gagged?”

“By male captors. Well, your fellow level mates,” Hugh nodded to the male students.

“How is this charit…”Lin read…”the audience will donate based on the best looking DiD and all money will go to the charity.”

“Where the hell did you two geniuses get this idea from? Sound like…” Jenn was going to say ‘fetish’ then the student council leaders laughed.

“You three had your share of it. There’s always the option to opt out. If not, fill in the form on the last page and drop it at our council ‘post box’ end of today. The teachers approved it. The session is this Saturday.”

“Your guys going to be ‘captors?” The girls asked the question simultaneously as Mark, Reinhard and Richard joined them.

“Yes, well the rules state captors and DiDs will be chose by numbered tickets passed out on that day,” Mark pointed at the related page.

“Well, were you wishing to bind and gag me? You too Reinhard?” That caused the shortest boy to turn red slightly thought truthfully, he wondered how it felt to truss up and gag a girl.

‘You know it’s a high likelihood we get it during our adventures and cases. But for charity?! People run for charity, clean up an area but paying for the best DiD? DiDs bound and gagged?! It sounds so ancient and sexist,” Jenn whined.

“You opting out?” Lin asked, already filled in the form.

“Well…ok. don’t want to leave you two out. But really hope my upcoming ‘captor’ doesn’t treat me like a real captive.”

The Year 10s naturally discussed more about this weird charity event. Hattie, the artist drew various pictures of how she might get bound and gagged. “I’ve got some experience for a short while,” Heather quipped, making Chelle cringe since she was forced to do that. “I was a victim as well, having met the wrong drama coach,” Bethan remarked, recalling sitting in her underwear bound to a chair and cleave gagged. “My parents before they came here were tied and gagged by pro-government actors. I know their story well,” Julia, the former Ugandan added. One the boys’ side, many were naturally excited, wondering which girl will be their ‘captive’ and how they would bind and gag their victims. Art Morton, one time part of a school gang, gave detailed description that sounded like he was a real captor which made many feel uncomfortable.

Saturday arrived, too quickly in Jenn’s view. The rules allowed female ‘captives’ to dress in either their school uniforms or any clothing. Jenn came in comfy blue trousers and a light cotton shirt, Chelle in shorts and a sleeveless shirt while Lin wore a jeans skirt and a purple spaghetti top which just managed to hide her bra straps.

“Alright ‘captors’ and ‘captives’!” Hugh shouted in the microphone in the school hall. More like damsels-in-distress, Jenn thought. “There are boxes containing cards at the front. Everyone pick a card which has a number on it. We will call out numbers and whichever boy and girl have the same numbers are the captors’ and ‘captives’ respectively. Read, and go!”

The students rushed and many collided with each other despite the other student councillors trying to curb that.

“27,” Chelle read her out loud. “Oh, is that a good sign or what?”

“35,” Lin read hers. “Are odd numbers a symbol of fun or doom?”

“13,” Jenn saw. “I don’t believe in unlucky numbers. Or is it a negative time to come?’

With girls and boys separated, the two student council co-president read out numbers in random order. Mark was paired with Heather, Reinhard with Hattie. Chelle was paired with Art Morton and Lin got some guy named Stuart Walter. “13,” Cara called.

“That’s me!” Richard answered.

“Oh right, as if it’s my dream to be bound and gagged by him,” Jenn whine softly. Richard did not hear that thought he asked if she was alright when near her. The co-presidents cut off her reply, informing all that the materials to secure the ‘captives’ could be found in the Year 8 classrooms. “There are dividers to prevent you from copying other’s actions. You have one hour to decide how your ‘captive’ will be secured then return here. Go!” Hugh announced.

“Jenn, you look distraught. Something worrying you?” Richard asked

She thought quickly. Should I be frank and reveal what I think of him? Should I use facial expressions? “No, it’s nothing. What are you going to do to me?” In front of them were bundles of rope, several rolls of tape and pieces of cloth. No cable ties, well they do bite into your skin. The councillors must have thought about our comfort, Jenn mused.

“You can decide how you’ll be bound and gagged since you’ve got the history with it.” She accepted that then said worrying tape for her limbs would be fine. Richard complied, not bothering to ask her and taped her wrists behind her back for rounds.

“Hope that not to uncomfortable? You don’t want your arms pinned to you right? You want a tape gag?” Jenn shook negative, thankful the tape didn’t feel that sticky and gestured to the pile of cloth. “Right, cleave gag?”

“No. had that the last time round. So…” Richard applied an over-the-mouth_(OTM) gag which certainly did not silence Jenn’s s speech although she played along. Finished, neither ‘captor’ nor ‘captive’ silently thought they would gather the most amount of funds and for Jenn this wasn’t in her mind.

Heading back, they encountered the various pairs, especially Chelle and Lin. The former had her wrists also taped up with tape around her lower arms, pinning them to her back. She received a tape gag that went all the around her head, trapping part of her hair. An additional strip of tape on her lips area. Lin was worse: She received a poor rope harness around her chest, pushing her already C cup breasts further out. She received several strips tape gagging her though her bulging cheeks indicated she received a mouth stuffing. Her wrists and elbows were bound with rope with one rope wound around her waist , attached to her wrist bonds.

“Do you have bind and gag my girl so tightly?” Mark asked.

“Hey, it’s not so terrible as it looks, ok? She didn’t disagree with what I did. Your work looks worse. ” Mark had used lots of tape securing Heather arms and wrists to her back. tape above and below her boobs. Besides a single piece of tape and light cloth for mouth stuffing, Heather was also blindfolded.

Reinhard asked the same regarding his girlfriend. “Aw, don’t light it’s all for a good cause,’ came Stuart’s reply. He didn’t fully accept that though he thought he did nice work with Hattie. Despite the fact she was in her school uniform, her blazer was pulled tight against her by ropes which also bound her wrists behind her back. Reinhard used cloth as a not so thick cleave gag for her.

“Alright captors! There are small boxes for each person to collect. Go amongst the audience with your captives and show them how they are damsels-in-distress worth of donation. Audience, remember your donation is at least £1 per DiD. Go for it!” Hugh announced. Baskets picked up, it was now a race to find who was the best looking DiD. Richard guided Jenn through the mass of other Year 10 and some Year 9 students, though after twenty minutes, they failed to gather any donations. Conversely, Chelle and Art received £20 within ten minutes and Lin and Stuart got £28 in five minutes. Suddenly, Mark and Heather moved into the lead, gaining £50 pounds and £5 pounds every few minutes.

“Looks like we’ll win,” he remarked and Heather gave a muffled call in agreement. She was now enjoying this act though not wanting it to happen as often as the detectives. The session went on past three p.m. until suddenly, the hall lights turned off.

“Hey, did you guys turn the lights out?” One participant called.

Just as the co-presidents were going to answer, thick smoke filled the hall and the fire alarm sounded.

“Quick! Head for the fire exits!” Hugh shouted as loud as he could over the ringing.

“Undo the girls’ bonds! Help them out!” Cara added. Almost everyone collided into each other despite mobile phone lights shining as everyone scrambled to the fire exit. Despite cries and girls’ more collisions, all students managed to congregate in the square just outside the school compound. Boys who failed to release their ‘captives’ quickly did, along with their gags. Luckily, there weren’t any passersby’s or vehicles less the students were spotted and unwanted news arise.

“Everyone ok?” Hugh called. Despites some light bruises and dry mouths they were. ” Hey, where’s Chelle?” Mark called as he gently pulled away pieces of tape from Heather’s arms.

“Where’s Lin?” Reinhard also called, as he massaged Hattie’s wrists.

“Aw, those two probably off to a detective mission,” Cathy Staples called. Ignoring her, the two male detectives scanned the area but couldn’t spot their respectively girlfriends. Richard, having heard than, headed over to them with Jenn following, removing a small piece of tape that got stuck to her wrists.

“Did you see where they last were?” was the question the four of them asked simultaneously. The dreading answer was no; the smoke and alarm caused too much havoc.

“It’s a false alarm folks, ” Cara announced after checking with Ted Wiggins, the school security guard. “Someone set smoke and pulled and alarm. We can ret..” She noticed the teen detectives and along with Hugh, learnt about the missing girls.

“Rat. It’s a Saturday and it’s not easy contacting teachers. We still want to complete the whole event. You detectives,” Hugh checked his watch. “One hour before we tell the discipline masters and notify the police.”

With the clock ticking down, the four teens quickly brainstormed. There were other exits besides the nearby front gate and it was unlikely Chelle, Lin and their male ‘captors’ headed out via that way. ‘We’ll cover the other exterior exits,” Mark said, indicating towards Reinhard. “You two want to help?”

“I’d like to go back inside ad check,” Richard replied, which raised eyebrows though no objections. As he entered, Jenn headed alter him.

“Which way to the security guard’s office security?” he asked her. Richard wished to view CCTV outside the school Wiggins, who had let them view the CCTV monitors previously, rejected it this time, citing school regulations.

“What’ your plan, Richard?’ Jenn wondered.

“First, tell me what’s troubling you,” he replied.

“You are. You were long my debate rival, now you’re on my debate team. You’re in my class, scoring higher than me, it’s the competition…”

“Well, you want me to change classes? Don’t think it’s easy as the teachers make the decision. Leave the debate society? Not sure what other clubs interest me.”

“Uh…” Jenn couldn’t think of a reply and hated it.

“Want me to leave this detective group? Or we shouldn’t pair up. I can’t change how I work in studies though you are the debate club president and team captain. You can decide where I’ll be there.”

Jenn started laughing and crying at how stupid her feelings were. “Ok, you’re still my rival. What’s your idea, rival? We don’t have much time.”

Jenn found herself following him back to the school hall. Richard explained that while everyone exited through the fire exit, there could be others moving out via the normal exits. “I may be wrong though one of the monitors in the guard’s room did show a fleeting move towards the second door. It was a split-second view.”

“Well, I have say that is an excellent detective-centred theory,” Jenn admitted as she helped look around the hall exits.

“What do you know about those two ‘captors’ for Chelle and Lin?”

“Art Morton was a former school gang member until we shut down the group here. He used to, and still does occasional use racist terms, irking many especial Lin. He may be the perpetrator, though I doubt he’s so devious like pulling the fire alarm or setting off smoke,” Jenn replied. “Stuart? I’m not sure. He won some Year 9 prize for subject I can’t recall; no one expect him to win that.”

“Found something!” He called, holding up a watch, with one strap frayed.

“That…looks like Art’s watch!” Jenn exclaimed. They thus headed to the door where the watch was found. “This just leads to the Art Room. Well, the staff are shifting the Art Room to a higher level,” Jenn noted. She drew out her mobile phone and activated the detection app Lin devised. No signal. A minute a few second later, they heard a sound from a nearby closet.

“That could be them!” Jenn exclaimed! After much pulling at the broken handle, out came no other than Art Morton, covered in cloth, paint-soaked paper.

“Ow!” he cried as he tumbled on the floor.

” You!” Jenn pointed as Richard held him down. “Where’s Chelle and Lin? Where are they?”

“I dunno. I was trying to get Michelle and myself out through the smoke, felt something or someone strike me neck and next found myself here. Please, help me up?”

“Oh, really after you bragged how much you will be a real captor over the girls this week,” Jenn countered.

“That was an exaggeration. Why would be locked up in this closet if I wish to really hold a girl captive?”

Jenn thought quickly. ” You don’t know who hit you?”

“No, with the alarm and smoke no.”

“Alright, get to the outside square and tell your tale, oh this is yours, ” Richard tossed him the watch. “Let’s search the Art Room,” he suggested.

“Could take up more time,” Jenn noted. “Got to look for something unusual.” The pair moved around quickly then Richard started touching surfaces. Thirty seconds later, his hand touched a crack. Thinking it wasn’t anything, he was going to move on until Jenn called out, ” I got a location on Lin! She’s somewhere there!” She pointed to the crack. Richard immediate felt along the crack and found a handle underneath the loose concern. He yanked it and the wall swung open like a door.

Inside, they found a dusty room with Chelle and Lin on the floor rolling about. They were still in their bonds and gags although Lin’s rope harness appeared tighter and her knickers were unintentionally flashing. “Roll!’ A hooded figure called with a camera in hand. As the figure moved, Jenn spotted the facial mask.

“You! Cat!” She roared striking the figure, only to knock away the camera and hurt her small frame and tumbling to the ground. Richard ran to her aid but was pulled away by another unseen figure. It appeared the two teen detectives were physically overpowered until…

“Get away from her!” Mark shouted as he yanked and knocked the air out the hood figure. Reinhard tried to help Richard though Mark quickly also tackled that guy. With the hooded figure lying in agony, Jenn unceremoniously ripped off the face mask.

“Stuart?! You were the Cat all along?!” Jenn exclaimed.

“No, no I just overheard you girls talk about that. I was just taking pictures of them, who look perfect bound and gagged. You lot are in trouble for hitting me and my brother.”

“You’re the one trouble,” Jenn retorted. She was thinking of slapping him, though finally resisted less she also get into trouble.

With their parents and the discipline master notified, the unusual charity event resumed. Chelle and Lin decided to sit out, though Jenn thought otherwise. “I’m your captive,” she told Richard and her wrists were taped behind her back and received an OTM gag, albeit a little tighter. Within half an hour, the results were announced. “Runners up, Mark Cavendish and Heather Smith, £180!” Hugh announced.

“That’s not exactly my surname,” Mark muttered as he collected the gift vouchers.

“And with a grand total of £250, Nathan Sanders and Natalie Sang!” Cara announced.

“Well, I never expected to cross the pond and become the best DID,” Natalie, the American exchange student who also was in a rope harness, stuff tape gag and expertly tied wrists remarked.

That event over, the detectives met up at their usual headquarters.

“You sure Stuart isn’t the Cat?” Richard asked.

“I didn’t get a full look at his eyes. We’ll find out what he and his brother say on Monday. I’d like to know how they exactly created the smoke, and never knew our school had hidden chambers,” Jenn replied.

“And one that blocked the signal of our identification chips. I got to work improving that,” Lin added, rubbing her sore wrists.

“Speak of which, what about the stuff the Cat left previously?”

“We’re working on it, “Reinhard answered , heling his girlfriend rub her wrists.

“We’ll find this fiend,” Mark added. Everyone nodded, not knowing their foe was listening on their conversation. As they left for home, Richard called Jenn.

“Hey, how about going out for a late afternoon drink? Would cure the ached after that short fight.”

“I’m done with my daily tea,” She cold replied.

“No, you know that fresh fruit juice place? I’ll buy.”


Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in a story title not yet determined.

30: Resort and Mystery


With the fear of the Cat hanging over them, Chelle, Lin and Jenn join their female schoolmates at a resort where locally a case looms. Jenn receives shocking news from Richard.

Author’s note: While this story is pro and anti-British Royal Family, it does not reflect the view of the author.

Warning: Young damsel humiliated.

On a Discord server centred on the British Royal Family, there was a heated argument going on, particularly Her Majesty the Queen Camilla. One user FrankJ was an extremely supportive of the Queen, citing her relentless work for the Royal Family and the United Kingdom.

Another , MikeW, was in contrast, against the Royals, also specifically the new Queen.

FrankJ: She’s devoted to duty, the appointments she holds and given..

MikeW: Appointments?! What, the simple baby-carrying, ribbon-cutting events? He used expletives, cursing her and her appointments.

FrankJ: I don’t write your kind of language. Her appointments are all honorary, given mostly by the Monarch, in this case her husband. They are not ‘ baby-carrying, ribbon-cutting events’ rather engaging and further understand communities, individuals, providing moral support.

MikeW countered with more degrading words and swear words and the debates still intensified until MikeJ uploaded a photoshopped image of Queen Camilla sitting with knickers down. The user added , ‘Sitting on the throne’.


At a small eatery in Croonford, the teen detectives were gathered. Jenn, dressed in an unusual clothes – black shirt, black jeans, even black summer coat hanging over her chair.

“Jenn, we’re teen detectives,” Chelle smirked. “Not secret agents. And you don’t have to look at the clientele every few minutes. I don’t think the Cat is amongst them.” As Chelle pulled up the straps of her beige dress, Jenn still glanced around. She also had repeatedly told what how she was stunned and trussed up previously.

“If anyone is, I have my ink and pepper spray pen ready and my guy has his net right?” Lin patted her boyfriend’s shoulder. Reinhard nodded and was more focused on Lin’s clothes, purple top and jeans mini-skirt.

“Yeah, thanks for the protection and confidence. Yet, the Cat has quite definitely returned, targeting us.”

“We’re a team,” Chelle’s boyfriend Mark noted after drinking his coffee. “We’ll defend each other and find out who this person is. Maybe we need a break…”

“Hey you lot,” they heard a familiar voice and saw Julia Humes, Chelle and Lin’s classmate. “Hey, boys, girlie chat. You mind?”

The three boys all raised eyes though moved to a nearby table.

“Heard you want to take a break. I’ve got the ideal idea. My aunt has finished remodelling her resort down at Cornwall and allows me to head there for a relaxing time. It’s a mini-country club – game stations, gym, sports hall, tennis courts, food outlets and of course swimming pool. I’ve invited some of the girls from our year – Hattie, Bethan, Heather and others. It’s the perfect way to relax before term starts. You three want to come? Or stuck here with your detective work?”

“Well, wish the weather was warmer. Sure,” Lin replied.

“It’s a deal.” Chelle stated confidently.

Jenn took a few seconds to ponder then agree.

“What about the boys?” Chelle nodded in their direction. “Are they invited?”

“I’d like to keep girls -only. Just us lot. I’ll text you the address and where to meet up. Oh, with the pool there don’t forget your bikinis.” Julia darted off.

“Bikini…got to check if my black pair needs dusting off,” Chelle remarked.

“Oh, have a nice purple one,” Lin added.

Jenn fell silent and the boys re-joined them.

“Girls only? Sound sexist,” Reinhard added.

“Don’t worry pal,” Lin squeezed him. “I’ll text you pictures of me at the pool,” she teased.

“What if some event crops up?” Richard wondered.

“We’re going to relax not find a case. If there is any” Chelle declared.

As the teen detectives dispersed, Lin caught up with Jenn. “Something on your mind?”

“You know me. I’m not comfortable wearing a bikini even if it’s with all girls.”

“You did eventually wore when we were in Penang.”

“Yeah, still not comfortable. I think I hide that one away.”

“Why don’t we go shopping again for another. Please, give it a try?”

Lin took her to a cheap swimwear store with plain designs. Jenn looked at the white or beige ones and ruffled a few ones. She made her decision in 10 minutes. “I really don’t think I can wear a bikini. I don’t have…”

“The body for it?”

“Don’t say that!” Jenn cried then thankful they were alone/. “Ok, yes, it’s more I just don’t feel comfortable with it. I’ll wear a swimsuit ok?’

“Thanks for let’s us stay, Aunt Judy,” Julia told her aunt as the girls entered the resort. “Wow, it’s really vast.”

“Everything in order, except the swimming pool. Repairmen are fixing it and shouldn’t take long. Enjoy your time girls, just don’t make too much of a mess.”

Pool’s out for a while yay, Jenn cheered silently. The others didn’t seem too elated hearing that. As Julia, stated, Hattie, Bethan, Heather were present as well as Madeleine Ranson and Lorna Cheatle. Both were in Jenn’s class with Lorna having just recently shifted to her class. Jenn had talked briefly with Maddie though Lorna seemed to keep her distance from her classmates.

“Alright, what ya all want to start with?” Julia asked after they dumped their bags in rooms. Lin and Heather decided to try the sports hall while the others stayed in the games room. Jenn tried her hand at snooker then gave up and switched to floor chess set with she and Bethan were lying on the ground laughing. The girls met together for lunch and as Jenn scooped more jerk chicken on her plate, Bethan poked her.

“Hey, hey Chelle and Lin, this is up your alley.” It was a news clip from the local channel.

“In breaking news, local resident Michael Water’s ten-year-old daughter Amelia has gone missing. Police are not ruling out a kidnapping at this stage. In world news..”

“Missing child? Perhaps, perhaps not,” Chelle replied.

“Very vague information and we’re resting,” Lin added.

“Yeah, I mean we’re on holiday,” Jenn agreed.

“I though you lot pick out any police stuff that pops up in the news,” Lorna remarked with Jenn raising her eyes at her.

The rain suddenly poured down, resulting in everyone staying indoors. After a round of <span class=”mw-page-title-main”>table shuffleboard and teams playing on pinball machines, the girls sat on bean bags sofas and watched a series romantic dramas. As the credits rolled on the 2005 film The Wedding Date, the weather cleared and the girls decided to explore more of the resort. They quickly found an adventure park and just as they change to sports gear, Julia nudged Lin and passed her one earphone.


“The police are treating ten-year-old Amelia Water’s disappearance as a kidnapping. At present, they have very little leads except her father Michael of Orange Lane had a online dispute. Amelia was last seen playing in the garden on her home has was wearing a yellow floral dress, is 4’7. Anyone who has seen her can call…”

Lin passed on the news to her fellow girl detectives, stating it was worth looking into.

“Well, we first have to head to this Orange Lane,” Chelle remarked.

“Hey, we’re on holiday,” Jenn protested but after the girls played on childish bouncing castles and chasing each other through a man-made maze, Jenn turned to Chelle and Lin and announced, “Ok, we can head down there before dinner. But darn, this is supposed to be a break.”

The trio left as their female schoolmates either smiled or shook their heads, expecting them to investigate the kidnapping. Orange Lane turned out to be a downward-sloping lane and the Water residence was at the end of it.

Michael Waters was a heavily tattooed man working on machines thus not extending his hand to greet the girls.

“I just had the coppers visit me, why would I wish aid from three lassies? Man, you are one hot chick even though ya a Chink,” he nodded to Lin. Lin was about to react when Chelle pulled her arm said they could assist and asked what the online dispute was about.

“Oh the ****ing media reported that. It’s…” There was the roar of a thunderstorm.

“Let’s resume this tomorrow. See ya girlies,” He waved.

“Hot Chick?! Chink?! I’ll show him who I am,” Lin lifted her arms to flex her muscles.

“His constant swearing and calling us lassies and girlies is so degrading, almost misogynistic,” Jenn shook her head. “Are we seriously helping him? Let’s return, before we’re drenched.”

After dinner, the girls again congregated in the mini theatre and Lin not interested in war movies, turned to her laptop to read some science articles when she switched to the news site.

“We just received a message from an unknown sender. Viewers may find it offensive so be warned.”

The screen changed to a darkened room and a dim light shone. A muffled masked man started, “If the foul-mouth MikeW wants his daughter back, he should apologise for that humiliating picture of he posted of Queen Camilla publicly and the Queen herself. If not, his daughter will continue to sit like in his image.” The camera shifted to the young girl as described earlier. She was sitting on some wooden chair, her mouth cleaved-gagged with a thick piece of cloth, arms were wrench behind her back and legs were tied with thick rope against the chair’s legs. What was the humiliating part was that her knickers were pulled down to her ankles.

Lin quickly called her fellow detectives and replayed the video with Jenn shaking her head.

“That is totally disgusting,” Jenn remarked and briefly covered her face. “No child should receive that kind of humiliation in front of a camera, even as its due to a dispute between adults online.”

“Well, the facts are a little clearer now it was an argument about the Queen, “Chelle pointed to the screen. “And MikeW or Mr. Waters uploaded some image, definitely photoshopped, that wasn’t real and attracted the fury of this kidnapper. ”

“How’re we going to proceed? It’s still vague who this kidnapper is,” Jenn argued.

“I’ll go meet Waters tomorrow morning you to might want to check what the local police know.”

“Well, no tall Chinese girl and no short one,” Michael Waters remarked as he shook hands with Chelle and gave her a cup of coffee. She grimaced, instantly knowing it was from some instant can yet immediately started with the issue at hand.

“Oh yeah the bloody news, the cat’s now out of the bag.” Waters took a drink and Chelle noticed his used of ‘less’ offensive words. “Yeah, it was a heated debate over the horse-face woman holding the title ‘Queen’ which only should go to a proper monarch. So after a while, I uploaded this,” he pulled out his phone and showed her the image. Chelle only momentarily raised eyes at the insulting image.

“What are you Michelle? Pro or anti -Royal?”

Chelle said neither although personally was leaning to the Royals having influenced from her parents. She queried the origin of the Photoshop and learnt the discussion was on Discord.

“I didn’t make it; found it somewhere on the ‘net. Now, it was to aid my fight with that pro-Camilla user. Now, instead of continuing, he kidnaps my Millie.”

Chelle expressed sympathy then wondered how his daughter was easily taken. “Haven’t a clue, lass. There’s my garden, the fence isn’t that tall. She always loves to play there. I didn’t hear any cry from her that day then suddenly she was gone.”

Chelle looked at the garden for a few minutes then with Waters heading inside, she snapped a few pictures, thanking him and left. Meeting up with the others, they didn’t have much to tell.

“The Detective, DI Scott Maddison, on the case hardly spent time with us and even when we mentioned our work, he didn’t hear of us, even when we mentioned Nikki’s name.” Lin referred to their long-term police ally, DCI Nikki Heath.

“Well, it’s not always the police are friends,” Jenn shook her head. “Ok, as I said, no child should suffer over adult disputes. How do we proceed from here?”

The answer was obvious – to check out the original discussion on Discord. That task fell to Lin and while Chelle watched Jenn played around of table chess with Hattie and improved her snooker skills. Finally, she joined her fellow detectives.

“It is a complex scroll but here’s the discussion,” Lin pointed. They read through the debate with Jenn noticing the good strong arguments provided by the user FrankJ vs the simple words and coarse language used by Waters. The discussion ended with those capital letter, ‘YOU WILL REGRET THAT!!!’

“From one threat to a kidnapping,” Lin just remarked. “Something on your mind Miss Summers?”

“There’s something odd. I just can’t place it.”

With no clear path to thread, Lin made a call. “Hey how’s the resort? How’s pool?” Reinhard asked.

“Hold your horses. my boy,” Lin answered and she knew he like that. She quickly asked him how one could trace another’s IP address from instant messaging apps,

“That’s a tough one,” he answered. “Never heard of that though there may devices out there. You want me to find and get back to you?”

Lin said no then there was excitement from Chelle. “It’s this!” She held up her mobile phone and the other girls squinted. Chelle enlarged the image to the full. “See that? It’s a torn orange piece of cloth. And it matches…She lift open Lin’s laptop, “the avatar of that person.”

“Ok, ” Jenn still not convinced. “So what? We’re looking for someone wearing orange?!”

Chell noted that the residences here mostly had low fences and clothes were strung up to dry on washing lines. We’ll just check the local area if there’s a torn clothing matching this. If nothing, we’ll leave the authorities to handle this.”

The three girls had a tight time frame as the news came that swimming pool was almost fixed. As Chelle mentioned, the residences were few and had low fences. The girls covered the various houses in less than an hour and as Jenn wished to return, Chelle called the girls over.

“See that?” She pointed at the house with the only cement wall. The other girls watched and an orange T-shirt fluttered in the wind with one corner clearly torn.

“Ok, looks like it. So what? We ring the door and ask the owner about his shirt?” Jenn wondered, however, Chelle darted off towards that residence. It’s going to be another bound and gagged time, Jenn guessed.

The residence looked a little wealthier than the others the girls walked pasted and had no immediate neighbours. After searching around, Chelle found the doorbell. Immediately, the large gate swung open exposing a clean-shaven man, a stark contrast from Mike Waters. He had a slight limp.

“Ah, I don’t get visitors at this time of the day. Girl Guides? Nah.?” The owner started.

“No, well, there’s a young girl kidnapped due to…”Chelle replied.

“Ah some debate. Please come in. It’s not that warm but I don’t like standing around. Jenn suspected something but her fellow detectives already entered.

“I have some Chinese tea. It’s becoming my favourite,” He had non-Chinese pot and poured tea into mugs with handles.

“So where…ah yes, the poor child. What a way to pay for the parent’s actions,” The owner continued. “Then, what brings you three to my place?”

“Well, we met the father of the girl and am assisting him,” Chelle answered. Where are you going with this? Jenn wondered.

“Ah, the wonderful world of…detectives work. I always wanted to be one when I was young age,” he continued. “So, what did you girls find?”

“Oh, nothing much,” Chelle answered. “Just a torn orange cloth like the shirt you have hanging,” Jenn, having spent much time with suspects, saw his eyes twitch.

“Oh, that, I torn it on a sharp garden stick,” he remarked though at a quick view, he didn’t have any such stick in his small garden. Before Lin could open her mouth, she knocked her given mug and fell down on the ground.

“Lin!!” Both Chelle and Jenn cried simultaneously and bent down to check her.

“Oh, she’s fine. Just knocked out for around ten minutes.” The pair looked up and the man now held some small handgun with a suppressor attached at them. He threw cable ties and a piece of cloth. “Why don’t you two bind and cleave gag your friend. I’m sure you two know how.”

“You’re the FrankJ user!” Chelle shouted.

“That’s a little too loud for me. Why you gag yourselves.” He threw them a roll of tape. As Chelle reluctantly stuck a piece over her lips, he waved his weapon, telling her to spread a long strip all over her head. That took up almost the tape. “Well lucky you,” he pointed to Jenn who had to cleave gag herself. With the unconscious Lin in their arms, the girls were forced inside and down narrow steps into a dark basement.

Chelle and Jenn immediately heard muffled sounds but an immediate call of ‘quiet’ from their captor silenced the room. “Over there, bind her hands to the railing, then her ankles,” he ordered.

As Chelle did so, she tried used her legs to swim at him but he was quicker and pushed her down on the ground. “You two as well!” As Jenn lay in fear, He drew out more cable ties and soon Chelle was strictly hogtied. Suddenly, Lin stirred.

“Ah, sleeping beauty awakes,” he muttered and warning Jenn to keep lying down, he moved over to stuff cloth into Lin’s mouth, sealing it with a round of tape, just like Chelle’s gag.

“Now for you,” He yanked the shortest girl detective up and was going to truss her up, Jenn decided a unusual move.

“Mimter, I thinmmk we camm taammlk this outmm,” she said through her gag.

He had finished binding her wrists behind back then stopped. “What did you say?” Jenn repeated herself as best as she could through the cleave gag, hoping he wouldn’t tighten it.

“Oh, I don’t fall into the ‘let me go and I won’t tell’ trick,” he said, restraining her ankles.

“Nmm, Immnk we canmmm tak abmmout thismmissue u hadmmonline,” Jenn again hoped it came out right.

He paused, then pulled her into the only spot of light in the basement. “Oh, you’re trying to discuss the matter. You were quiet earlier now you want to talk?” Just then, the muffled sounds came again.

“You stay put. Try to move to your friends, you’ll forget about speaking,” he warned and headed up.

Jenn took that seriously and called as best to her friends to check on them. Chelle had rolled a little though not much given the threat and gave a gagged ‘ok’. Lin, still weak from whatever sedative he added to her tea, gave the softest positive groan. As stated, the captor returned, moved to an side where Jenn suspected the little girl was held then returned. He check on Chelle and Lin then moved to Jenn.

“Ok, you want to talk, talk.”

Jenn gestured for her gag to be lowered but that wasn’t going to happen.

“Lookmmm, the Royals aremm nicemmmolks n I’mmmsure yu eally ike em,” Jenn said . Gah, I’m a debater but never debated with cloth wedged between my lips.

“They are beyond nice! They are wonderful! The country would tear apart without them.”

“U stronglyyyy believe inmm Queen Camilla?” Gah, even though this gag isn’t the tightest, my words sound alien, she thought.

“Yes! I do. You read the Discord discussion.” Jenn nodded in response, trying to prevent her throat from drying out.

“ThmmMichael has poommmr undermmmmhstanding of thee Queennn’s bmmmground, herrrappointments, herrole,” Jenn continued, actually not agreeing with what she said. Gash, I sound worse than I was when I was a kid. Can’t he remove the gag?

“And he swears way too much!” Jenn nodded. Meanwhile, despite the strain of the hogtie, Chelle managed twist her watch with laser beam. Just as she tried to turn her finger to push the relevant button then the argument restarted.

“He swears like a gangster. And posted that uncouth picture,” The captor continued.

“N U retaliated takin hiss daughtar, putting er in same positione as the picture?”

“I’m teaching him a lesson! Respect the Queen! Apologise to her!”

“You shouldn’t go to that extreme, mistreating a child…” While that came out properly, Jenn started to drool at the sides of her gag. The captor stared at her for a few seconds, then lowered her gag.

“Tha..anks,” Jenn coughed hoping to receive watere though he only wiped the side of her lips and asked her name.

“Jenn, you think it’s right to insult the Queen?”

“No…and neither should you response humiliating a child,” Jenn replied as best as she could with a dry throat. Nor should you truss and gag us up.

“You question me?’ Before Jenn could respond, there was a loud knock. “Dominic Hudson! This is the police! Come out and release Amelia Waters!”

“Release…mmmpph!” Jenn’s words were cut off as he wedged the cloth back between her lips and tighten the knot. Great, and I thought the talk was going fine.

The captor stared at the stairwell, then at Jenn who gave a muffled ‘released her’ twice before slumping down, exhausted from her dry mouth and throat. Slowly, the captor headed to the other side of the basement and out came the young girl i his arms.

“Jenn Thompson, that was really a great move,” Chelle remarked as the three girl detectives sat in the police van. “Talking down a captor.”

“With a gag on,” Jenn drank more from the given water bottle. “I don’t think I want to try that again, even with a cleave gag.”

The girls were thankful that the police dismissed them after a short statement–police had tracked the video the captor Dominic Hudson sent to the media. The trio made it back in time at the resort with Julia excitedly declared the swimming pool was ready. “Get your bikinis on!”

As they headed to the changing room, Lin cornered Jenn. “Don’t worry, no one is going to tease you over a normal one-piece.”

At the pool, Julia and Hattie were tightening the string of their bikini tops, less they get a wardrobe malfunction. Both were wearing G-string bikinis, Hattie in scarlet while Julia was in orange with triangular bra cups. Behan was wearing a lime green strapless bandeau &gt; also with a G-string bottom. Heather was in a aqua blue bikini, the cups further emphasising her C-cup breasts. Maddie Ransom was wearing a push up brown bikini while Lorna was in an all black halter white random white patterns.

“Hey where’s Jenn?” Chelle asked as she adjusted her black halter top.

“Probably taking her time to put on her suit,” Lorna called. Lin, in her dazzling purple strapless two-piece shot her a glance then headed to find her friend. Suddenly, Jenn emerged from a corner, wearing a T-shirt over…

“Jenn? Are you wearing a bikini under that?” Bethan called. Not answering, Jenn nervously removed her shirt, showing the white bikini she bought before the trip to Penang.

“She is! Let’s get into the water!” Heather led diving straight in and one by one, all the students dived or slid in and splashed around.

“Jenn, you really took a turn wearing it,” Lin remarked as they hung on one side of th pool.

“I still love a good swimsuit,” Jenn remarked, looking down at her bikini top. “Not sure if I’ll ever grow used to this.”

Lin was going to reply when Hattie, out of the water, called.

“Hey detectives! Together! Smile!” Chelle jointed her fellow girl detectives and Hattie snapped several pictures.

“Oh, Hattie, don’t you dare post those on Facebook!” Jenn cried.

After much soaking in the pool, all girls returned to Croonford refreshed and ready for school. The girl detectives met up with their fellow male detectives and Mark congratulated Jenn.

“Richard,” Jenn’s eyes narrowed. “Why do you have a set of our school uniform?”

“Oh, I was going to tell you three. I’m switching schools to Croonford school. Teachers from my old school are leaving for others, affecting grade performance there.”

“What?! No!!!!”

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in Charity gone wrong.

28: Scottish Fling


Chelle travels to Scotland for a history class trip but mystery awaits. Meanwhile, Lin helps Reinhard with his medical problem and Jenn has a challenging first date with Richard.

This story has parts taken from A Tale of Two Snoops.

It also uses content from Lisette and the Cyber Geeks Chapter 16 written by the famous Brian Sands.

Adult bondage but only on an adult.

“You slept with Bethan and had an orgasm?!” Lin exclaimed.

“I’m not proud of it,” Jenn remarked with a slightly depressed look.

“Well, there’s nothing really wrong with experimenting with your sexuality. You really don’t like guys? Anyone one from school?” Jenn shook her head.

“What about…” Lin’s statement was cut off as Chelle entered their headquarters panting. “Sorry, did I miss anything?”

“What’s the problem? And isn’t it half term?” Chelle was in her school uniform with an added school jumper on.

“Last-minute school trip to Scotland. I’m going to some 17th Century castle somewhere south of Edinburgh, “She explained.

“Luckily my history trip is to the East Midlands and but during the school week,” Jenn remarked. “At least you’re travelling within the UK and can bring gadgets unlike me in Paris,” Jenn remarked.

“Oh yeah, any new gadgets?” Chelle asked her East Asian classmate.

“Here,” Lin produced a pair of spectacles. “Press the sides near the hinges and you get light shining out. ”

“Like the pen torchlight?”

“Yes, but the unique part is that others in front won’t spot the light if they are 100 metres or more,” Lin added. “Just don’t leave it on for long.”

“Ok, that’s great,” Chelle checked her watch. “Got to go, meet up when I return.”

“Jenn, why don’t you go out with Richard?” Lin re-continued.

“Richard?! He’s my debate rival.”

“Well, you share that in common. He rescued you in Paris and he seemed the part.” Lin’s phone buzzed. “I’ve got to meet my guy. Think about it.”

Chelle was quite tired not from the rush to meet up with her class but as she was on the first day of her period. The class took a long train to Edinburgh then a charted bus ride to the castle.

“Wow, it doesn’t look like a normal castle,” one classmate remarked. The castle had a triangular top and towers were not visible, the walls looked like they had a new coat of paint.

“It certainly is not your generic castle, ” a red-haired bearded man who introduced Alastair Murray their guide for the castle. He led the class into a side entrance and Chelle despite her lethargy, noticed a van with darkened windows and a pair of men carrying a long crate out.

Reinhard and Lin discussed the latter’s captivity last time. He noted she forgot to apply the facial cream she invented that would loosen tape gags. Lin noted, remarking that she was too busy focused on shopping with Natalie. Just as he was about to change subject, a text message appeared on his phone.

“Damn, the results of my blood and urine tests; I went to check as I lost some weight. I’ve got diabetes and have to head to collect medicine from the specialist.”

“I’ll accompany you,” Lin responded. Forty minutes later, the couple emerged with Reinhard carrying a small bag. “Diamicron,” he read the packet. “Take two a day before a meal.” The other items were a pocket-sized blood glucose meter, a lancet and a pack of strips. The doctor’s order was him to use the lancet to prick any of his fingers, attach a strip to the meter and place it against the blood oozing out. He was to send daily readings to the endocrinologist.

“I can’t believe I’ve got diabetes at mid-teen,” He complained. “I guess it’s because I’ve been eating too many sweet snacks and drinking too much Coca-Cola.”

“Hey it’s Type 2 diabetes right? I’ll help you get cured,” Lin squeezed his arm.

Jenn was wondering if Lin’s suggestion was ridiculous. Go out on a date with Richard?! She only brought him in to the detective group due to his Eidetic memory not for her liking him. He and his debate team have defeated mine many times. Why should I… Jenn reached for her phone and sent him a WhatsApp message not asking for a date. She instantly received his reply with several suggestions where to head to.

Chelle’s history class had a long tour of the Castle’s interior and immediate outside then received a serious of questions and an essay set by their history teacher. Despite still feeling tired, she completed the assignments and rested in the assigned guest room. There was water to drink but no hot drinks. Sighing, she headed back out but the Castle interior was a maze. “Hey,” she spotted the guide Alastair. “Where’s the hot water here?” He gave her a detailed set of directions. Chelle took the first few steps, however the steps she took brought her to the end of a dark corridor. Wait, he said to take a left turn but there no turning. She retraced her steps but only found a narrow corridor leading to the right. Taking a few steps, her foot suddenly caught a loose floor panel.

Lin’s plan to cure Reinhard of diabetes was rigorous but, in his view, strict. It involved exercising twice, not once, a week and absolute abstaining from sugary food and high carbohydrates. After a swim with her covering more laps than he was used to, they ate at a Cantonese outlet. “No, you can’t eat those, ” she stopped him from taking the Char Siew Bao. “There too much starch in the rice flour. Here, take more of the meaty dim sum.” I really wish I could eat that, he thought. For dessert, Lin had mango pudding while he received just oranges that weren’t too sweet. “Fruits are good for you,” she remarked. He was a fan of mango pudding and wish he was struck with this condition.

“Hey Jenn,” Richard greeted her with smile. He was dressed in all blue from jacket to jeans. “Glad you choose the bookstores option; I love to immerse myself in old books.” Jenn only nodded wondering if she made the right decision. Jenn did find the three bookstores helpful and purchased books for her GCSE Literature and some for her own pleasure. Grudgingly, she accepted a lunch with him and it was worse that she had to sit side-by-side as the lunch crowd was packed.

As Richard finished most of his fish and chips, he turned to her and asked, “Jenn, why do your always wear jeans and never skirts?”

Jenn threw down the rest of her sandwich and turned annoyed. “Why you think girls must always must wear skirts?”

Richard calm, replied, “No, I’ve just always seen you outside your school uniform wearing skirts. Remember the debate on feminism your team won? Your speech showed mentioned how skirts are a symbol of female power.”

“That was debate; I hardly believe in what I argue in debate.” With that, the pair launched a heated argument.

As Jenn and Richard were arguing, Chelle stopped after feeling the loose panel. Her thoughts of getting hot water were quickly replaced by her inquisitive detective mind. Chelle kicked the panel twice and there was a soft creaking sound after the second kick, revealing a fairly dark entrance to a passageway. She recalled the tour guide never saying there were any secret tunnels here. And he was the one who gave me directions to nowhere. She stepped inside, finding a not-so-dark passageway. She activated the pen torchlight which gave her enough light. The first part of this unknown area was wide enough to walk through but soon it narrowed and her school skirt caught a protruding part from the sides. It took her several minutes to dislodge it however part of the skirt was torn. Oh, how I wish I had changed to practical; the teacher won’t like this.

As Chelle walked through the narrower passageway, part of her mind told her mission was to find hot water while another told her this area was really exploring. As she paused to debate, she heard a soft sound from the wall to her left.

“I can’t lift that!” Reinhard protested. He and Lin were in a local gym. They were the dumbbell section. She wanted him to lift weights 10kgs more than he had before.

“I’m sure you can. Larger weights are great; can help you regain you weight.”

Reinhard tried but couldn’t lift and wanted to give up, however, she told him to try again and gritting his teeth, he managed to. “Good work, continue to your usual number.” He did, but stop five less, finding it stramineous. He shifted to the leg press which he loved.

“Try the barbells,” Lin suggested.

“I’ve never used that. How do you…”

“I’ll show you,” she told him to lie down on the bench press and fitted a not-so-heavy set of weight press. She showed him how to position his arms and she’ll lower the barbell when needed.

“You’ve done this before? “He starred up at her, loving the shape from her sports bra.

“Yup, now lift.” The first tries were difficult but he was fine with the rest. Ending at eighty lifts, he was grateful that was it. They both ended on the treadmill and he declared he was famished, though knowing it would be a sugar-less meal.

“This meeting is over!” Jenn declared, throwing down her sandwich. Glaring at Richard, she said a curt ‘thank you for the meal’ storming off. How dare he suggest I wear skirts and dresses more often. Women and girls today aren’t fixed on stereotypical clothing. How dare…Jenn repeated those angry thoughts as she made her way to the train station. Jenn was going to wait at the platform when she thought. That was still a little unfair on my part. I should have just argued normally not show my temper. Jenn ran back and spotted Richard in a music store at the oldies section.

“Returning to vent your view on jeans?” Richard’s tone was calm.

“I shouldn’t have thrown my temper,” Jenn replied.

“I shouldn’t have forced my views on skirts and dresses on you. You can wear what you like.”

The two debaters looked each other then Jenn broke the ice. “You like oldies?!”

Richard gave an embarrassed grin. “Yes, well my parents loved them and always played it since I was born. I’ve caught the love for the music. Not the exact music you would expect a teen to like and I get teased for that.”

“Oh, my mum music’s taste made me love oldies. Which artist is your favourite?”

He showed his selection of Beatles albums including With the Beatles. Jenn scanned the shelves and picked Spirits Having Flown, an early Bee Gees Studio album which her family did not have. The pair discussed other bands and singer-song-writers until Richard glanced at his watch. “It’s getting late. A pretty nice outing don’t you think?” He extended

Despite our heated argument over how I dress she thought. “Yes, it was nice.” She shook his hand and they parted.

The sound stopped for two seconds then Chelle heard it again. She pressed her ear against that section of the wall yet the sound was faint. It came and the pattern identified that it was human-made. “Hello? Is someone there?” She repeated the call yet no voice responded. Chelle moved further inside the mysterious tunnel but she quickly found a wall blocking her directly. Chelle shook her head. It’s so cliche, Chelle thought stopping detectives with literal dead ends. She exactly the wall made of cement though some parts appeared to be wooden. Chelle struck and kicked the wall at various parts but it did not move and she ended up slightly hurting her hands and feet.

I’ve got to return to my room, Chelle sighed and turned back. As she walked back, a thought struck her. If she accidentally found the loose panel to open up this hidden area surely there must be another panel or something to struck. She dashed back near the wall and searched around. She finally spotted a minute stick protruding out from the left side wall. Gently pulling it, the wall creaked then lifted up. Elated, Chelle moved in but found herself in a pitch-black area. As she fumbled for the pen torchlight, the floor beneath her opened and she fell.

Chelle had fallen down small holes in children’s indoor parks before, but this hole was many times large and she hardly managed to break her fall when she struck the ground. Ow… Chelle cried out. She did manage to get up and rubbed her bum. As Chelle started to move, a same creaking sound emitted and she surmised that the wall she got open now closed. Great, alone deep inside some hidden chamber. You a teen detective another voice told her. Investigate. The problem was the pen torchlight she used was damaged. Lin’s not going to like it, she thought twisting a James Bond phrase. Pulling out the spec’s her fellow detective just made, it gave her enough light to proceed. There was only one place to head: the open archway in front of her. As she entered, she found herself on a narrow walkway with an evident chasm below. Carefully walking – it was far not easy with her school skirt – yet she managed to reach almost the end until she heard the sound again. It was now much louder and Chelle didn’t take long to identify that it the sound from someone gagged.

Ahead of her, the ‘bridge’ parted into two: one longer route and the other, a smaller route. She tried the longer route and the muffled sounds grew closer. There was one larger door ahead but the lock was rusty and easily broken. As she entered, she gasped.

Reinhard gasped as the reading on the blood glucose meter reading was high. endocrinologist just told him to get it down. After complaining to his girlfriend that he didn’t eat any with sugar or starchy, she suggested he should take the sample a little later. “Your body needs time to absorb food.”

“Since when did you know all this stuff?”

“I previously read up. Would you like meet for a run this afternoon? The weather seems nice.”

“Err, how about a swim?’ She agreed. He secretly was interested in seeing her in her swimsuit as even her one-piece was really sexy on her body.

Dress code: formal. Jenn read the last part of Richard’s text message over and over again. He had invited her to see The Phantom of the Opera at a high-class theatre in Birmingham. Jenn had seen this musical before only once when she was six and it was one of her favourites – did he know that? One voice told her she should reject the offer and stay home. Another told her it wasn’t anything wrong and he shared the love of oldies music with her. Jenn silently weighed her choices then opened her closet. She had few dresses that matched the dress code. She finally selected the maroon short-sleeved one. Jenn couldn’t recall the last time she wore this dress but it wasn’t dirty. Along with it she added her only pair of nude 40 denier tights for the weather not for looks.

Chelle’s gasp was due to the woman she found. The woman was hooded with her orange hair sticking out underneath. Her wrists were bound to rings screwed to the wall with cable ties. Her ankles were likewise secured to rings on the floor. “Hang on,” Chelle rushed over, untying the hood. It revealed a tired as well frightened face, the lower half covered with a thick black duct tape all around her head.

Chelle worked of that but even her nimble fingers took time to peel the tape away. The woman half spat and Chelle grimaced as she pulled out a saliva-soaked stocking.

“Thank you,” the woman croaked in a slight Scottish accent. “They sent a school girl to rescue me? Oh, you’re one of the Croonford teen detectives?”

Chelle nodded as she started work on the bindings. Those came off faster with the aid of her laser pen and Chelle help the woman up. After introducing herself, the woman replied, “Elspeth MacGregor, the owner of Castle Macgregor.”

“Let’s get out of here, Elspeth.” Chelle wondered if they had to walk back through the narrow path.

“Follow me,” Elspeth noticed Chelle’s look. “I grew up exploring this hidden area.” She proceeded to the opposite wall, pushed a brick and a door opened. As they entered, Elspeth explained King Duncan I built this underground network and the hidden doors so his troops and family could hide here during any intensive conflict. Chelle quickly changed topic asking Elspeth how she came to be captured. “This morning, two men surprised me as I got out of my residence. They gagged me as you saw, hooded me, restrained me and I felt myself in some vehicle. Shortly after, I was carried out and restrained as you found me.” Chelle immediately knew that was what she spotted earlier.

As Elspeth pointed to another passageway, Chelle continued asking if she knew who was behind her capture.

Elspeth pulled up her broken dress and cleared her throat. “Oh, I definitely know one of them is Fred, my head gardener. He’s the only employee who knows the layout of the underground besides me. The other could be his assistant Blair or another employee.”

Chelle followed her up and around another passageway. A gardener may have some beef against her employer yet there to be a main goon. Catching up with Elspeth, she asked if anyone held a serious grudge against her.

“Oh, you are really a detective. This Castle is worth millions. Others have tried to buy it. Others have fake birth certificates claiming they are MacGregor. The worse is my younger twin sister Edine who has been trying to claim rights to the castle. She doesn’t.”

Jenn didn’t feel right as she entered the theatre. “Oh, evening Jenn, beautiful dress,” Richard greeted. He was in a dark blue suit with an equally blue tie with yellow stripes.

“You don’t have to flatter me,” Jenn tried to reply in a neutral tone. “Exactly how did get tickets for this expensive theatre?”

“My dad got tickets for them and I was to join him. This morning he fell sick so one ticket is available. I’m paying him back.”

“So, you’re treating me.” He nodded.

“Alright. It must be a coincidence Phantom is my favourite musical.”

“I love several of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals like Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Cats. Shall we?”

They walked to door and Jenn expected him to reach for her hand but he didn’t. Some people were chased away as they were casually dressed. I wearing this damn dress to meet the dress code, not to show off to Richard. The pair watched silently but Jenn couldn’t help but mouth the words to Music of the Night. She was engrossed and silently felt this outing was fruitful after all.

“Do you fancy another beer, Rich?” The bearded man asked.

“Nah, how much can you drink Fred?” These were the men who had captured Elspeth. Rich was the Castle’s chief repairman.

“Och, what’s the harm. We did what the real boss wanted us to do. Can’t wait to check my bank account.” Just then, his mobile buzzed.

“The boss lady is coming over. Wants to see our ‘work’ we did the girl.”

“Does she think we literally rough her up?”

“Don’t think crude.” Just then, a woman in dressed in all black looking exactly like Elspeth but with a scar on her forehead appeared. She curtly demanded to see her sister. Fred led the way down, taking a different route that Chelle initially did also a different one that she and Elspeth were escaping from.

Just as they stepped into the chamber, all they saw was the hood, the soaked stocking, pieces of tape and broken cable ties.

“What? B-but that’s impossible! She was right here I swear we saw head drop down like falling asleep,” Fred shouted.

“Well, she’s bloody missing,” the woman or Elspeth’s sister Edine shot back with an angry look. “Find her!”

“The two henchmen though strong nearly dropped at her roar. They scrambled around, looking for clues where Elspeth escaped to. Edine picked up the broken cable ties and curtly asked “Did you not search her?”

“Er she was just in a dress. We dumped her handbag outside her quarters.”

“Well, these are burnt marks,” she held up one cable tie, “Either she has some high-device on her or…someone came to free her.”

“Hey boss, there’s a hidden door here. She must have escaped via it,” Rich pointed.

“Oh, this mysterious complex. Chase after her, no I recall there’s should be another passageway,” Edine pressed the various walls and found a second door. “If I recall, this should lead you to the surface. That’s where she would have gone. Go!”

“Like Act One?” Richard asked as the exited during the intermission.

“Oh, it was lovely! They may have changes actors but the version of The Music of the Night and All I ask of You was perfect!”

Jenn really has changed, Richard thought. We’ve found common in old music and in musicals. She may not be keen on dresses or skirts but that’s not a matter. Are these just outings or are they dates?

Fred and Rich hurried up the stairs of the hidden passageway less than incur more of the wrath from Edine.

“You sure this leads us up to the surface?” Rich wondered.

“Aye, I know remember this layout,” Fred insisted. “It isn’t a long route. The route she’s taking is longer and we’ll catch her.”

“Ya sure?”

“Why the doubt? The bitch Elspeth taught me this place when I was a junior gardener. I want to see her suffer,” Fred pulled his companion aside and held his finger to his mouth. “They are near.”

Chelle and Elspeth spotted a hatched that was locked. “Usually there’s a key. Hand me the laser item you used to cut my bonds.” As Elspeth worked on the lock, Chelle was thankful they were almost free; she needed a good drink of water and a change of clothes, especially her underwear. The sun shone through the open hatch and just as Elspeth attempted to climb up, strong hands grabbed and yanked her up. Chelle tried to snuck back but a second set of hands also pulled her up.

“Fred! I knew it was you!” Elspeth exclaimed as she struggled in Fred’s tight grip. Twisting her head, she shouted. “And you Rich! How could do this!”

“We ain’t working for you anymore,” Fred snarled, holding a crowbar in his hands. As if on cue, Edine appeared.

“Well, well looks like sis can’t escape. Remember how you failed to escape in all those games, from childhood to university orientation?”

“Why are you doing this?!”

“I’m claiming what rightful mine. You aren’t the castle owner anymore.” Edine gave a signal and Rich gagged Elspeth with a cloth and a long piece of duct tape. Her wrists were secured behind her back with a cable tie.

“Now who do we have here?” Edine looked at Chelle who had failed to run off. “So, you were the one who played heroine and tried to rescue my horrible sister?”

Before Chelle could answer, both hench men bound and gagged her except without a mouth stuffing. “Nice work. Wait,” Edine frisked Chelle who yelped but couldn’t find the laser gadget on her. “Let’s take them below and secure them separately.”

Rich was ordered to secure Chelle in a smaller room next to the one where Elspeth was found. Elspeth was half-marched, half-dragged to another room. By now, after being gagged and re-gagged, breathing was a continual difficulty for her. Her wrists, retied, were sore as the cable ties bit further into her wrists. As Elspeth wondered, she decided to fake choking.

“She’s in spasm! Get all that gag off her. We don’t want her dying on us, Sometimes I think you then overdo things.” Edine ordered.

“Jawohl,” Fred who was half-German replied and roughly tore away the tape and yanked out the stocking. Edine felt a little relief but Fred made her kneel down on stone floor.

“Now, now Fred, I give the orders here and we don’t overly abuse people,” Edine waved her finger.

“Th- Thank you,” she said softly, “I- I see a different side to your character,” Although Elspeth didn’t mean what she said.

“Ha, your thanks mean nothing sis.”

“Why don’t you leave that girl Michelle out of this? She’s just a student, a teen. It’s between”

“You don’t order me around sis ever,” Edine eyes narrowed.

“How can you…”

“She ought to be gagged keep her trap shut!” Fred snapped.

Edine ignored his advice and ordered her bound sister to get up. Elspeth struggled to her feet, the skirt of her dress to flutter down over her legs but with one strap broke free of the tie, her black bra was exposed.

“Good. Over here. Don’t think you can overpower me, by the way.”

Elspeth had little strength anyway. She walked unsteadily towards the other wall of the chamber When she drew closer, she saw what had not been visible in the shadows. There were chains on the wall, and metal rings as before. Her captors followed, a large blanket suddenly in Edine’s arms.

“Here,” the woman tossed the blanket down near her sister. “You may wish to lie down, although I doubt whether you will find that comfortable after what I am going to do next.”

It was obvious that Elspeth was going to be tied up again, and anchored to the ring in the wall somehow. She sat on the blanket with her knees drawn up to one side and looked expectantly up at her captors. Edine ordered Fred to remove the cable ties and Elspeth used the freedom to re-tie her dress strap though her modesty was not covered . Her captors guffawed softly but said nothing.

Edine walked to a large cabinet near, opened it, and returned almost immediately with items that were metallic. She squatted down beside her sister.

“Turn around. You should know the drill.”

Lisette turned and put her arms behind her back. She looked over her shoulder, trying to see what her evil sister was holding.

“These are manacles. They’re from the era from just after King Duncan, bet you didn’t know that? but I assure you they’re working fine, actually got newer versions, not rusty.” Elspeth shuddered as she felt cold iron settle around one wrist. “You see,” continued her sister as she inserted a screw and began to tighten the broad ring, “This place used to be a museum of medieval torture. And when the property passed hands, this little dungeon stayed almost as it was left, with the original displays carefully stored away in that cabinet. You are going to learn how it feels to be shackled, like they did to women in ancient times.”

The second band of iron was screwed in place about Elspeth’s other wrist and a short chain of three links now clipped into place to join both wrist bands together.

“There, that will hold you, little Miss Houdini.”

Elspeth moved her hands experimentally and found that she could not budge them. Her sister chuckled, then she squatted near Lisette’s feet.

“Ankle shackles or leg irons. Much better than the cable ties, no?” Fred didn’t react but thought those were good enough restraints.

Elspeth found her voice at last.

“So … You’re going to leave me here?”

“I’m glad to you discovered that at last,” Edine cackled.

“Look, I can give you half of the Castle’s land. I can give you more than half my bank account.”

“Too little. Now time to really shut ya up.”

Edine rose to her feet and held up what looked like a metal helmet. Elspeth shivered apprehensively.

“It doesn’t look appealing does it, dear? That’s because it isn’t. It’s very practical, but it’s also somewhat ugly and, I’m afraid, a very uncomfortable fit.”

“Wh- What is it?” But Lisette already had a very strong suspicion of its nature.

“This, sis, is what they call a scold’s bridle. It’s a particularly inventive metal helmet designed to force the wearer, a woman of course, to hold her tongue. Used to punish women in the 1500s. You never Scottish history?”

“You’re not going to put that thing on me?”

“But of course, I am. I am expecting you to be cooperative. This is iron.” Edine held it up and manipulated some of the links. “If you struggle, you’ll risk chipping a tooth, or having your face cut on parts of the metal. This part, see, goes in your mouth. It’s a particularly nasty but quite effective metal gag, I am most interested in seeing its effect on you.”

Lisette licked her lips nervously. “I guess I don’t have any choice.”

“No, you haven’t. I’ll be as gentle as possible when I put it on. Hmmm.”


“This thing.” She indicated a flat tongue of metal that was folded over at its end to make a bulge. “I’m not out to torture you, just to make you uncomfortable. I think I’ll pad this …”

Edine looked down at her sister’s dress, delved into the pocket of her shirt and came out with a penknife. She grasped Elspeth’s dress by the hem and drove the point of the knife into the side with a ripping sound. Involuntarily Lisette drew her legs up. The cloth strip was now wrapped around the metal tongue , a couple of layers also going over the ends. When she was finished, the contraption had a stump of thick cloth protruding from it.

“All right, sis, open wide.”

Elspeth could scarcely get her mouth around it.

“Keep trying, dear. You’ll gag on it first, but soon you’ll be able to close your mouth a little, when it’s all in.”

Elspeth had to stretch her jaws wide before the thick wad of cloth could slide into her mouth. It penetrated past mid-way, almost to the back of her throat, and stayed there pressing down on her tongue. She heard a faint metallic squeal as her twin turned screws at the back that tightened the helmet around her head and face. The broad metal band with the silk-wrapped gag passed across her lower face to the back of her head, and to it was attached another band that went over her head vertically. It was bifurcated to pass on either side of her nose and, when the screws tightened, drawing those bands together. Her lips were uncomfortably close to the metal, but all that she could feel on her tongue was the soft wedge of silk that filled her mouth.

“There, that wasn’t too bad, was it?”

Elspeth tried to reply, but hardly a sound came out. With those words, the two captors left. The medieval gag felt embedded in her mouth, pressed against her upper palate, pushing down on her tongue, and threatening to choke her. All she could do was to bite on the thick cloth. She tried to move her hands. Nothing happened. She could move her fingers and legs a little, but the cuffs were locked tight and secured to rings on the wall and floor.

The scold’s bridle weighed heavily on her head. Maybe it was more comfortable to lie down. At least the weight would not be so unbearable. Carefully, she lowered herself to her side, falling helplessly the last foot, and tried to arrange herself with her knees curled up and her head on the other end of the blanket. But her weight pressed the bridle against the floor and made the angle of the shaft with the protective cloth shift in her mouth. It brought on a fit of choking and she had to raise her head to relieve the pressure.

The fresh tears streaming down her face almost caused her to miss the dull gleam of metal near her shoulder. She had to lift her head a little further back. And all the time the metal frame pressed down on her head, giving her a headache, making her thoughts disjointed and leading her into despair.

Meanwhile, Rich had cuffed Chelle to fetters secured on a wooden beam. Chelle continued to scream despite a dry throat and kick. “Oh, stop it lass,” he growled. Pulling out the last cable tie he had, her ankles were secured together. Suddenly, he reached under her skirt, yanking down her tights causing Chelle to yelp. Caught by the cable ties, he cut them off. Chelle’s tape gag was temporarily removed and her tights wound around her head before a fresh tape was applied. “Nice legs girl,” Rich remarked and began to touch them.

“Nice musical?” Richard asked as they exited the theatre. Jenn was humming the tune to Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again and recalling the Acts, especially the crashing the of the chandelier.

“Huh, oh yeah lovely!” she snapped back to reality, realising who she was with.

“So, are these meet ups, outings, or dates?” Jenn looked up at him. Her answer came less than a minute later. “They are dates. But I want to think before I say ‘girlfriend’ Richard.” He extended his hand but Jenn, for the first time in her life, hugged him. That embrace was interrupted by her phone buzzing.

“No Mark, I can’t go up to Edinburgh. But Lothian and Borders detectives are handling it. I know they are very capable,” Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nikki Heath informed him. She was referring to DCI Amy Robertson and Detective Sergeant (DS) Bobbi Rainsbury. The pair wasted no time preventing anyone from leaving the castle and interviewed everyone. That excluded Rich the repairman, whom Edine said he was on sick leave.

“Don’t buy that Amy,” Bobbi remarked. “You could see her eyes move, her face twitch. I’m going to search for this repair guy.”

Elspeth started twisting her arms as much as she could. She was aiming for the laser pen Chelle had given her. After four twists, she got it and with her fingers, managed to cut away her wrist manacles, then her ankles and slowly cut off the painful scold’s bridle. Leaving the room, she heard muffled cries and found Chelle, who was still being caressed by Rich. With one large swing, Elspeth knocked out the repairman. With in minutes, Chelle was freed, not before she squirted ink from the special gadget. “Ok, leave him, let’s get out of here.”

The pair found DS Rainsbury who doubted their story but escorted them to her superior.

“So, who are you then?” The two detectives asked Edine, who shout she was the owner. Suddenly, Fred and dirtied Rich appeared and attempted to attack Elspeth. The tussle was short and the detectives arrested Edine and her henchmen.

“More good news,” Reinhard informed Lin over coffee. “My blood sugar levels have dropped to normal. The doctor says it’s incredible how I recovered. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” After finishing, she asked for a kiss but he gave her on both cheeks.

“Lips?” She asked when they were out.

He just stood there.

“You love me?” That broke his stare. Remembering an Ally McBeal scene, Lin twisted the lines. “Kiss me! Put your lips where you mind is!” The shorter boy tiptoed and gave her a mouth-to-mouth kiss, finding her lips tasting like berries, not of the coffee earlier. He held it there for a minute and a half, the most amazing time in his life.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Richard will return in ‘Drama Crisis’.

21: Multiple Cases


Barely surviving her ‘alien abduction’, Michelle’s parents place a stop on her detective activities while the others and the authorities clamber to find the truth. Meanwhile, the rest find mysteries of their own. Jenn finds it strange that one of her debate and drama club members is not performing as she should. Lin solves the reason why her classmate is harrassed online while Reinhard helps a junior science club member.

Bethan’s capture scene is based on Aimee-Ffion Edward’s scene in the horror TV series Inside No 9 episode The Harrowing.

The scene where the other captive is found is based on this classic from Lifetime’s Web Cam Girls.

Adult Bondage scene but performed on an adult.

Author’s note: Rest in peace Kenneth Tsang the inspiration for Lin’s father.

Lin Ling finished her breakfast, cleared the dishes and headed out, waiting for the school bus. She raised her eyes as her classmate, close friend and fellow detective Michelle Summers still wasn’t taking the regular school bus again. After rescuing her from that eerie unknown location, Chelle had to undergo constant medical test by doctors and police forensic personnel. They had checked her blood many times, her nervous system, menstrual cycle, urine samples all checks came out with the same conclusion – a healthy teenaged girl. Lin was also extensively question about the shady men who suddenly picked her up, gave her the unknown location where Chelle was held and the unknown vaccine. In the haste in rescuing Chelle, she had left the note with the geographical locations of that chamber behind as well as the syringe and canister filled with the vaccine. None of the test could detect the mysterious virus and authorities said they were looking into the explosions to gather more evidence. Lin found that as a cover up.

“Hey, you got special escort again,” Lin noted the plain-clothed authorised firearms officer (AFO) following her behind she entered the school grounds. “Yeah, Nikki’s idea. At least my mum agrees,” Chelle waved at the officer. She was referring to Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nicola Heath, their long-term ally at the local police. “So far everything’s been calm. No UFOs, no little green men.” She laughed. Lin, having taken a scientific view over the last mystery but having saw those weird creatures emerging from the crypods, she was now a bit towards Chelle’s view.

“And your parents are still formally stopping you from any detective work?” Chelle nodded glumly. As they talked, Jenn joined them and Chelle wondered about the smart student’s look. “Bethan was late for drama planning and practice three times in a row. No, she’s usual always punctual and always arriving on time and occasionally earlier than myself. I think…”

Lin excused herself as she spied Reinhard Tomas, the newest member of their team. Ask she headed towards, he smiled broadly, no longer shocked by her beauty. “Hey, ready for the new science club members?” After his ‘yup’, she added, “We do need to present fresh ideas for the club if we really wish to be co-Presidents in the senior years.”

“You have the brightest ideas,” he replied.

“We both do,” she responded as the morning bell rang. “Beter button up or you’ll be cold and the discipline mistress will catch you.” She smiled in return although he didn’t know if that was the right line to say.

The gang plus Mark the rugby player with the weird surname Cadvish came together as usual during their lunch break. “So, you’re worried over Bethan’s sudden lack punctuality?” Lin started.

“She didn’t give a specific answer; just said she had some personal issues to deal with. It may or may not be worth investigating.” The five of them debated but no conclusion was made. Chelle was disappointed more from the fact her parents had halted her detective work. With lunch break over, Lin was about to head to the library first until she heard a cry and spotted Julia Humes, her classmate shaking her personal laptop.

“Julia? Something bothering you?”

“Oh, hey Lin. It’s…” the bell rang. “Explain about it later,” Julia replied, but her facial features indicate she was worried.

After their French class, Jenn pulled Bethan aside and questioned her again for her late attendance.

“It’s my personal activities,” Came the short answer. When asked to explain further, Bethan simply replied that it was something like Jenn’s detective gang and she’ll reveal it soon. Jenn still had doubts about Bethan’s new activities but did not press the matter at that time.

“It’s Fandom,” Julia started explaining to Lin as she exited her extra physics class. She refilled her tumbler from the nearby water cooler then continued. “I’m being harassed on the Michael Crichton novel Fandom. Users named WaterKong1, Third_Indominus and Spinosaurus Magnis Wutanis claim that I’m posting inaccurate information.” She drew Lin to a side table and showed the comments she received. “Good gosh,” Lin exclaimed. “I’m glad I’ve I didn’t edit Fandom when I created my account and similarly with my Wikipedia account.” Turning serious she continued, “What do the local administrators say?”

Julia scrolled down to show her classmate. “They gave rather bland response and blocked them only for a day and the…”

Lin’s phone buzzed and noting the message and said she’ll catch up later. The science club meeting she and Reinhard chaired later turned out to be rather short yet fulfilling as many Year 7 and Year 8 students were recruited after seeing the science demonstrations that Reinhard and Lin presented. The senior club presidents thus unanimously agreed to make the pair club presidents when they moved to Year 10. Just as the meeting ended however, Lin exclaimed she had a family emergency and ran off with Reinhard unable to form any words of comfort. As he headed out, he spotted one new Year 7 girl crying. Asking her what was the problem was and didn’t get a reply first. Still moving away, he heard a German accent stating her science project went missing. Reinhard greeted her in fluent German and learnt that she, Karin, couldn’t find the project — she remembered keeping in her locker but it was missing and now her teacher was not taking that as an excuse. “I’ll help you find your project,” Reinhard concluded though was not sure he could.

The team, minus Chelle planned to meet together at their meeting place but only Mark, Reinhard, Lin and Jenn appeared. A flurry of WhatsApp messages between the other teenaged detectives and the Malaysian-Hongkonger revealed that her dad was in A&amp;E due heart problems. She messaged that he was stable now and it wasn’t life-threatening. Reinhard finally managed to form words and wished her and her family well. Thanks, you’re a nice friend, she wrote back, causing his heart to beat rapidly.

The group shared what they faced and only Jenn’s case a detective-centred one. “Well, being harassed online and a missing school project may still count,” she responded. “Got any new gadgets for us?”

“Uhm, haven’t thought any,” the newest member replied, though he wished Lin was here because she had the ideas when asked.

“Oh well, they usual ones will still work.” The group turned to their homework but as Jenn solved some advanced algebra questions, her thoughts wandered what exactly her drama and debate club friend was up to.

“Hey, is your dad alright? I heard the news,” Julia asked Lin as they exited their English class.

“Yeah, still in hospital but the doctors say after some checks, they’ll release him tomorrow or the following day,” came the reply. “You still getting that harassment on Fandom?”


“Actually, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you get the surname Humes? I thought…”

“It’s ok to ask. My dad changed his last name when he came over here to escape any conflict. The original surname is…well he never told me.” Lin accepted that and looking at Julia’s laptop, shaking her head. “The admins basically support those three abusive accounts deleting my polite messages regarding what I received. They’ve either deleted my messages, blaming the server and worse now look,” Lin saw the phrase ‘mentally ill’ and nearly shouted. “Those twits, did you bring this up with the main Fandom staff?” Julia nodded but didn’t have high hopes they would be more helpful. The Fandom staffer named with a simple profile name AnnaW replied. Her act was to globally block WaterKong1 for a week and sent warnings to the Michael Crichton novel Fandom admins and other to users.

“One week? That’s like just a slap of the wrist,” Julia commented with a slight groan.

“Let’s see what happens after.”

The next day, before the start of school, Reinhard spotted Karin, the Year 7 student and immediately learnt she searched everywhere and still couldn’t find her project. “Could I perhaps take a look at your locker room?” That was a complex question as first each year had their lockers separated from each other and student from different years were not permitted to enter other Year’s locker area and all locker areas were monitored by CCTV. After convincing her that he had no ill intentions, he followed, spotting a blind spot and entered it. This precaution was further necessary as lockers were separated also by gender for privacy reasons. “Here’s mine,” she pointed and he focused on the sides. “There are some scratches on the sides, no it’s not paint peeling or rust.” He used his hankie and tried to move the combination lock, finding slightly loose. It’s not secure. Did you tell anyone about where you kept your project?”

She shook her head and he replied they should report it. As they exited, he noticed a male student with a hoodie on – in violation of school rules inside – heading back to the ladies’ side of the Year 7 locker. Reinhard immediately stayed back and sure enough, the hooded student pulled out a small penknife and jabbed around the edge of a random locker, then around the combination lock. The door was forced open and the figure ruffled through the contents, pulling out a school workbook.

“Hey, you just broken into a locker and…” Reinhard’s words were cut off as a blazer was flung at him and the figure darted off. The newest teen detective gave chase until both of them slipped on a just-mopped floor.

“You two, you both should know the school corridors are not for playing around,” scolded Mr. James Henderson, the discipline master.

“And what exactly where you,” Mrs. Janic Hughes the discipline mistress appeared pointing at Reinhard, “doing in another Year’s locker area, especially the opposite gender?”

I’m a dead guy, Reinhard thought. Then he rattled off what he spotted. “Really, and what excuse do you have?” The other student angrily shouted that it was Reinhard who was stealing stuff.

Both boys were escorted into the CCTV room and the tapes were played back, showing Reinhard and Karin in that locker section. Just as Mrs. Hughes was about to call that student when she burst into the room and corroborate Reinhard’s story. The tapes were playing until Hughes spied the other student damaging the locker. “Hoodie off,” that had to repeated twice and the penknife fell out.

“Alright Mr. Tomas, you are cleared and back to your class. You,” Mr. Hughes pointed his finger at the culprit, “Return the young lady’s project and you’re in serious trouble.”

“That was an excellent case solved,” Lin patted her fellow detective’s back at break time. The school had now rearranged the CCTV cameras so that would-be vandals or thieves could be easily spotted and ordered stronger locker doors. The thief and vandal, Lucas, was expelled from school and Reinhard received a thank you letter from Karin’s mother.

“It wasn’t much; just helping a junior student.”

“Anything counts. People will take credit and awards from you, never remove it from yourself.”

In another corner, Jenn thanked Bethan that her drama act was much better although she did miss one small line. “Ready for our debate competition this afternoon? We’ve got to take that Weaver guy and his team down.” Bethan said yes but Jenn still suspected her friend’s mind was somewhere else.

“The Fandom staff idiots unblocked that asshole WaterKong1before the seven-day block was over and won’t tell me why. Now the Kong guy is mocking me on his profile and undoing my edits on the Andromeda Strain article and others,” Julia reported ton Lin.

“I’ve not read The Andromeda Strain, Lin admitted. “What idiots indeed. Let me try activating my own account and I’ll write a response to other Fandom staff on your behalf.”

The debate competition was over and the judges declared the Michael Vincent school team the winner. Jenn was incensed, even though she was awarded best speaker. “Bethan, you totally screwed up your speech and rebuttal! What’s wrong…”

A ginger-haired student came by and started congratulating Jenn for her award. She was still angry at her team’s loss yet paused at the newcomer. “How do you manage to debate throughout without looking at a single note?”


Jenn excused herself abruptly, noticing Bethan was exiting fast. “Bethan!”

“Jenn, alright I own up. It’s a drama training school that I discovered. The teacher, Mr. Jason Layton has an extensive CV and I hope to gain experience from him. Oh gosh, I’ll be late, tell you more about it later. Sorry for the poor debating.” One part of Jenn made her accept this explanation while another told her it sounded murky. Grabbing her bag, she aimed to follow her friend except that Bethan had already entered a taxi that drove off. Jenn could have classically hailed another taxi to follow but instead entered a bus that was on the same route as the taxi.

“Hey, look, another Fandom staff with username ReverieGuy overruled the decision and globally banned the WaterKong1 user, the others who harassed you and the local administrators were removed. He asks if you like take control of the Crichton Fandom?”

“Oh, yes I do! Thanks so much for all your help, Lin!” Julia shook her classmate’s hand and typed her reply. In any other situation, she would have hugged, however, the school now forbade any such acts or signs of affections. It was a silly rule but the majority of students obeyed.

Jenn had change buses in order to follow the Taxi Bethan took. The latter had alighted and entered some house with vines all over the wall. She was greeted by the Mr. Layton and told to wait and the only other occupant was a taller girl named Sierra who just moved to the UK with her divorced mother. “This place sounds exciting,” she remarked with an American accent, though Bethan now didn’t think so, given the weird artwork on the walls.

After school, Lin headed, home to change clothes then to the local library with the aim of finding a copy of The Andromeda Strain. Just as she was about to enter, she had a thought, drew out her phone and scanned Wikipedia. I guessed right, that Waterkong1 person also has a Wikipedia account. No wait, the other Fandom accounts who harassed Julia also have Wikipedia accounts! Nothing much on their edits then she clicked on Waterkong1’s talk page.

Oh, I’m so going to get that loser who knows nothing about Crichton’s work, Waterkong1 wrote.

Yeah, get her bro, you’re in the UK, right? Third_Indominus wrote. Rough her up.

Yeah, Croonford right? Find the other who persuaded the staffer to get ya globally blocked, Spinosaurus Magnis Wutanis wrote.

The B&amp;B location was identified in initials and thus easily guessed so and after sending messages to her friends and the police ally DCI Nikki Heath, Lin hailed the nearest taxi.

The drama instructor called Sierra further into the house, leaving Bethan still wondering about the paintings which now scared her. Outside, Jenn wondered if she should return home and her friend was really was in a drama school when there was an audible noise from one of the windows then suddenly shutters were close for all the buildings windows. That’s quite strange for the now spring weather. She rang the doorbell but no one answered and there was no eyepiece at all. That was murky enough for her and also contacted the other detectives.

Lin couldn’t convince her way into the B&amp;B despite her reasoning and plea. Dejected, she didn’t return until she spotted a nearby empty factory with lights on. It could be something to look at except there didn’t seem to any entrance and….

Jenn managed to use the skeleton key and laser pen to unlock the backdoor, finding her in an extremely dark interior. Diming the special torchlight Lin made for all the detectives, she still wondered if she made the right move breaking into someone’s building until she heard a loud muffled cry. There were two staircases nearby and she wildly chose the left, arriving in a narrow corridor. There were at least three doors on the right and the muffled sounds came from the second door. Again, she used her laser pen and skeleton key but the battery ran out. She turned on the special watch which also has a laser cutter and even with its lower power, the doorknob came loose and Jenn pushed with all her might, nearly slamming the door against the wall.

The room was freezing cold and quite dark. Bethan was sitting on an ornate and antique chair, just in her white bra and knickers. There was an IV drip, thankfully not connected to her nearby, with clear liquid in the bag. Her arms bent like the chair’s arms, her secured with white cable ties, one end not cut away. Her ankles were bound together with yellow cable ties, also secured to a bar between the two front legs. A crepe bandage was formed as a rather strong cleave gag and she naturally yelped in delight seeing Jenn, then directed her cries to another part of the room.

Further away, Lin awoke with sore neck, immediately scolding herself not to watch out for assailants. A quick look saw that her coat and jumper were both removed, leaving her in her maroon tank top and skirt. She was bound to a wooden pole, wrists secured with coarse rope, and similar lengths of rope wrapped below her breasts. A simple wounded piece of cloth was forced between her lips and tied behind her head to form a weak cleave gag.

Jenn held her finger to her lips to tell Bethan to calm down while she advanced towards the other noise. It initially appeared as an old frail man in a bed but on close look, it was just a mannequin with a tape recorder playing wheezing and ghostly sounds. With that switched off, she used the special penknife hidden along the waistline of her skirt to cut away her friend’s bonds. “Oh, Jenn, Jenn…”she lowered her voice as Jenn again placed her finger to her lips. “There’s another girl, Sierra, he’s got to hold her hostage here.”

Lin was naturally tugging at her bonds when a guy in white singlet and black trousers appeared, smoking a cigarette. “Ah, you must be user ScienceWhizz? Well, I’ll a show you a science test.” He moved behind her and blew a puff of smoke then prepared to jam the cigarette in any part of her bare skin. Lin anticipated this and was about to strike back when she heard a familiar voice cry, “No!”

“I don’t know; she was called ahead and I was left waiting,” Bethan informed Jenn as she rubbed her sore wrists and bare skin from the chill. Jenn passed over her coat and pondered her choices. Checking her phone, the signal was somehow blocked. Should she get Bethan out or find the other girl? “Stay close to me,” she advised, wishing the others were around. The two quickly heard more muffled sounds at another end of the corridor. The skeleton key easily opened the door and Bethan gasped. Sierra was still clothed but her ankles were bound with cable ties and in return secured to the railing of the bed she was on. Her hoodie was forced down and held down by a longer length of zip tie. Her arms were therefore held behind her and worse, there was a black ball in between her mouth held by black leather straps that around her head. “Don’t worry, we’re here to rescue you,” Jenn waved, thinking the restraints and gag reminded her of the netballers held hostage during a previous Halloween. She started working on the bonds — Sierra’s hands were also bound behind her back with cable ties but with the moaning Jenn worked her fingers and took time to unbuckle the gag.

Reinhard aimed the portable net and it wrapped around the smoking captor. It wasn’t large enough to cover the man’s height but it did knock the cigarette away and the guy fell. Lin by this time managed to loosen her wrist bonds and her fellow detective help her loose. She kicked the fallen captor then asked if the police were coming.

“DS Ransom,” Reinhard learnt not to mention her first name, “didn’t exactly get your question but patrols should be sent. What n…” The captor struggled out of the net and brandish a knife.

Jenn had just managed to unbuckle the straps and as Sierra coughed, the door opened and blinding light shone along with a snarl. “Well nosey little girl breaks into my place. Good addition to my…”

Despite the glaring light, Jenn fired another gadget she had – the pen with the pepper spray. “Girls, run!” They did so but the whole building was a maze and the darkness further hindered their moves. Jenn and Bethan managed down but the front door couldn’t open. “There’s no way out girls,” The evil man called and Jenn saw him holding Sierra by her neck and she was gagged again. With a pistol pointed at them, Jenn knew she had to surrender when there was a commotion and the front door broken open.

“Police!” The familiar cry of DCI Nikki Heath came.

“Oh, back away or her brains get blow away,” Layton snarled, as Sierra whimpered.

The thug swung, nearly striking Reinhard’s feet. “Let’s get out!” Lin cried, yanking his hand. Unlike earlier, she spotted a door and thankfully it was unlocked. They were far from safe as two more men dressed similarly approached them from different corners. The pair managed to dodge them but quickly found themselves in a set of leafless trees.

“Unusual for spring,” Reinhard muttered.

“What other gadgets did you bring?” Lin pulled him down and scanned the area. They were trapped. He only had the male version of the penknife and the pen with the pepper spray and ink. “It’s good enough, we can fight our way out.” Just then, there were shouts and a whistles and grunts. “Ok, kids, you’re safe.” Kids?! Lin raised her head to see a PC waving at them. Ignoring the insult, the pair got up and saw a familiar face. “Didn’t understand your message, ” Detective Sergeant (DS) Bluebell Ransom remarked, “but knife crime sure is a chargeable offence.”

“Where’s Nikki?” Lin wondered.

In the dark building, Jenn and Bethan were now shielded far behind a female PC and watched Nikki Heath negotiating with the hostage taker. All his demands were for the police to get out and for the girls to return. Nikki would agree to that but signalled for her accompanying officers to withdraw. As Jenn reluctantly followed the PCs out, there was a soft thud, causing Layton to momentarily turn around. This finally allowed Nikki to draw out her Taser X26 CEW, activating the flashlight and fired. “Subject is down!” She declared, advancing quickly, grabbing Sierra and removing her gag. “That was a risky act, Mark,” she spotted the rugby player and knew it was him who caused the noise. “But thanks.”

As per normal, the group, minus Chelle gathered in their headquarters. “Using an adult gag on a minor?!” Mark exclaimed.

“That girl Sierra is actually 18 going to 19-years of age,” Jenn corrected. “But yes, using that sort of gag is horrible.” Jenn also recounted that Nikki had to face much questioning from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) regarding her use of the taser and other recent activities, however, was cleared from her actions.

“Sorry, just went to check on Papa,” Lin announced as she entered and told them he was fine. “Also learnt that it was the B&amp;B owner who called the police to aid us,” she explained to Reinhard.

“Well, that’s two cases solved,” the other science whizz declared.

“Three, don’t ignore what you did,” she reminded him. “We should update Chelle.”

Chelle in fact was in her bedroom, wondering if the truth of her weird abduction would ever be revealed.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in State Property’.

13: Doggy Business


Jenn is asked to take care of a neighbour’s dog which is more than it meets the eye. Meanwhile, Michelle manages to invite Mark to dinner at her home and stuff happens.

Detectives’ meeting place
Almost immediately after the last case

“Feeling alright?” Jennifer Thompson asked Lin Ling as they keyed in their code for the digital door lock on their headquarters.

“Uh yeah, just trying to get rid of the rest of the tape gag mark,” she pointed to the right side of her cheek.

” I tried this cream, works miracles,” Jenn handed her a new moisturiser. To Lin, a science geek, most of the tape gag mark was scrubbed off. “That’s wonderful!”

“That was a really embarrassing position you were in last time,” Jenn added.

“Yeah, I’ve joined the bound and gagged in my undies club,” Lin laughed and noted she had to catch up as Jenn stated she experienced that twice. Just then, Michelle Summers appeared and her fellow girl detectives each gave their no-longer-grounded friend a deep hug.

“I don’t know how you suddenly appeared right after me,” Jenn raised her eyes. Chelle explained it was pure luck she spotted Jenn far away as she too rented a bicycle after she alighted from the train station. She also received Mark’s update on where the carnival trucks were headed but her phone battery died that instant. She was delayed by traffic, nevertheless spotted Jenn jumping onto the first truck and cutting a hole on the tarp. Chelle also managed to jump in just in time to tackle the kidnapper. “You really fought well and used Lin’s device to trap him. If not, I thought I would also definitively be another kidnappee,” Jenn remarked.

“Well yeah, you went in first,” Chelle smiled. “Must be all the gymnastics training I hated as a child.”

“Must the ballet classes I was forced to sign up when young,” Jenn added.

“Hey, you’re using of my fishing net gives me an idea to convert it into device,” Lin added and also was thankful they retrieved all other gadgets this time. Mark then entered, nearly banging his head on the door frame. “Hi all, what did I miss?”

“Oh, just some girly talk,” Lin lied. “So, what’s next?”

“Next is to smoke out Molly Peacock. She for sure was the Cat’s henchwoman who nearly got me and Lin killed.” Jenn replied.

“I thought you wanted a non-detective and restful summer break,” Lin pointed out.

“I do when I get Molly. Here’s my idea,” she outlined it, noting Mark’s muscular build could be of assistance.

Croonford School
Drama Club meeting room
A Day later

The junior drama team meeting ended with the students discussing which plays they would perform when school reopened and there was a series of votes for the junior leadership. Jenn easily was voted as Vice President, Harriet or Hattie Coy got props director with Bethan Morgan as her assistant while Molly Peacock was voted as assistant secretary with the smallest majority.

As the students closed the meeting, Jenn immediately discussed her last few adventures with Hattie and Bethan. “That was a wild time you had in Coventry,” Bethan remarked.

“Indeed. But not as scary as being bound and gagged half-naked and the structures around me being demolished.”

“Have the coppers found those thugs who nearly killed you?” Hattie asked

“Yeah, they’re closing in. Our detective team also has some strong evidence on one girl who might be part of it,” Jenn ensured Molly was in earshot when she said that.

Detectives’ meeting place
Just after an hour and half later

The summer sun was naturally blazing down and everything else seemed normal. Just then, a dark-clothed figure with a hood with Cat whiskers painted on the front approached the opening hatch. Just as the figure eyed the keypad, a low pitch came and a net tightly covered the figure, who immediately cried out. Another figure darted and grab the would-be intruder into the converted caravan.

The netted and grabbed person kept crying out but the stronger figure dumped the person on the chair and gaffer tape was wound around the dark-clothed figure’s wrists. Torn cloth was wound around the person’s ankles.

“Pretty good binding,” Chelle remarked, having experience in being trussed up.

“Let me go!” the figure shouted as Mark held her down. The voice gave away the identity and Jenn yanked away the hood.

“Molly! I knew it was you! You’re part of the Cat’s gang who nearly left me and Lin for dead! Chelle and Lin during Halloween!”

The red-haired girl stared at her childhood friend then burst out crying. “Jenn, I love you but then you became so much smarter and better than me by twelve, look you got voted as VP of the junior drama club and I couldn’t stand the jealously…” Molly burst out crying and begged the team to let her go.

“No!” Jenn called. “First, you answer, were you one of those who kept strip me to my underwear, trussed and gagged me and Lin up and nearly got us killed by wrecking balls?!”

“I don’t know…” Molly’s tears were streaming down her cheeks.

“Who’s the Cat girl! Who’s the other accomplice! Tell us!” This cry came from Chelle but the red-haired girl fell silent. “I know what will make her talk. Keep her there,” Jenn ordered and headed out to the garden. She returned quickly and a spider was soon crawling across Molly’s arm.

“Please, no! Get it off! I don’t know, one day I was contacted by a strange number and soon enough the person paid her cash – I never got to see his or her face and the voice was masked. I was provided with this outfit. I had no idea what she was planning to do to you and Lin Ling I just had to follow as ordered. It wasn’t me at Halloween! Please, get this spider off! It’s going to bite me!!!”

The trio and Mark looked at each other and silently agreed she was telling the truth. Jenn finally pulled the spider off with a tissue, hit it and threw it in the dustbin. “Aw, it’s not poisonous, right Lin?” The science geek nodded and Molly’s fear partly subsided.

“What…what are you going to do to me?!” She was wailing now.

“Shut up,” Jenn grabbed a nearby cloth and stuffed it in Molly’s mouth. “That’s far better than the ultra-sticky gag I received! And at least you’re clothed!” The young detectives shifted away to privately discuss and decided to let the authorities deal with her. Molly was freed and Jenn and Lin personally brought her to their ally, Detective Inspector Nicola ‘Nikki’ Heath. “That was pretty a pretty fast move you made after Lin shot out her latest gadget,” Michelle patted his back.

“All from my rugby training. Say would you like to grab a cup of coffee and snack? We should talk to get to know more about each other.”

“I’ve to head home now. What about dinner at my home some time?” Chelle wondered then if she could meet the challenge she just made.


Thompson’s residence

Jenn in her room was just about to relax reading a book when her mother called me from the front patio. “Jennifer, could you come down here a moment please?”

Jenn headed down and greeted. “Oh, hello Mrs. Harrow.”

Mrs. Martha Harrow was one of the Thompson’s neighbours with her competition prize-winning Poodle Maximus Augustus, known affectionately as Max. She was surprisingly actively for a woman of 66 and Jenn often saw her out walking Max.

“Jennifer,” Mrs. Harrow started. “I was hoping you might be able to do me a favour.”

“What would that be?”

“Well, you see I have to go out of town for around a week. My twin sister Aggie has to go into hospital for a hip operation and she’s going to be laid up for a few weeks and her children who were supposed to be looking after have gone overseas for holidays, silly folks, and won’t be back till next also in a week. So, I’m going down to stay by her side. The problem is Aggie lives outside Oxford and I can’t bring a dog to the hospital or leave him at my sister’s home uncared for. You’ve always been fond of Max.”

“Yes of course I’m very fond of Max, He’s a wonderful dog.” This was the truth.

“So, could you care for darling Max for me while I’m away? Walk him twice a day, feed him every evening, bath him every other night and brush his coat daily. I’ll show you how now.”

“Please Jennifer, it would mean so much and I’ll double your allowance for this month,” this came from her mother.

Jenn then guessed it also was a way to keep her busy away from anymore detective work or adventures but agreed to. She headed over and Mrs Harrow called.

“Max! Come here boy! Come and say hello to Jennifer.”

Max appeared behind her wagging his tail, he really was the most beautiful black poodle, his coat neatly trimmed but not clipped. Sitting down in front of her he raised his right paw politely and they shook hands.

“I usually take him out for about 20-30 minutes in the morning depending on the weather and at least an hour in the early evening, before it gets dark. I feed him at 7pm in the evenings. He has normal dog food from the bags over there but you’ll have to bring him back here for his meals, for some funny reason he won’t eat anywhere else but this kitchen. I’ll leave you a spare key.”

“That’s interesting,” Jenn noted, tickling Max’s ear.

“You’ll also find a dog bath in the kitchen,” Mrs. Harrow continued.” Max has to be bathed every other day it’s best to do it when you get back from his evening walk. He’s fairly tired after his exercise and less stubborn.”

“Has Max had his walk today?”

“Not his main walk, I was waiting for you. I thought you might like to come with us.”

“Come on then. Max, walking time!”

Max didn’t need to be told twice, he leapt to his feet so quickly it made her jump. Mrs. Harrow handed Jenn a choke chain and I slipped it round the poodle’s neck. They took Max out to some open fields and let him off his lead to run free for a while. Mrs. Harrow made very clear to me when it was safe to let Max off its lead. Eventually when Max tired himself out, they headed back.

“Okay, Jennifer,” Mrs. Harrow continued. “Why don’t you grab the bath and I’ll show you how to bathe Max. It’s a precise mix of hot and cold, you don’t want to scold Max but the water mustn’t get cold too quickly either.”

Once the water temperature was fine, Mrs. Harrow called Max, he stepped up to the bathtub and climbed in without a fuss, sitting down in the water. The poodle didn’t seem bothered in the slightest, in fact if anything he seemed to be enjoying it. Then she scooped up some of the bath water in the pitcher and rinsed him down.

“Why don’t you try it now?” She suggested. Jenn did and the elderly neighbour praised her as a natural.

Later on, Jenn received a flurry of WhatsApp messages. ‘Did you really have to get poor Molly arrested?’ This came from her drama club colleagues. ‘ ‘Well, if you knew who restrained, gagged you and nearly got you smashed to bits, what would you do?’ She typed back. Molly was indeed taken in for a long interrogation but as with the teen detectives, she couldn’t reveal any information regarding the Cat. Still, she was suspended from school for at least the next term and booked into a Secure children’s home for re-training her psychologically. ‘Congrats on becoming a dog walker for the summer,’ this came from Chelle and Lin, the former stating she was allergic to such dog’s fur yet fine meeting Jenn with Max. Lin had no such trouble.

Two days later, “Come on boy!” Jenn called to Max, putting on a pair of white trainers. Walk time!” The poodle leapt to attention, waiting patiently while she slipped the choke chain over his head.

“Shall we head in a new direction?” she asked. “The park? The fields?”

As if in answer, Max pulled at his lead and barked twice towards the direction. The park was a great choice as it held a stall that sold ice creams and cold drinks that she loved. As she headed towards it, the stall owner Doug greeted her but waved his hand, stating he didn’t want any pets near his stall. Sighing, she found a ‘for pets’ stand, patted Max and tied his leashed there, hoping he wouldn’t make a mess. Jenn bought her favourite, freshly squeezed fruit drink and was sucking the ice cubes from the bottom when she heard a commotion. Turning around, she saw two new pets at the pets stand but no black poodle was anywhere to be seen.

“Max! Max!” She called but there was no familiar bark. Jenn queried the nearest folks but only received ‘sorry luv’ or ‘haven’t seen any dog, darling,’ in reply. She dropped the remains of her drink in a nearby bin and ran wildly, then spotted four taller boys, with one holding on to Max, now with a muzzle on.

“Hey, that’s my dog! Give him back!” It wasn’t really her dog but Jenn didn’t care to correct herself.

“I see no ‘this is my dog, signed shorty,'” the dog handler shouted back.

“It is and doesn’t belong to you!” Jenn immediately hated this childish argument yet she wasn’t thinking straight this time.

“It will be if you pay more than we’re paid. Get shorty away lads!” he yelled and two others ran and pinned her down. Instead of naturally screaming, she reached into her pocket and activated the siren that Lin made a while back.

“Bloody hell, she’ve an anti-rape alarm!” The boys scattered and Jenn ran after the dog handler but only tripped and scratched her knees. A jogger kindly picked her up and looking around, the dognaper was out of sight. “No…” she wailed out like then she heard a call. “Hey, dear, is this your dog?”

Jenn looked straight a saw a homeless man gesturing with his only army and there was Max, tied to a bench.

“Oh yes, it is, thank you sir,” she said and freed the poodle from the muzzle and re-attached the leash to her wrist. The homeless just said the dognaper let go of Max and he managed to coax the dog toward him. As a sign of gratitude, Jenn gave him a £5.

“Oh, we’ve heard of the lot. We’ll increase patrols and get ’em,” the Police Constable nodded but didn’t bother to take note what Jenn heard – the gang was deliberately paid to kidnap Max. The PC and his colleague left and she caught up with Chelle and Lin, recounting what occurred.

“Aw, who would want to snatch this cute dog,” Lin patted Max on his head. The poodle immediately brightened up and licked her hand in reply.

“I don’t know how much and he’s just an ordinary dog,” Jenn replied. The others wondered and Jenn shared what she knew about Max since she saw him as a young girl. Chelle suddenly asked to leave early.

“Where’s she headed to?” Jenn wondered.

“Oh, probably to her boyfriend,” Lin answered, emphasising on the last word.

That was the truth; Chelle had invited Mark around for dinner at her place but she hadn’t planned the menu for the evening! Coincidentally, she found herself in Waitrose but most of the prices were above her allowance even with the awards she received for her detective work. Deep fried and fatty food is out, definitely for a sportsman, too posh an ingredient wouldn’t represent her…Chelle turn the aisle and settled on two pieces of organic rump steak. “Cooking for the parents, luv?” She nodded in response to the cashier.

Chelle intentionally picked this evening as her mother brought her sister down to London to see a musical and meet up with her father. There was a warning not to involve herself in risky adventure, well a dinner date hardly would be one, she guessed. All the other ingredients were at home but steak meant she had to cook it just after he arrived. In her room, she had another challenge, what to wear. After much searching and ruffling, she settled on a dark blue knee-length dress, remembering to put an apron on.

“Evening Chelle,” Mark arrived exacted at 7pm, handing her a box of assorted biscuits and a deep kiss on her lips.

“Welcome to the Summers home. Hope steak is fine for you, how would you like your steak done?” Hearing ‘medium-rare,’ Chelle presented one medium-rare and her medium steak along with pan-fried potatoes and long beans. A quick bite show that she failed to rest the steak long enough and Chelle’s face immediately showed sorrow. “It’s fine and edible,” Mark consoled her. As they ate, they chatted about books, films and music. They found commonality in old war films like Where Eagles Dare, some Terry Pratchett novels.

Mrs. Harrow’s kitchen
The same time

Jenn was clearing up the remains of the dog food when she noticed Max tense up. He raised his head, his ears pointed straight up and let out a low growl.

“What is it boy?” Jenn asked. Then, soft sounds came from back, he let out another low growl and started barking continuously. The bushes rustled again and she heard footsteps running across the concrete path on Mrs. Harrow’s back garden.

“Who’s there?” Jenn called, switching on all lights and as she peered through the window only to notice dark-clothes figures run into a van which sped off.

Mark and Chelle finished discussing the latest series of Line of Duty when they switched to music and found they both enjoyed the British funk and acid jazz band Jamiroquai. Chelle remarked she had CDs in her room and he offered to clean up. Soon, Jay Kay’s vocals filled her room and they held each other tightly as they danced to ‘Virtual Insanity’ and ‘Canned Heat.’ Just as they both sang along to another hit, ‘Little L,’ Chelle’s shoulder straps fell. What the couple didn’t know was they were being photographed far away.

An eatery
The next morning

“What happened?!” Lin exclaimed to her classmate over English breakfast.

“It was an accidental wardrobe malfunction, ok? It just took some sewing to get the zip fixed.”

“Oooh, what colour undies were you in?”


“Chelle and Mark, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

First comes love, then comes a fallen dress…”

“Stop, stop!” Chelle looked around then lowered her voice. “It was a normal white pair alright? I pulled and sewed up my zip fast…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Lin replied, enjoying what she heard. “Well, want to join Jenn as she walks her threatened dog this afternoon?” Chelle replied she couldn’t as she had to help her mother with the gardening. “Excuses, excuses, love bird,” Lin replied as the parted, not knowing their conversation was taped.

Jenn recounted the mysterious van to Lin and asked if she examined the dog muzzle placed on Max by the gang. “Only the initials S. T.” Lin replied and Jenn raised her eyes, stating those were part licence plate of the van she saw. “Oh, nice dress. Do you always dress up for walks?”

“My name is Bond, Jane Bond,” she joked, smoothing down her summer floral dress. Everything appeared normal until they turned a corner and a van sped up. The doors at the back of the van opened and three individuals got out, all dressed in black, including black balaclavas that hid their faces.

Before either girl could react, they were dragged into the van along with Max in a rapid move, the doors slammed shut and the vehicle accelerated away.

“Let go of the dog! Let go!” A female voice yelled at Jenn. She refused and Max barked rapidly and leapt forward but the masked woman had a pole with nooses on the end. This was used for capturing and controlling animals. The thug was too quick for Max and as the dog was trapped, a dart shot out into his neck and Max collapsed unconscious. Meanwhile, Lin had tackled one of the two others who yelled, “Get off me yon silly wee lassie!” he cursed in a thick Glaswegian accent. He yelled to his colleagues to help and a new voice yelled.

“Honestly, I sometimes wonder why I employ you imbecilic cretins, a trio of trained monkeys would give me less trouble. Get her under control!”

With the one who stunned Max holding Jenn with her arms, the other two managed to subdue Lin. The Taekwondo-trained girl still wanted to fight, until a Taser X26 was pointed at her face. Remembering how she was tasered last time by a fake teacher, Lin reluctantly surrendered. Both girls’ wrists were bound with coarse twine and although there was no gagging, the threat from X26 kept the quiet. Less than ten minutes later, the van slowed to a halt. With the guy pointing the taser at them, the girls meekly allowed themselves to be carried in a fireman’s lift out. The teens immediately smelt the foul odour of pets as they were dropped on the ground. They finally got a clearer look at the captor: the first female who stunned Max was around 175cm, black hair protruding around her balaclava and a firm bust size, around a 34B Lin guessed. The other female was just a little shorter, also black hair and a B cup. The Scottish thug looked around 188cm.

The ‘boss’ finally came into view with light brown hair sticking out under her balaclava. Jenn thought even with the hood she looked a lot like…

“Don’t just leave them, tighten their bonds!” she roared and the shorter henchwoman reached in a nearby drawer pulling out two pairs of police-issue steel handcuffs.

“Lookie here!” she grinned. “Just item for you two!” Jenn noted her accent.

The male captor laughed. “Brilliant.”

Within moments both girl detective’s wrist bonds were exchanged for the cold steel rings.

“Right now, get them into yon cages,” the boss ordered. “Wait best gag ‘em first” She said, “This is a respectable neighbourhood. We don’t want ‘em shouting their ‘eads off.”

The woman who had found the handcuffs grabbed two cloths and used them as makeshift cleave gags.

“Right into the cages.” Cages?! They were animal cages and the captors yanked them inside. Each were about 90cm long by 65cm square and for Lin was uncomfortably cramped. Jenn being slightly smaller had a little more room to manoeuvre but not much.

“How long till the mutt wakes up?” they heard the guy asked

“Another hour,” the boss muttered. “Gives us time to work out ‘ow best to dispose of our two guests ‘ere. The coppers wouldn’t mind finding their bodies.” No, Jenn wailed silently at the threat. “You’s two can make yourselves useful an all. Get in the front room an’ start packin’. I don’t wanna leave nothin’ behind when I go.”

Less than a minute later, one of the females called. “Boss, the laxatives are expired!”

The teens heard the boss curse using the F-word. “Go get a bottle of them! Make sure you check the expiry date!” Then there was silence.

Both girls started struggling with Lin slowly managing to slide her cuffed wrists down her buttocks despite the cramp space she was in. With her hands and arms now in front of her, instead of undoing her ankle bonds or gag, she lifted her arms to reach her hair. Extracting what looked like a hair pin, she again slowly twisted her fingers and slowly unlocked each cuff, holding on to the whole set to reduce any noise. Only then did she work to free her ankles and remove the gag. Using the same ‘hair pin,’ she poked and twisted at the lock and soon freed herself. Jenn, who finally managed to get her cuffed wrists in front of her and remove her bonds and gag, was also freed.

“Skeleton key,” she whispered to Jenn who replied, “Where’s Max?” Neither girl had brought along Lin’s torchlight invention but the room wasn’t dark and after a search of the other animal cages of various sizes, which surprisingly were empty, they found the still unconscious dog.

“We should tackle those captors,” Lin suggested but Jenn replied she didn’t bring any gadgets along and didn’t think Lin wanted to face the taser. “Carry the dog,” Lin said and through the darkness, they looked and gleefully found the exit. Outside, the surroundings were totally unfamiliar to them and there was invention but no phone signal on their mobiles. “Keep moving; they might have found we’ve escape,” Lin whispered. After running wildly, Jenn suddenly stopped and although there was now some signal on her phone, something else was gone.

“My purse! It must have dropped in the van or that place!” she cried.

“Well, we can’t return,” Lin replied, dialling for the police. A car took it’s time to arrive and initially the girls wanted to return to their homes, but Lin told the officer to take them to the station, CID branch.

“No one gets there, Miss,” the officer replied.

“Just do so!” She retorted. The girls asked for DI Nikki Heath but found that the police detective was away and her protégé, Detective Constable Bluebell Ransom agreed to listen to them. She as before wasn’t as amicable and asked similar questions several times. “Do you know where you were held?” she queried and Lin produced two blurred pictures she thoughtfully took before they ran away.

“Ok, that will take time to identify the location,” Ransom noted. Jenn also mentioned the van and the partial licence plate, as well as the height and build of the captors which the DC just nodded, as well as noting her missing purse. “Once we locate where you were held, a team will raid along with FSIs.” FSIs were Forensic scene investigators officers who gathered forensics for the police. “Meanwhile, stay at your homes.”

The girls did so, especially Jenn, whose mother was shocked to hear what her daughter went through. Still the girls, along with Mark, initiated a WhatsApp group call. It was a summary of what happened until Jenn noted how the lead female looked had the same height and build as her elderly neighbour. “But why would Mrs. Harrow want to kidnap her own dog?”

“The initials on the muzzle and the van plate. S. T.” Lin mentioned. “Does that have any relation to your neighbour.”

“No…wait, her maiden name’s Taynes…hold on. there’s another call coming,” Jenn paused the group call and answered.

“Hello Jennifer Thompson,” the captors’ voice sent a chill down her spine. “I believe you have something I want and I’ve your cute purse here.”

“The police are after…”

“Oh please, don’t belittle me. Bring that poodle to,” the woman listed a junk yard, “and while you might alert the coppers, well just come alone, especially not with that Chinese girl. 10pm sharp. Do so and you’ll get your purse intact and not hear from me.”

The call ended. Jenn quickly sent a WhatsApp message to the others and dressed up. Her parents’ room was far from hers but carefully, she tiptoed down and retrieved Max who was still partly unconscious. Just as she exited her home, later a ten-year-old red Ford Escort pulled up alongside the kerb and Nikki climbed out.

“Get in Jenn,” DI Heath called. “I was away on leave. Ransom only just updated me on what happened to your girls.” As Jenn buckled up, Nikki remarked she wouldn’t be taking her dog out at such an hour and Jenn explained.

“Of course, you’re not going there alone,” She replied, radioing for backup.

“I’m a trained officer, it’s 25 minutes to the junk yard on the other side of town. Ok here’s what you do: Approach slowly, give in the dog and get your purse. I’ll then approach and hopefully my people will surround and take them in.”

Nikki dropped Jenn round the corner from the junkyard and she made her way to the rendezvous on foot. The iron gates to the junkyard had been left ajar There was a portacabin just inside the gates, the lights from which illuminated the first few metres in front of her. Beyond that it was darkness.

“Hello?” Jenn called out and the lady, balaclava still on appeared out from the darkness.

“Give me the dog,” She growled.

“First I want my…” Jenn replied.

“You’re in no position to make demands,” She pointed out coldly and raising one black-gloved hand in the air she clicked her fingers. Her henchman and women appeared seemingly from nowhere, the women grabbing her arms while the third took Max from her.

“Thank you, Miss Thompson,” the evil leader said as the dog was passed to her. She turned to the man “Take her inside and tie her up, gag her well.”

“This wasn’t…” Jenn’s yell was cut off as cloth was stuffed in her open mouth and a longer and thick cleave gag tightly secured it inside. Rope was quickly tied around her wrists and ankles and another longer rope secured them in a hogtie.

“We’ll be back shortly girl,” the Scottish captor remarked following the others out of the door. “Dinnae go anywhere.”

Before Jenn could respond, there was a shout from outside. “Boss we got a problem!” A moment later Jenn’s heart sank as Nikki was pushed into the room, her hands secured behind her back with her own handcuffs.

“We caught yon copper snooping round outside,” George explained. “Reckon she was following the wee lassie there.”

“Jennifer, I’m disappointed in you. I thought you were a girl of your word,” The boss lady added. “Okay secure her as well.”

Nikki growled, “Give yourself up. You really think I came here alone? Any time now this place is going to be swarming with police and you’ll be in jail.”

“You’re bluffing.”

“Am I?”

Turning to people she snapped, “Right, we need to be out of here now. Shut this one up,” She indicated Nikki. “And put the Thompson girl in the van. We need a hostage,” she growled.

“You don’t want to make this worse for yourself,” Nikki responded with surprising calmness. “If you want a hostage, take me; kidnapping a minor is a serious offence.”

After all Nikki was a police officer, trained in handling tense and difficult situations, whereas Jenn was just a schoolgirl amateur.

“I thought I told you lot to shut ‘er up,” she growled at her colleagues.

The male captor pulled out a roll of parcel tape and tore off a strip sealing it across Nikki’s lips before she could protest. He repeated this action four or five times before forcing her down onto the floor. Removing the belt from his jeans, he then used it to tie the police detective’s ankles together, lashing it tightly around her trousers and black shoes.

Jenn was thrown inside the same van and moments later the engine fired up and the van pulled away, leaving the junkyard. Only just after, police cars and a taxi arrived. “You took too long!” Nikki yelled as her gag was removed. “Minor kidnapped! One captor definitely IC1!” IC mean Identity Code based on ethnicity. “Hurry up Ransom!”

The other teen detectives alighted from the taxi. “Don’t worry, Jenn will have her ID tracker on her,” Lin said, but there were no readings on any of their phones. “Ok, I brought along Eagle with me,” she meant her UAV with a video camera. Just as she set it up, the UAV made a whirling sound and died. “Shit! Mark!” She turned to the newest teen detective. “Get back to our HQ! There’re spare batteries in the second drawer! Hurry!” The rugby player only nodded and re-entered the taxi.

Jenn squealed through her gag not just from the hogtie she was in but as the van sped over a bump.

“Aw don’t cry little girl,” the taller female laughed. “In a few moments, you’ll be hidden away.”

“Yeah, in the lake in the woods,” the other female captor remarked.

“Must ya give the plan away?” the Scottish guy added.

“Oi! Keep it down you lot!” the boss lady called from the driver’s seat. Suddenly a bark came. “The dog’s awake! ” Jenn hoped that would distract the captors. “Tranquillize it! No, just a small dose!”

As one of them reached over, Jenn kicked the person. “Hey!” The guy turned and smacked her bottom in return. “Don’t ya do that girlie!”

Back at the junkyard, Mark arrived and handed over the batteries. The UAV spun and she adjusted it to maximum height. There were several roads and lanes heading out but after several twists she spotted it and rushed over to Nikki and Bluebell.

“What on earth is that?” the junior officer asked.

“Never mind! That’s the van!”

“The woods. Units, Charlie India One, subjects are headed into the woods! Get there ASAP!” Nikki entered the nearest vehicle and drove off.

“Here we are,” the lead captor announced. “Get the dog out first and the laxatives. Then the girl. Once the chain is out, dump her. Oh, you two,” she pointed at the two female colleagues. “Guard the area. The police will be surrounding.” Jenn was dragged out and with the guy grabbing her around her stomach, she watched as the lead captor undid her balaclava and shaking head. It was indeed Mrs. Harrow. Or was she?

Jenn fingered as best as she could and found what she wanted. Just as the new muzzle around Max was removed, she jabbed the disguised penknife Lin invented into the side of the henchman.

“Ow!” He cried but that caused him to release her. “Why you…”

“Why you thug,” Lin yelled, dropping a hard kick on his neck and keeping him down on the ground. The henchman reached and yanked out his taser but that was kicked away, this time by Chelle.

“Police! You’re surrounded! Girls, get back!” The voice of DI Heath called.

“You get back!” The boss lady yelled, grabbing the still bound and gagged Jenn, pushing a gun at her head. “Get back or you’ll have a dead teen all over! Get b…” Something kicked her right leg and a taser shot fired, this from Nikki Heath, an authorised firearms officer.

“Subject is down! You’re safe, Jenn, you’re safe,” Nikki sprang over and undid her restraints and gag. Jenn however and smacked the now handcuffed henchman. “No one ever spanks me again!”

“Evil twin sister,” Jenn walked out with the other teen detectives as she rubbed her chaffed wrists. The lead lady was Aggie Sarah Taynes, Mrs. Harrow’s twin sister who faked her broken hip and kept Martha Harrow delayed from reaching her outside Oxford. Max had unintentionally swallowed her valuable gold chain and was stuck in his intestines. The other captors were as Jenn and Lin identified, one female criminal Natasha Hanson a British Indian S. Patel and a Scottish paroled criminal George MacKenzie.

“Well, I hope that’s all for the summer,” Jenn continued. “Hey Chelle, Mark, did you hear me?”

“They are too busy planning to dance the night away,” Lin explained.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Hostage.’

The End