25: Racist Rabbles


An extreme racist political party is targeting all non-whites, and Lin and her family caught in the middle. The team naturally tries to uncover the true mastermind behind these actions.

Note: This story is entirely fictional.

Adult Bondage scene but performed on an adult.

“Come on Reinhard, come on!” Lin Ling called. The two of them were practicing running the 2.4 km length for the annual BnB competition, formerly known as QuizWhizz. The pair were missing a third member but they were hoping to find one especially a student who was an expert in humanities and current affairs.

The shorter teen detective finally caught with her and asked if they could pause. “It’s just another 200 metres. I’ll match your pace,” She called. True enough, she slowed her pace to match and they completed their practice ending near the town centre.

“12:20,” Lin read out the time on her stopwatch on her wrist. She assumed if she ran at her own time, she would have made it at 11:00 or around 12:00 minutes.

“Thanks for helping me. Gosh, I’ve never ran that far before,” Reinhard remarked after taking a long drink of water. They had hidden their bottles of water and towels in Lin’s special locked box that would emit a smell if anyone else tampered it. “It’s a great relief. The more you run, the more relaxed you become. I’m sure you’ll meet the running timings shortly.” As they drank and towelled off, they further discussed running and the upcoming quiz. As he talked, he kept his eyes on Lin’s outfit. She wore black running shorts and a purple Nike tank top. Her Y-shaped black sports bra was visible as the top straps ran across her shoulders and other straps came just below her armpits. The Jamaican-German boy found girls wearing sports bras fascinating. He had read that sports bra’s minimise the size of a woman’s breasts. In Lin’s case, this didn’t appear so and in his view her sports bra enhanced her beauty.

The pair continued chatting and Reinhard continued thinking. I really could be close to this girl. We share the same interests in all science subjects and we shared the love for international cuisine. She’s such a brave girl when captured and bound and gagged and knows martial arts. The challenges he mused, was that she was at least 5 cm taller him, smarter than him in most other subjects and faster than him in the sports they participated together. Lin, while wiping off sweat was also in thought. This is a guy I really like. He’s one of the few who knows all sciences extremely well, has great ideas at the science club, helped the team’s build gadgets. He’s also the one removing my restraints and gags lately.

“Let’s head to our homes. I need a good…” Before Lin could finish her sentence, they heard a cry, the bang then a group of men with shaved heads appeared and started chanting.

“One, Two, Three, Four, we own this place!

Five, Six, Seven, Eight get lost other race!

Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, white people first!”

The men repeated their chant twice much louder then, some broke away and vandalise a nearby Indian convenience store with red paint. “Hey!” Lin shouted and was about to run over to address them but the shorter teen held her arm and remark, “Let’s leave, they’re racist peeps.”

After both showered quickly at their respective homes, they caught up with Michelle and her Welsh boyfriend Mark in their detective headquarters, a rented caravan. Coincidentally, those two were reading the news on their phones. After reading about Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, the group of them caught up the local news. “A new extreme right-wing party has arisen in the West Midlands has risen up. Their single policy is that only white people, British-born whites can have access to housing, education, the NHS and other social services. They…”

“What the hell,” Lin remarked as she muted the video on her phone. “I never thought the UK political sphere would suddenly be so against minorities. My family moved here thinking there won’t be any racial discrimination.” Reinhard murmured ‘agree’ in response but was more focus on what the East Asian girl was wearing. Lin had sleeveless purple top on with thin black bra straps poking out. She wore a checkered unbutton jacket over it and a knee-length jeans skirt without any hosiery despite the temperature getting colder. This girl really picks clothing to enhance her looks. With all her smartness, her talents in sports and bravery in any danger and her beauty would she accept if I asked her out?

Reinhard’s thoughts were interrupted as Chelle finished watching the news clip and spoke up.

“The party’s called the White Shirts, how dull. The leader’s name is Barry Whitman and he’s gaining more followers daily and turning local councillors and MPs to this party.” Lin swore in Cantonese in response.

“And I thought the BNP was terrible party,” her boyfriend added.

“Sorry I had other activities,” Jennifer Thompson announced as she entered and the others applauded the heroine of the school hostage taking. She was quickly updated. “Racist party. Ok, what’s the actual investigation?”

“You got a point. But their activities spread, we may start digging. The party sounds more like a gang and we’ve handled gangs before.” Jenn silently cringed remembering how the school bullies group restrained her and looked up her skirt.

The detectives discussed the news then broken up with Jenn heading to the bus stop. Reinhard on the other hand, corner his taller classmate and asked him how he came to date Chelle. Mark gave a quick summary how Chelle collided into him and the dinner date. “Why do you ask?”

Trembling a bit, Reinhard blurted out he wanted Lin as his girlfriend. Unexpectedly, Mark didn’t laugh but instead asked his friend why and what he felt about Lin. After providing answers the shorter boy himself exaggerated, Mark then gave his classmate some general advice especially not to rush it. “The time to ask will come at a time you won’t expect.”

Lin, heading back home was incidentally thinking about asking Reinhard out. She again thought of what they had in common then pictured him in her mind. He’s not skinny; he’s muscular. His height isn’t a problem but that might be an issue when I ask him. He may also prefer some guy closer to his ethnicity such as a Jamaican or German girl.

Lin was lost in thought when she spotted graffiti on the wall next to the main door. CHINKS GET LOST!!!! Spotting that the door knob broken, Lin prepared herself in a Taekwondo stance and eased open the door. “Ma? Ma!!!” Lin’s mother was struggling on the dining room floor hogtied with coarse rope. Another round of rope secured her elbows and a cloth gag. Her dress was yanked up to her waist, revealing red knickers. Lin quickly checked if any intruders were around then rushed over, undoing the gag first. As the cloth was removed, Pearlyn Chan spat out something from her mouth and it turned out to be another pair of her knickers.

“I’m sorry for your ordeal Mrs. Chan,” Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nicola Heath replied after taking Pearlyn’s statement. Three masked men with hoods had surprised just as she returned home, mocked her looks, trussed her up and smashed some antiques and furniture. Thankfully, nothing was stolen and the knickers stuffed in her mouth was clean. “We’ll get to the bottom of this. With your permission, I’ll have an officer guarding your residence.” Pearlyn, simply nodded. “Lin? I’ll have the…”

“I don’t think a police officer shadowing me will work, Nikki. Just get this White Shirts nonsense gone.” Nikki didn’t think the new political group was responsible but just gathered the forensic team and left. The news of the anti-BAME party spread across the towns and cities, shocking all citizens alike. It undoubtedly was a topic of conversation amongst the students at Croonford school. “Racists. We’ve already been taken hostage by fanatics,” Harriet Coy, a classmate of Chelle remarked. She silently shuddered as one of the terrorists peeked at her while she was peeing into the toilet.

“They haven’t spread here,” Bethan Morgan added.

“I don’t want to. My family has seen civil war and conflict between ethnic groups,” Julia Humes, a black student whose parents came Uganda. Lin, hugged her classmate. They understood each other very well when it came to harassment over their ethnicity. Case in point came when Art Morton, a former school bully came by and made lewd comments about Julia’s hair. Lin’s glare and her arms quickly scared him away. Everything seemed normal across the school week until Lin received a WhatsApp message that her father’s car was vandalised with the same words written on the windscreen.

“That’s it! This means war!” She declared to the detectives minus Jenn who gathered outside the school gates. “No one attacks my family, no one attacks the Chinese Diaspora in the UK.”

Reinhard wasn’t clear on the word diaspora, instead responded saying no ethnic group should be harassed. He got a pat on his back from her in response. “So, what can we do?” Mark wondered. “This isn’t a simple local gang.”

“We can still look up the leader, come on,” Chelle yanked her boyfriend’s arm.

“So, what do…?”

“Can I see the graffiti?” Lin was curious why and stated her dad was still at work so brought him to her house where the graffiti still remained. “I know that smell but I just recall where,” Reinhard remarked. “This is my portable forensic kit,” he held up some rectangular box still wrapped in plastic. “Got it rather cheap on eBay.”

He received a light hug from her, causing him to tremble silently. Instead of travelling to their hideout, Lin let him work in her home. As Reinhard started working on the kit and his remaining homework, he glanced around the room. He had been at her place before for dinner and study but this time it appeared so majestic compared to his residence. She may reject me due to difference in our social classes. His thoughts were broken up 10 minutes into his forensic work with an update from Chelle and Mark.

“There isn’t much on social media or Google on Barry Whitman but after much digging, we found that his grandfather owns a spray paint shop…”

“That’s it!!! Reinhard interrupted Chelle. “I remember the shop that sold an assortment of paint, it had a distinctive smell that last longer than usual paint.” Mark provided the address even though his classmate knew it. All however, took time to fix a time when they could go there, especially Jenn who was walking.

“Hello Jenn,” the lanky guy greeted as he stood up for her. “I hope this meeting can last longer than the previous ones.”

“Do you want to gloat how many your team beat mine in debate competitions? Or how you’re ranked as top debater when I was in the lead?”

“Definitely not gloating. Tea for two? We can discuss the art of debating and other topics.” Sure enough, Jenn found the discussion not aggressive or arrogant. Midway through she somehow found her asking, “Richard, how do you debate just by looking at one card for less than a minute and present your argument so fluently?”

“I’ve got an Eidetic memory,” he noticed her raised eyes. “Commonly known as Photographic Memory though not exactly the same.”

“Oh,” was her reply. Jenn was silently scolding herself for not recognising the term immediately. Not exactly knowing how to test such a person, she pointed to parts of the cafe, asked him to close his eyes and recall the scene. She entered numbers on her phone’s notepad and similarly asked him minutes later and all answers were precise. “Either you’re a greater liar or really have such a magic skill.”

Richard smiled then suddenly asked if she was part of that Croonford Detectives group. “Our reputation has always preceded us,” she replied though not condescendingly. “Why, you want me to recount our activities? They are practically all over the news.”

“Actually, I…” His reply was cut off by a series of text messages on Jenn’s phone. “I have to leave. Can I catch up with you later?” Jenn threw some money for her tea but he paid. It was the first time a guy paid for her drink.

The five teen detectives reached the paint shop outside Croonford in the late afternoon. “Well, the clientele has certainly changed,” the elderly shop owner remarked.

Lin was about to start but Chelle held her arm and asked about sales of spray paint and Reinhard held up a sample of the paint spray on Lin’s home.

“Yeah, we sell that sort paint.” In response to Chelle’s queries about harassment and attacks against minority groups. “I’m not political. I sell pain to improve infrastructure. Now, are you buying anything?”

As the detectives exited, a man whom was also inside walked up to them and introduced himself as a journalist for Croonford Independent.

“We’ve no time to…” Lin started but Chelle recalled his articles praising their work. “Did you check out the owner carefully? I did. He’s definitely has Arabic features, perhaps even Indian.”

Lin thought a while and said, “So much for his grandson hating non-white people,” she shook her head.

“I’ll be writing up on the evening news. Sure, it’ll have great impact on the White Shirts.”

The break news indeed reduced support for this new extremist group. As Reinhard was trying to write an English essay, Lin sent him a WhatsApp message.

Free to catch tomorrow for breakfast?

Ok where? He typed. She named an outlet he wasn’t familiar with. I’ve got extra English classes, he typed and they set brunch meeting instead. What does she want to talk about? Should I confess I love her then?

Lin actually spotted an image in the shop. It was half a zig zag, almost like half a swastika. She had caught a glimpse of it on a paper on the desk as the shop keeper showed the set of spray paint. She had searched online and found it was the symbol of a rather new investment firm nearby. There was not much about it on its website or any new site but pictures showed that staff dressed in formal business wear. Lin, a fashion guru managed dug up one of the two business suits she owned.

It’s probably nothing to worry about one voice told her but she still had a lingering feeling the symbol meant something. There was no security at the front causing Lin to frown. Just as she pondered whether to turn back or explore any further way in, a lady appeared with a name tag reading Priscilla Hawkins.

She was dressed in a black trouser suit over a peach blouse. The high heels she wore accentuated her height, several centimetres taller than Lin. Long, rather mousy hair straggled around her shoulders. She held a clipboard. She extended her free hand to Lin. They exchanged greetings.

“So pleased that you’re interested in Weirs Investment, Miss Chan,” the lady responded introducing herself as the Deputy Human Affairs Director. Lin had lied to see if she could work part time at their company.

Lin, wished to know more about symbol, instead asked if she could be shown around.

“What would you like to see first?” Lin was escorted into the fastest moving lift ever and entered a small office area.” As you see …” Hawkins waved a hand expansively, “we have a small permeant staff; all our operations can be performed by them.” Lin greeted but no one responded and the curious fact was that everyone was Caucasian.

Before Lin could ask anything, Ms Hawkins led the way further in, through narrow office cubicles. Lin despite having worn high heels many times, didn’t like walking through the narrow space and furthermore uneven ground. Hawkins had brought her to one side of the office area with none of the staff now in earshot.

Suddenly a uniformed man who towered over Lin approached.

“This is Jake Bottomly, our security guard,”

“I was wondering why there was no security at the front desk,” Lin remarked and was ready to ask about the symbol.

“Oh yes. You’ve no idea how tough it in this working world. There’re spies everywhere, industrial sabotage and so on.”

“I suppose you’ll check on me then,” Lin remarked then wondering why she said that.

“Naturellement! One can’t be too careful. That’s why Jake’s here.” Lin was about shift away but the taller and burly guard was faster, grabbing her with on arm the other, hand gagging her. Simultaneously, Hawkins extracted a small tablet from his jacket.

“Ah, should have kept up with the news. Chan Lin Ling, so-called teen detective and science geek or gadget maker. Well, none of your little children toys will help you. You want to know what the symbol means? You’re gone Chink.” Lin spat into the guard’s hand but it was gloved and next felt a throbbing headache and fell into Jake’s arms.

Lin may not have struggled much or had the time to pull out any gadget, but while talking to Hawkins she did reach into her skirt and tape one symbol a * to a the most recent contact in her phone.

Reinhard always hated his extra English classes as he would disagree with the teacher’s over essay writing structure. This time however, the teacher had changed and let the class off at 10:50 am. It was then he caught the single * from Lin.

Lin, are you at the outlet? He typed in response to the text message, finding it strange she didn’t use WhatsApp. He typed the same message both through text and WhatsApp and failed to receive a double tick for the latter.

“Look, the Chink sent a text message,” Jake showed Lin’s phone to his colleague not boss, after checking the unconscious teen for her gadgets.

“We turned on the mobile phone blocker late. Never mind, we’ll have no trouble from her friends – get the transport ready and make sure she does look so smart.”

Not receiving any messages from his friend, Reinhard headed to the outlet, thinking Lin’s phone was damaged or the mobile phone signals were strong where she was. With the buses running late, he reached the small food outlet at 11:09 am, sweating. Even at brunch time, there however weren’t many customers so he waited ordering only a glass of water. 10 minutes later, He got up described Lin to the proprietor, asking if she entered the place earlier.

“No mate.”

“Oh, I did see a girl like that. Was on the 94 bus with early today,” the waitress fixing the coffee called. Upon further query, he learnt where Lin alighted then quickly paid for the water and rushed out, just hearing, “she’s too tall for you mate!”

Reinhard reached that bus stop and found himself near the north-western edge of Croonford. “Lin, are you there?” He called on his phone then saw the battery signal was down to 61%. Cursing, he then remembered the tracker she built. There was no signal initially but just as he moved a few metres, a weak signal from Lin came fifty metres ahead.

Reinhard ran like he never did before and the signal was the strongest in front of a building that simply said for environmental waste. With no contact via phone, text or WhatsApp, he drew out his wallet. The girls had earrings where Lin install minature radios but for the guys, they had to place the radios elsewhere and in Reinhard’s case, he kept in his wallet.

“Lin?” He radioed twice, then held his wallet against his ear. Nearly a minute later, he heard faint breathing.

“Lin, I’ll coming stay strong.” With no clear entrance in sight and the fences strung with barb wire, ‘I’m coming’ wouldn’t be easily fulfilled but suddenly the ground beneath him opened an he fell. It wasn’t a long fall but a little painful landing. Finding himself in a cliche dark chamber, he dug in his jean pockets and manage to find the pen torchlight.

“Oh my gosh!” Lin was restrained to a chair with shiny black duct tape was wound around her lips and head. Her business blazer was removed and her blouse was cut open revealing a black bra with the left strap hanging on her arm. Her bare legs were restrained to the chair’s legs with cable ties and her business skirt slashed with her purple knickers slightly visible.

“Hang on! He cried but the light from the invented torchlight was dim. Finally, he found the edge of the tape and undid the tape in one and a half minutes. Noticing her eyes were closed, he patted her cheeks while calling her name.

“I’m…here,” She coughed. “I don’t suppose you have any water with you, do you?” He shook his head.

“Never mind. Help me get free.” Reinhard used the laser pen to free her legs first then had to shine the light to find the edges of the tape wrapped around her torso. “What the hell!” He exclaimed seeing the words CHINK GO HOME written across her stomach.

Lin herself swore. Just as he tried to shine the laser on her wrist bonds, nothing came out.

“Scheiße!”He swore in German.

“Do you have the penknife?” He shook his head.

“Never mind,” she replied getting up unsteadily. She manged to bring her arms from behind to her front and twisting her bound wrists, she managed to button the only buttons left on her damaged blouse, covering what modesty she had left.

“Which…ow! Headache. Which way out?” Just as Reinhard tried to reach the tube he fell through, two metal doors at the sides swung inward and there was a distinct locking sound.

“What the?”

Lin quickly explained where she was earlier and what happened.

Swearing again, he searched around for another way out with Lin rubbing her head with her hands. Suddenly there was an enormous explosion outside, throwing Reinhard on top of Lin.

“Ow!” They both exclaimed. “Sorry,” he said.

“Apologies came come later,” she replied. “Can you get off me?” It was then he realised his face was on her partly-exposed breasts. He muttered ‘sorry’ again but as just as he did so, they both felt water against their footwear.

“They’re flooding us!” He cried, pushing against the nearest wall. The water rose fast, now reaching past their ankles. Lin, despite hating to leave her branded heels, kicked them away and also pressing against another wall, both now frantic.

“Got a loose panel!” He called, but just as he tried to pull the part of the wall, he slipped and dropped down into the rising water.

Lin screamed and taking a deep breath, she dived into the flood. She was an experienced swimmer but it was a challenge with her wrists still bound and her body feeling weak from whatever drug they gave her or stun weapon they applied. Kicking with her free legs, she headed to Reinhard who had slumped to the floor. Was he unconscious? Lin couldn’t lift him normally but still with all her strength yanked him up by lifting his right armpit.

“Breathe, come on breathe!” She called and indeed he did, spurting out water.

“I thought I was going to die.”

“Don’t you dare think that. Where’s that loose section?”

They both work their fingers and as they did so they took glances at each other. For Reinhard, it was a strange sensation, a small part of his mind wondered about all the cases and activities they’ve gone through. He now appeared could feel her mental and physical strain – or was it his own? In one way, it was perhaps the strain of the morning studies, the rush to that outlet and the dash to this unknown location. But in another way, it was something completely new, like nothing he’d ever experienced before. As he tried to widen the panel, the feeling changed. It wasn’t frightening or embarrassing as he might have expected; instead, something completely exhilarating. ever before had she experienced such a depth and closeness to another person, a person who definitely understood him. Never had he known such a friendship could exist.

Lin herself was also deep in thought. After pulling him out of the water, she suddenly and totally knew all about Reinhard Tomas. Everything about him: his likes and fears, his successes and failures, his strengths and weaknesses, what he liked and his deepest and most private sorrows. She saw into his innermost spirit, to the depths of his heart, to the very core of his being. Never before had she realised how badly she wanted such a relationship.

“It still not moving!” He wailed.

“Don’t give up. You came all the way for me.”

“Actually, it was your idea for a meet-up. What was the plan?”

There was a short pause. “Reinhard, will you be my boyfriend?”

With the water rising up beyond their upper torsos, it might be the weirdest time for a proposal ever. “You mean if we get out of here alive?”

She still didn’t like negative tone. “I mean regardless.”

Under other circumstances, he would have peppered her with many questions. Instead, he smiled in the darkness and replied, “Yes…yes I will.”

Just then, the panel they were pulling came free. Reinhard’s elation was dampened by the size of the shaft revealed.

“It’s better than nothing,” Lin remarked.

“Can you hands manage?” She attempted to lift herself inside but couldn’t and without a word, he helped lift his new girlfriend in. It was indeed a painful crawl for Lin with her wrists bound but with water behind her, she made no complaint. The was some sort of door at the end and despite feeling lethargic, Lin pushed and it swung open.

That was by fair not the end of their peril as dark-clothed figure approached them. “Shouldn’t have drown you first Chink,” Jake Bottomly growled, raising a semi-automatic at them. Reinhard shivered but there was the sound of a ‘click’ and the racist man collapsed.

“Always just in time,” DCI Heath remarked, holstering her TASER X26e.

“How’d you find us?” Reinhard exclaimed then saw the waitress from the food outlet waving.

This whole issue took the longest time to conclude. This shadowy firm that Lin found was a front for providing funding for the anti-minorities political party. That party was quickly dissolved although the anti-minority mindset lingered. Priscilla Hawkins and Jakes Bottomly were slapped were dozens of charges beside hate crimes but they set up an army of lawyers to defend them, calling Lin as an opposing witness. After a long legal battle, the pair were locked up for decades in separate HM prisons with no internet access as well as slapped with a lawsuit from Lin’s father. The symbol was really half a Swatika and the pair expected someone to notice.

“Am thankful for Papa winning the lawsuit and providing me with extra allowance this month. Replacing gadgets are expensive,” Lin remarked while she and Reinhard were re-building gadgets she lost from the latest adventure in the detective headquarters.

“You deserve it,” Chelle added. “And it’s good that you now have someone to really give real tender love while you work.” Reinhard turn a little red in response, not exactly sure how he would proceed with this relationship.

Lin hugged her boyfriend causing him to turn red again. “Hey, it’s great to have a partner. And not from running into one,” she laughed.

“There’s nothing wrong with getting a guy by running into him right Mark?” The rugby player was about to respond when the detective HQ’s door open.

“Where have you…” Chelle wondered.

“Hey you all, this is Richard Weaver from Wattersons Secondary,” Jenn nodded to the 1.77m guy behind her. “He has Eidetic, Photographic memory. I thought he would be a great addition to our team.”

The other teen detectives asked some light questions, then Chelle open up. “Why not? Another one would ease the rental payment here.” With the country-wide economic crisis, the owner of the caravan Mr Morden had to increase their rental fee.

“Another guy won’t hurt,” Mark added.

“Oh, that means I’ve to make a set of gadgets for you,” Lin noted. “Sorry, still have to construct those I’ve lost.”

“No worries,” the newest detective replied then Reinhard saw Lin packing up and held him hand.

“What..Where are we going?”

“To our first proper date!”

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark. Reinhard and Richard will return in ‘Frenchies and Pansies’.


14: Hostage


Michelle’s birthday party is disrupted as she is taken hostage. What follows is a long ride across the UK and multiple failed attempts at escaping.

Author’s note: This story is inspired by, not a copycat, of Sleepover Hostages.

Michelle Summers’ fourteenth birthday was approaching and what should actually have been a joyful birthday was marred by the fact that it her father who was away in Russia. He did promise to return as soon as he could, but she wondered what exactly he was doing over there. As form of making up, her mum treated her and her younger sister Catherine or Kate to a meal at Croonford’s top Spanish restaurant. Checking her texts and WhatsApp messages afterwards, she squealed. “Oh wow. Stacey’s coming down to visit me this weekend. Excellent! I can’t wait to introduce her to all my new friends here; she would definitely mix well with them. Mum, do you think I could have a small party on Friday night? Have a few of my school mates over from school?”

“I don’t mind Stacey being here, she’s a sensible girl but I’m not too sure about you having a party, especially not when I won’t be around,” Mrs Margaret Summers replied.

In Chelle’s excitement, she’d forgotten that her mum had to go down to London Friday to sort out her previous job matters. She’d arranged to stay overnight with her dad’s sister and wouldn’t coming back until late Saturday afternoon. After much convincing and promising that she’ll look after Kate and not inviting any boys over, her mother finally agreed.

Stacey is Chelle’s cousin, the same age as her from her father’s side who moved to Telford, a town directly next to Croonford. Chelle hadn’t seen her cousin since she’d moved to Croonford and her to Telford, though she had e-mailed and texted her often and tried to chat up with her via WhatsApp call or Skype at least once a week and keep in touch regularly via Facebook. Stacey’s family lived in the same district as Chelle did when they were young and the two girls were totally inseparable. Stacey was also always an intellectual and also always been far more feminine than Chelle and was constantly experimenting with makeup and new hairstyles. Chelle checked her Facebook account to see what Stacey looked like yet she wondered idly what she’d look like in person on Friday in person.

Friday came and Chelle was extremely excited both about the mini-party and seeing Stacey. The guest list however was rather small besides Stacey. Chelle very much wished Mark Cadvish could come over but didn’t want to disobey her mum again. Julia Humes was the first to give a negative reply but promised to make it up later. Bethan and Harriet or Hattie both said they would arrive later. This meant Jenn and Lin Ling, her fellow detectives would definitely be there.

Chelle was kept at school until late afternoon and only managed to leave late in the afternoon. There was a bus stop round the corner from the school, and she scrape together just enough change for a single child’s fare to the local station; she decided to bring Stacey to her house via taxi. The train was just pulling away when she arrived there. Desperately, she searched through the crowds for the familiar face, but she couldn’t spot Stacey anywhere. Where could she be?

A voice in her ears made her jump. “How ya, Chelle?” She swung round and Stacey stood behind me holding a big black rucksack, a stupid grin on her face. They hugged and kissed each other on both cheeks, and then they both took a step back and looked at each other closely.

“Chelle, you better change out of this bland uniform the instant we’re at your house.” Stacey exclaimed, jabbing her finger.

Chelle blushed as she was still in her school uniform – a black blazer, white blouse, and pleated dark black knee length skirt along with 40 denier black tights since it was getting cold and black loafers – certainly she didn’t look anywhere near as cool or as beautiful as Stacey. She was wearing a stonewashed black denim jacket over a pink crew neck t-shirt with ‘Telford’ in white letters across the chest, a figure hugging dark blue lycra mini skirt, pattern translucent blue tights and red mid-calf boots. Her hair was a mass of golden blonde curls loose down to her shoulders and a floppy fringe hanging down over her eyes.

“You like?” she asked, twirling around. “I should hope so, this outfit cost me a small fortune. Feel my tights, go on, feel them.”

She lifted one leg and Chelle stroked it, finding so incredibly soft.

“I was stuck in my Literature and Media Club meeting,” Chelle explained. “Don’t worry; I’ll change into something pretty once we get to my home.”

“I haven’t got you a present,” She informed Chelle as they lined up at the Taxi stand. ” But I thought maybe tomorrow maybe we go on a little shopping spree and eating, my treat.”

They continued the usual talk and naturally Stacey asked Chelle how the detective work was going. “Challenging,” came the answer and Chelle described how Stacey might get along well with the others detectives, especially Lin. They finally entered a taxi and just two minutes later, Stacey suddenly asked, “Excuse me could you turn the radio up a moment please,” and the driver complied. Chelle raised her eyes but listened carefully to the news.”… The man who is believed to be armed and highly dangerous remains at large after robbing Croonford’s Bank in the early hours of this morning, stealing a guard’s firearm. He is described as Caucasian, over 1.8 metres tall with a sightly bald head and scarred left face to his left eye. He was last seen wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt and has a tattoo of a heart across it on his lower right arm. Residents of Croonford are warned not to approach this man but to call the police immediately if they think they have spotted him. In other news….”

Stacey giggled nervously.

“Oh, great so there’s an armed maniac on the loose in Croonford? And to think people say Telford is dangerous,” She squealed. “A case for you and your detective gang Chelle,” she added.

Chelle shrugged. “It might be but this is my birthday, time to relax. The police will catch him…” She knew capable people like Detective Inspector (DI) Nicola Heath would be right after him but sill she couldn’t help wandering if he would be worth looking into.

Arriving home, she called out to Kate but she didn’t reply as she would usually. That’s strange, she wondered as she hung up outer coat in the hallway coat rack while Stacey also hung up hers and her branded handbag and pulled off her pink boots. Kate would usually be watching the Telly or creating sounds from the kitchen. Maybe Kate finished preparing for the party. Kicking off her own school shoes, Chelle prepared to go upstairs and change until Stacey asked for where she could find water. Chelle naturally gave her cousin directions but halfway up the stairs, she heard Stace shout. “Err…Chelle, come here!”

“What’s the problem, Stace?” Chelle asked. “Spider in the kitchen?”


Chelle gave an involuntary gasp as she raced back down and entered the kitchen. In the far corner of the kitchen, half hidden behind the table was Kate. She lay on her side her back to Chelle and Stacey, lying and not moving. Kate was dressed in her black T-Shirt and matching jeans, white ankle socks on her feet. Chelle noted her sister was not just unconscious but her wrists and ankles were bound with parcel tape. She immediately rushed up and knelt down and saw that more tape had been wrapped around her head, trapping her long hair and her cheeks were swollen under the tape, indicating some object had been stuffed into her mouth before the gag were applied. Kate laid so still and Chelle was definitely worried she might have choked on her gag but the twelve-year-old let out a low moan. Chelle immediately felt and found the edge of the gag and slowly removed the tape. Just before she could pry open Kate’s mouth and pull out what was some serviette bought for the party, she heard a gruff voice behind her.

“Okay Miss student, that’s enough. Stuff it back in, tape it right back.”

Chelle turned and came face to face with a bald, bearded man wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. his left eye and cheek was scarred and his right arm locked around Stacey’s neck, an arm that revealed a tattoo. A semi-automatic pistol was pressed against her head and he had a full backpack on his back.

“You!” Chelle cried recognizing him straight away from the description earlier on. “You’re the man who robbed the local bank.”

“Yah, that’s me,” he announced proudly.

“What the hell you doing in our house?” She raised her voice, though she could guess why.

“Don’t sweat it kid, just found this place. I ain’t looking to hurt no-one, yet. “His words made her flinch and she hated people using double negatives like that. “Now stuff the serviette back, gag your sis.”

“She’s nearly choking on it!” Chelle protested.

“Lower your bloody tone! Ok, just stick the tape it back, all around her hair.” Chelle wanted to protest again but gave in. The tape didn’t stick well but he tossed her a roll of parcel tape and soon Kate was gagged again with a fresh piece of tape. “Sorry,” she mumbled to her sister who just nodded her head in return.

Releasing his hold on Stacey’s neck, the robber literally her towards Chelle. “Catch your friend.” Not my friend, Chelle wanted to shout but Stacey skidded across the kitchen, her branded tights slipping against the well-polished linoleum floor and tumbled into Chelle’s arms, nearly toppling both of them both over. She held her cousin tightly, looked at her frightened and started slowly crying.

“Catch,” the intruder repeated, and another roll of tape and an open pack of serviettes landed at her feet. “Tape and gag your friend like I did to the little one,” he ordered. Chelle considered defying him again but knew she had no chance both of them would probably be shot. At least while they were alive, they would have some chance of escaping. Stacey had now calmed down and as if to read her cousin’s mind, she whispered “Best do as he says Chelle.” Turning so her back was towards Chelle, she crossed her hands behind her back and offered them up to her. Reluctantly, Chelle wrapped the tape around her slender wrists. “No, another round,” he ordered, pushing the gun closer. Soon enough, Stacey’s hands were bound extremely tightly as were her ankles. She turned and obediently opened her mouth to receive the serviette.

“All the way in,” he ordered sharply. Chelle pasted a small piece of turned tape over Stacey’s lipstick-covered lips when he objected.

“Na, right around her head, just like I did with your sister there,” he indicated at Kate who was slowly sobbing through her gag. Chelle reluctantly wound the tape right round, trapping Stacey’s hair in it, then up onto her cheek again and across the first layer so her lips were covered not once but twice.

“Okay, that should be enough.” Chelle felt relieved when the intruder stopped her. “Now place her on the floor but not too near with your little sis.”

“Don’t call my sister little,” she snapped, although that statement was so obviously full of fear. “Of course, sweetheart; but it’s your turn, wait you’re the Croonford girl detective trying to all crimes here and nearby. Chelle Summers right?”

“You can call me Michelle. Only my friends call me Chelle,” she retorted. “How the hell do you….”

“I’ll call you what I want; I’m the one in charge here. You think there’s no news about you and your gang? Oh, throw your silly gadgets towards me. I know you have them on you, now!” Chelle still wondered who exactly he was but threw the fake makeup kit that held a pen knife, the laser pen, the pepper cum pin spray pen and the anti-rape device. “Mobile phone!” That too the thug caught and kept in his bag. “Hands behind your back.” She sighed and did as told but before he could finish binding her wrists, the doorbell rang and they both literally jumped.

“Who the hell is at the door?” he barked.

Chelle had a fairly good idea it would be either Jenn or Lin or both but she wasn’t going to tell him that. “I… I don’t know.”

“Bullshit!” The man grabbed her roughly by the arm and pressed the pistol against her back. “Don’t try anything stupid, girls, ” he called to Kate and Stacey. “Or Chelle gets a bullet.”

The intruder marched the teen detective back out into the hall and up to the front door. Through the peep hole they both could make out two familiar girls on the far side of the door.

“Ah, the other two junior detectives,” he declared. “What they here…oh for your birthday party?’

Chelle wanted to say ‘of course, silly’ but that would anger him so she nodded her head instead.

“Just these two plus that blonde and your sis?” Chelle nodded again, hoping Hattie and Bethan wouldn’t arrive just after.

Before she could talk, he whispered. “Let them in. Careful lass, no tricks. Remember I’ve got this gun and I will start hurt youngsters if I have to.” He removed the tape.

Forcing herself to smile, Chelle opened the door. “Hi babes, glad you could all make it.”

Jenn was the first through the door. She was wearing a white denim jacket, orange T-shirt, cropped navy-blue jeans and white trainers with white ankle socks. Behind her was Lin who had tied her hair in a French plait and was wearing a black leather jacket, a low-cut maroon spaghetti top and a red tartan mini skirt. Her legs were sheathed in matching shiny red nylons and a pair of black open toed heels added a good 10-15cm to her 170cm height.

“Why have you still got your uniform on Chelle?” Lin wondered. “I thought you’d be dressed up to the nines and ready to party.”

Chelle paused, wondering if she should give some danger signal. If her friends’ parents discovered that their daughters didn’t return home on time, they might worry and drive over. On the other hand, if she gave a signal, Lin or Jenn might give an excuse, turn back and alert the police. But…

“Chelle? Why are you stunned? Wait, why are there tape marks around your…”

A door slammed shut, cutting off Jenn’s question and making them all jump. “Hello girls,” he boomed. The girls spun around and Jenn screamed with fright as the man who stood behind them pointing his weapon at them. “Hello, Lin, right? Jenn? Good or rather bad notice, seeing the tape marks. Hand over your gadgets, girls.” Chelle looked at her fellow detectives and mouthed a silent ‘please, there’s no other choice.’ Soon enough, the same set of gadgets were kept in the intruder’s bag.

“Okay ladies, let’s move it, to the kitchen if you please and hands up.” That is so cliche, all three girls thought. With Chelle leading the way, they walked through the hall to the kitchen where they found Kate and Stacey back-to-back, with Stacey trying to peel off Kate’s gag.

“Thought you’ll be trying to do that. Bitch,” he swore, using his leg to kick them away, slightly bruising both girls. He then opened up his back pack and motioned to Jenn and Lin. “Ok, shortie and you, on the floor, hands flat down on the floor where I can see them.”

“I ask again, can I expect any more girlies this evening?” He snapped. Chelle shook her head, wondering if that was true. Would Hattie and Bethan suddenly arrive?

“Right… Michelle,” he said. “You look the perfect catch for me.”

“You mean hostage,” she replied, trying not to quiver.

He didn’t answer as her twisted her arms behind her again. Suddenly, he cried as Lin kicked his knees with both her legs. “Bloody C****,” he swore, swung and pointed his weapon at her.

“Nooo!” Chelle cried. “Please don’t shoot her!”

He tensed, then released the pressure on the trigger. “Right, both of you, bind her up. First, gag yourselves.” Chelle and Jenn obeyed, a serviette both in their mouths then a strip of tape all around their jaw. Lin was soon trussed up with not tape but cable ties he stole from the Summers’ back garden. “Sorry,” Chelle told her classmate as she un-did her plait and administered the wrap-around tape gag. “Wrap tape all under and above her boobs,” came the next order. “Nice,” he noted Lin’s black bra and protruding breasts. “Your turn,” Jenn’s wrists were also bound, albeit with tape. “No, no no, I want them all separate. Get up and take her in there,” he ordered. “The rest of you, any more tries to escape, someone will really be shot!”

Chelle reluctantly led Jenn into what was the washing area. “Perfect. Tape her ankles. Now, Jenn, crawl inside the that plastic tub.” She did so and all the clothes were thrown over her. They left, not before he wedged a chair against the door.

The robber cut off Stacey’s, then Lin’s ankle bonds then along with Chelle, they were force-marched upstairs, directly to Chelle’s parents’ room. Stacey was ordered to lie down again and not to move while Chelle and the captor pushed Lin into the bathroom and shower stall. Her ankles were re-bound but Chelle cried through her gag as she was told to switch on the shower.

“Enjoy it,” he cackled as the shower door was shut with a chair. Stacey was roughly dragged up and brought directly to Kate’s bedroom. The guy must have thoroughly examined my house, Chelle thought as she was ordered to open the wardrobe. Stacey’s ankles were tightly bound and she was left mmmphing as the doors were closed and a chair jammed against it.

“Your sis will be fine on the kitchen floor,” he muttered, pushing Chelle into her own room. “Change out of your uniform and put these on,” he picked up black trousers and matching long-sleeved shirt.

“Mmm not takmming ofmm my clothes im front of u!” She replied through her gag.

“Do it!” Chelle did so, turning around to hide her underwear as best as she could but as she pulled on the shirt, she felt a massive strike on the back of her neck.

Sometime later….

“Mmmpph….” Chelle wailed, realising she was still tape gagged. She also discovered it was a different tape; not wrapped around her head, less adhesive and couldn’t feel the stuffed serviette in her mouth. Her wrists were now bound in front of Sometime her, her ankles like wise. She was draped in the same coat she hung up which covered her bonds.

“Welcome back sweetheart,” she heard the familiar voice, heard a familiar rumble and knew immediately she was in her mother’s car. “Man, those coppers manning the cordon were damn blind.” He explained how he convinced them he was taking his ill daughter to a doctor. Chelle immediately murmured through her gag how the police didn’t recognise him, based on the description all over the news. “Oh, I’m a master of disguise,” she then noticed the lipstick stain on his cheek.


“A tad too loud. I’ll tighten that gag soon.”

Summers’ residence

Naturally, all the bound and gagged girls were struggling wildly despite the various confinements they were kept in. Jenn was twisting around on her bum, trying to get out of the washing tub and cut off the tape. Not far from her, Kate managed to crawl up to the kitchen drawer as she knew there were scissors but they were in the top drawer. She was trained in gymnastics but none of the moves involved her taped up. One, two, three she managed to stand up, but with bound ankles and arms behind her, she fell down within a few seconds. Upstairs, Stacey was in pitch darkness and constantly pushing against the wardrobe door with no success. She wailed through her gag, thinking how else to get free. Lin naturally was suffering the worst, with her clothes and tights fully soaked with the pouring water. She too managed to get up but constantly slipped down and failed to pry open the shower door. The only gadget she had left was the skeleton key hairpin and that couldn’t pick cable ties.

Some run-down house

The stolen car slowed to a halt. “Think that garage door is locked, Chelle?” The now-kidnapper asked, then lowered his right hand and it rolled up and he drove in. “Now, no tricks while I exit.” Chelle’s mind was racing but just as she silently drew up a plan, the door on her side open. She expected him to cut away the tapes binding her ankles, instead she was ordered to hop inside.

Back at the Summers’ residence, Jenn managed to get out of the tub after scratching her hands, elbows and bum. She too couldn’t stand but managed to shift and crawl over. Expecting the door to be jammed, she pushed many times as best as she could and the door finally inched open. Kate spotted her and cried happily through her gag, indicating there were scissors in the drawer. Still bound, it took Jenn, with Kate’s back holding her legs before she could successfully open the drawer, feel for the scissors, then drop back down on the floor. Soon enough, both girls were free and Kate yelled, “Got to pee!” Jenn instead ran around, calling for the others.

Simultaneously, Chelle was now bound to a chair, her ankles and legs secured to the chair’s legs with loads of tape. Another round of tape secured her torso to the chair, her wrists now secured with cable ties but her arms were left dangling.

“Cheers,” the captor toasted a warm can of Heineken at her. “Oh, my manners,” he turned and yanked out a mineral water bottle. “You utter a scream, you don’t get a drink but another strike on the head, got it?” Chelle nodded and only received a large sip before he stuffed a cloth in her mouth and wrapped tape around again. I’ll get free, she thought.

Jenn found Stacey, whose dress was now out of place and tights laddered. Jenn shook away the hug as she was freed and shouted, “Where’s Lin?”

“I… parent’s room…bathroom!” With Stacey leading, the raced there and pulled the heavy chair away. Entering the bathroom, they found Lin just managing to exit the shower stall. Before they could attempt to undo her gag, the doorbell rang and Jenn ran back down, telling Stacey to free Lin. Jenn encountered Bethan and Hattie but in response to their ‘did we miss the party’ she cried back, “Call the police!” But they heard Kate mention she already did. As if on time, sirens blared and the familiar face of DI Nikki Heath entered. “Looks like you girls will be here for a while. Start your work,” she motioned to the FSIs or Forensic scene investigators officers as she drew out her notepad.

“Mmmp! Mmy I usmm the luu?” Chelle called three times before the captor turned. “Toilet? K, don’t you dare remove that nice gag. Two minutes.” He freed her and she found herself in a smelly toilet. She spotted a closed window high up, and quickly flushed the bowl and ran the tap. She managed to climb up but as she touched the window’s handle, the door burst open.

“I knew you would try that!” He held up a mobile phone with a blinking light. “Get down!” He pointed the gun at her.

The girls were let off after intensive questioning by DI Heath. Stacey was driven home in a police car but asked to be kept in touch. Mr and Mrs Summers were notified and the latter took the first train back while there was a police guard around their house, with Kate already falling asleep. Lin and Jenn’s parents forbade them from meeting at their detective meeting place but that didn’t stop the two from starting a WhatsApp group call, including Mark.

“Hey, sorry to hear what happened,” the rugby player announced. “I did some research, that guy’s not simply a bank robber but the security guard himself.” Mark shared pictures from the local news report and an enlarged picture of the guard with the name tag reading ‘Ken.’ Lin immediately tried to contact DI Heath but her number was engaged. “My parents want me to sleep early,” Jenn commented. “Convene tomorrow?” They agreed, with Mark naturally worried for his girlfriend.

Croonford Police CID Headquarters

“No, you silly, that was a stolen car with kidnapper with a kidnappee!” DI Heath shouted to the junior Police Constable (PC) who manned the cordon and let the vehicle pass. “Where’s the India 99?” She referred to the police helicopter. “It’s searching the area boss,” DC Bluebell Ransom answered. The phone rang and Ransom passed it over to her superior. “Heath, I know you’re pulled virtually all units on this case,” came the deep voice of Detective Chief Superintendent (DSU) Robert Gates, Nikki’s superior. “The kidnapper has moved way the Croonford region which you don’t cover. Call the helicopter back and let the other regions handle.”

“Sir, it’s a serious case and I’ve…”

“Do it Heath. Conduct your normal duties, Night.”

Seething, she turned to her colleague, “Call your boyfriend Ransom, we’re spending an all-nighter.”

The run-down house

“Hey you’re late,” Chelle, now lying hogtied with cable ties and tightly taped gagged with cloth in her mouth heard. The new person, a dark brown curly-haired man, around more than 185 or 186cm, entered.

“Not too late…well you brought more than your stated share,” Chelle heard the new voice.

“Couldn’t be helped… and some collateral will help us cross,” she heard the captor reply and looked up. He was now wearing a wig and a tight rubber face mask.

“Whatever, she’s your care. Let’s go.” Chelle, despite her struggles, was dragged and thrown into a van and cover on loads of blankets. She immediately smelt the foul stench of frozen fish, knowing what sort of vehicle she was in and kept in but continued to think how to escape.

Back at Croonford CID HQ, the two police detectives spent the night unofficially calling their colleagues across nearby Territorial Police Forces. “Hey Das, thanks, I’ll buy you a meal sometime.” DC Ransom terminated the call. “That was my old friend at the Midlands Force, Das Sharma. He got authorisation to get an India 99 up and this appeared,” she opened up a new tab on her screen with a two-minute video showing the stolen car travelling past the cordon south-west to a deserted area with only one residence in view.

“Great, alert your friend’s team to raid that residence, used armed officers; the guy has a firearm,” Ransom replied it was happened and the pair finally called a night.

As coincidences go, the team that approached the run-down house approached just after the disguised van left. In typical fashion, they covered all possible exits and the Operational Firearms Commander (OFC) yelled the usual ‘Armed police! Surrender!” An OFC has tactical command of the team of Authorised Firearms Officers (AFOs). He yelled those words three times before the team stormed in and then there was a loud explosion.

Detectives’ meeting place
The next morning

“Wow, this guy is an expert in explosives,” Lin commented as the teenagers read how the Midlands police officers were severely injured in the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) fitted to Mrs Summers’ car, using the petrol as part of the detonator source. “Or maybe he’s got an explosive-trained accomplice.”

“Uhm, more importantly, Chelle was not in that house when it detonated,” Jenn read the news report and Mark nodded, thankfully.

“Let’s see, this Ken is petrol as a generic disgruntled employee. He took not massive amounts of money but some from the cashier and locked deposit boxes. Those can be traced. He’s originally from, hey, Ireland. Maybe that’s where’s he’s headed.” Jenn regretfully stated her parents didn’t wish her to leave the town, leaving Lin and Mark to head down to that location.

Despite the bumpy ride and restraints she was kept in, Chelle managed to successfully shift and kick the nearest boxes. It took two tremendous kicks before the boxes pushed the back door open and fell out.

“What?!” the two goons in front brought the van to a halt and turned it to a side. “Shit,” Ken swore. “I thought you secure them.”

“Whatever, let’s get them back in.” Chelle waited until both men back were turn and slowly shifted herself on her bum out of the van. She thought she had managed to escape until two hands lifted her.

“Don’t you dare try!’ Ken shouted as she was literally thrown back inside.

“Told ya we need to dump her,” she heard the other guy call.

“When we cross the border.” The two men continue to argue with Ken made to sit and watch the bound and gagged captive.

Lin and Mark rented bicycles and cycled towards the bombed house. There was nothing unusual to spot until Mark spotting a shiny object.

“That’s Chelle’s watch!”

A police car coincidentally drove by and luckily the officer, a blonde female PC with the name tag S. Knowles stopped. “Charlie Four Six, update on the Summers abduction case, victim’s watch found on middle of Southwood Road.”

Inside the van, Ken and Chelle stared at each other before the former started boasting how easy it was to grab to money and safe deposit boxes and how he would escape any police. Chelle could only give now irate glares at him since the cloth stuffing soaked most of her saliva. Her hogtie had been removed but more tape was secured below and above her knees.

“Aw, don’t worry…”

“Coppers cordon! Shut up back there!” The yell came from the front and Ken dragged her face down on the even smellier floor, pressing the grip of his weapon against her, warning her not to make the slightest sound. Chelle now decided not to aggravate him further and listened as the other criminal sweet-talked with the police. Suddenly there was silence then the back doors were unlocked. Finally, they’ll check thoroughly, find me and I’ll be home. All of a sudden, there was a loud thud on the doors and two shots. “Couldn’t convince them, had to end it there,” the other criminal called as he re-started the engine. “Looks like a collateral is a good idea.” No, Chelle wailed.

“Status Zero…” PC Sarah Haynes heard on her radio as she drove Lin and Mark back to Croonford. “No!” She slammed the wheel. “That was my sister!” Status zero meant officer in life-threatening situation. She calmed down as she heard the radio say she was injured not killed. Lin immediately wanted her to turn around, however, the radio announcer mentioned cordons were tightened, with more air support searching for the vehicle since all police forces had a description of the van. “My people will handle, best for you two to stay home.” Lin wanted to further argue

The van was jolting wildly now off-road now something it was never built for. Chelle, the only one gagged gave continuous muffled cries as the van sped and turn wildly through the plains and into a wildly wooden area. Chelle thought it would be long ride until the car jerked to a stop.

“Freaking set of rocks!” The criminal cum driver swore and just as he wanted to exit, a series sirens blared and there was a loud shout, “Armed Police! You are surrounded! Do not harm the minor and drop all your weapons!”

The van doors flung open but the area was filled with anti-infrared smoke cutting the vision off the AFOs.

The lead commander swore. “TFC to SFC, heavy smoke obscuring subjects and victim. Unable to execute critical shot.” A critical shot in British policing ensured subjects were definitely incapacitated and prevented threat to civilian life. A SFC or Strategic Firearms Commander has overall strategic command of firearms operations, with responsibility and accountability for directions given. Lower down was a Tactical Firearms Commander who developed the strategy for AFOs to deploy.

The smoke actually dispersed faster than expected revealing Chelle held at gunpoint by the other captor, now really scared. She didn’t want to end her fourteenth birthday this way.

“Armed Police! Drop your weapons!” The call came but this was opposed as Ken emerged, his weapon also trained on Chelle.

“All AFOs, SFC, critical shot rescinded!” the urgent call came.

“You drop your guns or the girl gets it!” The second yelled, unflinching. The situation was definitely beyond tense until a squirrel crawled on Ken’s foot, causing him to cry out and discharge his weapon, the shot thankfully didn’t strike anyone. Chelle risked it and used both of her bound legs to kick her captor and more shots rang out, knocking out both thugs.

The lead TFC ran over, shouting the required, ‘shots fired’ in his radio, finding Ken wounded while the other was succumbing to his wounds. “Subjects down, victim freed” he further radioed as he undid Chelle’s gag and binding.


“There’s the saying ‘saved by the bell,’ maybe now we should have ‘saved by the squirrel,” Lin laughed. The girls, along with Mark and Stacey had gathered at an eatery a week after whole events. The second criminal was revealed as Chris Longcross, a former member of an Organised Crime Group (OCG) who specialised with IEDs and weapons proliferations. Ken, full name Ken Danson, was remanded in custody but acquired a solicitor who put a remaindered fierce defence.

“Just risk and luck, part of all of our work,” Chelle said, smearing moisturiser over her sore wrists and cheeks.

“You detective work is definitely risky but sounds fun,” Stacey added, smearing lip balm on her cheeks. “Anyway, cut your cake, make a wish!” They were all carefully not to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ in public and violate copyright laws.

“Wish for safer cases!” Jenn added and Chelle did wishing her dad would be home more often.

“Anything can happen in the future. Thankfully, I’ve got you lot,” she hugged them all, especially her boyfriend, not knowing they were being watched.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Gone West.’

The End