35: Framed Part 2

Summary: Lin and Reinhard close in on the source of the doctored pictures. Jenn and Reinhard find lady who claim she was framed at work and thus incorrectly charged.

The prologue is adapted from Frank Knebel’s story The Frame Up Chapter 1.

The fight on the train is inspired by James Bond’s From Russia With Love.


Mr Justice Launer unfolded the sheet of paper had handed to him and read through it twice. His gaze shifted to the jury foreman and cleared his throat.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is this your verdict?”

The jury foreman rose.

“Yes, your honour.”

“The defendant will please rise,” said Launer.

The defence lawyer, Sean Paulson, a tall, bespectacled, fair-haired young man put his hand gently on the arm of Kerri Richardson, and they rose from their seats at the defence table. They presented a stark contrast in physical appearance together. Though not ugly, he was gangly and rather awkward looking, his long limbs seemingly ill at ease at being attached to his body. On the streets, he would have been noticed, if at all, as an egg-headed young man who needed to get more sun and exercise.

On the other hand, Kerri Richardson had perfectly proportioned face, with her dark eyes and hair, pert nose, full lips, and creamy complexion thus would have brought a smile to any men she passed. Even though the plain navy-blue suit she wore in the courtroom had been chosen to de-emphasize any sensuality, it could not hide the trim waist, prominent breasts and shapely legs of its occupant.

“The foreman will read the verdict,” intoned Mr Judge Launer.

“We, the jury, find the defendant, Kerri Richardson, guilty on all charges.”

Kerri Richardson sagged slightly against her barrister and squeezed her hands. As the judge thanked the jury for their time and efforts, there were smiles from some victors in the gallery.

“Your Honour, defence intends to appeal the verdict,” said the tall young barrister.

Mr Judge Launer nodded while writing something a yellow pad.

“So noted, Mr. Paulson. The jury has returned a verdict of guilty in this case. However, I’m troubled by some of the evidence presented here by both sides, so I’m going to delay full sentencing for one week. This will allow some time for further investigation by the police and additional evidence to be developed. The clerk will notify both parties as to a time for a sentencing hearing on…”

The judge flipped a few pages in his calendar book.

“…next Wednesday, the 23rd.”

“Your Honor, because of the defendant’s previous attempts to delay trial and follow her bail conditions, we request that she be held in custody,” The prosecutor argued.

The judge looked down at his notes. He looked thoughtful then nodded.

“Though it is regrettable, I feel that under the circumstances Mr. Hazen’s point is valid. Defendant is remanded in custody. Court is adjourned.”

The clerk called for the room to rise as the judge left the bench through the door to the judges’ chambers.

Kerri looked up at Paulson.

“What does it mean, Sean?”

“It means you’ll be held in jail for now,” he said softly.

Kerri looked horrified.

“But I didn’t do it, Sean! I didn’t!” she protested. “How can they lock me up for something I didn’t do?”

Constable Louisa Cole stepped forward. Except for having blue eyes, Louisa was very similar to Kerri in height, build, and abundant good looks. In her right hand, she held a pair of handcuffs. Kerri gasped when she saw them.

“I’m sorry, Miss Richardson,” Louisa said gently. “Regulations state I have to cuff them behind your back.”

Something had indeed snapped in Kerri Richardson. The hateful taunting in the courtroom and the sea of jealous female faces had convinced her that everyone was against her and even rejoiced in seeing her railroaded. A desperate plan formed up in her mind as the Constable guided her along the quiet corridor to the cells, Kerri slowed and let her head fall forward.

“Are you all right, Miss Richardson?” asked the Constable.

“S…something in my stomach,” Kerri replied dazedly. “It hurts.”

“Come on. The nurse’s office is just down the hall.”

Kerri nodded. She was breathing in short gasps, her eyes almost closed. They walked on a few more steps when she almost doubled over and groaned.

“Just a few more steps!” urged Louisa. “You can make it!”

Kerri groaned again and fell against the Constable. Louisa tried to lift and pull her into the office, calling for the nurse as she struggled on. A pretty, cheerful-faced, sandy-haired woman in her late twenties wearing a white nurse’s uniform appeared at the door. Lorna Leeson was a former dancer who had taken up nursing when a knee injury ended her career.

“What’s wrong?” she asked the Constable.

“I don’t know,” Louisa replied. “She got a pain in the stomach and started to collapse.”

Kerri groaned again and doubled over more. Her knees buckled.

“Let’s get her up on the examination table,” Lorna directed. “You’d better take the cuffs off so we can lift her.”

Constable Cole nodded and stooped to unlock the handcuffs. As she and the nurse tried to lift Kerri, Louisa had the fleeting glimpse of the holster strap that ran over her taser hanging loose. Before she could respond, Kerri doubled over again, slipping out of her grasp. When she and Lorna lifted the prisoner again, Kerri rose up quickly. In her hand was Constable Cole’s service taser. She waved it from side to side, alternately pointing it at both.

“All right, nurse,” she said, breathing hard. “Close the door.”

Lorna Leeson, shocked, obeyed as Louisa Cole raised her hands.

“Now don’t do anything you’ll regret,” Louisa cautioned. “Nobody’s hurt so far and we can all just forget this if you’ll hand me the taser back.”

“I’m not giving you the taser,” said Kerri. “The only thing I regret is to be accused of faking legal documents I never saw and thinking that this trial would clear me. I’m not going to prison for somebody else’s crime.”

“But this won’t do you any good!” said Lorna, her hands also raised now. “You can’t possibly get out of this building like this.”

“You’re right. I can’t. But you can.”

Louisa swallowed hard, realising what the sentenced lady meant.

“Take off your uniforms,” Kerri ordered the two ladies.

Louisa Cole reached for the top button of her uniform shirt. Lorna glanced at the Constable and did the same. As the two women undressed, Kerri pulled Lorna’s desk chair into the centre of the room, then grabbed a first aid kit from the wall. She opened it and removed some rolls of cloth bandages. Finally, she picked up the handcuffs from the examination table. Her two prisoners were now reduced to their knickers and bras.

“That’s enough,” said Kerri. She tossed the cuffs to Lorna. “Cuff the Constable’s hands behind her back.”

The nurse cuffed her wrists and directed by Kerri, tightened them a couple more clicks.

“I’m sorry to have to do this to you, Constable,” Kerri apologized. “You’ve been good and I used that to trick you. And now I have to be sure that those cuffs are tight. Your wrists are dainty and I can’t have you getting away.”

She handed a roll of bandages to Lorna.

“Put those in her mouth, then cover her mouth with the medical tape.”

Lorna had no choice but to obey. When the entire wad would not go in, Kerri allowed her to reduce the size of the roll and cut off the excess. Then Lorna cut several pieces of adhesive tape from roll and sealed the Constable’s mouth. Handing her another roll of bandages, Kerri ordered her to loop the cloth around Louisa’s body and arms just below her breasts and just above her waist.

“Now help her up on the table.”

Lorna helped the bound woman onto the exam table and ordered by Kerri, bound her legs at the knees and ankles with more bandages. Louisa Cole sat helplessly on the table as Kerri turned her attention to the nurse.

“Sit in the chair,” she said pointing with her free hand.

“Don’t you think that…” Lorna began.

“Quiet!” snapped Kerri. “Put your hands around the back of the chair.”

The back of the chair was narrow enough that Lorna’s hands met without straining. Kerri crossed the nurse’s wrists and began looping them with tape.

“If you were going to try to tell me that this plan is crazy, you don’t need to,” said Kerri. “It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But I’m started now, and there’s no turning back. I’m just glad I don’t have to hurt either of you.”

She finished tying Lorna’s hands, laid the taser on the desk, and began binding her ankles with more tape. The young nurse watched her with anxiety, yet more with sympathy.

“What’re you going to do?” she asked.

Kerri kept quiet. Finished with Lorna’s ankles, Kerri unrolled more bandages and used them to tie Lorna to the chair. She did a thorough job, looping the woman’s body at her waist, bottom of her ribs, below and above her breasts, and finally over her lap, around her thighs and the chair seat. She wadded part of one of the bandages.

“Sorry,” she said to Lorna, “but I have to gag you too.”

Before she opened her mouth for the wad, Lorna said softly:

“Good luck. whatever your doing.”

Kerri stuffed the wadding in Lorna’s mouth, sealed the gag with tape, and then used more to cover her eyes. She then rolled Louisa Cole over on her tummy and used one more strip of bandage to connect the Constable’s bound ankles to her handcuffed wrists. She also blindfolded her with tape.

“This is to make sure you stay on the table,” she explained. “Please don’t hurt yourself trying anything heroic.”

Her prisoners secured, Kerri quickly stripped off her own clothes and put on the Constable’s uniform which somewhat fitted. There was a mirror on the closet door and in its Kerri noted that the resemblance between her and Louisa was striking. The only thing wrong was her shoulder length hair. She crossed to the helpless Constable and removed the rubber band that held her hair in a bun. Tying up her hair completed the transformation. A quick search of Lorna’s purse produced a pair of sunglasses, which would help to hide any differences. Kerri replaced the taser in the holster she now wore and went to the door. She turned back to the two bound women.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be found.”

Picking up her own clothes, she glanced into the hallway and it was empty. She slipped out and walked in the opposite direction of the courtroom. At the end of the hallway, she opened the door and went from the building into the sunlight.


Chelle told Lin the restrictions her mother placed on her. “Don’t worry, Richard saw someone we will talk to. Not a likely source but we’ll interview him.” That hardly comforted Chelle, neither did the constant questioning from students.

Lin and Reinhard met up with Richard to tap his photographic memory. After giving them a detailed description of the second person in the tabloid headquarters, he added, “If it’s fine Jenn and I can’t join you.” He explained that Jenn had informed him of a case she wanted to investigate. “Ok, no worries,” Lin replied.

The mystery surrounding Jenn’s case when he met up with his girlfriend after their History mock paper. “You know the law internship I participated in? It ended abruptly due to this.” She played a news video covering how Kerri Richardson’s or trussed up a court guard and nurse, took the officer’s taser and escaped. “Kerri was one of the friendliest solicitors at Barnes & Horton. She was going to teach me intellectual property law. Across the time I was there, she showed no indication in falsifying legal documents, embezzling funds or any of the charges in the news.”

Before Richard could ask, the next bell rang. After school, Lin and Reinhard planned to survey the Daily Mail to catch hold of this unknown person. “I know, you’re going to ask me what we can do that the police and authorities are conducting,” Jenn continued her discussion as she pulled up her coat and held her school skirt down less the wind blew it up.

“They’ll hold a fixed assumption that Kerri is guilty and running to escape fines and imprisonment. We’ll look at it from her perspective.”

“And your first move is?”

“Returning to the firm to hand out thank-you gifts,” Jenn answered.

Lin and Reinhard didn’t spot that specific person for two days and the latter felt they were chasing ghosts. On the third day, the fortunes changed as they spotted him exiting from a side door. Both teen detectives immediately closed in and peppered him with questions.

“Hey, hey stop accosting me. I’m just a normal civilian,” the dark-clothed lad protested. After Lin asked him again, he lowered his tone and said, “I’m just an intern there. The Chief Editor liked me so am in his personal office. Yeah, I know bout the photos; know the exact source.”

“Who is it? Where can we find this person?”

“There’s no name and the source is secretive. You can meet me at the second train station tomorrow at 9:30.” He passed them a business card.

“Good to see you again you again, Jennifer, ah thank you for the chocolates,” the solicitor smiled. Jenn gave out Ferrero Rocher to every lawyer she learnt from during her internship. Finally, she reached Kerri’s empty desk and quickly took pictures of it to compare with what she saw previously.

“Looks the same, the same, hey I recall she always kept a light-blue folder on the right corner standing up.” After eliminating various reasons, she told Richard they had to monitor the staff.

There was just his name, Richard Head and his email address. Both science wizards spent the rest of their Friday afternoon looking up any more information online on Mr Head but found no LinkedIn, no Facebook, no X.com and nothing else. “Are we seriously trusting this Richard? Which intern seriously doesn’t have any online profile?” Reinhard asked in a call.

“Some people like privacy. If we detect nothing, we’ll leave the next station.”

While her friends were investigating, Chelle was still at school re-sitting for her mock English paper. Her early paper scored lower than expected resulting in her English teacher’s shock. This time she focused and really answered questions properly. Afterwards, she headed to the loo and but just as she unlocked the stall door, the toilet lights went off and a masked figure pushed her back down into the stall. A thick cloth was quickly stuffed in her mouth and her wrists were roughly secured with a make cloth handcuff. Despite massive struggling, the assailant was able to pull down her tights partly and just as he reached for the waist band of her exposed knickers, Chelle gave a massive kick striking the assailant who ran off, only with a picture of her undies. Naturally, it was reported and with the school gates closed and school Wi-Fi temporarily down, it took the school disciplinary team nearly an hour to catch the perpetrator.

“This your idea of watching the staff?” Richard asked as Jenn walked up with as long wrapped up package slung over her shoulder.

“We’ve done worse as previously,” Jenn replied, assembling the telescope Chelle previously used. Its magnification was now increased to 5X and Lin had added a cheap night vision device to it. As Jenn focused the telescope, Richard poured out a cup of organic hot chocolate. They first watched the staff leave through the exits. Jenn turned the telescope upwards and over ten minutes all lights went off. Five minutes later, just as Richard wished to leave, he called Jenn. “There’s a light on and a figure, definitely male figure on the extreme left corner.”

Jenn looked through the telescope for the next minute, switching off the night vision system. “That figure is Marcus Horton, one of the senior fellows. But staff don’t usually work so late in this office.” She looked through the telescope again but only the light was on. Ten minutes and drinks of hot chocolate, the building was dark. Almost immediately, a car sped off from the garage and the detectives knew who to look into.

Exactly at half past nine on Saturday, Lin and Reinhard met up with Richard Head. Before they wanted to know what train tickets they should purchase, they were surprised to be handed train tickets.

“We’ll be taking a sleeper train, no the destination isn’t far off, Mr Head saw Reinhard’s mouth open. “Just somewhere near Brum, this sleeper train does stop there.” Five minutes later, they found themselves in a cabin with two bunk beds and a third opposite with a drawable partition, definitely for Lin. He said it’s just near Birmingham so hopefully won’t have to use the beds, the detectives silently thought.

As that train moved away, Jenn and Richard were at a breakfast and brunch eatery. Officially, they were there revising for their GCSEs – they told their parents that. Unofficially, they, especially Jenn, were looking into Marcus Horton.

“Right, his work profile is super perfect; rose from Oxbridge law, no legal internships, excellent record as a solicitor, called to the barrister’s Inn of Court earlier than his counterparts. Successfully argued many banking law cases. I call it Richard’s law of impossibility,” Richard drank his coffee after that.

“Right. He started the firm first before William Barnes joined. Now I recall, there was a heated argument on the second day I was there and before they took it to a private room, it was about getting a third partner and the solicitors outside were discussing which amongst them will be chosen.”

“Fine, still doesn’t say how that is connected to Kerri’s charges and her running away. What’s your thoughts?”

“We go to Mr Horton’s residence and talk to him. He listed his road names on his LinkedIn’s profile, there shouldn’t .”

It was nearly ten when Reinhard announced he was hungry. “Let’s go to the dining car shall we?” Richard Head suggested.

“You two go; I’m fine,” Lin remarked. As the boys went her eyes turned to the single bag Head carried. The main zip was locked with small combination lock and opening the side pockets, there was nothing. She felt the whole bag yet couldn’t identify its contents. There’s something strange and I can’t figure it out.

Twenty minutes later, the boys return but Reinhard suddenly declared he felt sleepy and immediately dozed off on one of the bunks. Lin immediately rushed over and his pulse felt fine. She was about to check his eyes when she heard, “Get up girl.” Lin turned to see Head pointing a taser at her.

Jenn was correct, there weren’t many residences along the road where Mr Horton stated he lived. Coincidentally, the court nurse Lorna Leeson who was also bound and gagged by Kerri appeared out the first house. In a short chat with the teen detectives which heard of, she reiterated her belief Kerry was not up to anything evil and told them what Kerri wore originally. “Marc Horton lives at number fourteen.”

As they approached that particular house, the gate and door were wide open and before Richard could call, “take caution”, Jenn darted inside. Kerri was there, dressed back in her clothes sans tights loudly shouting and pointing the stolen X26 taser at Marcus Horton.

“Jennifer, you shouldn’t be here,” Kerri shouted. However, the high-flying school debater lunched into a calm debate on why Kerri should not threat the firm’ co-partner though he did falsify her files. This took just under ten minutes just as Kerri dropped the taser but found herself back in police handcuffs.

“What did you do to my boyfriend?!” Lin shouted at the taser-wielding guy.

“Oh, just making him sleep. Now, go lie down close to him, undo your top and unzip his jeans. You two would make a front-page picture for the Mail, perhaps even better than your shorter girl friend, he cackled.

“So, this is it, humiliating our detective group. If you know us, we also have gadgets. Why don’t you search me first?” Lin said. Head initially didn’t respond initially, but nodded and approached Lin, keeping the taser pointed at her. He reached into her trousers’ right pocket and found a small purse, disregarding it. He reached into the left pocket and the fake wallet clamped down on his fingers causing him to scream.

Lin immediately kicked the taser from his other hand but she received a hard kick in her lower torso. This spiralled into an enormous fight with Lin using her Taekwondo skills versus Head’s skills which she quickly realised were karate and general fighting. Within two minutes, Lin thought she had the upper hand, he – left hand free of the ‘mouse trap gadget – slammed her hard against the wall. Despite the pain in her back, Lin rose and pushed him against the opposite wall. It had turned now from a martial arts fight into a tight tackle. Suddenly, Head hand grabbed the kicked taser and growled, “Got you now, bitch.”

Lin responded with a ferocious kick to his crotch which not gave him sharp pain but threw him with enormous force against the ladder of the bunk beds. Dashing over, she found knocked out cold. “No one calls me girl or bitch,” she spat at him. Then, feeling his pulse, she glad she didn’t kill him; she needed to gain information from him. She found a wallet thick with large pound notes but suddenly there was a knock on the cabin door.

“Is everything fine? I heard sort of a commotion coming from here,” the train manager asked.

“It’s alright, ” Lin answered quickly. “Just that boy slamming the walls. Say, I know it’s against the schedule and regulations, but could you stop the train at the next stop? My boyfriend needs to tend to family crisis.” The manager shook his head but Lin dangled £100 in her sore hand, “we can slow the train to the lowest speed, “he consulted his map. “twenty minutes time.”

After thanking him, Lin rushed over to her boyfriend. She called his name three times before his eyes fluttered open and he mumbled, “nice sandwiches”, “nice coca cola”

“Reinhard, are you feeling ok? We have to move in less than twenty minutes.” She received a ‘yes’, gave him a drink of bottled water then turned to the unconscious assailant. Holding the fallen taser, she slapped Head’s face until he feeling, regained consciousness.

“You injured my balls,” he croaked.

“Ok, Rich Head,” Lin nearly wanted to call him ‘Dick’ but that would sound crude. “Who really are you? Did you take and photoshop the pictures of Michelle are Mark?”

He fell silent and in response, Lin jammed the taser into his chest. “Ok, ok yes I took the pictures at long range, phtoshopped them and wrote the article very fast. Was hired by someone took take them.”


“I don’t know, I kept receiving messages from several phones numbers. One was threatening my folks if I didn’t do it. It’s the truth.”

Lin slapped him again, found his hankie, stuffed it in his mouth and wound his scarf around his hands. Five minutes later, these came off and all three managed to jump across to the train station. Lin handed the taser to the now-fully awake Reinhard as she bought tickets for a train head back the other direction. At that stop, she thankfully found a taxi whose driver silently was amused she had arm around one boy’s shoulder and a hand near another.

“Where to, lass?”

“Croonford, police station.”


“My name is Louis Gabriels and I took of Michelle Summers and Mark Cavendish, photoshopped them and wrote that frontline Mail article. I would sincerely like to apologise for the emotional distress placed on them, their family and disinformation it caused….” The broadcast was closed and the news presenter turned to world news.

“Well, that is much closure,” Chelle remarked as she pulled out her earplugs. The student who tried to take pictures of her private parts was immediately expelled and charged for molestation by a youth court. They verbal harassment against Chelle and Mark had stopped although there were random cases of bullying.

“So much for faking his name as Richard Head. Should have suspected he was related to the chief editor,” Lin added. Louis Gabriels was charged with illegal possession of a firearm and depending on Chelle and her parents, he might be charged with invasion of personal privacy. “I hear based on out town’s disgust, there’s an investigation into the Croonford Mail’s journalist practices and the parliamentary CMS committee is calling them for an inquiry.” Lin meant the Culture, Media and Sport Committee.

“I hear you solved your case Jenn,” Chelle called. Jenn explained that Kerri Richardson was charged for attempted assaulting of a court police officer and nurse. There was a serious charge of steal an officer’s firearm and impersonating one. However, with Jenn’s and Kerri’s statements regarding Marcus Horton, there were warrant-based raids on his residence and work office, with the recovery of devices to alter bank accounts and evidence explicitly showing he doctored Kerri’s documents. With him arrested, Kerri’s legal team got her a large fine, week-long community service and original charges dismissed.

“Everything is resolved but we still…” Chelle’s statement was interrupted her phone buzzing. “Mum wants me back home,” she explained.

Chelle noticed a red Nissan parked near her residence. In her living room, tea and cakes were out and there was a man looking younger than her father seated. Before she could ask, she smelt a familiar odour and from a corner came her mother, another woman and to her shock, Mark.

“I meet up with Maria weekly for our women’s’ charity,” her mother explained. “I only got to know she had a son Mark, your boyfriend. Now, I get to meet him. It’s a small world.”

Chelle rose and greeted Maria and her husband Gavin. Then, noticing, her boyfriend, she raced over and they hugged with the parents applauding.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in a story, title not yet determined.

33: Underneath the Mistletoe

Summary: As the girls go Christmas shopping, they encounter a group of younger girls with a family history in girl detective work. They join the young ladies to reveal stolen funds for an orphanage. Chelle and Lin try to get Jenn her first actual kiss.

Author’s note: The characters of Katy, Amanda, Louisa and their other younger female friends are those of Waistknot used wih his position.

“Oh, the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful, And since we’ve no place to go. Let it snow!”

“Ah thank you miss., ah thank you miss,” the homeless man playing the Christmas song greeted Chelle and Lin as they donated money. The pair were in Birmingham for Christmas shopping. It was not just any normal Christmas shopping as they were looking for gifts for their boyfriends, having lost a monopoly game against them. Jenn also lost a literature quiz to Richard, her new date and promised the pair she’ll join them later.

“”Ok, where do you want to head to?” Lin enquired as they step out of New Street station.

“Bullring of course,” Chelle replied telling her that she was aiming to get Mark a shirt or sports sweatshirt. With Lin following her, Chelle picked out a nice red sweatshirt for her guy, a set of new cutlery for her mum and a new tie for her father. Lin on the other hand was looking for computer components which Reinhard were seeking after and she was aiming to find stuff for new gadgets. After searching the shopping centre, Lin decided to head outside. She as well managed to pick out a gift for her guy and items which she felt would help form a new gadget.

“Ok, where’s Jenn…hey did you see that skip move?” Chelle pointed.

“Oh, what Americans call a dumpster. Yeah,” Lin replied and the pair moved towards it. Just then, they heard young female voice and out came one dark-haired girl emerged then two blonde-haired girls also emerged.

“Katherine, you’re lucky the skip we found was clean,” one of the blonde-haired girls said.

“Yeah, all I got was your bust in my face!”

“Well, who’s idea was it to hide in a…hey it’s the Croonford Girl Detectives!” The other blonde-haired exclaimed.

“Well, we’re certainly famous, ” Chelle remarked extending her hand to greet them. “You are?”

“I’m Katy Liggot, ” the black-haired girl introduced herself.

“I’m Amanda Butterfield, ” the first blonde-haired girl shook Chelle and Lin’s hands. Lin noticed the young girl had a prominent bust line.

“And I’m Louisa, Amanda’s cousin. Ask Katherine, she’s the brain’s behind the op,” she gestured to her friend.

“Well, we’re wannabe girl detectives. My nan, Mandy’s and Louisa’s nan were girl detectives in the 50s and told us three much about their various exploits. They sadly passed away a few years ago and we decided to carry the torch, after all we all are named after them. We’re looking into…”

Just then, Jenn walked up to the group and after introductions, she suggested getting a hot drink as the weather was getting chilly. The female detectives found a cafe and over mugs of hot chocolate and tea for Jenn and Louisa, Katy continued.

“We’ve been shopping at the gift store down the road,” Katy pointed at the shop down the road. “It always provides funds for the local orphanage. However, donations for the orphanage this year suddenly dropped. I’ve asked the store owner Mr Chris Hughes and he says it’s due to profit loss. His tone and facial expression told me otherwise. I then saw him leaving the store early many times, unusual for his normal schedule. Not wanting us girls to ask him that issue, we decided to hide in the skip I cleaned up to see…”

“Spy,” Amanda interjected.

“Yeah, spy on him. Today, we spotted him starting work nearly starting work around an hour later than usual.”

“Right,” Chelle nodded after taking a drink. “It’s frankly sounds a little flimsy. What exactly was his facial expressions, how different was his tone?”

“His tone was an annoyed one, different from his usual calm or jovial voice. His eyes were moving up and down. He really left the store early across early across the last three weeks and really came late today.” Amanda and Louisa nodded. “Will you help us?” Katy asked.

After Chelle glanced to her fellow detectives and the trio nodded simultaneously.

“We’re far from home. We’re actually here for Christmas shopping,” Lin stated, “That won’t stop us though it’s easier if we act as supporters or mentors. What do you say?”

Katy, Amanda and Louisa took a few moments to silently ponder then nodded. “Katherine, I’m not hiding in that skip again,” Amanda informed her friend.

“Ok, let take a rest then plan our next move, “Katy replied. The younger girls exchange contacts with Croonford girl detectives, thank them then left.

“Well, we’ve met an almost mirror image of ourselves,” Chelle remarked.

“Indeed. Jenn you were quiet throughout. Something on your mind again?” Lin asked.

“Oh, I’m here to find a Christmas gift. I’ve bought presents for my father, the male members of my wider family but never for a guy I now call my boyfriend. I should have won that quiz.”

“It’s never easy, Jenn,” Chelle remarked. “You have thought of what he likes of course?

“What he likes, well, he has everything that I was thinking about. Books, music CDs….”

“Anything you think that draw you two closer?” Lin wondered/

“Let me wonder around Brum, alone,” Jenn replied, placed several pounds down to pay for her drink. ” I don’t think the Cat is here.”

She did wonder around the city centre exploring several bookstores and music stores. Everything she looked at she knew Richard had due to their discussions. Do I go somewhere else to find a gift? Or do I get him a non-physical item?

“Maybe we could help Jenn to get her a present for Richard,” Lin suggested as they walked out of Croonford train station.

“What do you have in mind?” Chelle replied. “What we know about Richard is what we know from Jenn and what we’ve seen since he joined our group and our school.”

“We don’t have to find what he likes. It’s Christmas time. We can…” she whispered into her classmates’ ear and Chelle’s eyes widened.

Jenn travelled to Stratford-upon-Avon, hoping to find a gift. Spending most of the afternoon there nothing appeared suitable though she manged to find gifts for each of her parents and herself. This is way difficult than debating, drama or studies she thought silently.

Chelle and Lin arranged to meet the younger girl detectives the next day, informing Jenn. As they walked into the station, Chelle brought up Lin’s idea. “Mistletoe?! Like the town centre mistletoe?”

“Sure, everyone kisses under it. Reinhard and I missed it last as he was visiting his mother.”

“Well, Jenn isn’t a fan of traditions; you know she hates Halloween,” Chelle pointed out.

“She hates ghouls and monsters. A kiss under the mistletoe will seal their love for each other,” Lin stated. “If not the town square, we can plant one in another area.”

Just over an hour, they met Katy and Amanda, the former explaining Louisa will join them later. “So, before any further moves, we’d like to know, what it is like to be a girl detective?” Katy asked.

“There are fun times, challenging moments…” Chelle answered.

“And scary times but very rewarding moments at the end,” Lin completed the answer.

“Were you lot bound and gagged?”

The two older girl detectives smiled. “Many, many times, ” Chelle smiled. “With various restraints and gags and often down to our underwear to humiliate us.”

Katy and Amanda’s eyes blinked. “My nan was strung up bound and gagged in just her undies near the electric cables of bumper cars while investigating stolen valuables at a carnival,” Katy recounted.

“Mine also present there and dunked in a tank by innocent carnival visitors until saved. Later she and other girls investigating were restrained to carousel horses in intimate positions as well as gagged, the carousel spun wildly until rescued.”

“And my nan was bound and gagged more when investigating the ownership of an aerodrome. She literally had to land a plane, luckily with much assistance, solo.”

“It looks like your grandmas had great adventures as girl detectives. So, before this case, have you solved any previous?” Lin asked.

“Nothing much really, ” Katy answered. “Catching classmates cheating in tests.”

“Finding out who placed a dead rat in our Maths teacher’s bag, “Amanda added.

As Louisa and Jenn joined them, the younger girls gave their update. Chris Hopkins again was late for work this morning and according to Louisa he left the store earlier than usual with sack over his shoulder.

“Sounds like he’s Santa Claus,” Lin commented. “Seriously, you three are forbidden from enter his store now?”

Amanda replied that they had questioned Mr Hughes was very much annoyed with them. With the Croonford girl detectives deciding to enter the store, the six girls headed there. As they walked, Katie asked what else they require as girl detectives.

“You might t need a scientist,” Chelle pointed at Lin who explained she made gadgets which helped the girls hunt suspects and free themselves when restrained and gagged.

“Oh, there’s another classmate of ours, Melinda Royer who is keen on science and use a self-made camera to find who planted the dead rat. “Her granny was also with mine solving the stolen valuables from the carnival. However, she’s focused on school and school activities now. What else do we need?”

“You may need a friend from the police force,” Jenn finally spoke. “We have a Detective Chief Inspector who supported use on many cases as well as her assistant, a Detective Sergeant.”

The three younger girls noted that on their phones with Louisa remarking some of the local police were friendly others dislike young students. As they approached the store, Chelle told the girl detectives in training to wait outside less Hughes spot them.

“Hi girls, welcomes to Hughes gift store,” Chris Hughes greeted the Croonford girls. The girls in return browsed around for the shop for nearly thirty minutes until Hughes asked if they were going to buy anything.

As Jenn quickly picked a thirty series of Christmas cards. Chelle decided to comment. “The store is packed full…”

“…With non-Christmas gifts,” Lin completed the observation.

“Well, one must be prepared,” Hughes replied. “A good number of items are from Halloween and this Summer, still good to purchase, any takers?” The girls were looking at his eyes which were moving only very slightly, indicating he might be under stress.

Jenn notice the size of the store and Hughes was the only staff. “You work alone?”

“Nice to be alone, you going to pay for that?”

Jenn paid and the girls left meeting the younger girls who took them to Malaysian Delight in Chinatown for lunch. While waiting for their dishes, the Croonford girls updated those from Brum. In return, the younger ladies told them they did research on the store and Chris Hughes. The store originally sold electronic equipment and was owned by Hughes’ brother who died in combat in Afghanistan. Hughes himself served but was dismissed after a positive drug test and he did have a store assistant.

“Hmm, either he didn’t want to tell us he had a store assistant or he didn’t want to go through the store history,” Jenn remarked as her plate of Hainanese Chicken Rice arrived.

“Maybe he’s on drugs, though what we saw from his eyes can’t explicitly indicate that,” Chelle said after drinking her cup of teh tarik.

“It doesn’t explain why he leaves early and heads different routes and comes in late,” Amanda noted as her plate of beef friend rice which she was sharing with Louisa came. Chelle chose Hokkien Prawn Mee while Katy, having learnt tried the food of South East Asia before, picked Char Kway Teow. The six girls discussed the case and decided the investigation would mostly lie with the Brum girls. The Croonford girls recounted more of their exploits while in return Katy and Amanda gave further detail how their grandmothers helped a young female pilot, Clovis ‘Piper’ Merriwether get men arrested for illegal estate development and manipulation of a public land status. The Croonford girls gave them more advice how to be a successful girl detective and left.

“So, Jenn, any luck in getting a present for Richard?” Lin asked as they passed through the gates of New Street Station. Jenn shook her head.

“Can we help out?” This came from Chelle.

Jenn shook her head. “If worst comes to worst, I’ll just give him a card.” Lin turned to Chelle, saying silently their plan was in motion.

Amanda and Louisa returned to their homes in the Selly Oak region while Katy lived at Edgbaston. Katy, thirsty after lunch, let her friends go ahead as she headed to a nearby drink shop to quench her thirst. As she headed back, she caught a glimpse of Chris Hughes. With adrenaline pumping, she ran after him, watching her pace, so as not to alert him. As she ran, she noticed a backpack on his shoulders that was really pack full. Katy ran but Hughes quickly turned a corner. As she headed there, he was nowhere in sight. Damnit, she sighed.

“Thanks for borrowing your mistletoe, Mrs Brown,” Lin thanked her nearby neighbour. She caught up with Chelle who found an ideal place to hang the mistletoe which had little passer-by’s. “They still might not kiss each other, especially Jenn,” Chelle pointed out.

“Well, at least they’ll give each other a deep hug,” Lin replied.

“Where did he head to again Katherine?” Amanda asked.

“Along Temple Street, I lost him as he turned into Temple Lane.” Katy was in a Skype conference call with her fellow young girl detectives as it was 1°C outside now.

“Maybe he was going to a pub; there are several in that area, “Louisa pointed out.

“With that bag pack full? There’s something mysterious inside.” Katy continued saying they should return the next day to shadow him and attempt to discover what he was carrying.

“In this weather?!” Louisa exclaimed.

“Weather never stopped your swimming training Lou. It didn’t stop the Croonford girls,” Katy replied then worked out her plan.

Jenn was in her room watching the weather change. Everything she looked at she knew or highly suspected Richard. I’ll get him something somehow, she thought.

Katy headed back to the exact spot in Birmingham City Centre early morning and walked all the way up to where Hughes disappeared and moved further. Louisa was correct; there were shops, offices and some pubs there. Nothing appeared out of the order so she quickly returned to where she started and found Amanda. “Lou haas to tend to household chores, she’ll join us later. Miranda passed me this,” her friend gave her a short pole.

“It’s a telescope she made, though good up to 50 metres. Now, where are we heading?”

“Back to near his store, let’s try to stay hidden.” Katy rushed toward there with Amanda lagging.

“Hurry Mandy!”

“I’m in a dress and the wind is blowing fast!”

“You’re just like your granny , be practical next time.” Katy slowed down as she was half a block near Hughes’ store. The owner suddenly exited his store and Katy noted it was just 9:15 am. Watching her pace again, she trailed Hughes who again was carrying a bag, albeit with his left hand. She soon found in deep inside Brum’s Chinatown. She followed him past the Chinese Supermarket and then lost sight of him again. No way, I’ll find you she thought, then found herself lost amongst the Chinese population. Katy moved past them, searching until strong hands grabbed her, one hand covering her mouth tightly. Despite furious struggles and kicking, she was dragged to a side.

“Pesky little girl,” she heard Hughes’ voice in hear ear. “Stalker as well. You must learn a lesson.”

Katy was unceremoniously placed down on cold floor. Immediately, her thin arms were yanked behind her back and she felt adhesive tape of some kind binding her wrists together. Another round or two tape secured her arms to her waist. Katy was kicking but after he slapped her bum, she gave in. He next bound her ankles knees together.

“This is totally u…mmmmmph!” Hughes pulled off her scarf, made a quick knot and after lifting her head and jammed that knot into her mouth, tying it at the back of her head.

“Imm canmmm explmmm!” Katy shouted through the make-shift gag but again he spanked her again telling her to shut up. Just then, she heard a buzzing tone of a mobile phone. “Yeah…next drop? Broad street, where. Ok, will be there ASAP.” After one last spank, he left. Katy immediately struggled against the bonds however, he had made them really tight. Her struggling continued for more than five minutes until she heard Mandy’s and Louisa’s voices. “Goodness!” they both exclaimed, as she felt the tapes cut away.

“We need to get to Broad Street now! He’s delivering some sort of package there!” Katy cried, spitting out threads from hr scarf,

“You mean like this?” Louisa shone her phone torchlight which revealed the bag Hughes was carrying earlier. The trio cautiously approached it less it contained dangerous material. Unzipping it, they found loads of money and sweets. “Strange,” Amanda remarked. “Just like Christmas gifts.”

“Well, let’s get to Broad Street,“ Katy repeated.

“I’ve contacted the police, a DI Branson will meet us,” Louisa added and Katy noted she was holding a penknife. Outside, they encountered that police detective and updated him. Examining the contents with rubber gloves, he declared, “these are counterfeit notes and…” he sniffed the sweets. “…is actually cocaine. Thanks girls, I’ll take it from here.”

“We want to follow,” Katy quickly said.

“Alright, get in my car.”

Broad Street is a nightspot area and also the centre of Birmingham’s banking and financial centre. DI Branson parked at the start of the street and told the girls to stay inside. Quickly walking down, he showed his ID to pedestrians but all never saw any bag or suspicious package but as he neared an eatery, he saw a bag under a mistletoe similar to what the girls passed him. He entered and as he exited with it, a booming voice shouted, “leave the bag where it is!”

Hughes’ hand was in an arm lock over Amanda’s neck and a knife was in his other hand.

“Listen, release the girl. You are jeopardising an innocent civilian!” Branson shouted bag.

“Drop it or the lass get her throat sliced!”

Without any taser or firearm, Branson complied but a cry went out and Amanda immediately stomp her boot hard on Hughes’ foot hard. Katy and Louisa tackled the store owner down with all their weight and the former slapped his face hard. “That’s for binding me up and spanking me!” She yelled.

Branson rushed forward and handcuffed him. “Thank you, ladies,” he nodded as sirens wailed in the distance.

“Passing money and drugs. His son was under threat and thus was under much pressure,” Katy updated Chelle and Lin via WhatsApp call. “The police busted the supplier of cocaine and the counterfeit creator though Hughes is facing trial for what he did to me and threatening Mandy. We have to be witnesses.”

“It always happens in the aftermath. Congratulations on your first case,” Chelle replied then ended.

“Ok, let’s put Operation Mistletoe in motion,” Lin declared.

<em>Come to Barkson’s Lane after noon</em>, Jenn received the vague message from Chelle as she returned from food shopping with her mum. She received no reply after asking why but ever so curious, she headed out, hoping the snow will be light. Making her way there just in twenty minutes, she found it deserted save one old lady with her trolley. Is this a joke, she wondered as the cold struck her face. Suddenly she saw a Mistletoe hanging from a tree. Simultaneously, a noise emitted and a figure approached from the other end. Jenn quickly pulled out the pepper spray Lin invented.

“Mark? Did you call me here Oh hi, Jenn, “Richard greeted and she relaxed.

“Oh, see that?” He pointed at the Mistletoe. “You know the significance?”

“Yes, I do, I’ve read about Norse culture when I was young Richard,” she replied.

“Well, we could follow the tradition…or if you’re not ready just a nice embrace.” The two debaters, once rivals, stared each other then for no explicit reason, Jenn walked slowly forward, arched her head up and kissed Richard on his cheek. He responded with two kisses, one of her forehead and one on her nose. The both greeted each other ‘Happy Christmas’ with their breathes visible.

There were clapping and as the couple turned, they saw Chelle and Lin emerge. “You two! You set it up!” Jenn pointed.

“Like it?” Lin asked.

“Well, it’s a lovely Christmas gift,” the lanky lad remarked.

“I…I agree. Let’s get to where’s it warm,” the shortest girl detective suggested as her boyfriend embraced her.

The six teen detectives headed to Lin’s house since their portable heater at their headquarters was not strong enough. Pearlyn Chan allowed them, suspecting Chelle and Mark were together and not knowing Jenn and Richard’s status. The teens gathered in the dining room and immediately presents were presented. “Oh, wonderful! thanks Chelle,” Mark leaned and kissed his girlfriend after pulling out the sweatshirt. “Lovely, ” Reinhard remarked as he found the multi-USB adaptor Lin bought. He kissed her deeply to signify his appreciation. “I know that kiss meant a Christmas gift to you,” Jenn looked at Richard. “But after scourging many stores, I found Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day after you told me that you copy got torn.”

“That’s perfect!” Richard hugged her in response. It was now the boy’s turns to reveal their presents for their girls. Mark got Chelle a watch with their names engraved at the back. Reinhard got his girl a testube rack after one testube of hers cracked. “Jenn, hope you like Cliff Richard’s Songs from Heathcliff, you did say one song from your copy got spoilt.”

“We can listen to it together!” Lin then turned on her mp3 player which was loaded which Christmas songs. The detectives started singing together and after the player stopped, fruit juices were served and they all wished each other Merry Christmas.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in ‘Framed Part 1.’

29: Drama Crisis


Jenn invites the other detectives to witness a preview of a drama she wrote but a mishap happens. As the drama is put on hold, the school and the team investigates and an old foe is suspected. Meanwhile, Lin and Reinhard meets each others parents respectively, with different results.

“No higher! The shelf must be higher!” Jenn called. She was preparing the school’s drama room stage for her original play, titled The New Lady In Town which she hope to show case to the whole school. The other teen detectives were there except for Richard who was stuck in his school. Reinhard temporarily held Lin’s hands now thankful for her helping him get cured from his high blood sugar levels. Temporarily, less he got caught by the drama teacher. Chelle and Mark arrived later the former previously spending much time the last month with Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Robertson and Detective Sergeant (DS) Rainsbury to clear up issues regarding her Scottish adventure recently. The jealous twin, Edine, is being charged though it is likely she might end up in a mental institution. Elspeth had awarded Chelle with an Amazon voucher and free annual tickets to the Castle anytime this year.

“Lift her a little higher,” Jenn ordered. Her referred Natalie Sang, the American exchange student who had extended her stay with the school. Jenn found her a really talented actress and vocalist so she was placed as one of the lead characters in the drama. Nat was hedl up in almost hundred metres high on ropes and a leather harness ready to be lowered and lifted during the drama.

“Alright, Let’s start! Act One,” Jenn ordered. Everything went smoothly with Nat and the other characters conversing then the former began singing a melodic tune. As she reached the chorus, the ropes lifted her up then down a repetitive pattern, Just as Nat was raised again, one of the ropes snapped and she tumbled down on the wooden stage floor.

The drama team and Mark darted forward as Nat cried out loud. “I’m ok,” she remarked just as she was helped up.

“Natalie, go see the the school nurse.” the drama teacher Mr Jason Hughes ordered. Nat initially refused but finally went. “Jennifer, Bethan and those involved in the props I want to see you all now.”

Nearly an hour later, Jenn emerged from the drama room and the other teen detectives could see the pain in her face. “The ropes easily snapped despite them being new and tested with weights that matched Nat’s weight. Hughes quick examination showed that either someone intentionally cut or the ropes just couldn’t hold Nat’s weight. He’s calling the drama senior leadership for more more meetings to discover if it was accidental or deliberately done.”

“I’m sure we also can investigate,” Chelle turned back to the drama room.

“Uh-nuh, Hughes says the drama room is now off-limits except to himself and the drama leadership group. We can still look into it ourselves of course.” The five of them decided it would better to congregate in their headquarters later. As they dispersed, Reinhard caught up with his girlfriend. He took a short breath before asking a question he had rehearsed.

“Would you like to come to my place for dinner? Say Thursday at 7:30pm?”

Lin’s reply was instant. “Sure, something special?”

“Mostly to thank you for helping me get rid of diabetes.” He told her he hadn’t decided on the menu yet though it would be special. “Think we had enough meals out and at your place,” he added and gave her his address.

“I’ll be there!”

The teen detectives including Richard met up late that afternoon and Jenn immediately detailed the setting of the drama props. “The main head of props is George Allison. He either creates props from existing ones or acquire new ones. We’ve used a harness before though only for shifting smaller-sized actors and shifting objects. This harness was purchased from a shop specialising in drama props.” She showed the others the address of the shop.

“We’ll definitely check out,” Chelle remarked.

“The shop only opens on even days a week,” Jenn further added.

“Um, we can’t make it on Thursday, ” Lin quickly said.

“You two celebrating your dating anniversary?” Chelle asked though didn’t go further as she would sound like a hypocrite. “Fine, the rest of us will look into the store.”

“What about George? Do you suspect him Jenn?” Mark wondered.

“He’s good props guy. One year above us. Did try to run for drama president but withdrew.”

“Any conflicts at school? Family?” This came from Richard.

“That I’ve no idea. He does want it to be done at club meetings and acts.”

The detectivs broke up with Chelle, Mark and Richard aiming to check the props store. Lin and Reinhard were tasked with looking into George Alliso. Both were axiously looking forward to Thursday’s dinner. For Reinhard, he was still unsure what to cook. A Caribbean and German meal was definitive since that his heritage. There were far too many dishes from both cusines to choose from. He was so engrossed looking at the range of dishes and recipes online. Lin on the other hand was also wondering what he would cook as she was yearning for something German or from the Caribbean. Another issue was what she should wear. Scanning her closet, she quickly elminated the too short and too skimpy. She finally decided on the dress he bought her.

“No, all props sold here a high-quality, tested regularly. We’ve sold not just to school clubs, private musical societies and even West End productions. This is the first incident for my store,” the owner Mr. Ernest Harrison remarked.

“So what cause it to break?” Chelle asked.

” I already told the school teacher the answer; I haven’t the faintest idea. I’v already asked the original manufacturer and they don’t have any thing to add. Could be the clothing the actress wore adding to weight. You want to buy anything?”

“You really can’t think of why its snapped?” Mark kept on topic.

“I’ve said what I know. If you want, get the police involved. I’m innocent.”

The trio left and Chelle and her boyfriend looked at Richard. “I was silently listenng and taking a mental picture of the shop’s interior. You remember? I’ve got Photographic Memory.”

“Anything odd there? The owner?” Chelle asked.

“It doesn’t happen that faast. Nothing wrong there although something in my mind is telling me there might be.”

“Should we call to police?” Mark wondered.

“Involve them? Nah. Besides, Nikki might thing this isn’t a a police issue,” Chelle replied referring to their long-term police ally, DCI Nikki Heath.

Jenn and the drama leadership team sat in a semi circle. Mr Hughes immediately dimissed every other member and started first with Jenn. She naturally said she as head drama club felll on her though she delegated roles to the others in the leadership team and trusted all of her team. With regards to the props, she examined them often, check their quality way before they were used in any production along with George, the head of props. Alll props were locked in the props room and she and George ensured it was locked after use and she ensured the main doors to the drama room were locked after use. Bethan the deputy head provided a similar story, stating she worked with George to fit the harness on Natalie and they tested lifting her with success. One by one, the drama club members gave similar accounts: the room was always locked, props were always tested and high-quality ones were prchases and no one did not forget their responsibilties.

“So, it’s still an open issue,” Hughes informed them as they gathered together. “I’ll still like another round of questions, ” he immediately saw their faces and heard moans though continued, “looking at your activities the weeks before the preview.”

Lin and Reinhard actually did mimimal research on the props head George. Right on time, he heard his flat doorbell ring. Taking two deep breaths, he rushed and pressed the ‘Enter’ button on the intercom. Within seconds, his flat’s old door creak open and he saw his girlfriend. Lin was in a black summer coat with the dress he got her and two-inch matching heels.

“Welcome to my small home,” he greeted after kissing her on her lips, something he no longer was scared about. As he guided Lin inside, he apologised for the hordes of beer cans and bottles strewn all over the the place. “My dad always brings his drinking buddies here any never cleans up. Don’t worry, my bedroom is always cleaned up.” She smiled another thing we have in common, she thought. Lin found herself in a cosy enclave which he said was the dining area cum kitchen. “I have for starters, rice and peas, the main is Frankfurter Würstchen or simply Frankfurter along with white bread, ustard and horseradish. Finally, ” he opened the small fridge, “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, Black Forest gâteau!”

“Yummy!!!” she exclaimed. ” Did you make them all yourself?”

Reinhard gave an embarrassed grin. “The Frankfurter Würstchen was a lttile difficult to cook and I admit the Black Forest cake was shop-bought; any recipe I found was too hard to bake.”

‘Don’t worry; it’s the thought that counts. Can we begin?”

The two science whizzs and lovers heartily finished the rice and peas. As they turned to the Frankfurter Würstchen, they chatted what gadgets they could create for the detective gang, how they would improve the school science club they both lead and their school studies. As Lin reached for more mustard, Reinhard’s hand also shot out and they held wach out. This stayed for a few minutes until they both heard the door bang open, an exclaimation and…

“Hi… dad, ” Reinhard released his hold in Lin’s hand. Hewas shcked to see his fther who usually came home late on Thursdays.

“I saw some female high heels at the shoe rack and this smells good,” Mr. Tomas boomed. “And who the hell are you?”

“Uh, hi dad,” Reinhard answered. “This is Lin Ling my schoolmate. I thought you were at work.”

Lin rose and reached out her hand to shake Reinhard’s father but he did not shake it. “Who are you?” He stared particularly at her dress and notice the light makeup.

“Dad, she’s a school mate and a co -president at the school science club,” Reinhard quickly answered. Shit, this wasn’t the plan.

His father stared at them again and the next second he repeated his question, shouting it.

“Dad, she’s…my girlrfriend.”

“I want you out of my house!” Reinhard’s dad shout.

“Mr. Tomas, I can…”this came from Lin but the parent demand was certain. Mr. Tomas allowed her to get a tupperware full of the remaining meal and dessert before Lin got out.

On Friday afternoon, the teen detectives met up to hear her meeting with Mr. Hughes. “It was just so straight: I had no other activities on except some debate prep, finishing schooll work and some formal and informal drama meetings. No detective adventures right?” The rest nodded. “Hughes doesn’t know that. Anyway, I told him truthfully what I did and so did the other members. Either one of them is lying or that it. None of us dared cut that harness.”

“Any of you suspect? That George?” Chelle asked.

“No, none of use would dare harm any actor like that or spoil a play. George, I still don’t think he’s nasty.”

“That could mean an outsider,” Mark remarked.

“Well with all the care taken to secure the room and the pops of high quality, who do we suspect?”

“Well, to narrow the search, we could look at the CCTV,” Lin stated and all eyes turned towards her.

“The school’s CCTV?! Lin, you know only school staff are allowed to view that,” Chelle stated.

“We have crossed the line before? The only answer they can give is ‘no’.”

The detectives headed to school. While they did so, Lin dropped backed and handed her boyfriend the tupperwares from the failed dinner.

“I’m sorry my dad ruin our dinner, “Reinhard said. “You’re not angry at me are you?”

“Not at all. What happended after I left?”

“He scolded me for inviting a a girl into the flat; dad has hated woman after he left my mother. Scolded me for not telling me I have a girlfriend.”

“He didn’t ask you to break off our relatinonship did he?”

“No, thankfully.”

“Why don’t you come over to meet my folks. I’m sure with my parents it’ll be a nicer time.”

The school staff in charge of CCTVs was the school caretaker Ted Wiggins. Initially, he rejected their request, until he noticed Jenn, who ‘saved’ the school during the hostage crisis. “I would lose my job if I let you view the screens. OK, only three of you lot.” That rested on Jenn, Chelle and Richard who volunteered to watch. Jenn immediately asked ffor videos near the drama room area for the last two weeks. The three teen detectives scanes the various sccreens but nothing unusual appeared. “Can you extended to two more weeks?”

Wiggins complied though he said there were not many files. As he flipped through several videos, there was one showing a figure with face not shown in the screen. The person wear an all black top with bare arms. The figure was nearly a hundred metres away from the drama room door until the next second it turned and appeared to disappear from sight.

“That’s it. Can we have a copy?” The answer was flat no though Wiggins allowed them to watch a still frame for a minute before asking them to leave less they and him be caught.

Out in the sunshine, they caught up with the ohers and all attention was on Richard. “I saw something on that person’s shoulder before. It was a short drawing, could be a tatto. Seen it at the props shop.”

All eyes widened.

“It was a cat symbol.” Chelle, Lin Jenn mummured.

“It the Cat!” Chelle exclaimed. “The fiend has returned.”

“Who’s the cat?” Reinhard and Richard asked simultaneously asked however, the girls kept chatting loudly until they settled down.

“The cat, or as as call this figure, arose when Lin and myself went out one Halloween when we were twelve or so. She any her accomplice locked us in som coffin and luckily we found a hidden door leading to a house allowing us to escape.”

“Yeah evil. Then after we stopped those school bullies, we three – me, Chelle and Jenn – received a text message from the Cat congratuulating us on find lost girls. Next, we solved why students fell asleep in the examination hall, we three girls received a picture from the Cat photoshopping us and later…

“Oh don’t remind me!” Chelle almost wailed. “She stripped me to my undies and restrained me to some rotten beam. Luckily, I was freed in time to catch Mark’s rugby game.”

“She and her accomplices bound and gagged me and Lin while Chelle grounded, ” Jenn added. “Me also down to my underwear and my period started. It was so humiliating!” Jenn moved away and continued sobbing. Richard caught her and she composed herself fast.

“Ok, what’s our game plan? We return to the store again right? Where exactly was the cat design?”

Richard was going to answer when Jenn received a text message. “I’ve got something else on; can we discuss this later?”

As the detectives splt up, Reinhard caught up with Lin and asked about the Cat’s messages and the box the person left.

“Oh, the messages I got DCI Heath’s team to track and left the box with her. Now that you mentioned it, you want to join me to check what the police discovered?”

He nodded then slipped back to alk to Mark. “She’s inviting me to meet her parents at her home!”

“Hey mate ,that great progress with your relationship. I’ve not yet met Chelle’s folks.”

“Really? But what do I? What should I bring?”

“Don’t overdo it friend. Don’t get extravagent gifts. Be yourself, be confident.”

“No, we haven’t found any evidence, Lin, ” DCI Heath remarked. “Actually, our forensics team is filled with much evidence from many cases now. Would you two like take it and examine yourselves?”

Lin and Reinhard nodded and signed forms to retrive the box left by the Cat. She check her phone and told him to come over on Saturday,

“That so close!”

“Well, my ma and pa are free then and Saturdays are usually nice meal. Is that fine? See you.” Yikes, he thought.

Richard, Jenn and Chelle returned to the shop and pretended to shop. Richard spotted the cat design and wthin half a second he asked Mr Harrison what what meant ask he looked at a fake flower pot.

“Oh that youung man? That’s a good luck sign. My young daughter loves cats. Right Emily?” A young girl replied, carrying a small cat waved.

Richard returned the wave and eventually the trio left.

“No, I don’t think the owner is lying.,” Richard remarked as Chelle updated the others. “Yes, the signs are there though that’s not enough to accus them.”

Jenn nodded then said she knows who to talk to.

On Saturday afternoon, after a long gym workout, Reinhard chose his best suit and doned ample dodrant then took a taxi to Lin’s house.

“Good evening Mrs. Chan,” he greeted the woman at the door. “I’m..”

“Reinhard. oh, that’s so lovely!” She took the flowers and box of chocolates. “Please, call me Pearlyn.”

Reinhard nodded as she led the way inside although, having visited Lin’s home before, he still followed.

“I hope you’re fine with steamed fish. My husband loves it now.” Reinhard agreed and accepted chopsticks as he was practising with them himself. Lin was in a casual wear, a T-shirt with a jeans skirt. After the usual ‘how are you’, Pearlyn asked him his background then asked how they came to date. Lin added to the account though they left out much how they got trapped in a chamber and nearly drowned. Pearlyn accepteed their account with only small queries and smiles.

Just then, the door rattled and emerged Lin’s father entered, with a walking stick. Reinhard quickly got up, and with a loud voice, greeteomd. “Good evening Mr. Chan.”

Lin’s father looked at him for a second, replied then Reinhard offered to help him to his seat. As Pearlyn moved to the kitchen to get the food, Reinhard’s dad turned and asked who he was. The questions came from Chan Yong Hong, first simple ones then rapid detailed ones.

“Boyfriend?” Mr. Chan rather in a disagree tone. He turned to his daughter. “What’s wrong with Yao Ming?”

“Yao Ming?” Lin quickly explained he was an old friend. “Pa, we hardly know each other, nothing in common with him.”

“He’s rich, he’s tall he matches..”

“Pa, I haven’t any contact with him for years. Last I hard, his family is moving to Indonesia.”

“My darling, I think…” Chan Yong Hong picked out a fish bone during a tooth pick and started coughing rapidly. “Reconsider.”

“Darling you should rest,” his wife suggested and helped him up.

“I didn’t get your father’s approval did I?”

“My husband does speak his mind,” Pearlyn answered, returning. “Coffee? Or are you fine with Chinese tea?”

Reinhard answered the latter. There was some more light chit-chat and he privately liked Lin’s mother. “I better make a move. Thank you very much for ther dinner. Please thank your husband for me.”

“It’s raining. I’ll give you a lift back. Don’t be silly Reinhard, you catch a cold,” Pearlyn said.

Jenn presented herself at the local Young Offers Institude, convincing the staff to let her visit ‘an old friend’. After a brief check through the metal detector, she was told to pick up te phone next to a transparent window.

“Jenn! It’s so good of you to visit me!” Molly Peacock, who once joined up with th Cat greeting across the window. Molly started whining how terrible life in the Institute was and how difficult it was to study English Literature in a poorly equipped library.

“Jenn, I’m so sorry I humilated you…”

“Molly…”Jen pressed her hands against the glass then updated her, telling her she suspected the Cat figure had returned.

“Oh Jenn, that terrible! No, I had no contact since I’ve been here. Oh, I would love to see your play. Oh..”Molly started clutching her stomach and moaned.

“Guard! Guard!” Jenn called and it took the staff a few minutes to respond, guiding Molly out. Jenn later heard it was food poisoing. “It’s nothing wrong lass. Now leave,” the official said.

Could it be a deliberate act? Jenn wondered. Before she could think further, she felt a light sting and collapsed on the ground.

Jenn soon saw light shine on her and that was it she could move or feel anything.

“Welcome back, little Jenn,” she heard a mechanical voice. I can see, hear can’t move.

“Looks like this dart worked well. Oh no, it made you wet your jeans. Shouldn’t have set the intensity so high. Don’t worry, it’s not like your period.”

“You caused me to wet…

“My message is simple. The Cat was not responsible for damaging that harness or trying to give your friend a stomach ache. The Cat will still haunt you and your childish detective group, hahaha. Now, sleep well little one.”

Jenn suddenly regained consciousness, finding a light cleave gag between her lips and her wrists and ankles bound with material she could not identify. Then a blackness surrounded her. Jenn woke up again, finding her arms and ankles free and the gag gone. Her senses had returned and slowly she managed to get up.

“Jenn? Is that you? Why you on the ground?” She heard her mother call and saw her.

“Uh, nothing really mum.”

Jenn couldn’t inform the others as she received a message from Hughes to meet up. He ad gathered the drama leaadership team again. “Ok, I have heard your accounts and also check recent CCTV footage, “Jenn’s heart lept wondering if he spotted that figure. “Yet I not found any mischevious acts or any person trying to damage that harness. I’ve sennt it for repairs and Jenn, your drama can proceed.”

Jenn thus was really busy. On drama night, the whole place was packed full and she was ready for mishap the Cat would create. Far from that, the whole drama went ahead without any problems and as the whole cast and crew gathered on stage, they received a loud ovation.

“Really good after all,” Chelle commented and Mark nodded.

“Hey, have you seen Jenn? I can’t find her after we left the stage,” Bethan came up to them. “We’re suppose to take a group photo.”

The answers from detectives were negative though Richard volunteered to find her. A quick scan of the area didn’t show her. He quickly shifted and found himself entering the props room without any clear thought. It was like his school’s own drama prop room – he had volunteered there – and there were a range of props of various kinds yet the room was pretty clean, though a little hard to navigate through. He slowly moved through it calling out her name.

It was on his fifth call that the laundry hamper in the centre of the room shifted and a low groan emitted from it. He threw open the top of the basket and looked down on sheets, piles and piles of sheets. Yanking the top few layers away, he found Jenn underneath.

She looked like an Egyptian mummy although she was completely shrouded in black sheets from her shoulders to her ankles. The sheets were wrapped tightly about her body especially here eyes and held in place with a length of coarse rope around her shoulders, waist and legs. More sheets were wrapped around her mouth as a gag almost completely covering the lower half of her face which was puffy. A

“Ard! Get m e out —f –ere!”

“You do look like a muumy, except the colour,” he remarked.


Composing himself, reached down and pulled the sheet from Jenn’s mouth. She spat out a soggy pair of socks, most definitely her own, and soon lifted her out and undid the rest of her bonds and blindfold.

“So what really happened?”

Jenn recounted how she left the stage and was head back until a masked figure or two grabbed her and she felt a sting on her neck. The next moment, she found herself lowered into the basket. It was at the last moment the figure who did so was wearing a distinct mask of a cat.

“The Cat! Is really back!”

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in story title not yet clarified.

28: Scottish Fling


Chelle travels to Scotland for a history class trip but mystery awaits. Meanwhile, Lin helps Reinhard with his medical problem and Jenn has a challenging first date with Richard.

This story has parts taken from A Tale of Two Snoops.

It also uses content from Lisette and the Cyber Geeks Chapter 16 written by the famous Brian Sands.

Adult bondage but only on an adult.

“You slept with Bethan and had an orgasm?!” Lin exclaimed.

“I’m not proud of it,” Jenn remarked with a slightly depressed look.

“Well, there’s nothing really wrong with experimenting with your sexuality. You really don’t like guys? Anyone one from school?” Jenn shook her head.

“What about…” Lin’s statement was cut off as Chelle entered their headquarters panting. “Sorry, did I miss anything?”

“What’s the problem? And isn’t it half term?” Chelle was in her school uniform with an added school jumper on.

“Last-minute school trip to Scotland. I’m going to some 17th Century castle somewhere south of Edinburgh, “She explained.

“Luckily my history trip is to the East Midlands and but during the school week,” Jenn remarked. “At least you’re travelling within the UK and can bring gadgets unlike me in Paris,” Jenn remarked.

“Oh yeah, any new gadgets?” Chelle asked her East Asian classmate.

“Here,” Lin produced a pair of spectacles. “Press the sides near the hinges and you get light shining out. ”

“Like the pen torchlight?”

“Yes, but the unique part is that others in front won’t spot the light if they are 100 metres or more,” Lin added. “Just don’t leave it on for long.”

“Ok, that’s great,” Chelle checked her watch. “Got to go, meet up when I return.”

“Jenn, why don’t you go out with Richard?” Lin re-continued.

“Richard?! He’s my debate rival.”

“Well, you share that in common. He rescued you in Paris and he seemed the part.” Lin’s phone buzzed. “I’ve got to meet my guy. Think about it.”

Chelle was quite tired not from the rush to meet up with her class but as she was on the first day of her period. The class took a long train to Edinburgh then a charted bus ride to the castle.

“Wow, it doesn’t look like a normal castle,” one classmate remarked. The castle had a triangular top and towers were not visible, the walls looked like they had a new coat of paint.

“It certainly is not your generic castle, ” a red-haired bearded man who introduced Alastair Murray their guide for the castle. He led the class into a side entrance and Chelle despite her lethargy, noticed a van with darkened windows and a pair of men carrying a long crate out.

Reinhard and Lin discussed the latter’s captivity last time. He noted she forgot to apply the facial cream she invented that would loosen tape gags. Lin noted, remarking that she was too busy focused on shopping with Natalie. Just as he was about to change subject, a text message appeared on his phone.

“Damn, the results of my blood and urine tests; I went to check as I lost some weight. I’ve got diabetes and have to head to collect medicine from the specialist.”

“I’ll accompany you,” Lin responded. Forty minutes later, the couple emerged with Reinhard carrying a small bag. “Diamicron,” he read the packet. “Take two a day before a meal.” The other items were a pocket-sized blood glucose meter, a lancet and a pack of strips. The doctor’s order was him to use the lancet to prick any of his fingers, attach a strip to the meter and place it against the blood oozing out. He was to send daily readings to the endocrinologist.

“I can’t believe I’ve got diabetes at mid-teen,” He complained. “I guess it’s because I’ve been eating too many sweet snacks and drinking too much Coca-Cola.”

“Hey it’s Type 2 diabetes right? I’ll help you get cured,” Lin squeezed his arm.

Jenn was wondering if Lin’s suggestion was ridiculous. Go out on a date with Richard?! She only brought him in to the detective group due to his Eidetic memory not for her liking him. He and his debate team have defeated mine many times. Why should I… Jenn reached for her phone and sent him a WhatsApp message not asking for a date. She instantly received his reply with several suggestions where to head to.

Chelle’s history class had a long tour of the Castle’s interior and immediate outside then received a serious of questions and an essay set by their history teacher. Despite still feeling tired, she completed the assignments and rested in the assigned guest room. There was water to drink but no hot drinks. Sighing, she headed back out but the Castle interior was a maze. “Hey,” she spotted the guide Alastair. “Where’s the hot water here?” He gave her a detailed set of directions. Chelle took the first few steps, however the steps she took brought her to the end of a dark corridor. Wait, he said to take a left turn but there no turning. She retraced her steps but only found a narrow corridor leading to the right. Taking a few steps, her foot suddenly caught a loose floor panel.

Lin’s plan to cure Reinhard of diabetes was rigorous but, in his view, strict. It involved exercising twice, not once, a week and absolute abstaining from sugary food and high carbohydrates. After a swim with her covering more laps than he was used to, they ate at a Cantonese outlet. “No, you can’t eat those, ” she stopped him from taking the Char Siew Bao. “There too much starch in the rice flour. Here, take more of the meaty dim sum.” I really wish I could eat that, he thought. For dessert, Lin had mango pudding while he received just oranges that weren’t too sweet. “Fruits are good for you,” she remarked. He was a fan of mango pudding and wish he was struck with this condition.

“Hey Jenn,” Richard greeted her with smile. He was dressed in all blue from jacket to jeans. “Glad you choose the bookstores option; I love to immerse myself in old books.” Jenn only nodded wondering if she made the right decision. Jenn did find the three bookstores helpful and purchased books for her GCSE Literature and some for her own pleasure. Grudgingly, she accepted a lunch with him and it was worse that she had to sit side-by-side as the lunch crowd was packed.

As Richard finished most of his fish and chips, he turned to her and asked, “Jenn, why do your always wear jeans and never skirts?”

Jenn threw down the rest of her sandwich and turned annoyed. “Why you think girls must always must wear skirts?”

Richard calm, replied, “No, I’ve just always seen you outside your school uniform wearing skirts. Remember the debate on feminism your team won? Your speech showed mentioned how skirts are a symbol of female power.”

“That was debate; I hardly believe in what I argue in debate.” With that, the pair launched a heated argument.

As Jenn and Richard were arguing, Chelle stopped after feeling the loose panel. Her thoughts of getting hot water were quickly replaced by her inquisitive detective mind. Chelle kicked the panel twice and there was a soft creaking sound after the second kick, revealing a fairly dark entrance to a passageway. She recalled the tour guide never saying there were any secret tunnels here. And he was the one who gave me directions to nowhere. She stepped inside, finding a not-so-dark passageway. She activated the pen torchlight which gave her enough light. The first part of this unknown area was wide enough to walk through but soon it narrowed and her school skirt caught a protruding part from the sides. It took her several minutes to dislodge it however part of the skirt was torn. Oh, how I wish I had changed to practical; the teacher won’t like this.

As Chelle walked through the narrower passageway, part of her mind told her mission was to find hot water while another told her this area was really exploring. As she paused to debate, she heard a soft sound from the wall to her left.

“I can’t lift that!” Reinhard protested. He and Lin were in a local gym. They were the dumbbell section. She wanted him to lift weights 10kgs more than he had before.

“I’m sure you can. Larger weights are great; can help you regain you weight.”

Reinhard tried but couldn’t lift and wanted to give up, however, she told him to try again and gritting his teeth, he managed to. “Good work, continue to your usual number.” He did, but stop five less, finding it stramineous. He shifted to the leg press which he loved.

“Try the barbells,” Lin suggested.

“I’ve never used that. How do you…”

“I’ll show you,” she told him to lie down on the bench press and fitted a not-so-heavy set of weight press. She showed him how to position his arms and she’ll lower the barbell when needed.

“You’ve done this before? “He starred up at her, loving the shape from her sports bra.

“Yup, now lift.” The first tries were difficult but he was fine with the rest. Ending at eighty lifts, he was grateful that was it. They both ended on the treadmill and he declared he was famished, though knowing it would be a sugar-less meal.

“This meeting is over!” Jenn declared, throwing down her sandwich. Glaring at Richard, she said a curt ‘thank you for the meal’ storming off. How dare he suggest I wear skirts and dresses more often. Women and girls today aren’t fixed on stereotypical clothing. How dare…Jenn repeated those angry thoughts as she made her way to the train station. Jenn was going to wait at the platform when she thought. That was still a little unfair on my part. I should have just argued normally not show my temper. Jenn ran back and spotted Richard in a music store at the oldies section.

“Returning to vent your view on jeans?” Richard’s tone was calm.

“I shouldn’t have thrown my temper,” Jenn replied.

“I shouldn’t have forced my views on skirts and dresses on you. You can wear what you like.”

The two debaters looked each other then Jenn broke the ice. “You like oldies?!”

Richard gave an embarrassed grin. “Yes, well my parents loved them and always played it since I was born. I’ve caught the love for the music. Not the exact music you would expect a teen to like and I get teased for that.”

“Oh, my mum music’s taste made me love oldies. Which artist is your favourite?”

He showed his selection of Beatles albums including With the Beatles. Jenn scanned the shelves and picked Spirits Having Flown, an early Bee Gees Studio album which her family did not have. The pair discussed other bands and singer-song-writers until Richard glanced at his watch. “It’s getting late. A pretty nice outing don’t you think?” He extended

Despite our heated argument over how I dress she thought. “Yes, it was nice.” She shook his hand and they parted.

The sound stopped for two seconds then Chelle heard it again. She pressed her ear against that section of the wall yet the sound was faint. It came and the pattern identified that it was human-made. “Hello? Is someone there?” She repeated the call yet no voice responded. Chelle moved further inside the mysterious tunnel but she quickly found a wall blocking her directly. Chelle shook her head. It’s so cliche, Chelle thought stopping detectives with literal dead ends. She exactly the wall made of cement though some parts appeared to be wooden. Chelle struck and kicked the wall at various parts but it did not move and she ended up slightly hurting her hands and feet.

I’ve got to return to my room, Chelle sighed and turned back. As she walked back, a thought struck her. If she accidentally found the loose panel to open up this hidden area surely there must be another panel or something to struck. She dashed back near the wall and searched around. She finally spotted a minute stick protruding out from the left side wall. Gently pulling it, the wall creaked then lifted up. Elated, Chelle moved in but found herself in a pitch-black area. As she fumbled for the pen torchlight, the floor beneath her opened and she fell.

Chelle had fallen down small holes in children’s indoor parks before, but this hole was many times large and she hardly managed to break her fall when she struck the ground. Ow… Chelle cried out. She did manage to get up and rubbed her bum. As Chelle started to move, a same creaking sound emitted and she surmised that the wall she got open now closed. Great, alone deep inside some hidden chamber. You a teen detective another voice told her. Investigate. The problem was the pen torchlight she used was damaged. Lin’s not going to like it, she thought twisting a James Bond phrase. Pulling out the spec’s her fellow detective just made, it gave her enough light to proceed. There was only one place to head: the open archway in front of her. As she entered, she found herself on a narrow walkway with an evident chasm below. Carefully walking – it was far not easy with her school skirt – yet she managed to reach almost the end until she heard the sound again. It was now much louder and Chelle didn’t take long to identify that it the sound from someone gagged.

Ahead of her, the ‘bridge’ parted into two: one longer route and the other, a smaller route. She tried the longer route and the muffled sounds grew closer. There was one larger door ahead but the lock was rusty and easily broken. As she entered, she gasped.

Reinhard gasped as the reading on the blood glucose meter reading was high. endocrinologist just told him to get it down. After complaining to his girlfriend that he didn’t eat any with sugar or starchy, she suggested he should take the sample a little later. “Your body needs time to absorb food.”

“Since when did you know all this stuff?”

“I previously read up. Would you like meet for a run this afternoon? The weather seems nice.”

“Err, how about a swim?’ She agreed. He secretly was interested in seeing her in her swimsuit as even her one-piece was really sexy on her body.

Dress code: formal. Jenn read the last part of Richard’s text message over and over again. He had invited her to see The Phantom of the Opera at a high-class theatre in Birmingham. Jenn had seen this musical before only once when she was six and it was one of her favourites – did he know that? One voice told her she should reject the offer and stay home. Another told her it wasn’t anything wrong and he shared the love of oldies music with her. Jenn silently weighed her choices then opened her closet. She had few dresses that matched the dress code. She finally selected the maroon short-sleeved one. Jenn couldn’t recall the last time she wore this dress but it wasn’t dirty. Along with it she added her only pair of nude 40 denier tights for the weather not for looks.

Chelle’s gasp was due to the woman she found. The woman was hooded with her orange hair sticking out underneath. Her wrists were bound to rings screwed to the wall with cable ties. Her ankles were likewise secured to rings on the floor. “Hang on,” Chelle rushed over, untying the hood. It revealed a tired as well frightened face, the lower half covered with a thick black duct tape all around her head.

Chelle worked of that but even her nimble fingers took time to peel the tape away. The woman half spat and Chelle grimaced as she pulled out a saliva-soaked stocking.

“Thank you,” the woman croaked in a slight Scottish accent. “They sent a school girl to rescue me? Oh, you’re one of the Croonford teen detectives?”

Chelle nodded as she started work on the bindings. Those came off faster with the aid of her laser pen and Chelle help the woman up. After introducing herself, the woman replied, “Elspeth MacGregor, the owner of Castle Macgregor.”

“Let’s get out of here, Elspeth.” Chelle wondered if they had to walk back through the narrow path.

“Follow me,” Elspeth noticed Chelle’s look. “I grew up exploring this hidden area.” She proceeded to the opposite wall, pushed a brick and a door opened. As they entered, Elspeth explained King Duncan I built this underground network and the hidden doors so his troops and family could hide here during any intensive conflict. Chelle quickly changed topic asking Elspeth how she came to be captured. “This morning, two men surprised me as I got out of my residence. They gagged me as you saw, hooded me, restrained me and I felt myself in some vehicle. Shortly after, I was carried out and restrained as you found me.” Chelle immediately knew that was what she spotted earlier.

As Elspeth pointed to another passageway, Chelle continued asking if she knew who was behind her capture.

Elspeth pulled up her broken dress and cleared her throat. “Oh, I definitely know one of them is Fred, my head gardener. He’s the only employee who knows the layout of the underground besides me. The other could be his assistant Blair or another employee.”

Chelle followed her up and around another passageway. A gardener may have some beef against her employer yet there to be a main goon. Catching up with Elspeth, she asked if anyone held a serious grudge against her.

“Oh, you are really a detective. This Castle is worth millions. Others have tried to buy it. Others have fake birth certificates claiming they are MacGregor. The worse is my younger twin sister Edine who has been trying to claim rights to the castle. She doesn’t.”

Jenn didn’t feel right as she entered the theatre. “Oh, evening Jenn, beautiful dress,” Richard greeted. He was in a dark blue suit with an equally blue tie with yellow stripes.

“You don’t have to flatter me,” Jenn tried to reply in a neutral tone. “Exactly how did get tickets for this expensive theatre?”

“My dad got tickets for them and I was to join him. This morning he fell sick so one ticket is available. I’m paying him back.”

“So, you’re treating me.” He nodded.

“Alright. It must be a coincidence Phantom is my favourite musical.”

“I love several of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals like Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Cats. Shall we?”

They walked to door and Jenn expected him to reach for her hand but he didn’t. Some people were chased away as they were casually dressed. I wearing this damn dress to meet the dress code, not to show off to Richard. The pair watched silently but Jenn couldn’t help but mouth the words to Music of the Night. She was engrossed and silently felt this outing was fruitful after all.

“Do you fancy another beer, Rich?” The bearded man asked.

“Nah, how much can you drink Fred?” These were the men who had captured Elspeth. Rich was the Castle’s chief repairman.

“Och, what’s the harm. We did what the real boss wanted us to do. Can’t wait to check my bank account.” Just then, his mobile buzzed.

“The boss lady is coming over. Wants to see our ‘work’ we did the girl.”

“Does she think we literally rough her up?”

“Don’t think crude.” Just then, a woman in dressed in all black looking exactly like Elspeth but with a scar on her forehead appeared. She curtly demanded to see her sister. Fred led the way down, taking a different route that Chelle initially did also a different one that she and Elspeth were escaping from.

Just as they stepped into the chamber, all they saw was the hood, the soaked stocking, pieces of tape and broken cable ties.

“What? B-but that’s impossible! She was right here I swear we saw head drop down like falling asleep,” Fred shouted.

“Well, she’s bloody missing,” the woman or Elspeth’s sister Edine shot back with an angry look. “Find her!”

“The two henchmen though strong nearly dropped at her roar. They scrambled around, looking for clues where Elspeth escaped to. Edine picked up the broken cable ties and curtly asked “Did you not search her?”

“Er she was just in a dress. We dumped her handbag outside her quarters.”

“Well, these are burnt marks,” she held up one cable tie, “Either she has some high-device on her or…someone came to free her.”

“Hey boss, there’s a hidden door here. She must have escaped via it,” Rich pointed.

“Oh, this mysterious complex. Chase after her, no I recall there’s should be another passageway,” Edine pressed the various walls and found a second door. “If I recall, this should lead you to the surface. That’s where she would have gone. Go!”

“Like Act One?” Richard asked as the exited during the intermission.

“Oh, it was lovely! They may have changes actors but the version of The Music of the Night and All I ask of You was perfect!”

Jenn really has changed, Richard thought. We’ve found common in old music and in musicals. She may not be keen on dresses or skirts but that’s not a matter. Are these just outings or are they dates?

Fred and Rich hurried up the stairs of the hidden passageway less than incur more of the wrath from Edine.

“You sure this leads us up to the surface?” Rich wondered.

“Aye, I know remember this layout,” Fred insisted. “It isn’t a long route. The route she’s taking is longer and we’ll catch her.”

“Ya sure?”

“Why the doubt? The bitch Elspeth taught me this place when I was a junior gardener. I want to see her suffer,” Fred pulled his companion aside and held his finger to his mouth. “They are near.”

Chelle and Elspeth spotted a hatched that was locked. “Usually there’s a key. Hand me the laser item you used to cut my bonds.” As Elspeth worked on the lock, Chelle was thankful they were almost free; she needed a good drink of water and a change of clothes, especially her underwear. The sun shone through the open hatch and just as Elspeth attempted to climb up, strong hands grabbed and yanked her up. Chelle tried to snuck back but a second set of hands also pulled her up.

“Fred! I knew it was you!” Elspeth exclaimed as she struggled in Fred’s tight grip. Twisting her head, she shouted. “And you Rich! How could do this!”

“We ain’t working for you anymore,” Fred snarled, holding a crowbar in his hands. As if on cue, Edine appeared.

“Well, well looks like sis can’t escape. Remember how you failed to escape in all those games, from childhood to university orientation?”

“Why are you doing this?!”

“I’m claiming what rightful mine. You aren’t the castle owner anymore.” Edine gave a signal and Rich gagged Elspeth with a cloth and a long piece of duct tape. Her wrists were secured behind her back with a cable tie.

“Now who do we have here?” Edine looked at Chelle who had failed to run off. “So, you were the one who played heroine and tried to rescue my horrible sister?”

Before Chelle could answer, both hench men bound and gagged her except without a mouth stuffing. “Nice work. Wait,” Edine frisked Chelle who yelped but couldn’t find the laser gadget on her. “Let’s take them below and secure them separately.”

Rich was ordered to secure Chelle in a smaller room next to the one where Elspeth was found. Elspeth was half-marched, half-dragged to another room. By now, after being gagged and re-gagged, breathing was a continual difficulty for her. Her wrists, retied, were sore as the cable ties bit further into her wrists. As Elspeth wondered, she decided to fake choking.

“She’s in spasm! Get all that gag off her. We don’t want her dying on us, Sometimes I think you then overdo things.” Edine ordered.

“Jawohl,” Fred who was half-German replied and roughly tore away the tape and yanked out the stocking. Edine felt a little relief but Fred made her kneel down on stone floor.

“Now, now Fred, I give the orders here and we don’t overly abuse people,” Edine waved her finger.

“Th- Thank you,” she said softly, “I- I see a different side to your character,” Although Elspeth didn’t mean what she said.

“Ha, your thanks mean nothing sis.”

“Why don’t you leave that girl Michelle out of this? She’s just a student, a teen. It’s between”

“You don’t order me around sis ever,” Edine eyes narrowed.

“How can you…”

“She ought to be gagged keep her trap shut!” Fred snapped.

Edine ignored his advice and ordered her bound sister to get up. Elspeth struggled to her feet, the skirt of her dress to flutter down over her legs but with one strap broke free of the tie, her black bra was exposed.

“Good. Over here. Don’t think you can overpower me, by the way.”

Elspeth had little strength anyway. She walked unsteadily towards the other wall of the chamber When she drew closer, she saw what had not been visible in the shadows. There were chains on the wall, and metal rings as before. Her captors followed, a large blanket suddenly in Edine’s arms.

“Here,” the woman tossed the blanket down near her sister. “You may wish to lie down, although I doubt whether you will find that comfortable after what I am going to do next.”

It was obvious that Elspeth was going to be tied up again, and anchored to the ring in the wall somehow. She sat on the blanket with her knees drawn up to one side and looked expectantly up at her captors. Edine ordered Fred to remove the cable ties and Elspeth used the freedom to re-tie her dress strap though her modesty was not covered . Her captors guffawed softly but said nothing.

Edine walked to a large cabinet near, opened it, and returned almost immediately with items that were metallic. She squatted down beside her sister.

“Turn around. You should know the drill.”

Lisette turned and put her arms behind her back. She looked over her shoulder, trying to see what her evil sister was holding.

“These are manacles. They’re from the era from just after King Duncan, bet you didn’t know that? but I assure you they’re working fine, actually got newer versions, not rusty.” Elspeth shuddered as she felt cold iron settle around one wrist. “You see,” continued her sister as she inserted a screw and began to tighten the broad ring, “This place used to be a museum of medieval torture. And when the property passed hands, this little dungeon stayed almost as it was left, with the original displays carefully stored away in that cabinet. You are going to learn how it feels to be shackled, like they did to women in ancient times.”

The second band of iron was screwed in place about Elspeth’s other wrist and a short chain of three links now clipped into place to join both wrist bands together.

“There, that will hold you, little Miss Houdini.”

Elspeth moved her hands experimentally and found that she could not budge them. Her sister chuckled, then she squatted near Lisette’s feet.

“Ankle shackles or leg irons. Much better than the cable ties, no?” Fred didn’t react but thought those were good enough restraints.

Elspeth found her voice at last.

“So … You’re going to leave me here?”

“I’m glad to you discovered that at last,” Edine cackled.

“Look, I can give you half of the Castle’s land. I can give you more than half my bank account.”

“Too little. Now time to really shut ya up.”

Edine rose to her feet and held up what looked like a metal helmet. Elspeth shivered apprehensively.

“It doesn’t look appealing does it, dear? That’s because it isn’t. It’s very practical, but it’s also somewhat ugly and, I’m afraid, a very uncomfortable fit.”

“Wh- What is it?” But Lisette already had a very strong suspicion of its nature.

“This, sis, is what they call a scold’s bridle. It’s a particularly inventive metal helmet designed to force the wearer, a woman of course, to hold her tongue. Used to punish women in the 1500s. You never Scottish history?”

“You’re not going to put that thing on me?”

“But of course, I am. I am expecting you to be cooperative. This is iron.” Edine held it up and manipulated some of the links. “If you struggle, you’ll risk chipping a tooth, or having your face cut on parts of the metal. This part, see, goes in your mouth. It’s a particularly nasty but quite effective metal gag, I am most interested in seeing its effect on you.”

Lisette licked her lips nervously. “I guess I don’t have any choice.”

“No, you haven’t. I’ll be as gentle as possible when I put it on. Hmmm.”


“This thing.” She indicated a flat tongue of metal that was folded over at its end to make a bulge. “I’m not out to torture you, just to make you uncomfortable. I think I’ll pad this …”

Edine looked down at her sister’s dress, delved into the pocket of her shirt and came out with a penknife. She grasped Elspeth’s dress by the hem and drove the point of the knife into the side with a ripping sound. Involuntarily Lisette drew her legs up. The cloth strip was now wrapped around the metal tongue , a couple of layers also going over the ends. When she was finished, the contraption had a stump of thick cloth protruding from it.

“All right, sis, open wide.”

Elspeth could scarcely get her mouth around it.

“Keep trying, dear. You’ll gag on it first, but soon you’ll be able to close your mouth a little, when it’s all in.”

Elspeth had to stretch her jaws wide before the thick wad of cloth could slide into her mouth. It penetrated past mid-way, almost to the back of her throat, and stayed there pressing down on her tongue. She heard a faint metallic squeal as her twin turned screws at the back that tightened the helmet around her head and face. The broad metal band with the silk-wrapped gag passed across her lower face to the back of her head, and to it was attached another band that went over her head vertically. It was bifurcated to pass on either side of her nose and, when the screws tightened, drawing those bands together. Her lips were uncomfortably close to the metal, but all that she could feel on her tongue was the soft wedge of silk that filled her mouth.

“There, that wasn’t too bad, was it?”

Elspeth tried to reply, but hardly a sound came out. With those words, the two captors left. The medieval gag felt embedded in her mouth, pressed against her upper palate, pushing down on her tongue, and threatening to choke her. All she could do was to bite on the thick cloth. She tried to move her hands. Nothing happened. She could move her fingers and legs a little, but the cuffs were locked tight and secured to rings on the wall and floor.

The scold’s bridle weighed heavily on her head. Maybe it was more comfortable to lie down. At least the weight would not be so unbearable. Carefully, she lowered herself to her side, falling helplessly the last foot, and tried to arrange herself with her knees curled up and her head on the other end of the blanket. But her weight pressed the bridle against the floor and made the angle of the shaft with the protective cloth shift in her mouth. It brought on a fit of choking and she had to raise her head to relieve the pressure.

The fresh tears streaming down her face almost caused her to miss the dull gleam of metal near her shoulder. She had to lift her head a little further back. And all the time the metal frame pressed down on her head, giving her a headache, making her thoughts disjointed and leading her into despair.

Meanwhile, Rich had cuffed Chelle to fetters secured on a wooden beam. Chelle continued to scream despite a dry throat and kick. “Oh, stop it lass,” he growled. Pulling out the last cable tie he had, her ankles were secured together. Suddenly, he reached under her skirt, yanking down her tights causing Chelle to yelp. Caught by the cable ties, he cut them off. Chelle’s tape gag was temporarily removed and her tights wound around her head before a fresh tape was applied. “Nice legs girl,” Rich remarked and began to touch them.

“Nice musical?” Richard asked as they exited the theatre. Jenn was humming the tune to Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again and recalling the Acts, especially the crashing the of the chandelier.

“Huh, oh yeah lovely!” she snapped back to reality, realising who she was with.

“So, are these meet ups, outings, or dates?” Jenn looked up at him. Her answer came less than a minute later. “They are dates. But I want to think before I say ‘girlfriend’ Richard.” He extended his hand but Jenn, for the first time in her life, hugged him. That embrace was interrupted by her phone buzzing.

“No Mark, I can’t go up to Edinburgh. But Lothian and Borders detectives are handling it. I know they are very capable,” Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nikki Heath informed him. She was referring to DCI Amy Robertson and Detective Sergeant (DS) Bobbi Rainsbury. The pair wasted no time preventing anyone from leaving the castle and interviewed everyone. That excluded Rich the repairman, whom Edine said he was on sick leave.

“Don’t buy that Amy,” Bobbi remarked. “You could see her eyes move, her face twitch. I’m going to search for this repair guy.”

Elspeth started twisting her arms as much as she could. She was aiming for the laser pen Chelle had given her. After four twists, she got it and with her fingers, managed to cut away her wrist manacles, then her ankles and slowly cut off the painful scold’s bridle. Leaving the room, she heard muffled cries and found Chelle, who was still being caressed by Rich. With one large swing, Elspeth knocked out the repairman. With in minutes, Chelle was freed, not before she squirted ink from the special gadget. “Ok, leave him, let’s get out of here.”

The pair found DS Rainsbury who doubted their story but escorted them to her superior.

“So, who are you then?” The two detectives asked Edine, who shout she was the owner. Suddenly, Fred and dirtied Rich appeared and attempted to attack Elspeth. The tussle was short and the detectives arrested Edine and her henchmen.

“More good news,” Reinhard informed Lin over coffee. “My blood sugar levels have dropped to normal. The doctor says it’s incredible how I recovered. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” After finishing, she asked for a kiss but he gave her on both cheeks.

“Lips?” She asked when they were out.

He just stood there.

“You love me?” That broke his stare. Remembering an Ally McBeal scene, Lin twisted the lines. “Kiss me! Put your lips where you mind is!” The shorter boy tiptoed and gave her a mouth-to-mouth kiss, finding her lips tasting like berries, not of the coffee earlier. He held it there for a minute and a half, the most amazing time in his life.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Richard will return in ‘Drama Crisis’.

27: The birds and the bees


It’s the annual sex education talk at Croonford school. Afterwards, Michelle and Mark spend a night in bed sleeping back-to-back. Reinhard enters Lin’s room for the first time and gets caught touching Lin’s clothes. Jenn questions her sexual orientation. Meanwhile, an exchange student arrives with some shady history with her.

Author’s note: Lot’s of teenager talk about puberty and sex, some implied sexual activity but none since the students are underaged. If you aren’t interested, skip towards the last parts where the binding and gagging occurs.

“Did we reach Year 10? We did, yay!!!” Chelle and Lin exclaimed together and hugged each other before they boarded the school bus. As they entered school grounds, they immediately noticed a number of boys from their year and lower years gathering in a semi-circle.

“Man, that new chick is hot,” the two girl detectives heard one boy remark.

“You only think girls are hot because of their boobs,” another guy added. “But wow, hers are big, bigger than any girl our year…”

“Do you lot have to have anything more serious than commenting of girls’ bodies?” Lin questioned as she neared them. The boys gave her an evil look, stared at her, then left.

“Oh, this school uniform sucks! Wish I could wear normal clothes like in my high school,” Lin heard the new student complain and recognised the New York accent. She extended her hand.

“Yeah, I make no excuses for the uniform but we’re stuck with it. You’re from New York City?

“I’m, Nat, Natalie Sang. You know American accents?” Lin explained she had lived in the States previously.

“Oh cool. I’m here on exchange. My school discovered yours and the heads thought it would be good to learn British-style education. ” Nat fumbled for her bag’s zip, zipper in American English. “Say, this school activities book is damn thick, can you help?”

“Sure, which class did they assign you do?” After seeing the typed note, Lin exclaimed, “That’s mine! I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

“…and I’d like to introduce Natalie Sang, an exchange student from America. Please welcome her and help her in all the various….” Mr Lambeth, Chelle and Lin class teacher voice was cut off by the buzz school PA system.

“All students, this year’s sex education lecture has shift forward to today. Year 8s will attend it after lunch break, Year 9s at 11:30 and Year 10s at 10:30….” The whole classroom groaned and Lambeth took time to quietened them down.

“Sex education lecture?!” One male student exclaimed. “Isn’t that too old for us?”

“You know the school, they plan everything for us regardless of age,” another classmate remarked.

“Don’t worry, we’ll ask the typical questions,” a third guy added.

The girls walked away from the guys with Nat also chatting about the incoming talk. “We get in in odd years back in my high school,” she sounded annoyed.

“Don’t worry; it’s nothing much,” Chelle recalled the talks from previous years.

“You actually can sleep through it,” Lin smiled.

The speaker was a different person this year. A lady named Lucinda Bearson was present and her presentation took just fifteen-minutes with loads of pictures. She spent the remaining time opening the floor to questions. While some students did slouch back or even sleep, others did ask questions. Boys asked lewd questions such as ‘what is a hard on?’ ‘What is a blowjob?’ Somme guy actually asked how IUDs could actually fit inside a uterus, causing his friends to laugh. Girls did ask similar questions but some did ask serious questions such as body image, sexual orientation and some dared asking about birth control products.

“Thought that going to be boring as you said; it was quite the opposite,” Nat remarked. Lin was about to answer until she spotted Reinhard. Excusing herself, she headed over to Reinhard who looked glum and asked why.

“My father’s filling the house with his drinking pals and there’ll be too much noise interrupting my studies,” he explained.

“Come over to my place then,” Lin offered and Reinhard paused before accepting the offer.

“Who was that?” Nat wondered and got the answer.

“Your boyfriend?! Isn’t he a little too short for you?”

“I don’t judge some guys by their heights,” Lin explained. “He’s a really skilled and helpful guy.”

Nat found the maths class a little tougher than hers across the pond and was glad it was lunch break. The topic was not their maths class but the morning sex education talk.

“Typical boys asking such vulgar questions and they already answers to,” Heather remarked. Lin agreed.

“Well, you have boyfriend now,” Julia, one of the few Black girls in Year 10 pointed out. Lin hadn’t advertised her relationship to others except Julia whom she was close with. She just murmured in response.

“What about you and Mark, Chelle?” Hattie, her classmate asked and Chelle answered the rugby player was a gentleman and there was never crude talk.

“I like the answer Madame Bearson above our bodies. I’m indeed confident of mine,” Heather continued the topic.

“You’re confident because you got a C cup,” Hattie smirked.

“I’m a C as well,” Lin added and they all laughed.

As the students headed to their various classes, Bethan quickly ran up to Jenn. “Hey, something wrong? You were quiet throughout the lunch conversation.”

“I was eating my sandwich.”

“No, you were staring away and look away.”

“Oh, you’ve caught the vibe. Can we catch up lit class?”

Meanwhile, Chelle invited Mark over to her house that evening, stating she had it all to herself.

After a long Lit class, Jenn pulled Bethan to a corner, checking first if there was anyone in earshot then explained.

“Ignoring the body image stuff, I’m not keen on the sexuality, the sexual orientation stuff. I mean I don’t think I’m…heterosexual,” Jenn had a painful expression.

“So, you’re…a lesbian?” Jenn yanked Bethan closer despite that no one else was nearby.

“I’m not certain. I’m not one to date boys right now and…”

“Jenn, don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are other homosexual couples in the school and… I’m…bi,” Bethan smiled.

“You are?!”

“Sure, we can go out together. It’ll be fun.”

That afternoon, Reinhard arrived at Lin’s residence having shaved twice and applied deodorant. “Hey,” Lin smiled and gave him a light hug. “The living and study rooms are under refurbishing by my mother. Why don’t you come up to my room; there’s enough space for two to complete our homework.”

To her room?! I must be a lucky guy to get the opportunity enter a beautiful and clever girl’s bedroom. Inside he found posters, not of male models or music groups but of chemistry formulas, physics equations, natural and human biology pictures. There was a makeup vanity with dozens of lipsticks and perfumes he couldn’t identify.

“My study table is here,” she interrupted him. “You can start first; got to head to the toilet.” Reinhard started to unzip his bag but surmising her bathroom door was sound-proof, he tip-toed over to what he guessed was her clothes cabinet. Which shelf, which shelf, he wondered with his heart racing. He pulled open the second shelf and smiled as he found what he wished: Lin’s underwear drawer. Inside, were around ten knickers arranged neatly on one side while more than that number of bras were arranged on the other side. Some of her knickers were white or cream-coloured while the majority were purple. There more bikini-style knickers than classic ones. Her bras were similar; there were several white or skin-tone ones all normal kind, The rest, mostly purple, were all various types: strapless, T-shirt, demi-cup, V-neck, sports, halter and other kinds he couldn’t identify. Reinhard reached forward and was about to hold up one of her bras when an alarm rang.

“Interested in my underwear?” Lin exited her toilet, pointing to her watch. “It’s an alarm that I build inside my drawers. I deactivated the motion sensor but there’s the small CCTV. It’s linked to my watch.”

“I..I…” Reinhard turn red in deeply with embarrassment.

“No harm, no crime,” Lin smiled and patted her boyfriend. He relaxed a bit, still feeling guilty.

“Can…can I ask a question?” She nodded.

“Do you actually attach the identification chip you made to your bras?

Lin smiled again. “I don’t know about the other girls but yes I do. It takes a while to sew them to the cup and I do ensure I’m wearing a bra that has the chip attached. It helps being a girl. Any other questions?”

Reinhard had one other burning one and wondered if she would slap him if he asked. He blurted it out and to his surprise all she did was to laugh and then whisper the number ’32C’ shocking him.

“You know, one day you might find me trussed up and gagged in my bra and undies,” she joked but he didn’t respond. Lin then leaned forced to kiss him on his lips but he shook his head. “I’m not ready for that.”

Ok, let’s do our homework now.”

Mark came over to Chelle’s place in the evening. They finished up their home fast and too tired to cook, they ordered an Indian takeaway. As they ate, Chelle thought: I have such a lovely boyfriend – he’s a leading rugby player and very muscular guy who really can rescue during any of the detective activities. Dinner over, Chelle immediately grabbed Mark and brought him to her bedroom, immediately switching on her CD player. Both of them started dancing to Jamiroquai’s songs. They were dancing wild until Mark looked at the clock and noted it was time for him to head home. However, there was a long engaged tone when he tried to call a taxi. That same response came when he tried other companies.

“Oh look,” Chelle showed a news clip on her phone. “The news reports that the storm outside has disabled the phone signals.”

“Darn, I better head to the bus stop then,” Mark yawned.

“Mark, don’t go out in such weather. Are you tired?” He explained he had a strenuous rugby game yesterday and his back was aching a bit. He started to sit down but she told him to lie down on her bed. He indeed did and she started massaging his back. More than 30 minutes later, Chelle had turned face-to-face and they were locked in a passionate embrace deeply kissing each other on their lips. They stay like this for the rest of the late evening but what the pair did not suspect what their actions were photographed by a long-range camera. The couple fell asleep back-to-back but just before midnight, the phone lines were restored and after one deeply kiss on her lips, Mark left.

“He won’t let me kiss him on the lips,” Lin told Chelle the next day during their short break.

“You really picked a challenging boyfriend.” She replied. “He really touched one of your bras? Cheeky fellow. Give him….”

“Hey Lin! Thanks for informing about the drama club! They immediately made me a member after one try out!” Nat Sang interrupted. “Say, that shopping trip you suggested, we can meet up this Saturday.”

The teen detectives, including the newest member Richard, congregated at their usual headquarters that weekend. Scanning the local and regional news as well as chatter amongst their friends, they found nothing to investigate. Breaking up early, Lin went to meet Nat while Jenn headed to meet Bethan for her first date.

“What exactly do I do?” Jenn asked.

“Oh, just hold my hand, hug and kiss me.” Jenn wasn’t sure about immediately hugging and kissing so lightly held her new girlfriend’ hand. She was thankful that Bethan chose a part of Birmingham the other school students frequented. They saw a musical, walk throughout stores that sell props for their drama club. Meanwhile, across the city Nat was more than pleased with the results of her shopping trip with Lin.

“Oh man, I’ve always thought British fashion was bland, dull,” This, she lifted up her shopping bags, “now really changes my view.”

“I believe that America fashion has just a notch over…” Lin’s eyes narrowed. ” See those guys over there? They’ve been following us since the last half hour.” Lin quickly got her into a crowded area.

“I didn’t notice. It’s your detective work, right? Real life Hardy Boys and Nancy Drews?”

Lin laughed. “We don’t match ourselves to fictional teen detectives but yes, we look out for the peculiar.” Nat asked if she was ever bound and gagged.

“Oh, too many times, same with the other girls. For some unknown reasons, the boys never get such treatment.” Scanning the crowd, Lin didn’t see the men but suggested they return home.

Chelle was amazed how quickly this exchange student grew close to Lin. She saw them chatting, learning that Nat was also a single child. Both girls could chat about American lifestyle and Lin was helping her with to adjust with the British school syllabus. Jenn was still unsure whether chatting she made the right choice being a lesbian. She was actually shocked to learn that Bethan was a bisexual and was glad that was no other boy in her friend’s life. In another class, Reinhard was again feeling guilty from his childish act. Maybe I should try to please her. Another meal out? But we’ve ate out many times, he recalled. Sports? She’s always faster. Lin’s birthday is coming up, darn, he then recalled. What can I get her? After handing in his class work and ensuring that his teacher wasn’t looking, he doodled on his foolscap paper and came back to one word: dress.

“Yeah, I can associate with Nat well, are you jealous of my friendship with her?”

“No, well…” Lin interrupted Chelle as she pointed. “Those men again!” She crossed the street but they disappeared.

“You sure they were the same?” Lin nodded. “Maybe ask Nat if she had any conflicts or problems previously.”

Dress, what sort of dress to dress get her? Reinhard wondered after school. He looked through the web but there were too many to choose from. He suddenly realised he was missing the most crucial element: her dress size. How would he know it? He couldn’t ask her that directly, he could ask the other girls but he then thought they might not know and the surprise would be given away. I’ll have work that out myself, he sighed. I do know her cup size.

Chelle and Lin caught up with Nat and queried her. “Well of course every schoolgirl has their problems. I was bullied much cause of my fast growing boobs,” she gestured to hers. “I had a short relationship at Seventh Grade but we broke up amicably.”

“Any family problems?” Chelle asked.

“None, in fact Dad may be coming here. He’s going to be Economic Secretary at the embassy in London or something of that sort. Any other questions?”

The pair told her to watch out for anyone or group unusual call the police or inform them if she was in danger. Meanwhile, Jenn received an invite for a sleepover at Bethan’s. “What’s going to happen?” The last sleepover Jenn participated in was when she was ten and the noise made her promise never to partake in such activity again.

“Oh, just mostly personal chatter.” That was mostly the truth, they talked about, debate, drama life and then it was just past 11 pm. Holding her girlfriend’s hand, Jenn found herself inside Bethan’s bedroom. “I’ll change out into my pyjamas,” she said then noticed Bethan taking off her clothes.

“Jenn, we’re a couple now. Pyjamas?! Down to your undies honey. I’ve turned up the heater.”

Jenn protested several times but soon undressed down to her white underwear which was a stark contrast to Bethan’s black bra and pink skimpy knickers. Quickly, Jenn was pulled under Bethan’s duvet and they were cuddling each other. Suddenly, Jenn felt a peck on her lips, then a long kiss then a deep kiss. Jenn wanted to say stop but Bethan was enjoying herself way too much, already feeling an orgasm. Trapped in a new dimension, Jenn submitted herself until she too felt sensations between her legs, feelings she never felt before. It lasted nearly fifty minutes until both girls slumped down. What on earth have I committed myself to? Jenn wailed silently.

As morning dawned and the new couple slept, Lin and Nat were out shopping again, this time for hosiery. Instead of heading to Brum, Lin too her new friend to a shopping area that just opened in Croonford. They had finished shopping but just as they were about to return, Nat spotted an American cafe that she wanted to try. Lin didn’t recall such a place existed but followed her in. After a few sips of a copycat of That’s every day coffee, Nat excused herself to the loo. Lin patiently waited, but after half an hour, there was no sight of the new girl. Paying for the coffee, Lin grabbed their purchases and headed in the direction of the toilets.

Instead, she found the doors to both male and female loos with signs reading ‘Under Repair’. Nat?” She still knocked on the female toilet door. “Are you there?”

“Can’t read a sign, babe?”

Lin turned and saw a dark-skinned man wearing dark clothing,

“Hey, have a black-haired 5’6 tall girl?” Lin briefly described Nat.

“No, sweetheart ain’t no one else here. But you look hot.”

Lin, disgusted with that comment, turned back, but two more men suddenly emerged, blocked her path. She immediately tried to push her way through but the men were far stronger. She immediately recognised them as the men she spotted following her and Nat.

“Ain’t no way out Lin Ling,” the dark-skinned man announced with a US East Coast accent. “Yeah, we’ve read up about you.”

“Ya hot,” said one of the pair, with a particular New York accent.

“Yeah, Chink girls here are hot,” the other commented. Lin attempted to kick him but he was faster. catching her leg and Lin fell on the ground, the contents of her shopping bags scattering all over.

“Ooh, yeah, ninja gal. Well, you want to see ya big tits friend, follow us.” Lin was roughly locked in an arm lock with a large gloved-hand covering her lips.

Lin was half-marched, half-dragged into a darkened area.

“Now,” the first man ordered, “strip Miss Chan.”

With the tranquillizer gun aimed steadily at her, the East Asian student reluctantly took off her coat and jumper, slowly worked the buttons of her blouse. It felt silently to the ground revealing her 32C breasts supported by her bra cups. With the other thugs now drawing small knives, she grimaced and unclipped her maroon skirt.

“Hose, too or is it tights here,” the trio laughed.

As Lin was forced to undress, her boyfriend was shopping for a dress still trying to guess her size. He looked through the various shops and settled on Next heading immediately heading to the women’s section.

“Aren’t you in the wrong section son?” A shop assistant called, making him turn red.

“I’m…uhm looking for some dress for my girlfriend. “He shivered.

“Of course, we have them,” a female salesgirl approached, shooing away her colleague and guiding him further in.

Looking at the price range, he asked if there were any cheaper sets.

“Oh, here. Do you need help with the size? Here you go,” Reinhard was thankful for the size chart.

As he was looking at the dresses and imagining Lin’s dress size, the girl detective was now face down on the ground just in her black bra and purple knickers. Her hands were tightly bound behind her back with two sets of cable ties. Another set of cable ties bound her elbows together, keeping her arms straight. Similar sets of cables bound her knees and her ankles. She was naturally gagged with something thick her mouth and tied behind her head, further sealed with two long strips of black duct tape.

“Want to try kicking me now gal?” American Thug #1 mocked. Lin tried to give an angry scream but this gag really muffled it.

The other thug reached down and snapped Lin’s bra causing her to produce a muffled curse. He was about the touch her when the dark-skinned man announced, “ok, let’s go to our target.”

Once Lin no longer heard their footsteps, she naturally twisted, not struggled as ties would cut further into her skin. In most other cases, she might be able to twist and turn to reach any of her gadgets but now semi-naked there was nothing to access. Lifting her head, she couldn’t see any of her clothes in sight and only darkness. The floor and room air were ultimately chilly. There was only one hope: to turn her fingers and reach her watch. Usually, it might contain the watch cutter but it now contained a signal device that could be sent to the mobile phones of the other detectives, if they were in range.

Reinhard took just over half an hour before picking the dress which he though fit Lin’s size. It was purple, her favourite colour, strapped, slight V-neck but he thought it wouldn’t be too revealing for his taste and the dress length seem appropriate. “That’s a good choice,” the salesgirl commented. It cost him nearly all of his monthly allowance. It should be worth it, he thought.

Just as he exited the store into the street, his phone buzzed. It was an unstated number but the message jolted him. “HELP ME, LIN.” Immediately, he pulled out his phone and texted her back received no response. Activating the identification App she made, his heart leapt as her signal came around 200 metres north-east of him. I’m coming, he called silently, rushing in that direction nearly knocking into a pedestrian and nearly gets hit by a car. Reinhard finally reached the cafe and found a close sign. Typical he thought, rushing around to the back but finding a tall rusty fence with spikes. There was no clear sign of a gate, so he threw his whole weight against it and it broke on the second try.

Lin’s signal grew closer after he navigated a narrow corridor and gasped as he saw her undressed state. After peeling off the tape, he found that the stuffing was a pair of tights.

“Yucks,” he remarked both from the fact they were soggy and that she was gagged with such intimate lingerie.

“Hi…” Lin woke up. “I… think they’re clean.” As she was finally freed, she rubbed her bare skin and he quickly draped his coat over her.

“They…have Nat.” With her hugging him to gain warmth, the quickly found her. Nat was also stripped to her black underwear, similarly gagged. She was trussed up in a tight hogtie tie while the three goons were filming her struggling and making comments constantly stating ‘Mr Sang.’

“Oh, you got free,” the dark-skinned guy growled, pointing his tranquilliser gun at them.

“Police! Drop your weapon now!”

The man turned towards the sound and Reinhard, risking it, ran forward and kicked him.

“Alright, that was too brave a move,” Detective Sergeant (DS) Bluebell Ransom remarked as other Police Constables (PC) rushed in, handcuffing the thugs and freeing the exchange student. “Oh, get her some clothes, quickly,” she told the PC next to her.

“Well, you did find me trussed up in my bra and knickers,” Lin joked. She was now wearing oversized police T-shirt and slacks. They had found her clothes but the goons had dumped them in a rubbish bin. Reinhard was treated for light bruises caused from barging through the fence while Lin had cuts from the cable ties.

“That was an interesting device,” Reinhard changed the subject as he sat next to her on the ambulance.

“Yeah, it was short-range. Thankfully you were nearby. What were you up to?” He reached into his backpack, hoping the box wasn’t crushed. “Early happy birthday.” She responded by giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Jenn was still in a trace after sleeping with Bethan. Quickly dressed but her knickers still damp, she faced her friend and taking a long a long sip of tea, she announced, “I can’t continue this Bethan. I don’t think I am a lesbian anymore.”

“Did I take it too fast? Are you now heterosexual?”

“I don’t know. Sorry.” She got up and returned home lying to her mother she was studying late with a friend before locking herself in her room.

As post cases go, Lin and Reinhard spent time with DS Ransom. The three thugs were hired by a rival of Nat’s father and were humiliating him and his daughter by sending live video to his phone as well as telling what they knew about his shady business deals. The live feed could not be cut but Mr. Sang managed to contact the local police department which in turn contacted Croonford police. The American coffee shop was commandeered by the goons and were expecting Nat to enter it. Her coffee was laced with a diuretic. “I don’t think Dad will be posted to London now,” Nat told Lin over normal coffee and also said her exchange programme was extended.

The East Asian girl excused herself and headed home where Reinhard waited. “Oh, it looks so lovely!” She exclaimed as she opened the gift. Avoiding any mischievous act, he waited patiently as she changed into it.

“It’s a little big,” she commented as she emerged from the bathroom. “Size 8?! I’m a 6.”

“Oh,” was his only response, feeling way disappointed.

“Don’t feel terrible. Look it can be returned and exchanged.” She again leaned forward and attempted to kiss him on the lips.

“Sorry, I’m just not ready for that.”

“Why not?”

“I just don’t think I’m at that stage.”

It certainly is a challenge dating him, she sighed, “Ok, let’s grab food, my treat.”

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Richard will return in ‘Scottish Fling’.

25: Racist Rabbles


An extreme racist political party is targeting all non-whites, and Lin and her family caught in the middle. The team naturally tries to uncover the true mastermind behind these actions.

Note: This story is entirely fictional.

Adult Bondage scene but performed on an adult.

“Come on Reinhard, come on!” Lin Ling called. The two of them were practicing running the 2.4 km length for the annual BnB competition, formerly known as QuizWhizz. The pair were missing a third member but they were hoping to find one especially a student who was an expert in humanities and current affairs.

The shorter teen detective finally caught with her and asked if they could pause. “It’s just another 200 metres. I’ll match your pace,” She called. True enough, she slowed her pace to match and they completed their practice ending near the town centre.

“12:20,” Lin read out the time on her stopwatch on her wrist. She assumed if she ran at her own time, she would have made it at 11:00 or around 12:00 minutes.

“Thanks for helping me. Gosh, I’ve never ran that far before,” Reinhard remarked after taking a long drink of water. They had hidden their bottles of water and towels in Lin’s special locked box that would emit a smell if anyone else tampered it. “It’s a great relief. The more you run, the more relaxed you become. I’m sure you’ll meet the running timings shortly.” As they drank and towelled off, they further discussed running and the upcoming quiz. As he talked, he kept his eyes on Lin’s outfit. She wore black running shorts and a purple Nike tank top. Her Y-shaped black sports bra was visible as the top straps ran across her shoulders and other straps came just below her armpits. The Jamaican-German boy found girls wearing sports bras fascinating. He had read that sports bra’s minimise the size of a woman’s breasts. In Lin’s case, this didn’t appear so and in his view her sports bra enhanced her beauty.

The pair continued chatting and Reinhard continued thinking. I really could be close to this girl. We share the same interests in all science subjects and we shared the love for international cuisine. She’s such a brave girl when captured and bound and gagged and knows martial arts. The challenges he mused, was that she was at least 5 cm taller him, smarter than him in most other subjects and faster than him in the sports they participated together. Lin, while wiping off sweat was also in thought. This is a guy I really like. He’s one of the few who knows all sciences extremely well, has great ideas at the science club, helped the team’s build gadgets. He’s also the one removing my restraints and gags lately.

“Let’s head to our homes. I need a good…” Before Lin could finish her sentence, they heard a cry, the bang then a group of men with shaved heads appeared and started chanting.

“One, Two, Three, Four, we own this place!

Five, Six, Seven, Eight get lost other race!

Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, white people first!”

The men repeated their chant twice much louder then, some broke away and vandalise a nearby Indian convenience store with red paint. “Hey!” Lin shouted and was about to run over to address them but the shorter teen held her arm and remark, “Let’s leave, they’re racist peeps.”

After both showered quickly at their respective homes, they caught up with Michelle and her Welsh boyfriend Mark in their detective headquarters, a rented caravan. Coincidentally, those two were reading the news on their phones. After reading about Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, the group of them caught up the local news. “A new extreme right-wing party has arisen in the West Midlands has risen up. Their single policy is that only white people, British-born whites can have access to housing, education, the NHS and other social services. They…”

“What the hell,” Lin remarked as she muted the video on her phone. “I never thought the UK political sphere would suddenly be so against minorities. My family moved here thinking there won’t be any racial discrimination.” Reinhard murmured ‘agree’ in response but was more focus on what the East Asian girl was wearing. Lin had sleeveless purple top on with thin black bra straps poking out. She wore a checkered unbutton jacket over it and a knee-length jeans skirt without any hosiery despite the temperature getting colder. This girl really picks clothing to enhance her looks. With all her smartness, her talents in sports and bravery in any danger and her beauty would she accept if I asked her out?

Reinhard’s thoughts were interrupted as Chelle finished watching the news clip and spoke up.

“The party’s called the White Shirts, how dull. The leader’s name is Barry Whitman and he’s gaining more followers daily and turning local councillors and MPs to this party.” Lin swore in Cantonese in response.

“And I thought the BNP was terrible party,” her boyfriend added.

“Sorry I had other activities,” Jennifer Thompson announced as she entered and the others applauded the heroine of the school hostage taking. She was quickly updated. “Racist party. Ok, what’s the actual investigation?”

“You got a point. But their activities spread, we may start digging. The party sounds more like a gang and we’ve handled gangs before.” Jenn silently cringed remembering how the school bullies group restrained her and looked up her skirt.

The detectives discussed the news then broken up with Jenn heading to the bus stop. Reinhard on the other hand, corner his taller classmate and asked him how he came to date Chelle. Mark gave a quick summary how Chelle collided into him and the dinner date. “Why do you ask?”

Trembling a bit, Reinhard blurted out he wanted Lin as his girlfriend. Unexpectedly, Mark didn’t laugh but instead asked his friend why and what he felt about Lin. After providing answers the shorter boy himself exaggerated, Mark then gave his classmate some general advice especially not to rush it. “The time to ask will come at a time you won’t expect.”

Lin, heading back home was incidentally thinking about asking Reinhard out. She again thought of what they had in common then pictured him in her mind. He’s not skinny; he’s muscular. His height isn’t a problem but that might be an issue when I ask him. He may also prefer some guy closer to his ethnicity such as a Jamaican or German girl.

Lin was lost in thought when she spotted graffiti on the wall next to the main door. CHINKS GET LOST!!!! Spotting that the door knob broken, Lin prepared herself in a Taekwondo stance and eased open the door. “Ma? Ma!!!” Lin’s mother was struggling on the dining room floor hogtied with coarse rope. Another round of rope secured her elbows and a cloth gag. Her dress was yanked up to her waist, revealing red knickers. Lin quickly checked if any intruders were around then rushed over, undoing the gag first. As the cloth was removed, Pearlyn Chan spat out something from her mouth and it turned out to be another pair of her knickers.

“I’m sorry for your ordeal Mrs. Chan,” Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nicola Heath replied after taking Pearlyn’s statement. Three masked men with hoods had surprised just as she returned home, mocked her looks, trussed her up and smashed some antiques and furniture. Thankfully, nothing was stolen and the knickers stuffed in her mouth was clean. “We’ll get to the bottom of this. With your permission, I’ll have an officer guarding your residence.” Pearlyn, simply nodded. “Lin? I’ll have the…”

“I don’t think a police officer shadowing me will work, Nikki. Just get this White Shirts nonsense gone.” Nikki didn’t think the new political group was responsible but just gathered the forensic team and left. The news of the anti-BAME party spread across the towns and cities, shocking all citizens alike. It undoubtedly was a topic of conversation amongst the students at Croonford school. “Racists. We’ve already been taken hostage by fanatics,” Harriet Coy, a classmate of Chelle remarked. She silently shuddered as one of the terrorists peeked at her while she was peeing into the toilet.

“They haven’t spread here,” Bethan Morgan added.

“I don’t want to. My family has seen civil war and conflict between ethnic groups,” Julia Humes, a black student whose parents came Uganda. Lin, hugged her classmate. They understood each other very well when it came to harassment over their ethnicity. Case in point came when Art Morton, a former school bully came by and made lewd comments about Julia’s hair. Lin’s glare and her arms quickly scared him away. Everything seemed normal across the school week until Lin received a WhatsApp message that her father’s car was vandalised with the same words written on the windscreen.

“That’s it! This means war!” She declared to the detectives minus Jenn who gathered outside the school gates. “No one attacks my family, no one attacks the Chinese Diaspora in the UK.”

Reinhard wasn’t clear on the word diaspora, instead responded saying no ethnic group should be harassed. He got a pat on his back from her in response. “So, what can we do?” Mark wondered. “This isn’t a simple local gang.”

“We can still look up the leader, come on,” Chelle yanked her boyfriend’s arm.

“So, what do…?”

“Can I see the graffiti?” Lin was curious why and stated her dad was still at work so brought him to her house where the graffiti still remained. “I know that smell but I just recall where,” Reinhard remarked. “This is my portable forensic kit,” he held up some rectangular box still wrapped in plastic. “Got it rather cheap on eBay.”

He received a light hug from her, causing him to tremble silently. Instead of travelling to their hideout, Lin let him work in her home. As Reinhard started working on the kit and his remaining homework, he glanced around the room. He had been at her place before for dinner and study but this time it appeared so majestic compared to his residence. She may reject me due to difference in our social classes. His thoughts were broken up 10 minutes into his forensic work with an update from Chelle and Mark.

“There isn’t much on social media or Google on Barry Whitman but after much digging, we found that his grandfather owns a spray paint shop…”

“That’s it!!! Reinhard interrupted Chelle. “I remember the shop that sold an assortment of paint, it had a distinctive smell that last longer than usual paint.” Mark provided the address even though his classmate knew it. All however, took time to fix a time when they could go there, especially Jenn who was walking.

“Hello Jenn,” the lanky guy greeted as he stood up for her. “I hope this meeting can last longer than the previous ones.”

“Do you want to gloat how many your team beat mine in debate competitions? Or how you’re ranked as top debater when I was in the lead?”

“Definitely not gloating. Tea for two? We can discuss the art of debating and other topics.” Sure enough, Jenn found the discussion not aggressive or arrogant. Midway through she somehow found her asking, “Richard, how do you debate just by looking at one card for less than a minute and present your argument so fluently?”

“I’ve got an Eidetic memory,” he noticed her raised eyes. “Commonly known as Photographic Memory though not exactly the same.”

“Oh,” was her reply. Jenn was silently scolding herself for not recognising the term immediately. Not exactly knowing how to test such a person, she pointed to parts of the cafe, asked him to close his eyes and recall the scene. She entered numbers on her phone’s notepad and similarly asked him minutes later and all answers were precise. “Either you’re a greater liar or really have such a magic skill.”

Richard smiled then suddenly asked if she was part of that Croonford Detectives group. “Our reputation has always preceded us,” she replied though not condescendingly. “Why, you want me to recount our activities? They are practically all over the news.”

“Actually, I…” His reply was cut off by a series of text messages on Jenn’s phone. “I have to leave. Can I catch up with you later?” Jenn threw some money for her tea but he paid. It was the first time a guy paid for her drink.

The five teen detectives reached the paint shop outside Croonford in the late afternoon. “Well, the clientele has certainly changed,” the elderly shop owner remarked.

Lin was about to start but Chelle held her arm and asked about sales of spray paint and Reinhard held up a sample of the paint spray on Lin’s home.

“Yeah, we sell that sort paint.” In response to Chelle’s queries about harassment and attacks against minority groups. “I’m not political. I sell pain to improve infrastructure. Now, are you buying anything?”

As the detectives exited, a man whom was also inside walked up to them and introduced himself as a journalist for Croonford Independent.

“We’ve no time to…” Lin started but Chelle recalled his articles praising their work. “Did you check out the owner carefully? I did. He’s definitely has Arabic features, perhaps even Indian.”

Lin thought a while and said, “So much for his grandson hating non-white people,” she shook her head.

“I’ll be writing up on the evening news. Sure, it’ll have great impact on the White Shirts.”

The break news indeed reduced support for this new extremist group. As Reinhard was trying to write an English essay, Lin sent him a WhatsApp message.

Free to catch tomorrow for breakfast?

Ok where? He typed. She named an outlet he wasn’t familiar with. I’ve got extra English classes, he typed and they set brunch meeting instead. What does she want to talk about? Should I confess I love her then?

Lin actually spotted an image in the shop. It was half a zig zag, almost like half a swastika. She had caught a glimpse of it on a paper on the desk as the shop keeper showed the set of spray paint. She had searched online and found it was the symbol of a rather new investment firm nearby. There was not much about it on its website or any new site but pictures showed that staff dressed in formal business wear. Lin, a fashion guru managed dug up one of the two business suits she owned.

It’s probably nothing to worry about one voice told her but she still had a lingering feeling the symbol meant something. There was no security at the front causing Lin to frown. Just as she pondered whether to turn back or explore any further way in, a lady appeared with a name tag reading Priscilla Hawkins.

She was dressed in a black trouser suit over a peach blouse. The high heels she wore accentuated her height, several centimetres taller than Lin. Long, rather mousy hair straggled around her shoulders. She held a clipboard. She extended her free hand to Lin. They exchanged greetings.

“So pleased that you’re interested in Weirs Investment, Miss Chan,” the lady responded introducing herself as the Deputy Human Affairs Director. Lin had lied to see if she could work part time at their company.

Lin, wished to know more about symbol, instead asked if she could be shown around.

“What would you like to see first?” Lin was escorted into the fastest moving lift ever and entered a small office area.” As you see …” Hawkins waved a hand expansively, “we have a small permeant staff; all our operations can be performed by them.” Lin greeted but no one responded and the curious fact was that everyone was Caucasian.

Before Lin could ask anything, Ms Hawkins led the way further in, through narrow office cubicles. Lin despite having worn high heels many times, didn’t like walking through the narrow space and furthermore uneven ground. Hawkins had brought her to one side of the office area with none of the staff now in earshot.

Suddenly a uniformed man who towered over Lin approached.

“This is Jake Bottomly, our security guard,”

“I was wondering why there was no security at the front desk,” Lin remarked and was ready to ask about the symbol.

“Oh yes. You’ve no idea how tough it in this working world. There’re spies everywhere, industrial sabotage and so on.”

“I suppose you’ll check on me then,” Lin remarked then wondering why she said that.

“Naturellement! One can’t be too careful. That’s why Jake’s here.” Lin was about shift away but the taller and burly guard was faster, grabbing her with on arm the other, hand gagging her. Simultaneously, Hawkins extracted a small tablet from his jacket.

“Ah, should have kept up with the news. Chan Lin Ling, so-called teen detective and science geek or gadget maker. Well, none of your little children toys will help you. You want to know what the symbol means? You’re gone Chink.” Lin spat into the guard’s hand but it was gloved and next felt a throbbing headache and fell into Jake’s arms.

Lin may not have struggled much or had the time to pull out any gadget, but while talking to Hawkins she did reach into her skirt and tape one symbol a * to a the most recent contact in her phone.

Reinhard always hated his extra English classes as he would disagree with the teacher’s over essay writing structure. This time however, the teacher had changed and let the class off at 10:50 am. It was then he caught the single * from Lin.

Lin, are you at the outlet? He typed in response to the text message, finding it strange she didn’t use WhatsApp. He typed the same message both through text and WhatsApp and failed to receive a double tick for the latter.

“Look, the Chink sent a text message,” Jake showed Lin’s phone to his colleague not boss, after checking the unconscious teen for her gadgets.

“We turned on the mobile phone blocker late. Never mind, we’ll have no trouble from her friends – get the transport ready and make sure she does look so smart.”

Not receiving any messages from his friend, Reinhard headed to the outlet, thinking Lin’s phone was damaged or the mobile phone signals were strong where she was. With the buses running late, he reached the small food outlet at 11:09 am, sweating. Even at brunch time, there however weren’t many customers so he waited ordering only a glass of water. 10 minutes later, He got up described Lin to the proprietor, asking if she entered the place earlier.

“No mate.”

“Oh, I did see a girl like that. Was on the 94 bus with early today,” the waitress fixing the coffee called. Upon further query, he learnt where Lin alighted then quickly paid for the water and rushed out, just hearing, “she’s too tall for you mate!”

Reinhard reached that bus stop and found himself near the north-western edge of Croonford. “Lin, are you there?” He called on his phone then saw the battery signal was down to 61%. Cursing, he then remembered the tracker she built. There was no signal initially but just as he moved a few metres, a weak signal from Lin came fifty metres ahead.

Reinhard ran like he never did before and the signal was the strongest in front of a building that simply said for environmental waste. With no contact via phone, text or WhatsApp, he drew out his wallet. The girls had earrings where Lin install minature radios but for the guys, they had to place the radios elsewhere and in Reinhard’s case, he kept in his wallet.

“Lin?” He radioed twice, then held his wallet against his ear. Nearly a minute later, he heard faint breathing.

“Lin, I’ll coming stay strong.” With no clear entrance in sight and the fences strung with barb wire, ‘I’m coming’ wouldn’t be easily fulfilled but suddenly the ground beneath him opened an he fell. It wasn’t a long fall but a little painful landing. Finding himself in a cliche dark chamber, he dug in his jean pockets and manage to find the pen torchlight.

“Oh my gosh!” Lin was restrained to a chair with shiny black duct tape was wound around her lips and head. Her business blazer was removed and her blouse was cut open revealing a black bra with the left strap hanging on her arm. Her bare legs were restrained to the chair’s legs with cable ties and her business skirt slashed with her purple knickers slightly visible.

“Hang on! He cried but the light from the invented torchlight was dim. Finally, he found the edge of the tape and undid the tape in one and a half minutes. Noticing her eyes were closed, he patted her cheeks while calling her name.

“I’m…here,” She coughed. “I don’t suppose you have any water with you, do you?” He shook his head.

“Never mind. Help me get free.” Reinhard used the laser pen to free her legs first then had to shine the light to find the edges of the tape wrapped around her torso. “What the hell!” He exclaimed seeing the words CHINK GO HOME written across her stomach.

Lin herself swore. Just as he tried to shine the laser on her wrist bonds, nothing came out.

“Scheiße!”He swore in German.

“Do you have the penknife?” He shook his head.

“Never mind,” she replied getting up unsteadily. She manged to bring her arms from behind to her front and twisting her bound wrists, she managed to button the only buttons left on her damaged blouse, covering what modesty she had left.

“Which…ow! Headache. Which way out?” Just as Reinhard tried to reach the tube he fell through, two metal doors at the sides swung inward and there was a distinct locking sound.

“What the?”

Lin quickly explained where she was earlier and what happened.

Swearing again, he searched around for another way out with Lin rubbing her head with her hands. Suddenly there was an enormous explosion outside, throwing Reinhard on top of Lin.

“Ow!” They both exclaimed. “Sorry,” he said.

“Apologies came come later,” she replied. “Can you get off me?” It was then he realised his face was on her partly-exposed breasts. He muttered ‘sorry’ again but as just as he did so, they both felt water against their footwear.

“They’re flooding us!” He cried, pushing against the nearest wall. The water rose fast, now reaching past their ankles. Lin, despite hating to leave her branded heels, kicked them away and also pressing against another wall, both now frantic.

“Got a loose panel!” He called, but just as he tried to pull the part of the wall, he slipped and dropped down into the rising water.

Lin screamed and taking a deep breath, she dived into the flood. She was an experienced swimmer but it was a challenge with her wrists still bound and her body feeling weak from whatever drug they gave her or stun weapon they applied. Kicking with her free legs, she headed to Reinhard who had slumped to the floor. Was he unconscious? Lin couldn’t lift him normally but still with all her strength yanked him up by lifting his right armpit.

“Breathe, come on breathe!” She called and indeed he did, spurting out water.

“I thought I was going to die.”

“Don’t you dare think that. Where’s that loose section?”

They both work their fingers and as they did so they took glances at each other. For Reinhard, it was a strange sensation, a small part of his mind wondered about all the cases and activities they’ve gone through. He now appeared could feel her mental and physical strain – or was it his own? In one way, it was perhaps the strain of the morning studies, the rush to that outlet and the dash to this unknown location. But in another way, it was something completely new, like nothing he’d ever experienced before. As he tried to widen the panel, the feeling changed. It wasn’t frightening or embarrassing as he might have expected; instead, something completely exhilarating. ever before had she experienced such a depth and closeness to another person, a person who definitely understood him. Never had he known such a friendship could exist.

Lin herself was also deep in thought. After pulling him out of the water, she suddenly and totally knew all about Reinhard Tomas. Everything about him: his likes and fears, his successes and failures, his strengths and weaknesses, what he liked and his deepest and most private sorrows. She saw into his innermost spirit, to the depths of his heart, to the very core of his being. Never before had she realised how badly she wanted such a relationship.

“It still not moving!” He wailed.

“Don’t give up. You came all the way for me.”

“Actually, it was your idea for a meet-up. What was the plan?”

There was a short pause. “Reinhard, will you be my boyfriend?”

With the water rising up beyond their upper torsos, it might be the weirdest time for a proposal ever. “You mean if we get out of here alive?”

She still didn’t like negative tone. “I mean regardless.”

Under other circumstances, he would have peppered her with many questions. Instead, he smiled in the darkness and replied, “Yes…yes I will.”

Just then, the panel they were pulling came free. Reinhard’s elation was dampened by the size of the shaft revealed.

“It’s better than nothing,” Lin remarked.

“Can you hands manage?” She attempted to lift herself inside but couldn’t and without a word, he helped lift his new girlfriend in. It was indeed a painful crawl for Lin with her wrists bound but with water behind her, she made no complaint. The was some sort of door at the end and despite feeling lethargic, Lin pushed and it swung open.

That was by fair not the end of their peril as dark-clothed figure approached them. “Shouldn’t have drown you first Chink,” Jake Bottomly growled, raising a semi-automatic at them. Reinhard shivered but there was the sound of a ‘click’ and the racist man collapsed.

“Always just in time,” DCI Heath remarked, holstering her TASER X26e.

“How’d you find us?” Reinhard exclaimed then saw the waitress from the food outlet waving.

This whole issue took the longest time to conclude. This shadowy firm that Lin found was a front for providing funding for the anti-minorities political party. That party was quickly dissolved although the anti-minority mindset lingered. Priscilla Hawkins and Jakes Bottomly were slapped were dozens of charges beside hate crimes but they set up an army of lawyers to defend them, calling Lin as an opposing witness. After a long legal battle, the pair were locked up for decades in separate HM prisons with no internet access as well as slapped with a lawsuit from Lin’s father. The symbol was really half a Swatika and the pair expected someone to notice.

“Am thankful for Papa winning the lawsuit and providing me with extra allowance this month. Replacing gadgets are expensive,” Lin remarked while she and Reinhard were re-building gadgets she lost from the latest adventure in the detective headquarters.

“You deserve it,” Chelle added. “And it’s good that you now have someone to really give real tender love while you work.” Reinhard turn a little red in response, not exactly sure how he would proceed with this relationship.

Lin hugged her boyfriend causing him to turn red again. “Hey, it’s great to have a partner. And not from running into one,” she laughed.

“There’s nothing wrong with getting a guy by running into him right Mark?” The rugby player was about to respond when the detective HQ’s door open.

“Where have you…” Chelle wondered.

“Hey you all, this is Richard Weaver from Wattersons Secondary,” Jenn nodded to the 1.77m guy behind her. “He has Eidetic, Photographic memory. I thought he would be a great addition to our team.”

The other teen detectives asked some light questions, then Chelle open up. “Why not? Another one would ease the rental payment here.” With the country-wide economic crisis, the owner of the caravan Mr Morden had to increase their rental fee.

“Another guy won’t hurt,” Mark added.

“Oh, that means I’ve to make a set of gadgets for you,” Lin noted. “Sorry, still have to construct those I’ve lost.”

“No worries,” the newest detective replied then Reinhard saw Lin packing up and held him hand.

“What..Where are we going?”

“To our first proper date!”

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark. Reinhard and Richard will return in ‘Frenchies and Pansies’.


23: The Truth: Revealed?


Michelle has recurring nightmares of her alien abduction’ and is determined to final other what really happened. While the girls return to the site, Mark and Richard received some clues from an anonymous figure.

Author’s note: This concludes the mystery here. I also misspelled cryopods in that story.

At the Summers’ residence, Michelle Summers was trying to sleep in the baking hot weather even with conditioning on. As she turned over to one side, a dream enveloped her mind. She dreamt she lying back down on some medical table definitely secured to it by unknown restraints. She knew she couldn’t speak but her sense out touch was numbed. The aliens, or alien-like figures hovered her…

Chelle blinked, snapping out of the nightmare. She tried to relax by drinking water and decided to wash her face. She suddenly stopped at her underwear drawer and opened it. Most were there except the pair that was removed, yes removed from her from that mysterious capture. I want this mystery solved, she thought.

With the sun still blazing down, Chelle walked to school and caught up with her close friend and fellow girl detective Chan Lin Ling.

“How’s the family? Must be a shock to learn that your parents worked as spies, I mean in the intelligence service.” Lin asked.

“Yeah, kind of expected. Solves the mystery why Dad kept on buying presents for Kate and myself from overseas yet won’t tell us where he travels to. And mum herself never really talked about her work. It’s over, well I hear Dad and his colleagues may face the ISC but nothing damming.” She meant the Intelligence and Security Committee.

“You were stunned by those students, was it like the way the Cat girl stunned you previously?” Lin asked.

“Now you mention it, it’s almost like. But that Madame Redmond or who every she is you previously now under interrogation by the authorities.”

Lin removed her sunglass and tried to carry on the topic but Chelle’s parents told her not to spread the news. “Say, I hear you went swimming with Reinhard while I was nearly eaten up by piranhas in Poland,” the shorter teen remarked.

“Yeah, just swimming.”


“Yes. No, we changed out in separate corners after receiving your message. Why?”

“Are you going to date him?” Just as Chelle remarked that the pair spotted a figure approaching them for the next lane. “Hi, girls,” Reinhard Tomas, greeted. The girls return the greeting and he explained due the scorching weather, the school allowed all boys to wear shorts, not just the Year 8s. Outside school, boys could go without their ties, explaining how he was dress. The trio discussed nothing of importance with Reinhard complimenting Lin’s sunglasses. The girls let him walked forward then Chelle blurted to her taller friend, “Are you falling in love with him?”

Hot weather or not, all students still had studies to focus though the teen detectives managed to gather at lunch break. After taking a large slurp of her iced coffee, Chelle recalled her dream and declared their new case.

“Nearly forgot about this one. You nearly got killed…I mean I don’t know what I could immediately think what you were going through in that tank, that cryopod,” Lin remarked. The others knew what happened previously but she quickly summarised what happened covering the sudden limo man giving her the location of the buried chamber, her failing down, finding the room with cryopods and how she barely managed to get Chelle out before it blew up.

“Cryopods…cryonics, isn’t that the act of freezing of human remains with the hope of getting resurrected in the future?” Reinhard wondered.

“Oh yeah, that’s correct,” the team’s first gadget creator smiled.

“So, I was going to be killed and my body kept chilled and return in the next life?!” Chelle gasped.

“That we shouldn’t jump to,” Lin tried to calm her down. “There still that farm with the mutated cattle, the flying objects,” she preferred not to say UFO, “and the sudden lost in time.”

“Lots of unknowns,” Mark Cadvish, Chell’s boyfriend with a funny surname and school rugby player remarked. “We need something …”

“Concrete.” Lin finished his sentence. “We should return to that farm.” The school bell broke up their discussion and as Lin got up, she heard a soft ‘damn’ coming from the short science whizz. “My English teacher gave me a ‘5’ for my latest English essay. I thought I structured it so well,” he groaned.

After Lin saw a copy of his essay, she did kindly say there were structures that could be improved and spotted a few grammar mistakes. “Would you like to meet up for some coaching on essay writing?”

Reinhard looked into her eyes then answered. “Well, uh, I’ll consider it. Will be discussing it with my teacher and other classmates.” As they went their own ways, he wondered if she had any underlying intentions with that offer.

The teen detectives’ plans were put on hold due to school work, their school club activities and the weather. One night, Chelle adjusted her room air-con to the right temperature and dozed off. Suddenly, the same dream clouded her mind with her strapped down on the examination table and still unable to talk. Suddenly, those strange figures hovered over her, they were in alien, they looked like aliens!

“No one knows what aliens look like Chelle. Ok, assuming aliens abducted you, we can call strange creatures kidnapping you,” Lin replied after hearing her fellow detective’s dream.

“That’s not helpful,” came the gloomy reply.

“I know, sorry it’s the science answer. I also made a mistake last; said time is a universal variant, I meant invariant and only the speed of light and charge are universal invariants. I’m confusing, yeah I want to know what caused the sudden time change and those flying objects.”

“Can you recall exactly what you saw what I was like in that cryopod?”

Lin detailed the eerie figures inside each sudden cryopod which Chelle did look a bit like, the organic tube that was stuck inside her mouth and how after immediately after Lin administer the vaccine how those creatures or people burst out of the cryopods and everything around exploded.

“Were they creatures or people? What was that liquid feel like?”

“Just sticky…”

“You know, we should consult the adults about this,” Jenn add as they met up with her. “I mean Dr Gordon Holden who examined you.” Chelle shuddered at the recollection of the medical test she went through but did agree that was another area to pursue.

“Why are you so engrossed with your phone?” Lin asked the shorter girl detective.

“Debate competitions results. That Richard Weaver and his team is topping all the regional debate teams and he’s always best speaker. I’m so going to thrash that guy.”

Lin nodded and noticed Reinhard also staring at his phone and several school-issued foolscap papers. After updating him with their latest plans, she queried him about his essay. “Well, my teacher just offered me extra English classes or simply buck up. “Well, what about my offer? I need some help with my business studies and heard your scored pretty well in yours. What about a trade?”

He raised his eyes, “Ok, where, school study area here after school?”

“No, I was thinking outside, food first…”

Reinhard started listing some places when sudden Lin said her own place. “I cook dinner then we study?”

He nearly fell down in surprise. “Uh, ok.” That resulted in her texting him her address.

“She’s inviting me to her place?!” Reinhard pulled Mark over to a corner during the next break. “Is it a date?!”

“Calm down, well how exactly look like – as in facial features – when she asked?” After hearing the answer, Mark patted him, “Just stand tall and ask if you’re unsure.”

“But what do I wear? What should I bring?”

After school, the five of them braced the scorching weather to head to the local hospital. Despite having a busy schedule, Dr. Gordon Holden met the teen detectives having known Jenn and having treated Chelle.

“It’s best you consult our senior lab examiner,” he started slipping an ID card which opened double doors. Each teen was given a dust-free lab coat before they met Mindy Patel, a high-flying Anglo-Indian researcher. “Hello, I did find a trace of an unknown liquid in a sixth test of your blood sample,” the bespectacled lady nodded at Chelle. They moved inside the camped research lab then heard her gasp.

“Wait, I just kept the sample here!” They heard her cry pointing at test tube rank with one empty test tube.

“But only you have the other access card to this lab,” Dr. Holden protested and Mindy nodded stating she only went to the loo for a short while and refilled her water tumbler.

The police were called in led by the teen’s ally, Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Nikki Heath. After swapping everyone and interviewing every nearby staff, the police also could not find any traces of a break-in or any usual fingerprints. After much questioning, the teen detectives were released early afternoon with Lin darting first out. “Hey, where’re you off to?” Chelle called and heard some mumbling.

Lin in fact headed to the nearest supermarket to find a key ingredient – pork belly – for the dinner cum study later that evening. At the same time, Reinhard was in a gift shop pondering on the advice from Mark. Finally, he picked a box of Ferrero Rocher and rushed home to change. Promptly at 6pm, he reached Lin’s house with a backpack, the chocolates and a heart pounding.

“Oh, that’s so lovely!” She exclaimed, accepting the chocolates. While he was in dark blue jeans and short-sleeved light blue shirt, she wore a two-button lavender short-sleeved blouse and dark purple slacks. He noted she didn’t put on any make up or done lipstick and his heart stopped throbbing fast.

“Sorry, I over cooked the pork belly,” she remarked, introducing him Tau Yew Bak, or braised pork belly in soya sauce, a common dish in Malasia and Singapore. Reinhard was thankful she set fork and spoon and after trying on piece. “Really nice,” he said politely although found it amazing. She introduced him to Choy Sum or caixim, Chinese flowering cabbage which she added lightly salted prawns and crunch peanuts. As they ate, they conversed and started learning about each other. They were both single children with Lin’s mother having fertility issues. Reinhard parents have separated and his dad was often out. He explained that his father did also have Spanish origins, explain his surname, Tomas.

They were of course both highly interested in science with both learning scientific knowledge at a very young age. Lin recounted as how she fought against bullies who teased her for reaching puberty fast and always being the prettiest girl in class. Reinhard told her how he was teased for his short height but ignored it by exercising and thinking about science. Just as he reached to scoop another spoonful of Choy Sum on his plate, Lin’s hand also touched the spoon simultaneously. “Whoops,” they both remarked and he gave it to her. After learning more about each other, they finished eating, cleaned up and Lin proceeded to head to the study room. “Wait, Lin,” Reinhard asked, “It’s all study nothing else right?”

He looked at her face as she answered, “Sure, it’s an evening of study.”

As the pair helped each other with their different subjects, Chelle had already finished her dinner with her mother and sister and retreated to her room. After checking her homework was complete, she scanned the we then lay on her bed. Suddenly, memories of her weird kidnapping came back. At first, she was back on the examination table with the weird figures towering over her. In the next scene, her eyes were blurred and again she deduced her whole body was numbed. Only after her a soft bang, she knew someone was reviving her. Despite being blinded and numbed, Chelle now recalled being carried and suddenly through her blurry eyes saw advancing figures.

“Sis? There’s some extra carrot cake,” Chelle’s younger sister Catherine called and she mumbled a response before reaching for her phone.

It was close to 10pm when Reinhard and Lin finished their studies together. “I better return home in case my father suddenly returns and wonders where I’ve gone. Thanks for dinner and help with my English Essay.”

“And thanks with helping me with my business course and the chocolates,” came her reply. They shook hands with Lin initially expecting a hug. Mission accomplished though, she thought.

The team all received Chelle’s message and only Lin and Jenn managed to join her at the cattle farm. The owner Richard Stewart initially mentioned he was busy then with the look at their faces then answered.

“My cattle miraculously are fine; they suddenly show no signs of deformed body parts and are all healthy now.” He opened a gate to show the girls the evidence. “Look, my cows are pregnant and those who gave birth are producing fine milk. Any other questions?”

Chelle asked about those weird aerial objects and the farmer replied he was too concern with his cattle most of the time. Lin then queried about the farmer’s assistant and his eyes narrowed. “He left suddenly, not even leaving me a note. You lot know of any one wish to help a farmer?”

With not much to cover, trio decided to head to a site where the aerial objects were, with Jenn holding an umbrella shade them from the sun. “Where are those darn boys?” Chelle wondered.

Mark had finished meeting up with his rugby mates when he spotted Reinhard picked up some detergents from the convenience store across the road. As they head through a shaded path towards the local train station, a motorcyclist with his dark visor covered drover path, threw an object at the boys and sped away.

“Hey….” Mark picked it up finding a blank note.

“It’s not blank,” his classmate pointed.

“Where have you two been?” Chelle answered the group call started by Reinhard. The boys explained what happened earlier and were in the detective’s headquarters.

“It’s a message that can only be read by UV light,” Reinhard replied, explaining he just bought a UV flashlight. Lin excited congratulated him but Chelle quiet her down. He read it carefully and it revealed an address in Birmingham with the additional word ‘Experiment’.

“We’re going there!” Chelle declared.

“Wait, we should do it as a team!” Mark shouted but his girlfriend ended the call.

Jenn regrettably said she had debate practice but would alert the police. Lin and Chelle braced themselves against the heat as they reached the exact address in Birmingham. It was a shop house unlisted on the Internet. “That’s too mysterious enough for me,” Chelle remarked as she touched the door handle but cried. “No burns,” she added and the pair saw that no doorbell so proceeded to walk behind. Lin spotted what she was a hatched the girls, without the need of their gadgets, managed to pull it open.

“Ready? Remember you’re the one captured last time.” As they enter, the surrounds immediately matched the eerie chamber that Lin was directed to last time. Just as she was about to mention that, she heard Chelle cry as the floor beneath her opened and the teen detective fell with a noise that sounded like a suction machine. Chelle fell and felt pulled but suddenly again felt here muscles numb and then everything went blank.

Meanwhile, Lin was about to rush over to the spot which opened when a metal frame slammed down in front of her, obviously blocking her path. She back, only for yet another metal frame lowered down, trapping her. As she looked at the two walls, one opened up and mechanical arms grabbed her. Shouting and struggling, she found herself in a small room and the arms threw her on the ground. Figures rushed over her and despite being a Taekwondo expert, she failed to fight back those figures and soon was restrained with cable ties, duct tape wrapped several times over her lips and head then soon she was wrapped in industrial plastic wrapped. As the figures disappeared, she thought she heard someone muttered, “we don’t want your kind.”

Chelle regained her senses and found herself secured in handcuffs with chain securing her ankles to a ring in the floor and also the feeling of duct tape wrapped across her lips and head. At least I’m clothed this time, she thought. She immediately was beginning to have the uncanny feeling that she was somehow not alone in the extremely dark room she was now in. A faint movement confirmed that and as her eyes adjusted better to the dim light, Chelle could see the outlines of a figure against the wall opposite her. The figure moved slowly and there was a small patch of light revealing another girl who was also chained up. The other girl’s mouth was free but her teeth chattered uncontrollably in the cold air. A translucent nightgown was all that she was clothed in. Her knickers were visible and it appeared wet. How long had this poor girl been there?

‘H… Hullo. I … I g-guess you’re Michelle?’ I’m Frances.”

Michelle was surprised to hear her name and tried to reply but the gag turned her reply into ‘mmmphs’.

“They mentioned your name – those masked figures. Yeah, they looked like aliens but I’m guessing their human underneath,’ the girl said. ‘”One night I was sleeping the next moment I felt numb and here I am.”

Chelle felt the tape over her lips somehow tighten but managed to get her query across.

“No, I haven’t a clue. They hardly come by and only give me water and look how let me sit in my pee!”

The girl, Chelle judged was either age or a year younger tried to laugh but only shivered against the room’s low temperature. Chelle then recalled the usual gadgets she had and struggled against the fetter but failed to find any. They must have taken them. Lin’s going to be angry.

“It won’t do any good, these cuffs are invincible.” France assumed Chelle was trying to break free.” I envy that you’re clothed even in summer wear. I don’t want to freeze to death.”

Meanwhile, Lin was struggling wildly in the cocoon she was wrapped in. She as well was trying to reach the gadgets she also had on but the restraints and wrappings restricted the movement of her arms and fingers. What was worse was the summer’s heat was seeping into the place she was trapped in, making it even more uncomfortable.

“What do you mean you can’t get there!” Jenn cried and explained using the evidence she had to DCI Heath.

“Jenn, it’s not its weak evidence or I don’t have restrictive jurisdiction,” Nikki replied. She told the team she had long-term conflict with the detective and police force in that area of Birmingham though was trying to get officers to join her.

“Hurry! Chelle might be in danger!”

The boys finally reached the shop house after a train delay and broke through the front door with both their brute strength. in front of them was a narrow corridor with rooms at every side facing each other like in hotel.

“Where to…” Suddenly there was a muffled noise coming from

“What’s…” Mark began.

“It’s Lin! I’ve heard her cry like that before!” Reinhard answered and they rush forward. With Mark’s strength and the laser pen, the broken through the door and found the wrapped up East Asian girl. “Hu..rry!” She cried as the other team scientist slowly peeled off the gag. “Use your phone to find Chelle’s signal!” Sweat was pouring down her face.

Mark tracked his girlfriend’s to larger freezing room one floor below. Chelle and the other girl Frances were both strapped to medical examination tables and Frances was now tape gagged. There were IV drips standing next to the tables and several cryopods on the opposite wall. Six figures in wearing alien-like suits stood next to the tables and two of them neared Chelle, attempting to undress her.

“No!” Cried Mark, tackling the nearest figure in a ferocious tackle. But with six of them, he was heavily outnumbered and all turned to attack him. Thankfully, Reinhard appeared quickly with a dishevelled-looking Lin behind. All three teen detectives attacked all the suited figures and as Lin held one down, she heard a Brummie accent. “Who the hell are you?” She yelled as she found a zip and pulling it, it revealed a male underneath.

“All right, we’re here,” they heard the familiar voice of DCI Heath with some West Midlands police officers behind along with Jenn. “Get those two girls free and pointing and the ‘aliens’, “you’re all under arrest.”

Days later, the teen detectives gathered at a cafe which just installed air-conditioning.

“Climate change terrorists…” Jenn started.

“Yeah, an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion. They were attempting to freeze people as they believe the earth is ending and keeping specimens for the next age.” Lin laughed. She was dressed in a one shoulder light purple top with a jean skirt with Reinhard secretly admiring her. Lin continued, stating these extremists first secretly tested their drug on the cows at that farm, causing the deformity. That cattle assistant, Mike Travers, was in cahoots with them and police found and arrested him. This group invented those stealthy unmanned aerial vehicles, preventing the military and civil aviation authorities from discovering them. They used some magnetic device to alter time, explaining why the minute hand on Chelle’s watch jumped. They created a suction machine along with an invisible and painless stun dart which explained how Chelle was pulled and numbed quickly. The lab assistant was paid to pass the vaccine sample to one of the organisation’s members and was cooperating with the police, hoping not to get jailed. Police across the UK were conducting raids to find other organisation members and that individual who passed Reinhard and Mark the message was still at large. The police suspected he was linked to the man in the limo who passed Lin the location of the chamber.

“Wow, climate change people with high tech gear,” Reinhard remarked. “I would like to check out they’re devices and invent stuff like that.”

“Well, those arrested still haven’t explained why they chose me and that girl Frances to be frozen. And some one must be funding all their technology. And there’s still that stunning, reminds me of Madame Richmond and the Cat, how we girls were also stunned,” Chelle added. “Man, this iced coffee sucks.”

“Take you some place for a meal?” Her boyfriend suggested. “Join us?” Jenn remarked she had to meet someone, leaving Reinhard and Lin by themselves.

“The coffee isn’t great. Want tea? I see they sell iced green tea,” Lin got up but he waved her down, remembering the nice dinner she cooked.

“I’ll get it and pay,” he smiled.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in ‘To Paradise’.

13: Doggy Business


Jenn is asked to take care of a neighbour’s dog which is more than it meets the eye. Meanwhile, Michelle manages to invite Mark to dinner at her home and stuff happens.

Detectives’ meeting place
Almost immediately after the last case

“Feeling alright?” Jennifer Thompson asked Lin Ling as they keyed in their code for the digital door lock on their headquarters.

“Uh yeah, just trying to get rid of the rest of the tape gag mark,” she pointed to the right side of her cheek.

” I tried this cream, works miracles,” Jenn handed her a new moisturiser. To Lin, a science geek, most of the tape gag mark was scrubbed off. “That’s wonderful!”

“That was a really embarrassing position you were in last time,” Jenn added.

“Yeah, I’ve joined the bound and gagged in my undies club,” Lin laughed and noted she had to catch up as Jenn stated she experienced that twice. Just then, Michelle Summers appeared and her fellow girl detectives each gave their no-longer-grounded friend a deep hug.

“I don’t know how you suddenly appeared right after me,” Jenn raised her eyes. Chelle explained it was pure luck she spotted Jenn far away as she too rented a bicycle after she alighted from the train station. She also received Mark’s update on where the carnival trucks were headed but her phone battery died that instant. She was delayed by traffic, nevertheless spotted Jenn jumping onto the first truck and cutting a hole on the tarp. Chelle also managed to jump in just in time to tackle the kidnapper. “You really fought well and used Lin’s device to trap him. If not, I thought I would also definitively be another kidnappee,” Jenn remarked.

“Well yeah, you went in first,” Chelle smiled. “Must be all the gymnastics training I hated as a child.”

“Must the ballet classes I was forced to sign up when young,” Jenn added.

“Hey, you’re using of my fishing net gives me an idea to convert it into device,” Lin added and also was thankful they retrieved all other gadgets this time. Mark then entered, nearly banging his head on the door frame. “Hi all, what did I miss?”

“Oh, just some girly talk,” Lin lied. “So, what’s next?”

“Next is to smoke out Molly Peacock. She for sure was the Cat’s henchwoman who nearly got me and Lin killed.” Jenn replied.

“I thought you wanted a non-detective and restful summer break,” Lin pointed out.

“I do when I get Molly. Here’s my idea,” she outlined it, noting Mark’s muscular build could be of assistance.

Croonford School
Drama Club meeting room
A Day later

The junior drama team meeting ended with the students discussing which plays they would perform when school reopened and there was a series of votes for the junior leadership. Jenn easily was voted as Vice President, Harriet or Hattie Coy got props director with Bethan Morgan as her assistant while Molly Peacock was voted as assistant secretary with the smallest majority.

As the students closed the meeting, Jenn immediately discussed her last few adventures with Hattie and Bethan. “That was a wild time you had in Coventry,” Bethan remarked.

“Indeed. But not as scary as being bound and gagged half-naked and the structures around me being demolished.”

“Have the coppers found those thugs who nearly killed you?” Hattie asked

“Yeah, they’re closing in. Our detective team also has some strong evidence on one girl who might be part of it,” Jenn ensured Molly was in earshot when she said that.

Detectives’ meeting place
Just after an hour and half later

The summer sun was naturally blazing down and everything else seemed normal. Just then, a dark-clothed figure with a hood with Cat whiskers painted on the front approached the opening hatch. Just as the figure eyed the keypad, a low pitch came and a net tightly covered the figure, who immediately cried out. Another figure darted and grab the would-be intruder into the converted caravan.

The netted and grabbed person kept crying out but the stronger figure dumped the person on the chair and gaffer tape was wound around the dark-clothed figure’s wrists. Torn cloth was wound around the person’s ankles.

“Pretty good binding,” Chelle remarked, having experience in being trussed up.

“Let me go!” the figure shouted as Mark held her down. The voice gave away the identity and Jenn yanked away the hood.

“Molly! I knew it was you! You’re part of the Cat’s gang who nearly left me and Lin for dead! Chelle and Lin during Halloween!”

The red-haired girl stared at her childhood friend then burst out crying. “Jenn, I love you but then you became so much smarter and better than me by twelve, look you got voted as VP of the junior drama club and I couldn’t stand the jealously…” Molly burst out crying and begged the team to let her go.

“No!” Jenn called. “First, you answer, were you one of those who kept strip me to my underwear, trussed and gagged me and Lin up and nearly got us killed by wrecking balls?!”

“I don’t know…” Molly’s tears were streaming down her cheeks.

“Who’s the Cat girl! Who’s the other accomplice! Tell us!” This cry came from Chelle but the red-haired girl fell silent. “I know what will make her talk. Keep her there,” Jenn ordered and headed out to the garden. She returned quickly and a spider was soon crawling across Molly’s arm.

“Please, no! Get it off! I don’t know, one day I was contacted by a strange number and soon enough the person paid her cash – I never got to see his or her face and the voice was masked. I was provided with this outfit. I had no idea what she was planning to do to you and Lin Ling I just had to follow as ordered. It wasn’t me at Halloween! Please, get this spider off! It’s going to bite me!!!”

The trio and Mark looked at each other and silently agreed she was telling the truth. Jenn finally pulled the spider off with a tissue, hit it and threw it in the dustbin. “Aw, it’s not poisonous, right Lin?” The science geek nodded and Molly’s fear partly subsided.

“What…what are you going to do to me?!” She was wailing now.

“Shut up,” Jenn grabbed a nearby cloth and stuffed it in Molly’s mouth. “That’s far better than the ultra-sticky gag I received! And at least you’re clothed!” The young detectives shifted away to privately discuss and decided to let the authorities deal with her. Molly was freed and Jenn and Lin personally brought her to their ally, Detective Inspector Nicola ‘Nikki’ Heath. “That was pretty a pretty fast move you made after Lin shot out her latest gadget,” Michelle patted his back.

“All from my rugby training. Say would you like to grab a cup of coffee and snack? We should talk to get to know more about each other.”

“I’ve to head home now. What about dinner at my home some time?” Chelle wondered then if she could meet the challenge she just made.


Thompson’s residence

Jenn in her room was just about to relax reading a book when her mother called me from the front patio. “Jennifer, could you come down here a moment please?”

Jenn headed down and greeted. “Oh, hello Mrs. Harrow.”

Mrs. Martha Harrow was one of the Thompson’s neighbours with her competition prize-winning Poodle Maximus Augustus, known affectionately as Max. She was surprisingly actively for a woman of 66 and Jenn often saw her out walking Max.

“Jennifer,” Mrs. Harrow started. “I was hoping you might be able to do me a favour.”

“What would that be?”

“Well, you see I have to go out of town for around a week. My twin sister Aggie has to go into hospital for a hip operation and she’s going to be laid up for a few weeks and her children who were supposed to be looking after have gone overseas for holidays, silly folks, and won’t be back till next also in a week. So, I’m going down to stay by her side. The problem is Aggie lives outside Oxford and I can’t bring a dog to the hospital or leave him at my sister’s home uncared for. You’ve always been fond of Max.”

“Yes of course I’m very fond of Max, He’s a wonderful dog.” This was the truth.

“So, could you care for darling Max for me while I’m away? Walk him twice a day, feed him every evening, bath him every other night and brush his coat daily. I’ll show you how now.”

“Please Jennifer, it would mean so much and I’ll double your allowance for this month,” this came from her mother.

Jenn then guessed it also was a way to keep her busy away from anymore detective work or adventures but agreed to. She headed over and Mrs Harrow called.

“Max! Come here boy! Come and say hello to Jennifer.”

Max appeared behind her wagging his tail, he really was the most beautiful black poodle, his coat neatly trimmed but not clipped. Sitting down in front of her he raised his right paw politely and they shook hands.

“I usually take him out for about 20-30 minutes in the morning depending on the weather and at least an hour in the early evening, before it gets dark. I feed him at 7pm in the evenings. He has normal dog food from the bags over there but you’ll have to bring him back here for his meals, for some funny reason he won’t eat anywhere else but this kitchen. I’ll leave you a spare key.”

“That’s interesting,” Jenn noted, tickling Max’s ear.

“You’ll also find a dog bath in the kitchen,” Mrs. Harrow continued.” Max has to be bathed every other day it’s best to do it when you get back from his evening walk. He’s fairly tired after his exercise and less stubborn.”

“Has Max had his walk today?”

“Not his main walk, I was waiting for you. I thought you might like to come with us.”

“Come on then. Max, walking time!”

Max didn’t need to be told twice, he leapt to his feet so quickly it made her jump. Mrs. Harrow handed Jenn a choke chain and I slipped it round the poodle’s neck. They took Max out to some open fields and let him off his lead to run free for a while. Mrs. Harrow made very clear to me when it was safe to let Max off its lead. Eventually when Max tired himself out, they headed back.

“Okay, Jennifer,” Mrs. Harrow continued. “Why don’t you grab the bath and I’ll show you how to bathe Max. It’s a precise mix of hot and cold, you don’t want to scold Max but the water mustn’t get cold too quickly either.”

Once the water temperature was fine, Mrs. Harrow called Max, he stepped up to the bathtub and climbed in without a fuss, sitting down in the water. The poodle didn’t seem bothered in the slightest, in fact if anything he seemed to be enjoying it. Then she scooped up some of the bath water in the pitcher and rinsed him down.

“Why don’t you try it now?” She suggested. Jenn did and the elderly neighbour praised her as a natural.

Later on, Jenn received a flurry of WhatsApp messages. ‘Did you really have to get poor Molly arrested?’ This came from her drama club colleagues. ‘ ‘Well, if you knew who restrained, gagged you and nearly got you smashed to bits, what would you do?’ She typed back. Molly was indeed taken in for a long interrogation but as with the teen detectives, she couldn’t reveal any information regarding the Cat. Still, she was suspended from school for at least the next term and booked into a Secure children’s home for re-training her psychologically. ‘Congrats on becoming a dog walker for the summer,’ this came from Chelle and Lin, the former stating she was allergic to such dog’s fur yet fine meeting Jenn with Max. Lin had no such trouble.

Two days later, “Come on boy!” Jenn called to Max, putting on a pair of white trainers. Walk time!” The poodle leapt to attention, waiting patiently while she slipped the choke chain over his head.

“Shall we head in a new direction?” she asked. “The park? The fields?”

As if in answer, Max pulled at his lead and barked twice towards the direction. The park was a great choice as it held a stall that sold ice creams and cold drinks that she loved. As she headed towards it, the stall owner Doug greeted her but waved his hand, stating he didn’t want any pets near his stall. Sighing, she found a ‘for pets’ stand, patted Max and tied his leashed there, hoping he wouldn’t make a mess. Jenn bought her favourite, freshly squeezed fruit drink and was sucking the ice cubes from the bottom when she heard a commotion. Turning around, she saw two new pets at the pets stand but no black poodle was anywhere to be seen.

“Max! Max!” She called but there was no familiar bark. Jenn queried the nearest folks but only received ‘sorry luv’ or ‘haven’t seen any dog, darling,’ in reply. She dropped the remains of her drink in a nearby bin and ran wildly, then spotted four taller boys, with one holding on to Max, now with a muzzle on.

“Hey, that’s my dog! Give him back!” It wasn’t really her dog but Jenn didn’t care to correct herself.

“I see no ‘this is my dog, signed shorty,'” the dog handler shouted back.

“It is and doesn’t belong to you!” Jenn immediately hated this childish argument yet she wasn’t thinking straight this time.

“It will be if you pay more than we’re paid. Get shorty away lads!” he yelled and two others ran and pinned her down. Instead of naturally screaming, she reached into her pocket and activated the siren that Lin made a while back.

“Bloody hell, she’ve an anti-rape alarm!” The boys scattered and Jenn ran after the dog handler but only tripped and scratched her knees. A jogger kindly picked her up and looking around, the dognaper was out of sight. “No…” she wailed out like then she heard a call. “Hey, dear, is this your dog?”

Jenn looked straight a saw a homeless man gesturing with his only army and there was Max, tied to a bench.

“Oh yes, it is, thank you sir,” she said and freed the poodle from the muzzle and re-attached the leash to her wrist. The homeless just said the dognaper let go of Max and he managed to coax the dog toward him. As a sign of gratitude, Jenn gave him a £5.

“Oh, we’ve heard of the lot. We’ll increase patrols and get ’em,” the Police Constable nodded but didn’t bother to take note what Jenn heard – the gang was deliberately paid to kidnap Max. The PC and his colleague left and she caught up with Chelle and Lin, recounting what occurred.

“Aw, who would want to snatch this cute dog,” Lin patted Max on his head. The poodle immediately brightened up and licked her hand in reply.

“I don’t know how much and he’s just an ordinary dog,” Jenn replied. The others wondered and Jenn shared what she knew about Max since she saw him as a young girl. Chelle suddenly asked to leave early.

“Where’s she headed to?” Jenn wondered.

“Oh, probably to her boyfriend,” Lin answered, emphasising on the last word.

That was the truth; Chelle had invited Mark around for dinner at her place but she hadn’t planned the menu for the evening! Coincidentally, she found herself in Waitrose but most of the prices were above her allowance even with the awards she received for her detective work. Deep fried and fatty food is out, definitely for a sportsman, too posh an ingredient wouldn’t represent her…Chelle turn the aisle and settled on two pieces of organic rump steak. “Cooking for the parents, luv?” She nodded in response to the cashier.

Chelle intentionally picked this evening as her mother brought her sister down to London to see a musical and meet up with her father. There was a warning not to involve herself in risky adventure, well a dinner date hardly would be one, she guessed. All the other ingredients were at home but steak meant she had to cook it just after he arrived. In her room, she had another challenge, what to wear. After much searching and ruffling, she settled on a dark blue knee-length dress, remembering to put an apron on.

“Evening Chelle,” Mark arrived exacted at 7pm, handing her a box of assorted biscuits and a deep kiss on her lips.

“Welcome to the Summers home. Hope steak is fine for you, how would you like your steak done?” Hearing ‘medium-rare,’ Chelle presented one medium-rare and her medium steak along with pan-fried potatoes and long beans. A quick bite show that she failed to rest the steak long enough and Chelle’s face immediately showed sorrow. “It’s fine and edible,” Mark consoled her. As they ate, they chatted about books, films and music. They found commonality in old war films like Where Eagles Dare, some Terry Pratchett novels.

Mrs. Harrow’s kitchen
The same time

Jenn was clearing up the remains of the dog food when she noticed Max tense up. He raised his head, his ears pointed straight up and let out a low growl.

“What is it boy?” Jenn asked. Then, soft sounds came from back, he let out another low growl and started barking continuously. The bushes rustled again and she heard footsteps running across the concrete path on Mrs. Harrow’s back garden.

“Who’s there?” Jenn called, switching on all lights and as she peered through the window only to notice dark-clothes figures run into a van which sped off.

Mark and Chelle finished discussing the latest series of Line of Duty when they switched to music and found they both enjoyed the British funk and acid jazz band Jamiroquai. Chelle remarked she had CDs in her room and he offered to clean up. Soon, Jay Kay’s vocals filled her room and they held each other tightly as they danced to ‘Virtual Insanity’ and ‘Canned Heat.’ Just as they both sang along to another hit, ‘Little L,’ Chelle’s shoulder straps fell. What the couple didn’t know was they were being photographed far away.

An eatery
The next morning

“What happened?!” Lin exclaimed to her classmate over English breakfast.

“It was an accidental wardrobe malfunction, ok? It just took some sewing to get the zip fixed.”

“Oooh, what colour undies were you in?”


“Chelle and Mark, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

First comes love, then comes a fallen dress…”

“Stop, stop!” Chelle looked around then lowered her voice. “It was a normal white pair alright? I pulled and sewed up my zip fast…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Lin replied, enjoying what she heard. “Well, want to join Jenn as she walks her threatened dog this afternoon?” Chelle replied she couldn’t as she had to help her mother with the gardening. “Excuses, excuses, love bird,” Lin replied as the parted, not knowing their conversation was taped.

Jenn recounted the mysterious van to Lin and asked if she examined the dog muzzle placed on Max by the gang. “Only the initials S. T.” Lin replied and Jenn raised her eyes, stating those were part licence plate of the van she saw. “Oh, nice dress. Do you always dress up for walks?”

“My name is Bond, Jane Bond,” she joked, smoothing down her summer floral dress. Everything appeared normal until they turned a corner and a van sped up. The doors at the back of the van opened and three individuals got out, all dressed in black, including black balaclavas that hid their faces.

Before either girl could react, they were dragged into the van along with Max in a rapid move, the doors slammed shut and the vehicle accelerated away.

“Let go of the dog! Let go!” A female voice yelled at Jenn. She refused and Max barked rapidly and leapt forward but the masked woman had a pole with nooses on the end. This was used for capturing and controlling animals. The thug was too quick for Max and as the dog was trapped, a dart shot out into his neck and Max collapsed unconscious. Meanwhile, Lin had tackled one of the two others who yelled, “Get off me yon silly wee lassie!” he cursed in a thick Glaswegian accent. He yelled to his colleagues to help and a new voice yelled.

“Honestly, I sometimes wonder why I employ you imbecilic cretins, a trio of trained monkeys would give me less trouble. Get her under control!”

With the one who stunned Max holding Jenn with her arms, the other two managed to subdue Lin. The Taekwondo-trained girl still wanted to fight, until a Taser X26 was pointed at her face. Remembering how she was tasered last time by a fake teacher, Lin reluctantly surrendered. Both girls’ wrists were bound with coarse twine and although there was no gagging, the threat from X26 kept the quiet. Less than ten minutes later, the van slowed to a halt. With the guy pointing the taser at them, the girls meekly allowed themselves to be carried in a fireman’s lift out. The teens immediately smelt the foul odour of pets as they were dropped on the ground. They finally got a clearer look at the captor: the first female who stunned Max was around 175cm, black hair protruding around her balaclava and a firm bust size, around a 34B Lin guessed. The other female was just a little shorter, also black hair and a B cup. The Scottish thug looked around 188cm.

The ‘boss’ finally came into view with light brown hair sticking out under her balaclava. Jenn thought even with the hood she looked a lot like…

“Don’t just leave them, tighten their bonds!” she roared and the shorter henchwoman reached in a nearby drawer pulling out two pairs of police-issue steel handcuffs.

“Lookie here!” she grinned. “Just item for you two!” Jenn noted her accent.

The male captor laughed. “Brilliant.”

Within moments both girl detective’s wrist bonds were exchanged for the cold steel rings.

“Right now, get them into yon cages,” the boss ordered. “Wait best gag ‘em first” She said, “This is a respectable neighbourhood. We don’t want ‘em shouting their ‘eads off.”

The woman who had found the handcuffs grabbed two cloths and used them as makeshift cleave gags.

“Right into the cages.” Cages?! They were animal cages and the captors yanked them inside. Each were about 90cm long by 65cm square and for Lin was uncomfortably cramped. Jenn being slightly smaller had a little more room to manoeuvre but not much.

“How long till the mutt wakes up?” they heard the guy asked

“Another hour,” the boss muttered. “Gives us time to work out ‘ow best to dispose of our two guests ‘ere. The coppers wouldn’t mind finding their bodies.” No, Jenn wailed silently at the threat. “You’s two can make yourselves useful an all. Get in the front room an’ start packin’. I don’t wanna leave nothin’ behind when I go.”

Less than a minute later, one of the females called. “Boss, the laxatives are expired!”

The teens heard the boss curse using the F-word. “Go get a bottle of them! Make sure you check the expiry date!” Then there was silence.

Both girls started struggling with Lin slowly managing to slide her cuffed wrists down her buttocks despite the cramp space she was in. With her hands and arms now in front of her, instead of undoing her ankle bonds or gag, she lifted her arms to reach her hair. Extracting what looked like a hair pin, she again slowly twisted her fingers and slowly unlocked each cuff, holding on to the whole set to reduce any noise. Only then did she work to free her ankles and remove the gag. Using the same ‘hair pin,’ she poked and twisted at the lock and soon freed herself. Jenn, who finally managed to get her cuffed wrists in front of her and remove her bonds and gag, was also freed.

“Skeleton key,” she whispered to Jenn who replied, “Where’s Max?” Neither girl had brought along Lin’s torchlight invention but the room wasn’t dark and after a search of the other animal cages of various sizes, which surprisingly were empty, they found the still unconscious dog.

“We should tackle those captors,” Lin suggested but Jenn replied she didn’t bring any gadgets along and didn’t think Lin wanted to face the taser. “Carry the dog,” Lin said and through the darkness, they looked and gleefully found the exit. Outside, the surroundings were totally unfamiliar to them and there was invention but no phone signal on their mobiles. “Keep moving; they might have found we’ve escape,” Lin whispered. After running wildly, Jenn suddenly stopped and although there was now some signal on her phone, something else was gone.

“My purse! It must have dropped in the van or that place!” she cried.

“Well, we can’t return,” Lin replied, dialling for the police. A car took it’s time to arrive and initially the girls wanted to return to their homes, but Lin told the officer to take them to the station, CID branch.

“No one gets there, Miss,” the officer replied.

“Just do so!” She retorted. The girls asked for DI Nikki Heath but found that the police detective was away and her protégé, Detective Constable Bluebell Ransom agreed to listen to them. She as before wasn’t as amicable and asked similar questions several times. “Do you know where you were held?” she queried and Lin produced two blurred pictures she thoughtfully took before they ran away.

“Ok, that will take time to identify the location,” Ransom noted. Jenn also mentioned the van and the partial licence plate, as well as the height and build of the captors which the DC just nodded, as well as noting her missing purse. “Once we locate where you were held, a team will raid along with FSIs.” FSIs were Forensic scene investigators officers who gathered forensics for the police. “Meanwhile, stay at your homes.”

The girls did so, especially Jenn, whose mother was shocked to hear what her daughter went through. Still the girls, along with Mark, initiated a WhatsApp group call. It was a summary of what happened until Jenn noted how the lead female looked had the same height and build as her elderly neighbour. “But why would Mrs. Harrow want to kidnap her own dog?”

“The initials on the muzzle and the van plate. S. T.” Lin mentioned. “Does that have any relation to your neighbour.”

“No…wait, her maiden name’s Taynes…hold on. there’s another call coming,” Jenn paused the group call and answered.

“Hello Jennifer Thompson,” the captors’ voice sent a chill down her spine. “I believe you have something I want and I’ve your cute purse here.”

“The police are after…”

“Oh please, don’t belittle me. Bring that poodle to,” the woman listed a junk yard, “and while you might alert the coppers, well just come alone, especially not with that Chinese girl. 10pm sharp. Do so and you’ll get your purse intact and not hear from me.”

The call ended. Jenn quickly sent a WhatsApp message to the others and dressed up. Her parents’ room was far from hers but carefully, she tiptoed down and retrieved Max who was still partly unconscious. Just as she exited her home, later a ten-year-old red Ford Escort pulled up alongside the kerb and Nikki climbed out.

“Get in Jenn,” DI Heath called. “I was away on leave. Ransom only just updated me on what happened to your girls.” As Jenn buckled up, Nikki remarked she wouldn’t be taking her dog out at such an hour and Jenn explained.

“Of course, you’re not going there alone,” She replied, radioing for backup.

“I’m a trained officer, it’s 25 minutes to the junk yard on the other side of town. Ok here’s what you do: Approach slowly, give in the dog and get your purse. I’ll then approach and hopefully my people will surround and take them in.”

Nikki dropped Jenn round the corner from the junkyard and she made her way to the rendezvous on foot. The iron gates to the junkyard had been left ajar There was a portacabin just inside the gates, the lights from which illuminated the first few metres in front of her. Beyond that it was darkness.

“Hello?” Jenn called out and the lady, balaclava still on appeared out from the darkness.

“Give me the dog,” She growled.

“First I want my…” Jenn replied.

“You’re in no position to make demands,” She pointed out coldly and raising one black-gloved hand in the air she clicked her fingers. Her henchman and women appeared seemingly from nowhere, the women grabbing her arms while the third took Max from her.

“Thank you, Miss Thompson,” the evil leader said as the dog was passed to her. She turned to the man “Take her inside and tie her up, gag her well.”

“This wasn’t…” Jenn’s yell was cut off as cloth was stuffed in her open mouth and a longer and thick cleave gag tightly secured it inside. Rope was quickly tied around her wrists and ankles and another longer rope secured them in a hogtie.

“We’ll be back shortly girl,” the Scottish captor remarked following the others out of the door. “Dinnae go anywhere.”

Before Jenn could respond, there was a shout from outside. “Boss we got a problem!” A moment later Jenn’s heart sank as Nikki was pushed into the room, her hands secured behind her back with her own handcuffs.

“We caught yon copper snooping round outside,” George explained. “Reckon she was following the wee lassie there.”

“Jennifer, I’m disappointed in you. I thought you were a girl of your word,” The boss lady added. “Okay secure her as well.”

Nikki growled, “Give yourself up. You really think I came here alone? Any time now this place is going to be swarming with police and you’ll be in jail.”

“You’re bluffing.”

“Am I?”

Turning to people she snapped, “Right, we need to be out of here now. Shut this one up,” She indicated Nikki. “And put the Thompson girl in the van. We need a hostage,” she growled.

“You don’t want to make this worse for yourself,” Nikki responded with surprising calmness. “If you want a hostage, take me; kidnapping a minor is a serious offence.”

After all Nikki was a police officer, trained in handling tense and difficult situations, whereas Jenn was just a schoolgirl amateur.

“I thought I told you lot to shut ‘er up,” she growled at her colleagues.

The male captor pulled out a roll of parcel tape and tore off a strip sealing it across Nikki’s lips before she could protest. He repeated this action four or five times before forcing her down onto the floor. Removing the belt from his jeans, he then used it to tie the police detective’s ankles together, lashing it tightly around her trousers and black shoes.

Jenn was thrown inside the same van and moments later the engine fired up and the van pulled away, leaving the junkyard. Only just after, police cars and a taxi arrived. “You took too long!” Nikki yelled as her gag was removed. “Minor kidnapped! One captor definitely IC1!” IC mean Identity Code based on ethnicity. “Hurry up Ransom!”

The other teen detectives alighted from the taxi. “Don’t worry, Jenn will have her ID tracker on her,” Lin said, but there were no readings on any of their phones. “Ok, I brought along Eagle with me,” she meant her UAV with a video camera. Just as she set it up, the UAV made a whirling sound and died. “Shit! Mark!” She turned to the newest teen detective. “Get back to our HQ! There’re spare batteries in the second drawer! Hurry!” The rugby player only nodded and re-entered the taxi.

Jenn squealed through her gag not just from the hogtie she was in but as the van sped over a bump.

“Aw don’t cry little girl,” the taller female laughed. “In a few moments, you’ll be hidden away.”

“Yeah, in the lake in the woods,” the other female captor remarked.

“Must ya give the plan away?” the Scottish guy added.

“Oi! Keep it down you lot!” the boss lady called from the driver’s seat. Suddenly a bark came. “The dog’s awake! ” Jenn hoped that would distract the captors. “Tranquillize it! No, just a small dose!”

As one of them reached over, Jenn kicked the person. “Hey!” The guy turned and smacked her bottom in return. “Don’t ya do that girlie!”

Back at the junkyard, Mark arrived and handed over the batteries. The UAV spun and she adjusted it to maximum height. There were several roads and lanes heading out but after several twists she spotted it and rushed over to Nikki and Bluebell.

“What on earth is that?” the junior officer asked.

“Never mind! That’s the van!”

“The woods. Units, Charlie India One, subjects are headed into the woods! Get there ASAP!” Nikki entered the nearest vehicle and drove off.

“Here we are,” the lead captor announced. “Get the dog out first and the laxatives. Then the girl. Once the chain is out, dump her. Oh, you two,” she pointed at the two female colleagues. “Guard the area. The police will be surrounding.” Jenn was dragged out and with the guy grabbing her around her stomach, she watched as the lead captor undid her balaclava and shaking head. It was indeed Mrs. Harrow. Or was she?

Jenn fingered as best as she could and found what she wanted. Just as the new muzzle around Max was removed, she jabbed the disguised penknife Lin invented into the side of the henchman.

“Ow!” He cried but that caused him to release her. “Why you…”

“Why you thug,” Lin yelled, dropping a hard kick on his neck and keeping him down on the ground. The henchman reached and yanked out his taser but that was kicked away, this time by Chelle.

“Police! You’re surrounded! Girls, get back!” The voice of DI Heath called.

“You get back!” The boss lady yelled, grabbing the still bound and gagged Jenn, pushing a gun at her head. “Get back or you’ll have a dead teen all over! Get b…” Something kicked her right leg and a taser shot fired, this from Nikki Heath, an authorised firearms officer.

“Subject is down! You’re safe, Jenn, you’re safe,” Nikki sprang over and undid her restraints and gag. Jenn however and smacked the now handcuffed henchman. “No one ever spanks me again!”

“Evil twin sister,” Jenn walked out with the other teen detectives as she rubbed her chaffed wrists. The lead lady was Aggie Sarah Taynes, Mrs. Harrow’s twin sister who faked her broken hip and kept Martha Harrow delayed from reaching her outside Oxford. Max had unintentionally swallowed her valuable gold chain and was stuck in his intestines. The other captors were as Jenn and Lin identified, one female criminal Natasha Hanson a British Indian S. Patel and a Scottish paroled criminal George MacKenzie.

“Well, I hope that’s all for the summer,” Jenn continued. “Hey Chelle, Mark, did you hear me?”

“They are too busy planning to dance the night away,” Lin explained.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Hostage.’

The End