30: Resort and Mystery


With the fear of the Cat hanging over them, Chelle, Lin and Jenn join their female schoolmates at a resort where locally a case looms. Jenn receives shocking news from Richard.

Author’s note: While this story is pro and anti-British Royal Family, it does not reflect the view of the author.

Warning: Young damsel humiliated.

On a Discord server centred on the British Royal Family, there was a heated argument going on, particularly Her Majesty the Queen Camilla. One user FrankJ was an extremely supportive of the Queen, citing her relentless work for the Royal Family and the United Kingdom.

Another , MikeW, was in contrast, against the Royals, also specifically the new Queen.

FrankJ: She’s devoted to duty, the appointments she holds and given..

MikeW: Appointments?! What, the simple baby-carrying, ribbon-cutting events? He used expletives, cursing her and her appointments.

FrankJ: I don’t write your kind of language. Her appointments are all honorary, given mostly by the Monarch, in this case her husband. They are not ‘ baby-carrying, ribbon-cutting events’ rather engaging and further understand communities, individuals, providing moral support.

MikeW countered with more degrading words and swear words and the debates still intensified until MikeJ uploaded a photoshopped image of Queen Camilla sitting with knickers down. The user added , ‘Sitting on the throne’.


At a small eatery in Croonford, the teen detectives were gathered. Jenn, dressed in an unusual clothes – black shirt, black jeans, even black summer coat hanging over her chair.

“Jenn, we’re teen detectives,” Chelle smirked. “Not secret agents. And you don’t have to look at the clientele every few minutes. I don’t think the Cat is amongst them.” As Chelle pulled up the straps of her beige dress, Jenn still glanced around. She also had repeatedly told what how she was stunned and trussed up previously.

“If anyone is, I have my ink and pepper spray pen ready and my guy has his net right?” Lin patted her boyfriend’s shoulder. Reinhard nodded and was more focused on Lin’s clothes, purple top and jeans mini-skirt.

“Yeah, thanks for the protection and confidence. Yet, the Cat has quite definitely returned, targeting us.”

“We’re a team,” Chelle’s boyfriend Mark noted after drinking his coffee. “We’ll defend each other and find out who this person is. Maybe we need a break…”

“Hey you lot,” they heard a familiar voice and saw Julia Humes, Chelle and Lin’s classmate. “Hey, boys, girlie chat. You mind?”

The three boys all raised eyes though moved to a nearby table.

“Heard you want to take a break. I’ve got the ideal idea. My aunt has finished remodelling her resort down at Cornwall and allows me to head there for a relaxing time. It’s a mini-country club – game stations, gym, sports hall, tennis courts, food outlets and of course swimming pool. I’ve invited some of the girls from our year – Hattie, Bethan, Heather and others. It’s the perfect way to relax before term starts. You three want to come? Or stuck here with your detective work?”

“Well, wish the weather was warmer. Sure,” Lin replied.

“It’s a deal.” Chelle stated confidently.

Jenn took a few seconds to ponder then agree.

“What about the boys?” Chelle nodded in their direction. “Are they invited?”

“I’d like to keep girls -only. Just us lot. I’ll text you the address and where to meet up. Oh, with the pool there don’t forget your bikinis.” Julia darted off.

“Bikini…got to check if my black pair needs dusting off,” Chelle remarked.

“Oh, have a nice purple one,” Lin added.

Jenn fell silent and the boys re-joined them.

“Girls only? Sound sexist,” Reinhard added.

“Don’t worry pal,” Lin squeezed him. “I’ll text you pictures of me at the pool,” she teased.

“What if some event crops up?” Richard wondered.

“We’re going to relax not find a case. If there is any” Chelle declared.

As the teen detectives dispersed, Lin caught up with Jenn. “Something on your mind?”

“You know me. I’m not comfortable wearing a bikini even if it’s with all girls.”

“You did eventually wore when we were in Penang.”

“Yeah, still not comfortable. I think I hide that one away.”

“Why don’t we go shopping again for another. Please, give it a try?”

Lin took her to a cheap swimwear store with plain designs. Jenn looked at the white or beige ones and ruffled a few ones. She made her decision in 10 minutes. “I really don’t think I can wear a bikini. I don’t have…”

“The body for it?”

“Don’t say that!” Jenn cried then thankful they were alone/. “Ok, yes, it’s more I just don’t feel comfortable with it. I’ll wear a swimsuit ok?’

“Thanks for let’s us stay, Aunt Judy,” Julia told her aunt as the girls entered the resort. “Wow, it’s really vast.”

“Everything in order, except the swimming pool. Repairmen are fixing it and shouldn’t take long. Enjoy your time girls, just don’t make too much of a mess.”

Pool’s out for a while yay, Jenn cheered silently. The others didn’t seem too elated hearing that. As Julia, stated, Hattie, Bethan, Heather were present as well as Madeleine Ranson and Lorna Cheatle. Both were in Jenn’s class with Lorna having just recently shifted to her class. Jenn had talked briefly with Maddie though Lorna seemed to keep her distance from her classmates.

“Alright, what ya all want to start with?” Julia asked after they dumped their bags in rooms. Lin and Heather decided to try the sports hall while the others stayed in the games room. Jenn tried her hand at snooker then gave up and switched to floor chess set with she and Bethan were lying on the ground laughing. The girls met together for lunch and as Jenn scooped more jerk chicken on her plate, Bethan poked her.

“Hey, hey Chelle and Lin, this is up your alley.” It was a news clip from the local channel.

“In breaking news, local resident Michael Water’s ten-year-old daughter Amelia has gone missing. Police are not ruling out a kidnapping at this stage. In world news..”

“Missing child? Perhaps, perhaps not,” Chelle replied.

“Very vague information and we’re resting,” Lin added.

“Yeah, I mean we’re on holiday,” Jenn agreed.

“I though you lot pick out any police stuff that pops up in the news,” Lorna remarked with Jenn raising her eyes at her.

The rain suddenly poured down, resulting in everyone staying indoors. After a round of <span class=”mw-page-title-main”>table shuffleboard and teams playing on pinball machines, the girls sat on bean bags sofas and watched a series romantic dramas. As the credits rolled on the 2005 film The Wedding Date, the weather cleared and the girls decided to explore more of the resort. They quickly found an adventure park and just as they change to sports gear, Julia nudged Lin and passed her one earphone.


“The police are treating ten-year-old Amelia Water’s disappearance as a kidnapping. At present, they have very little leads except her father Michael of Orange Lane had a online dispute. Amelia was last seen playing in the garden on her home has was wearing a yellow floral dress, is 4’7. Anyone who has seen her can call…”

Lin passed on the news to her fellow girl detectives, stating it was worth looking into.

“Well, we first have to head to this Orange Lane,” Chelle remarked.

“Hey, we’re on holiday,” Jenn protested but after the girls played on childish bouncing castles and chasing each other through a man-made maze, Jenn turned to Chelle and Lin and announced, “Ok, we can head down there before dinner. But darn, this is supposed to be a break.”

The trio left as their female schoolmates either smiled or shook their heads, expecting them to investigate the kidnapping. Orange Lane turned out to be a downward-sloping lane and the Water residence was at the end of it.

Michael Waters was a heavily tattooed man working on machines thus not extending his hand to greet the girls.

“I just had the coppers visit me, why would I wish aid from three lassies? Man, you are one hot chick even though ya a Chink,” he nodded to Lin. Lin was about to react when Chelle pulled her arm said they could assist and asked what the online dispute was about.

“Oh the ****ing media reported that. It’s…” There was the roar of a thunderstorm.

“Let’s resume this tomorrow. See ya girlies,” He waved.

“Hot Chick?! Chink?! I’ll show him who I am,” Lin lifted her arms to flex her muscles.

“His constant swearing and calling us lassies and girlies is so degrading, almost misogynistic,” Jenn shook her head. “Are we seriously helping him? Let’s return, before we’re drenched.”

After dinner, the girls again congregated in the mini theatre and Lin not interested in war movies, turned to her laptop to read some science articles when she switched to the news site.

“We just received a message from an unknown sender. Viewers may find it offensive so be warned.”

The screen changed to a darkened room and a dim light shone. A muffled masked man started, “If the foul-mouth MikeW wants his daughter back, he should apologise for that humiliating picture of he posted of Queen Camilla publicly and the Queen herself. If not, his daughter will continue to sit like in his image.” The camera shifted to the young girl as described earlier. She was sitting on some wooden chair, her mouth cleaved-gagged with a thick piece of cloth, arms were wrench behind her back and legs were tied with thick rope against the chair’s legs. What was the humiliating part was that her knickers were pulled down to her ankles.

Lin quickly called her fellow detectives and replayed the video with Jenn shaking her head.

“That is totally disgusting,” Jenn remarked and briefly covered her face. “No child should receive that kind of humiliation in front of a camera, even as its due to a dispute between adults online.”

“Well, the facts are a little clearer now it was an argument about the Queen, “Chelle pointed to the screen. “And MikeW or Mr. Waters uploaded some image, definitely photoshopped, that wasn’t real and attracted the fury of this kidnapper. ”

“How’re we going to proceed? It’s still vague who this kidnapper is,” Jenn argued.

“I’ll go meet Waters tomorrow morning you to might want to check what the local police know.”

“Well, no tall Chinese girl and no short one,” Michael Waters remarked as he shook hands with Chelle and gave her a cup of coffee. She grimaced, instantly knowing it was from some instant can yet immediately started with the issue at hand.

“Oh yeah the bloody news, the cat’s now out of the bag.” Waters took a drink and Chelle noticed his used of ‘less’ offensive words. “Yeah, it was a heated debate over the horse-face woman holding the title ‘Queen’ which only should go to a proper monarch. So after a while, I uploaded this,” he pulled out his phone and showed her the image. Chelle only momentarily raised eyes at the insulting image.

“What are you Michelle? Pro or anti -Royal?”

Chelle said neither although personally was leaning to the Royals having influenced from her parents. She queried the origin of the Photoshop and learnt the discussion was on Discord.

“I didn’t make it; found it somewhere on the ‘net. Now, it was to aid my fight with that pro-Camilla user. Now, instead of continuing, he kidnaps my Millie.”

Chelle expressed sympathy then wondered how his daughter was easily taken. “Haven’t a clue, lass. There’s my garden, the fence isn’t that tall. She always loves to play there. I didn’t hear any cry from her that day then suddenly she was gone.”

Chelle looked at the garden for a few minutes then with Waters heading inside, she snapped a few pictures, thanking him and left. Meeting up with the others, they didn’t have much to tell.

“The Detective, DI Scott Maddison, on the case hardly spent time with us and even when we mentioned our work, he didn’t hear of us, even when we mentioned Nikki’s name.” Lin referred to their long-term police ally, DCI Nikki Heath.

“Well, it’s not always the police are friends,” Jenn shook her head. “Ok, as I said, no child should suffer over adult disputes. How do we proceed from here?”

The answer was obvious – to check out the original discussion on Discord. That task fell to Lin and while Chelle watched Jenn played around of table chess with Hattie and improved her snooker skills. Finally, she joined her fellow detectives.

“It is a complex scroll but here’s the discussion,” Lin pointed. They read through the debate with Jenn noticing the good strong arguments provided by the user FrankJ vs the simple words and coarse language used by Waters. The discussion ended with those capital letter, ‘YOU WILL REGRET THAT!!!’

“From one threat to a kidnapping,” Lin just remarked. “Something on your mind Miss Summers?”

“There’s something odd. I just can’t place it.”

With no clear path to thread, Lin made a call. “Hey how’s the resort? How’s pool?” Reinhard asked.

“Hold your horses. my boy,” Lin answered and she knew he like that. She quickly asked him how one could trace another’s IP address from instant messaging apps,

“That’s a tough one,” he answered. “Never heard of that though there may devices out there. You want me to find and get back to you?”

Lin said no then there was excitement from Chelle. “It’s this!” She held up her mobile phone and the other girls squinted. Chelle enlarged the image to the full. “See that? It’s a torn orange piece of cloth. And it matches…She lift open Lin’s laptop, “the avatar of that person.”

“Ok, ” Jenn still not convinced. “So what? We’re looking for someone wearing orange?!”

Chell noted that the residences here mostly had low fences and clothes were strung up to dry on washing lines. We’ll just check the local area if there’s a torn clothing matching this. If nothing, we’ll leave the authorities to handle this.”

The three girls had a tight time frame as the news came that swimming pool was almost fixed. As Chelle mentioned, the residences were few and had low fences. The girls covered the various houses in less than an hour and as Jenn wished to return, Chelle called the girls over.

“See that?” She pointed at the house with the only cement wall. The other girls watched and an orange T-shirt fluttered in the wind with one corner clearly torn.

“Ok, looks like it. So what? We ring the door and ask the owner about his shirt?” Jenn wondered, however, Chelle darted off towards that residence. It’s going to be another bound and gagged time, Jenn guessed.

The residence looked a little wealthier than the others the girls walked pasted and had no immediate neighbours. After searching around, Chelle found the doorbell. Immediately, the large gate swung open exposing a clean-shaven man, a stark contrast from Mike Waters. He had a slight limp.

“Ah, I don’t get visitors at this time of the day. Girl Guides? Nah.?” The owner started.

“No, well, there’s a young girl kidnapped due to…”Chelle replied.

“Ah some debate. Please come in. It’s not that warm but I don’t like standing around. Jenn suspected something but her fellow detectives already entered.

“I have some Chinese tea. It’s becoming my favourite,” He had non-Chinese pot and poured tea into mugs with handles.

“So where…ah yes, the poor child. What a way to pay for the parent’s actions,” The owner continued. “Then, what brings you three to my place?”

“Well, we met the father of the girl and am assisting him,” Chelle answered. Where are you going with this? Jenn wondered.

“Ah, the wonderful world of…detectives work. I always wanted to be one when I was young age,” he continued. “So, what did you girls find?”

“Oh, nothing much,” Chelle answered. “Just a torn orange cloth like the shirt you have hanging,” Jenn, having spent much time with suspects, saw his eyes twitch.

“Oh, that, I torn it on a sharp garden stick,” he remarked though at a quick view, he didn’t have any such stick in his small garden. Before Lin could open her mouth, she knocked her given mug and fell down on the ground.

“Lin!!” Both Chelle and Jenn cried simultaneously and bent down to check her.

“Oh, she’s fine. Just knocked out for around ten minutes.” The pair looked up and the man now held some small handgun with a suppressor attached at them. He threw cable ties and a piece of cloth. “Why don’t you two bind and cleave gag your friend. I’m sure you two know how.”

“You’re the FrankJ user!” Chelle shouted.

“That’s a little too loud for me. Why you gag yourselves.” He threw them a roll of tape. As Chelle reluctantly stuck a piece over her lips, he waved his weapon, telling her to spread a long strip all over her head. That took up almost the tape. “Well lucky you,” he pointed to Jenn who had to cleave gag herself. With the unconscious Lin in their arms, the girls were forced inside and down narrow steps into a dark basement.

Chelle and Jenn immediately heard muffled sounds but an immediate call of ‘quiet’ from their captor silenced the room. “Over there, bind her hands to the railing, then her ankles,” he ordered.

As Chelle did so, she tried used her legs to swim at him but he was quicker and pushed her down on the ground. “You two as well!” As Jenn lay in fear, He drew out more cable ties and soon Chelle was strictly hogtied. Suddenly, Lin stirred.

“Ah, sleeping beauty awakes,” he muttered and warning Jenn to keep lying down, he moved over to stuff cloth into Lin’s mouth, sealing it with a round of tape, just like Chelle’s gag.

“Now for you,” He yanked the shortest girl detective up and was going to truss her up, Jenn decided a unusual move.

“Mimter, I thinmmk we camm taammlk this outmm,” she said through her gag.

He had finished binding her wrists behind back then stopped. “What did you say?” Jenn repeated herself as best as she could through the cleave gag, hoping he wouldn’t tighten it.

“Oh, I don’t fall into the ‘let me go and I won’t tell’ trick,” he said, restraining her ankles.

“Nmm, Immnk we canmmm tak abmmout thismmissue u hadmmonline,” Jenn again hoped it came out right.

He paused, then pulled her into the only spot of light in the basement. “Oh, you’re trying to discuss the matter. You were quiet earlier now you want to talk?” Just then, the muffled sounds came again.

“You stay put. Try to move to your friends, you’ll forget about speaking,” he warned and headed up.

Jenn took that seriously and called as best to her friends to check on them. Chelle had rolled a little though not much given the threat and gave a gagged ‘ok’. Lin, still weak from whatever sedative he added to her tea, gave the softest positive groan. As stated, the captor returned, moved to an side where Jenn suspected the little girl was held then returned. He check on Chelle and Lin then moved to Jenn.

“Ok, you want to talk, talk.”

Jenn gestured for her gag to be lowered but that wasn’t going to happen.

“Lookmmm, the Royals aremm nicemmmolks n I’mmmsure yu eally ike em,” Jenn said . Gah, I’m a debater but never debated with cloth wedged between my lips.

“They are beyond nice! They are wonderful! The country would tear apart without them.”

“U stronglyyyy believe inmm Queen Camilla?” Gah, even though this gag isn’t the tightest, my words sound alien, she thought.

“Yes! I do. You read the Discord discussion.” Jenn nodded in response, trying to prevent her throat from drying out.

“ThmmMichael has poommmr undermmmmhstanding of thee Queennn’s bmmmground, herrrappointments, herrole,” Jenn continued, actually not agreeing with what she said. Gash, I sound worse than I was when I was a kid. Can’t he remove the gag?

“And he swears way too much!” Jenn nodded. Meanwhile, despite the strain of the hogtie, Chelle managed twist her watch with laser beam. Just as she tried to turn her finger to push the relevant button then the argument restarted.

“He swears like a gangster. And posted that uncouth picture,” The captor continued.

“N U retaliated takin hiss daughtar, putting er in same positione as the picture?”

“I’m teaching him a lesson! Respect the Queen! Apologise to her!”

“You shouldn’t go to that extreme, mistreating a child…” While that came out properly, Jenn started to drool at the sides of her gag. The captor stared at her for a few seconds, then lowered her gag.

“Tha..anks,” Jenn coughed hoping to receive watere though he only wiped the side of her lips and asked her name.

“Jenn, you think it’s right to insult the Queen?”

“No…and neither should you response humiliating a child,” Jenn replied as best as she could with a dry throat. Nor should you truss and gag us up.

“You question me?’ Before Jenn could respond, there was a loud knock. “Dominic Hudson! This is the police! Come out and release Amelia Waters!”

“Release…mmmpph!” Jenn’s words were cut off as he wedged the cloth back between her lips and tighten the knot. Great, and I thought the talk was going fine.

The captor stared at the stairwell, then at Jenn who gave a muffled ‘released her’ twice before slumping down, exhausted from her dry mouth and throat. Slowly, the captor headed to the other side of the basement and out came the young girl i his arms.

“Jenn Thompson, that was really a great move,” Chelle remarked as the three girl detectives sat in the police van. “Talking down a captor.”

“With a gag on,” Jenn drank more from the given water bottle. “I don’t think I want to try that again, even with a cleave gag.”

The girls were thankful that the police dismissed them after a short statement–police had tracked the video the captor Dominic Hudson sent to the media. The trio made it back in time at the resort with Julia excitedly declared the swimming pool was ready. “Get your bikinis on!”

As they headed to the changing room, Lin cornered Jenn. “Don’t worry, no one is going to tease you over a normal one-piece.”

At the pool, Julia and Hattie were tightening the string of their bikini tops, less they get a wardrobe malfunction. Both were wearing G-string bikinis, Hattie in scarlet while Julia was in orange with triangular bra cups. Behan was wearing a lime green strapless bandeau &gt; also with a G-string bottom. Heather was in a aqua blue bikini, the cups further emphasising her C-cup breasts. Maddie Ransom was wearing a push up brown bikini while Lorna was in an all black halter white random white patterns.

“Hey where’s Jenn?” Chelle asked as she adjusted her black halter top.

“Probably taking her time to put on her suit,” Lorna called. Lin, in her dazzling purple strapless two-piece shot her a glance then headed to find her friend. Suddenly, Jenn emerged from a corner, wearing a T-shirt over…

“Jenn? Are you wearing a bikini under that?” Bethan called. Not answering, Jenn nervously removed her shirt, showing the white bikini she bought before the trip to Penang.

“She is! Let’s get into the water!” Heather led diving straight in and one by one, all the students dived or slid in and splashed around.

“Jenn, you really took a turn wearing it,” Lin remarked as they hung on one side of th pool.

“I still love a good swimsuit,” Jenn remarked, looking down at her bikini top. “Not sure if I’ll ever grow used to this.”

Lin was going to reply when Hattie, out of the water, called.

“Hey detectives! Together! Smile!” Chelle jointed her fellow girl detectives and Hattie snapped several pictures.

“Oh, Hattie, don’t you dare post those on Facebook!” Jenn cried.

After much soaking in the pool, all girls returned to Croonford refreshed and ready for school. The girl detectives met up with their fellow male detectives and Mark congratulated Jenn.

“Richard,” Jenn’s eyes narrowed. “Why do you have a set of our school uniform?”

“Oh, I was going to tell you three. I’m switching schools to Croonford school. Teachers from my old school are leaving for others, affecting grade performance there.”

“What?! No!!!!”

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark, Reinhard and Richard will return in Charity gone wrong.

17: To the Orient


The three girls travel to Lin’s aunt’s house in Penang, Malaysia for their summer holiday, with Jenn reluctantly agrees to wear a bikini. However, it is not all sun, sand and sea when a dead body washes up on the nearby beach. A normal murder case leads the girls into discovering a chilling act of astronomical proportions. But can they stop it in time?

Author’s note: My first story where the Croonford girl detectives travel away from the UK. I hope I got the information on Penang, its culture and especially its food correct and no offence to Penangites or Malaysians. No offences as well to the police in Penang, the Royal Malaysian Police and Malaysian intelligence services.

This story is entirely fictional although based on a historical incident.

21 January 1968: Over Greenland

The view below was magnificent, if only the temperature could be higher, Major D’Mario thought. The reason for this was he was seated at least two miles above the earth in a cramped and increasingly hot cabin. His fellow crewmen were also shivering so he made a fatal choice by opening an engine valve. The heat increased but all of a sudden, large flames of fire started to spread. Despite their best attempts, the fire engulfed most of the plane and each member finally bailed out. Jumping from an inferno into an icy cold atmosphere, Major D’Mario remembered that they had left vital items behind…

The Present Day
Croonford UK 1500 GMT
Teen Detectives Headquarters

“Ow!” Michelle Summers cried, as the edge of the portable radiator dial lightly sliced through her finger. For the past half hour, she and Jennifer Thompson were trying in vain to fixed the heating system in their detective hideout. For a place which contained a mini forensics laboratory, the main necessity—the heating system—was down.

“It’s all in the wrist Chelle,” a voice behind her remarked as a hand shot out, adjusting the knob properly. “Gosh! You startled me Lin, at least you could…woah!” Michelle gasped at the youth chief forensic outfit. Despite the chilly weather, Lin Ling was clad in a low-cut purple tube top and a skirt that reached only a few inches above her knees. She clearly was wearing small denier tights with open toe shoes. “Lin! Aren’t you freezing!”

“We’re all warm-blooded creatures Chelle, I just make the most of it. Anyway, since you two are whining about the cold and it’s half-term break, how about heading off to some place where the sun shines?”

“Where? “Jenn replied, her teeth chattering, wondering if it was a European city.

“Penang, Malaysia. One of my aunts has a nice house and she has invited my mother and us for a short holiday and will take us everywhere including beaches. Don’t worry about plane ticket fares; Ma and my aunt will foot the bill. It’ll be sun, sand and sea for at least a week. My mother will clear it with your parents. Whatcha think?

“Well since the plane fares and accommodation are taken care of, why not. Better than this freezer of a town,” Michelle replied, still nursing her finger.

Jenn thought over it for half a minute and gave her thumbs up. “Righto, but first, we need to get something for you Jenn,” Lin replied.


The outskirts of Los Angeles, California
A while ago
0310 hours local

“Thud! Thud! Thud!” The rapping on the old wooden door broke the silence of the night. “Don’t worry dad, I’ll get it,” the woman called, moving down the spiral staircase in her robe, nightie and slippers. The old man smiled and was about to turn his back when a bang ten times louder than the rapping shattered his eardrums. “What the…” he cried and as he just reached his doorway when he was grabbed in a bear hug. Almost strangled, there was a trio of masked men, one which was grabbing his daughter. Her nightie was ripped, slightly exposing her right breast and a wide piece of tape covered her jaw. With her arms bent, it was certain her wrists were bound behind her.

“Move it old man,” the muffled voice behind said. Still startled, both were half-dragged to the main study and forced to kneel. “Ok, old man, what’s the safe’s combination number?” A silence followed as the elderly man sealed his lips. “What is the combination number!” The hooded figure yelled, smacking the old man on the face one more time. His only reply was a spitting on a loose tooth.

“Alright,” the intruder snarled and yanked the young lady from the hands of his accomplice. “First, bullet number one will go in her foot, then bullet number two will go into her knee, then bullet number three….” “OK! OK! Three, Seven, Five, Nine. There’s nothing important in there! Please don’t hurt her!” The man replied, suddenly convinced by the pleading eyes of his daughter. Snatching the pile of papers from the safe, the hooded figure turned and bullets spat from his silenced gun. “Ooops,” was all he said.

Somewhere deep in the Arctic Ocean

“Is that it?” Captain Christine Andersen peered closely at the image on the false aperture sonar. What was at first appeared to be a large blob on the screen slowly changed into a long cylinder nearly a hundred metres across.

“That’s your magic wand that will change the world?”

“Yeah, can your sub hold it?”, the man wearing a pure black diving suit asked.

Christine looked at the dimensions on the screen and nodded. An extractor arm extended and grasped the object. After several attempts, it came off the seabed and minutes later it was secured in the mini sub’s storage bay.

“Ya know, after scrounging around for days, I can’t believe I’m going to get 50K for picking up what may turn out to be an old ship’s funnel or some waste dumped by some unknown ship long ago. For all ya know this may be…”

The babbling research Captain passed away with the tiny prick of her skin. Pushing her to one side, the dark-skinned man simply said, “You’re relieved of duty Captain.”

Teen Headquarters, 1520 GMT

“A bikini. You’re not going to laze around Penang’s best beaches in your ugly blue one-piece swimsuit,” Jenn replied, propping herself on the table.

“No way, you’re not influencing me with girlie antics Miss Chan! I’m happy with my one-piece swimsuit!” Jenn retorted, still warming herself by the heater.

“Yes way. All of us girls have bikinis, right Chelle?” Chelle simply remarked she had a black halter set.

“And all the other school girls have two-pieces. Hattie, Bethan, Heather…”

“Julia doesn’t,” Jenn remembered that Julia told her that.

“Well, the majority own at least one. It’s the in-thing…”

“I’m not influenced by your pressure. It’s just like exposing myself in my undies!” Jenn recalled when she was forced and bound and gagged in just them.

“It is not. Ok, then I’ll take one of the bikini owners and leave you in this chilling chamber.”

“How dare you…” Despite her debating skills, Jenn couldn’t believe that she was getting blackmailed.

“You wouldn’t dare…”

Lin patted her hand on her friend’s back and replied, “You know Jenn, there are three kinds of people. the Wills, the Won’ts, and the Can’ts. The Wills accomplish everything, the Wont’s oppose everything, and the Can’ts won’t try anything. Your definitely both a Won’t and a Can’t”.

“Your quote from The Black Hole won’t change my mind.”

“Why not I take you shopping for a bikini. Just one.”

“Oh, alright you win. But I have a condition I still have until I arrive at a beach before I expose myself.” Deal?”


A coastal village, Sumatra, Indonesia, the same time

“…and finally, after months of setbacks, ASEAN members have decided to sign a security accord that would increase anti-terror operations against a Southeast Asian extremist Islamic group mixed with Jemaah Islamiyah and ISIS members. Due to the latest larger scale attacks in the region, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers have approved to hold the meeting on the cruise liner Emeritus, the point of embarkation and sail route classified for security purposes. In other news…”

The black clothed figure twisted the volume and addressed the similarly dressed man in front of him.

“My son, you have made us proud in the last move.”

“Father, we did not hit all that we intended to strike. Many infidels unfortunately escaped.”

“Patience, son. We have a big plan upcoming. I trust everything is on schedule?”

“Yes, our California team managed to locate the necessary documents. Our greatest minds are working on it and will produce the crude result by next week. Transportation and deception are all taken care of. Father, have we had any lead on where the ship will sail?

“Not yet. Your brother Karim is still searching. Time will come my son. Allah has been good to us.”

“Indeed father. We will give the blow that is needed. Ironically, most of the material are made by the infidels”

Both men clasped each other in a tight embrace and the younger one departed, a devilish smile forming on his lips…

Croonford Shopping Centre, 1610 GMT

Jenn continued to pout as her East Asian friend pulled her to the rows of bikinis. Finally, they stopped at a selection of blue halter top bikinis. “No!” Jenn cried, “I’m not wearing those!”

“Can you please not fuss, this is the best selection for proper ladies swimwear,” Lin replied.

“Not these, can’t I have plain-coloured ones, like normal underwear. Or leave me in my normal suit”, whined Jenn for the umpteenth time.

“Argh, one day you’ll regret not having a boyfriend without some real ladies clothing,” Lin remarked, giving her friend a teasing pat. Not wanting to argue further, both girls continued through that section until Jenn pointed at a white thick strap bikini. Despite Lin’s gesture towards a thinner beige-coloured set, it was the final choice until the nearby shop assistant remarked, “sorry darling, we don’t ‘ave your size on display.”

“Size? What’s your..?” Lin started then stopped after receiving her friend’s look and Jenn whispered to the assistant. The purchase was finally made when both their mobile phones buzzed.

Check this news link. There’s a murder case on the news.

Outside they both played the video Chelle sent them. “A retired professor and his granddaughter were found brutally murdered in a Los Angeles Suburb yesterday. Formerly a professor of biomedical science at Aston University, Professor Ariel Goodman was a leading advisor to the UN on nuclear materiel proliferation. Police have yet to ascertain the cause of the homicide. In other news, ASEAN, foreign ministers will be embarking on the cruise liner Emeritus from Penang for a week-long summit on security in the Asia Pacific…”

The girls were interrupted by Jenn’s mobile ringing. “Hey, did you read the news link?”

“Chelle, that incident is thousands of miles away and isn’t anything. What, do you want to cancel our Penang trip and…” Lin replied

“No, just giving you guys new, nothing, I’ll see you two later,” Michelle replied. On that note, Lin told both of them not to bring any gadgets as Malaysian customs are extremely strict.

“Thank goodness for that; I really thought she was going to create a long-distance case this winter. So let me give you a summary of what Penang is like from the books?” Jenn asked. Lin nodded for her smart friend to go ahead.

“It’s a great Southeast Asian resort island off the coast of Northern Malaysia. If you’re not hitting the beach, you’ll be sampling local delights especially the Peranakan and Nyonya cuisine or exploring the various historical sites,” Jenn began.

“And that is where they filmed the show Anna and the King.” Jenn continued as they boarded the bus, ensuring her two-piece was hidden from sight.

“Uh huh, listen, save the story until we head over there.”

Their parents all granted them to journey to Penang, especially Chelle’s mother who wanted her to be clear of finding detective cases at home. The boy detectives, Mark Cadvish and Reinhard Tomas were left behind to guard the fort. Mark had his usual rugby practice while Reinhard had to take additional classes to improve his English.


The customs check at Penang International Airport was not as strict as Lin mentioned although there was no frisking. Once through, they were met by Lin’s aunt who introduced herself as Patricia Oei.

“How do you pronounce your surname again?” Chelle asked.

“It’s pronounced like ‘we’ and is our maiden name,” came Patricia’s reply, after hugging her sister Pearlyn. “And this is…” she pointed to a 164 cm and 38B cup girl who completed the sentence as “Stacey.” She shook hands with Chelle and Jenn then only nodded curtly at Lin. As they all entered Patricia’s car, Stacey finally commented, “still working on beautifying yourself, Ling?”

“It’s Lin. At least I know how to present myself,” Lin replied, jerking her

“Lin is a surname. And I’m not stuck in a world of science.”


“Girls, stop your arguing or both of you will get detention and Lin Ling you may be sent home earlier,” Pearlyn scolded them. Chelle immediately noted animosity between the two cousins but simply positioned herself between them. As it was early morning and the guests stated they were hungry, Patricia parked her car somewhere along Gurney Drive and the group found themselves at what was described as one of the most well-known hawker areas on the island.

“There’s so much to choose from, go ahead,” Patricia told them. That was easier said than done since Chelle and Jenn couldn’t speak the Hokkien dialect. Noticing that, Stacey rushed to help Jenn. Lin simultaneously rushed up to aid Chelle, although her Hokkien was not as proficient. Chelle picked Chee Cheong Fun with a sauce that she found rather sweet yet strange and a bowl of piping hot hae meen or prawn mee.

“That’s called hae kor,” Stacey informed her, adding it was made of prawn paste to which Chelle said it tasted fine. Jenn was mid-way through her Char Siew Wan Than Mee or Tok-Tok Mee when she queried Lin regarding her dark-brown noodle dish.

“Char Kway Teow, something I really miss when living in the UK.” Came her reply and Jenn asked to try some, finding it really oily but loved the ingredients like the large prawns and fish cake. Meals over, Patricia gave them a whirlwind tour of the wider George Town including Little India, the Khoo Kongsi, a UNESCO World Heritage site and other colonial areas. Finally, at the Oei residence, they met the elderly, yet strong mother of Pearlyn and Patricia, Mei Hua. After greetings, she promised to cook a Nyonya meal for the girls before the end of their visit. Just as they were about to discuss where to head next, Jenn suddenly bolted to the toilet.

Chelle took this opportunity to yank Lin to a side room and questioned her regarding the explicit rivalry with her cousin. It took Lin five second before she said, “That girl, also known as Yan Lian, has been my constant rival since kindergarten, sports and family.” She paused then explained that Stacey constantly accused Lin’s father of constantly harassing Stacey’s dad and thus contributing to his suicide.

“And what do your mother and aunt say? Was there any investigation?”

“There was a vague one and Yan Lian claims constant calls and emails from Pa regarding Uncle Sam’s business. My Ma and Aunt don’t really talk about it and…” they heard a flush and Jenn reappeared.

“Just a bit of stomach ache,” Jenn remarked, popping an Imodium tablet in.

“It’s the food. You want to rest here?” With Jenn’s head shaking, Lin announced they should head to the beach, causing the shortest girl to groan. Lin checked in with her aunt Pat and they decided on Batu Ferringhi beach. Although that was a beach often filled with tourists, Patricia remarked that it wasn’t ‘large tourist’ season and she knew a hotel where the girls could shower and change inside with no trouble. Leaving Pearlyn and Stacey behind, Patricia beat the usual Penang traffic, arriving beach side within an hour.

“Look, there are people on the beach and water in full swimsuits,” Jenn pointed and groaned.

“Oh, Jenn, there are women in bikinis as well,” Lin countered. “Look, there’s a more secluded area there so boys won’t look.” Suddenly, Jenn ran forward.

“What’s she up to, trying to get in the water fully-clothed?” Chelle wondered, removing her shorts. Jenn had in fact stopped near a small rockpile and began to remove the rocks, revealing what she spotted was a human hand, no it was a whole decomposing human body!

“Over here!” As her friends ran and saw the body, Lin called her aunt to notify the police. They arrived promptly and the detective in charge was donned not just with a full uniform but also with a thick moustache with the name tag reading ‘Razak’. He curtly asked Jenn several questions then to the annoying cries of the beach-goers, most of the area was closed. Jenn however had to follow the police for a forensic search.

“It’s quite different from Croonford police forensics department or other UK ones. And that Inspector Razak was more formal than friendly as the trio along with the adults gathered at Ayer Itam, where one of the island’s most famous Assam laksa stalls was located. Everyone except Jenn ordered laksa, she went with a non-Hokkien dish, Hainanese Chicken Rice from a further away stall.

“So, it was a dead body?” Stacey asked as she spooned the rice noodles and broth onto her spoon. After learning what transpired, she remarked that dead people or murder cases on such populated beaches in Penang were rare.

“Still could be a case worth exploring,” Chelle remarked after getting more hae kor to calm down the spiciness of the laksa.

“Girls, you’re here on holiday not to search for dangerous adventures,” Lin’s mother reminded them and they all had to affirm that. With lunch finished, as they walk to the car, Jenn suddenly drew out her phone and showed the girls a picture of a watch lightly strapped to the dead man’s right wrist.

“That’s just a watch….” Lin started until Stacey asked to see it. “I’ve seen it before; it’s sold only in shops in Balik Pulau.” She explained it was a town on the western side of the island, dominated more by Malays and started off as spice plantations and other agriculture. The title translated to ‘the back of the island’ in English.

“Maybe, we should head over there.” Chelle’s suggestion however was cut short with the roar of thunder. The girls were thus trapped inside their guest house as the tropical rainstorm poured down. In the evening, as Chelle was alone in the guest room, she felt that once part of the wall was looser and produced a hollow sound unlike the other areas. Ignoring the risk of defacing the wall, she used a screwdriver and found that section of the wall was in fact a panel! Slowly, she opened it and found a thin diary there. She excitedly read the most recent entry until her phone beeped.

“Hey, look Nikki says she knows that Inspector Razak,” Chelle showed her friends the WhatApp message which mentioned Razak took the same detective cause as their long-term police ally at Croonford CID. ‘Tell him I say hi and who you girls are. But be very careful regarding a murder case.’

They all still agreed to meet Inspector Razak and mention the watch but the rain still was present. Once clear however, the girl detectives found themselves taking the cable car up part of the way along Penang hill then climbing the rest. They tried muruku, an Indian snack, locally roasted corn and condensed milk-flavoured tea before Lin’s aunt agreed with the peculiar request to take them to the police station. Instead of entering. they found the Inspector exiting the station. Initially he rebuffed them, until Chelle showed him the WhatsApp message from now DCI Nikki Heath.

“Nicola, oh yes I remember her, she taught me more than the course did,” he remarked, bringing a plate of dry Mee Siam with additional chilli sambal. The girls all ordered nasi lemak with Jenn initially struggling to de-bone the fried fish. Chelle immediately summarised who the three of them were and the only response were agreements through grunts. Jenn quickly showed him the photo of the watch and how Lin’s cousin identified it from Balik Pulau.

“There are hundreds, no thousands of watch shops across the island and Seberang Perai,” he replied, meaning the mainland which was officially part of the state of Penang and previously as Province Wellesley. The trio couldn’t explain why they thought the origin of the watch was worth looking into.

“Let’s go to Balik Pulau,” Chelle suggested after they thanked him for lunch. Jenn did remind them what Lin’s mother said about avoiding any detective-related cases.

“We are on a holiday, exploring unknown areas,” Lin replied. She was annoyed that Stacey was asked to join but Chelle pointed out that she identified the origin of the watch and as she mentioned, she knew most of the area. Balik Pulau wasn’t as easily accessible as the famous areas of Penang so Patricia again volunteered to drive them there, on condition they all return before early evening. After driving through a winding Jalan Tun Sardon, they reached the town and the girls cycled the remaining length on borrowed bicycles. Stacey pointed to the main landmarks then took them to the nearest watch shop. They explored nine shops and none displayed watches exactly like the dead man wore.

“Where’s the next shop?” Chelle asked.

“It’s close to the fishing village,” Stacey pointed. “But it’s getting late and my ma said to return home.”

“We’ve still got time,” the sleuth replied and she and Lin pedalled towards that direction. Stacey and Jenn called them but they soon disappeared out of sight.

“What the…is this what you girls have been up to? Rushing away into adventure?” Stacey asked.

“We’re girl detectives, always into adventure…and get in trouble,” Jenn replied.

Marseille, France 1630 local

This target is too easy, CIA field agent Claire Stirrup thought to herself for the umpteenth time. He doesn’t move randomly, wears shoes that leave footprints as clear as day and hardly shaves. This is certainly a milk run she thought but was jolted as her target finally got off his seat. Slipping a few Euros under her coffee cup, she straightened her coat and kept her usual distance away from the rather lean-built man.

Claire Stirrup had an amazing life all the time. Born in New Hampshire, she had a fun-filled life, skiing with her parents every winter, excelling in her guides troop, playing hockey and breezing through her school years. She was educated on both sides of the Atlantic in Politics and International Relations but shunning the usual jobs, she applied and was accepted into the Central Intelligence Agency. ‘I want to be a field agent’, was her motto but instead her superiors shifted her from desk job to desk job until the position in France was open. Her first job was to follow a certain Mediterranean-ned skin man around for a few weeks, reporting on his activities. Her long-term expectations of the glamour of a field agent now came to a sudden halt after following, following and nothing but following a guy who appeared to be an innocent civilian.

Her target once more obediently followed the traffic rules, crossing at the lights instead of copying the half a dozen jaywalkers. Suddenly, instead of turning into his usual block of flats, he moved suddenly to the left. Ah, what’s going on, Claire thought. As she reached into her pocket for her miniature camera, she felt a pin prick at the side neck. What the.. Claire’s mind became foggy and she stumbled, swaying side to side and then…

“Silly bitch,” her target friend, or rather simply known as Ibrahim Ahad remarked in heavily-accented English. The unconscious agent was swiftly pulled into a side building by Ibrahim’s assistant who had fired the minute tranquiliser dart. Inside, Ibrahim and his assistant swiftly exchanged clothes and they applied extensive cream to their faces and some additional wig and fake beard on. “Secure her and get her ready for the operation. We don’t have time.”

Complying, his assistant wrapped cable ties over the agent’s wrists and ankles, then brought them together and used another piece to lock her in a strict hog tie. Several pieces of duct tape were stuck across her lips, ensuring that even if she awoke, she would not be able to cry for help.

Balik Pulau
Near a Fishing Village

“No, we sell no such watch,” the store owner grunted and waved away Chelle’s phone. She pressed him again but told her to head back to ‘her country.’ Lin gave him a dirty look and was about to turn around until she noticed the tattoo on his now-exposed arm.

“That’s the same…”

The shop owner bolted back and closed a metal grill and both girls managed to climb over the counter and gave chase. Their chase was cut short fast as loud barking noises and another man, instead wearing a black hood and holding a plastic taser while the store owner pointed a another at them. “Give it up! Unless you want stunned!” the ‘store owner’ yelled.

Before they react, both girls were pushed down and suddenly the floor moved vertically downwards, with the teen detectives quickly finding themselves in an under chamber. With the gun barrels pressed against their back, the girls were pushed further in through some plastic doors, then boots pushed them to the ground. There was constant chatter between both men and Lin tried to figure out the discussion, unsuccessfully. It wasn’t Bahasa Melayu, the Malay lingo, nor was it any Chinese dialect. Were they even Malaysians in the first place? Both girls wondered what this place was and how they would escape.

Basement of some building, Marseille, France

As soon as Ahad left, his assistant carried the trussed-up CIA agent down several staircases into a room much like a medical operating theatre. There another colleague helped to remove her bonds and all her outer clothes with her bra loosened. Claire was then strapped tightly to a waveless waterbed, heated precisely to his skin temperature to help deaden her sense of feeling and sever any sensory input. A flimsy translucent sheet was draped over her to prevent excess moisture from awaking her.

An intravenous drip with a computerised metering device was fixed to her left arm, which quickly alternated a sedative, haloperidol, and phencyclidine hydrochloride or PCP, the powerful hallucinogen also known as ‘angel dust’ in tune with a electroencephalograph. Her gag was removed and a tube had been inserted into Claire’s mouth to deaden her taste buds, to keep her teeth apart and to keep her from swallowing her tongue in case of an induced epileptic episode. Finally, her eyes were covered by a tight blindfold. Small earphones were inserted into her ears and misinformation was fed to her. However, as the same words were repeated the third time, foam came out of her mouth, her muscles twitched and the agent passed away.


Back in the chamber, Lin slowly noticed that they had some peculiar coating on them. It must be lead, she thought and tried to work why there was a need for that anti-radiation shielding. Her thoughts were only interrupted by additional men, two of them who locking their arms around both of them as they picked up.

“Move,” and both girls were prodded towards the a side door. Inside, the sound of a conveyor belt could be heard and so could the humming of machines. There were several men in radiation shield suits suddenly appeared and one spoke with an electronic muffled voice. “We will be decontaminating you for the radiation you may have been exposed too. That means removing all your clothes and passing yourselves through a foam shower. Don’t try anything silly unless you want to suffer from radiation sickness.”

So that’s it, Lin thought. They are building some kind of nuclear device here. “Can,” Chelle began but was silenced by a slap on her cheek. One suited man waved a Geiger counter across the girls and announced, pointing at Michelle, “She’s higher.” The sleuth was prodded towards the running belt and again told to strip. A sharp prod in the back was the response to her hesitation thus Chelle reached behind her back to remove her shirt. One of those suited men whistled as she undid her bra and knickers with Lin giving him a dirty look.

“Go on, get in,”. Gingerly the naked teen covered her breasts and stepped forward, thankful the shower was enclosed then yelped as a blast of creamy foam splattered all over her. “Rub yourself; it’s not poisonous,” came further orders through a speaker. It may be but it’s sure yucky, thought as she was moved further in by the belt. Surprisingly, the foam fell off her body like dust by the time she reached the end. Another suited person was waiting for her with an open bathrobe. What a wonderful clothing, she thought and gingerly accepted the rough robe. He swept another Geiger counter across her and pronounced her free of radiation. Two other suited men quickly restrained her with coarse rope and stuffed a slightly dirty piece of cloth in her mouth, sealing it with a longer piece of cloth.

It was Lin’s turn next and her C-cup breasts brought another hooting from the men as she discarded her black bra. Dressed in the gown, the Geiger counter still read some radiation. “Her fingernails,” the same man announced and forced her hands between some bars. “Ok,” he announced and Lin was trussed and gagged in similar fashion. The two bound and gagged girls were immediately marched off and pushed against two separate plastic poles with their captors tying them to the poles.

The girls naturally start to struggle wildly as the men moved away. There were many times their gadgets were intentionally taken away from them but this time, their stuff was left thousands of kilometres away back home. Both girls thought rope would be easy to get loose but this kind of rope proved them wrong. Lin’s struggles made her rise up and she spotted the men crouching over something. Words from a nearby wooden panel with a date, ‘1/21/1968.’ Wait, that’s…Lin’s mind fluttered back to reading a Cold War history book. The 19868 Thule Air Force Base Crash! But they should have recovered the debris and the bombs. No, it was not fully certain all four bombs were recovered. Was this nuclear material from that crash? Were they going to launch an attack on the whole island? A piece of paper fluttered, reading ‘Emeritus.’

Above ground, Patricia Oei was frantic and screaming. “What do you mean they cycled away?”

Shivering, Jenn explained what happened. “Get back in the car,” Pearlyn ordered the two girls. It was also her own fault; she had stopped for a coffee break therefore did not keep a full eye on all the girls. She drove fast towards the direction Chelle and Lin took but did not find the particular watch shop they visited. After circling around and checking with locals, there was no clue so Patricia frantically called the police.

Inspector Razak took the case, dispatched several units but didn’t think it was a high priority case. Just then, he received another call. Initially, the caller identified himself by unit number and Razak thought it was a prank call.

“You have a dead body found recently…”

“Look, whoever you are….”

“I’m,” the caller identified himself as Officer Azim from the Special Branch, causing Razak to sit up after checking the unit number The Special Branch was the country’s internal intelligence service. “The body is the brother of someone on our watchlist, Bakr. More importantly, we received a tip off from the Americans that there’s an impending terrorist attack near Penang and Bakr is part of the terrorist cell. Get your people on alert! I’m flying over!”

Both Chelle and Lin continued to struggle and the former finally managed to loosen her wrist bonds. However, the captors had long left and Lin cried through her gag as they carried something in a pack out. Just as Lin tugged against the knots, there was a commotion and a squad of Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) officers burst in, with Inspector Razak holding his service Glock 19 up. “It’s a nuclear device! They’re targeting the cruiser liner Emeritus!” Lin yelled as her gag was removed.

“We know,” Razak replied then noted the decontamination equipment around. “Get a HAZMAT team here!”

Hours later, the local newscaster read, “Malaysian RMP officers and their UTK or Special Actions Unit along with Special Branch officers, detained or removed a terrorist group that was aiming to attack a cruise liner filled with ASEAN foreign ministers and their delegations. The RMP have cleared the island and declared Batu Ferringhi beach open. In other news…”

“A nuclear device?” Jenn asked.

“Broken Arrow,” Lin explained the story of the B-52 crash, the nuclear bomb that was missing recovered by the terrorist cell and how it linked to the expert killed in Los Angeles.

“Lin Ling, girls,” Pearlyn reduced the volume of the TV, “you disobeyed me and your aunt. I’ve the very mind to….”

Just then the doorbell rang and it was Inspector Razak out of his uniform. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything. Usually, we at the RMP don’t give out any awards. I did however get my superiors to approve these. I hope I spelt your names correctly.” He handed out certificates to all three teen detectives that acknowledged their contributions to Penang RMP, albeit not mentioning the terrorist cell. “I may be visiting the UK soon, so may stop by to meet you three and Nicola. Selamat Petang.” That meant ‘Good Evening’ in Malay.

“Well, that’s some thanks. I’ll excuse you girls again but you all aren’t totally off the hook. Go help your grandma to prepare dinner, Lin.”

Before Lin could move, Chelle yanked her and Stacey aside and showed both girls the entry she read. It showed that Stacey’s father was unable to manage his own business and was harassed not by Lin’s father but by other colleagues, contributing to his suicide.

“There’s not feud at all. I want you two to make up, now,” Chelle remarked in an authoritative tone.

“I still hate you getting a black belt earlier than me,” Lin said.

“And I dislike that…”

“Shake hands,” Chelle ordered and the two cousins instead hugged each other.

Dinner as Mei Hua promised was a traditional meal. The guests got to try Kuih Tai Tai or Pulot Tartal which Jenn fell in love with. There was Perut Ikan made mostly from pickled fish stomach but the girls found it delicious. Jenn also appreciated the Jiu Hu Char which took hours to prepare and was now comfortable with the sambal belacan.”

“Oh, our flight is delayed till tomorrow evening,” Pearlyn checked.

“Great!” Lin called.

The next morning at the beach, Chelle and Lin were down to their black halter and strapless skimpy purple bikinis. Jenn however, was still unsure.

“Come on Jenn!” Her friends called. That took another call and a check that the beach was populated with females. Finally, Jenn was down to her white bikini and Lin dragged both her detective friends into the ocean, creating sequels from the chill and delight.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in a story, title not yet confirmed.

The End.