List of Gagdets

Along the way, the teen detectives use a variety of gadgets to escape from restraints and gags as well as defeat captors. These are invented by Lin Ling and later, Reinahrd.

Croonford Girls Detective Case 2: The Missing Bust

Cosmetics case that can be hidden under one’s skirt but has a blade. Useful for cutting.

Croonford Girls Detective Case 3: Brains and Brawns

Programme that allows one to viewany social media accounts free to view.

Croonford Girls Detective Case 4: Flaming Angels

Croonford Girls Detective Case 5: To Madame with Love

Croonford Girls Detective Case 6: Halloween Horrors

Croonford Girls Detective Case 7: Who’s afraid of the big bad boy?

Croonford Girls Detective Case 8: Dreams come true

Croonford Girls Detective Case 9: I’m only sleeping

Croonford Detectives Case 10: Time and Tide… Wait for no woman

Croonford Detectives Case 11: Three’s not a crowd

Croonford Detectives Case 12: Scarborough Fair

Croonford Detectives Case 13: Doggy Business

A skeleton key.

Croonford Detectives Case 14: Hostage

Croonford Detectives Case 15: Gone West

Croonford Detectives Case 16: Operations and Considerations

Croonford Detectives Case 17: To the Orient

Croonford Detectives Case 18: Santa Clause is coming to town

Croonford Detective Case 19: Going to the Dentist

Croonford Detectives Case 20: The Truth is Out There

Croonford Detectives Case 21: Multiple Cases

Croonford Detective Case 22: State Property

Croonford Detective Case 23: The Truth Revealed?

Croonford Detective Case 24: To Paradise

Croonford Detective Case 25: Racist Rabbles

Croonford Detectives Case 26: Frenchies and pansies

Croonford Detectives Case 27: The Birds and The Bees

Croonford Detectives Case 28: Scottish Fling

Croonford Detective Case 29: Drama Crisis

Croonford Detective Case 30: Resort and Mystery

Croonford Detectives Case 31: Charity Gone Wrong

Croonford Detectives Case 32: Complex Love

Croonford Detectives Case 33: Underneath the Mistletoe

Croonford Detectives Case 34: Framed Part 1

Croonford Detectives Case 37: All Dressed Up

Smartie Tubes  1) ‘The Crackling’ – When thorwn on the ground and anyone steps on them, it will produce a distinctive sound alerting the detectives

2) ‘Glow in the Dark’ – When thorwn on the ground, they glow. The glow is only viewed when wearing special googles. Very useful in unlit areas.

Both ‘Smarties’ will cause people to vomit or have a stomach ache if injested

Croonford Detectives Case 38: Missing in Action

A coat when throen at an individual. will wrap around him or her, causing momebntarily disorientation.

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