17: To the Orient


The three girls travel to Lin’s aunt’s house in Penang, Malaysia for their summer holiday, with Jenn reluctantly agrees to wear a bikini. However, it is not all sun, sand and sea when a dead body washes up on the nearby beach. A normal murder case leads the girls into discovering a chilling act of astronomical proportions. But can they stop it in time?

Author’s note: My first story where the Croonford girl detectives travel away from the UK. I hope I got the information on Penang, its culture and especially its food correct and no offence to Penangites or Malaysians. No offences as well to the police in Penang, the Royal Malaysian Police and Malaysian intelligence services.

This story is entirely fictional although based on a historical incident.

21 January 1968: Over Greenland

The view below was magnificent, if only the temperature could be higher, Major D’Mario thought. The reason for this was he was seated at least two miles above the earth in a cramped and increasingly hot cabin. His fellow crewmen were also shivering so he made a fatal choice by opening an engine valve. The heat increased but all of a sudden, large flames of fire started to spread. Despite their best attempts, the fire engulfed most of the plane and each member finally bailed out. Jumping from an inferno into an icy cold atmosphere, Major D’Mario remembered that they had left vital items behind…

The Present Day
Croonford UK 1500 GMT
Teen Detectives Headquarters

“Ow!” Michelle Summers cried, as the edge of the portable radiator dial lightly sliced through her finger. For the past half hour, she and Jennifer Thompson were trying in vain to fixed the heating system in their detective hideout. For a place which contained a mini forensics laboratory, the main necessity—the heating system—was down.

“It’s all in the wrist Chelle,” a voice behind her remarked as a hand shot out, adjusting the knob properly. “Gosh! You startled me Lin, at least you could…woah!” Michelle gasped at the youth chief forensic outfit. Despite the chilly weather, Lin Ling was clad in a low-cut purple tube top and a skirt that reached only a few inches above her knees. She clearly was wearing small denier tights with open toe shoes. “Lin! Aren’t you freezing!”

“We’re all warm-blooded creatures Chelle, I just make the most of it. Anyway, since you two are whining about the cold and it’s half-term break, how about heading off to some place where the sun shines?”

“Where? “Jenn replied, her teeth chattering, wondering if it was a European city.

“Penang, Malaysia. One of my aunts has a nice house and she has invited my mother and us for a short holiday and will take us everywhere including beaches. Don’t worry about plane ticket fares; Ma and my aunt will foot the bill. It’ll be sun, sand and sea for at least a week. My mother will clear it with your parents. Whatcha think?

“Well since the plane fares and accommodation are taken care of, why not. Better than this freezer of a town,” Michelle replied, still nursing her finger.

Jenn thought over it for half a minute and gave her thumbs up. “Righto, but first, we need to get something for you Jenn,” Lin replied.


The outskirts of Los Angeles, California
A while ago
0310 hours local

“Thud! Thud! Thud!” The rapping on the old wooden door broke the silence of the night. “Don’t worry dad, I’ll get it,” the woman called, moving down the spiral staircase in her robe, nightie and slippers. The old man smiled and was about to turn his back when a bang ten times louder than the rapping shattered his eardrums. “What the…” he cried and as he just reached his doorway when he was grabbed in a bear hug. Almost strangled, there was a trio of masked men, one which was grabbing his daughter. Her nightie was ripped, slightly exposing her right breast and a wide piece of tape covered her jaw. With her arms bent, it was certain her wrists were bound behind her.

“Move it old man,” the muffled voice behind said. Still startled, both were half-dragged to the main study and forced to kneel. “Ok, old man, what’s the safe’s combination number?” A silence followed as the elderly man sealed his lips. “What is the combination number!” The hooded figure yelled, smacking the old man on the face one more time. His only reply was a spitting on a loose tooth.

“Alright,” the intruder snarled and yanked the young lady from the hands of his accomplice. “First, bullet number one will go in her foot, then bullet number two will go into her knee, then bullet number three….” “OK! OK! Three, Seven, Five, Nine. There’s nothing important in there! Please don’t hurt her!” The man replied, suddenly convinced by the pleading eyes of his daughter. Snatching the pile of papers from the safe, the hooded figure turned and bullets spat from his silenced gun. “Ooops,” was all he said.

Somewhere deep in the Arctic Ocean

“Is that it?” Captain Christine Andersen peered closely at the image on the false aperture sonar. What was at first appeared to be a large blob on the screen slowly changed into a long cylinder nearly a hundred metres across.

“That’s your magic wand that will change the world?”

“Yeah, can your sub hold it?”, the man wearing a pure black diving suit asked.

Christine looked at the dimensions on the screen and nodded. An extractor arm extended and grasped the object. After several attempts, it came off the seabed and minutes later it was secured in the mini sub’s storage bay.

“Ya know, after scrounging around for days, I can’t believe I’m going to get 50K for picking up what may turn out to be an old ship’s funnel or some waste dumped by some unknown ship long ago. For all ya know this may be…”

The babbling research Captain passed away with the tiny prick of her skin. Pushing her to one side, the dark-skinned man simply said, “You’re relieved of duty Captain.”

Teen Headquarters, 1520 GMT

“A bikini. You’re not going to laze around Penang’s best beaches in your ugly blue one-piece swimsuit,” Jenn replied, propping herself on the table.

“No way, you’re not influencing me with girlie antics Miss Chan! I’m happy with my one-piece swimsuit!” Jenn retorted, still warming herself by the heater.

“Yes way. All of us girls have bikinis, right Chelle?” Chelle simply remarked she had a black halter set.

“And all the other school girls have two-pieces. Hattie, Bethan, Heather…”

“Julia doesn’t,” Jenn remembered that Julia told her that.

“Well, the majority own at least one. It’s the in-thing…”

“I’m not influenced by your pressure. It’s just like exposing myself in my undies!” Jenn recalled when she was forced and bound and gagged in just them.

“It is not. Ok, then I’ll take one of the bikini owners and leave you in this chilling chamber.”

“How dare you…” Despite her debating skills, Jenn couldn’t believe that she was getting blackmailed.

“You wouldn’t dare…”

Lin patted her hand on her friend’s back and replied, “You know Jenn, there are three kinds of people. the Wills, the Won’ts, and the Can’ts. The Wills accomplish everything, the Wont’s oppose everything, and the Can’ts won’t try anything. Your definitely both a Won’t and a Can’t”.

“Your quote from The Black Hole won’t change my mind.”

“Why not I take you shopping for a bikini. Just one.”

“Oh, alright you win. But I have a condition I still have until I arrive at a beach before I expose myself.” Deal?”


A coastal village, Sumatra, Indonesia, the same time

“…and finally, after months of setbacks, ASEAN members have decided to sign a security accord that would increase anti-terror operations against a Southeast Asian extremist Islamic group mixed with Jemaah Islamiyah and ISIS members. Due to the latest larger scale attacks in the region, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers have approved to hold the meeting on the cruise liner Emeritus, the point of embarkation and sail route classified for security purposes. In other news…”

The black clothed figure twisted the volume and addressed the similarly dressed man in front of him.

“My son, you have made us proud in the last move.”

“Father, we did not hit all that we intended to strike. Many infidels unfortunately escaped.”

“Patience, son. We have a big plan upcoming. I trust everything is on schedule?”

“Yes, our California team managed to locate the necessary documents. Our greatest minds are working on it and will produce the crude result by next week. Transportation and deception are all taken care of. Father, have we had any lead on where the ship will sail?

“Not yet. Your brother Karim is still searching. Time will come my son. Allah has been good to us.”

“Indeed father. We will give the blow that is needed. Ironically, most of the material are made by the infidels”

Both men clasped each other in a tight embrace and the younger one departed, a devilish smile forming on his lips…

Croonford Shopping Centre, 1610 GMT

Jenn continued to pout as her East Asian friend pulled her to the rows of bikinis. Finally, they stopped at a selection of blue halter top bikinis. “No!” Jenn cried, “I’m not wearing those!”

“Can you please not fuss, this is the best selection for proper ladies swimwear,” Lin replied.

“Not these, can’t I have plain-coloured ones, like normal underwear. Or leave me in my normal suit”, whined Jenn for the umpteenth time.

“Argh, one day you’ll regret not having a boyfriend without some real ladies clothing,” Lin remarked, giving her friend a teasing pat. Not wanting to argue further, both girls continued through that section until Jenn pointed at a white thick strap bikini. Despite Lin’s gesture towards a thinner beige-coloured set, it was the final choice until the nearby shop assistant remarked, “sorry darling, we don’t ‘ave your size on display.”

“Size? What’s your..?” Lin started then stopped after receiving her friend’s look and Jenn whispered to the assistant. The purchase was finally made when both their mobile phones buzzed.

Check this news link. There’s a murder case on the news.

Outside they both played the video Chelle sent them. “A retired professor and his granddaughter were found brutally murdered in a Los Angeles Suburb yesterday. Formerly a professor of biomedical science at Aston University, Professor Ariel Goodman was a leading advisor to the UN on nuclear materiel proliferation. Police have yet to ascertain the cause of the homicide. In other news, ASEAN, foreign ministers will be embarking on the cruise liner Emeritus from Penang for a week-long summit on security in the Asia Pacific…”

The girls were interrupted by Jenn’s mobile ringing. “Hey, did you read the news link?”

“Chelle, that incident is thousands of miles away and isn’t anything. What, do you want to cancel our Penang trip and…” Lin replied

“No, just giving you guys new, nothing, I’ll see you two later,” Michelle replied. On that note, Lin told both of them not to bring any gadgets as Malaysian customs are extremely strict.

“Thank goodness for that; I really thought she was going to create a long-distance case this winter. So let me give you a summary of what Penang is like from the books?” Jenn asked. Lin nodded for her smart friend to go ahead.

“It’s a great Southeast Asian resort island off the coast of Northern Malaysia. If you’re not hitting the beach, you’ll be sampling local delights especially the Peranakan and Nyonya cuisine or exploring the various historical sites,” Jenn began.

“And that is where they filmed the show Anna and the King.” Jenn continued as they boarded the bus, ensuring her two-piece was hidden from sight.

“Uh huh, listen, save the story until we head over there.”

Their parents all granted them to journey to Penang, especially Chelle’s mother who wanted her to be clear of finding detective cases at home. The boy detectives, Mark Cadvish and Reinhard Tomas were left behind to guard the fort. Mark had his usual rugby practice while Reinhard had to take additional classes to improve his English.


The customs check at Penang International Airport was not as strict as Lin mentioned although there was no frisking. Once through, they were met by Lin’s aunt who introduced herself as Patricia Oei.

“How do you pronounce your surname again?” Chelle asked.

“It’s pronounced like ‘we’ and is our maiden name,” came Patricia’s reply, after hugging her sister Pearlyn. “And this is…” she pointed to a 164 cm and 38B cup girl who completed the sentence as “Stacey.” She shook hands with Chelle and Jenn then only nodded curtly at Lin. As they all entered Patricia’s car, Stacey finally commented, “still working on beautifying yourself, Ling?”

“It’s Lin. At least I know how to present myself,” Lin replied, jerking her

“Lin is a surname. And I’m not stuck in a world of science.”


“Girls, stop your arguing or both of you will get detention and Lin Ling you may be sent home earlier,” Pearlyn scolded them. Chelle immediately noted animosity between the two cousins but simply positioned herself between them. As it was early morning and the guests stated they were hungry, Patricia parked her car somewhere along Gurney Drive and the group found themselves at what was described as one of the most well-known hawker areas on the island.

“There’s so much to choose from, go ahead,” Patricia told them. That was easier said than done since Chelle and Jenn couldn’t speak the Hokkien dialect. Noticing that, Stacey rushed to help Jenn. Lin simultaneously rushed up to aid Chelle, although her Hokkien was not as proficient. Chelle picked Chee Cheong Fun with a sauce that she found rather sweet yet strange and a bowl of piping hot hae meen or prawn mee.

“That’s called hae kor,” Stacey informed her, adding it was made of prawn paste to which Chelle said it tasted fine. Jenn was mid-way through her Char Siew Wan Than Mee or Tok-Tok Mee when she queried Lin regarding her dark-brown noodle dish.

“Char Kway Teow, something I really miss when living in the UK.” Came her reply and Jenn asked to try some, finding it really oily but loved the ingredients like the large prawns and fish cake. Meals over, Patricia gave them a whirlwind tour of the wider George Town including Little India, the Khoo Kongsi, a UNESCO World Heritage site and other colonial areas. Finally, at the Oei residence, they met the elderly, yet strong mother of Pearlyn and Patricia, Mei Hua. After greetings, she promised to cook a Nyonya meal for the girls before the end of their visit. Just as they were about to discuss where to head next, Jenn suddenly bolted to the toilet.

Chelle took this opportunity to yank Lin to a side room and questioned her regarding the explicit rivalry with her cousin. It took Lin five second before she said, “That girl, also known as Yan Lian, has been my constant rival since kindergarten, sports and family.” She paused then explained that Stacey constantly accused Lin’s father of constantly harassing Stacey’s dad and thus contributing to his suicide.

“And what do your mother and aunt say? Was there any investigation?”

“There was a vague one and Yan Lian claims constant calls and emails from Pa regarding Uncle Sam’s business. My Ma and Aunt don’t really talk about it and…” they heard a flush and Jenn reappeared.

“Just a bit of stomach ache,” Jenn remarked, popping an Imodium tablet in.

“It’s the food. You want to rest here?” With Jenn’s head shaking, Lin announced they should head to the beach, causing the shortest girl to groan. Lin checked in with her aunt Pat and they decided on Batu Ferringhi beach. Although that was a beach often filled with tourists, Patricia remarked that it wasn’t ‘large tourist’ season and she knew a hotel where the girls could shower and change inside with no trouble. Leaving Pearlyn and Stacey behind, Patricia beat the usual Penang traffic, arriving beach side within an hour.

“Look, there are people on the beach and water in full swimsuits,” Jenn pointed and groaned.

“Oh, Jenn, there are women in bikinis as well,” Lin countered. “Look, there’s a more secluded area there so boys won’t look.” Suddenly, Jenn ran forward.

“What’s she up to, trying to get in the water fully-clothed?” Chelle wondered, removing her shorts. Jenn had in fact stopped near a small rockpile and began to remove the rocks, revealing what she spotted was a human hand, no it was a whole decomposing human body!

“Over here!” As her friends ran and saw the body, Lin called her aunt to notify the police. They arrived promptly and the detective in charge was donned not just with a full uniform but also with a thick moustache with the name tag reading ‘Razak’. He curtly asked Jenn several questions then to the annoying cries of the beach-goers, most of the area was closed. Jenn however had to follow the police for a forensic search.

“It’s quite different from Croonford police forensics department or other UK ones. And that Inspector Razak was more formal than friendly as the trio along with the adults gathered at Ayer Itam, where one of the island’s most famous Assam laksa stalls was located. Everyone except Jenn ordered laksa, she went with a non-Hokkien dish, Hainanese Chicken Rice from a further away stall.

“So, it was a dead body?” Stacey asked as she spooned the rice noodles and broth onto her spoon. After learning what transpired, she remarked that dead people or murder cases on such populated beaches in Penang were rare.

“Still could be a case worth exploring,” Chelle remarked after getting more hae kor to calm down the spiciness of the laksa.

“Girls, you’re here on holiday not to search for dangerous adventures,” Lin’s mother reminded them and they all had to affirm that. With lunch finished, as they walk to the car, Jenn suddenly drew out her phone and showed the girls a picture of a watch lightly strapped to the dead man’s right wrist.

“That’s just a watch….” Lin started until Stacey asked to see it. “I’ve seen it before; it’s sold only in shops in Balik Pulau.” She explained it was a town on the western side of the island, dominated more by Malays and started off as spice plantations and other agriculture. The title translated to ‘the back of the island’ in English.

“Maybe, we should head over there.” Chelle’s suggestion however was cut short with the roar of thunder. The girls were thus trapped inside their guest house as the tropical rainstorm poured down. In the evening, as Chelle was alone in the guest room, she felt that once part of the wall was looser and produced a hollow sound unlike the other areas. Ignoring the risk of defacing the wall, she used a screwdriver and found that section of the wall was in fact a panel! Slowly, she opened it and found a thin diary there. She excitedly read the most recent entry until her phone beeped.

“Hey, look Nikki says she knows that Inspector Razak,” Chelle showed her friends the WhatApp message which mentioned Razak took the same detective cause as their long-term police ally at Croonford CID. ‘Tell him I say hi and who you girls are. But be very careful regarding a murder case.’

They all still agreed to meet Inspector Razak and mention the watch but the rain still was present. Once clear however, the girl detectives found themselves taking the cable car up part of the way along Penang hill then climbing the rest. They tried muruku, an Indian snack, locally roasted corn and condensed milk-flavoured tea before Lin’s aunt agreed with the peculiar request to take them to the police station. Instead of entering. they found the Inspector exiting the station. Initially he rebuffed them, until Chelle showed him the WhatsApp message from now DCI Nikki Heath.

“Nicola, oh yes I remember her, she taught me more than the course did,” he remarked, bringing a plate of dry Mee Siam with additional chilli sambal. The girls all ordered nasi lemak with Jenn initially struggling to de-bone the fried fish. Chelle immediately summarised who the three of them were and the only response were agreements through grunts. Jenn quickly showed him the photo of the watch and how Lin’s cousin identified it from Balik Pulau.

“There are hundreds, no thousands of watch shops across the island and Seberang Perai,” he replied, meaning the mainland which was officially part of the state of Penang and previously as Province Wellesley. The trio couldn’t explain why they thought the origin of the watch was worth looking into.

“Let’s go to Balik Pulau,” Chelle suggested after they thanked him for lunch. Jenn did remind them what Lin’s mother said about avoiding any detective-related cases.

“We are on a holiday, exploring unknown areas,” Lin replied. She was annoyed that Stacey was asked to join but Chelle pointed out that she identified the origin of the watch and as she mentioned, she knew most of the area. Balik Pulau wasn’t as easily accessible as the famous areas of Penang so Patricia again volunteered to drive them there, on condition they all return before early evening. After driving through a winding Jalan Tun Sardon, they reached the town and the girls cycled the remaining length on borrowed bicycles. Stacey pointed to the main landmarks then took them to the nearest watch shop. They explored nine shops and none displayed watches exactly like the dead man wore.

“Where’s the next shop?” Chelle asked.

“It’s close to the fishing village,” Stacey pointed. “But it’s getting late and my ma said to return home.”

“We’ve still got time,” the sleuth replied and she and Lin pedalled towards that direction. Stacey and Jenn called them but they soon disappeared out of sight.

“What the…is this what you girls have been up to? Rushing away into adventure?” Stacey asked.

“We’re girl detectives, always into adventure…and get in trouble,” Jenn replied.

Marseille, France 1630 local

This target is too easy, CIA field agent Claire Stirrup thought to herself for the umpteenth time. He doesn’t move randomly, wears shoes that leave footprints as clear as day and hardly shaves. This is certainly a milk run she thought but was jolted as her target finally got off his seat. Slipping a few Euros under her coffee cup, she straightened her coat and kept her usual distance away from the rather lean-built man.

Claire Stirrup had an amazing life all the time. Born in New Hampshire, she had a fun-filled life, skiing with her parents every winter, excelling in her guides troop, playing hockey and breezing through her school years. She was educated on both sides of the Atlantic in Politics and International Relations but shunning the usual jobs, she applied and was accepted into the Central Intelligence Agency. ‘I want to be a field agent’, was her motto but instead her superiors shifted her from desk job to desk job until the position in France was open. Her first job was to follow a certain Mediterranean-ned skin man around for a few weeks, reporting on his activities. Her long-term expectations of the glamour of a field agent now came to a sudden halt after following, following and nothing but following a guy who appeared to be an innocent civilian.

Her target once more obediently followed the traffic rules, crossing at the lights instead of copying the half a dozen jaywalkers. Suddenly, instead of turning into his usual block of flats, he moved suddenly to the left. Ah, what’s going on, Claire thought. As she reached into her pocket for her miniature camera, she felt a pin prick at the side neck. What the.. Claire’s mind became foggy and she stumbled, swaying side to side and then…

“Silly bitch,” her target friend, or rather simply known as Ibrahim Ahad remarked in heavily-accented English. The unconscious agent was swiftly pulled into a side building by Ibrahim’s assistant who had fired the minute tranquiliser dart. Inside, Ibrahim and his assistant swiftly exchanged clothes and they applied extensive cream to their faces and some additional wig and fake beard on. “Secure her and get her ready for the operation. We don’t have time.”

Complying, his assistant wrapped cable ties over the agent’s wrists and ankles, then brought them together and used another piece to lock her in a strict hog tie. Several pieces of duct tape were stuck across her lips, ensuring that even if she awoke, she would not be able to cry for help.

Balik Pulau
Near a Fishing Village

“No, we sell no such watch,” the store owner grunted and waved away Chelle’s phone. She pressed him again but told her to head back to ‘her country.’ Lin gave him a dirty look and was about to turn around until she noticed the tattoo on his now-exposed arm.

“That’s the same…”

The shop owner bolted back and closed a metal grill and both girls managed to climb over the counter and gave chase. Their chase was cut short fast as loud barking noises and another man, instead wearing a black hood and holding a plastic taser while the store owner pointed a another at them. “Give it up! Unless you want stunned!” the ‘store owner’ yelled.

Before they react, both girls were pushed down and suddenly the floor moved vertically downwards, with the teen detectives quickly finding themselves in an under chamber. With the gun barrels pressed against their back, the girls were pushed further in through some plastic doors, then boots pushed them to the ground. There was constant chatter between both men and Lin tried to figure out the discussion, unsuccessfully. It wasn’t Bahasa Melayu, the Malay lingo, nor was it any Chinese dialect. Were they even Malaysians in the first place? Both girls wondered what this place was and how they would escape.

Basement of some building, Marseille, France

As soon as Ahad left, his assistant carried the trussed-up CIA agent down several staircases into a room much like a medical operating theatre. There another colleague helped to remove her bonds and all her outer clothes with her bra loosened. Claire was then strapped tightly to a waveless waterbed, heated precisely to his skin temperature to help deaden her sense of feeling and sever any sensory input. A flimsy translucent sheet was draped over her to prevent excess moisture from awaking her.

An intravenous drip with a computerised metering device was fixed to her left arm, which quickly alternated a sedative, haloperidol, and phencyclidine hydrochloride or PCP, the powerful hallucinogen also known as ‘angel dust’ in tune with a electroencephalograph. Her gag was removed and a tube had been inserted into Claire’s mouth to deaden her taste buds, to keep her teeth apart and to keep her from swallowing her tongue in case of an induced epileptic episode. Finally, her eyes were covered by a tight blindfold. Small earphones were inserted into her ears and misinformation was fed to her. However, as the same words were repeated the third time, foam came out of her mouth, her muscles twitched and the agent passed away.


Back in the chamber, Lin slowly noticed that they had some peculiar coating on them. It must be lead, she thought and tried to work why there was a need for that anti-radiation shielding. Her thoughts were only interrupted by additional men, two of them who locking their arms around both of them as they picked up.

“Move,” and both girls were prodded towards the a side door. Inside, the sound of a conveyor belt could be heard and so could the humming of machines. There were several men in radiation shield suits suddenly appeared and one spoke with an electronic muffled voice. “We will be decontaminating you for the radiation you may have been exposed too. That means removing all your clothes and passing yourselves through a foam shower. Don’t try anything silly unless you want to suffer from radiation sickness.”

So that’s it, Lin thought. They are building some kind of nuclear device here. “Can,” Chelle began but was silenced by a slap on her cheek. One suited man waved a Geiger counter across the girls and announced, pointing at Michelle, “She’s higher.” The sleuth was prodded towards the running belt and again told to strip. A sharp prod in the back was the response to her hesitation thus Chelle reached behind her back to remove her shirt. One of those suited men whistled as she undid her bra and knickers with Lin giving him a dirty look.

“Go on, get in,”. Gingerly the naked teen covered her breasts and stepped forward, thankful the shower was enclosed then yelped as a blast of creamy foam splattered all over her. “Rub yourself; it’s not poisonous,” came further orders through a speaker. It may be but it’s sure yucky, thought as she was moved further in by the belt. Surprisingly, the foam fell off her body like dust by the time she reached the end. Another suited person was waiting for her with an open bathrobe. What a wonderful clothing, she thought and gingerly accepted the rough robe. He swept another Geiger counter across her and pronounced her free of radiation. Two other suited men quickly restrained her with coarse rope and stuffed a slightly dirty piece of cloth in her mouth, sealing it with a longer piece of cloth.

It was Lin’s turn next and her C-cup breasts brought another hooting from the men as she discarded her black bra. Dressed in the gown, the Geiger counter still read some radiation. “Her fingernails,” the same man announced and forced her hands between some bars. “Ok,” he announced and Lin was trussed and gagged in similar fashion. The two bound and gagged girls were immediately marched off and pushed against two separate plastic poles with their captors tying them to the poles.

The girls naturally start to struggle wildly as the men moved away. There were many times their gadgets were intentionally taken away from them but this time, their stuff was left thousands of kilometres away back home. Both girls thought rope would be easy to get loose but this kind of rope proved them wrong. Lin’s struggles made her rise up and she spotted the men crouching over something. Words from a nearby wooden panel with a date, ‘1/21/1968.’ Wait, that’s…Lin’s mind fluttered back to reading a Cold War history book. The 19868 Thule Air Force Base Crash! But they should have recovered the debris and the bombs. No, it was not fully certain all four bombs were recovered. Was this nuclear material from that crash? Were they going to launch an attack on the whole island? A piece of paper fluttered, reading ‘Emeritus.’

Above ground, Patricia Oei was frantic and screaming. “What do you mean they cycled away?”

Shivering, Jenn explained what happened. “Get back in the car,” Pearlyn ordered the two girls. It was also her own fault; she had stopped for a coffee break therefore did not keep a full eye on all the girls. She drove fast towards the direction Chelle and Lin took but did not find the particular watch shop they visited. After circling around and checking with locals, there was no clue so Patricia frantically called the police.

Inspector Razak took the case, dispatched several units but didn’t think it was a high priority case. Just then, he received another call. Initially, the caller identified himself by unit number and Razak thought it was a prank call.

“You have a dead body found recently…”

“Look, whoever you are….”

“I’m,” the caller identified himself as Officer Azim from the Special Branch, causing Razak to sit up after checking the unit number The Special Branch was the country’s internal intelligence service. “The body is the brother of someone on our watchlist, Bakr. More importantly, we received a tip off from the Americans that there’s an impending terrorist attack near Penang and Bakr is part of the terrorist cell. Get your people on alert! I’m flying over!”

Both Chelle and Lin continued to struggle and the former finally managed to loosen her wrist bonds. However, the captors had long left and Lin cried through her gag as they carried something in a pack out. Just as Lin tugged against the knots, there was a commotion and a squad of Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) officers burst in, with Inspector Razak holding his service Glock 19 up. “It’s a nuclear device! They’re targeting the cruiser liner Emeritus!” Lin yelled as her gag was removed.

“We know,” Razak replied then noted the decontamination equipment around. “Get a HAZMAT team here!”

Hours later, the local newscaster read, “Malaysian RMP officers and their UTK or Special Actions Unit along with Special Branch officers, detained or removed a terrorist group that was aiming to attack a cruise liner filled with ASEAN foreign ministers and their delegations. The RMP have cleared the island and declared Batu Ferringhi beach open. In other news…”

“A nuclear device?” Jenn asked.

“Broken Arrow,” Lin explained the story of the B-52 crash, the nuclear bomb that was missing recovered by the terrorist cell and how it linked to the expert killed in Los Angeles.

“Lin Ling, girls,” Pearlyn reduced the volume of the TV, “you disobeyed me and your aunt. I’ve the very mind to….”

Just then the doorbell rang and it was Inspector Razak out of his uniform. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything. Usually, we at the RMP don’t give out any awards. I did however get my superiors to approve these. I hope I spelt your names correctly.” He handed out certificates to all three teen detectives that acknowledged their contributions to Penang RMP, albeit not mentioning the terrorist cell. “I may be visiting the UK soon, so may stop by to meet you three and Nicola. Selamat Petang.” That meant ‘Good Evening’ in Malay.

“Well, that’s some thanks. I’ll excuse you girls again but you all aren’t totally off the hook. Go help your grandma to prepare dinner, Lin.”

Before Lin could move, Chelle yanked her and Stacey aside and showed both girls the entry she read. It showed that Stacey’s father was unable to manage his own business and was harassed not by Lin’s father but by other colleagues, contributing to his suicide.

“There’s not feud at all. I want you two to make up, now,” Chelle remarked in an authoritative tone.

“I still hate you getting a black belt earlier than me,” Lin said.

“And I dislike that…”

“Shake hands,” Chelle ordered and the two cousins instead hugged each other.

Dinner as Mei Hua promised was a traditional meal. The guests got to try Kuih Tai Tai or Pulot Tartal which Jenn fell in love with. There was Perut Ikan made mostly from pickled fish stomach but the girls found it delicious. Jenn also appreciated the Jiu Hu Char which took hours to prepare and was now comfortable with the sambal belacan.”

“Oh, our flight is delayed till tomorrow evening,” Pearlyn checked.

“Great!” Lin called.

The next morning at the beach, Chelle and Lin were down to their black halter and strapless skimpy purple bikinis. Jenn however, was still unsure.

“Come on Jenn!” Her friends called. That took another call and a check that the beach was populated with females. Finally, Jenn was down to her white bikini and Lin dragged both her detective friends into the ocean, creating sequels from the chill and delight.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in a story, title not yet confirmed.

The End.

16: Operations and considerations


The gang tries to rescue Jenn and Lin and Chelle get captured along with her. As the girls are freed, an old nemesis is back to haunt Michelle.

Author’s further note: This story is entirely fictional. No offence to the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) or Royal Air Force (RAF). The story is entirely fictional.

Jenn Thompson had in fact had headed down to where she suspected the RAF aircraft had crashed. She deduced the location easily from various news reports although they were vague. Jenn knew she should have informed the others yet the feeling for her distant cousin pushed her to continue. Hailing a taxi from the local train station, the journey was delayed by traffic jams and she finally got there at 3:54 pm. Walking down a hillock, she was spot on, there were plastic gates with signs reading ‘Crash site, do not enter!’ and uniformed Military and MOD police patrolling.

Jenn rushed down but was stopped immediately by several officers. “No, we still won’t release any more details, definitely not to student reporters. She protested she was not and named her cousin along with his rank, Squadron Leader Phil Thompson. “No details to be released, now leave.” One officer tried to drag her but Jenn shrugged off the grip. Even as she headed back up the hillock, she couldn’t see much of the crash as the gates were high and there was water proof covering everywhere. Strange for an aircraft crash, she thought, the turning to notice vehicles exiting from one part of the site. They were all military-style vehicles roughly the same size exiting through the same exit. She suddenly noticed a new vehicle without military markings taking a different route from the others. Jenn ran as fast as she could but definitely couldn’t catch up. Stopping, she pulled out her mobile phone that was full of messages from her detective friends, other friends and even her mum. She knew she had to answer the last to calm her mum down, instead she snapped photos of the odd one out. Maybe Lin Ling or someone can help enhance this, she thought. The odd vehicle was definitely a case to investigate.

The sun unusually broke from the light cirrus clouds and bathed the path ahead as Jenn took a shortcut through the nearby botanic gardens to get to the main road. She tightened her scarf as the weather was now chilly and stopped in mid stride as four men and a lady stepped out from five different points out of the shrubbery. The group spread out and converged upon her, the men all ruffians. They appeared to represent mixed ethnic origins. The first three men were an East Asian Chinese, a South American or Mexican and an Arab-looking man or was he North African? The Asian sported a grey jacket black leather trousers and an equally black shirt unbuttoned to the navel to reveal a rich profusion of body hair. The second had a gold gewgaw of some sort hung from a chain, glinting intermittently in the afternoon sun when not obscured by the mat of hair. The Middle Eastern wore plain clothes as did a fourth man either French or German. The woman was wearing a slanted black hat and a dress that appeared more suitable for warm weather. It was definitely Parisian style.

“Excuse me, please…” Jenn started, though she expected they won’t.

“Good afternoon, Miss Thompson. We would like to take you to see your cousin,” The French lady stated with no trace of an accent.

“How do you know who I am and how do you know him?” She did not wish to reveal Phil’s name although she suspected this gang did.

“Just follow us,” She curtly replied.

“Answer my question,” Jenn fired back, louder. The group closed in on her and she desperately looked about her, seeking an avenue of escape. The botanic gardens were almost empty at this time of day, and the sector where they now stood was screened from the street and the rest of the park by rows of thick shrubbery and several even thicker oak trees. Simultaneously, the four men raised covered tasers. With armed men around her, there was no ready means of escape. Why on earth did I choose to walk to this area?!

“What do you really want from me?” asked Jenn with a pleading tone, though she suspected their motives well enough. “Are you abducting me?”

“That’s a nasty word. Let us say that we are detaining you. It would be convenient for all if you were to come quietly. My men have orders to stun you at the slightest provocation.”

Jenn canvassed her options. They were few, under the circumstances, yet wondering how far a yell would carry before one of the men cut it off.

“I’m afraid that you have no option,” was the woman’s reply. “But first, please place your bag on the ground,” The French lady ordered.

Jenn reluctantly complied and raised her hands slowly. If someone catches a glimpse of a teen with her hands raised, they might help her or call of help. But her ploy was short-lived.

“No,” said the French lady, shaking her head. “Arms down please.”

Jenn heard a ripping sound.

“No, you don’t have to g…”

Detectives’ meeting place

Michelle Summers managed to get Lin back inside their converted caravan lest she act solely. Along with Mark Cadvish, they intensely search and judged where Jenn may have gone to. “Alright, let’s go down there before Jenn disappears for good,” Lin remarked.

“It is quite near the area where the rogue caravan was previously,” Chelle noted.

“Well, you rescued me and Jenn then and we have a strong rugby guy,” She nodded to Mark. “We’ve never ignored any case or adventure, come on!”

Back around the crash site area

Jenn’s voice was stopped with a wide piece of transparent medical tape over her mouth. With the French captor walking in front and the European and Middle Eastern men flanking her, she was escorted past the trees and along the short path to the curb side where a black limousine stood, its motor purring. The other gang members trailed loosely behind, slipping into the limousine at the last instant after Jenn was safely pushed in the back seat between the two henchmen. The other men had screened the sight of her from the eyes of any curious passers-by. Some onlookers from a distance probably thought how lucky a teenage girl was to be riding in such luxurious style.

It was as efficient and effective an abduction as any that Jenn had known. Her hands were quickly bound with a different kind of tape – she could tell the difference by now. Her tape gag was torn off and replaced with that new tape and it was a wider strip. The captors further taped her sock-covered ankles and covered her head with a really black hood -not that that mattered since the limo’s side windows were tinted black and the front window was darkened.

She had just begun to take note of where the vehicle was heading, however it was increasingly not possible with the hood and the bumpy ride, throwing her against the men to the side. The situation was becoming progressively worse by the minute. She had been captured by various criminals before and tried to focus on the men around her. Given then different ethnicities, they might be hired mercenaries or low-ranking private soldiers. The limo sped up and she tried to think positive: at least it’s a limo this time, yet the painful tape bonds and gag, and the almost suffocating hood were unpleasantly redolent of previous captures she had experienced.

By the time the vehicle came to a halt and she was immediately half dragged, half lifted from it, then carried by the thugs out and she smelt smells of first an unclean area then wood. She was roughly placed on the ground Then Jenn heard the French lady speak. “I hope you enjoyed your ride. You’ll soon see your cousin soon Miss Thompson,” she announced louder again without a trace of a French accent. “Rest now as you’ll be required later. Your restraints, gag and hood are unfortunately necessary. Do not try anything silly and you’ll see your cousin shortly.”

Jenn stayed silent in response, in any case, the gag was starting to dry out her mouth. She tensed then heard their retreating footsteps. She waited a few seconds more then started trying to remove the hood. After nearly three minutes, she failed to shake it off and the darkness sent shivers of apprehension through her. The inability to see and the lack of any sounds partly increased her fear and she knew it was pertinent to get free of the tape bonds before the captors return. Jenn didn’t bring along all of Lin’s gadget creations, nevertheless she reached for the most favoured gadget: the fake foundation powder kit. That item was actually in the right pocket of her jeans and after several attempts, she also failed to reach it. She had the laser pen but that might work like a water hose putting out a small fire and it could burn her skin. It’s the old fashion way then she thought, beginning to work the tapes securing her wrists. That actual came loose and soon her hands were free.

Trying to stay silent, she worked at the edges of the hood and finally that came off in a longer time. Quickly her gag and ankle bonds were off and she found herself s surrounded by dark dirtied wooden walls, grey ceiling, grey floor. No other item of furniture was present. Was I…no I’m in some old shed…she worked her around the floor she was on and felt the nearest wall. It was a carriage of a train! Definitely, not for passengers, the kind for goods. Jenn quickly wondered that if they moved away there had to be a door. Getting up at her second attempt, she silently walked, feeling along the walls and found the edges of a hatch or door. That was locked so she continued following the walls and found another larger hatch. It was also locked then she shook her head and used the laser pen to cut away the locks. She was naturally elated to see terrain through the gap, slowly yanked the door and stepped out.

It certainly was an old train carriage, a model which Jenn couldn’t identify. Where was my…she found her mobile phone but they had removed the SIM card. It was slightly dented but the apps were working so she snapped a few pictures of the carriage and moved away, determined to escape. Naturally, there were train tracks and she didn’t want to run after a speeding train or worse, get crushed by it. She therefore kept to the side of the tracks and hurriedly moved against the chilly weather – they had taken her coat. She kept on walking then increasing speed as dark clouds hid the sun.

As she moved further, she heard noise in her ears, initially thinking it was her captors, then heard her first name and garbled sentences mentioning ‘where can she be?’ It was radio messages from the special earrings Lin invented. Scanning the horizon wildly, she saw figures ahead towards her left. She cautiously then joyfully ran towards Chelle, Lin and Mark, the first two still in their school uniforms while Mark in the school’s sport shirt and jeans.

“Jenn! We thought you were missing again!” Chelle cried as she hugged the shorter girl.

“Never at all. I’ll explain further. Let’s…” Jenn’s reply was cut off as they all heard a vehicle’s roar and saw a dune buggy or something of that sort stop near them and Jenn gave a distressful cry as the French woman and her minions stepped out.

“So, there you are,” the woman snapped, gesturing four the men to secure the teen detectives. Mark was the first to strike the approaching South American. His kick struck the torso of the thug, however, he received a shot from the thug’s taser, cried out loud and collapsed.

“Mark!” Chelle also cried, kneeling down but before she could check if her boyfriend was alright she heard the lead captor growl. “Up and hands behind you.” She saw the Middle Eastern thug had and arm lock around Lin’s neck with Lin’s discarded ink or pepper spray pen on the ground. Jenn was similarly grabbed by the East Asian thug and hand-gagged. With the other man pointing his taser at her, she surrendered and the French Lady called them to ‘secure the schoolgirls tightly, the Thompson girl as before.’ Tightly meant Chelle and Lin’s wrists were bound with skin-cutting cable ties as well as their ankles. Not-so-clean cloth was forced inside their mouths and sealed with wrapped around black electrical tape. All three girls were hand-carried into the new vehicle and after a really bumpy ride, Jenn smelt she was back in the old carriage and was dropped again on the wooden ground. She expected that would be all until her hood was roughly removed.

Chelle and Lin were sitting at the far ends opposite of each other, hoods also removed, still bound and gagged. The East Asian and South American were towering over them, tasers still in their hands. The Middle Eastern thug and the French Lady stood, shew now smoking a small cheroot. Jenn immediately wondered where the fourth guy was.

She started to speak now but naturally her words were muffled and the Arab started raising his weapon. He received a loud slap in return and retreated back, shocked. The woman chuckled. “Ah, I’m in charge and naturally Miss Thompson you are not required to speak, just to listen, you two as well.” She paused and gazed reflectively at the tip of her cheroot. She flicked and a small stream of ash dropped from it to the grimy cement floor then passed the small cigar to the minion.

“I shall first introduce myself. Well, just call me Madame, so simple eh? I said you were going to see your cousin and for you not to try anything silly yet you did. Ah, so typical of you British girls these days. Your move still gave me two more of your kind, very nice.” Chelle’s mind was on Mark’s condition while Lin gave her the angriest glare with her eyes.

The woman paused then continued, “I wanted the whole issue to be resolved quickly yet your stupidity caused much delay. You will thus get a punishment,”

Punishment? Fear ran through Jenn’s mind.

“Nod if you understand me oui?”

Jenn nodded fervently, still wondering what she’ll get.

“Good…Strip those two down to their culottes or what you call knickers and their brassieres,” she snapped. The three men moved across to do so but she clicked her fingers. “Miss Thompson will perform that task on her friends.” She herself bent down and cut away the tape around Jenn’s wrists and ankles. Jenn suddenly hesitated

“My minions will perform the stripping tasks if you do not cooperate …”

Jenn hurriedly half-crawled, half-walked first towards Chelle. The thug near her had already also cut away Chelle’s bonds. Jenn sighed silently and easily removed her friend’s blazer, jumper and skirt. She paused, then unbuttoned her school blouse and gently removed the 50 denier tights, revealing high-leg pink knickers. It was only then Chelle snapped out of her worries and shivered due to the semi-nakedness. The female captor tossed her fresh cable ties but Jenn tried to plead that her friend was shivering.

“Shut up, pick up those cable ties and bind your friend!” the French captor yelled. Jenn picked up the cable ties and Chelle reluctantly re-crossed her hands behind her. Jenn quickly bound her and patted Chelle as a form of encouragement and crawled over to Lin. Her tights were 40 denier and somehow hard to take out. That revealed her skimpy bikini-style dark blue knickers and the men couldn’t help staring at Lin’s exposed undies.

“Collect their clothes and belongings.” The woman turned and grabbed Jenn, securing her wrist with cable ties then placed her back down where she originally was. Jenn wondered why her ankles were free then the answer came as the lady and the Arab yanked her jeans down, causing her to yelp as her legs felt the coldness of the planks and her white classic knickers with a bow tie were exposed. No, not again, she wailed silently.

“Ah, not exactly like your friends…no you don’t touch her jumper!” she scolded the Middle Eastern minion who shrunk back. “You will have some time to think through your rash actions, Mademoiselle Thompson. You,” she turned to the East Asian minion, “Stand guard. We’ll be back and you might just see your cousin.” The three partially naked girls shivered in the cold and the fright, with Chelle still wondering about Mark.

That rugby player had in fact regained consciousness and slowly yanked away the taser darts. Luck was upon him as a specialised railroad cleaning machine stopped up and the operator ran over to him. “Hey lad, you nearly got struck by my machine! What ya tryin to do?!”

“I…” Mark groaned. “Got to go…police…”

The worker still thought the student was playing a fool yet still sat him on his device and within the hour, Mark was checked by a duty doctor at a police station, surprisingly pronounced as healthy yet no officer understood or believed his story. When he started describing Jenn, a certain Detective Sergeant (DS) recognised the description and name. “Yes, I’ll take in thought it’ll be quite some resources,” the attractive DS said and he then saw the nameplate A. Mason.

The train carriage jerked, then moved like a racing car, definitely throwing everyone inside around. Lin was thrown face down, luckily only bruising her right cheek. Chelle fared worse: her arms were cut from the edges of the wooden planks. Jenn’s legs also suffered cuts, a distinct bruise on one of her knees and her thighs were bent so much that her crotch was more visible. The East Asian guard was also thrown around though his cuts and injuries weren’t visible as he fully clothed. This constant rocking finally subsided into a constant movement of the wheels and the East Asian thug managed to settle the three girls where they originally sat.

All three naturally glared at him and shout muffled protests and their semi-nakedness and tight restraints. As the man tried to sit down, Lin started talking to him. He initially did not respond, then they started a nakedness conversation. Her two friends immediately wondered what she was trying to say – Chelle thought Lin needed her gag removed, while Jenn caught some Mandarin Chinese words.

Meanwhile, DS Alison Mason was having difficulty officiating the matter as a police case with her superiors, especially Detective Chief Inspector or DCI Mark Walker who the Senior Investigating Officer or SIO of any major case. He asked lengthy questions, especially why her report came from a young student. It was only in the late evening when she heard DCI Walker would accept it as a case worth investigating, yet if it turned out to be like a children’s story tale, she would face reassignment. Typical.

Jenn then realised that Lin was trying to distract the guard and through the darkness, she signalled to Chelle with a single gag yell. Chelle caught it, and immediately worked with one of the few gadgets she had left: the watch cutter. She failed to get it right the first time and aimed to get right despite the moving carriage.

DS Mason received an internal police memo that made her heart leap. An India 99 or police slang for police helicopter returning from an escort duty noticed a solo train appearing out of a tunnel. The main front carriage was modern as were a few others while the last was rather old, almost from the late nineteenth century or early twentieth century. “One other carriage appears to house vehicles, one appearing like a dune buggy.”

Immediately taking it up to DCI Walker he let her take it, “however, DI Sanders,” referring to Detective Inspector Mike Sanders who just transferred in, “will control the investigation. If AFOs are needed,” AFOs meaning Authorised Firearms Officers, “He will be the SFC.” SFC is the highest commander for AFO operations.

Chelle continued to twist her bare arms and wrists and fingers, finally deciding the position was correct. Twisting the right crown, she felt it drop off and twisted the special watch at the presumed angle. There was a muted sound then she gratefully felt the middle of the cable tie snap. Unable to express her joy through the tight tape gag, she looked through the darkness. Lin was still distracting the thug through muffled talk and Jenn was focused on that and trying to keep her bare legs warm. Suddenly, as the carriage rocked, Lin stopped and Chelle took that signal and flung herself across the carriage, half hopping due to still bound ankles. Lin sprang, her wrists suddenly also free and also pounced and the two girls managed to tackle the East Asian guy down. Lin was the first to rub the tape off and with the cloth half spat out, she started to belt out English and Cantonese swear words at him, simultaneously yanking his arms behind him. Chelle first pushed away the thug’s taser away then roughly frisked him, yanking out a Glock 17. Jenn gave an elated cry and shifted over and Chelle first cut off her ankle bonds with the gadget then helped Jenn. As she tore off the tape, she yelled at the thug. “Where’s my cousin?! Where are they holding him! Who is that French….”

There was a whirling noise, a flash of sirens and the carriage jerked to a halt. One hatch was struck open with a loud bang and around a dozen of armed and masked police streamed in, the lead yelling “Armed Police! Hands up!” The girls complied until a female officer also wearing a ballistic vest entered and ordered the AFOs to handcuff the East Asian guy. “You’re safe! Well don’t just shine your lights at them, get them clothing and to the ambulance!” DS Alison Mason ordered the officers, staring at the semi-naked girls.

As Chelle was led outside in an over-sized shirt and jogging pants, she spotted Mark behind a police barricade and attempted to run towards him, however, the escorting PC stopped her. “Let her through for a while,” DS Mason called before radioing for the Forensic scene investigators (FSI) to enter.

All the teen detectives were questioned for hours before they were let off with their original clothes and gadgets, making Lin happy she didn’t have to reconstruct them. Days later, in their separate bedrooms, they chatted via Skype and WhatsApp.

“An attempt to steal technology from an experimental aircraft?” Lin questioned.

“Yes, the RAF is in the midst of building a future fighter commonly known as Tempest. This one is code-named Vanquish using material from the former Taranis demonstrator and new technology to allow the plane to fly itself often. My cousin Phil was forced to land and captured. They used that to lure me to also capture me since they knew Phil would only tell them about the technology when he saw me captive.” She went on to say the odd vehicle she spotted also belonged to the gang yet that was all RAF and MOD would say and there was conflict between them and the investigation now led by DS Mason. Most of the captors were either killed or injured in a firefight with the AFOs and after more than half a day, the main French captor was picked up before she could board a ferry. She was revealed as Cherie Blanchet, and was aiming to steal the technology for a French defence procurement firm.

The teen detectives reverted back to their usual school lives, with all their parents grateful. That meant assessment test for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) subjects. After Chelle and Lin completed torturous tests, their class teacher Mr. Lambeth and another came up to them just before the end of school.

“Miss Summers, Miss Chan just a moment. You two have scored extremely well in your assessment tests.”

They thanked them, however expecting that wasn’t all.

“We would like to you transfer both of you to Class 9A where you will have classmates or par with your academic standards and teachers that you may even surpass with your knowledge,” the other teacher added.

“I’m so flattered. What is the reason for this?” Lin asked.

“Is it compulsory?” Chelle added.

“Not at all,” was Mr Lambeth’s reply. “Just give me your decision by the end of the week.”

“They want to yank us out of the class?! What about the compulsory great friendship we’ve formed with Hattie, Julia, Heather and others,” Chelle exclaimed.

“Wel I won’t miss that bully Art who harasses me due to my ethnicity, although it’s fun to knock him or beat him especially in PE,” Lin remarked. “Transferring us would place us with Jenn.”

“I don’t know. Say I have to head down to the town library to copy some old archive documents. I’ve been behind in the Lit and Media club and Louisa is hounding me. Catch you later.”

Lin also had a science club meeting and the new student Reinhard Tomas was also voted in as Vice President of the lower secondary group along with her. “Congrats,” she acknowledged after the meeting broke up.

He nodded in response then remarked she had marks around her wrists and was wearing the special watch he suggested. “Yeah, it came in very handy, thanks for the idea.” She wanted to leave then he continued by adding he heard much about the gadgets she invented and the detective activities she was involved in.

“I would like to…”

If he’s asking me out on a date, I’m running away now, she thought.

“…Like to look at what you made and maybe help you invent new gadgets,” came the shaky reply. Reinhard was a few centimetres shorter than her and looked smaller in size.

“I can make…I can show you the stuff I make but it’s all locked up and I have to catch up with someone. Another time?” They exchanged phone numbers for the first time.

Chelle finished up copying the old articles she needed, wrote up the articles and emailed them to Louisa. As she exited the town library, there was a tremendous screech of car types and a police van struck a nearby pillar. Officers from the escorting vehicles rush out to check when suddenly a gun fight transpired. As smoke rose and Chelle ran to another path, strong arms grabbed and a rag was stuffed in her mouth. She was thrown on a padding she immediately figured was on the floor of a vehicle – that police van!

“So, we meet again, Chelle,” She heard the voice of Ken Danson, that former bank employee who robbed the local bank, trussed up her friends at her planned party and took her hostage.


“Shut up!” This came from a second man who handcuffed one of her wrists to a bar. The van rush away and Chelle soon felt it stop. She was dragged out and pushed down on a dusty floor with hands now fully locked behind her back and she felt her ankles were locked together with handcuffs.

“Stay down,” she saw it was a uniformed officer, definitely a rogue one. The hell, I’m taken hostage once more. The men were mumbling and she caught the phrase, ‘dump her soon.” Just as she tried to shift, there was another explosion with the familiar calls of ‘Armed Police!”

She immediately heard a muted sound and a yell of ‘Shots fired! Shots fired!’ Chelle was grateful as the fetters were removed then saw one of the AFOs asking his colleagues “Who the hell fired that shot?”

On a Friday afternoon, she was with her mum in the supermarket who kept remarking how Chelle survived all her wild adventures and tried to get her to change her ‘hobby.’ As their cart turned the next aisle, they nearly crashed into another.

“Hello, Nikki,” Chelle greeted the ever-so friendly and helpful DI Nikki Heath.

A learning who the police officer was and there was an invitation for meeting up after their groceries, her mother agreed on condition Chelle return home before dinner.

Over a shared carrot cake and tea for Chelle and coffee for Nikki, the latter summarised how she was second to other police commands in other territorial forces.

“That’s interesting. But you didn’t ask me for this meeting for your work,” Chelle wiped off the cream from her lips.

“You’re getting better as a young detective. No, I’ve been approved for promotion to DCI.”

“That’s wonderful!”

“Indeed. My superiors want to post me elsewhere; they feel I need to get wider experience with the rank,” Chelle saw Nikki’s expression change.

“Oh, what will our group do without you? You’ve been a gem for us and the whole of the town.”

“I know. DC Ransom is up for promotion and well, you can contact her. I know, she’s always dubious yet still a promising detective.” Nikki paused for a while, took a sip of her drink then replied.

“Actually, I also asked the promotion board if I could stay here. I’ll let you know the outcome. Come, I’ll drive you home.”

Detectives’ meeting place

“Letter of commendation? That’s all we get after how painful the whole binding and gagging was?” Lin threw the letter across the desk.

“And I only got one short chat with my cousin,” Jenn added, continuing to rub cream around her sore wrists with Chelle also rubbing cream around her ankles as well.

“At least all of you returned safe quickly,” Mark added, running his fingers through his girlfriend’s hair.

Chelle’s phone buzzed. After reading she excited told them Nikki Heath was formally promoted to DCI and was allowed to stay in Croonford. The two of them had decided to stay in their original class, wishing to maintain the friendships they formed.

“Yay, it’s…” Lin voice was cut off as the doorbell rang. Checking it, she allowed no other than Reinhard.

“Someone invited you here?” Mark raised his eyes.

“I did,” Lin pulled out another chair. “As I mentioned last time, the laser watch idea came from Reinhard and he’s been feeding me great ideas for gadgets to allow us to escape and take down villains. And, if you all don’t mind, he also likes to join the group. Any objections?”

“Why not,” Mark replied.

“I’m sure he’ll be a great addition,” came Jenn’s reply.

Chelle was suddenly in deep thought. “Ok,” finally came her answer and after a round of applause, Lin equipped the newest teen detective with the necessary gadgets.

“Something’s bothering you?” Jenn queried Chelle who now stared out of the window.

“I was rescued from that evil hostage taker Ken by police and a shot was fired. Yet, they claimed none of them discharged their weapon. Someone did. Something’s up, no someone may be back, that Cat girl.”

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer, Mark and Reinhard will return in a story, title not yet confirmed.

The End.

15: Gone West


A RAF experimental jet crashes nearby and the team attempts to investigate.

Author’s note: I do realise I previously made Michelle fourteen years old in my last story, the maximum age for Year 9 in the British Education system, Key Stage 3. Nevertheless, it is the maximum age or oldest year for a Year 9 student. I haven’t yet stated the exact birthdays of the detectives but for a spoiler, Jennifer is the youngest. Also, this all shows the girls and boys grow up, unlike in the Famous Five and other teenaged detective series.

Author’s further note: This story is entirely fictional. No offence to the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) or Royal Air Force (RAF).

“Any nightmares?” Lin Ling ask Michelle as the boarded the school bus.

“All with gagged sounds. No, I’ve, we’ve, experienced too much to recount them in nightmares.” Chelle laughed but explained her younger sister Kate kept recalling being taped up and gagged and Chelle had to comfort her several nights. All the girls including Chelle’s cousin Stacey gave their statements against the bank guard turned intruder, however his legal defence was really strong. She shook her head to forget what happened, couldn’t then turn to Lin who was engrossed in a science fiction novel, and she recognised it as Michael Crichton’s The Lost World.

“Hey, you’ve to design a new gadget that helps me, no us, to get our wrists removed from any bindings, especially cable ties.”

Lin lowered her book. “Of course. It won’t happen immediately and we have to test it out, with our hands secured behind our backs and where would we hide such a gadget?” Chelle just murmured in response that notice something odd: The other usual like Harriet ‘Hattie’ Coy, Julia Humes, Bethan Morgan and even the girl she had to attack, Heather Smiths weren’t on the bus. Something’s up.

Just as she entered the school yard, she also noticed those students weren’t present as usual. Suddenly the group burst out from various corners with Hattie and Bethan bellowing ‘Happy Belated Birthday’ to prevent violating of copyrights laws. The girls showered Chelle with presents: Hattie with an extremely realistic hand-drawn picture of her, albeit with a cloth gag drawn over her mouth; Julia gave her large discount coupons for an eatery they both liked and promised to treat her there while Heather gave her Amazon vouchers. Other students, female and male, also showered her with belated wishes and presents until she remarked her school bag and later her personal school locker would be overflowing. “Thank you everyone, yes I’m fine after the ordeal. And Hattie,” she turned to her talented classmate, “nice work with the gag, hopefully I won’t get something like that soon.” They laughed.

Chelle again noticed that there was another peculiar missing piece: Jennifer Thompson wasn’t in the peculiar piece vicinity as usual. Dragging Lin, they both found her a bench further away, engrossed in her phone. That was unusual for the most studious member of the team.

“Studying via the Wi-Fi or data?” Lin asked. Jenn looked up and only said she would discuss itwith them later. ‘Saved by the bell,’ the girls made their way to their respective classes. It was Year 9 and the start of choosing their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) subjects. Within the core subjects, Chelle picked English Literature, maths, weighed between Combined Sciences and the individual sciences before picking Biology and Chemistry. For the optional subjects, she easily picked History, Geography, German and after a long decision, chose Philosophy and Ethics. Lin chose English along with the three sciences which included Physics, Geography, Computer Science, easily Mandarin Chinese and finally Business. “Thank you all, remember that proceeding classes will assess your various choices,” their class teacher Mr. Lambeth announced at the end with groans from nearly half the class. “It’s compulsory, see you later.”

Everyone rushed out for break time and Chelle and Lin found Jenn in one corner of one the school gardens, not the canteen. Looking around, Jenn held up her mobile phone and played a news video.

“A Royal Air jet crashed twenty miles roughly west of Croonford. Fortunately, no civilians were injured or killed and the pilot or crew’s details will be released after the next-of-kin have been notified. Property compensation will be reimbursed by the MOD and investigations will definitely be conducted. In…”

“Why are you interested in a military aircraft crash?” Chelle wondered.

Jenn fell silent again then answered. “My distant cousin is a RAF officer. I don’t really constantly keep in touch with him or his family but the last I recalled he was a test pilot, flying new or experimental aircraft.” She did send messages regarding his status; however, no reply came. “Don’t worry until you get the reply,” Lin added then with the bell ringing, they returned to classes. All students were kept busy with studies or other activities so the trio only met afterwards in their converted caravan.

Late Afternoon

“Yeah, my aunt texted, stating my cousin wasn’t replying to her texts and calls,” Jenn told Chelle and Mark. She had also sent him messages via Facebook and also yet to receive any reply.

“You care a lot for him?” Mark asked,

Jenn gave a summary how her cousin Phil stopped other family members and neighbours from bullying her. “That’s as much as I recall, hope he’s fine.” Only then Lin entered, still in her school uniform. “Sorry, was kept in a science club meeting. Met a new student with ideas that rival mine, Reinhard…

“Tomas?” Mark completed the line. “He just joined my class. German accent but nice guy. ” The discussion nevertheless returned to the crash. They quickly found repeated media articles of the crash and no new developments. The MOD and RAF only gave a summary of the crash and have not specified the pilot’s or crew’s names. With all agreeing to pilot’s check on the crash, they ended their meeting. All were however kept extremely busy with assessment tests. Mark had chosen English despite scoring high in his previous literature papers, Physics and Chemistry, Computer Science, Business, Design Technology and naturally Physical Education. Jenn, easily finishing her English Literature and History assessments, was focusing her mind on the crash. She had a deep feeling that her cousin was the victim in the crash, most likely the pilot. “Miss Thompson, you have yet to submit the full list of you GCSE subject choices,” her class teacher reminded her. Trying not to reveal her thoughts, along with the two subjects, she listed all three sciences, Drama, Geography, French and Ethics.

Towards the end of the week, Mark entered their headquarters and gasped. “What on earth are you doing?!”

“Don’t worry lover boy, I’m not interrogating your girl. Try it again.” Chelle was sitting on a new wooden chair, arms behind her back and it was quickly evident her wrists were bound with cable ties. Chelle twisted both her wrists and lover boy fingers, trying to reach a new crown just below the main one. She couldn’t and Lin prompted her to try again and finally she did, with the second crown opening and a needle protruded.

“Successful,” Lin declared, cutting off the bindings. Turning to Mark, she explained. “It’s my latest invention, the watch cutter. Instead of the needle, I going to instal a small laser powered by an additional battery along with that of the watch. Be careful,” she turned to Chelle, “the laser power is probably as powerful as the laser pen I previously made and it would cut our skin.” She handed Mark a duplicate watch and he accepted it, even though he had yet to be bound and gagged.

“Your classmate Reinhard gave me the idea even though I didn’t tell…”

Lin’s comments were cut off as Chelle wondered where Jenn was. Suddenly Lin’s phone rang and the ID indicated the third female teen detective.

“Hey, Jenn…” Lin started to answer but instead they heard aggressive male voices with various British and non-British accents as well as a female voice which sounded French.

“No, you don’t have to g…” The group heard one muted scream, muffled sounds then the line was cut off.

“Crap, she’s in trouble!” Lin yelled, running out.

“Deep trouble,” the couple added.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Operations and considerations.’ where the story will be continued.

The End

14: Hostage


Michelle’s birthday party is disrupted as she is taken hostage. What follows is a long ride across the UK and multiple failed attempts at escaping.

Author’s note: This story is inspired by, not a copycat, of Sleepover Hostages.

Michelle Summers’ fourteenth birthday was approaching and what should actually have been a joyful birthday was marred by the fact that it her father who was away in Russia. He did promise to return as soon as he could, but she wondered what exactly he was doing over there. As form of making up, her mum treated her and her younger sister Catherine or Kate to a meal at Croonford’s top Spanish restaurant. Checking her texts and WhatsApp messages afterwards, she squealed. “Oh wow. Stacey’s coming down to visit me this weekend. Excellent! I can’t wait to introduce her to all my new friends here; she would definitely mix well with them. Mum, do you think I could have a small party on Friday night? Have a few of my school mates over from school?”

“I don’t mind Stacey being here, she’s a sensible girl but I’m not too sure about you having a party, especially not when I won’t be around,” Mrs Margaret Summers replied.

In Chelle’s excitement, she’d forgotten that her mum had to go down to London Friday to sort out her previous job matters. She’d arranged to stay overnight with her dad’s sister and wouldn’t coming back until late Saturday afternoon. After much convincing and promising that she’ll look after Kate and not inviting any boys over, her mother finally agreed.

Stacey is Chelle’s cousin, the same age as her from her father’s side who moved to Telford, a town directly next to Croonford. Chelle hadn’t seen her cousin since she’d moved to Croonford and her to Telford, though she had e-mailed and texted her often and tried to chat up with her via WhatsApp call or Skype at least once a week and keep in touch regularly via Facebook. Stacey’s family lived in the same district as Chelle did when they were young and the two girls were totally inseparable. Stacey was also always an intellectual and also always been far more feminine than Chelle and was constantly experimenting with makeup and new hairstyles. Chelle checked her Facebook account to see what Stacey looked like yet she wondered idly what she’d look like in person on Friday in person.

Friday came and Chelle was extremely excited both about the mini-party and seeing Stacey. The guest list however was rather small besides Stacey. Chelle very much wished Mark Cadvish could come over but didn’t want to disobey her mum again. Julia Humes was the first to give a negative reply but promised to make it up later. Bethan and Harriet or Hattie both said they would arrive later. This meant Jenn and Lin Ling, her fellow detectives would definitely be there.

Chelle was kept at school until late afternoon and only managed to leave late in the afternoon. There was a bus stop round the corner from the school, and she scrape together just enough change for a single child’s fare to the local station; she decided to bring Stacey to her house via taxi. The train was just pulling away when she arrived there. Desperately, she searched through the crowds for the familiar face, but she couldn’t spot Stacey anywhere. Where could she be?

A voice in her ears made her jump. “How ya, Chelle?” She swung round and Stacey stood behind me holding a big black rucksack, a stupid grin on her face. They hugged and kissed each other on both cheeks, and then they both took a step back and looked at each other closely.

“Chelle, you better change out of this bland uniform the instant we’re at your house.” Stacey exclaimed, jabbing her finger.

Chelle blushed as she was still in her school uniform – a black blazer, white blouse, and pleated dark black knee length skirt along with 40 denier black tights since it was getting cold and black loafers – certainly she didn’t look anywhere near as cool or as beautiful as Stacey. She was wearing a stonewashed black denim jacket over a pink crew neck t-shirt with ‘Telford’ in white letters across the chest, a figure hugging dark blue lycra mini skirt, pattern translucent blue tights and red mid-calf boots. Her hair was a mass of golden blonde curls loose down to her shoulders and a floppy fringe hanging down over her eyes.

“You like?” she asked, twirling around. “I should hope so, this outfit cost me a small fortune. Feel my tights, go on, feel them.”

She lifted one leg and Chelle stroked it, finding so incredibly soft.

“I was stuck in my Literature and Media Club meeting,” Chelle explained. “Don’t worry; I’ll change into something pretty once we get to my home.”

“I haven’t got you a present,” She informed Chelle as they lined up at the Taxi stand. ” But I thought maybe tomorrow maybe we go on a little shopping spree and eating, my treat.”

They continued the usual talk and naturally Stacey asked Chelle how the detective work was going. “Challenging,” came the answer and Chelle described how Stacey might get along well with the others detectives, especially Lin. They finally entered a taxi and just two minutes later, Stacey suddenly asked, “Excuse me could you turn the radio up a moment please,” and the driver complied. Chelle raised her eyes but listened carefully to the news.”… The man who is believed to be armed and highly dangerous remains at large after robbing Croonford’s Bank in the early hours of this morning, stealing a guard’s firearm. He is described as Caucasian, over 1.8 metres tall with a sightly bald head and scarred left face to his left eye. He was last seen wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt and has a tattoo of a heart across it on his lower right arm. Residents of Croonford are warned not to approach this man but to call the police immediately if they think they have spotted him. In other news….”

Stacey giggled nervously.

“Oh, great so there’s an armed maniac on the loose in Croonford? And to think people say Telford is dangerous,” She squealed. “A case for you and your detective gang Chelle,” she added.

Chelle shrugged. “It might be but this is my birthday, time to relax. The police will catch him…” She knew capable people like Detective Inspector (DI) Nicola Heath would be right after him but sill she couldn’t help wandering if he would be worth looking into.

Arriving home, she called out to Kate but she didn’t reply as she would usually. That’s strange, she wondered as she hung up outer coat in the hallway coat rack while Stacey also hung up hers and her branded handbag and pulled off her pink boots. Kate would usually be watching the Telly or creating sounds from the kitchen. Maybe Kate finished preparing for the party. Kicking off her own school shoes, Chelle prepared to go upstairs and change until Stacey asked for where she could find water. Chelle naturally gave her cousin directions but halfway up the stairs, she heard Stace shout. “Err…Chelle, come here!”

“What’s the problem, Stace?” Chelle asked. “Spider in the kitchen?”


Chelle gave an involuntary gasp as she raced back down and entered the kitchen. In the far corner of the kitchen, half hidden behind the table was Kate. She lay on her side her back to Chelle and Stacey, lying and not moving. Kate was dressed in her black T-Shirt and matching jeans, white ankle socks on her feet. Chelle noted her sister was not just unconscious but her wrists and ankles were bound with parcel tape. She immediately rushed up and knelt down and saw that more tape had been wrapped around her head, trapping her long hair and her cheeks were swollen under the tape, indicating some object had been stuffed into her mouth before the gag were applied. Kate laid so still and Chelle was definitely worried she might have choked on her gag but the twelve-year-old let out a low moan. Chelle immediately felt and found the edge of the gag and slowly removed the tape. Just before she could pry open Kate’s mouth and pull out what was some serviette bought for the party, she heard a gruff voice behind her.

“Okay Miss student, that’s enough. Stuff it back in, tape it right back.”

Chelle turned and came face to face with a bald, bearded man wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. his left eye and cheek was scarred and his right arm locked around Stacey’s neck, an arm that revealed a tattoo. A semi-automatic pistol was pressed against her head and he had a full backpack on his back.

“You!” Chelle cried recognizing him straight away from the description earlier on. “You’re the man who robbed the local bank.”

“Yah, that’s me,” he announced proudly.

“What the hell you doing in our house?” She raised her voice, though she could guess why.

“Don’t sweat it kid, just found this place. I ain’t looking to hurt no-one, yet. “His words made her flinch and she hated people using double negatives like that. “Now stuff the serviette back, gag your sis.”

“She’s nearly choking on it!” Chelle protested.

“Lower your bloody tone! Ok, just stick the tape it back, all around her hair.” Chelle wanted to protest again but gave in. The tape didn’t stick well but he tossed her a roll of parcel tape and soon Kate was gagged again with a fresh piece of tape. “Sorry,” she mumbled to her sister who just nodded her head in return.

Releasing his hold on Stacey’s neck, the robber literally her towards Chelle. “Catch your friend.” Not my friend, Chelle wanted to shout but Stacey skidded across the kitchen, her branded tights slipping against the well-polished linoleum floor and tumbled into Chelle’s arms, nearly toppling both of them both over. She held her cousin tightly, looked at her frightened and started slowly crying.

“Catch,” the intruder repeated, and another roll of tape and an open pack of serviettes landed at her feet. “Tape and gag your friend like I did to the little one,” he ordered. Chelle considered defying him again but knew she had no chance both of them would probably be shot. At least while they were alive, they would have some chance of escaping. Stacey had now calmed down and as if to read her cousin’s mind, she whispered “Best do as he says Chelle.” Turning so her back was towards Chelle, she crossed her hands behind her back and offered them up to her. Reluctantly, Chelle wrapped the tape around her slender wrists. “No, another round,” he ordered, pushing the gun closer. Soon enough, Stacey’s hands were bound extremely tightly as were her ankles. She turned and obediently opened her mouth to receive the serviette.

“All the way in,” he ordered sharply. Chelle pasted a small piece of turned tape over Stacey’s lipstick-covered lips when he objected.

“Na, right around her head, just like I did with your sister there,” he indicated at Kate who was slowly sobbing through her gag. Chelle reluctantly wound the tape right round, trapping Stacey’s hair in it, then up onto her cheek again and across the first layer so her lips were covered not once but twice.

“Okay, that should be enough.” Chelle felt relieved when the intruder stopped her. “Now place her on the floor but not too near with your little sis.”

“Don’t call my sister little,” she snapped, although that statement was so obviously full of fear. “Of course, sweetheart; but it’s your turn, wait you’re the Croonford girl detective trying to all crimes here and nearby. Chelle Summers right?”

“You can call me Michelle. Only my friends call me Chelle,” she retorted. “How the hell do you….”

“I’ll call you what I want; I’m the one in charge here. You think there’s no news about you and your gang? Oh, throw your silly gadgets towards me. I know you have them on you, now!” Chelle still wondered who exactly he was but threw the fake makeup kit that held a pen knife, the laser pen, the pepper cum pin spray pen and the anti-rape device. “Mobile phone!” That too the thug caught and kept in his bag. “Hands behind your back.” She sighed and did as told but before he could finish binding her wrists, the doorbell rang and they both literally jumped.

“Who the hell is at the door?” he barked.

Chelle had a fairly good idea it would be either Jenn or Lin or both but she wasn’t going to tell him that. “I… I don’t know.”

“Bullshit!” The man grabbed her roughly by the arm and pressed the pistol against her back. “Don’t try anything stupid, girls, ” he called to Kate and Stacey. “Or Chelle gets a bullet.”

The intruder marched the teen detective back out into the hall and up to the front door. Through the peep hole they both could make out two familiar girls on the far side of the door.

“Ah, the other two junior detectives,” he declared. “What they here…oh for your birthday party?’

Chelle wanted to say ‘of course, silly’ but that would anger him so she nodded her head instead.

“Just these two plus that blonde and your sis?” Chelle nodded again, hoping Hattie and Bethan wouldn’t arrive just after.

Before she could talk, he whispered. “Let them in. Careful lass, no tricks. Remember I’ve got this gun and I will start hurt youngsters if I have to.” He removed the tape.

Forcing herself to smile, Chelle opened the door. “Hi babes, glad you could all make it.”

Jenn was the first through the door. She was wearing a white denim jacket, orange T-shirt, cropped navy-blue jeans and white trainers with white ankle socks. Behind her was Lin who had tied her hair in a French plait and was wearing a black leather jacket, a low-cut maroon spaghetti top and a red tartan mini skirt. Her legs were sheathed in matching shiny red nylons and a pair of black open toed heels added a good 10-15cm to her 170cm height.

“Why have you still got your uniform on Chelle?” Lin wondered. “I thought you’d be dressed up to the nines and ready to party.”

Chelle paused, wondering if she should give some danger signal. If her friends’ parents discovered that their daughters didn’t return home on time, they might worry and drive over. On the other hand, if she gave a signal, Lin or Jenn might give an excuse, turn back and alert the police. But…

“Chelle? Why are you stunned? Wait, why are there tape marks around your…”

A door slammed shut, cutting off Jenn’s question and making them all jump. “Hello girls,” he boomed. The girls spun around and Jenn screamed with fright as the man who stood behind them pointing his weapon at them. “Hello, Lin, right? Jenn? Good or rather bad notice, seeing the tape marks. Hand over your gadgets, girls.” Chelle looked at her fellow detectives and mouthed a silent ‘please, there’s no other choice.’ Soon enough, the same set of gadgets were kept in the intruder’s bag.

“Okay ladies, let’s move it, to the kitchen if you please and hands up.” That is so cliche, all three girls thought. With Chelle leading the way, they walked through the hall to the kitchen where they found Kate and Stacey back-to-back, with Stacey trying to peel off Kate’s gag.

“Thought you’ll be trying to do that. Bitch,” he swore, using his leg to kick them away, slightly bruising both girls. He then opened up his back pack and motioned to Jenn and Lin. “Ok, shortie and you, on the floor, hands flat down on the floor where I can see them.”

“I ask again, can I expect any more girlies this evening?” He snapped. Chelle shook her head, wondering if that was true. Would Hattie and Bethan suddenly arrive?

“Right… Michelle,” he said. “You look the perfect catch for me.”

“You mean hostage,” she replied, trying not to quiver.

He didn’t answer as her twisted her arms behind her again. Suddenly, he cried as Lin kicked his knees with both her legs. “Bloody C****,” he swore, swung and pointed his weapon at her.

“Nooo!” Chelle cried. “Please don’t shoot her!”

He tensed, then released the pressure on the trigger. “Right, both of you, bind her up. First, gag yourselves.” Chelle and Jenn obeyed, a serviette both in their mouths then a strip of tape all around their jaw. Lin was soon trussed up with not tape but cable ties he stole from the Summers’ back garden. “Sorry,” Chelle told her classmate as she un-did her plait and administered the wrap-around tape gag. “Wrap tape all under and above her boobs,” came the next order. “Nice,” he noted Lin’s black bra and protruding breasts. “Your turn,” Jenn’s wrists were also bound, albeit with tape. “No, no no, I want them all separate. Get up and take her in there,” he ordered. “The rest of you, any more tries to escape, someone will really be shot!”

Chelle reluctantly led Jenn into what was the washing area. “Perfect. Tape her ankles. Now, Jenn, crawl inside the that plastic tub.” She did so and all the clothes were thrown over her. They left, not before he wedged a chair against the door.

The robber cut off Stacey’s, then Lin’s ankle bonds then along with Chelle, they were force-marched upstairs, directly to Chelle’s parents’ room. Stacey was ordered to lie down again and not to move while Chelle and the captor pushed Lin into the bathroom and shower stall. Her ankles were re-bound but Chelle cried through her gag as she was told to switch on the shower.

“Enjoy it,” he cackled as the shower door was shut with a chair. Stacey was roughly dragged up and brought directly to Kate’s bedroom. The guy must have thoroughly examined my house, Chelle thought as she was ordered to open the wardrobe. Stacey’s ankles were tightly bound and she was left mmmphing as the doors were closed and a chair jammed against it.

“Your sis will be fine on the kitchen floor,” he muttered, pushing Chelle into her own room. “Change out of your uniform and put these on,” he picked up black trousers and matching long-sleeved shirt.

“Mmm not takmming ofmm my clothes im front of u!” She replied through her gag.

“Do it!” Chelle did so, turning around to hide her underwear as best as she could but as she pulled on the shirt, she felt a massive strike on the back of her neck.

Sometime later….

“Mmmpph….” Chelle wailed, realising she was still tape gagged. She also discovered it was a different tape; not wrapped around her head, less adhesive and couldn’t feel the stuffed serviette in her mouth. Her wrists were now bound in front of Sometime her, her ankles like wise. She was draped in the same coat she hung up which covered her bonds.

“Welcome back sweetheart,” she heard the familiar voice, heard a familiar rumble and knew immediately she was in her mother’s car. “Man, those coppers manning the cordon were damn blind.” He explained how he convinced them he was taking his ill daughter to a doctor. Chelle immediately murmured through her gag how the police didn’t recognise him, based on the description all over the news. “Oh, I’m a master of disguise,” she then noticed the lipstick stain on his cheek.


“A tad too loud. I’ll tighten that gag soon.”

Summers’ residence

Naturally, all the bound and gagged girls were struggling wildly despite the various confinements they were kept in. Jenn was twisting around on her bum, trying to get out of the washing tub and cut off the tape. Not far from her, Kate managed to crawl up to the kitchen drawer as she knew there were scissors but they were in the top drawer. She was trained in gymnastics but none of the moves involved her taped up. One, two, three she managed to stand up, but with bound ankles and arms behind her, she fell down within a few seconds. Upstairs, Stacey was in pitch darkness and constantly pushing against the wardrobe door with no success. She wailed through her gag, thinking how else to get free. Lin naturally was suffering the worst, with her clothes and tights fully soaked with the pouring water. She too managed to get up but constantly slipped down and failed to pry open the shower door. The only gadget she had left was the skeleton key hairpin and that couldn’t pick cable ties.

Some run-down house

The stolen car slowed to a halt. “Think that garage door is locked, Chelle?” The now-kidnapper asked, then lowered his right hand and it rolled up and he drove in. “Now, no tricks while I exit.” Chelle’s mind was racing but just as she silently drew up a plan, the door on her side open. She expected him to cut away the tapes binding her ankles, instead she was ordered to hop inside.

Back at the Summers’ residence, Jenn managed to get out of the tub after scratching her hands, elbows and bum. She too couldn’t stand but managed to shift and crawl over. Expecting the door to be jammed, she pushed many times as best as she could and the door finally inched open. Kate spotted her and cried happily through her gag, indicating there were scissors in the drawer. Still bound, it took Jenn, with Kate’s back holding her legs before she could successfully open the drawer, feel for the scissors, then drop back down on the floor. Soon enough, both girls were free and Kate yelled, “Got to pee!” Jenn instead ran around, calling for the others.

Simultaneously, Chelle was now bound to a chair, her ankles and legs secured to the chair’s legs with loads of tape. Another round of tape secured her torso to the chair, her wrists now secured with cable ties but her arms were left dangling.

“Cheers,” the captor toasted a warm can of Heineken at her. “Oh, my manners,” he turned and yanked out a mineral water bottle. “You utter a scream, you don’t get a drink but another strike on the head, got it?” Chelle nodded and only received a large sip before he stuffed a cloth in her mouth and wrapped tape around again. I’ll get free, she thought.

Jenn found Stacey, whose dress was now out of place and tights laddered. Jenn shook away the hug as she was freed and shouted, “Where’s Lin?”

“I… parent’s room…bathroom!” With Stacey leading, the raced there and pulled the heavy chair away. Entering the bathroom, they found Lin just managing to exit the shower stall. Before they could attempt to undo her gag, the doorbell rang and Jenn ran back down, telling Stacey to free Lin. Jenn encountered Bethan and Hattie but in response to their ‘did we miss the party’ she cried back, “Call the police!” But they heard Kate mention she already did. As if on time, sirens blared and the familiar face of DI Nikki Heath entered. “Looks like you girls will be here for a while. Start your work,” she motioned to the FSIs or Forensic scene investigators officers as she drew out her notepad.

“Mmmp! Mmy I usmm the luu?” Chelle called three times before the captor turned. “Toilet? K, don’t you dare remove that nice gag. Two minutes.” He freed her and she found herself in a smelly toilet. She spotted a closed window high up, and quickly flushed the bowl and ran the tap. She managed to climb up but as she touched the window’s handle, the door burst open.

“I knew you would try that!” He held up a mobile phone with a blinking light. “Get down!” He pointed the gun at her.

The girls were let off after intensive questioning by DI Heath. Stacey was driven home in a police car but asked to be kept in touch. Mr and Mrs Summers were notified and the latter took the first train back while there was a police guard around their house, with Kate already falling asleep. Lin and Jenn’s parents forbade them from meeting at their detective meeting place but that didn’t stop the two from starting a WhatsApp group call, including Mark.

“Hey, sorry to hear what happened,” the rugby player announced. “I did some research, that guy’s not simply a bank robber but the security guard himself.” Mark shared pictures from the local news report and an enlarged picture of the guard with the name tag reading ‘Ken.’ Lin immediately tried to contact DI Heath but her number was engaged. “My parents want me to sleep early,” Jenn commented. “Convene tomorrow?” They agreed, with Mark naturally worried for his girlfriend.

Croonford Police CID Headquarters

“No, you silly, that was a stolen car with kidnapper with a kidnappee!” DI Heath shouted to the junior Police Constable (PC) who manned the cordon and let the vehicle pass. “Where’s the India 99?” She referred to the police helicopter. “It’s searching the area boss,” DC Bluebell Ransom answered. The phone rang and Ransom passed it over to her superior. “Heath, I know you’re pulled virtually all units on this case,” came the deep voice of Detective Chief Superintendent (DSU) Robert Gates, Nikki’s superior. “The kidnapper has moved way the Croonford region which you don’t cover. Call the helicopter back and let the other regions handle.”

“Sir, it’s a serious case and I’ve…”

“Do it Heath. Conduct your normal duties, Night.”

Seething, she turned to her colleague, “Call your boyfriend Ransom, we’re spending an all-nighter.”

The run-down house

“Hey you’re late,” Chelle, now lying hogtied with cable ties and tightly taped gagged with cloth in her mouth heard. The new person, a dark brown curly-haired man, around more than 185 or 186cm, entered.

“Not too late…well you brought more than your stated share,” Chelle heard the new voice.

“Couldn’t be helped… and some collateral will help us cross,” she heard the captor reply and looked up. He was now wearing a wig and a tight rubber face mask.

“Whatever, she’s your care. Let’s go.” Chelle, despite her struggles, was dragged and thrown into a van and cover on loads of blankets. She immediately smelt the foul stench of frozen fish, knowing what sort of vehicle she was in and kept in but continued to think how to escape.

Back at Croonford CID HQ, the two police detectives spent the night unofficially calling their colleagues across nearby Territorial Police Forces. “Hey Das, thanks, I’ll buy you a meal sometime.” DC Ransom terminated the call. “That was my old friend at the Midlands Force, Das Sharma. He got authorisation to get an India 99 up and this appeared,” she opened up a new tab on her screen with a two-minute video showing the stolen car travelling past the cordon south-west to a deserted area with only one residence in view.

“Great, alert your friend’s team to raid that residence, used armed officers; the guy has a firearm,” Ransom replied it was happened and the pair finally called a night.

As coincidences go, the team that approached the run-down house approached just after the disguised van left. In typical fashion, they covered all possible exits and the Operational Firearms Commander (OFC) yelled the usual ‘Armed police! Surrender!” An OFC has tactical command of the team of Authorised Firearms Officers (AFOs). He yelled those words three times before the team stormed in and then there was a loud explosion.

Detectives’ meeting place
The next morning

“Wow, this guy is an expert in explosives,” Lin commented as the teenagers read how the Midlands police officers were severely injured in the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) fitted to Mrs Summers’ car, using the petrol as part of the detonator source. “Or maybe he’s got an explosive-trained accomplice.”

“Uhm, more importantly, Chelle was not in that house when it detonated,” Jenn read the news report and Mark nodded, thankfully.

“Let’s see, this Ken is petrol as a generic disgruntled employee. He took not massive amounts of money but some from the cashier and locked deposit boxes. Those can be traced. He’s originally from, hey, Ireland. Maybe that’s where’s he’s headed.” Jenn regretfully stated her parents didn’t wish her to leave the town, leaving Lin and Mark to head down to that location.

Despite the bumpy ride and restraints she was kept in, Chelle managed to successfully shift and kick the nearest boxes. It took two tremendous kicks before the boxes pushed the back door open and fell out.

“What?!” the two goons in front brought the van to a halt and turned it to a side. “Shit,” Ken swore. “I thought you secure them.”

“Whatever, let’s get them back in.” Chelle waited until both men back were turn and slowly shifted herself on her bum out of the van. She thought she had managed to escape until two hands lifted her.

“Don’t you dare try!’ Ken shouted as she was literally thrown back inside.

“Told ya we need to dump her,” she heard the other guy call.

“When we cross the border.” The two men continue to argue with Ken made to sit and watch the bound and gagged captive.

Lin and Mark rented bicycles and cycled towards the bombed house. There was nothing unusual to spot until Mark spotting a shiny object.

“That’s Chelle’s watch!”

A police car coincidentally drove by and luckily the officer, a blonde female PC with the name tag S. Knowles stopped. “Charlie Four Six, update on the Summers abduction case, victim’s watch found on middle of Southwood Road.”

Inside the van, Ken and Chelle stared at each other before the former started boasting how easy it was to grab to money and safe deposit boxes and how he would escape any police. Chelle could only give now irate glares at him since the cloth stuffing soaked most of her saliva. Her hogtie had been removed but more tape was secured below and above her knees.

“Aw, don’t worry…”

“Coppers cordon! Shut up back there!” The yell came from the front and Ken dragged her face down on the even smellier floor, pressing the grip of his weapon against her, warning her not to make the slightest sound. Chelle now decided not to aggravate him further and listened as the other criminal sweet-talked with the police. Suddenly there was silence then the back doors were unlocked. Finally, they’ll check thoroughly, find me and I’ll be home. All of a sudden, there was a loud thud on the doors and two shots. “Couldn’t convince them, had to end it there,” the other criminal called as he re-started the engine. “Looks like a collateral is a good idea.” No, Chelle wailed.

“Status Zero…” PC Sarah Haynes heard on her radio as she drove Lin and Mark back to Croonford. “No!” She slammed the wheel. “That was my sister!” Status zero meant officer in life-threatening situation. She calmed down as she heard the radio say she was injured not killed. Lin immediately wanted her to turn around, however, the radio announcer mentioned cordons were tightened, with more air support searching for the vehicle since all police forces had a description of the van. “My people will handle, best for you two to stay home.” Lin wanted to further argue

The van was jolting wildly now off-road now something it was never built for. Chelle, the only one gagged gave continuous muffled cries as the van sped and turn wildly through the plains and into a wildly wooden area. Chelle thought it would be long ride until the car jerked to a stop.

“Freaking set of rocks!” The criminal cum driver swore and just as he wanted to exit, a series sirens blared and there was a loud shout, “Armed Police! You are surrounded! Do not harm the minor and drop all your weapons!”

The van doors flung open but the area was filled with anti-infrared smoke cutting the vision off the AFOs.

The lead commander swore. “TFC to SFC, heavy smoke obscuring subjects and victim. Unable to execute critical shot.” A critical shot in British policing ensured subjects were definitely incapacitated and prevented threat to civilian life. A SFC or Strategic Firearms Commander has overall strategic command of firearms operations, with responsibility and accountability for directions given. Lower down was a Tactical Firearms Commander who developed the strategy for AFOs to deploy.

The smoke actually dispersed faster than expected revealing Chelle held at gunpoint by the other captor, now really scared. She didn’t want to end her fourteenth birthday this way.

“Armed Police! Drop your weapons!” The call came but this was opposed as Ken emerged, his weapon also trained on Chelle.

“All AFOs, SFC, critical shot rescinded!” the urgent call came.

“You drop your guns or the girl gets it!” The second yelled, unflinching. The situation was definitely beyond tense until a squirrel crawled on Ken’s foot, causing him to cry out and discharge his weapon, the shot thankfully didn’t strike anyone. Chelle risked it and used both of her bound legs to kick her captor and more shots rang out, knocking out both thugs.

The lead TFC ran over, shouting the required, ‘shots fired’ in his radio, finding Ken wounded while the other was succumbing to his wounds. “Subjects down, victim freed” he further radioed as he undid Chelle’s gag and binding.


“There’s the saying ‘saved by the bell,’ maybe now we should have ‘saved by the squirrel,” Lin laughed. The girls, along with Mark and Stacey had gathered at an eatery a week after whole events. The second criminal was revealed as Chris Longcross, a former member of an Organised Crime Group (OCG) who specialised with IEDs and weapons proliferations. Ken, full name Ken Danson, was remanded in custody but acquired a solicitor who put a remaindered fierce defence.

“Just risk and luck, part of all of our work,” Chelle said, smearing moisturiser over her sore wrists and cheeks.

“You detective work is definitely risky but sounds fun,” Stacey added, smearing lip balm on her cheeks. “Anyway, cut your cake, make a wish!” They were all carefully not to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ in public and violate copyright laws.

“Wish for safer cases!” Jenn added and Chelle did wishing her dad would be home more often.

“Anything can happen in the future. Thankfully, I’ve got you lot,” she hugged them all, especially her boyfriend, not knowing they were being watched.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Gone West.’

The End

13: Doggy Business


Jenn is asked to take care of a neighbour’s dog which is more than it meets the eye. Meanwhile, Michelle manages to invite Mark to dinner at her home and stuff happens.

Detectives’ meeting place
Almost immediately after the last case

“Feeling alright?” Jennifer Thompson asked Lin Ling as they keyed in their code for the digital door lock on their headquarters.

“Uh yeah, just trying to get rid of the rest of the tape gag mark,” she pointed to the right side of her cheek.

” I tried this cream, works miracles,” Jenn handed her a new moisturiser. To Lin, a science geek, most of the tape gag mark was scrubbed off. “That’s wonderful!”

“That was a really embarrassing position you were in last time,” Jenn added.

“Yeah, I’ve joined the bound and gagged in my undies club,” Lin laughed and noted she had to catch up as Jenn stated she experienced that twice. Just then, Michelle Summers appeared and her fellow girl detectives each gave their no-longer-grounded friend a deep hug.

“I don’t know how you suddenly appeared right after me,” Jenn raised her eyes. Chelle explained it was pure luck she spotted Jenn far away as she too rented a bicycle after she alighted from the train station. She also received Mark’s update on where the carnival trucks were headed but her phone battery died that instant. She was delayed by traffic, nevertheless spotted Jenn jumping onto the first truck and cutting a hole on the tarp. Chelle also managed to jump in just in time to tackle the kidnapper. “You really fought well and used Lin’s device to trap him. If not, I thought I would also definitively be another kidnappee,” Jenn remarked.

“Well yeah, you went in first,” Chelle smiled. “Must be all the gymnastics training I hated as a child.”

“Must the ballet classes I was forced to sign up when young,” Jenn added.

“Hey, you’re using of my fishing net gives me an idea to convert it into device,” Lin added and also was thankful they retrieved all other gadgets this time. Mark then entered, nearly banging his head on the door frame. “Hi all, what did I miss?”

“Oh, just some girly talk,” Lin lied. “So, what’s next?”

“Next is to smoke out Molly Peacock. She for sure was the Cat’s henchwoman who nearly got me and Lin killed.” Jenn replied.

“I thought you wanted a non-detective and restful summer break,” Lin pointed out.

“I do when I get Molly. Here’s my idea,” she outlined it, noting Mark’s muscular build could be of assistance.

Croonford School
Drama Club meeting room
A Day later

The junior drama team meeting ended with the students discussing which plays they would perform when school reopened and there was a series of votes for the junior leadership. Jenn easily was voted as Vice President, Harriet or Hattie Coy got props director with Bethan Morgan as her assistant while Molly Peacock was voted as assistant secretary with the smallest majority.

As the students closed the meeting, Jenn immediately discussed her last few adventures with Hattie and Bethan. “That was a wild time you had in Coventry,” Bethan remarked.

“Indeed. But not as scary as being bound and gagged half-naked and the structures around me being demolished.”

“Have the coppers found those thugs who nearly killed you?” Hattie asked

“Yeah, they’re closing in. Our detective team also has some strong evidence on one girl who might be part of it,” Jenn ensured Molly was in earshot when she said that.

Detectives’ meeting place
Just after an hour and half later

The summer sun was naturally blazing down and everything else seemed normal. Just then, a dark-clothed figure with a hood with Cat whiskers painted on the front approached the opening hatch. Just as the figure eyed the keypad, a low pitch came and a net tightly covered the figure, who immediately cried out. Another figure darted and grab the would-be intruder into the converted caravan.

The netted and grabbed person kept crying out but the stronger figure dumped the person on the chair and gaffer tape was wound around the dark-clothed figure’s wrists. Torn cloth was wound around the person’s ankles.

“Pretty good binding,” Chelle remarked, having experience in being trussed up.

“Let me go!” the figure shouted as Mark held her down. The voice gave away the identity and Jenn yanked away the hood.

“Molly! I knew it was you! You’re part of the Cat’s gang who nearly left me and Lin for dead! Chelle and Lin during Halloween!”

The red-haired girl stared at her childhood friend then burst out crying. “Jenn, I love you but then you became so much smarter and better than me by twelve, look you got voted as VP of the junior drama club and I couldn’t stand the jealously…” Molly burst out crying and begged the team to let her go.

“No!” Jenn called. “First, you answer, were you one of those who kept strip me to my underwear, trussed and gagged me and Lin up and nearly got us killed by wrecking balls?!”

“I don’t know…” Molly’s tears were streaming down her cheeks.

“Who’s the Cat girl! Who’s the other accomplice! Tell us!” This cry came from Chelle but the red-haired girl fell silent. “I know what will make her talk. Keep her there,” Jenn ordered and headed out to the garden. She returned quickly and a spider was soon crawling across Molly’s arm.

“Please, no! Get it off! I don’t know, one day I was contacted by a strange number and soon enough the person paid her cash – I never got to see his or her face and the voice was masked. I was provided with this outfit. I had no idea what she was planning to do to you and Lin Ling I just had to follow as ordered. It wasn’t me at Halloween! Please, get this spider off! It’s going to bite me!!!”

The trio and Mark looked at each other and silently agreed she was telling the truth. Jenn finally pulled the spider off with a tissue, hit it and threw it in the dustbin. “Aw, it’s not poisonous, right Lin?” The science geek nodded and Molly’s fear partly subsided.

“What…what are you going to do to me?!” She was wailing now.

“Shut up,” Jenn grabbed a nearby cloth and stuffed it in Molly’s mouth. “That’s far better than the ultra-sticky gag I received! And at least you’re clothed!” The young detectives shifted away to privately discuss and decided to let the authorities deal with her. Molly was freed and Jenn and Lin personally brought her to their ally, Detective Inspector Nicola ‘Nikki’ Heath. “That was pretty a pretty fast move you made after Lin shot out her latest gadget,” Michelle patted his back.

“All from my rugby training. Say would you like to grab a cup of coffee and snack? We should talk to get to know more about each other.”

“I’ve to head home now. What about dinner at my home some time?” Chelle wondered then if she could meet the challenge she just made.


Thompson’s residence

Jenn in her room was just about to relax reading a book when her mother called me from the front patio. “Jennifer, could you come down here a moment please?”

Jenn headed down and greeted. “Oh, hello Mrs. Harrow.”

Mrs. Martha Harrow was one of the Thompson’s neighbours with her competition prize-winning Poodle Maximus Augustus, known affectionately as Max. She was surprisingly actively for a woman of 66 and Jenn often saw her out walking Max.

“Jennifer,” Mrs. Harrow started. “I was hoping you might be able to do me a favour.”

“What would that be?”

“Well, you see I have to go out of town for around a week. My twin sister Aggie has to go into hospital for a hip operation and she’s going to be laid up for a few weeks and her children who were supposed to be looking after have gone overseas for holidays, silly folks, and won’t be back till next also in a week. So, I’m going down to stay by her side. The problem is Aggie lives outside Oxford and I can’t bring a dog to the hospital or leave him at my sister’s home uncared for. You’ve always been fond of Max.”

“Yes of course I’m very fond of Max, He’s a wonderful dog.” This was the truth.

“So, could you care for darling Max for me while I’m away? Walk him twice a day, feed him every evening, bath him every other night and brush his coat daily. I’ll show you how now.”

“Please Jennifer, it would mean so much and I’ll double your allowance for this month,” this came from her mother.

Jenn then guessed it also was a way to keep her busy away from anymore detective work or adventures but agreed to. She headed over and Mrs Harrow called.

“Max! Come here boy! Come and say hello to Jennifer.”

Max appeared behind her wagging his tail, he really was the most beautiful black poodle, his coat neatly trimmed but not clipped. Sitting down in front of her he raised his right paw politely and they shook hands.

“I usually take him out for about 20-30 minutes in the morning depending on the weather and at least an hour in the early evening, before it gets dark. I feed him at 7pm in the evenings. He has normal dog food from the bags over there but you’ll have to bring him back here for his meals, for some funny reason he won’t eat anywhere else but this kitchen. I’ll leave you a spare key.”

“That’s interesting,” Jenn noted, tickling Max’s ear.

“You’ll also find a dog bath in the kitchen,” Mrs. Harrow continued.” Max has to be bathed every other day it’s best to do it when you get back from his evening walk. He’s fairly tired after his exercise and less stubborn.”

“Has Max had his walk today?”

“Not his main walk, I was waiting for you. I thought you might like to come with us.”

“Come on then. Max, walking time!”

Max didn’t need to be told twice, he leapt to his feet so quickly it made her jump. Mrs. Harrow handed Jenn a choke chain and I slipped it round the poodle’s neck. They took Max out to some open fields and let him off his lead to run free for a while. Mrs. Harrow made very clear to me when it was safe to let Max off its lead. Eventually when Max tired himself out, they headed back.

“Okay, Jennifer,” Mrs. Harrow continued. “Why don’t you grab the bath and I’ll show you how to bathe Max. It’s a precise mix of hot and cold, you don’t want to scold Max but the water mustn’t get cold too quickly either.”

Once the water temperature was fine, Mrs. Harrow called Max, he stepped up to the bathtub and climbed in without a fuss, sitting down in the water. The poodle didn’t seem bothered in the slightest, in fact if anything he seemed to be enjoying it. Then she scooped up some of the bath water in the pitcher and rinsed him down.

“Why don’t you try it now?” She suggested. Jenn did and the elderly neighbour praised her as a natural.

Later on, Jenn received a flurry of WhatsApp messages. ‘Did you really have to get poor Molly arrested?’ This came from her drama club colleagues. ‘ ‘Well, if you knew who restrained, gagged you and nearly got you smashed to bits, what would you do?’ She typed back. Molly was indeed taken in for a long interrogation but as with the teen detectives, she couldn’t reveal any information regarding the Cat. Still, she was suspended from school for at least the next term and booked into a Secure children’s home for re-training her psychologically. ‘Congrats on becoming a dog walker for the summer,’ this came from Chelle and Lin, the former stating she was allergic to such dog’s fur yet fine meeting Jenn with Max. Lin had no such trouble.

Two days later, “Come on boy!” Jenn called to Max, putting on a pair of white trainers. Walk time!” The poodle leapt to attention, waiting patiently while she slipped the choke chain over his head.

“Shall we head in a new direction?” she asked. “The park? The fields?”

As if in answer, Max pulled at his lead and barked twice towards the direction. The park was a great choice as it held a stall that sold ice creams and cold drinks that she loved. As she headed towards it, the stall owner Doug greeted her but waved his hand, stating he didn’t want any pets near his stall. Sighing, she found a ‘for pets’ stand, patted Max and tied his leashed there, hoping he wouldn’t make a mess. Jenn bought her favourite, freshly squeezed fruit drink and was sucking the ice cubes from the bottom when she heard a commotion. Turning around, she saw two new pets at the pets stand but no black poodle was anywhere to be seen.

“Max! Max!” She called but there was no familiar bark. Jenn queried the nearest folks but only received ‘sorry luv’ or ‘haven’t seen any dog, darling,’ in reply. She dropped the remains of her drink in a nearby bin and ran wildly, then spotted four taller boys, with one holding on to Max, now with a muzzle on.

“Hey, that’s my dog! Give him back!” It wasn’t really her dog but Jenn didn’t care to correct herself.

“I see no ‘this is my dog, signed shorty,'” the dog handler shouted back.

“It is and doesn’t belong to you!” Jenn immediately hated this childish argument yet she wasn’t thinking straight this time.

“It will be if you pay more than we’re paid. Get shorty away lads!” he yelled and two others ran and pinned her down. Instead of naturally screaming, she reached into her pocket and activated the siren that Lin made a while back.

“Bloody hell, she’ve an anti-rape alarm!” The boys scattered and Jenn ran after the dog handler but only tripped and scratched her knees. A jogger kindly picked her up and looking around, the dognaper was out of sight. “No…” she wailed out like then she heard a call. “Hey, dear, is this your dog?”

Jenn looked straight a saw a homeless man gesturing with his only army and there was Max, tied to a bench.

“Oh yes, it is, thank you sir,” she said and freed the poodle from the muzzle and re-attached the leash to her wrist. The homeless just said the dognaper let go of Max and he managed to coax the dog toward him. As a sign of gratitude, Jenn gave him a £5.

“Oh, we’ve heard of the lot. We’ll increase patrols and get ’em,” the Police Constable nodded but didn’t bother to take note what Jenn heard – the gang was deliberately paid to kidnap Max. The PC and his colleague left and she caught up with Chelle and Lin, recounting what occurred.

“Aw, who would want to snatch this cute dog,” Lin patted Max on his head. The poodle immediately brightened up and licked her hand in reply.

“I don’t know how much and he’s just an ordinary dog,” Jenn replied. The others wondered and Jenn shared what she knew about Max since she saw him as a young girl. Chelle suddenly asked to leave early.

“Where’s she headed to?” Jenn wondered.

“Oh, probably to her boyfriend,” Lin answered, emphasising on the last word.

That was the truth; Chelle had invited Mark around for dinner at her place but she hadn’t planned the menu for the evening! Coincidentally, she found herself in Waitrose but most of the prices were above her allowance even with the awards she received for her detective work. Deep fried and fatty food is out, definitely for a sportsman, too posh an ingredient wouldn’t represent her…Chelle turn the aisle and settled on two pieces of organic rump steak. “Cooking for the parents, luv?” She nodded in response to the cashier.

Chelle intentionally picked this evening as her mother brought her sister down to London to see a musical and meet up with her father. There was a warning not to involve herself in risky adventure, well a dinner date hardly would be one, she guessed. All the other ingredients were at home but steak meant she had to cook it just after he arrived. In her room, she had another challenge, what to wear. After much searching and ruffling, she settled on a dark blue knee-length dress, remembering to put an apron on.

“Evening Chelle,” Mark arrived exacted at 7pm, handing her a box of assorted biscuits and a deep kiss on her lips.

“Welcome to the Summers home. Hope steak is fine for you, how would you like your steak done?” Hearing ‘medium-rare,’ Chelle presented one medium-rare and her medium steak along with pan-fried potatoes and long beans. A quick bite show that she failed to rest the steak long enough and Chelle’s face immediately showed sorrow. “It’s fine and edible,” Mark consoled her. As they ate, they chatted about books, films and music. They found commonality in old war films like Where Eagles Dare, some Terry Pratchett novels.

Mrs. Harrow’s kitchen
The same time

Jenn was clearing up the remains of the dog food when she noticed Max tense up. He raised his head, his ears pointed straight up and let out a low growl.

“What is it boy?” Jenn asked. Then, soft sounds came from back, he let out another low growl and started barking continuously. The bushes rustled again and she heard footsteps running across the concrete path on Mrs. Harrow’s back garden.

“Who’s there?” Jenn called, switching on all lights and as she peered through the window only to notice dark-clothes figures run into a van which sped off.

Mark and Chelle finished discussing the latest series of Line of Duty when they switched to music and found they both enjoyed the British funk and acid jazz band Jamiroquai. Chelle remarked she had CDs in her room and he offered to clean up. Soon, Jay Kay’s vocals filled her room and they held each other tightly as they danced to ‘Virtual Insanity’ and ‘Canned Heat.’ Just as they both sang along to another hit, ‘Little L,’ Chelle’s shoulder straps fell. What the couple didn’t know was they were being photographed far away.

An eatery
The next morning

“What happened?!” Lin exclaimed to her classmate over English breakfast.

“It was an accidental wardrobe malfunction, ok? It just took some sewing to get the zip fixed.”

“Oooh, what colour undies were you in?”


“Chelle and Mark, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

First comes love, then comes a fallen dress…”

“Stop, stop!” Chelle looked around then lowered her voice. “It was a normal white pair alright? I pulled and sewed up my zip fast…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Lin replied, enjoying what she heard. “Well, want to join Jenn as she walks her threatened dog this afternoon?” Chelle replied she couldn’t as she had to help her mother with the gardening. “Excuses, excuses, love bird,” Lin replied as the parted, not knowing their conversation was taped.

Jenn recounted the mysterious van to Lin and asked if she examined the dog muzzle placed on Max by the gang. “Only the initials S. T.” Lin replied and Jenn raised her eyes, stating those were part licence plate of the van she saw. “Oh, nice dress. Do you always dress up for walks?”

“My name is Bond, Jane Bond,” she joked, smoothing down her summer floral dress. Everything appeared normal until they turned a corner and a van sped up. The doors at the back of the van opened and three individuals got out, all dressed in black, including black balaclavas that hid their faces.

Before either girl could react, they were dragged into the van along with Max in a rapid move, the doors slammed shut and the vehicle accelerated away.

“Let go of the dog! Let go!” A female voice yelled at Jenn. She refused and Max barked rapidly and leapt forward but the masked woman had a pole with nooses on the end. This was used for capturing and controlling animals. The thug was too quick for Max and as the dog was trapped, a dart shot out into his neck and Max collapsed unconscious. Meanwhile, Lin had tackled one of the two others who yelled, “Get off me yon silly wee lassie!” he cursed in a thick Glaswegian accent. He yelled to his colleagues to help and a new voice yelled.

“Honestly, I sometimes wonder why I employ you imbecilic cretins, a trio of trained monkeys would give me less trouble. Get her under control!”

With the one who stunned Max holding Jenn with her arms, the other two managed to subdue Lin. The Taekwondo-trained girl still wanted to fight, until a Taser X26 was pointed at her face. Remembering how she was tasered last time by a fake teacher, Lin reluctantly surrendered. Both girls’ wrists were bound with coarse twine and although there was no gagging, the threat from X26 kept the quiet. Less than ten minutes later, the van slowed to a halt. With the guy pointing the taser at them, the girls meekly allowed themselves to be carried in a fireman’s lift out. The teens immediately smelt the foul odour of pets as they were dropped on the ground. They finally got a clearer look at the captor: the first female who stunned Max was around 175cm, black hair protruding around her balaclava and a firm bust size, around a 34B Lin guessed. The other female was just a little shorter, also black hair and a B cup. The Scottish thug looked around 188cm.

The ‘boss’ finally came into view with light brown hair sticking out under her balaclava. Jenn thought even with the hood she looked a lot like…

“Don’t just leave them, tighten their bonds!” she roared and the shorter henchwoman reached in a nearby drawer pulling out two pairs of police-issue steel handcuffs.

“Lookie here!” she grinned. “Just item for you two!” Jenn noted her accent.

The male captor laughed. “Brilliant.”

Within moments both girl detective’s wrist bonds were exchanged for the cold steel rings.

“Right now, get them into yon cages,” the boss ordered. “Wait best gag ‘em first” She said, “This is a respectable neighbourhood. We don’t want ‘em shouting their ‘eads off.”

The woman who had found the handcuffs grabbed two cloths and used them as makeshift cleave gags.

“Right into the cages.” Cages?! They were animal cages and the captors yanked them inside. Each were about 90cm long by 65cm square and for Lin was uncomfortably cramped. Jenn being slightly smaller had a little more room to manoeuvre but not much.

“How long till the mutt wakes up?” they heard the guy asked

“Another hour,” the boss muttered. “Gives us time to work out ‘ow best to dispose of our two guests ‘ere. The coppers wouldn’t mind finding their bodies.” No, Jenn wailed silently at the threat. “You’s two can make yourselves useful an all. Get in the front room an’ start packin’. I don’t wanna leave nothin’ behind when I go.”

Less than a minute later, one of the females called. “Boss, the laxatives are expired!”

The teens heard the boss curse using the F-word. “Go get a bottle of them! Make sure you check the expiry date!” Then there was silence.

Both girls started struggling with Lin slowly managing to slide her cuffed wrists down her buttocks despite the cramp space she was in. With her hands and arms now in front of her, instead of undoing her ankle bonds or gag, she lifted her arms to reach her hair. Extracting what looked like a hair pin, she again slowly twisted her fingers and slowly unlocked each cuff, holding on to the whole set to reduce any noise. Only then did she work to free her ankles and remove the gag. Using the same ‘hair pin,’ she poked and twisted at the lock and soon freed herself. Jenn, who finally managed to get her cuffed wrists in front of her and remove her bonds and gag, was also freed.

“Skeleton key,” she whispered to Jenn who replied, “Where’s Max?” Neither girl had brought along Lin’s torchlight invention but the room wasn’t dark and after a search of the other animal cages of various sizes, which surprisingly were empty, they found the still unconscious dog.

“We should tackle those captors,” Lin suggested but Jenn replied she didn’t bring any gadgets along and didn’t think Lin wanted to face the taser. “Carry the dog,” Lin said and through the darkness, they looked and gleefully found the exit. Outside, the surroundings were totally unfamiliar to them and there was invention but no phone signal on their mobiles. “Keep moving; they might have found we’ve escape,” Lin whispered. After running wildly, Jenn suddenly stopped and although there was now some signal on her phone, something else was gone.

“My purse! It must have dropped in the van or that place!” she cried.

“Well, we can’t return,” Lin replied, dialling for the police. A car took it’s time to arrive and initially the girls wanted to return to their homes, but Lin told the officer to take them to the station, CID branch.

“No one gets there, Miss,” the officer replied.

“Just do so!” She retorted. The girls asked for DI Nikki Heath but found that the police detective was away and her protégé, Detective Constable Bluebell Ransom agreed to listen to them. She as before wasn’t as amicable and asked similar questions several times. “Do you know where you were held?” she queried and Lin produced two blurred pictures she thoughtfully took before they ran away.

“Ok, that will take time to identify the location,” Ransom noted. Jenn also mentioned the van and the partial licence plate, as well as the height and build of the captors which the DC just nodded, as well as noting her missing purse. “Once we locate where you were held, a team will raid along with FSIs.” FSIs were Forensic scene investigators officers who gathered forensics for the police. “Meanwhile, stay at your homes.”

The girls did so, especially Jenn, whose mother was shocked to hear what her daughter went through. Still the girls, along with Mark, initiated a WhatsApp group call. It was a summary of what happened until Jenn noted how the lead female looked had the same height and build as her elderly neighbour. “But why would Mrs. Harrow want to kidnap her own dog?”

“The initials on the muzzle and the van plate. S. T.” Lin mentioned. “Does that have any relation to your neighbour.”

“No…wait, her maiden name’s Taynes…hold on. there’s another call coming,” Jenn paused the group call and answered.

“Hello Jennifer Thompson,” the captors’ voice sent a chill down her spine. “I believe you have something I want and I’ve your cute purse here.”

“The police are after…”

“Oh please, don’t belittle me. Bring that poodle to,” the woman listed a junk yard, “and while you might alert the coppers, well just come alone, especially not with that Chinese girl. 10pm sharp. Do so and you’ll get your purse intact and not hear from me.”

The call ended. Jenn quickly sent a WhatsApp message to the others and dressed up. Her parents’ room was far from hers but carefully, she tiptoed down and retrieved Max who was still partly unconscious. Just as she exited her home, later a ten-year-old red Ford Escort pulled up alongside the kerb and Nikki climbed out.

“Get in Jenn,” DI Heath called. “I was away on leave. Ransom only just updated me on what happened to your girls.” As Jenn buckled up, Nikki remarked she wouldn’t be taking her dog out at such an hour and Jenn explained.

“Of course, you’re not going there alone,” She replied, radioing for backup.

“I’m a trained officer, it’s 25 minutes to the junk yard on the other side of town. Ok here’s what you do: Approach slowly, give in the dog and get your purse. I’ll then approach and hopefully my people will surround and take them in.”

Nikki dropped Jenn round the corner from the junkyard and she made her way to the rendezvous on foot. The iron gates to the junkyard had been left ajar There was a portacabin just inside the gates, the lights from which illuminated the first few metres in front of her. Beyond that it was darkness.

“Hello?” Jenn called out and the lady, balaclava still on appeared out from the darkness.

“Give me the dog,” She growled.

“First I want my…” Jenn replied.

“You’re in no position to make demands,” She pointed out coldly and raising one black-gloved hand in the air she clicked her fingers. Her henchman and women appeared seemingly from nowhere, the women grabbing her arms while the third took Max from her.

“Thank you, Miss Thompson,” the evil leader said as the dog was passed to her. She turned to the man “Take her inside and tie her up, gag her well.”

“This wasn’t…” Jenn’s yell was cut off as cloth was stuffed in her open mouth and a longer and thick cleave gag tightly secured it inside. Rope was quickly tied around her wrists and ankles and another longer rope secured them in a hogtie.

“We’ll be back shortly girl,” the Scottish captor remarked following the others out of the door. “Dinnae go anywhere.”

Before Jenn could respond, there was a shout from outside. “Boss we got a problem!” A moment later Jenn’s heart sank as Nikki was pushed into the room, her hands secured behind her back with her own handcuffs.

“We caught yon copper snooping round outside,” George explained. “Reckon she was following the wee lassie there.”

“Jennifer, I’m disappointed in you. I thought you were a girl of your word,” The boss lady added. “Okay secure her as well.”

Nikki growled, “Give yourself up. You really think I came here alone? Any time now this place is going to be swarming with police and you’ll be in jail.”

“You’re bluffing.”

“Am I?”

Turning to people she snapped, “Right, we need to be out of here now. Shut this one up,” She indicated Nikki. “And put the Thompson girl in the van. We need a hostage,” she growled.

“You don’t want to make this worse for yourself,” Nikki responded with surprising calmness. “If you want a hostage, take me; kidnapping a minor is a serious offence.”

After all Nikki was a police officer, trained in handling tense and difficult situations, whereas Jenn was just a schoolgirl amateur.

“I thought I told you lot to shut ‘er up,” she growled at her colleagues.

The male captor pulled out a roll of parcel tape and tore off a strip sealing it across Nikki’s lips before she could protest. He repeated this action four or five times before forcing her down onto the floor. Removing the belt from his jeans, he then used it to tie the police detective’s ankles together, lashing it tightly around her trousers and black shoes.

Jenn was thrown inside the same van and moments later the engine fired up and the van pulled away, leaving the junkyard. Only just after, police cars and a taxi arrived. “You took too long!” Nikki yelled as her gag was removed. “Minor kidnapped! One captor definitely IC1!” IC mean Identity Code based on ethnicity. “Hurry up Ransom!”

The other teen detectives alighted from the taxi. “Don’t worry, Jenn will have her ID tracker on her,” Lin said, but there were no readings on any of their phones. “Ok, I brought along Eagle with me,” she meant her UAV with a video camera. Just as she set it up, the UAV made a whirling sound and died. “Shit! Mark!” She turned to the newest teen detective. “Get back to our HQ! There’re spare batteries in the second drawer! Hurry!” The rugby player only nodded and re-entered the taxi.

Jenn squealed through her gag not just from the hogtie she was in but as the van sped over a bump.

“Aw don’t cry little girl,” the taller female laughed. “In a few moments, you’ll be hidden away.”

“Yeah, in the lake in the woods,” the other female captor remarked.

“Must ya give the plan away?” the Scottish guy added.

“Oi! Keep it down you lot!” the boss lady called from the driver’s seat. Suddenly a bark came. “The dog’s awake! ” Jenn hoped that would distract the captors. “Tranquillize it! No, just a small dose!”

As one of them reached over, Jenn kicked the person. “Hey!” The guy turned and smacked her bottom in return. “Don’t ya do that girlie!”

Back at the junkyard, Mark arrived and handed over the batteries. The UAV spun and she adjusted it to maximum height. There were several roads and lanes heading out but after several twists she spotted it and rushed over to Nikki and Bluebell.

“What on earth is that?” the junior officer asked.

“Never mind! That’s the van!”

“The woods. Units, Charlie India One, subjects are headed into the woods! Get there ASAP!” Nikki entered the nearest vehicle and drove off.

“Here we are,” the lead captor announced. “Get the dog out first and the laxatives. Then the girl. Once the chain is out, dump her. Oh, you two,” she pointed at the two female colleagues. “Guard the area. The police will be surrounding.” Jenn was dragged out and with the guy grabbing her around her stomach, she watched as the lead captor undid her balaclava and shaking head. It was indeed Mrs. Harrow. Or was she?

Jenn fingered as best as she could and found what she wanted. Just as the new muzzle around Max was removed, she jabbed the disguised penknife Lin invented into the side of the henchman.

“Ow!” He cried but that caused him to release her. “Why you…”

“Why you thug,” Lin yelled, dropping a hard kick on his neck and keeping him down on the ground. The henchman reached and yanked out his taser but that was kicked away, this time by Chelle.

“Police! You’re surrounded! Girls, get back!” The voice of DI Heath called.

“You get back!” The boss lady yelled, grabbing the still bound and gagged Jenn, pushing a gun at her head. “Get back or you’ll have a dead teen all over! Get b…” Something kicked her right leg and a taser shot fired, this from Nikki Heath, an authorised firearms officer.

“Subject is down! You’re safe, Jenn, you’re safe,” Nikki sprang over and undid her restraints and gag. Jenn however and smacked the now handcuffed henchman. “No one ever spanks me again!”

“Evil twin sister,” Jenn walked out with the other teen detectives as she rubbed her chaffed wrists. The lead lady was Aggie Sarah Taynes, Mrs. Harrow’s twin sister who faked her broken hip and kept Martha Harrow delayed from reaching her outside Oxford. Max had unintentionally swallowed her valuable gold chain and was stuck in his intestines. The other captors were as Jenn and Lin identified, one female criminal Natasha Hanson a British Indian S. Patel and a Scottish paroled criminal George MacKenzie.

“Well, I hope that’s all for the summer,” Jenn continued. “Hey Chelle, Mark, did you hear me?”

“They are too busy planning to dance the night away,” Lin explained.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Hostage.’

The End

12: Scarborough Fair


Lin and Jenn are taken hostage along with someone else and Michelle, despite her parents’ objection, secretly sneaks down to Coventry to rescue her friends.

Author’s note: This is Part 2 of a two-part story; therefore, it is around the same number of words as the previous ‘case‘.

This story is entirely fictional.

Lin Ling tried to show a brave face as the gunman held his weapon – she identified it as a Sig Sauer P226 – while the other held up ropes. She instantly wanted to resist but the threat from the nearing gun made her give in for once. “Good little nosy Chinese girl,” the Canadian accent from the masked gunman was distinct though Lin couldn’t tell which English region. His accomplice tightly bound both her wrists and elbows then lifted her legs up to bind her ankles. “Cute, I didn’t teen girls that young wear black knickers,” the gunman laughed at the unintentional upskirt. Cloth appeared in the accomplice’s hands and she was also blindfolded and gagged, then carried and dumped in a theme box similar to the one she found Rachel in with a board covering her. Thankfully, there was some air hole to breathe. Lin tried to squirm around and realised she either dropped her laser pen or they snatched it. Never mind, I have other gadgets that help me get free.

Jennifer Thompson hurriedly ran through the train station’s gates and hailed a taxi to the arena, constantly pestering the driver to reach the speed limit. Not bothering to take the change, she ran up the grass and saw the tents and equipment were being removed and the area cleaned up. She spotted one of the debating teachers and started rapidly describing Lin and asking if he noticed any female student from nearby schools was reported missing. “Hey, hey Miss star debater, welcome back. No one is missing unless in your mind.” Jenn protested but the teacher just walked away.

Shaking her head, she dialled her taller friend directly but only received constant rings. Where could that girl…the cafe! Jenn remembered the location and quickly found herself at the counter speaking to a certain ‘Nathan.’ “No school girls here in the past two hours. In fact, none here today.”

“Are you sure?” Jenn showed him a picture of the Malaysian-Hongkonger and asked if there was another girl with her.

“No one I said,” the tattooed guy folded his arms. “We’re closing to clean up. Ann, show this girl out.” Jenn was about to continue arguing but the elderly cleaner held her arms. Just as they reached the door, she spotted something. “Hey! That belongs to my friend!” The net was thrown at her and she was locked out of the café, stuffing the item in her bag. They have something to do with Lin’s disappearance and definitely the other girl Lin was meeting. But where could they be hiding them?

Summers’ Residence

The latest WhatsApp message from Jenn ‘I think Lin got herself in trouble, am heading back down’ literally shocked Michelle Summers out of her chair.

‘Jenn, what’s your update? Did you find Lin?

..hold on…’ Came the studious student’s reply. Jenn wasn’t skilled at reading lips but still managed to through the cafe’s windows.

‘Lin and another student…have been kidnapped/taken hostage…on some truck…a fair or carnival’ Jenn quickly typed her reply and wondered what action to take next. The cafe doors were locked and the staff were rolling down the shutters. ‘Truck’, ‘fair’, that carnival they spotted when they first arrived!

‘It’s a carnival again!!!‘ She typed, looking around. How am I going to find the vehicle?!

‘Jenn, get help, notify the authorities down there,’ Chelle typed her reply. ‘Mark, can you get down there?’

The reply from the newest detective and first male came in one and half minutes. ‘Sorry girls, still trapped with my rugby games and practice. Look I’ll look into this ‘carnival’ for you’

‘I’m heading down xx’ Chelle typed.

‘But you’re still grounded,’ her lover typed but Chelle had switched off her phone.

At some central police station in the Warwickshire region

Jenn, nearly out of breath, managed to meet with some police and repeated again her missing friend and the other girl. Unlike the Croonford police, this slightly curly Detective Inspector Marc Blampied wasn’t immediately amicable and questioned Jenn’s trouble, especially since she couldn’t describe the other girl.

“I think that the cafe,” Jenn gave the name of the shop, “helped kidnap or take hostage my friend and the other girl.” The DI scribbled notes and told her he would handle it and she could head back home. Despites Jenn’s protest he simply showed her out of his office. A blonde police sergeant (PS) in uniform with the initials ‘A. Mason’ who gave her a smile and mouthed the words ‘he’s like that.’ Just as Jenn was about to exit, she heard the DI tell that PS to focus on her screen and add a slight lewd remark.

Outside, Jenn again paused to ponder. It was nearing late afternoon and her parents would be angry again if she didn’t return home on time. She retrieved her phone and managed to get hold of DI Nikki Heath.

“Marc the arsehole,” came her reply. “We were competitors at the academy, dated until there was nothing in common and had a messy break up. He’s also slacker in detective work, prefers only to try to date girls in uniform.” That was exactly what I saw, Jenn, thought then Nikki said she may try to send help but couldn’t guarantee. Thanking her, Jenn suddenly noticed a younger girl on a bicycle that was an ancient model.

“Hey, do you know how old that model is?” She smiled.

“My Pa and Ma won’t give money for the newer one,” came the reply.

“Oh no. Say, do know you of any carnival that was in this area?”

“Yeah, started coming by recently. Old but funny magic acts the usual. Bought these sweets,” she held up an open packet. “Why?” Jenn just asked her which way the carnival trucks or vans headed and the names.

“Thought I left some valuable with one stall. Why not I give you enough to buy that old model and you buy yourself a better one?”

“Ya will?” Thankfully, the girl sold her bicycle and Jenn gave up nearly half of her monthly pocket money. This better be worth it, she thought.

The truck was moving as Lin was trapped in a box smaller than her 168cm and growing height. Painfully yet successfully, she twisted her bound arms and managed to draw out her foundation kit penknife. So far, the school teachers haven’t caught the girls with it; make up was out of bounds per school rules. Not gadgets that help when you’ captured. After five minutes, her wrist bonds came off. Managing to bend her legs as best she could, she also managed to cut away her ankle bonds. Her elbows were still tied and as she squirmed and pushed, the top board, then the box cover came off. Simultaneously, the sides of the box fell apart. The wonders of a magic box, she thought happily, but the fallen boards had little edges for her to rub the ropes against. Nor could she see in the dim light of the truck interior anything to cut the ropes around her elbows.

“Mmmph,” she then heard the muffled cries. “Rachel, hang on,” she called and shifted herself on her bare knees towards the other box. Turning around, she managed to lift the two covers. The other science student was still bound, gagged and blindfolded and groaning through the gag, “Sssh,” Lin remarked then twisted. After having been bound and gagged in many positions, she managed to turn around and cut away the girl’s elbow and wrist bonds in the same time she did her own. Rachel gave an elated yelp and undid her own ankle bonds then final her gag and blindfold.

“Oh, thank you thank…” Lin placed a finger on her own lips and Rachel lowered her tone thanking her again. “Where did you get that weird penknife from? Did you invent it?”

“Yes, long story. Wait, why were you captured? And you…” Lin smelt the same slightly foul odour but didn’t want to say the term.

“I used to have a weak bladder, though I got it in control two years ago then suddenly got it in the cafe,” Rachel replied. She then explained they wanted her father, who migrated from Kenya, to give up his chemistry documents to them in exchange for her release.

“We got to get away. Hey, help cut away the ropes around my elbows.” That free, Lin tried to guide her out but that wasn’t easy in the dim light. Suddenly, the truck slowed down and a door opened, the light nearly blinded both students.

“Naught girls,” the lead kidnapper called. Lin quickly drew out her ink or pepper spray pen and squirted it, but missed, only hitting the arm of the accomplice. “Haha,” the lead kidnapper laughed. “Throw that here,” Lin was about to shoot again but the captor fired his own weapon first, the bullet striking the ceiling. “Now!” With the threat, Lin gave up her gadget and both girls were told to lie down, hands on their heads.

“Bind that Chinese one first, ” he instructed his accomplice. “No, get her uniform off so she won’t have any more nonsense stuff to get free.” The second man hesitated but Lin yelped as her school blazer and then blouse came off, exposing her school-standard skin-tone bra. Her skirt was unclipped, fully exposing her black knickers. Cable ties quickly were wound twice around here wrists, cutting through her skin. Her knees then ankles received the same treatment. The pièce de résistance was a further cable tie securing her ankle bonds to her wrist bonds in a hogtie, causing her to cry again. “Shut her up,” came the command but Lin refused to open her mouth. With the Sig Sauer pressed against her neck, a cloth was jammed inside her mouth and two rounds of black packing tape around her jaw and head, trapping some of her hair in the process. The lead kidnapper yanked Lin’s bra straps down to her mid-arms, further restraining her and humiliating the usual tough student. The semi-naked teen was carried and laid in another box and dreaded hearing the sound of locks. She could only just breathe through this thicker gag and barely struggle as she heard Rachel being trussed up again and re-gagged.

Jenn was cycling for twenty-five minutes and still didn’t catch sight of any carnival trucks. The vehicle drivers she hailed weren’t helpful until she received a WhatsApp group message giving her more precise directions where the trucks could be headed. ‘Thks’ she replied, turning and was delighted that Mark was spot on — in front of her were trucks with the words ‘Scarborough Fair’ stencilled on the side. She pedalled faster and waved at the driver of the nearest truck but he ignored her waves and the trucks were speeding faster than she could cycle. Could this be the correct lot of trucks where Lin was hiding? Jenn nearly lost the convoy until she spotted a side lane of a very small hillock. She cycled up and looked down. The series of trucks looked normal until she spotted a hole in the top of one. Either that’s a hole from normal wear and tear or something worth looking at, she got off and luckily there were traffic lights, slowing the vehicles down. One, two, three…she jumped and landed on the top of that specific truck.

Ow…she cried but the pain thankfully didn’t last long. It was a vinyl tarp and with her own laser pen she started cutting away through the tarp. The gap wasn’t that big when the vehicle jerked and she fell down through the small gap. Jenn landed crying out loud, noting the gap above was much larger. Ow…this was a silent groan but a quick check of herself revealed no sprains and only a bruised left arm. Jenn was rubbing it when she heard some noise and spotted a sack which was squirming. Shifted closer the muffled sound increased and she called out “Lin? Is that you?” Wincing in pain, she neared the sack and undid the rope on the top, revealing a black girl blindfolded and gagged with cloth. Just as she was about to undo the cloth she heard, “Oh, another nosy girl. Looks like Nat’s warning was right.” Jenn surrendered and the masked man threw her school bag to the corner, splitting the top slightly open. Soon enough, Jenn was tightly tape bound and gagged. No, not again.

“Any more heroines?” The man scoffed. Just then, another figure dropped down from the gap above. The masked man fired another shot but received a squirt of ink directly on his eye slit. “Yeow!” he cried not just from the squirt but from the ferocious kick he received, throwing his gun away. Jenn immediately recognised that it was Chelle, clad in dark clothes and yelped thankfully through her tape gag. A fight naturally continued, with Chelle appearing to gain the upper hand, pushing the captor to a corner and kicking him down. However, she received a painful kick in return, throwing her to the corner.

“I had enough of you little girls,” the man growled, his weapon miraculously appearing in his right hand. “Now…” before he could complete his line or fire, something was thrown at him, tearing the gun from his hand again and keeping him on the ground.

“Now you receive my turn,” Chelle declared, quickly moving and ensuring he was unconscious. She was about to head over to free Jenn when there were familiar police sirens then the truck jerked to a halt. A door opened and Jenn recognised the familiar female sergeant she saw at the police station. Quickly she was freed but as her gag was peeled off, she yelled that her friend Lin had to be somewhere. With Chelle activated the ID app on her mobile phone, the police officers found the box and Lin was freed, just in time as she nearly choked on her stuff gag. Another siren was heard and they heard, “Sergeant Mason, what the hell did you do?”

“The job you should have done, sir,” she spat out the last word, ensuring all four girls received paramedic treatment and covered Lin with a spare police shirt.


“You intentionally broke my grounding order and endangered yourself,” Mrs Summers sternly addressed her oldest daughter who still had bandages and ointment as a result of her fight. “I have the very idea to…”

“Maggie,” Mr Arthur Summers who returned home upon hearing the incident, “perhaps we two should discuss this first.” Their private discussion didn’t last long and Chelle was no long punished, on condition she keep her parents, particularly her mother, on any dangerous detective work. Arthur in fact recounted how Chelle secretly followed Jenn to almost rescue her using Lin’s competition item to trap the kidnapper and the supporting comments from Jenn’s parents who didn’t punish their daughter.

Both she and Lin also received medical treatment, with Lin’s mouth tested from any infection from the stuff gag. Lin’s parents scolded her but only gave her a stern warning. The other student, Rachel Adjewa, indeed received a modified diuretic from the cafe manager Nathan West who was in league with the kidnappers, Victor Hector, a Canadian and his accomplice, Larry Sawyer. PS Alison Mason, who left her desk and helped rescue the girls, quit her position to train as a police detective. Lin, Jenn and Chelle received a small monetary award from Rachel’s dad, allowing them to improve their detective headquarters. Mark, the only male teen detective remained in the shadows and he and Chelle still decided to be a couple, secretly.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Doggy Business.’

The End

11: Three’s not a crowd


The relationship between Mark and Michelle develops. Lin and Jenn set off to Coventry for individual competitions where a carnival is making its debut.

Author’s note: This is Part 1 of a two-part story; therefore, it is much shorter than the previous cases, about half the number of words. Also, as per the last case, its ‘Croonford Detectives’ now given a boy has joined the team.

Detectives meeting place
July 2021

“Oh my gosh Lin, what are you wearing? That’s so…skimpy!” Jennifer Thompson exclaimed as she entered the keypad-locked headquarters. Lin Ling was out of her scientist coast, wearing a purple just above her mid-thighs, with the edge of her blue knickers slightly visible. She was also in a translucent white spaghetti top with black bra straps evident against the thin white straps.

“Hey, one it’s warm inside here despite the portable air conditioner. Two, I’m a proper girl and don’t wear those of bland clothes,” she pointed at Jenn’s white tank top with the bra outline not clearly visible and her red shorts.

“I always wear practical…are those the same undies you wore when we were captured by the crappy Cat and her colleagues?” Jenn hardly like the word ‘knickers.’

“Yes…cleaned and I don’t let any villainess spoil what I dress in, ” Lin tugged up her skirt. “You ok after that near death trap?”

“Yes, but I’m sure now one of the assistants is my good friend Molly Peacock. Only she knows I’m ticklish,” she gave an embarrassed look, “and exactly where. Also, she knows I hate being semi-naked for a long time. I’m so going to get her for trapping, leaving me with my period blood soaking my undies and nearly killing us…”

Jenn’s whining was cut off as the doorbell Lin made rang. She checked the CCTV camera carefully before unlocking the door.

“Hey girls, I thought I entered the right combination number,” Mark Cadvish greeted. He was in a matching light blue tank top and jeans.

“Oh, my fault I changed it in case of villainess or villainess prying eyes breaking in,” Lin gave him a gentle hug. “Jenn was talking about one of the Cat’s assistants…” Jenn repeated what she said then changed the subject, “I’ve gone a debate competition and judging down near Coventry this week.”

“Oh same, I’m presenting some of our science creations against a competing school group. Holiday and summer time away from Croonford,” Lin added.

“Some time hopefully away from the Cat and a break from all this detective work,” Jenn also added. “You want to join us, Mark?”

“I love too but I’ve a rugby game or so in Cardiff.”

“Well, you better come rescue us if there’s trouble!” Lin laughed but still meant that. “And don’t forget your or our dear Chelle,” she added. Michelle Summers certainly had a rough time after last time. She had been caught by the CCTV cameras and students of Moorly school and was questioned for hours at the police station why she snuck into the girls changing room, stole a Moorly school uniform and assaulted the netballer Clare. Chelle faced further questions why she took down the antique painting and also bound and gagged her school mate Heather Smiths. Initially with a family solicitor next to her – the solicitor was later dismissed after Detective Inspector Heath assured Chelle there were no criminal charges or caution brought against her – Chelle verbally apologised to the netballer and identified where she dropped off her school uniform. She also wrote an apology to the school for the intentional removal of the painting and apologised several times to Heather. The worse part was her mum listened in and simply grounded Chelle across despite explaining she was coerced to perform all those acts.

“At least the police are now really investigating the whole matter,” Jenn added, but remembered the embarrassing time with the forensic team taking swabs off her underwear and skin.

Lin shook her head. “Nikki said she’s buried with more pertinent police cases. But as you said Jenn, it’s going to be a break from detective work as we head to Coventry.”

“Better change the sign,” Mark noted, pointing at the hand-written sign above the door which read ‘Croonford Girl Detectives.’ They all laughed.

Summers’ Residence
Just a while later

Chelle continued to stare out of her room’s window, still sulking over the punishment she received across the summer break. Even her father supported her mother’s decision. Turning away. Chelle decided to throw an old tennis ball but ten minutes later she heard her phone buzz. Initially thinking it was the Cat, her heart leaped seeing it was a WhatsApp message from Mark.

‘Hi, we – Lin, Jenn and myself – we’re talking bout you, hope you’re ok now. As you know, the two are heading to Coventry, me to a rugby game in Wales. I don’t want you to feel lonely so I left a package at the back of your house. Hope ya like it :-)’ Chelle’s heart raced. She listened until there was silence then stealthily exited her room and found a basket with an opaque red plastic wrap with hearts scattered all over. Back inside her room, she found it was an assortment of various kinds of biscuits.

‘Oh Mark, it’s so delicious! Thank you for baking them :)’ She typed back her reply with additional heart-shaped emojis as she chewed on a dark chocolate biscuit that met the sweetness she preferred.

‘Well, I didn’t actually make them; it’s actually the excess from what my mother and aunt baked xx’

‘Well, it’s your heartful thought that really counts. Keep safe during your game, love’ Chelle again added two lines of heart-shaped emojis and meant it.

Somewhere near Coventry
A few days later

Now this is what I call a school holiday!” Lin exclaimed glancing at the clear summer weather as she and Jenn walked towards the competition cum presentation arena. As they were representing their school, they were still in their school uniforms. Jenn thought it was bad wearing it throughout the cold months and it was just as bad to wear the silly blazer and tie in this weather.

“Hey, there’s some carnival opposite,” Lin pointed.

“I hope you’re not recalling your Marksville’s misadventure,” Jenn replied. “Remember, we promised no detective work.”

“Just noticing. Catch up with you after my science presentation, good luck with your debating.” The girls parted and Jenn was thankful for the arena’s air-conditioning.


Chelle and Mark completed another WhatsApp exchange, where she learnt the reason for his strange surname, Cadvish. It was his parent’s decision to change from ‘Cavendish’ because his grandpa was a corrupt landowner and Territorial Army solider, thus they changed it to ‘Cadvish’, close enough. Chelle completed the exchange with a distinct declaration of love for him but Mark cautiously replied he would have to take it slowly, lest he feel the ridicule of his rugby mates, his classmates and even family members who opposed dating at such a young age. ‘I do like you Chelle and will support you in detective and other activities. Keep your head up during your grounding.’ He too added flower-shaped emojis. Once more, Chelle felt a strong tingling between her legs and her ever-growing breasts perk up. Oh gosh…

Down near Coventry, Lin anxiously waiting for the judges to declaring the results. Her science club entry, invented by her but with input from other members, was a special fishing net. It could be calibrated for sports fishing, lake fishing or even medium-sized trawlers with various kinds of bait fixed to it. She tapped both feet impatiently until she heard, “from Croonford School with a very unique fishing net, Miss Lin Ling Chan…”

Mrs Maggie Summers continue to keep watch over her eldest daughter, giving her additional household chores to her younger daughter Catherine or Kate’s delight. Despite keeping Chelle busy, she failed to noticing the change in Chelle’s changing facial features – there was a light flush daily. While Chelle was given laundry duty, she took the chance to place her damp knickers in, damp from excitement. Michelle Summers was certainly in love. Finally finding free time, she locked herself in her room and scanned the net, looking for a gift she could give to Mark in return. There wasn’t much then she realised a home-made gift would be much more appropriate. A cooked or baked gift like his was immediately out of the question since the dish wouldn’t last by the time he returned from his rugby game. Rugby…why not get something-related for him? But what?

Chelle looked back at her laptop and decided between a large T-Shirt or wooden shelf or stand. There was excess clothing in her house but they definitely weren’t for men or the size of her boyfriend. I got to get out the house and need help designing a shirt.

“Mum, I’m going to the nearby thrift shop to pick out some bags,” Chelle called, hoping her mother would allow her out of the house. The reply came back fast – yes you can, but take a direct route and no detective nonsense. She thanked her mother but still internally bristled at the last line. Arming herself with the necessary gadgets in case the Cat or her thugs would appear, she headed out, and soon found a plain T-Shirt that she thought was Mark’s size.

Down near Coventry

Lin caught up with an elated Jenn. “Yay, we’re advancing to the next round for the regional debating championships and the school team judged resulted in the teacher hiring me to train their team! How…”

“I lost a science competition for the first time,” Lin interrupted. ” I thought my, our group’s invention was so wonderful. We invested a heck lot of time in investing it and filming various fishing scenes. The judges instead gave the first prize to this girl who made a meal-creating device for any meal of the day. Looks incredible but I thought my fishing device was the best.” Lin tone wasn’t didn’t show signs of disappointment but her face showed she dejected.

“Meal-creating device? Sounds something out of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,” Jenn loved that musical film. Lin nodded “Oh, it’s just one competition. Look, I’ll buy you some tea or coffee,” Jenn patted her back.

“Actually, we both decided to have coffee at that cafe over there to exchange more scientific ideas,” Lin pointed. “Yeah, I know the train will be arriving soon. I’ve cancelled my return journey; there’s no cancellation fee.”

“You ok being alone?”

“I don’t think the Cat and her team is here. So yeah, I’ll be fine. Say hi to Chelle if you get to meet her.”

Back in her room, Chelle was grateful that firstly, no one followed her and secondly her mother didn’t question her purchase. The harder now was what to decorate or design the T-shirt with. Her first thought was ‘Mark and Michelle’ but that would let the cat out of the back. The initials ‘M&M’ would make him look like advertising the American chocolates. Rugby, a voice reminded her, focus on Actually, something rugby-related. She scanned pictures of rugby and looked through her old sewing kit from primary school. Just enough coloured thread she noted, but I’m not skilled with sewing.

‘Hey Hattie, hope you’re fine. You know I’m grounded but can you give me advice how to sew a design?’

Down at the cafe in the Warwickshire region, Lin and the prize winner Rachel, a Black British girl named Rachel were discussing various inventions. “Oh, I have started making…” Lin excitedly started describing yet another invention.

“Err, excuse me,” Rachel shot up, clutching her crotch area and dashed to the toilets. Must be her mixed fruit juice Lin thought and scanned through her phone. More than ten minutes later, Lin noticed the girl’s absence and instinctively headed towards loo. The outer area was empty as were the stalls. Putting her detective cap on, she started to closely each stall. The first three appeared alright, but there was a small scratch on the plastic wall of the fourth stall and just below the toilet bowl, there was a leather strap, definitely from Rachel’s watch. Uh oh, that girl’s in trouble Lin thought and rushed back. She threw money to pay for the drinks, then rapidly asked the manager if he saw anyone snatch a girl.

“Hey, hey young Chink,” the tattooed manager snapped back. “No one aint snatching no student from my store.” Lin shook her head in reply at the racist remark then darted out. Where could that…

On the train back to Croonford

Jenn was busying herself reading a novel and also checking the nearby passengers in case anyone was suspicious. Flipping a page, she noticed the time on her watch and sent a WhatsApp message.

‘Hey Lin, finished your cafe discussion with that girl? Am still on train. Maybe meet you back at the train station?’

Lin’s reply came instantaneously.

‘There’s some’

Jenn raised her eyebrows at the curt reply.

‘Some what? who? Boy?’ Chelle fell in love, next Lin. But there was no ‘blue tick’ in response.

‘Lin, who did you find? Some hot guy? I thought you said the winner was a girl.’ Still no reply.

‘Lin come on, who did you find?’ She no further replies came.

Lin in fact was inside a large truck, finding herself in amongst colourful boxes, statutes and masks of clowns and other creatures. It was part of the carnival she spotted earlier! Maybe the officials who ran it would have spotted Rachel. She initially wanted to exit to find the driver or staff but decided to further explore the interior. As one oriented with scientific facts, she was never a fan of magic. Puppets two and three-dimensional creatures started to pop up as she touched boxes. Ooops, she shook her head as she closed them. Moving further, sounds came. They weren’t footsteps or voices…

Jenn decided to alight two stations earlier and rang Lin’s phone directly. ‘Lin’s here but not free, please leave a message and number.’

“Hey, Lin, what was your message about?” Jenn spoke clearly and told her to reply back, hoping nothing was wrong.

Lin however had muted her phone as she neared the source of the sound. It was definitely muffled cries! She frantically pushed and threw away the magic boards, sticks and costumes until she saw a box with several locks. The sound was more audible and she instantly drew out her laser pen, cutting off the combination locks and the edges. The cover then could easily be lifted off. There was another wooden board in the way but there was an obvious metal ring and with all her strength it came off. Underneath, there were bundles of blankets but someone was squirming underneath. Lin rapidly yanked them away and gasped, spotting the competitor Rachel tightly bound with ropes and thick cloth covering her eyes and jaw. There was also a foul stench.

“Some nosy girl here?” Came a deep voice and a circular cold object was pressed against the Croonford student’s neck.

Back at the train station, Jenn still tried Lin’s number but this time round there was a sharp engaged tone. That can’t be correct. She sent both text and WhatsApp messages to her fellow school mate and detective but then received ‘unable to send, please try again’. Was she out of range or worse…

Summers’ residence

‘No, no, you have to sew the brown thread towards…’ Hattie was still helpfully directing Chelle how to form the shape of a rugby ball with the amount of thread Chelle had in her room. Suddenly Jenn’s message flashed.

‘I think Lin got herself in trouble, am heading back down.’ The message was also copied to Mark.

To be continued.

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Scarborough Fair’

10: Time and tide…wait for no woman


Michelle is given several challenges, and should she fail, it could spell disaster. The other girl detectives come to her aid, but there are potholes at every turn. Mark comes to the rescue here and Michelle falls in love for the first time.

Author’s note: I am not an expert regarding how Caller ID spoofing works or its technology so forgive for any errors.’

Summers’ residence
After the last case

“Michelle,” Mrs Margaret Summers started in her stern tone, “I want you to tone down, no stop all your detective activities.”

Michelle Summers immediately noted her mum used her full name instead of the usual Mich as well as her tone. “Mum, I, no we just solved a huge incident,” Michelle decided not to use the word ‘case’ “where students were mysteriously gassed making fall asleep and affecting their exam results.” Chelle summarised more what happened earlier.

“I understand you lot broken lots of school rules and lied to us parents to stay overnight in the school. Furthermore, you lost a school uniform and nearly got attacked by termites.”

“For the first, I apologise for the ruse but it was a wild but accurate guess. The second is regarding a feud from some Cat-suit person. I didn’t lose my uniform; she took it off me and I’ll pay for the uniform…”

“I’ve heard enough,” Mrs Summers interrupted then pondered.

“Am I grounded mum?” Chelle tried hard not to show her displeasure after the detective cases she, Linn and Jenn had solved.

“No more of your nonsense. Be home after school here unless you have approved-school activities. Keep me informed of where you are daily,” this was too restrictive even if it wasn’t a grounding, Chelle groaned silently. “I…” the house telephone rang and with a curt ‘we’ll discuss this further’ Chelle was excused.

Closing the door to room, heaving a sigh of relief that it wasn’t a grounding but tears still flowed. It’s still unfair mum you don’t understand what we’ve achieved as detectives. Please don’t make me shut the whole team down, please don’t make me shut this great teen detective team down….

The buzzing of her mobile interrupted her silent crying. The number was not on her contacts and Chelle immediately suspected who it was but still answered.

“What the hell you want Cat!” She yelled.

“Oh, just wondering if you’re ok after being denied any more detective play stuff by your mother,” the muffled voiced answered.

“How the hell did you…”

“Hey Chelle, it’s not just your Hongkie friend who knows how to use a parabolic microphone,” the Cat taunted. Chelle immediately scanned out her window but there was no one as far as she could see. She wanted to run to the opposite room but that might attract her mum’s attention.

“One, Lin is a Malaysian-Hongkonger, two why don’t you cut your own childish play, speak with your proper voice and face me without your idiotic mask!” Chelle retorted.

“Oooh, trying to be tough. But I’ve some challenges for you first…”

“You come out of your hiding and stop all your pranks and…” Chelle shot back.

“Then perhaps you should look at your clothes line,” the Cat fired back and ended the call. Just then, Michelle heard her mum yell and followed the cry, finding the household laundry stained with streaks of different colours of paint and rubbish. “Some silly prankster dumped all this over the washing! Look at my newly-bought dress!” Chelle immediately knew what occurred but helped her bring in the spoilt clothes. They both spent time hand-cleaning the clothes until Chelle’s phone buzzed again. Her mother accepted her excuse it was a school mate discussing a project so Chelle ran back up and closed her room door.

“You bitch! I’m going to get you for cleaning the destroying our laundry!”

“Ooh, swear word. Does your mother know? You can’t trace these numbers, not even Lin,” came the arrogant tone. Chelle saw the number was different from the first one and initially decided to block both but decide to keep to show Lin.

“I’m done talking…” She retorted back.

“If you don’t accept my challenges, things will be worse for your family than spoilt clothes,” the Cat replied.

“Go to hell!” Chelle spat.

Her mum knocked and asked what the shouting was about and Chelle gave a plausible excuse her school mate intentionally did not perform her part for the project. She messages her fellow detectives what transpired then re-read through her finished homework. Suddenly a WhatsApp message along with an audio file came. “Hel…” Chelle heard a familiar cry on the file and saw the number was yet another new number.

‘I believe you can find your sis all nicely trussed up and silenced behind the Old Smokey.’ That message was accompanied by an emoji of a cat. Fuming, Chelle tried to reply but got ‘This number is now cancelled.’ Still filled with rage, Chelle informed her mother Kate needed help at school with her maths studies. “Take the straight road to school, help Catherine and both of you back here promptly.” Chelle acknowledged and instead of catching a bus, she hailed a taxi. Thankfully, it took the same route towards the school and she waved off the change when the pub appeared in sight. Trying to ignore the foul stench from the rubbish, she kept calling her sister’s name until she heard the same cries, albeit more muffled.

Kate was behind a wooden door which took much effort to open. She was in her school uniform which was crumpled. Kate was through bound with scarfs binding her wrists behind her back, elbows, knees and ankles. Her own scarf was tightly wrapped her lower jaw, explaining the muffled cries.

Chelle immediately untied and removed these bonds and gag. “M..Mich, thank goodness!” She explained how two cat-suit figures were asking for donations for an animal charity, however, just she was about to drop the money, they wrapped her in a large sack and the next thing she knew she found herself here. “I tried to get loose but it was so tight, oh Mich,” Kate started crying for the first time in ages and Chelle consoled her. “Look, I’ll take you back home,” She added but was informed Kate had a weekend music society meeting. Still fuming what happened to her sister, Chelle sat just outside the school and her phone rang again.

Girl Detectives’ meeting place
Around the same time

“The Cat is directly harassing Chelle,” Jenn noted, reading the message as she crossed her jeans-clad legs together.

“And her mum is stopping her from participating in our detective work,” Lin noted, pressing her skirt-covered knees together. “Looks like our nemesis is spoofing.” Jenn raised her eyebrows then Lin explained. “A person can call others many times with different Caller IDs appearing; it’s nothing new Paris Hilton made such calls before.”

Jenn didn’t know much about that American media personality but naturally asked one can start spoofing. Lin ruffled through a large book before stating it could be through Voice over IP or VoIP, including open-source software. A second tool is using a prepaid SIM card – buyers can pay for a PIN then dial the prepaid number, the PIN, the number they want to call and the number they wish to appear as the caller ID. With this, the recipient will receive a spoofed number chosen by the caller.

“That one’s sounds pretty simple,” Jenn commented.

“Then there’s the ‘Orange Box.’ It’s a software or hardware that can generate an audio signal working to display Caller IDs that look like bank or government number. The Orange Box method can’t always spoof Caller IDs so it may be used in conjunction with a ‘Magenta box’ which simulate an incoming call that quite definitely spoofs,” Jenn concluded.

“Right, we have that box she dropped outside our HQ after the weird dream case, the number she sent to our phones after the bullies and corrupt MP case and the recent news she paralysed Chelle and this,” Jenn summarised. “Let’s…oh darn, the Internet here has trip again. Shall we head back to our homes?”

“She or her accomplices may follow and harass us,” Lin pointed out. “I’ve bought a cheap but reliable CCTV camera that can send the video to our phones or a video here and it has its own battery. Let me set it up then we can adjourn to my place – it’s nearer. I hope Chelle is alright.”

Meanwhile, Chelle seethed after the Cat’s call ended. The villainess threatened to block and deposits or withdrawals from her mother’s bank account unless Chelle retrieved something for her. Specifically, Chelle had to enter Moorly School’s library, retrieve an antique document behind a painting and drop it off at an abandon site before 6pm that day. Chelle wanted to call the Cat’s bluff until the later stated the name of her mum’s bank and the branch. Chelle still silently want to refuse but the thought of her mum not able to retrieve any money urge her otherwise.

After telling Kate to stay at home and ignore any weird phone calls, Chelle quickly planned how to perform the near impossible. Moorly, that rival school she and other girls faced in the QuizWhizz competiton. Chelle personally disliked the name. A task is a task but how when she barred from ‘any detective activities?’ Suddenly, she remembered her mum had gym class this afternoon. No sooner, her mum called and again warned her oldest daughter not to seek any silly adventure while she was gone. Chelle looked at her room clock and ten minute later, she wore light trainers and dark clothes, slipping out the back door. Instead of a taxi or bus, Chelle decided to ride her bike.

Chelle’s bike was squeaky and she hadn’t ridden it for several years but within another fifteen minutes, she reached that school. This is the easy part, Chelle thought, but how the hell am I going to enter this rival school? Suddenly, she spotted girls in skimpy sports uniforms practicing hockey and netball. If they follow same school rules – all students had to wear school or half school uniforms into school premises before changing in respective sportswear – there should be school uniforms in the girls changing rooms. Examining the school gate, Chelle found that it could only be opened by a school card thus gritted her teeth and climbed the lowest part of the fence, thankful that her clothes weren’t torn or skin not scratched. Keeping to the shadows, she again turned to the sports arena to judge where the changing room was. Bingo! She entered and her guess was almost correct – instead of normal blouses, there were many house T-shirts hung on various hooks. Chelle quickly searched and finally a shirt her size. Luckily, she wore a normal bra, although the colour wasn’t pure white. The skirt below was a little tight on her waist but I’ll get the Cat for this, she thought. There were discarded non-sport trainers and socks but Chelle didn’t want to wear someone else’s dirty socks and thought her own footwear would fit regulations.

Suddenly, she heard a voice and quickly darted to a side door and found herself in the cleaner’s room. Trying to be as silent as possible, she pressed her body against and waited.

“Damn, I thought I stretched both my legs well before practice. Worse, team members injured usually sit on the benches but darn coach humiliated me by telling me to sit off…hey!!!” Chelle heard the squeal. The next line was quite expected. “Hey! Who took my uniform! This crap, first a really cramp left leg, now missing school clothes! I can’t go home in public in this short netball uniform…hey is this a prank?! Hello, I’ve got no time for this; my leg is so sore. Jess, Jo, Jude, is it you girls? Hello? Hello? Or is it the boys? He…” The voice stopped and Chelle wondered if the student had left. No, she’s injured…just then Chelle heard footsteps close in on the room. “Alright, I spotted the shoe prints! Come on out, come on out!” The girl shouted. Then she yanked the door twice hard and entered.

“Where’s my uniform? Stop this crap and…ow!” Chelle emerged out of the dark corner and tackled the sweaty and injured netballer with all her might, pushing the girl flat down on the ground.

“What the…mmmph!” Chelle hand shot over the girl’s lips, effectively hand gagging her. Pushing the struggling student down with all her weight, she immediately recalled Lin’s performing her taekwondo moves on her own school bullies and struck the girl’s neck. Instead of more muffled cries, there was a soft moan. Chelle released her body and immediately checked the girl’s pulse. Her heart is still beating but she’s definitely unconscious. Spying a towel, Chelle wrapped it around the netballer’s eyes but decided not to gag or bind her in case of suffocating or exacerbating her injuries. I still can’t leave her on the ground she mused so with all her might, she dragged the unconscious and blindfolded student back into the cleaner’s room, re-checked her and straightened her injured leg. “Sorry Clare,” She read the student’s name printed on her uniform and silently mouth those words, closing and locking the door.

It’s 3pm and I’ve lost so much time, Chelle moaned silently. Adjusting her ‘borrowed’ uniform and re-tying her hair, she entered the main school building which was a maze. Thankfully, there were general directions and waving the school ID card she had taken from Clare’s purse, the elderly librarian nodded told her to leave her bag in the lockers and she entered the gigantic library. It was just as confusing as the school building but a natural guess brought her to the back of directions the place and she found the painting her nemesis described on the call. As with all paintings, it was secured to the wall. Chelle closely examined the hooks and saw discovered there were some loose parts but others still secured. She weighed using the laser pen Lin invented to cut away the secured hooks but quickly thought any damage would prevent her from placing the painting back. Lucky, I still have my winter gloves with me, she extracted them, then scolded herself for not using when hiding Clare.

Again, using her full strength, she tugged several times and the painting came off, hitting the floor with an audible sound. She tensed, waiting for the librarians or students to walk in and catch her. This thankfully didn’t occur so she slowly turned the painting over. Moving her gloved hands, she heard a faint click and the right corner on the board snapped open. As stated, there was an old parchment underneath with old English cursive text scribbled all over and a very faint diagram on the lower part. She immediate snapped many pictures of the parchment, then carefully checked for any barcodes, folded it carefully into her borrowed skirt pocket. She heaved the painting up and it again took several tries before the painting hung back in place.

“You spent little time back there,” the librarian remarked as Chelle passed by her desk. “Don’t you students spend at least over an hour back there?”

Chelle just answered that she found which books she needed but the librarian queried why she wasn’t carrying any books but Chelle countered she just was reading. “Oh, maybe you should head back and read,” was the reply.

“Er. Madame Harris,” she read the name tag, “I need to head home, there’s a family emergency,” she held up here phone.

“Oh dear, run along, Miss?”

“Clare Smith,” Chelle thanked her but was reminded to leave her phone in the locker as per regulations. Chelle walked normally out, retrieved her bag then dashed out. As she had the netballer’s card, she exited via the school gate but as she retrieved her bike, yells were heard. Rats, I’ve been caught and really a thief, she thought and quickly cycled as fast as she could. Covering several blocks, Chelle swerved to a bush-covered side lane and turned. She stopped panting after noting no one had followed her. Gosh that was…crap, I’ve less than half an hour left, she glanced at here watch. She cycled as fast as her legs could manage and finally neared the abandoned site. Wait, there could a trap set up. She examined the site but not sound or soul was heard or spotted. Again, she snapped pictures of the vicinity then again noticing her watch’s minute hand shifting closer to the time her mum would return she cycled wildly back, not before stopping behind a store to dump the stolen uniform. “Where did you go?” Kate rushed down to meet her sweaty sister.

“Sssh, Is mum back?”

The answer came as her mother’s car drove into the garage. Phew, made it just in time, but the Moorly students or staff probably spotted. Damn this Cat-girl, Chelle thought, I’m going to get you!

On the bus to school

“You did what?!” Lin exclaimed after hearing her classmate’s weekend escapade. “You’re not just a teen detective but a liar to your mum, assaulting another schoolgirl and actually stealing school uniforms and property.”

Chelle could nod but added, “And then my mum did say her credit card didn’t work at the gym and only did a call to the bank’s helpline reset the card. I’m really going to get back at this…” she used a common expletive.

“Someone said ‘bitch?'” Another student called but was silenced with Lin’ glare. “Well as I said,” she told Chelle, “you might be in hot water. They might have caught you on CCTV…”

Chelle started swearing again softer this time then changed the subject, asking what her fellow detectives learnt. Lin summarised what she and Jenn suspected and they narrowed it down to either a VoIP or Orange Box creating the various calls coming from their villainess. As they entered the school grounds, they met up with their fellow detectives and Lin and Jenn decided to find out who bought such devices recently. “It’s going to be a tough one given these technologies aren’t immediately found in the nearest electronics stores. But we’ll scanned all such shops near and the immediate region…”

“And still work on that box the Cat sent,” Jenn concluded. Chelle was about to add a comment when she spotted a familiar face, excused herself ran and hugged Mark Cadvish, love feeling her boobs pressing against his muscular torso. He naturally greeted her then remarked she was slightly shaking, just like when she came to watch his rugby game. After hearing her story, he comforted her, tell her she had little choice. “Maybe I can help you lot. This detective stuff sounds fun…”

The ringing of the school bell interrupted their conversation and they departed with Mark lightly kissing her hand, drawing cries of ‘oohs’ and ‘aaahs’ from other students. The girls agreed to meet up again at lunch via WhatsApp and Lin picked at the oily Pad Thai while Chelle took bites of her Cornish pastry. “So, you want your boyfriend to join our club?” Lin asked.

“He’s…not my boyfriend,” she countered.

“Oh, come on, you showed me pictures of him last time and I saw you hugging him this morning,” Lin playfully slapped her classmate, then got serious. “Yeah, we could use some brawns and since you denied our detective activities, he’ll be a replacement.” Chelle bristled at the last word but agreed, stating he could watch their backs while they check out the stores. “Where’s Jenn by the way?”

“So..rry,” they saw Jenn holding half a chicken panini in her mouth. “Just got into my first strange fight with Molly. She claimed she owed her money for drama club props. “Can you believe it, she actually tickled me in response.” Her friends raised their eyebrows at that childish act from Jenn’s close friend. Jenn changed subject, saying she had strong suspicions where the box the Cat left after the weird dreams case. “There’s a store near our HQ which sells boxes that look closely like that, let’s check it out after school.” Lin recounted about Mark joining them and the shorter girl detective just nodded, still wondering about the tussle earlier.

“So, you really like Chelle?” Lin asked Mark as they rode on a bus to the shop Jenn mentioned at lunch. He confidently replied he liked her due to the great results of her, not your detective work. He added Chelle appeared academically and street smart. “Do you love her?” She smiled.

“Well, we just recently met,” Was his truthful reply.

“Oh, come on, you two do make a good match. Jenn what you think? Jenn?” Jenn was still lost in thoughts and only mumbled a reply. She really was on the fence regarding relationships at a young teenage year.

“Good day lasses and lad, what can I ge yer all?” The middle-aged store keeper with knight tattooed on her right arm. Jenn showed her pictures of the box on her mobile. “Yer, it’s gone. I sold it to a girl a few months back.” Jenn asked about the girl hoping to hear it was the Cat. “Can’t really remember, ’bout 5’6, red hair, was wearing a black hat, oh had a watch with a cat emblem. Why? Want to see a similar box?” The girls nodded and the box produced was roughly similar but the opening was at the bottom. “It’s £11.50 but I’ll ask for only a tenner. You doing a magic show?” Lin remarked they’ll re-consider and they left.

“I don’t think that fits the description of the cat,” she remarked recalling the figure from last Halloween.

“It fits that of Molly,” Jenn added but the others missed her description as Lin asked Mark if there was anyone looking peculiar in the vicinity. “Well, the elderly lady in her electronic wheelchair appears as she is, the male jogger and his cat just passed and didn’t even turn towards us. And that couple both are wearing sunglasses but the sun is shining in their direction. We should be fine. Do I pass as a teen detective? Do I get you fancy gadgets?” He replied.

The Malaysian-Hongkonger laughed. “Yeah, I can get you what we all have been using. Well, I still need to repair and recreate stuff damaged across the previous cases. And you can’t wear these,” she pointed to the radio earrings. “Let’s go to the nearest tech shop and find if they sold any spoofing devices. Watch our backs, Mark.”

Chelle still seethed at her ‘stay at home after school unless you have school activities’ order but didn’t want to upset her mother further. She wished her dad was around and not always travelling abroad almost every other day. He still never explicitly told her or his family members what exactly he did. “Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, often seconded to other ministries,” was his usual reply and would never answer other questions. Her mum never questioned his lack of presence at home, so long as there was money flowing and apparently invisible love given.

Chelle naturally shook her head as she finished the last of her daily homework. She saw the joint update from Lin and Jenn. Dead end one but at least her heartthrob was joining the group. Chelle felt feelings she never felt before and had to drink two glasses of cold water to calm herself down. The messages from her friends suddenly reminded her of the pictures she took of the parchment and the drop-off point. The other girls had copies but Chelle decided took look through them once again. The cursive words still made no sense to her despite her interest in the writing. She expanded the lower portion and brought up a picture of Croonford on her desktop and tried to find any similar, nothing came up. She changed to include the nearby region but again nothing matched. Maybe, Hattie might help out, she thought, after all she uses Photoshop and computer programmes to match images to form art pieces. She composed an email to her classmate, attaching the pictures of the parchment but excluding information of where she found it.

Just outside Croonford

“No, we haven’t sold any VoIP phones or software recently,” the store manager responded to Lin, “but you’re welcome too purchase, oh you all are students. I can loan you lot with a phone and our software for a week. £12,” he added and the trio paid equally. “Seems worth it, I can…” Lin was interrupted as Jenn was pointing at a distance female figure across the street. “That girl looks one of those figures shadowing us and Chelle last time.” They all crossed the street but the 160cm figure darted into a Taxi that drove off.

“Man, I need to work out,” Mark respond but Lin just shook her head. “Guess we all have to head home in a group.”

“Yes, it’s definitely a diagram, of some residential area, but not of our region,” Hattie told Chelle on the bus ride to school the next day. “Defo not from our area. And it’s a zoomed in map but I can’t tell the scales. A case you people are working on?”

Chelle just said ‘maybe’ and Hattie didn’t press the issue but mentioned she could enhance the pictures and print a copy for her. At the school grounds, the girls along with the newest detective, discussed the events the day prior. “I don’t think the figure matches the Cat, or may not the accomplices last Halloween. You sure it was female?”

“Unless it was a guy with a wig,” Mark added but they all agreed it a female member of the Cat’s gang. Jenn then repeated about her suspicions of the girl who purchased the box from the magic store. “But I thought Molly has been your good friend since kindergarten,” Chelle remarked then Jenn repeated the incident regarding money. “Well, you definitely need more proof before confronting her,” she added. They left for their classes with Mark and Chelle lightly holding hands until their names were called. “Mr Cadvish, Miss Summers, you both should know the school rules regarding showing dating on school grounds.” They both apologised to Mrs Hughes, heading to their respective classes but Chelle thought ‘silly strict rules.’

She expected a peaceful Tuesday afternoon until she received a call on her mobile, this time displaying a French country code. She really wanted to ignore the call but then and yelled. “Why so angry? You delivered a perfect document to me.”

Across the town and in the detectives HQ, Lin, Jenn and Mark decided to check out a store they researched that sold Orange Box hardware and software. First, ‘the scientist’ was fitting out Mark with the gadgets the girls had. The rugby player naturally couldn’t carry a foundation powder kit, so accepted the penknife which could hide in his trousers or underwear. Instead of radio earrings, he got an earpiece like Royal Protection Officers have which Lin told him to treasure it ‘it cost me a bomb.’ He was shown her social media hacking flash drive and his mobile phone cover was fitted with the recording device. He got the ID chip and politely kept his mouth shut where the girls sewed theirs. Next came the laser pen which he found extremely cool, showed ‘the Eagle’, parabolic microphones and the multi-light torchlight. Then the ink or pepper spray pen, the anti-rape style stuff which he felt was more appropriate for the girls. The final items—the licence plate and NHS numbers tracing app, the microchip that could trace gases, the night vision googles and the cyber jamming device. “I didn’t keep the lacrosse stick,” she laughed.

“Man, I so weighed down,” He remarked.

“Well, you don’ t have to carry every item at once. Now let’s head to the store,” Lin concluded.

“You’re going to do what?!” Chelle exclaimed, upon hearing the Cat threatening to disable her father’s car. “I’m really going to alert him and the authori…”

“No, you’re going to bind and author gag a female school mate tomorrow early morning to stop her from arriving one time for school,” the muffled voice ordered. Before Chelle could object, a short video appearing showing a small dart-like object zooming and striking a car tyre. “Got your attention back?” The sneering voice came. Chelle argued that whoever it is would still see her face and ‘I’m not going to a juvenile offenders centre on your behalf.’

“Do it or your dad’s car will break down. Check the back of your door. Oh, and take nice picture of the victim and send it to this number.” Chelle found a rubber mask at the steps of her house’s back door. It actually fit, turning her face into a more girly girl but really hide any actual resemblance of herself. She still sent a WhatsApp message to her father, stating that his car may be disabled, though again not given how she came about this information. She waited but there was no double tick and sent the same warning via text message. Still there was reply. Was the Cat blocking her phone account directly?

The other girl detectives and Mark waited almost for three hours before they met the boss of the aptly named ‘Orange Box Store.’

“Yeah, I distinctly remember a black-haired girl with a black winter cap asking for our latest Orange Box combined hardware and software. She seemed like she knew the technology immediately. Some friend of yours?” The trio all shook their heads and Lin asked for further description and characteristics of the buyer. They got 165cm or so as the height above average size and “oh, she had a tattoo of a small cat just below her right hand. I didn’t think girls your age,” he gestured to the two girl detectives, “would get tattoos.” They heard that was the last of their Orange Box hardware and software but he was acquiring a new batch.

“That’s what the Cat looks like?” Mark asked.

“I’m quite sure, it was naturally dark during Halloween but the figure matched the description,” Lin answered ask her phone and Jenn’s buzzed. It was an email from Hattie Coy.

The Next Morning

Chelle tried hard to calm herself as best as she could during breakfast time. She still only had a rough idea how to perform this devilish task. She prepared some old but clean strips bedsheets for bindings and gags. The trouble was she didn’t which student to target – despite rough differences, she hadn’t made any enemies with any girls, her year or her seniors. As she got out her house, she acted normally, waiting for the usual bus then told Kate she needed to meet a friend. Along the next street, students were naturally out preparing to head for school. Got to head to a road where there won’t many pedestrians or workers heading out.

Incidentally, she found herself on a small land with only two houses and several hedges growing. She heard soft footsteps and ducked behind one hedge. It was Heather Smiths. Chelle was on good terms with Heather although she could be annoying and brought nonsensical issues for the detectives to examine. With the mask on, Chelle threw herself on the taller student, wrapping a long-torn sheet over her lower jaw. Heather naturally screamed through the hastily form gag but Chelle wrapped another sheet, doubling the gag and dragged the student into the hedge. With her face down, Chelle loosely bound her classmate’s wrists and ankles, then another sheet was thrown over her head. Click, she snapped a photo, sending it to the Cat’s number and scampered away.

“Hey, I didn’t see you on the bus,” Lin called as Chelle entered, having thrown the silly mask in a rubbish bin. “I..” She wanted to explain what she did but Lin excitedly continued. “Hattie gave us this,” she held up the printed photo the Artistic student promised. “Jenn and I located it to a construction site just on the north-west edge of Croonford. We’re going there after school to check it out. Hey Mark,” she called the newest member. “Coming?”

“Can’t. Rugby practice. But, you girls need…”

He was cut off as Heather rushed into the school yard with leaves and dirt stuck to her uniform. “Some rat of a student bound and gagged me just as I got out of my house! Oh, luckily a copper heard my cries. Oh, the idiot is so going to get it!”

Chelle immediately wanted to admit fault but instead ran to the nearest ladies and started crying. Her phone interrupted her and the ID said ‘Dad. “Dad, she cried happily but heard “Hey, good work Michelle Summers, your future looks bright in tying and gagging girls. Now, you just have to sabotage the town secretary’s documents for…”

“Go to hell!” Chelle yelled back and blocked that number, storming out of the stall to the other student’s surprise.

At the construction site

“This the Hershey worst construction site I’ve ever smelt so far,” Jenn remarked as she stared at the sight. “I thought the workers – where are they? – are supposed to clear the rubbish.”

“Oh, just hold your breath. We shouldn’t be long here. Just have to check what’s so special…” Lin’s reply was cut off as she smelt a strong foul odour. “Yeah, that’s…” Both girls suddenly felt wobbly then collapsed down. They tried to rise but their muscles simply could not move nor could they shout or hear as arms lifted them up. They only sense they had left was their sight and both girls just saw dirtied walls and ceilings. Time suddenly rushed by and they found themselves seated on metal chairs. Lin was restrained tightly to the chair with multiple cable ties, her legs parted so her dark blue knickers were exposed.

In contrast, Jenn could only watch helplessly as her uniform was expertly removed, leaving her down to her plain bra and knickers. She was similarly secured to the chair she was on, and suddenly regained all her senses and immediately opened her mouth but a cloth was immediately jammed inside her mouth and seal with a strip of black tape. Lin was similarly gagged. The two dark clothed female villainess: one definitely matching the girl they saw at the bus stop stepped back and hands clapping were heard.

“Congratulations, you two just received what Chelle got last time round,” the Cat through her disguised voice announced, stepping out from the shadows. “Hi, Lin Ling, we meet again, and hello Jennifer,” she waved her hand, the tattoo described now partly rubbed off. It’s a henna Jenn thought but instead shouted through her gag.

“Oh, I understand you are a debater, but that’s a tad too loud,” the Cat cocked her head and her colleague stuck a full strip of tape over Jenn’s tape gag. To her surprise, the female thug started tickling her, especially around her most sensitive area: her navel.

“Like that? Ok, search them for their pitiful gadgets,” she commanded and the two thugs did so, with the semi-naked Jenn emitting cries as her underwear was yanked many times. With all gadgets pocketed, the Cat bowed and haughtily “enjoy your afternoon trying to escape; the chairs are secured to the ground. Oh, either you succeed, or the construction team will knock this building down. Oh dear,” That last remark was after seeing the red stain on Jenn’s knickers. The evil women nevertheless left, with the girls struggling and screaming.

Back at school, Mark finished showering after another hectic rugby practice. “Hey mark, joining us for the usual afternoon meal?” Mark initially did not reply, instead sending a joint message to Lin and Jenn. The same voice repeated the question but another added, “nah, he’s now stuck with those puny girl detectives, let’s go.” Alone, Mark saw only a single tick and sent the same message via WhatsApp and text, still no reply.

Heading outside, he hailed a cab, then tried to work out the ID app that Lin showed him. Neither girl’s signal came up. Maybe it’s jammed or…he sent a message to Chelle.

Tried to contact Lin &Jenn and detect them via their ID chips, no response, how does it work?

Chelle was back home and had shut off her phone, still distraught what she did to Heather and to that Moorly netballer.

Back under the construction site, both Lin and Jenn failed to get themselves loose. Jenn was the most frantic, given both her semi-nakedness and that her period had started when she was trussed. Damn this humiliation, she swore silently, no…the sound of a wrecking ball started…no!!!

The taxi driver question why the rugby player was so interested in some derelict site but finally obeyed the order to driver faster. He re-sent a message to Chelle asking if he was activating the ID app properly then also phone a common number.

Chelle finally calmed herself down and switched on her mobile.

Yes, that’s the correct way. They may be stuck or in trouble. Am still stuck at home with mum. Get there ASAP. xx

The girl detectives wailed louder as the wrecking ball continued it work, with parts of the building now crashing down around them. Theirs struggles had only cut their bar skin. They may have searched all my clothes, Lin thought, but there’s a…

“Bam!” Mark heard a deafening sound as he exited the Taxi, not bothering with collecting change. The sound repeated and even as he spotted the construction crew. “Hey, hey!” he waved his hands at the nearest worker.

“Son, go back home. We’re demolishing the area,” the worker yelled back. “No, I haven’t seen no girls around here. There’s a club down the road if you want to pick them up.” Starting back, Mark opened phone again to call either detective when he saw the faint blimp on the App. “Hey! There’s people underneath!”

“There ain’t no one…hey boy stop! You’re endangering yourself. Emmers, cut, cut…” Mark didn’t catch the last line but the banging stopped and the faint signal remained on the screen. Where….he saw broken steps and risking it, he rushed down, only to find a locked door.

“Son, get back out and go away,” the worker tugged his shirt. “There’s…”

“Get your tools and open the door!” Mark retorted. “Get…” The worker, bewildered headed up as Mark drew out the laser pen and aimed it at all the cracks. They worker and his colleague returned shocked but the rugby player just slammed his full weight against the hatch. Inside, they spotted the girls and Mark rushed first towards Jenn. Outside, sirens wailed and soon Lin and Jenn were brought out. Another taxi then drew out, and Michelle, in jeans and shirt, spotted her friends and ran towards Mark, hugging him again.

“Sorry, Michelle,” the voice of DI Nikki Heath interrupted their embrace. “But I do have to bring you in for questioning.”

Chelle turned and was shocked to see the Moorly student Clare, the librarian and Heather.

The End

Michelle, Lin Ling, Jennifer and Mark will return in ‘Three’s not a crowd.’

09: I’m only sleeping

Summary: The school is troubled with its first dismal results and the girls suspect foul play.

Girl Detectives’ meeting place
Sunday Afternoon

Hey, you feeling alright?” Michelle Summers asked as she saw Jennifer Thompson staring out through the caravan’s small windows.

“Yup, just remembering about the girls I found, especially Millie. We’ve actually starting to communicate through email and she finds me more comforting than her family or the psychologists she’s been seeing.”

“What about yourself? I mean…”

“If you mean being trussed up, gagged with my own dirty sock and my clothes cut away to reveal my underwear, yes I’m fine,” Jenn finally looked at Chelle. “Although I tend to brush my teeth longer for the last few weeks. Forget it – I’ve to focus on my English studies since exams are coming up.”

“I’ll help you with your English papers if you help me with my ancient history,” Chelle offered and the two students aided each other. Nearly half an hour later, Lin Ling burst into the caravan head turned back then ensured the door was locked.

“Someone was following me as I was walking back from the electronic store,” she explained, shaken for the first time. “Most definitely was the Cat or her or his colleagues.”
Lin continued briefing them: “Still no go at the WhatsApp message or the message she left in the box after the last case. Anyway, I need help with my Geography studies.” The other girls agreed and Lin helped tuition them on science topics.

Croonford School
The next morning

“Poor Prince Philip, I’m not going to see or meet him when I complete at least my DofE Bronze award,” Harriet Coy remarked.

“Didn’t he make many racist comments?” Lin remarking while reading her English revision notes.

“Those were just jokes to make easy conversation. He served with distinction as Royal Navy officer,” Hattie countered. The group of students continued to debate the life of Prince Philip and Chelle eventually broke off, wishing to focus her last -minute science revision. As she was walking and reading, she suddenly collided into something, no, someone, throwing her back down. Chelle managed to catch her skirt and felt a hand hold her head before the rest of her body struck the floor.

“Sorry, I wasn’t looking,” the deep voice remarked and both hands helped her up. “You need to see the school nurse?” The figure asked. Chelle saw an extremely tall and quite muscular dark brown hair male student. Chelle was stunned, not really by being knocked down but by how handsome the guy was.

“Uh…no, thanks for catching me,” Chelle finally answered. “Thanks,” she repeated as he handed her back the books and papers she dropped. “Can I ask…”

“Mark Cadvish,” his handshake was really firm, firmer than any guy I shook hands with, she thought. “You’re Michelle Summers, the head girl detective?”

“Well, not head detective,” Chelle started, however, the school bell rang. “We better get ready for exams,” he remarked “Catch you later.” Chelle was still momentarily stunned by how handsome he was before proceeding. As with exams, in this case, preparatory exams, each Year group and class took their exams at different times of the day. Chelle and Lin’s class, 8B was the first taking their Geography and English exams.

Chelle hated the wooden chairs and table and pulled up her jumper due to the not-so-warm heating. With the ‘you may begin,’ the students uncovered their booklets and there was rustle of pen-writing. Chelle breezed through the first dozen questions but when she reached the question on the different kind of islands, she instantly felt drowsy. Must be my lack of sleep and not drinking enough tea, she thought. She wrote down the answer while stifling a yawn. As she looked at the next question, she noticed her fellow classmates also looked drowsy and slowing down their writing. “Pens down!” The senior invigilator called as Chelle looked distraught at her half-finished answer.

“Did you suddenly feel sleepily?” She asked Lin. “I did after question six and couldn’t concentrate and failed to finishing writing the full answer to the last question.”

“Yes, by question seven and I could only scribble answers after,” Lin shook her head and also wondered if was a lack of sleep. “I’m sure I sleep immediately after I finished my final revision. ”

“Yeah, I need a large cup of coffee and have to wash my face,” Hattie added and rushed off.

“I don’t need much sleep; sleep is for the weak,” the girls turned to see Art Morton, with his tie half-undone.

“Who let you back in?” Lin growled and Morton remarked something like the discipline board was kind after a review. “Let’s also get a drink before the English test,” Chelle suggested, still slightly bewildered over the sudden sleepiness. The English paper was slightly harder for both Chelle and Lin especially the latter. She took more time on the first essay than needed and then by the next question, she too began rather sleepy and had to pinch herself to stay awake. Chelle as well was dozing off every five minutes and raised her hand to ask to head to the loo to wash her face. Returning, she noticed more of her classmates and other students were either unable to write fast enough, drowsy or falling asleep. As the invigilator called for pens down, almost all students groaned as they failed to complete the questions or wrote illegibly. Many rushed to the invigilators asking for the hall to be more ventilated or even a re-test.

As the students argued with the teachers, the two teen detectives rushed to find Jenn who was in a quiet area of the school’s canteen. “There’s something peculiar happening in the exam hall; every student starts feeling drowsy, may even fall asleep and thus unable to concentrate or finish the paper,” Chelle blurted out.

Jenn took a few seconds before looking up from her neatly-written history notes. She peppered her friends for more details then just nodded she would take sharp notice while in the hall. Are they overreacting or is this another mystery? Jenn shifted these thoughts away as she focused on the last page of her notes and shifted to her science papers. Her Geography exam was in the same hall, now more ventilated and students were check more thoroughly before entering. Jenn felt fine as she answered the first few questions then as she turned the paper, she felt exactly what her friends described. She shook her head and noticed the other students were also dozing off. Teachers, some also with sleepy faces also took more time to collect papers.

“Ok, something is really weird is going on in the hall, ” Jenn finally agreed as she sat down with her friends at lunch break. “There must be…”

“Someone placing sleeping gas or some gaseous anaesthetic gas in the hall,” Lin completed the sentence before looking up from her history notes.

“Why on earth would someone do that? We’re just students…someone wants to affect our grades!” Jenn realised.

“Quite definitely, we need to warn the senior staff, Chelle did you hear us?” Lin asked.

“Huh, yes brilliant plan,” she stopped looking at her phone. “But what about the remainder of our exams?

The PA system beeped and all students were told to assemble in the quadrangle. Mrs Patricia Homerton, the greyish-haired principal walked up the hastily set up stage.

“Students, teachers and staff, some of you have experienced drowsiness and falling asleep during preparatory or actual exams in the hall. Preliminary marking show average or even below average results, the first for Croonford School ever in our history. Students, I know your all have revised hard for these exams and are worried about the results. We’ll continue the examinations, albeit in classrooms first cleaned up. For those of you who’ve taken your exams, there will be a chance to re-take them,” there were groans from the students. “At a scheduled time and almost similar papers. As for the hall, it’s off-limits permanently now until we discover what’s actually on. You’ll find your new exam timetable on your school phone app or notice boards will be placed in the main hallway. That’s it for now and check the screens for updates.”

As she left the stage, Jenn, Lin and Chelle rushed up to her and the former two blurted out their theory with Chelle only adding small input. “Oh, yes we’ll consider that,” she replied with a dismissive tone.

“But Mrs Homerton…” Lin remarked.

“Principal Homerton,” she corrected the student. Lin went on to tell her the possible gases that could be affecting students and continued speculating who could have done this. “The authorities will not speculate but find out, now move along you junior detectives, you have more exams to sit for.”

“What an insult,” Lin shook her head. As Jenn headed back towards to her class 8A, the Malaysian-Hongkonger changed the subject. “You were looking at some pictures of guys on your phone earlier on?”

“That’s really nosy of you,” Chelle shot back.

“Hey, we’re detectives, we’re trained to look around for the unusual. Who were you looking at?”

“I was…I’ll tell you later; we’ve to get ready for science exams,” she waved her phone to show the new time slots for the exams. In the classrooms, as students they took their seats. a blonde-haired teacher about 5’5 entered. “Hey, are you a new teacher?” One boy asked.

“Miss Charlotte Hawkins, new Geography teacher,” she replied as she passed out the exam scripts and writing paper. There was a low whistle from another male student, astounded by her beauty but she simply replied, ‘please settle down’. New teacher, Lin noted, and definitely Canadian-born –Lin studied in Canada as her parents moved there previously. Chelle on the hand found the science paper easy with revision guidance from Lin and noticed throughout that ever student was alert and could concentrate. As they left the room and head out, they spotted a familiar face.

“Hey Nikki,” they both called to the region’s Detective Inspector. “Investigating why students are suddenly feeling sleepy in the hall?” Chelle asked.

“Yeah, weird case. We’ve interviewed the last staff who’ve been to the hall before you students arrived and will be interviewing students like you two about what you experienced.”

“You might want to get gaseous detectors or such,” Lin explained her theory.

“Oh, that would take some time to acquire,” Nikkie Heath replied. “Oh, this is DC, Detective Constable Bluebell Ransom,” she nodded to the plains-clothes officer to her left. “She was an excellent PCSO and now my protégé. Bell, these are two of the young detectives who’ve been successfully solving cases in the area.”

“PCSO?” Lin asked

The brown-haired officer shook their hands and remarked, “Police Community Support Officer, providing support to the main police force. Call me Detective Constable Ransom; never liked my given name or short form. ”

“Well as I mentioned, we’ll be conducting interviews with students who were in the hall. Notify Jenn for me. Got to move see you,” Nikki remarked and the officers left.

“That new police detective seems a bit stiff,” Lin remarked.

Girl Detectives’ meeting place
Later that afternoon

“So, are you going to tell me who you were your searching or looking at earlier?” Lin asked Chelle.

“Ok, this guy,” She showed her a picture of Mark Cadvish, wearing the school’s rugby uniform and explained what happened earlier.

“Oh. he’s so hot, but maybe not my type. Yours?”

“Well, he sure was a gentleman to catch my head and stop it from hitting the floor. I’ll like to get to know him better but….”

Jenn entered just that moment, changed out of her school uniform while the other girls weren’t. “Alright, ” She began. “We’ve got a hall that turns students sitting for their various exams drowsy, sleepy, unable to focus on their exams and unable to complete their questions. Cause by drugging?”

“Well, unless everyone ate breakfast that was drugged,” Lin replied. “The Principal doesn’t seem to believe this theory so I want to test it out…”

“With your microchip device?” Chelle completed the sentence.

“Defo, hope there are actual results this time. What else?” Her fellow detectives chimed simultaneously, “The Cat!”

“Heh, science doesn’t happen with a snap. Still working on what that masked figure left us. Now, I have to finish revising for my history revision. Why on earth do they make that compulsory?” Having no other matters to discuss, the girls closed up and headed to their respective homes. As Chelle turned the corner to the next street, she thought someone was shadowing or following her. Chelle walked faster and in the reflection of a nearby store window, she saw someone in black clothing duck behind a corner. Shaking her head, Chelle ran back to the main street, walked amongst pedestrians then took the longer route back home, turning her head every few seconds.

The next day just before the start of school Chelle repeated what she texted to her fellow detectives. “Was it the Cat? Jenn wondered straight away.

“I couldn’t exactly tell, well either her or a henchman or woman, but damn it was like a stalker after me.”

“You should have activated the ‘anti-rape’ device I created a while back and carry that pepper spray or ink spray device,” Lin suggested. All students were called to the respective classrooms for exams but there was also an announcement that students who sat in the hall the previous day would have to be interviewed by the police. At their exam room, Chelle found the questions rather easy and breezed through half the paper, she again became drowsy and scanned the room. Hmmm, no one else appears the same, she thought and asked to take a toilet break. Returning back, no other student seemed drowsy or sleeping so Chelle heaved a sigh of relief.

“You didn’t feel the same symptoms like before? I felt a bit drowsy,” She remarked to Lin as they left that room.

“No, I think this time it was your imagination.” At the sport centre, students lined up to be interviewed by DI Niki Heath with DC Bluebell Ransom taking notes but occasionally asking a question. Chelle and Lin were separately asked what they were doing the day before school, where they were, what they were doing just before the start school. Their stationery and school bags were checked — both girls were lucky they didn’t bring any of their gadgets this day. “Well, that was intense,” Lin mumbled as she stood up. “There’s no favouritism, here even if you’re a teen detective,” she heard Nikki whisper. Lin wanted to argue and ask about chemical tracking devices but just left.

With no further exams until the next day, the three detectives congregated out near school garden. They all agreed it was a tough police interview but Chelle noted that Art Morton was interviewed for a very long time and she overheard him mention words and phrases like ‘club’, ‘merchandise’ ‘nothing to do with it.’

“You think he the culprit?” Jenn exclaimed, putting down her chicken breast and mix vegetable sandwich.

“Morton’s too dumb to even tie his own shoe laces,” Lin quipped, finishing another bite of her Bánh mì bought from a vending machine. “He did mention he didn’t sleep much. Still, someone worth keeping an eye on.”

“So, about your microchip scanner,” Chelle added. “The hall is off-limits and guarded by police round the clock. How are you going to get in and place them?”

“Well, not just me, all of us,” she replied.

The trio dumped their lunch in a nearby bin and Lin lead them to one corner of the hall, then pulled them to the side. “See that officer over there? He keeps refilling his water tumbler with the nearby water cooler ever ten minutes or so–it’s not a large tumbler. If we disable the pipe to the cooler, he’ll have to walk to the next which will draw him away for at least a few minutes, enough for me to crawl into the hall, place the chips and get out.”

“That’s so devious,” Jenn commented then continued at a lower tone. “We could be found damaging school property.”

“Well, any other plan? Jenn you disable the water cooler by crawling to it. You’re well, diminutive. Chelle, stand watch and alert me by WhatsApp – my phone’s on silent mode – if the officer is coming back. I’ve to change to my sports uniform.”

Jenn partly took the description of her an insult but slowly squirmed her way towards the cooler. Pausing, she drew out a hanky, and pulled out the water tube. She half crawled; half walked back just in time to see the black officer walk to the cooler. With an irritated face, the officer moved away to find the next cooler. Lin then entered, also flat on the ground. Scanning for any other police officers and avoiding the obvious CCTV cameras, she hid four microchips at various corners and then scamped back. “Well, that was thrilling,” she quipped then headed to the toilets to change back to her proper uniform.

“Yeah, but how are you going to retrieve them tomorrow?” Jenn wondered

The trio decided to head back to their homes together in case the Cat and her accomplices would try to shadow them individually. After three random bus rides, they got off and spaced out. Everything seemed fine for the first two blocks until Jenn spotted a black-clothed person in the side mirror of a park car. She slowed down and the figure was still in the next parked vehicle’s mirror. With her wordless signal, the trio readied their gadgets and proceeded normally. After the pedestrian crossing, the figure was still tailing them. Lin signalled for the others to hastened their pace then darted to a corner. The figure came closer and she drew out her camera phone and ink spray. As she snapped the picture, the figure quickly dashed away. Despite zooming in, she couldn’t spot the stalker anymore and the girls parted their ways.

“Not much of a shot,” Lin showed Chelle the picture which she also forwarded to Jenn. “But certainly the Cat or her accomplice or your everyday stalker interested in young teenaged schoolgirls.”

“I’m interested in you,” one of the boys called from the seat behind.

“Oh, piss off,” Chelle said and both girls shifted seats. They discussed the picture, but with the dark clothes and the distance, there was no more progress with regards to the Cat’s identity. Inside Croonford school, Lin quickly remembered she had to collect the microchips in the hall. She had no clean plan and didn’t think disabling the water cooler again wouldn’t work. As she approached another entrance to the hall, one of the school cleaners exited, with a police officer in escort. Maybe I could steal a cleaners’ uniform…oh crap, she cleaned the floor and I left the chips on the various corners of the floor! Lin ran after the cleaner but missed the turning and by the time she caught up, she saw the cleaner dump the rubbish bag in the large bin. No!!! Lin screamed silently. She immediately thought of asking the cleaner to pull the entrance bag up but as she also thought of other scenarios, the cleaner left. Damn, what do I…Lin lifted the bin back open and trying hard to ignore the foul stench, she lifted bag ack up halfway and undid the knot. Frantically searching, she luckily found the microchips and drop back down.

Ugh, my skirt, part of my jumper and blazer are dirtied and I smell! Lin rushed to the nearest ladies and started scrubbing her uniform like mad but that did little. Luckily, she kept spare skirt and tights – her tights were partly laddered – in her locker but she had to bluff the discipline mistress Mrs Janice Hughes before loaning a new blazer. Despite this frantic activity, Lin found the maths paper rather easy and completed the paper ahead of the joint classes.

“Boy, you look like you ran through a storm of rubbish,” Chelle remarked as they headed for break time. “Second time really,” Lin explained, recalling how the villains previously dumped her in the large rubbish bin. Just as they were about enter the canteen, Jenn rushed up to the and started blabbing.

“Hold on, hold on, you say it’s happening again?!” Chelle exclaimed.

“A whole Year 11 English class, and part of Year 10 chemistry practical class, most felt drowsy and the rest fell asleep. The teachers themselves also started dropping down suddenly. Their grades will certainly be lousy!”

“What do the big wigs say, have the police detectives been notified?” This came from Lin. The announcement was for all students to stay away from those respective rooms but that was it.

Girl Detectives’ meeting place

Having taken a taxi to their headquarters to avoid any possible stalkers, they got to work. Chelle and Jenn used the limited Wi-Fi they had to search for anyone who wanted to affect Croonford students or the school’s academic reputation. Lin had donned her scientist coat and plug the four microchips into separate wires. After nearly an hour, Chelle and Jenn made no progress in their online search but then Lin shouted elatedly.

“Three of four microchips found traces of Halothane and Methoxypropane.” Both her friends raised their eyebrows. “They are both kinds of general anaesthetics, in layman’s terms, incapacitating agent or sleeping gas.”

Both her friends exclaimed again and asked more about the characteristics of these drugs. Lin read them out from her dictionary, stating a general anaesthetic while Methoxypropane was used as a pain relief. “Pain relief, that doesn’t relief students falling asleep and affecting their exams!” Jenn exclaimed.

“Yes, these are small amounts and any high dosage would create severe side effects. For Halothane it may cause irregular heartbeat, respiratory depression – poor ventilation, breathing – and even liver problems. As for Methoxypropane any uncalculated dosage to unhealthy individuals causes liver and kidney damage.”

“Good gosh, we have to inform the senior staff, the police,” Chelle remarked with her heart racing. But the lines to DI Nikki’s work and mobile phones were engaged. Just as they tidied up, an unlisted number appeared on their various WhatsApp accounts. It was an anime of each detective: Jenn’s photoshopped picture showed her bound and cleave gagged with her jumper and shirt cut open and her jeans removed, Lin’s was chair-tied and gagged with her knickers exposed. Chelle’s face was photoshopped on some semi-naked body, her wrists tightly taped above her and her bound ankles hanging. Good work so far girls. You can’t catch me. Cat xxx

Still seething with the Cat’s teasing messages and the inability to trace them, Chelle and Lin were back in school, learning more history under their favourite teacher Jane Harrison who had returned. They also had more Geography lessons under the new teacher Charlotte Hawkins who managed all the hooting and crude comments from the boys. After that lesson, they join Jenn and spotted Detectives Heath and Ransom again interviewing students in the sports hall. It took them another three-quarters of an hour before the officers were free to chat with. Lin gave a hastily summary of what they discovered along with sheets of notes. DI Heath only interjected to ask about the scientific nature of the gases.

“You know you’ re technically in trouble for disabling a water cooler to district my officers and placing unregistered devices in a police-secured zone and partly interfering…ok, I believe you. Belle, get the forensic team here, ensure they have chemical detectors.”

“You really believe them ma’am?” The junior officer tone also indirectly said: leave the work to the adults.

“Just do what I say DC Ransom!” Nodding, the detective left and Nikki and the girls headed to the Principal, re-briefing her what they knew. Homerton was also sceptical but finally nodded and told DI Heath to use all efforts to find the perpetrator. “Let the police conduct their work,” she waved a finger at the girls. The police indeed swept every part of the hall with specialist scanners but only found traces of Halothane in chemistry lab where the Year 10s had their exams. The police intensified their interviews and check all CCTV records for unannounced guests, but there were no suspects at all.

“Dead end,” Jenn remarked as the bell rang to mark the end of the day. Lin was suddenly quiet, then flicked through her phone and exclaimed. “I got it! I know how the gas is delivered!

“How…” Jenn interrupted.

“It’s delivered by a drone either by an unmanned ground vehicle or aerial vehicle, most likely aerial. Look,” she showed them pictures of the data from microchips. “It detected gas sprayed from upwards not downwards or anywhere around the floor.”

The other girl detectives initially found the theory too wild but then accepted. “How do we prove this?” Jenn wondered.

“Well, we…we have to stay overnight to find the drone.”

“The P and the teachers won’t let us ever…I know who might!” Chelle eyes widen.

“Well, ask that guy. I need to collect some stuff that might prove useful. Oh, and tell your parents you’ll be stay late,” Lin dashed off. She returned with a school bag full and Chelle said she managed to convince the school security guard, Ted Wiggins, to allow to stay overnight ‘no later than 11pm.’ The girls stayed in the school library reading and pretending to study until 8pm. “Ok,” Lin announced to her friends – they had all changed to the winter sports uniform which was partly black. “First, night vision googles. Not a gadget but would work in the dim light – switch it off if you see bright light; that can blind you. Second well, a cyber jamming device,” she held out something half the size of a mobile phone. “Should stop the drone operator from moving the drone and releasing any gas.”

“And how do we ‘catch’ the drone?” Jenn wondered.

“Good ol’ lacrosse stick,” she waved one. “Let’s go.” As they proceeded towards the hall, footsteps were heard and Lin motioned them to step back. The figure soon appeared and it was Miss Charlotte Hawkins! She turned and moved towards the main exit.

“Maybe she’s the one, after all she’s new to the school,” Chelle whispered.

“Yeah, maybe, but once we find the drone, we can definitely trace it to her,” Lin replied. The hall was still guarded but with knowledge of its layout and the use of the googles and Lin’s multi-light pen torchlight, they managed to sneak it. Time passed by and it was nearly 10pm. Jenn signalled ‘don’t think there’s anything, let’s go home.’ Lin sighed and was about to crawl back until they heard a low hum. Through the green light of the googles, they spotted a fly-shaped device entering from the small gaps in the vents. It pranced around then zoomed down towards the centre of the hall. With a silent ‘go’, from Lin, the girls chased after the mini drone. Wildly waving her jamming device, it took a many tries before the drone rapidly decreased its speed and Chelle and Jenn ran forward and caught the falling device with the net of the lacrosse stick. Just as they wished to congratulate each other, there were cries of ‘who’s there?’ and they practically raced for the side exit.

“You girls broke another lot of rules,” DI Heath shook her head as they handed over the drone to her.

“Well arrest us,” Chelle replied.

“Very funny young lady. Well, this would take days, maybe weeks for our cyber unit to trace the owner. Meanwhile, I’ll leave it to your discipline teachers.” It actually took the afternoon before the trio were pulled out of detention. “Well, you young detectives certainly found something. We traced back the cyber link and IP address to a nearby building and raided it immediately. The single occupant is a fanatic, stole hospital anaesthetics and built his own drone to affect the school rooms. But he was paid through an unnamed bank account. We’re still investigating. Still, excellent work you three.” Principal Homerton finally congratulated the teen detectives and promised some reward.

As Chelle left jubilant, she spotted Mark Cadvish across the corridor and ran towards him. “Heard you solve the mystery why students were falling asleep,” he remarked then she asked him if he was free after school. “Rugby practice at 4,” he pointed at a bag. “Why don’t you come watch me play? You know the sports fields?” Chelle nodded but noted she had to clean up her room and check on her younger sister. She walked home jubilant both from the thought of solving the case and gain a possible boyfriend. Yay…suddenly she smelt a foul stench and all her tingled then only could see but not feel as hands yanked her off the small side pavement.

I’m captured, Chelle wailed silently, realising she even couldn’t talk. Was she in a van, a truck? She spotted a darkened ceiling so guess the former. Despite the lack of most of her senses, she judged it was a short drive before the vehicle stopped. Suddenly she was hooded, cutting off her last available sense. It must be the Cat, she thought and guessed she was now on the floor. The hood came off and she indeed came face-to-face with the Cat, wearing the same mask she wore that Halloween night. Unable to move or hear, she watched helplessly as the villainess undressed her slowly – first her school blazer, then her blouse, exposing her bland white bra. Her skirt was next and then her tights. Chelle mentally braced herself but that was it. Tape was then wrapped tightly over her bare ankles and knees. Next, she was lifted up and her individual wrists were taped to wooden beams.

It was then her remaining senses came back but before she could open her mouth, tape was slapped over her lips. “Bitmmph!” She swore at the masked captor.

“Oooh, swearing. I should tell your parents. That was also a bit too loud. Here,” Another strip of tape was stuck over the first.

“I hope you like how you were caught. Any more of this,” the muffled villainess held out a small empty spray can. “and you might lose all your senses for hours. Seems like your Lin friend isn’t the only gadget maker around here.”

“Mmmph!” Chelle tried to swing to break free.

“I wouldn’t do that Chelle, Mitch, Michelle or whatever they call you. I’ve been watching you for ages. Oh, for the record, I had nothing to do with making those students fall asleep though they probably deserved it. I definitely had nothing to do with that X-Files case though congrats. Oh, that bastard child Jono and his corrupt father – never liked them myself. But keep thinking it’s me causing all the cases. I’ve got more in store for you, that Chinese girl and the shorty.”

The Cat snap a picture of the semi-naked girl then tightened the hood over her head. “Good luck with getting free. Either the termites will break through the beams or that big-busted police detective and your friends will find you first. Cheerio.”

Chelle cried through the gag in disgust but chanced it and swung each of her arms but the tape was far too strong. This was exactly picture she sent earlier. No way I’m going to let her win this time, anytime at all. Chelle swung again but only heard the beams creak, breaking further. Before she could swing again, she felt some legs crawl on her left wrist. Chelle never liked ants as a child and this insect was…no it was crawling down her arm! Chelle swung wildly again and one beam snapped further…

“Chelle! Michelle Summers! Michelle!” Chelle cried a muffled cry in response then heard excited voices. ‘Hold on’, someone shouted. Hold on?! I’m hanging with wooden beams nearly breaking and all you say is hold on?! After hearing sweeping noises, she gratefully felt her taped wrist cut off and her body lowered. The hood was slowly removed and she yelped thankfully seeing the face of DI Nikki Heath.

“Well don’t just stand there Ransom! Get some clothes for the teenager!” Nikki yelled at her colleague. After dressing, a large drink of water and recounting what happened, Chelle noted the time, asked for the de-brief to be postponed and rushed out in slightly over-sized police shirt and tracksuit bottoms, managing to catch the school rugby practice in time.

The End.

Michelle, Lin Ling and Jennifer will return in ‘Time and tide…wait for no woman.’

08: Dreams Come True


Do they? The girls find their dreams are alike and led them in saving girls in distress.

Author’s note: This story was inspired by the X-Files Season 7 Episode 10 ‘Sein und Zeit’ and Episode 11 ‘Closure’ but not a copycat of either.

Remember there’s no COVID-19 here.

Thompson’s residence
March 2021
Early morning

“Dream…Dream…Dream,” Jenn heard the lyrics of ‘All I Have to Do Is Dream’ by the Everly Brothers, one of her mother’s favourite band in her head. Just as she was about to hum the full verse, her mind suddenly switched to a dark room. She immediately heard cries of distress, definitely from girls. It’s just a dream or light nightmare, she tried to inform herself. Still, the dream stayed in her head and the cries continued. Jenn opened then blinked her eyes. She headed to wash her face and mumbled out loud it was just a weird dream. Just as she headed back under her duvet, she heard the same cries again before there was quiet.

Croonford School
The next morning before the start of class

Wow, it’s been months since our last case,” Chelle commented to Lin as they entered the school gates.

“For sure, but life takes priority,” her classmate and fellow detective Lin replied as she ensured her hair was tied and pinned to school regulations.

“Yup, but have you any further success with tracing that WhatsApp message from that Cat girl?”

“None. I’m a good scientist but not one able to easily to crack such messages and I’m not sure it’s something I’ll pass on to DI Nikki yet,” Lin answered. “It’s another mystery.”

“Speaking of mystery, I had a dream, well a weird dream, nearly a nightmare. It was the early morning when suddenly my mind turned black and I heard the sound of young girls crying. I couldn’t easily shake the dream off but it was so realistic. After splashing water on my face, I thought I would have a better sleep but then heard the cries in my head for a few minutes again,” Chelle told her.

“It’s probably just another dream after all you’ve gone through,” Lin assured her.

“Did you just mention a dream with girls crying in distress?” Jenn ran up to the duo, her hands holding her school skirt, less the furious wind blow it up. As Chelle summarised her dream again, Jenn exclaimed that she had the same dream.

“My friends dreaming the same dream,” Lin rubbed her chin. “Could be…” Before she could complete her sentence, the bell rang and the girls moved to their respective classes.

During break time, Jenn ignored her half a baguette and chicken and scanned the web browser on her phone for any missing or kidnapped girls. No hits. She tried searching for ‘missing young boys’, ‘kidnapped young boys’ then replaced ‘boys’ with ‘children’. Still no…

“Searching for info related to the dream?” Chelle interrupted carrying a tuna and mayonnaise on a flat bread. “I also found nothing searching on all news sites.”

“One part of me say forget it, the other part says something is up,” Jenn answered with a half gloomy face.

“I don’t know about two friends having the same dream, but I know what I’ll dream of,” Lin replied, stating her science-related wishes. Lin was eating a bowl of instant noodles, not like the typical British pot noodles. She was grateful the school had taken her suggestions to bring in proper international food and snacks.

“My dream would be to have a rich boyfriend then husband who would buy me sexy clothes, maybe lingerie,” Heather, Chelle and Lin’s classmate remarked. She was getting prettier and sluttier in her level mates’ view.

“Dream on,” Lin replied and the students finished up their food then headed to their next classes. Jenn’s was further away and had to walk through an open-air corridor. Jenn was so engrossed with searching news on her phone when the wind blew. She luckily caught her skirt before it blew up.

“Ooh, the wind would have exposed your cute knickers with diamonds all over,” a voice called. Jenn spun around and saw a familiar face.

“You! Haven’t you learnt you lesson, or do you want to face detention or suspension?” The bully from the Jon-Beatles gang sneered at her before he scuttled away, singing off tune Madonna’s ‘Hanky Panky’, changing the word ‘candy’ to the American term ‘panties’. Jenn held her skirt against her 60 denier tights and groaned, wondering why this school wouldn’t let girls wear trousers during the cold months.

Jenn and Chelle both spent their free time searching for news again but nothing like what they dreamt of appeared. Their separate searches continued after school, after they finished their homework. Still nothing appeared.

That night in bed, Jenn lay back down with her eyes wide open. Please dream, don’t appear again; give me a good night’s sleep. As Jenn pulled up her duvet, her mind turned black again. No please, not again but Jenn heard cries, this time distinct muffled cries, muffled most definitely from a gag. Jenn got out of bed again but the cries continued, this distantly. Even after a through washing of her face and brushing her teeth, the cries remained. She returned to bed and talked out loud, pleading for the voices to cease and they did after half an hour.

Before the start of school, Chelle rushed up to Jenn and they both exclaimed they had the same dream, well maybe partly a nightmare, again. “So, do we have a case?” Jenn asked.

“We have a case, but it’s probably the weirdest one so far,” Chelle answered.

“Maybe you two are getting the Big Friendly Giant dreams,” Harriet or Hattie, another of Chelle’s classmates remarked, overhearing their conversation.

Jenn paused, then answered. “Haha, well the BFG blew happy dreams into children’s minds, not what we dreamt of.”

The detective trio meet again during their break time but Lin, the scientist couldn’t provide any scientific reason. “Let’s meet at our usual place this Friday to further discuss,” she suggested.

Girl Detectives’ meeting place
Friday afternoon

“…Alright Nikki, sorry for the trouble…yes, ok, you have a good weekend as well bye.” Chelle hung up her phone. “Nope, DI Nikki Heath says there’s no missing or kidnapped children across the last few weeks,” Chelle informed her friends. They improved their meeting place, unofficially known as the HQ. There was added furniture, a better working heater and hot water boiler and with some help from their ‘landlord’ Mr Morden, plus Lin’s expertise, they managed to tap into Morden’s Wi-Fi connection, promising to log out to save bills. This was all possible after the girls cleaned up his yard and part of his house.

“That’s still not a start,” Jenn said, bending her jeans-covered right leg over her left knee. She as usual was the only Wi-Fi one in jeans; Chelle was in a dark blue jumper, jeans skirt and black 40 denier tights. Lin was in her scientist coat but that cover a shorter pleated skirt, a slightly thinner jumper and sequenced purple 40 denier tights. Jenn was amazing how the Malaysian-Hongkonger could work in her lab in such attire.

“Lin? Lin?” Both called and the tallest girl finally came over. “Well, I’m the scientist but I did some quick non-scientific ‘research’. It is possibly, but rarely, for two people to have the same dream together. This happens if they are well, attached,” Chelle and Jenn looked each other and laughed. “Or if you are emotionally close,” she added and showed them several links on her phone.

“This one says ‘Very little scientific study has been dedicated to “mutual dreaming,” for several reasons’,” Chelle pointed.

“But scrolling down, it says ‘our brains are essentially out on recess at night… they have the opportunity to make loose connections, to sort through the more difficult emotions we may be experiencing. It’s an explanation as to why we have anxiety dreams and nightmares’, Jenn added.

“That doesn’t explain our similar dream,” both girls chimed together.

“This link may be better, “Lin brought up a new tab on her phone. “This section states, ‘the way in which the two people typically discover that they shared a dream is that one person begins sharing the dream without knowing that the other person had the same one until the other person jumps in and finishes it,’ “Lin read out loud. However, reading the whole article, both Chelle and Jenn noted there was no conclusive reason for shared dreams.

“Really dead end,” Chelle shook her head.

“Well for now. Maybe you two should install this in your bed rooms,” Lin handed over two devices that looked like microchips. “They detect the range of gases in the surroundings,” She explained.

“You think someone is pumping gases into our bedrooms?!” Chelle exclaimed.

“Don’t know but could be. Anyway, I want to test them out before I show it at the science club meeting,” Lin remarked. The girls had nothing further so again split up. As Chelle walked back, she suddenly remembered something and called Jenn to follow her back to her home. Curious, the shorter girl followed and Chelle logged into her Skype account.

“Hi Aunt Marie, how’s things going? How’s Stacey?” Chelle asked as Jenn saw a black-hair woman with an ample cleavage covered with a black dress. “This is my friend Jennifer.” Turning to Jenn, she explained her aunt was a trained psychic.

“Psychic?!” Jenn exclaimed as Chelle explained what happened so far.

“Ah, no wonder you called. What you hear are the voices of ‘walk-ins’,” Marie answered with both teenagers raising their eyebrows. “These are souls from bodies transported from bodies by a spiritual intervention to a better place due to trauma.”

“You mean the voices we hear or dream of, are children killed or dying?” Chelle queried.

“Possibly, or they would be almost witnessing death happening.” Chelle further asked how they would know what the girls or children would look like or where the darkened room would be.

“Ah that’s the cinch. I have to head over, be close to you two when you are experiencing the dream.”

Jenn motioned to Chelle and the latter thanked her aunt and said they’ll follow up. “I hope this doesn’t sound insulting, but is she really your aunt or some crazy magician?”

“Yes, she’s my aunt on my mother’s side but disown much by my parents and my wider family. Yes, she does sound crazy but she is a psychic and has helped various police forces across the UK and even Europe to find missing people or solve unexplained events.”

“Oh,” was Jenn’s first reply. “Can I think more about it? Have a good weekend.” As Jenn turned the corner to the road leading towards her home, she heard one of the voices she heard in her dream. This lasted seconds, next came a cold chill surrounding her although the air was still. When that ended, Jenn saw the figure ’11’ formed from the leaves in front of her before suddenly the wind blew it away.

95? Jenn wondered as she stared again at the pile of leaves, shook her head then headed back home. After completing her leftover homework, she wondered what the too numbers would be. Googling that number would produce nearly millions of results. Jenn continued to ponder over the number and whether it was just a figment of her imagination. 11, 11…Suddenly she noticed the year on her phone’s calendar app. 2011, would 11 mean 2011. She googled ‘missing children, 2011’. She didn’t get a hit and changed it to girls. She didn’t find girls but there was a news report of a father locked up in a Category C prison for possible murder of his missing daughter the same year. The new article was locked and only could be library accessed. Jen bluffed her parents that she needed to find books for school and headed to the town library.

“You’ll need more than a school or regular subscription to view this dated news article,” the librarian told her. Jenn didn’t have enough money for a premium subscription so pleaded for access and finally was allowed a temporary access card. Jenn got to see the newspaper article on microfilm. She read the article, knew she couldn’t print out or copy the microfilm, but secretly took pictures when the librarian wasn’t looking.

That night, both Chelle and Jenn left the special microchip Lin invented by their bedsides. This time the dream did not materialise but both hear the muffled cries for a short while in the early hours of the morning. On Sunday, they girls congregated again at their HQ.

“Hmm, no clear sign of any unusual gases,” Lin announced the finds from the microchip-like devices. “Unless you count the traces of pollution.”

“Haha,” Chelle laughed. Jenn half-laughed then recounted what occurred yesterday. The other two girls listened with intense interested. “Leaves turning into a number?!” Chelle exclaimed.

“And the number 11 lead to this news article?” Lin continued. The trio viewed the article.

“Hmm, seems like the daughter disappeared the year he was convicted of her murder,” Lin read.

“But the case was very flimsy. No murder weapon found. No reason to kill his only child,” Jenn pointed out the next paragraph of the blurry photo she took.

“2011, that would make the daughter ten years old,” Chelle noted. “Sounds about the right age for the cries we two have been hearing.”

“But that’s just one girl,” Jenn argued. “We’ve been hearing many gagged cries. And where do we go – how do we interview this imprisoned man?”

It was another roadblock. Chelle and Jenn agreed to keep the gas-detecting devices in their bedroom. The girls were busied across the week with their school work and individual club activities- Chelle with her writing and media club, Lin with her science club and Jenn with her debating club.

Next Friday afternoon

Chelle was back chatting with her psychic Aunt, updating her aunt on the events. Both she Jenn continued to experience the same dream. “I really think I should head over,” her aunt remarked. “No, I’m not planning to stay at your place. There’s a Bed and Breakfast, B&B, almost opposite your house, right?” Her aunt outlined her plans. That night, Chelle agreed to stay calm and stay in bed whatever she experienced in her dream. Across the street in a small B&B, her aunt was standing, facing Chelle’s home, eyes closed. Hours passed, and the dream materialised again, with the muffled cries more distinct than ever. The dream lasted for at least three hours, the cries repeating themselves then suddenly faded away.

The following morning, over brunch at nearby cafe, Chelle immediately asked what her aunt discovered. “There was light,” Aunt Marie answered, “then darkness.”

“That’s so vague. Oh, hey Jenn,” her friend sat down and ordered her dish. “So, this is your magical aunt,” Jenn remarked. Marie ignored the girl and handed her niece a pen and paper. “Write down what you last remembered last night,” she told Chelle.

“But I just said it was the dream,” Chelle protested but her Aunt was persistent and told Jenn to say nothing. Chelle closed her eyes and held the pen over the paper. Within a minute, a word ‘BARKDALE’ appeared on the paper.

“Did I…?!” Michelle exclaimed, not believe she wrote that word. Jenn checked up the name on her phone’s browser. “Lots of abandoned house, leads to HM Barksdale Prison, where than father, Mr. Burton was incarcerated. “We should head there,” Marie added.

“Wait, wait, ‘we’? You sure you aren’t going to lead us to some fairy tale land?” Jenn asked.

“I sense your scepticism, but you saw what your friend wrote. Psychics aren’t magicians,” she stressed on the last line. “Michelle?”

“I’ll…follow once we’re done with food,” She answered as Jenn was still eating her poached egg and mushroom salad. “Catch you at the train station.”

“You really sure she’s not leading you on some wild goose chase?” Jenn asked after shoving more salad in her mouth.

“It can sound crazy, but this is progress. I mean how do you follow once explain the sudden cold and the number 11 which brought you, no us, to this point,” Chelle argued back.

“I’ll…I’ll look more into Mr. Burton’s case,” Jenn decided that was easier to rationalise. She wasn’t purely grounded in science like Lin, but definitely not wanting hocus-pocus stuff.

West of Croonford

“This is the area I wrote down?!” Michelle exclaimed, examining the dilapidated area.

“One of these abandoned houses used to belong to Mr. Burton and his daughter,” her aunt replied, eyes closed.

“Which one?”

“I can’t tell,” came the reply.

“We came all the hocus way here and ‘you can’t tell?'” Chelle was beginning to think Jenn was correct.

“Walk this way, ” her aunt suggested. Soon enough the distinctive image of a prison came into view.

“Must be easy for them to transport him from home to court and prison,” Chelle tried to joke. “But how do I enter? I’m not related to this Burton guy,” she protested.

“Leave that to me. Go find a pub or cafe and I’ll bring back news,” her aunt informed her.

Jenn’s home
The same time

“Mr Arthur Morden was watching TV then decided to check on his daughter. He was shocked that his daughter was missing from bed, checked around the house and the neighbourhood. He immediately called the police but his testimonies were varied and was placed under arrest. A search of the wider area found no evidence of his daughter, Rebecca. Morden was nevertheless charged for manslaughter…” the news report from YouTube read out loud.

That doesn’t help me, Jenn thought and did more searching. She found an old website describing Arthur Morden’s success in improving infrastructure in buildings in various towns and cities across the UK. He even set up a charity just before he was charged in court to aid lower-income children to enter university. Not exactly one who would murder children like his own daughter, she thought.

Back at a The Duelling Arms, a pub, Marie told Chelle roughly what she learnt. “I bluffed that I was representing him,” She started then told her niece the same info learnt from YouTube and the old website, then mentioned he keeps seeing a bright figure of Rebecca often in his jail cell. “She whispers something he can’t make out, then disappears,” she concluded.

“That’s a walk-in?” Chelle asked.

“Yes, but…” Just then Chelle’s phone beeped. “Got to head back before mum started worrying where I am and grounds me. Thanks so far Aunt.” Chelle was lucky and was able to please her mum with finished homework and a sparkling-clean room. With chores finished, she initiated a three-way Skype call with Lin and Jenn.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what learnt from my Googling,” Jenn remarked. Chelle next told then how her aunt bluffed her way into the prison and talk to Arthur Burton. The two other teen detectives listened until Chelle mentioned the part of the apparition of the young daughter.

“Really, your aunt heard that from him or she making the story up?” This came from Lin.

“Well, despite how it sounds, I trust what she says,” Chelle defended her relative.

“Ok, ok, just leave the gas-detecting devices in your rooms and I’ll think of something else,” Lin, the I-believe-in-science girl shook her head.

Chelle and Jenn continued to experience the dream and the gagged cries of distress. On Tuesday night, Marie Winters woke up startled as if lightning struck her. In Croonford, Lin was about to think of science club topics and new gadgets for the tam when her mind turned cloudy and suddenly saw the darkened room her fellow detectives saw. She heard the same muffled cries, then a voice and a fiery light. As with Chelle and Jenn, she got up to wash her face but the cries resumed the suddenly subsided away.

“Oh my gosh, you also experience the same dream!” Jenn exclaimed the next day before the start of school. Lin pointed out the differences in what she dreamt and Jenn called Chelle for her views.

“Chelle? Chelle?” Only On the third call did Michelle Summers answers. “Oh, I heard all. My aunt says we all should meet at Barksdale, is this afternoon fine?”

Lin, the sceptic, still nodded. Jenn, now wavering to believe the mystic themes, nodded but on condition that it was a quick trip, less her parents especially her dad, fume their anger. Immediately after school, the three of them boarded a train bound for Barksdale. Marie was already there and wordlessly beckoned the detectives a block and half towards a really broken-down house. Marie was in slacks so could easily climb over the vine-covered wooden fence. The teens, still in their school uniforms, found it much harder, and Jenn nearly ripped her skirt and laddered her tights.

“This way,” Marie finally spoke. They passed through a broken archway and she led them into a small equally living room. “We need to hold each other’s hands,” Marie instructed. “I need to summon they’re – the walk-ins – presence. Be very quiet and still; that’s how it works best. There will be a chill and your ears may pop but that would indicate their presence. Oh, and close your eyes; they will be close to you and ready.”

“How?” Lin asked.

“Ssh,” Came the answer. The girls slowly grasped each other hands and Chelle held her aunt’s. Two minutes passed, then there a bright yet eerie glow all around. Young girls, around the ages of six to around ten, in night clothes appeared. Some of them were definitely from the 1990s, others were from more recent eras. Suddenly one figure held out her hand to Jenn’s free hand. Jenn unconsciously follows the girl or was it a woman, her other hand no longer holding Chelle’s and Chelle’s hand remained bent in the air.

The light suddenly vanished. “What…? Jenn?” Chelle noticed her friend’s disappearance.

“In here,” her voice called and the group headed into what definitely was a bedroom. “A figure – from whatever that was…”

“A séance,” Marie finally explained.

“A girl or woman, brought me here and look,” Jenn held up what definitely was a diary.

Girl Detectives’ meeting place
Later that Afternoon

After telling their parents they were completing their schoolwork in the local library – they technically did complete theirs in their HQ, they opened the diary to read.

Life as a single daughter can fun but boring at times, and the bore comes when dad has to work late. I want a disappearance new life, with new clothes, more than just money I’m given. I want a new life. The internet as a new place to find this life but there are too many results. There is this nice man I met several days ago, he promises items dad can’t give me, but he’ll only give them if I meet him nearby. Ok, ok, I’ll meet him one day.

There were many more ages but they repeated the story. “She met a man online and disappeared,” Lin noted. “That’s so cliché. There’s so much area around that house to start. Where…” Just then Chelle phone beeped twice. “Rats, Louisa’s calling an impromptu media club meeting,” Chelle groaned. Lin also noted that she had to think of themes for science club. The meeting was adjourned and Jenn still re-read the impromptu child’s diary then closed up the HQ and headed back home. She coincidentally received WhatsApp messages from her parents — her mother was out with her friends and her father was working late. ‘Don’t stay out too late,’ Was the message from the latter. Typical him, she thought as she changed out of her hated school uniform into comfortable jumper and jeans.

Staring at her laptop for half a minute, Jenn decided to head back to Barksdale before it was too dark. She arrived back at the house once occupied by Burton and his daughter and was about to re-enter the place when she remembered what was written in the diary. Where should I begin? Suddenly the air around her turned rapidly cold then the light turned very bright. A young girl in a dress that could definitely brought from comfortable branded retailers like Marks and Spencer. The girl reached out and held Jenn’s hand. There was another rush of wind and the light and girl was no longer present. Jenn now found herself in an open field.

What on earth? She immediately wondered what transpired and where she was. I better find my way back before I can’t and my parents get worried. As Jenn stepped forward, her right foot caught something metallic, definitely not stone. Out of curiosity, Jenn bent down and brushed aside the grass and mud. It definite was some metal hatch, secured with a rather new lock. Lock, how to… Jenn extracted the laser pen Lin invented three cases back and after several minutes, the lock broke. Before she lifted the hatch, Jenn sent a WhatsApp message to her friends updating them of her possible whereabouts and findings.

The hatch led to a very narrow tube but there were ladder rungs. It was really pitch black, so she switched on the pen torchlight Lin made. Thank goodness this torchlight could be adjusted to maximum brightness, Jenn thought. There was another tube and as she made her way to end, she found herself in a large room with three separate doors on one side. Two of the doors needed keys to unlock them, while the third had padlocks. Jenn tried the laser pen against the padlocks and although it took much longer that the lock for the hatch, the padlocks came free, and she pull the various bars.

Inside was an equally dark room and Jenn immediately smelt the distinct odour of urine. She also her distinct muffled cries and realised this was the room she witnessed in the dreams the past few weeks! Swinging her mini torchlight around, she discovered the source of the cries – three young girls’ wrists were secured by rope around bars across the wall, arms stretched out. Their ankles were likewise bound and each girl was tightly cleave gagged. Jenn immediately darted towards the nearest girl.

She quickly undid the thick cloth around her jaw and the girl continued sobbing. “Sssh, Sssh, it’s alright,” Jenn softly consoled her as she tried to work on the ropes binding her wrists.

“Are…you the police? Firewoman?” The young girl asked.

“Uh no, but I’ll you out.” That was easier said than done; the knots around her wrists were too tight. Jenn decided to try the laser pen but when she reached into her pockets the girl cried out loud.

“Well, who’s this nosey lass here?” A larger light shone on both Jenn’s and the girl. “Trying to be a heroine eh? Well, let’s get you comfortable with these children.” Jenn could only think that her friends received her messages where she was as the figure grabbed her.

As text or WhatsApp messages go, they may fail or delay before received by the receiver. As such, Chelle and Lin only received Jenn’s message late. The minute Chelle received it, she asked to be excused from her club meeting. Lin was still doubtful but agreed they had to head back to Barksdale.

In the hidden underground room, Jenn was now similarly bound and gagged opposite the girl she was trying to untie, who was now re-gagged. “That will hold you,” The thug – definitely a thug to Jenn – stated as he turned and undid one of the other girl’s wrists bonds. “Levmm hemr almone!” Jenn screamed but received a slap on her cheek. “Quiet!” Was the only command as the thug carried the muffled crying girl over his shoulder and left the room. Jenn immediately tried to undo her rope bounds but they were just too strong. After several pushes of her tongue and her jaw, she managed to dislodge the cleave gag. Quickly, she instructed the other girls how to dislodge their gags and the girl opposite her managed to do so after several attempts.

They both introduced themselves and the girl, Millie, remarked, “That’s Anna, she hasn’t said much since we were brought here,” Jenn heard the muffled cries from the other end. She again instructed Anna how to dislodge her cleave gag but there were only muffled cries. Millie said that was how Anna has been then launched into how she got here. As she told her story, Jenn realised it matched what she learnt from Rebecca’s diary. Jenn was about to ask Millie about Rebecca until the door slammed open again. “Who gave you permission to speak?” The thug growled. Jenn heard Millie cry out but the cries were muffled and she assumed the girl’s gag was replaced.

Jenn shouted but felt her wrist tighten and almost cut and quickly deduced he secured her more with zip ties. The same came with her ankles — he replaced the ropes with those strong cable ties. That was by far the end and he yanked off one of her shoes and socks. That sock was immediately jammed into Jenn’s mouth and with ripping sounds, it was secured with tape.

Jenn further screamed through the sock gag as the thug produced a large pair of industrial-like scissors and started cutting off her jeans. The hug yanked off the pieces of her jeans and soon enough her white cotton full brief knickers was exposed. She kicked her bound legs wildly, expecting him to snip off her lower underwear. Instead, he cut away her jumper, then her long-sleeved shirt, exposing her matching white bra. “This is what I do to nosey teens,” she heard then the door slammed shut.

“Where is she?” Chelle asked out loud as she and Lin stood in front of the Burton house.

“Her last message said the ghost…” Lin read out

“Walk-in,” came the correction.

“Ok, the walk-in, brought her to a field and she found a metal hatch,” Lin continued. “Lots of fields around here, lucky I brought along Eagle,” She unwrapped the UAV which she used during the Redmond case.

Jenn was now more helpless than she ever was before. Ropes and a cleave gag were one thing, zip or cable ties and her dirty sock stuffed in her mouth sealed with tape was another. What was worse was she was humiliated; her jeans were cut off and now her legs felt the chill of the floor. There also goes all the gadgets I have: the pen torchlight, the laser pen and worse, the ID device that the girls could find me — I sew it the waistline of my jeans. How can they find me now?

“Eagle airborne, Moving around,” Lin announced but inwardly thinking it would take hours for them to scan the nearby fields. The minutes ticked by but there was no sight of their friend. Suddenly, Chelle called, “West! Scan west!” Lin raised her eyebrows but did so, hoping that the UAV she now upgraded wouldn’t run of battery. Suddenly, the camera spotted an object and she zoomed on it.

“That’s…that’s part of Jenn’s favourite jeans!” Chelle exclaimed.

“And those are the gadgets!” Lin pointed. “Call DI Nikki and the police! She’s definitely in trouble!”

Jenn kept struggling against her bonds but the cable ties only cut into her wrists and ankles. She focused on her gag, trying to use her tongue to push it out but failed to after many attempts. Across the room, Millie was now frightened and did not bother to try to dislodge her gag. Just as Jenn thought she had some success with pushing out her sock, the door slammed open. “Your turn,” The thug call out and the shocked Anna gave no resistance as she was lifted up. Both Jenn and Millie cried in protest through their gags but just as Jenn assumed the moving thug was out, there was an explosion above. There was a flurry of voices, and there was as shout “Police! Put the child back on the floor! Police!” There was a sound of a sting and with lights shining, Jenn saw the figure fall on the ground but another figure immediate manage to catch Anna before she hit the ground.

“You’re alright now, you’ll be fine,” the familiar voice of DI Nikki Heath consoled the sobbing girl. “Well don’t just stand there!” She called to the staring constables. “Get the other girls free and wrap that one with a towel!”

Girl Detectives’ meeting place
Saturday Morning

“With the aid of the teen detectives from Croonford, the regional police managed to catch a murderer before he burnt more young girls in an underground fire. Edward Schonk lured young girls under the pretence of presenting expensive gifts and slowly holding them captive. Each of the young intrepid teenagers were award commendation prizes and…”

“Well, I learnt my lesson. Never go adventuring alone by myself,” Jenn remarked still rubbing cream over her wrists which had small rope burns and cuts from the bindings.

“Hey, you did great and we all got £200 in rewards,” Lin replied, muting the video on her phone. “You’re still lucky the police had acoustic detection and thermal detection devices to find you and those poor kids.”

“Amelia Adams and Anna Grenwich,” Jenn stated their names. “There were more who sadly were killed along with Rebecca Burton. At least her father has now has been released from prison.”

“Yeah. But still doesn’t explain the dream we had. Or the leaves forming that number you witnessed,” Chelle added. “Or that woman and girl you witnessed from the séance and various cold sightings.”

“You better send thanks to your aunt for her help,” Jenn added. “This sounds like a case from the X-Files?” The other girls nodded then Chelle excused herself to answer the call of nature. When she returned, she spotted a box outside their HQ. Calling her friends, they all looked then Lin told them to stand back.

Nice work girls. But was it me? The Cat. The note popped out from the box.

The End.

Michelle, Lin Ling and Jennifer will return in ‘I’m only Sleeping.’